Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 23: Volume 4 - CH 4

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Black smoke rose from Hagun Academy. Inside those grounds, a fight between the Hagun Academy student council and Akatsuki Academy was unfolding.

The inferiority of the Hagun Academy student council was becoming obvious. Among Akatsuki's students, except for the Sword Emperor of Wind Ouma Kurogane who was a guest, all of them were influential people in the underside of society. They were children who had survived carnage beyond the imagination of those who lived in normal society, and furthermore they were the elite. As individuals, their strength was exceedingly high, and all of them were aces of their schools. At worst, they had the power of the top eight across the entire country. With that absolute difference in strength, they cornered Touka and the others.


One of the Hagun Academy student council officers, 'Runner's High' Renren Tomaru, let out a cry of pain amidst her high speed.

Her Noble Art, Mach Grid, was an ability to accelerate endlessly. No matter how often she had been beaten in combat, this acceleration had always been able to leave everyone in the dust. Without a single exception. Despite that, the enemy she was facing now—

"It's useless, you fragile human!"

Was hot on her heels. On the fastest speed of Mach Grid. How was that possible?

It was because her enemy wasn't human. It was a gigantic black lion. And not just an ordinary lion. That beast, in addition to physical power that exceeded a human's even under normal circumstances, was able to keep up with Renren's speed due to propulsion by magic emission.

"My servant, the magic beast Sphinx, is no ordinary magic beast. The stigmata that comes from a technique mixing the spirit of an evil curse with my own blood infuses the utmost power of darkness into a magic beast. There's no human body that can compete with it!"

"My lady says, 'Putting my collar of subordination on a creature can make it into my Device. Since a lion's body is always stronger than a human's, if magic is also used, it would become absurdly strong!'"

The girl wearing a dress and eye-patch and riding on the back of the black lion, Rinna Kazamatsuri was raising an unusually histrionic voice, and moreover the maid riding behind Rinna, Charlotte, was translating her meaning with dramatic words.

"Now, accept your ruin obediently, frail human!"

"My lady says, 'Moving around makes me hurt, so I don't want you to move!'"

"What a bunch of jokesters, huh!?"

Renren cursed at Charlotte's interpretations that robbed the air of tension. There was no way she was going to stop moving just because they told her to do so. Against that black lion whose body was like a small truck, standing still would lead only to defeat. However, with this rivalry in speed, she couldn't do things like hit and run.

In that case—


Renren zeroed in on the pillar of a streetlight in front of her. Her enemy was chasing her back at the same speed. Since that was true—

If it's too fast coming this way, I'll use that speed—and make my counter!

Exactly like how Ikki had used her own speed to beat her before. She'd use her enemy's speed to strike it. Deciding this, Renren raced past the pole, grabbed it with her left hand, and made a sharp turn. Bending the vector of her velocity, against the black lion that was chasing her, she made an assault from the front, aiming at its open forehead.

It was a counter from an abrupt turn. There would be no opportunity to evade. Moreover, the animal, unlike a human, had no posture for defense.

This strike will decide it!

"Black Bird!"

It was a punch with the desire for a one-shot kill loaded in it.

However—to that attack with all of her weight—

"Fwahahaha! This fool has never seen the truth of the world!"

The Beast Tamer straddling the black lion returned a loud laugh.

"Have you not heard my majestic voice!? The curse technique binds no ordinary magic beast to me! I'll show you the power of utter darkness imbued in the soul of my magic beast Sphinx!"

In that moment, the eyes of the black lion shined red.

"Bow down! King's Pressure—!"[1]

The lion roared. It was a sound that could be heard from a kilometer away, and it struck Renren's entire body. As soon as it did, Renren's body suffered an abnormal phenomenon.


My body… can't move…!?

Of all things, Renren's body, with one fist stretched forward, had become completely hardened.

How? –She had no time to ponder it.


The bulk that was like a small truck hit Renren's body at full speed and sent her flying.

Renren, whose body was already rather light-weight, became like a rubber ball and flew some tens of meters before crashing. By the time she struck the ground, she had already lost consciousness.

"I told you already. My curse technique draws out the power of darkness! And it isn't that of Fenrir, but that of Sphinx—King's Pressure! The power of the king of beasts to send any enemy within its sight trembling in fear!"

"My lady says, 'As my Device, it's only natural that it can use not only magic, but Noble Arts as well. Isn't it cool!' with a self-satisfied look."


Confirming that Renren had fallen in the distance from the corner of her eye, Touka chewed her lip. However, Renren wasn't the only one who had lost.

"Saijou-kun. Uta-kun. Even Kanata-chan…!"

It had only been ten minutes since the start of the battle. Touka was already the only one left standing on the field among the Hagun Academy student council officers.

"How about giving up already?"

At the voice of Ouma whose words dripped with disdain, bitterness spread over Touka's face.

Unlike the others, Touka's body had not suffered a single wound. However, she was no match for Ouma.

After Stella and the others escaped, Touka considered the power of the remaining members, and challenged him knowing that she was the only one who could serve as his opponent, but to her surprise Ouma had put away his Device Ryuuzume and stood there defenselessly. And more than that—

"I have no interest in turning my blade against a girl weaker than myself. If you wish to fight no matter what—one stroke is enough. Try to make a mark on my body. If you can do so, I'll be your opponent."

And he folded his arms, closed his eyes, and stood upright―with no concern for the kind of knight he was facing.

To say that she felt no ire from such conduct would be a lie. But on the other hand, such arrogance and carelessness was a rare opportunity for Touka.

Ouma, who had done away with Stella easily. His strength was real. And here he was in front of her drawn sword, completely defenseless.

She had no intent of letting this opportunity pass from under her nose. Ouma was insulting his enemy with abundant negligence. Without hesitation, Touka slashed at the defenseless Ouma using Raikiri and all her might. Drawing out her strength, leaving nothing out. Angle. Speed. It was a perfect strike.

Supposing it was a miscalculation, Ouma's arrogance was born of self-confidence and the difference between their power.

Her direct hits with Raikiri had not been able to leave a wound on Ouma's body.

In ten minutes. No matter how many times, the result was the same. She had cut through his clothes a little, but not through the thinnest bit of his skin.

What she felt with her hands every time she slashed was… a mountain. As if she was striking at an enormous mountain with a sword, a response that was too solid.

What is this abnormal defensive power…!?

As far as Blazer fights go, there were phenomena like this. There were cases where the difference in magic capacity was this absolute. Right, like the first match between Ikki and Stella.

But there can't be such a huge difference between Ouma-san's magic capacity and mine…!

Despite that, why—

Thereupon, as if seeing through the discord in her heart, Ouma opened his mouth to speak.

"It is because of the difference in our training. From the start, there was no fight between us. Realize this properly."

"Tch! Not yet!"

Touka was risking it all here. The rest of her allies had all fallen, and perhaps her enemies would gang up on her together. In that case, she was also in danger.

Then, at least one hit.

Before I abandon my attack on Ouma-san, I have to get a hit!

Touka took a step back and got some distance from Ouma, and leveling the point of Narukami at him, she held her sword horizontally.

And with her ability, she formed a magnetic field in the air before her. Cladding her flesh with the energy of Shippu Jinrai—


Plunging into a tunnel of electromagnetic force. In that instant. Touka's flesh that had entered the tunnel of lightning accelerated to a devastating speed. Namely, this was a railgun that turned her body into a bullet.

It was an excessively incompletely, excessively defenseless, excessively hazardous technique. A special move without much practical use. However, Raikiri had no power that could match the penetrating force of that accelerated thrust.

Carrying that offensive power, Touka made her last attack—and clashed.

Blood gushed out.

However, the blood flying through the air was not from Ouma. The blood was coming from Touka's right shoulder, from where she had stabbed forward.

Her blade had pierced Ouma, and where Ouma's body had been hit by Takemikazuchi, a small drop of blood escaped the just barely torn skin. He was unmistakably standing there motionlessly, like a mountain.

"…What are… you…."

Due to Takemikazuchi's backlash, her broken right shoulder was hanging uselessly, and Touka asked with a tremoring voice. Her eyes widened in shock. However, even with all of her strength, her body could not make the slightest movement.

Ouma's naked chest that had been struck by Takemikazuchi. She could see that it had been crisscrossed with countless scars.

Cuts, lacerations, punctures, bullet holes, crushing wounds—on Ouma's body had been etched by every possible kind of injury, one on top of the next without the chance to heal.

These days, iPS capsule technology had been developed to the point that almost no scars from wounds remained. Having scars to this degree was extremely odd in this day and age. Realizing this, Touka felt dread toward Ouma from her innermost depths.

"You… what have you been doing after you disappeared when you were little…?"

For five years he had disappeared from the public stage. Just how many scenes of carnage he had surmounted? Ouma, having been asked this, said—

"I have no interest in talking about myself."

Shaking his head, he refused to speak about the empty space of those five years—

"No, I have never been the type to do things like talk. My parents, brother, sister, fame—I've discarded all of them. All I have is this sword, and the oaths I make to it."

In his hand, Ryuuzume manifested.

"Even if it's only this much, a wound is a wound. As promised, I will be your opponent."

In an instant, from within the core of Ryuuzume, a windstorm that devoured everything began to blow. Just like the time that it had clashed with Stella's Katharterio Salamandra—


The sword descended like a tornado. The excess current from the backlash of Takemikazuchi covered her entire body. Touka couldn't move a single muscle due to the spasms from that overload, so it was only a matter of course that she didn't dodge—

I'm sorry… everyone….

The wind-clad dragon's claw ripped through Touka's consciousness ruthlessly.

After winning easily against the Hagun Academy student council, one of Akatsuki, Amane Shinomiya, took a sigh. The sun had already set, and the sky was darkened to indigo blue.

"Phew. The hour is later than I thought it'd be, huh?"

While the chainsaw she held in her hand was scraping loudly upon the earth, Yui Tatara gave her honest opinion to those words in a gravely voice.

"Hehehe. It's because you people were so sluggish, dumbass. I got it done and over with in a flash, ya know."

"Hahaha. Someone surrounded by allies shouldn't be so quick to brag, 'Unturning'."

"My lady says, 'You just happened to get matched against an enemy you're strong at fighting, so don't get a big head!'"

"Huh? How about you and me see who's the one matched with an enemy we're strong against?"

"Sounds fun."

Kazamatsuri's lips twisted in a feline smile at Tatara's provocation, and she lifted the patch covering her right eye with a finger.

"I'll show you the power of my Twilight Magic Eye! Don't pretend to regret it later! Seal release!"

"…Even though your left eye is equally red."

"My lady, you've forgotten your contact lens."

"…W-Wahaha! I've run out of MP for today. You have good luck!"

"What game are you two playing?"

Amane, who couldn't watch such half-baked things, sighed with a troubled face.

I see. When Hiraga-san isn't here, I have to be the manager for this comedy duo, huh?

"We still have something to finish. We have to chase after Stella-san who got away, and Ikki-kun too. …For the time being, should we split up?"

Amane who recognized his own role proposed this to the others. However, Ouma shook his head at that proposal.

"There is no need for that."

"Eh? What do you mean, Ouma-san?"

"My brother and sister are heading toward certain death. If it was only the One-Armed Swordsman they might make it, but right now she is there."

She―with those words, Amane also agreed.

Their alma mater, Akatsuki Academy, an inconspicuous place in a corner of the Tokyo metropolitan area. On this day, a certain person was a guest staying there by happenstance.

"Now that you mention it, that's true. It's today. That person is lodging at Akatsuki Academy."

"Indeed. Therefore those two have not the slightest chance. It would be best for all of us to pursue the Crimson Princess."

Certainly, Amane agreed. Although she wasn't the kind of person who'd take part in their plan, she was a sentimental person. Owing them a favor, she would probably recompense them with her sword. And if she took the field, going to Akatsuki Academy right now could be called a fool's errand.

"Still, you sure are indifferent about it. Aren't you worried? He's your brother, right?"

At Amane's inquiry, Ouma spat out his response.

"Don't be ridiculous. He's someone I abandoned ages ago. I'm long past feeling sorry for him."

"Ahaha. Ikki-kun really has no luck with his family, huh?"

"Cease your prattle. Even with your infatuation and sympathy for that boy, Amane, aren't you not showing any worry either?"

"Me, worried? Ahaha, no way."

Amane laughed loudly at Ouma's reply that had missed the mark.

"I'm not anxious about it. Instead, I'm rather delighted. …Ikki-kun, you know, he should suffer more and more. He should hurt more and more. His body should break from agonizing, outrageous crisis. Because when he overcomes that sort of hopelessness, it will make the tale of the Worst One shine."

Right. That was why the hopelessness should deepen intensely. The sight of him exhausting all his willpower and while coughing blood, but still denying his fate―

"I just looooove seeing Ikki-kun like that! That's why I want him in more and more extreme trouble!"

"Hehehe, your usual disgusting attitude is coming about again."

"Hmph. Don't say such cruel things. Isn't it natural for a fan to want to see the one he likes being cool?"

And the moment Amane puffed up his cheeks in indignation. He noticed that his student datapad had received a mail. Checking it, it was from the one who was their manager, the 'Pierrot' Reisen Hiraga. The gist was that he had delivered Arisuin to Wallenstein, their teacher and supervisor, and was now heading back to join up with them. He had sent over this mail, so….

As I thought, I only had to take this role temporarily, huh?

Recognizing that, Amane communicated using the mail that they would all be chasing after Stella, who Touka had sent away.

"Well, shall we go catch the princess?"

Leading the rest of Akatsuki, he began the pursuit of Stella and the Hagure sisters.

At around that time, it wasn't only the students of Hagun and Akatsuki who were moving.

"Goddamn it! What bad luck for the airplane to have trouble today!"

The one cursing was a woman dressed in a beautiful kimono, the Hagun Academy special lecturer Nene Saikyou, known as the Yaksha Princess.


The one agreeing with her was running alongside, the board chairman of Hagun Academy Kurono Shinguuji, known as World Clock.

The two of them had spent the last week in Osaka, where the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival would be held, but they had just received news of the attack on Hagun Academy from the teachers remaining there, and now they were trying to return to Tokyo in a hurry.

However, the fastest mode of transportation between Osaka and Tokyo, by airline, was being suspended due to a problem with the runways.

Having no way to deal with it, the two were running along the Tokaido Shinkansen[3] train track toward Tokyo. Because, if the two used their abilities, they could reach their destination faster by running than by taking a bullet train.

"…Maybe it happened because it was today."

"Don't say that. I don't want to think of such troubling things."

Saikyou made a bitter face at Kurono's words.

At the present time, Kurono and Saikyo did not have adequate information. What they understood was only that representatives from each school had banded together and attacked Hagun. They didn't know the real motive behind that. However, both of them felt it. It was an attack that wasn't communicated in the news broadcasts at all. And then the airplane services were suspended suddenly.

This sudden attack was heavily planned. That was the suspicion they felt.

"Well, at any rate, once we get there everything will become clear. So for that reason―"

As quickly as possible. At those words, they put even more strength into their legs. …At that moment. Faster than a second, a sudden gust struck their bodies and brought them to a half.

―In fact, no wind was blowing on them. The sea was also calm.

However, on the expressions on the two world-class knights, trembles of obvious dismay were spreading. Their legs were shaking, and their brows were sweating unnaturally.

Yes... what stopped their legs wasn't the wind. It was an aberrant sword spirit that could be felt from a long distance away. To the point where the ground in front of them was going blurry in their eyes, as if a drawn sword was pressed to their throats. The two were both superior knights, but they could feel it and it paralyzed them.

―Going toward that was dangerous. At that instinctive warning, the two had stopped running.

"Th-The sword spirit… just now… it can't be…."

"H-Hey hey hey. Are you kidding? Our attackers have someone outrageous mixed among them…!"

The two knew. This unusual sword spirit. Only one person in the world could exert this kind of pressure.

"The sword spirit lasted only a moment. Was it to intimidate? …Let's hurry, Nene!"


With their faces pale, and ignoring the effort of starting up their bodies again, they raced toward Tokyo at the utmost speed.

This sword spirit, if she has becoming interested in something―probably Kurogane!?

Kurono guessed what was happening at the place far away, and prayed.

Don't be rash, Kurogane! It's still too soon for you to enter this domain!"

The pressure that was like the sky falling came suddenly.

The bike had been advancing in accordance with Shizuku's navigation for some time. Exiting the urban areas with many people, and even exiting the mountain road. In a deserted place, Hagun Academy's main school was located. In that deserted, desolate place, the bike entered, and it was in that moment.

A sudden feeling of oppression. To a heaviness as if one's gut was being crushed, Ikki brought the bike to a sudden stop, its tires sliding.

"O-Oniisama!? Wh-What's wrong!?"

At the sudden stop, Shizuku cried out in surprise. She didn't understand. As a fighter, Shizuku was inexperienced.

But Ikki comprehended it. That right now, he—had stepped foot into the domain of someone wicked. Therefore to Shizuku's question, he had no room to answer. Ikki just suppressed the dread that was freezing his body, and he calmed his breath. With his right hand, he summoned Intetsu, and looked up at the sky.

On the rooftop of Akatsuki Academy's main building. At that remarkably high place, there was something shining white.

Was it the moon? No. It was white, but the thing shining weakly had the shape of a person.

It was the shape of a woman who appeared like a Valkyrie from European legends, holding swords in both hands and pointing down.

"An enemy!?"

Following Ikki's gaze, Shizuku also noticed the presence. She immediately jumped from the bike to the ground, and manifested Yoishigure. But—the figure in white showed no interest in Shizuku. Those beautiful eyes were staring entirely at Ikki, and no one else.

Ikki also realized that immediately… and he decided.

"Shizuku. Alice is inside the school, right?"

"Eh… ah, yes. That's right."

"In that case, go ahead on your own. I'll be fine here by myself."

"No, they've declared war on us. There's no need to fuss about one-on-one duels—"

"I'm begging you, Shizuku. Go."

Ikki's tone as he bluntly refusing her didn't allow any argument.


At her brother's suddenly grim tone, Shizuku glanced at his expression… and gasped. Because Ikki's expression had become stiffer than she had ever seen before.

"Is it… that strong an enemy…?"

"…Yeah, probably."

"Then that's even more reason for both of us—"


To Shizuku was trying to persuade him a second time, Ikki shook his head.

"I told you, didn't I? I want to follow your wishes, Shizuku. Because I was resolved, I came along. If we don't accomplish that, there'd be no point in coming this far. If you don't hurry to Alice, you might not make it. So leave this place to me."

Ikki was stubborn to the end. If she combined everything they said up to now, even Shizuku understood. Namely, Ikki was saying this.

—If Shizuku stayed here, Ikki wouldn't be able to protect her.

That woman in white was that strong an enemy.

"…I get it."

Making that guess, Shizuku nodded. And—

"Onii-sama, please handle this."

Entrusting this situation to her brother, she entered Akatsuki Academy alone.

The woman in white didn't obstruct her. Like the rest of this entire time, she had only gazed on Ikki who still remained.

"Shizuku was transparent as far as you're concerned, huh?"

"Yes. Because Lord Wallenstein is also inside. Besides, whether I destroy both of you here, or I destroy you here and follow her afterward, it would make little difference in terms of time."

A voice that echoed gracefully like song shook the night. In reply, Ikki—

"I guess that's so for you."

—with a moaning voice, he muttered those words.

…This is bad. Though since they called themselves a school, it only makes sense for them to have teachers.

The students were already that level. A-rank would not be out of the question. He was already resigned to that.

—But as I thought, this was unexpected.

Yes. Ikki knew who this white-clad Valkyrie was.

"For those who aspire to swordsmanship, all of them know your nickname. Wearing a dress of holy white, and carrying a pair of wing-like swords. The world's greatest criminal who's too strong to arrest. And at the same time… possessing the most extreme swordsmanship. Standing at the summit as the world's greatest swordsman. –'Twin-Wings' Edelweiss. Without a doubt, that's you, right?"

"Certainly. There's no mistake that I am called Twin-Wings."

At Ikki's question, the woman responded with a nod of affirmation, and showed Ikki a somewhat puzzled expression.

"But I don't understand. Even though you know my identity, why have you drawn your sword? You are not a swordsman who doesn't know the difference between yourself and the enemy if you should cross blades, I think. But despite that, to remain unafraid to this degree."

"…Even though I wanted to bluff so you didn't see through that."

Having his own fear pointed out, Ikki let out a dry laugh that spoke to his inner thoughts.

Honestly speaking, Ikki also understood.

Ahh, it's just like said. …Just now, I was foolhardy.

He knew that. Because he was an excellent swordsman, he could grasp how great the difference in strength was between them. He couldn't win here. And more than that, it was true, the one before his eyes was genuinely—the world's strongest. It couldn't be compared to something like the summit of the Seven Stars. Likely, this was an enemy Ikki should face after following his path as a swordsman for years, even decades, of constant tireless training…. No doubt, in the battlefield right here, he could not qualify as an opponent in the same dimension as he was now.

This meeting was too premature. It would not even be a contest to begin with. Twin Wings was—saying this deliberately, in order to give him a chance to withdraw. Ikki guessed that, and thought.

How gentle, this person.

She would probably let Ikki get away if he turned around and left right now. A truly gentle person.

But, I'm sorry too. I can't possibly leave.

He was certainly scared. Just from her gaze, he could feel his entire body shaking, and cold sweat sliding down his back. His teeth were shivering, and his legs were about to give way. It was the first time Ikki felt like this. To have fear fighting him like this.

But, that he had a reason to fight that terror. He had a reason to stay here! Therefore—

"…This is surprising, isn't it?"

Ikki, putting on the strongest face he could, smiled.

"The world's strongest swordsman is questioning the fighting spirit of an enemy who's already drawn his sword?"

He thrust the point of his crow-black sword at the woman in white, with clear enmity.

In response, the woman in white nodded calmly.

"—Certainly. These words are unneeded."

And it became the trigger.

"If I was not a member of this plot, I would have no grudge against you people. However, because you've come to find your enemy to whom I hold a debt, I won't turn a blind eye."

From the towering school building, the woman in white leaped to the ground silently. With a grace like she had used fluttering wings to swoop down. At the moment she landed on the ground, Ikki felt fear as if his own heart was exploding. His entire body, his instinct, his soul. All of them shrieked.

Run away.

Run away.

I'm begging you, run away.

If you don't            you will            die here—

But he clenched his teeth, and faced that pressure directly. And then—

"I am the demise who comes from the distant summit, the one who splits earth and sky with two blades.

My name is Twin-Wings Edelweiss.

Childish lad. You will learn how wide this world is."

And then—the Worst One, Ikki Kurogane, clashed with the world's strongest swordsman, Twin-Wings Edelweiss.

"I am the demise who comes from the distant summit, the one who splits earth and sky with two blades. My name is Twin-Wings Edelweiss. Childish lad. You will learn how wide this world is."

—the Worst One, Ikki Kurogane, clashed with the world's strongest swordsman, Twin-Wings Edelweiss.

While Ikki and Edelweiss's battle started, in another direction—

Arisuin finally woke up after receiving damage from Amane's illusionary form attack.

This place… is….

As he woke up slowly, he analyzed his situation.

In his field of view, there was a high ceiling. A high source of illumination. From the sound of air flow, he was lying in a very vast room. And given the season, the chilly air was from being below ground?

"Have you woken up?"

At the voice, Arisuin tried to jump up, and he realized.

My hands and feet are tied….

And not just by regular rope.

It was by threads of magic as thin as piano wire. The 'Pierrot' Reisen Hiraga's Black Widow, then.


To Arisuin who was writhing like a caterpillar, the shadow of a person came into view and spat out a cough. Arisuin looked up at that shadow, and saw a face that was in the prime of life.


Instantly, the young man—Wallenstein—buried his boot in Arisuin's stomach.


"It's Wallenstein-sensei."

With the pain like his guts had been gouged out, Arisuin awakened fully.

And so, he knew with confidence.

I messed up, huh?

His own betrayal was known beforehand, and countermeasures had been made.

But it was unfathomable. He didn't remember ever having done anything so incompetent as to give himself away.

"…How did you know I was going to double-cross you… I wonder?"

"There was someone who could tell. That's all."

"…I see."

Arisuin understood with just those words. Blazers could do things beyond the realm of common sense. If there was a human who could do this, it wouldn't be a mystery at all.

…Not being able to know the details of our members, ended up painful after all.

Well, at this point, there was nothing to do but lament, but….

"Even I didn't believe my ears when that guy gave his prediction. You, the member who was the most loyal, the most obedient… would betray us…."

"…I was held in very high regard, I suppose."

"Of course. The one who selected you was none other than me. I hoped it was a lie. I hoped it was a mistake. I wanted to trust you. Today, until the last instant… I believed in you. But despite that…."

Wallenstein's tone slowly began to tremble, and suddenly, he burst into rage.

"Why, why, why!? Why did you betray my expectations!"

"Gah! Gugh!"

Over and over, Arisuin was kicked as he lay on the floor of the training arena below Akatsuki Academy.

"You should've known! You should've understood more than enough! That love is useless in this world full of lies! I taught all of this to you! So why did you make the same mistake! Didn't you throw it away!? Didn't you recognize the same truths we did!?"

"Guggh, ugh! K-Kuh!"

Bones breaking, internal organs ripping. Arisuin coughed up black blood. But Wallenstein's violence didn't end. With fiery anger, Wallenstein continued to strike Arisuin.

Because he knew Arisuin's past, Wallenstein could not comprehend it. Why was the prodigy he personally discovered so foolish as to return to denying power?

"What are you trying to do? Answer me…!"

The kicks stopped, and Wallenstein asked that as he breathed heavily. To that question, Arisuin—twisted his bleeding lips in self-derision.

"…Yes. That's it. That's what I wanted."

Arisuin thought. At the time he lost Yuuri and the others, he was going to throw away everything. For that reason, he had demanded money from Wallenstein. In order to sever all relations with them by giving the Sister enough money to support his little sisters until they became adults.

But—when he was handing over that money, he had told the Sister about annihilating that gang and selling himself as a professional killer, and she went to the shed behind the church and brought out the green alcohol bottle. And with tears spilling out, she said this.

「Take this with you. This is something you as you are now will need. And one of these days, please remember. That you and Yuuri swore over alcohol, to be noble—」

He had no intention of holding on to the thing. It was the remnants of his dream with Yuuri, to love and protect others even though they had not grown up loved and protected by anyone. He didn't even want to see it. He was going to throw it all away and go with Wallenstein. In order to hate everything about the world.

"But—in the end, I couldn't cast it aside."

No matter how much he abandoned common sense, no matter how much he degraded himself as a hitman, he couldn't bring himself to let go of this bottle.

And in not letting it go, he came across someone. A girl he wanted to gamble everything on again to protect.

"I met Shizuku, and I finally remembered. What kind of adult I wanted to be. The desire that I myself tried to run away from, to rebel against, to throw away…."

That was why Arisuin decided it. Even if Shizuku knew his real self and never called him her older sister again, he would remember his true desire and protect everything she had! Therefore—

"I'll protect that girl's hopes! I won't let you people do as you like!"

At that moment, Arisuin undid the restraints tying him down, and leaped up. Restraints like this couldn't bind an assassin of Arisuin's level. And he immediately summoned Darkness Hermit, aiming for Wallenstein's shadow—

"Such a waste."

In the instant he tried to throw, Wallenstein's kick penetrated Arisuin's solar plexus yet again. It was a counter so fast that it seemed to have foreknowledge of Arisuin's movement. In reality, Wallenstein knew. The Black Assassin wouldn't be restrained obediently like this. Because he knew, he was able to make the first move.


Darkness Hermit slipped from Arisuin's hand, and he crumpled down onto the floor again. And looking down on his pupil who was fainting in agony from not being able to breath due to the blow to the diaphragm—

"Now I understand your foolishness thoroughly. …In short, you grew sympathy for that girl?"

—Wallenstein… smiled with a sadistic smile that sent chills down Arisuin's spine.

"In that case, this is the perfect time."

He said this.


The perfect time. What did that mean? The moment Arisuin was about to ask….

The underground training arena. One part of its ceiling caved in with a crash. At the same time, from the hole, an enormous lump of water fell down to the training arena. And in addition, an undisturbed spherical mass of water descended as well. In the middle of it—


—a petite girl with silver hair.

It was the 'Lorelei', Shizuku Kurogane.

"I finally found you, Alice."

From the high ceiling, Shizuku descended clad in the mass of water. The instant he saw her form, Arisuin's expression paled to a degree it hadn't reached until now.

"Wh-Why did you come here!? I told you to abandon me, didn't I?"

"Yes, I heard you."

"If you did, then—"

"But I don't remember accepting that."


At that object, Arisuin became speechless. Certainly he didn't remember her agreeing, but—


"Shizuku, I'm a murderer, right? I've always been deceiving you, haven't I?"

Arisuin's mind flashed back to the scene from that day. The frightened faces of his little brothers and sisters as they saw him covered in blood. He was a murderer no one should look at. He didn't deserve Shizuku's help.

"So why…."

Arisuin asked with an anguished expression. At that question, Shizuku answered simply—

"What about it? You're precious to me, so it doesn't matter."

Straightforwardly, fearlessly, without disdain—without any change from before she knew of Arisuin's true nature, she gazed upon him and answered with affection filling her green eyes.

"Whatever secrets you have, Alice. Whatever guilt you carry from the past. As far as I'm concerned, you're stylish, cool, very calming when you're with me, good at fixing my hair and doing my makeup, always seriously listening to my troubles, cheering me up when I'm worried… fighting alongside me and those important to me. You're my most precious friend. That's all it is. Abandoning my gentle big sister, how could I do that?"


"Don't think you treasure me and that's it. I treasure you just the same. –Compared to those guys, do they feel anything like that?"

To Shizuku's unshakable determination, Arisuin had nothing to say. The feelings welling in his chest were too big for him to put into words. He thought she would loathe him. He thought she would eventually look at him with the same eyes his little sisters did.

Despite that—Shizuku hadn't changed, and continued to adore him. This reailty, it brought back strong feelings to Arisuin's heart. He hadn't hoped for it, he thought he couldn't wish for it, not the slightest desire—

Shizuku, I….

"That's enough talk."

But at that moment, Wallenstein struck Arisuin's back with his heel.


The impact sank through his back into his organs, and Arisuin almost fainted in agony. Coughing violently, he curled his body together.

Watching his student with cold eyes, Wallenstein—

"You can lie there, and behold a traitor's reward."

—summoned a longsword to his right hand, slowly turned toward Shizuku, and started walking.

Arisuin could already understand what he meant by "the perfect time". Killing intent. He would kill Shizuku. In front of Arisuin's eyes.

"S-Stop…. *cough*"

As if to hold him back, Arisuin's spasming diaphragm didn't let him make the words. So he could only pray.

Get away, Shizuku…!

They weren't teacher and student just for show. Arisuin knew. Wallenstein's strength, such that he was called "master swordsman" despite only having one arm.

The Blazer known as the One-Armed Swordsman who none who could match in offense and defense during battle.

Your water powers won't do anything against this man! Hurry and run!

But his frantic begging didn't reach her. No, it reached her, but she didn't heed it. Because Shizuku had already prepared herself for the worst when coming here. Showing no intention to flee, she threw a remark to the approaching Wallenstein.

"From the looks of it, you're the boss of my eldest brother and the others, right?"

"I am Wallenstein, of Rebellion."

"I'm not interested in your name. Return Alice to me. That's all I care about."

"Do you think I will?"

"No. But I thought I'd ask anyway. Because after all—

Shouldn't I have an excuse for killing you?"

Declaring this, Shizuku waved Yoishigure like a conductor's baton from within her sphere of water. In accord with her movement, the mass of water wrapped around her took the form of enormous lashes. From the tips of the many lashes, the gathered water froze.

They took the shape of a thorn-covered hammer, and the hammer of ice swung down upon Wallenstein.

The hammer of ice struck violently without mercy, breaking the training arena floor with a cloud of dust and a thunderous roar. However—

"What a fine disposition, little girl."

The icy hammer had fallen slightly to Wallenstein's side. Wallenstein was currently uninjured, and slowly walking toward Shizuku.

If the hammer had hit, a human would've been smashed to pieces. Whatever words Shizuku had used, she must have also been hesitant?

—No. Shizuku wasn't like that. Among Ikki's group, she was unmistakably the most ruthless and merciless. Shizuku was surely serious. Right now, she was definitely swinging the ice hammer to crush Wallenstein.

Despite that, the ice hammer had missed.

What happened?

It wasn't that Wallenstein had moved. However, it was difficult to think that one who had magic control at the highest level among humanity had missed. Some ability must have been used to influence this. Shizuku thought this far, and—

…Well, whatever.

She didn't know what trick he had used, but—

"Toudo Heigen."

It would be best to use excessive bullets and avoid physical contact with her opponent. Shizuku thought this, and first froze the battlefield to deprive him of footing. It would greatly reduce the opponent's agility, and more than that—

"Keppu San'u[4]."

Churning the enormous mass of water, she had it form spikes like a hedgehog.

"Fire volley."

The thorns of water fired in all directions without any attempt at aim. In a second, many thousands of high pressure water bullets drilled through the entire battlefield, cutting through concrete.

It was a quantity of water incomparably greater than what she used in the fight against Raikiri some time ago. But it was no wonder. Raikiri used lightning. In order for Shizuku, who used water, to fight against that, she would have to make all of her water pure in order to insulate herself from electricity. Because of that, the quantity of water she could use at the same time was limited.

However, right now there was no similar limit. The amount of water Shizuku could use was several hundred times greater than in the fight with Raikiri. The floor of Akatsuki Academy's underground training arena, the walls, the ceiling—every nook and cranny, had been filled with holes!

It was surely a masterful burst of projectiles that came down like hail. In the closed space of this underground arena, there had been no place to escape. Wallenstein must also have had his body soaked by this barrage—

As Shizuku planned, the bullets from Keppu San'u had struck Wallenstein directly.

But… even though… that was true.

Wallenstein did not stop. To say nothing of being made ground meat by the barrage, it had not even disturbed his calm stride. Indeed, he was walking calmly over the frozen ground.

What is this? Toudo Heigen and Keppu San'u aren't doing anything at all!?

In the middle of the surroundings that were without exception transformed into wreckage, blowing up dust and haze. Wallenstein had not taken any damage. On the contrary, not a spot of water could even be seen on his clothes.

Just what was this? Shizuku was definitely perplexed. And to the perplexed Shizuku, Wallenstein gave a low laugh.

"How regrettable. If I had no grudge against you, I would find this quite favorable. Well, this is also the whim of fate."

Casually, with ten meters of distance between them, he took up a stance with his enormous sword in his left hand resting on his shoulder. The instant she saw this manifestation, Shizuku's whole body shivered. There was no mistake. She could instinctively sense that this stance was for the 'One-Armed Swordsman' Wallenstein's true deadly technique.

Something is coming!

Shizuku immediately ended the rain of projectiles from Keppu San'u, and protected herself with the frozen mass of water. With permafrost that had an excellent protective strength, she formed a castle wall. With what should be called a stronghold, she had prepared a defense with perfect readiness—

"Shizuku—don't guard against that!"

In that moment.


Everything that protected her body was easily cut away.

The world's strongest swordsman, Edelweiss. The one confronting her, the 'Worst One' Ikki Kurogane, immediately―


―emitted a raging blue aura that coiled around his body, activating the Noble Art Ittou Shura.

Faster than the exchange of a single blade stroke. Why did he use this technique with a strictly limited duration of one minute from the start? It was obvious―if he didn't, he would not be able to fight at all.

It was none other than Ikki's own insight, recognizing that difference between their power.

One minute. It was the limit to how long he could match the strongest in the world.

And that judgment was correct. Edelweiss attacked with the wind coiling around around her. From the beginning, Ikki was confident that he had not erred in his judgment about his opponent. The moment Edelweiss swung both swords, his eyes lost sight of the attack. In confusion, he hurled his body backward.

At that instant, the air where Ikki's nose had been was split. Something invisible and absurdly sharp flitted across his eyes, just barely scraping his nose. At the odor of something burning drifted by, Ikki understood. The invisible thing that had flitted near had been an attack―Edelweiss's two swords.

I can't―see her strikes!

Because it was much too fast, much too sharp, he could not even see the afterimages of the twin pure-white blades with the naked eye. What had just barely been perceived was a glimmer of incandescence in the air due to the sword blades cutting through it at extraordinary speed.

What a temper…! If I lose focus for an instant, my head will fly…!

At this moment, Ikki abandoned any thought of taking the fight by trickery. Literally, his breath had been sucked away.

To deal with the slash that could of Edelweiss's two swords that drew a flash, he mustered all his nerves. Among the techniques he knew, the invisible technique that boasted of such speed as to be invisible. With the seventh secret sword Raikou, which used the power of Ittou Shura that was coiled around his body, he met the approaching attack.

Once, twice, three times, four times―the invisibly entangled steel gave births to white spars in the dark night. Ten clashes in all. Against the invisible chain of attacks that Edelweiss sent out with little pause, Ikki had traced back their movements from her gaze, just barely defending himself.

But from the beginning, Ikki's expression as he endured this showed obvious astonishment.


You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

Receiving the slashes had sent numbness from both hands to his shoulders. It wasn't just speed―but also preposterously heavy force. Despite being sent by only one hand, each was far beyond Ikki's Raikou!

Why? Ikki understood the reason instantly.


Ikki fought back with Raikou yet again against Edelweiss's approaching attack. Amidst the crossing steel that gave off sparks, Ikki was sure his understanding was correct.

That's the reason…! This person's actions aren't making any sounds!

Her steps, her slashes, everything she did was completely silent.

Sounds were waves born of impacts against the atmosphere causing oscillations. Put another way, one could call it the dispersion of physical force. So if one was able to control the energy of his actions completely, and not allow any to be consumed uselessly, what would happen? As a result of making all actions silent, one could show speed and offensive at close to a hundred percent potential.

Such a thing was not the technique of a human being, but―without a doubt, this was possible for the human in front of Ikki's eyes. Ikki understood that, and shuddered as he swallowed the saliva gathering in his mouth.

This is… the world's strongest swordsman…!

In offensive approach. In swordsmanship. In all of these things―she was beyond the pale. There was no chance to get an advantage.


Even if that's true, I can't just defend!

While barely defending against the unpredictable attacks coming endlessly, Ikki understood this.

Raikou is just barely enough! I can't match her in speed or offense! If I just take this directly, I'll be cut through in five seconds!

For that reason, he had to shift to another way to attack. Offense was the best defense. He didn't believe those words as is, but the truth was too one-sided here. Even if an attack wouldn't hit or reach the opponent, if it broke her posture, it would have meaning.

Therefore, Ikki made his decision. Facing the world's strongest swordsman―to attack. He was not going to be stingy. Against this opponent, he couldn't afford to be so.

Clashing with everything I have…!

Instantly, Ikki put his decision to action. The high speed attack sent from Edelweiss's two swords. Ikki too a step back as if running away from them.

Edelweiss immediately lunged, chasing after him with her swords held like a cross. Raising them as both a defense and a cutting attack was a stance that showed no openings. The opponent he was confronting was pursuing, but at the same time it was also the best state of affairs for him—exactly as Ikki predicted.

Here I go!

Against the pure white Edelweiss, Ikki set forth. And using a unique step, he created an afterimage by suddenly changing his body's speed as he moved forward―

The fourth secret sword, Shinkirou.

Edelweiss attacked the afterimage brought forth by the illusory footwork. Her two swords slashed toward it simultaneously from both sides in a cross. But since it was nothing more than an afterimage, the blades cut only air. As a result―

Her chest is open!

Aiming for that, Ikki prepared Intetsu and rushed toward it―

But suddenly, Ikki brought his body back from his charge in panic. In that moment, an invisible slash went through the space where Ikki's neck had been.

No good! Her sword travels faster than I can step in! I can't finish her like this!

If he had stood within range carelessly, he would've been decapitated just now.

But is this something I'll give up on after trying once or twice!?

If he wasn't good enough in speed, then Ikki attacked a second time, switching to power. Twisting his upper body against his lower body like a spring, putting all his weight and physical strength and concentrating them into a single charging thrust, it was the Worst One's strongest technique―

The first secret sword―Saigeki.

Ikki's highest offensive ability that even put a hole in that giant rock doll. The charge and its penetrating power was peerless. Even someone like Edelweiss would have no response but to flee―what naïve thinking.


The next instant, Saigeki's charge lost power, and was no longer advancing.

Why? ―The reason was Edelweiss, who Intetsu infused with Saigeki's force was rushing toward, had stopped Saigeki by blocking with her own swords. At the tip of his sword that was no wider than a needle, her blades had met perfectly, countering Ikki's highest offensive ability. ―It was indeed amazing.


Just like that, at the deed which displayed the true difference between the two of them, a great agitation grew in Ikki's chest.

And Edelweiss didn't miss that agitation. She took the gap in Ikki's reaction that had become just slightly dull―


Edelweiss's attack tore Ikki's skin at last. What was torn was―his forehead. To make things worse, the blood that burst out from there flowed into Ikki's eyes.

My view!

Of course, Edelweiss didn't let that fatal vulnerability pass. What she unleashed was the instant cross-shaped attack that she had showed at the beginning. The pursuing sword, with its swift stroke, burned the air white―


But all of that was an interaction Ikki Kurogane had foreseen. He drove her off, and all of her cross-like attacks. For Ikki who had the vision of both eyes stolen away, not a bit of agitation was in him.

How? All of that was already things he didn't need to see!

I can't see the swings, but I can see through the muscles moving her body!

Edelweiss's breath. Swordsmanship. Tempo. Footwork―

It was the peerless ability of insight, stripping bare the essence of the opponent's habits through the information he gained from the opponent while fighting.

Perfect Vision―using the asset he had besides sword technique, the Worst One saw through Edelweiss's own technique. So he didn't need vision anymore. Because even without something like vision, he could predict two or three moves ahead of his enemy!

"You're doing quite well."

Even the world's strongest revealed a voice of admiration at Ikki's sensitivity that approached the mystical mind's eye.

However, her slashing attacks did not slow. From the front, she attacked with the absolute advantage afforded by her two-sword style. It was a continuous onslaught. She understood that her own sword-wielding muscles had been seen through, but the difference that existed between them would not be surmounted just by something like foresight.

In that case, there was no need for trickery. It was enough just to press forward with speed and power.

―It was entirely proper judgment. As it was, she immediately pressed the attack. Again, Ikki was confident about this. For that reason―

The fight will be decided here―!

It was only one thing, but there was a way to change the flow of this situation. While handling the silent shadowless attack with only foresight, he considered it. Edelweiss had not fallen back once during this fight. She had defended while advancing, but she had never moved to evade. Why? It was simple. She didn't need to. There was no need to dodge. The spare time to defend while attacking was more than enough. Ikki's sword was nothing more than a single blade, to be brushed aside by Edelweiss's own. If he considered the difference between them, that was certain. Therefore Edelweiss had not chosen to evade.

Then in that case―

On that point, there was a way for him to survive. Because it was certain, it was the one thing that was easy to read!

This is the single point where I can disrupt her rhythm!

And Ikki's last offense came out. Flicking one pure-white blade with just a bit of strength, he would delay the returning sword. An attack thrust into that gap could bring it all to an end.

The blade of Intetsu just barely scraped along the ground―no, while scraping the ground, it drove toward Edelweiss.

The swing was big, like a sharp gale. However, it would probably not reach Edelweiss. If Ikki's sword was like a gale, Edelweiss's sword was like a flash. Without a doubt, she would block.

However―that was nothing to worry about. Because this technique was purposely such that there was meaning for it to be blocked. In the instant that the opponent defended against Intetsu, from his feet to his fingers, all of his muscles worked together, flexing to cast forth a shock wave.

The human body was mostly flesh made of and filled with water. Therefore, it was fragile against vibrations. If a slight ripple was made on a human body that was vulnerable to vibrations, the interior of that body would be disrupted. For example, there was a type of penetrating blow in Chinese martial arts that used this principle.

In other words, Ikki's attack was a penetrating blow using an edge. It would bypass armor and strike the internal organs. If blocked with swords, it would strike both arms. Arriving at the human body through vibration of the sword blade, it was a poisonous stroke that brought disruption.

The sixth secret sword―Dokuga no Tachi[6]

Taking heed of the difference in their strength, and making sure she wouldn't evade. One could say that Ikki had truly made sure of the difference between his movements and Edelweiss's correctly.

However, the secret sword would only be effective in the situation where the opponent blocked forcefully. And exactly as Ikki planned, Edelweiss did not have any doubts―and blocked the poisonous longsword with her pure white blade!

However much she was the world's strongest, Edelweiss was still human. In the structure of a human body, she was no different from Ikki. In that case, she had no way to escape from this poison!

Ikki aimed at Edelweiss's naked sword, drove into it the shock wave born of his all his muscles working together.

In that instant, blood surged out from all over Ikki's body.


Muscles burst through his skin all over his body, and blood flew all around.

Why? The reason was something Ikki realized instantly. It was simple. Edelweiss had done exactly what Ikki was about to do―with a speed and destructive power an order of magnitude greater.

As a result, the shock wave Ikki was launching at Edelweiss had been completely extinguished, and the waves that remained had conversely destroyed Ikki's body instead.

Ikki had intended to see through Edelweiss's sword. But all of that was an illusion. All he saw was what Edelweiss wanted to show. Everything had been in the palm of her hand all along.

This reality made Ikki's body shake in cold fear.

To this… degree…?

Exhausting all his strength, betting on all his techniques, using the best tactics he could devise―he couldn't even touch her.

The world's summit… is this high… this far away…!?

Before such strength that his own scale could not measure, Ikki felt terror.

And in the next instant, the end came. Against Ikki who had lost all methods of attack, Edelweiss swung the sword in her right hand―the white blade flew invisibly, broke through the blade of Intetsu, and sliced into Ikki.


From that one blow, the wound Ikki received was not deep. However, because the Device crystallized from his own soul had been shattered, Ikki's consciousness and body crumbled down.

Edelweiss did not give the final blow. He understood that there was no need for it. Having ended the fight, she turned her gaze away from Ikki―



He slashed at Edelweiss again.

That broken edge was easily blocked by the pure-white blade.

"…You still wish to continue?"

Ikki's action had made Edelweiss's heart waver just a little. She asked the knight who was now breathing over her shoulder, yet still grasping the broken shard of his crystallized soul.

"It is plain to see that with the difference in our strength, you cannot even hope to win by chance. The sword formed from your soul is broken, your consciousness faint. You body can no longer fight either. Despite that, why do you hinder me? I have no desire to injure children unreasonably. Since the beginning, I had no intention of killing you or your sister. Compared to keeping me here, you are putting your little sister in danger. Lord Wallenstein is not one to show children mercy, I fear. …Do you not also know this?"

At that question, Ikki nodded while breathing heavily.

"Yes… I know…. You're a kind person."

"If so, why?"

"…Because Shizuku doesn't want that."

Ikki, keeping himself awake with pure will, stared back at Edelweiss through his blurred eyes and answered with the reason that he had not yet surrendered.

"If I let you go… maybe Shizuku will be saved. But Alice won't be!"

"―That boy is a criminal, a member of society's underworld. Such a fate is inevitable."

"Maybe so. But Shizuku doesn't want that. She came here because she doesn't want that! And I promised to follow what Shizuku wanted!"


"Even if I die, I won't surrender here!"

At that answer, Edelweiss's noble face turned in confusion.

"Even if you die? You don't hold your life so cheaply, do you? Having cross blades with you, I know how strong the ambition and longing is inside of you. You too have a dream. You too have someone important. Despite that, you don't mind losing your life here?"

At the perplexed question, Ikki returned a weak smile.

"This is… the first time."


"Yes… the first. That Shizuku has depended on me."

Ikki spoke as he thought back on his relationship with Shizuku.

"I've always been worried about it. As an older brother, I've never done anything for her. Yet that girl was always idolizing and loving me as her older brother. And today, my little sister has something she wishes for, and is relying on me."

To this useless older brother, she had entrusted her hopes.

"That's all the reason I need to risk my life…!"

That was why he wouldn't surrender. Not here. He wouldn't surrender here. The one wish of his good little sister, who did impious things but always supported him. If he didn't put his life on the line here, what kind of brother was he!?

"With my weakness, I'll hold your strength here!"

As long as he was alive, he would not let her leave. Holding this strong will and resolve, Ikki stood in Edelweiss's way. And Edelweiss could see that resolve shining in his eyes.

What strong will. Are these the eyes of a boy who's only just had his coming of age?

Her breath was taken away. Such strength, such ambition. And not only that, but the noble spirit to risk his life for the sake of others.

It's been a long time, hasn't it? That I've met a person as beautiful as this.

"Young man. May I have your name?"

"…Ikki Kurogane."

"Kurogane―I will apologize for my impoliteness up until now. Young warrior."

Declaring this, Edelweiss leaped backwards lightly.

Opening a wide distance between herself and Ikki―

"You are not a child who needs to be protected. You are a man capable of witnessing my full strength as a knight. So… with the strongest sword in the world, I will slay a knight such as you."

For the first time this night, the world's strongest swordsman was serious. At that moment, a sword spirit that couldn't be compared to anything up until now poured out from Edelweiss's body. And similarly, a storm of light. Dust roiled up, and the trees creaked, and every glass window broke into tiny pieces.

A single human. While a presence unimaginably huge for a human body's dimensions spread forth, Twin-Wings Edelweiss spread the blades in both hands like wings―

"Prepare yourself."

―and soared.

Not as a child who should be protected, but as a knight whom she should show gratitude, she was aiming at one she recognized as an enemy. In order to sever that enemy's life absolutely―!

Just before things had become complicated, Ikki had certainly felt it. The footsteps of the reaper. The presence of a sharp sword that would cut away his future. If he defended, he would die―

But be that as it may, now was not like the situation then. It was different from the fight before, where he could underestimate his opponent or retreat. The forward speed of Edelweiss in seriousness could not be compared to that. To say nothing of swordsmanship, this was already to the point where Edelweiss's form had changed to light itself―

And with no sound, it all flickered for a moment before passing. Belatedly, a spray of blood flew in the darkness. Ikki Kurogane had no time to utter a sound―this time, he fell.

If her judgment had been a moment late, her life would've been lost. At this truth, Shizuku gasped.

If Alice hadn't cried out, it really would've been dangerous.

An arm had been taken.


From the middle of the upper arm, her entire left arm had been cut away. From that perspective, the numbing pain crept up to her brain.

However, there was no room to cry in pain. The enemy before her eyes was preparing another one of the attacks had entirely cut through her fortification of ice and even taken her left arm.

"Hyakuya Kekkai!"


Shizuku's decision in response was appropriate: promptly raising a screen of mist over the surroundings and disappearing from Wallenstein's field of view. And in the gap of Wallenstein losing sight of her, she froze shut the bleeding wound of her left arm―and ran.

Darting around Wallenstein, going to the place that was hidden by Hyakuya Kekkai, the sole place that wasn't perforated by the bullets of Keppu San'u. Where Arisuin was.

A slash that cuts through any kind of protection. A defense that lets him walk calmly even in the middle of a barrage. And a stride that was unaffected by Toudo Heigen.

If that man's ability is as I expected, it would be the highest among abilities.

She could not fight him directly. Therefore Shizuku chose to take Arisuin and escape.


"Scampering about… how insolent."

Together with those words, Wallenstein planted his sword into the floor as he stood in the mist.


Shizuku lost her footing and tumbled down, as if dizzy. She wanted to get up immediately, but no matter how many times she tried, her feet slipped.

I can't get up…!?

Was she unable to stand upon the ice that she had made with Toudo Heigen? No. Toudo Heigen was Shizuku's own ability. That power could not hinder Shizuku's movements. All the more given Shizuku's command of magic power.

Then why? ―There was one answer. There was another power in action.

"This is…!"

There was no doubt. Shizuku was sure that her hunch was the truth, and asked Wallenstein who was slowing coming into view through the mist.

"You made the ground lose friction, didn't you…!?"

"What a fast realization. That's quite correct."

Wallenstein answered as he slowly walked up to Shizuku.

"Blocking, slashing, shooting. In this world, the effect of every type of power is greatly related to friction. No matter how fast the bullet, if its speed is stolen by friction at the point of impact, it would have no penetration and fall uselessly at its target's feet. And if an attack was altered by the same power, a blade can be made to unparalleled sharpness that cuts through any material without resistance."

A sword of excellent offense. A shield of divine defense. It was power that manipulated friction, which makes up the foundation of every kind of force.

"―That is the ability that I, the One-Armed Swordsman Wallenstein, possess."

And Wallenstein finally stood before Shizuku.

"Sh-Shizuku! Run awayyyyy!"

Before the eyes of the screaming Arisuin―

He cut the silver-haired girl at the waist, splitting her in two.


With a thump, the upper body cut at the waist fell to the frozen floor. Spraying an immense quantity of blood and entrails. At that hopeless sight,


Arisuin's cry shook the air.

Edelweiss brought Ikki Kurogane down with a single cut.

The expression of the winner… was dyed in astonishment. What she thought back on was the instant of conclusion. The unbelievable incident that developed amidst the entanglement that shined as if with light.

In that instant, Ikki Kurogane had, in front of the world's strongest sword—of all things, he had attacked on his own accord.

Until now, it could not be said that she, the world's strongest, went easy or acted the slightest bit hesitant while using the sword. Becoming serious, she had charged deep in order to take Ikki's life, but he had driven the blade infused with his soul into the needle-thin gap.

To the end, he had been trying to win against her. Against that edge, Edelweiss had been forced to protect herself completely, and as a result—her attack had faltered. A single step had rendered her fatal blow useless.

And so, Edelweiss had not slayed Ikki Kurogane's spirit.

Furthermore, that last bit of swordsmanship he showed was unmistakably—….

"…Amazing. I never thought it would be to this degree."

Edelweiss stood beside Ikki who had collapsed, and held her pure-white blade to his throat.

And she smiled slightly.

"If I lay my hand on you as you lie there, it would be me who loses face, wouldn't it?"

At that moment.


She turned her gaze toward the voice—

"…Isn't that World Clock?"

"Edelweiss, you bitch—!"

Kurono Shinguuji, the World Clock, had jumped over the wall, and sighted Ikki's bloody and fallen form. Pulling out her Device, a pair of one-white-one-black handguns in anger, she turned the muzzles toward Edelweiss.

"Calm yourself."

At the instant Edelweiss was going to be shot between in the eyes, the fingers on the trigger were frozen in place. It was as if Kurono's heart had exploded from fear. She had landed on the ground, and only just barely pointed the gun barrels, but even so her fingers didn't move.

What was stopping her was none other than Kurono's own instincts. Because if she moved her fingers just a little, the battle was start instantly, and she knew she couldn't win this fight.

"You monster…."

"Even though it's been a long time since we last met, this is your greeting?"

Against Kurono on whose face an uneasy look was spreading, Edelweiss spoke with a cool countenance.

"Be at ease. He is still alive."

"I-Is that true!?"

"Even though I did not intend to spare him."

While smiling a bit bitterly, Edelweiss said this, and jumped silently. Again, she moved to the Akatsuki Academy school building rooftop she had started from.

"Wh-Where are you going!?"

"I'm leaving. After all, I was never really connected to all this in the first place."

Answering so, Edelweiss once again gazed on the young warrior who had faced her. And she thought on the scope of the tribulations he would probably face in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival that was about to start. She was not directly involved in the plan, but she knew the rough outline of it.

Most likely, you will learn of it personally.

The fated coming battle. What lies in front of Ikki Kurogane was not just the Sword Emperor of Wind and the Crimson Princess.

Before long, Amane Shinomiya will stand in your way.

And that fight will probably be harsh beyond imagining. Even more than the fight against herself. Thinking this—

"World Clock. If Kurogane wakes, please tell him this for me."

Edelweiss left these words for the Worst One.

"The next time we meet, I hope you will be a worthy opponent."

And just as silently, the world's strongest swordsman disappeared into the night.

"I'll definitely tell him."

Replying like this to the empty air where Edelweiss had been, Kurono rushed over to the fallen Ikki. Though he had certainly suffered severely… there was not a fatal wound. He could be saved. Knowing this, Kurono felt profound relief.

"Superb. To face that Edelweiss and still come back alive—"

And when she used her powers over time to plug his wounds—


Kurono saw something she couldn't believe at the edge of her peripheral vision.

It was where Edelweiss had been standing just a while ago. Upon the white concrete. What remained there was—red spots.

They were only a few drops, but without a doubt, they were bloodstains. They didn't come from Ikki, but from the one who had been standing there seconds ago. What that meant was—

He wounded her!? A kid who just came of age, against the world's highest…!?

Indeed. He had reached her.

Just a few drops. It was so shallow that one couldn't really call it a wound—even so, the sword of the Worst One had definitely left proof on the world's highest.

"Ha ha ha. …What is this, you just keep on surprising me."

With full delight and surprise, Kurono's entire body shook in excitement.

"…Sheesh. What an ominous boy."

After that, Kurono immediately began to treat Ikki's wounds. In doing so, she reassessed the situation.

Kurono and Nene. When the two of them arrived at Hagun, no one had been there with the exception of the Hagun students who lost consciousness. Therefore with Kurono's ability, they had reviewed what transpired in that place, and Nene had gone after Stella and the others, but Kurono had taken on the task of rescuing Ikki and Shizuku.

And only Ikki was found here. Where were Shizuku and Arisuin? Kurono sharpened her senses, and searched for magic power in the surroundings.

And—she found them.

"This is…!"

Directly below—deep under her feet, something unbelievable had happened.

…Oh, I'm….

The consciousness of Shizuku, who had been blown away by a tremendous impact as if her entire body had been struck by lightning, slowly came back. Heavy eyelids lifted, and she saw what was in front of her.


Shizuku looked up. Arisuin's face was there, upside down in her field of view. Though he was saying something with tears flowing down his desperate-looking face, Shizuku couldn't hear anything.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of discomfort, and Shizuku turned her gaze downward.

And she realized it. The lower half of her body was gone. That made her remember at last.

Ahh, I… was cut….

Did she wake up? The feeling in her body was coming back. Because of that, there was a great sense of loss.

My lower body. That and most of my innards are gone.

The entire section had probably fallen out. It was undoubtedly a fatal wound. Shizuku was able to realize that she would likely die in a few seconds.

It's frustrating, huh?

Again. She hadn't been able to win. Just like in the fight against Raikiri. Not being able to control the distance during a magic battle, and just defeated by a sword cut.

I'm… so weak….

Against another truly strong opponent, she didn't have the power to keep the adversary away. Realizing this so thoroughly, Shizuku recalled her bitterness.

If I die… Onii-sama would be sad….

He would probably be sad. Not just her brother, but Stella and Arisuin, and everyone else—right now, there were many kind people around her. They would probably grieve even for someone with such bad character and low cuteness. That scene clearly came to mind. So she thought―this was… not what she wanted.

—In that case, I should give it another try, right?

After losing to Raikiri, she had always been thinking. With her power, she was always losing against the sword. And she couldn't do anything about that. With her small, powerless body, it was impossible to control a close-range battle. She couldn't help that. And she could only think of one way to make up for that weakness.

It was something tremendously risky, so she hadn't been able to try it until now, but—at any rate, she was going to die in a few seconds even if she didn't use it. She didn't want to leave something untried.

I can, if I'll put everything into it—

Just like her esteemed older brother was always doing. She would believe in her own strength. Resolving herself, Shizuku closed her eyes. And—

"Shizuku… Shizuku…."

Arisuin held Shizuku's fallen body close. A gurgling sound was coming from her wound, while blood and viscera were spilling out rapidly. Her weight. Her life. Sensing that they were fading, Arisuin's view grew dark. Once again, feeling the loss of a little sister he had cherished and wanted to protect, all of his emotions were paling away to nothing. Rage at his own helplessness. Anger at the man who had stolen Shizuku's life. All of them, he couldn't feel anything anymore. He didn't even have the will to cry out.

"This is the reality that have tried to avert your eyes from."

From behind him, Wallenstein's voice came.

"Only power is true. Even though I taught you this, and pulled you to the side of the strong. If you can't even understand this, you are beyond saving."

A dumbfounded voice. Disappointment at a personal disciple who was embracing Shizuku's body, even though it had already become nothing but a corpse.

"I have no need for an assassin who develops feelings for his target. Die."

The sound of wind being cut behind him hit Arisuin's ears. It was probably the sound of Wallenstein raising his sword. Arisuin didn't think of protecting himself. Instead, he thought of peace arriving soon. At this time, the weight of Shizuku in his arms was disappearing steadily. Because he knew he wouldn't recover it again, he didn't have any feelings about the defeat.

Steadily, steadily, the petite body was getting lighter.

Steadily, steadily, the weight he could feel in his arms was disappearing–


There, Arisuin finally noticed something unfathomable.

The weight was disappearing to the point where he couldn't feel it? That was impossible. Even if all the blood and viscera fell out, the muscles and bones in the human body would still remain. That sense of displacement shined a light into the darkness of Arisuin's view. He looked down on what was in his hands. There, the remains of Shizuku's body was–

–gone. Leaving only her clothes.

And the next moment–

"It's okay, Alice."

Shizuku's voice echoed with dignity through the underground training arena.



In astonishment, Arisuin and Wallenstein scanned for Shizuku in the surroundings. However, Shizuku wasn't found anywhere. No, on the contrary, even the blood and entrails that had been scattered just a while ago had also vanished.

"Wh-What is this!? What did you do!?"

At the situation that was moving too far beyond comprehension, Wallenstein cried out in confusion. And amidst the confusion of Wallenstein and Arisuin–Shizuku Kurogane appeared.

Appeared like a status formed of gathered mist, stark naked with unblemished body. And she opened her mouth to speak.

"It's okay–because I'll win."

"Shizuku, you're… alive?"

Arisuin stared at Shizuku as if she was a ghost. He hadn't taken in the situation yet. But beside him, Wallenstein–

"How can this be…!"

From his instincts born of many battles, he realized that there was only one way this situation was possible. And in order to make sure, he swung his sword at Shizuku who was standing before his eyes.

Shizuku, without moving to defend herself, received the attack on her body. A cut–Wallenstein's Device once again bisected Shizuku.

But this time no blood sprayed forth. There was no response except a spray of mist, and though Shizuku's form had been split, it immediately returned to normal–seeing this, Wallenstein was convinced.

"Y-You little rat…! You changed your own body to vapor!?"

In response, the mouth on Shizuku's flickering form curved slightly.

"Ha ha ha. As I thought, you're not just that old for show, right mister?"

Shizuku confirmed it with a sadistic sneer. Indeed. That was the true nature of how Shizuku had survived.

"I was defeated in the selection battles by Raikiri, so I've always been thinking."

–That though she had skill, she lacked determination. When facing opposition, there was nothing she could do but take a fatal wound–then how should she deal with it?

"I thought and thought… and suddenly, I hit upon an answer. Ahh, that's right. I take damage because I have a body of flesh."

In that case, she would remove that premise. In doing so, this technique was created. An aspect of water magic, an application of healing techniques for the human body, a Noble Art that disintegrates her own body into mist and dust to the point where slashes and strikes no longer affect her and then voluntarily reconstructing it–

"Aoiro Rinne[7]–I've come up with an amazing technique, right?"

Shizuku spoke with a face that was slightly boastful. At Shizuku's explanation, Wallenstein became more and more pale.

"Come… up with it!? Do you know what you've done to yourself? Do you understand it!?"

Wallenstein's discomposure was natural. Because although Aoiro Rinne was temporary, it was a technique that severs one's own life.

"With a top-class magic control, you can reconstruct something, but it's impossible to do so after dying…! No, even if you could do it, if you make the slightest error in reconstituting the trillions of cells in the human body, I don't even know how difficult it would be…! To use that kind of power on your own body…! Are you sane, you little…!?"

Certainly there was great merit in overriding the physics of an attack. But to do so, an overly powerful technique was necessary. The burden of risk was too great. Therefore to Wallenstein in his consternation, Shizuku–

"I'm plenty sane. If it's me, it can be done, I believed."

–declared so, as if it was nothing.

At those words, Wallenstein was convinced. He had obtained information about Hagun in advance, but he had only judged Stella Vermillion as an opponent worthy of attention. But he had overlooked someone. The Lorelei, who was right under his nose, was like Stella someone very different from the masses. A prodigy beyond the pale.

What an embarrassing oversight…. But I haven't lost yet–"

Wallenstein said so, and took up his stance again. But–

"Oh? Could it be you're thinking of fighting me again, I wonder?"

–with a laugh, Shizuku smiled on him as if scoffing.

"What did you say–!?"

At that instant, Wallenstein who had recovered from his attack on Aoiro Rinne noticed something about himself.

"*Cough cough*… gah…!?"

The air he was exhaling was not returning as inhales. His lungs could not be filled with air. As if he was drowning–yes, he was on the verge of drowning.

"If the lungs are turned to water balloons, humans would become like this, right? As I expected of this technique, it's not something other people at school can possibly do, so it's the first time you've seen it."

Shizuku who was using Aoiro Rinne like this had turned all the atmosphere in the whole place the same way. Therefore, she could establish control over all of it–including the air that Wallenstein was breathing.

Wallenstein's ability to control friction certainly was an unparalleled power pertaining to external slashes and strikes. However–

"If it's inside the body, there's nothing friction can do, am I right?"

"Gah… ukk…!"

Wallenstein, drowning in an invisible sea, finally couldn't keep standing and fell to the floor with his eyes wide and his mouth opening and closing like a fish washed up on shore desperately seeking oxygen.

"Hmm? What's that? What did you say?"

"S…Sp–Spare… me!"

"Oh, you want me to let you go?"

It was actually a declaration of surrender. Wallenstein had decided that winning fight was impossible at this point, and was waving the white flag at Shizuku.

"But I won't."

Shizuku gave a merciless smile, and snapped her fingers. At that moment, blood flew from Wallenstein's entire body.


Flesh tore from inside his body, and dozens of ice spears erupted from within him. That attack completely severed the consciousness of the One-Armed Swordsman. Wallenstein, while discharging blood mixed with water from his mouth, fainted.

And Shizuku lowered her cold gaze on her opponent as if he was trash.

"I'm not as nice as Onii-sama, or as gentle as Stella-san, so I can't help but cut an enemy who attacked me to shreds. –You chose the wrong foe."

She tore Wallenstein's overcoat off of him. With it she covered her own skin, and turned her gaze away. She had already lost interest.

In this way, the fight between the One-Armed Swordsman and Lorelei came to a close.

"As long as I try, I can do it somehow or other, right? I'm not something to disregard so easily."

Reconstructing her flesh, Shizuku checked her sense of touch by opening and closing her hand. There was no discomfort in that feeling. It seemed the reconstruction magic had functioned properly.

However, it wasn't like there was no problems at all.

"…The mental exertion was too much. I feel kind of sick."

After processing excessively high-level magic, her head was screaming. The agony as if her cranium was churning made Shizuku aware of her own lack of skill. It seemed it would be best to refrain from reckless magic for a while.

To Shizuku who had checked her own condition in that way–Arisuin asked with a face covered in wonder.

"Shizuku… you're really alive?"

"Oh stop it. You're looking at me like I'm a monster."

Shizuku pouted in ill humor.

But Arisuin wanting to ask was understandable, because Shizuku's act had been a miracle.

"At any rate, I thought Aoiro Rinne out well, but having my clothes slip off every time is a problem, right? I don't want to show myself like this to anyone besides Onii-sama."

However, at seeing Shizuku who was in all respects the same as usual, relief had surpassed astonishment.

"…Ha ha ha. Yes, it's true. You're really alive. Thank goodness."

Arisuin fell onto his back in this place, and with tears flowing down at the truth before his eyes, he rejoiced.

"Really, thank goodness…."

But to Arisuin–

"That's what I should be saying."

Shizuku's lips drew sharp in discontent–and kneeling down, she embraced his head. Tenderly, affectionately.

"I… thought you might have already been killed."


"Sheesh. Don't make worry like that…big sister."

Shizuku rejoiced at his safety with a voice just slightly trembling. That trembling voice–jolted Arisuin deep inside, and the emotions that had grown cold in his head a while ago, heated up once again. Suddenly, what came to mind was the frightened expressions of his little sisters at seeing his blood-soaked body. Seeing that, he had thought he couldn't remain with them any longer. He, a murderer, must not stay with them. And surely, he thought, Shizuku would look at him with the same eyes. He had convinced himself of that on his own. Even Shizuku, wouldn't want to stay at his side, probably.

But… but…. But if Shizuku was still calling him "big sister"–

"Can I… stay by your side again… I wonder…?"

"Are you attaching yourself to me just because it's what you think I want?"

The head that was being held shook in denial. That wasn't the case. There was a bigger reason.

"Thank you… Shizuku…."

"Then we're even, right?"

While giggling, Shizuku coughed those words. Arisuin quickly realized what those words meant–now that she mentioned it, there was the time he had hugged Shizuku after she had lost to Raikiri, wasn't there?


Becoming strangely happy at sharing something so trivial, Arisuin also returned a smile–and he swore in his heart.

He would not betray her again. He would stay with this girl to the end. And he would protect her and the ones important to her. After all, they were precious to this incredibly sweet girl–

He would change himself, and continue to uphold this desire, because he wanted to become a proud human being.

What Kurono had felt was the movement of a bizarre magic power that she had never experienced before. That magic power that Shizuku Kurogane had become was subtle to the point that one couldn't detect it, but the span of it was wide, and its movement in converging back into human form again was erratic.

Why did that movement happen? Kurono, who knew Shizuku's magic power, guessed right away.

"She decomposed herself and then reconstructed?"

That unbelievable resuscitation was an amazing miracle.

"…Sheesh. First the brother, then the sister? What an outrageous pair of siblings."

Coughing in astonishment, Kurono scanned even more precisely the situation underground. Seeing the degree of response to magic power, it appeared that the enemy had already been silenced. It would probably be fine to pass that off as a peripheral miracle. Feeling just a moment of relief at this–Kurono looked toward the western sky.

It turned out okay over here somehow, but what about over there? Nene–

"Black Blade ・ Yatagarasu[8]–"


A magic blade of lightning darker than night crashed into a sword of tornado winds, and the two knights wielding them were both repelled backward. While losing his footing on the gravel mountain path, the Sword Emperor of Wind Ouma Kurogane clicked his tongue.

"As I thought, the power drops by the third usage."

On the other side, the petite woman fighting against him who was dancing back through the air, the Yaksha Princess Nene Saikyou turned gracefully in midair, and dropped down in front of the Hagure sisters who had been cornered upon the deserted mountain.


"It looks like I got here just in time~"

"*Sniffle* We're saved…."

"Ahh. You've really been holding on. It's okay now."

After confirming the two of them and the fainted Stella were safe, Saikyou felt a moment of relief, and–

"Nooooow then…."

–immediately faced back toward the enemy in front of her. Akatsuki Academy–at the only one she recognized among them, Saikyou made a declaration.

"Haven't seen you since your grade school days, right? Ouma-chan. You really became huge."

"And you haven't grown at all."

"That's none of your business–anyway, I want to teach you a lesson right now, but what's the meaning of all this fooling around? Talk, and I'll hear you out, okay?"

Saikyou spread her weapon, an iron fan, and asked Ouma while concealing her lips behind it.

But the one who answered was Amane, who was standing behind Ouma in reserve. He, with a peculiar smile that could be described as simple-minded, answered Saikyou's question.

"Instead of chatting, how about negotiating you handing over those three people to us instead?"

In an instant.

"Ha ha. Negotiating. Is that what you said–little boy?"

The air hardened with a *crack*.

"Don't try to play make-believe with an adult, brat."

Every one of Akatsuki's members was assaulted by weight. No, not just Akatsuki. With Saikyou at the center, everything within twenty meters was being crushed into the ground by an invisible force. It was Saikyou's Noble Art that used gravity, Jibakujin[9]. Akatsuki, who had suddenly been struck by gravity making them ten times as heavy as normal, all collapsed onto the ground as if they were sinking into it.

Except for only one person, Ouma Kurogane, who stood upright and faced Saikyou without moving even an eyebrow. Ouma slowly turned Ryuuzume toward Saikyou, and Saikyou also once again charged a pure and enormous gravitational energy into the twin iron fans she had materialized, having it take the form of the blade called Black Sword ・ Yatagarasu–

"Ah, stop stop! Please hold on a second!"

Between the two of them, the inappropriately-dressed Pierrot Reisen Hiraga interrupted. After delivering Arisuin to Wallenstein, he had immediately turned around and just barely managed to catch up with his compatriots, and–

"Everyone, please withdraw. We don't need those three."

–he urged Akatsuki to retreat.

"–Is that alright?"

"Yes. Well, we've probably made enough of an impact, and more than anything else, if the Yaksha Princess is our opponent then there's too high a risk. If the Yaksha Princess seriously went on a rampage, Ouma-kun might be fine, but I don't think the other members will escape unscathed. And our sponsor doesn't want us beaten before the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. So let's escape here somehow."


At those words, Ouma sheathed his sword in boredom.

"Yaksha Princess, this wouldn't be a problem, right?"

Saikyou, who had been asked–spent a moment in silence, then returned her twin iron fans to her kimono sleeves. There were too many enemies. Fighting by herself was one thing, but she knew she had to ensure the safety of the students behind her. It was the duty of a teacher to protect the students. Since that was the case, she had no reason reject the proposal.

"–Be glad I happen to be a teacher, you shitty brats."

"We appreciate your understanding."

And like that, the strife starting from the Hagun Academy attack on the eve of the Festival came to an end.

All Akatsuki, beginning with Reisen Hiraga, disappeared into the darkness without looking at the Hagure sisters and Stella. On the mountain path, there was nothing more than the sound of the wind passing through the trees.

"–Sponsor, huh?"

Within that, Saikyou ruminated on Hiraga's words, and looked up to the sky with a bitter face.

"These guys seem like they'll become awfully troublesome, Kuu-chan."

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