Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 41: Volume 9 - CH 14

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Chapter 14: Hightened Fighting Spirit

After the end of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival’s second semifinal round, Ikki fainted in the waiting room. By the time his cardiac arrest was discovered, the shock and anxiety had spread beyond his inner circle, to the tournament staff and spectators. Many of them seemed to expect the worst outcome. In reality, the tournament staff had to at least consider that possibility, so they revised the schedule for the next day.

Fortunately though, due to the power of Japan’s greatest doctor,

there was no need to worry. Ikki was saved from death.

However, Ikki had still not awoken by the time the final round was scheduled to begin. But was that really a big deal? As long as Ikki was alive, what was waiting a day?

Everyone’s hearts were united in this.

Kurogane Ikki and Stella Vermillion.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this 62nd Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival had been the highest level ever.

The two knights who had fought their way to the summit, the finals.

The tournament should not end without seeing the conclusion for oneself.

An attack after the end of the match. Not to mention taking a stray hit after protecting the umpire. With such an unfair end, there was no good excuse to end the festival there.

Therefore, they waited for Ikki to come to the stage of battle.

To this end, everyone offered a hand. The staff ran about apologizing and moving forward an exhibition that had been planned

spectators accepted these changes without complaint. All for one

young man’s sake, countless people gave their all.

And then… He came.

The sun had already gone down completely. His clothes were disheveled and he still had a bed head.

Even so, he was there in the ring, ready to face his fight, showing his strong will.

The hopes of the fighters, the desires of the staff, and the feelings of the audience were all the same.

There were no longer any obstacles.

Thus, with many people’s support and good will and the great spirit of the fighters, the final match was ready.

Dawn broke at last, coming from the eastern sky with a first light that seemed to burn white-

And the morning of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival’s final day,

which so many had been longing for.


“Wow, What a huge crowd. Everyone is so fired up even though it’s still morning, huh.”

It was 9 am. Tomaru Renren, from the Hagun Academy Student Council, had taken the bullet train to the station nearest Wangan Dome, where the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival was taking place. The moment she got off, she found herself both amazed and astonished by the massive congestion, and murmured this complaint.

Everything, from the platform to the ticket gate to the road to the dome, was filled with an uncountable number of people.

Naturally, they all had one goal. The Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival finals.

“But with this many people, can they even get inside?”

“There’s no way they can all fit inside. They’ve even installed monitors outside.”

The one who answered Renren’s question was the one who had

come with her to Osaka, another member of the student council.

It was a large man with a physique like a rugged boulder, Saijou Ikazuchi.

Just like he had pointed out, most of the people were there to watch the fight from outside the venue.

Even though normally a lot of people gathered, the semifinals

simply couldn’t compare to the finals.

Considering that it was a confrontation between the A-Rank Knight Crimson Princess, boasting magic power that could be said to be the greatest of mankind, against the Blazer with the worst evaluation of F-Rank, Worst One, who had advanced by continuously defeating one strong opponent after another starting with Seven Stars Sword

King, it’s even more so.

Moreover, with such an unprecedented turnout, many merchants had gathered to do business as well.

Some sat with their backs to the hedge, guitar in hand, singing songs.

Other performers juggled or did magic tricks. And then there were the local stalls.

Even though it was but morning, the area around Wangan dome was already festive.

There was another person currently with Renren, the Student Council Vice President, Utakata Misogi, whose face was blue and trying to hold something back from his mouth.

“Somehow this large crowd is making me feel rather sick…” “Are you okay? Vice Pres-?”

“I’m not okay. I’m hot. Frazzled. Tired. I can’t take it.”

“Then it would have been better to leave you at school.”

“That’s no joking matter. Wouldn’t I look like an idiot if only I had stayed behind to work while everyone was playing? Let’s just hurry and get to the hotel. If we stay in this kind of place, I think my brains will melt out through my ears.”

Utakata whined while pulling at the hems of Saijou’s shirt.

Well, even if one’s brain didn’t melt, staying much longer would

probably lead to heat stroke.

It would be no laughing matter to have spent the two and a half hours to come from Tokyo only to watch the game from a hospital bed.

“Even if you say that, with a crowd like this, finding Kanata-senpai will be such a pain-”

“Nah, that’s not true.”

As he said that, Saijou pointed at a spot in the crowd.

“Everyone, over here~”

Amongst the crowd, dressed in mainly short sleeved shirts and shorts, with at most a thin cardigan, was the figure of Kanata Toutokubara, completely clad in a white dress that did not reveal even her fingertips, which could already be said to be a partially suspicious getup.

“That was a needless worry, huh.” “Kanata-senpai, aren’t you hot?” “I’ll be fine if I just endure it~”

“Endure… Why endure through that…”

Perhaps there was some spiritual reason? It perplexed Renren. Utakata tilted his head questioningly at his junior, then asked

Kanata a question.

“Eh? Kanata, whatever happened to Touka?”

Though they had without a doubt been traveling with her, the figure of Hagun Academy Student Council President, Touka Toudou, was nowhere to be found.

“Since it’s Touka-chan, she probably slipped out for some urgent

business that just came up this morning.” “Urgent business?”

“Fufu. Yes. Urgent business.”

Though Kanata would not explain the matter further, her bemused expression told them that it was not a serious matter.

Since it seemed that forceful questioning wouldn’t be necessary, Utakata closed the matter with a “hmm.”

“Well, she did say that she would come back before the fight, and

that we should all watch the finals together.” “I see.”

“But, finals, huh… Once, we were wondering what would happen, but it would be good to have a meeting about it. Being surprise attacked after a match, moreover losing by default due to an injury taken while protecting someone else, Kurogane-kun is too pitiable.”

“That issue is something for the management committee to

consider for us. Such a special measure is an unprecedented

exception. …According to the information Toutokubara collected, to make this extension happen, Prime Minister Tsukikage pulled a lot of strings.”

“The Prime Minister who put us through all that?” “…Again, that’s a separate matter.”

“Nonetheless, there’s no way they would have delayed the schedule just for one student. It just so happens that the rampage Stella went on that shortened the festival by a day may have been a blessing in disguise… It looks super unfortunate, but kouhai-kun is pretty lucky.”

Renren nodded in agreement at this as well.

Then she looked up at Saijou behind her and asked a question in her friendliest classmate voice.

“Hey hey, who do you think will win? Saijou-”

At this, Saijou put his hand on his chin and contemplated for a moment.

“…Both are from our school and are developing their abilities quickly. However, just looking at how they fought during the semifinals, Vermillion has the edge in ability. I can’t imagine how to handle that dragon’s power with just sword techniques. My assessment is that Vermillion will triumph.”

With that answer Renren came to an understanding.

Stella’s true power was what she pulled out in the semifinals,

Noble Art Dragon Spirit.

It was natural for Saijou to come to such a conclusion. However- Renren’s thoughts differed.

“It’s true that Stella-chan’s true power, the embodiment of a dragon, was amazing. I do think it’s already beyond what one person has the power to handle; it’s just that abnormal a power… But, it’s by repeatedly overturning such unreasonable odds that Kurogane-kun

came to be standing in the finals ring tonight.” “…You think Kurogane will win?”

Renren nodded.

“I understand because I’ve fought him directly. Though Stella-

chan’s power surpasses human understanding, Kurogane-kun’s skill can also be said to be superhuman, something in the realm of the abnormal. Do you remember? What Kurogane-kun did when he defeated me at the Hagun selection battles?”

“If I’m not mistaken, he sidestepped your supersonic charge 「Black Bird」, then caught you by the nape of your neck and smashed you into the ring.”

“That’s right. Normally, doing that would get your arm torn off. Despite that, Kurogane-kun countered that power completely and instead diverted it into the ground. That skill is definitely a match for Stella-chan’s violent power.”

“…It’s not that I can’t understand your point of view, but your understanding of Vermillion is a little naive. She effortlessly stopped my Crescendo Axe’s heaviest strike. Because of Dragon Spirit, that brute strength probably rose even more. That offensive power is beyond the domain of things that can be stopped with techniques. I was crushed by it, after all.”

“Kurogane-kun has the speed to completely dodge that. I saw it

myself, Kurogane’s speed throwing Stella’s figure off her feet!” “That’s an illusion. Fights are won by by those who are strong.”

“What a thoughtless thing to say! Speed is the key to modern wars!”

“In the end, it seems you just want the opponent you lost to to win.”

“You’re the one who wants that!” “Hnnnng!”


“Ah okay okay, let’s stop it there you two.”

Within the heat that only gave rise to a haze, those two held an argument so heated, it gave off sparks.

Unable to just watch, Utakata got between them and tore them apart.

“Have your sweltering conversation in a place with air

conditioning. If we stand around here any longer, we’ll end up with heat stroke.”

“That’s right. Then, everyone, let’s go to the hotel. There’s even food prepared, so let’s continue there.”

It seemed Kanata agreed with Utakata.

She immediately took the lead to guide them to the Toutokubara

group’s hotel and began walking.

“Eh? Food? Awesome~ There’s food, Food~” “…Apologies. I, of all people, got unusually fired up.”

“Nah, the lightning god image was quite scorching, so it didn’t seem out of place.”[1]


With a shocked expression, Saijou hardened like a statue and got left behind.

◆◇◆◇◆ “Fuhaha~ Look, the people are like trash!” “What the hell are you doing?”

A long line of people stretched from the station to Wangan Dome.

Watching from the hotel terrace, Nene Saikyou let out a strange, feigned voice, at which Kurono Shinguuji shot her an incredulous gaze.

“Now look here, when you look at a crowd of people from

somewhere high, don’t you just want to say that? Instinctively.” “I do not.”

“Seriously? Kuu-chan, are you sure you’re Japanese?

“Is this really something you’d involve nationality in?”

While grumbling in a sighing voice, Kurono pulled out cigarettes from her suit.

She put one to her lips and lit it before tossing words at Saikyou.

“It seems you didn’t agree to do commentary for the last day, even though it should be a profitable job.”

“Well, yeah. It’s the finals of my favorite pupil. Wouldn’t I want to watch from the front row?”

“It was only for a week, I want to say, but… She did improve considerably.”

“I was surprised too. I thought I’d just try more or less shoving her around. Who would have thought that such a beast would be sleeping.

“When I think about it, that huge appetite of hers that doesn’t

match her constitution must be the influence of the dragon’s power as well.”

As she said that, Kurono glanced at the top of the table fleetingly.

There, stacked on the table, was a mountain comprised of the ruins of what had once been a room service meal.

Farther in, on the bed, the red haired girl who had created the

mess… Crimson Princess Stella Vermillion was sleeping with her body

curled up like a baby.

“…Nene. About today’s finals, what do you think?”

“I think it’ll be a great fight. Since they’re both knights who obtained great power in their own ways, neither should get done in easily. Though it could also become an appropriately high level

mudslinging contest.”

“You know, since they’re lovers and all. It’s kind of messy.”

“If such a pleasant quarrel were to occur, the viewers might just feel relieved.”

After responding to Saikyou’s banter with a dry laugh, Kurono

puffed out a breath of smoke.

“I don’t think that’s likely to happen. Especially between these two.”

She muttered, though her tone betrayed a tinge of nervousness. At this, Saikyou also returned a small nod.

“True. If something goes wrong, someone might die. Just like in

the match between you and me.”

Though Saikyou was joking, Kurono could see that her eyes carried the same nervousness.

What she was recalling was the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival of their own generation.

What she clashed with back then were her own feelings.

─Back then, she believed she didn’t mind dying.

To beat that person, she would even throw away her life.

It was to that extent… The girl named Kurono Takizawa had pined.

Saikyou was sure that Kurono thought something similar might happen.

That, with the same feelings as they had held back then, these two might-

“Still… It seems the one in danger here in the end is still Kuro-bou.”

“Yes, after all, I can’t picture it. The image of this princess losing, that is.”

Saikyou momentarily looked over the sleeping Stella.

As she was deep asleep, all Stella did was make sleeping sounds. She was saving her strength.

Not even using the energy to open her eyes, she accumulated strength from head to toe.

All so that tonight, she could erupt at the finals.


While laying her on the bed, the two had visions of the dragon’s

giant body several times.

At that overwhelming pressure, Kurono couldn’t help but gulp.

And so she thought.

Tonight, the one to face this monster will be a single knight. (Kurogane. What are you thinking now? How are you spending

your time?)

Was he, like this girl, accumulating strength?

Perhaps he was waiting eagerly for the finals, unable to sleep from the exhilaration?

Or possibly…

“…Either way, in this match, even if we interrupt it, things could

get deadly. We can’t leave this to some half-hearted knight. If it

comes down to it, you and I will stop it… Just like Nangou-sensei and Kurogane-sensei did back then.”

“I know, I know.”

Saikyou agreed with Kurono’s sentiment without showing distaste

on her face.

From the start, in order to focus on the fight and not miss such an important timing, she had turned down the commentary.

She didn’t have to be told such a thing.

Saikyou regarded Kurono with a serious expression. Right now, even more important was-

“Hey, Kuu-chan.”

“Hm? What?”

“This place is a non-smoking room, you know.” “…Next time, please warn me before I light up.” “I’ll use my best discretion.”

With a mean grin on her face, Nene smirked at the blushing Kurono.


Stella had stored as much strength as she could in her body.

Her opponent, Kurogane Ikki, was in a training facility owned by the National League near the Wangan Dome.

For the duration of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, this training facility was free for use by contenders.

Ikki was carrying out a mock battle in one of that facility’s rings.

Acting as his opponent was a tall, thin, and handsome person. It was his friend, Black Sonia Nagi Arisuin.


With a fast attack that whistled through the air, Ikki charged at Arisuin.

In response, Arisuin shifted his weight backwards and took a retreating stance.

“Shadow Beast-!”

Arisuin threw three copies of his dagger shaped device, Darkness Hermit, at the ground, and left them standing there.

In an instant, they melted into puddle-like shadows on the ring.

From those shadows, a black spray splattered and two giant tigers and a bear flew out of them attacking Ikki.

However, Ikki was not even perturbed by these wild beasts, simply kicking off the floor and charging at the enemies that now stood in his way.

With one stroke he dealt with the shadow tiger snapping at his head, lightly sidestepped the bear trying to claw his head, and cut it at the torso as they passed. Then, with his fastest secret technique, Raikou, he used the weakness in the second tiger’s offensive stance to overtake its movements and bisect it.

The shadow beasts dispersed into a seemingly harmless black mist.

However, it had never been Arisuin’s intention to use Shadow Beast to stop Ikki’s movement.

It was just a distraction.

The black mist that had dispersed from the crumbled shadow beasts blocked Ikki’s field of vision for a moment-so he could to use his shadow jumping technique, 「Shadow Walk」, to jump to Ikki’s shadow!

After his machinations went through smoothly, Arisuin moved

from his own shadow to Ikki’s.

From Ikki’s shadow, stretching out behind him thanks to the lights in the ring, he sprung out, thinking (I’ve got you…!).

From this position, facing Ikki’s back, he flourished Darkness

Hermit to strike at Ikki’s neck.

However, in that instant-


Even sooner than Arisuin could strike at Ikki’s neck, the jet black tip of Ikki’s device, Intetsu, appeared from under Ikki’s arm, stopping just at Arisuin’s brow.

Without facing Arisuin, Ikki had completely read the plan to flank him, and counterattacked instead.


Arisuin promptly used the knife he’d been striking down with to


By doing so he narrowly avoided being skewered, in that one beat, his action was stopped.

What Ikki Kurogane just took advantage of had been a fatal weakness.

“-Gah, ha!”

The thud of a heavy strike reverberated throughout the ring.

It was the sound of Ikki’s kick striking the pit of Arisuin’s stomach.

The impact of the kick to the stomach sent Arisuin flying three meters, where he rolled out of the ring and started coughing painfully.

“Cough! Cough! H-harsh! To kick a maiden in the stomach is

incredibly unchivalrous.” “Er, Sorry?”

“Why do you seem so unsure?”

“Because I am unsure”

Arisuin couldn’t help but smile at Ikki’s answer, even as he

continued to cough.

“Haha, well, jokes aside… Despite sleeping for an entire day, your body doesn’t seem sleepy at all. Ikki. You’ve given me some peace of mind.”

“It’s all because you came with me for some warming up, Alice.”

While expressing thanks, Ikki lowered Intetsu.

After all, Arisuin was lying on his side on the floor and not in any condition to fight.

In the end, this mock battle had just been to warm up Ikki after

he’d slept for a day.

There was no need to deal a finishing blow.

Thus, a petite girl rushed over with small steps to the two who had stopped fighting.

With neat, short, silver hair, the girl was Ikki Kurogane’s younger

sister, Shizuku Kurogane.

As soon as she arrived at Ikki’s side, she gave her honest opinion while looking slightly astonished.

“Isn’t that enough? Tonight is the final and you’re still here holding a mock battle. You’re being too unreasonable.”

“Haha, sorry. But I’ve been sleeping the whole time, so I’m

checking the condition of my body.”

“Well, I know how you feel, but if you don’t restrain yourself, your condition will only worsen. Look at how much sweat you’ve worked up… Eh?”

Shizuku unexpectedly used a towel to wipe the sweat that had

That was because the sweat that he’d shed was as cold as a winter


“Onii-sama, this is…”

“…I’ve been exposed, huh.”

With a bitter smile, Ikki received the towel from Shizuku.

“This sweat isn’t borne of exhaustion. It’s from fear… Of fighting with Stella, that is.”

Ikki grumbled while continuing to mop up cold sweat.

Right, this wasn’t sweat from exercise.

Nervousness, anxiety, weakness… it was something that came

from an emotions, that could only be described as chills.

It was because he was scared.

Scared of Crimson Princess Stella Vermillion. But that was a matter of course.

The ease she had shown in her first irregular match against Icy Scorn Mikoto Tsuruya and others had demonstrated a power up within Ikki’s expectations, but the power she showed in the semifinals far exceeded his imagination.

“She is already different from the girl I fought before. Up until now, she had only been fighting with the dragon’s breath. But now, she has realized what she really is. Moreover, she now possesses the ability to freely control the power of the dragon that burned her as a child. She is not just a flame user anymore. Skill, power, tactics… She is the incarnation of the prideful, all-powerful monster with the strength to force any enemy to yield.”

And tonight, he would have to face that monster himself.

What’s more, this time, Stella now had even more information on

the man named Ikki Kurogane.

When he had beat her in the past, he had used her lack of knowledge to launch a surprise attack. She would not let that happen again.

A veteran of losing battles. Stella knew about Ikki Kurogane’s

struggles better than anyone else.

In this final, there was definitely no room for slack in Stella’s heart.

With such a Stella as an opponent, in the ring where there was nowhere to run or hide, the only option was to conquer her head on.

“Because of that, I cannot waste even a minute, no, a second.”

Sharper by the minute and stronger by the second.

He would sharpen himself up until the last moment before entering the ring.

“That is my best condition.” “Onii-sama…”

Shizuku responded to her brother’s unusually stiff expression with

an uneasy voice. At that moment-

“Oi~ I did it!”

A call in a familiar kansai dialect hit everyone present.

Upon looking at the entrance to the room they were talking in-

“Ara, it’s you guys.”

“Moroboshi-san! And Toudou-san too! You came for us!”

In front of the open fire door stood the one Ikki had defeated in the first round of the tournament, Seven Stars Sword King Yuudai Moroboshi, and the one he had eliminated in Hagun’s selection tournament finals, Raikiri Touka Toudou.

Shizuku let her bewilderment at these unexpected visitors seep onto her face.

“Why are you guys here…?”

Touka answered while happily grinning towards somewhere else.

“This morning we got mail from Ikki saying he wanted our help with training.”

“From Onii-sama?”

“Exactly. Well, I was free anyway. Incidentally… At the hotel, I called over some of the other losers to come.”

As he said so, Moroboshi pointed at the fire door behind him with his thumb.

“Who’s a loser? You’ve said a little too much, Boshi!” “Well, in reality, that’s exactly what we are.”

“Gahaha. True, True. Even if you try to say it nicely now, there’s nothing you can do”

“We didn’t even participate in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival,

so we didn’t lose!”

“…Even though you guys got beat up by two people at the training camp?”

Behind the two, faces that anyone would recognize streamed in.

Moroboshi’s fellow representatives from Bukyoku academy, Eye of Heaven Byakuya Jougasaki and Demon Flame Momiji Asagi.

Making the entrance seem small just by stepping his huge build

through was Rokuzon Academy’s Panzer Grizzly Renji Kaga.

And finally, two original representatives from Hagun who had withdrawn from the festival, Kikyou Hagure and Botan Hagure.

Ikki’s eyes opened wide in surprise at their entrance.

“Did, did all of you came for my sake? Hagure-senpai and everyone

else too?”

“Hehe. Well we arrived early and had nothing to do.”

“…During the training camp, you taught us, so we’d like to return the favor.”

“Though we’re not sure how useful the ones who were KO’d the quickest will be.”

“Actually, we were also called upon by Sensei. It was because that procedure looked to have taken a lot of your strength, and it seems to be as bad as she thought. …But the people here are of the same

calibre as those who entered the tournament. I think we’ll be just right as practice opponents.”

Ikki shook his head at Moroboshi’s words.

“Don’t even mention things like being just right! Everyone, thank

you so much!”

“Good, good. All of us wanted to try going up against the rumored Worst One once as well.”

“So, what do we do? Before we came here, we also had some mock battles. Should we take a break?”


Ikki refused Touka’s consideration with a single word and once

again took up Intetsu.

Then, he faced everyone with eyes burning with fighting spirit.

“Immediately though… Please!”

His passion instantly spread to everyone.


As if responding to Ikki’s spirit, everyone else’s devices manifested.


“Guhaa! Th- This is…! Poison? Assassination? My Twilight Crusaders…! Such an underhanded method…!”

“Ojou-sama is saying ‘This is so bitter!’”

“If bitter is not acceptable, it would’ve been better not to request


They were in a cafe slightly out of the way of the long line to the venue.

At the terrace seats, Sara Bloodlily shot an astonished look at Rinna Kazamatsuri, who had coffee dripping from the corners of her mouth.

The one who wiped Rinna’s mouth with a handkerchief was her

attendant, Charlotte Cordé.

Together with the three girls at their table was one other person. He was an elderly man, dressed stylishly in a suit.

It was Japan’s Prime Minister, Chairman of the school the girls

attended, Akatsuki Academy’s Bakuga Tsukikage.

“Even so, Sara-kun’s Color of Magic is truly convenient. Even with so many people around, nobody can see us. I’ve always wanted such a convenient power.

“Even without a special power, something similar can be done.” “Is that so?”

“Ikki did it.”

“…That only makes it feel more impossible.” Tsukikage’s wrinkled face twisted into a bitter grin.

“Sorry, Prime Minister. Could you pass the sugar pot?”

“Yeah, here.”

Responding to Charlotte’s request, he slid the sugar pot near his hand toward Rinna.

Rinna blushed shyly at this.

“Ah, thank you, Oji-sama…”

While expressing her thanks with a sincere tone, she drew the sugar pot towards using her small hands.

However, Rinna’s movement stopped there.

Without even putting sugar in her coffee, leaving her gaze on the sugar pot in her hands-


In a single word, she remorsefully apologized to Tsukikage.

“What are you apologizing for?” “Every one of us ended up losing…” “Ah, that.”

Tsukikage understood Rinna’s reason for apologizing.

To begin with, Akatsuki Academy was a group of mercenaries

gathered via the connections of Tsukikage through one of Rebellion’s Numbers, his old friend Kouzou Kazamatsuri, in order to sever the connection between Japan and those who utilize the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, the League of Knights.

However, they had been completely eliminated by Hagun

Academy’s Worst One and Crimson Princess.

Remorseful over being unable to carry out the duty they had been entrusted with, Rinna had said that.

However, Tsukikage hadn’t placed any blame upon Rinna.

He put his hand on her apologetically drooping head.

“Don’t worry about it. You all did well. I understand that perfectly.”


“Giving up easily does not befit a politician. If Akatsuki fails, then I will think of a different direction to go in… At that time, if I need you, will you lend me your power again?”

While stroking Rinna’s head gently, he asked her that.

Rinna finally raised her head at this, and with a smile like blooming flowers nodded “Yes!”

-It was precisely ‘that time.’ “…She’s here.”

Sara mumbled curtly while focused on the line of people.

Everyone gathered at the table responded to her voice by following her gaze.

There, in the dense crowd without a single gap in it, without pushing her way through, calmly weaving through the crowd with steps as if walking across an empty field, was a girl.

While her long, pure white hair swayed, she stepped directly to the four people who should have been hidden by Color of Magic.

Nonetheless the four of them raised no suspicion toward that. For her, it was only natural.

That she could see them even when they should’ve been invisible.

Someone who could pass through a crowd without any difficulty.

Additionally, while doing so, she didn’t alert a single person she crossed paths with.

Today, the person they had come to wait for-

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it. Sara. Rinna. Char. And also…

Tsukikage-sensei too.”

The strongest swordsman in the world, Twin-Wings Edelweiss.


“Thank you for waiting. Here is your blend coffee.” “It’s for her.”

“Thank you.”

While expressing her gratitude with a friendly smile, Edelweiss pulled the sugar pot to herself.

Then she looked at Tsukikage.

“Thank you for today. For listening to my sudden selfish request.”

She lowered her head slightly.

The selfish reason she mentioned was the reason she was here today.

Last night, Edelweiss had contacted Tsukikage.

…Wanting to watch the final of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival.

“Unexpected, that you would be interested in the battle of

someone who is just a student, Ede.”

“Perhaps there’s some relationship we don’t know about.” “Fufu, if I remember correctly, when we carried out Operation

Beowulf on Hagun Academy, the one who faced Another One was Brynhildr.

“Be, Beo?”

Sara offered an advice to Edelweiss, who tilted her head and was making a bewildered face.

“Don’t think about it too much. It’s just Rinna’s usual sickness.”

“Ojou-sama is saying ‘When we made the attack on Hagun

Academy, she fought Another One.’”

“A, Ah. So that’s what it was. Yes, it’s exactly as she’s saying.”

Edelweiss confirmed as she scooped up a spoonful of sugar from the sugar pot.

“I saw the semifinals on TV. It surprised me to see Ouma lose in such a one-sided fashion, but… even more than that, seeing Amane in such a helpless state was beyond my expectations.

Amane’s childhood and the attachment he had to Ikki because of


Edelweiss had known about that.

Because of that, Amane’s existence was an obstacle blocking Ikki’s


That’s what she’d thought. -However,

“He took no notice of him.”

He’d faced the defeat Amane had thrust at him head on and

crushed it for all to see.

“…He’s an amazing young man. Truly.”

“That’s why you want to watch the finals in person?”

Edelweiss nodded at Tsukikage’s question while adding yet

another spoonful of sugar to her coffee.

“For Crimson Princess it is natural, but Another One as well… He is climbing onto our stage. I decided that when I saw he had the willpower to undergo extraordinary training and obtain the physical prowess needed to defy fate that he showed at the semifinals.

Thus… even I cannot ignore that. Another exciting moment will

happen soon. I might cross swords with him again.


“More importantly… Another party with the same thoughts as mine came here today in order to overcome the menace of the future, we are willing to be audacious.”


When he heard those disquieting words, Tsukikage lifted his gaze from her hands, which were busy scooping a third spoonful of sugar.

Edelweiss was looking at the crowd instead of Tsukikage.

-Her eyes glinted sharply.

Following that dangerous gaze, Tsukikage also noticed.

In the crowd, there was a man looking at them astutely through a visor.

“That’s… America’s…!”

“It’s not just him. At this place… Agents from various factions have already gathered.”

Edelweiss’ words made Tsukikage recall a certain scene in his


A red and black memory that he’d seen.

Tokyo, engulfed in flames.

The permeating stench of protein being scorched and human fat

that stuck to the skin…

With fists shaking from fear and anger, Tsukikage informed Edelweiss.

“Front row box seats have been prepared.” “Thank you very much.”

Edelweiss returned a slight bow and put her coffee, which she had just added a fourth spoon of sugar to, to her mouth.


“If you can’t handle bitter, then it would be better to not order stuff like coffee.”


(Too, too strong…!)

Bukyoku Academy’s third year and finalist at last year’s Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, Momiji Asagi, was struck with admiration at the physical prowess of the man she was crossing blades with.

As the disciple of God of War Torajirou Nangou, she had confidence in her blade.

However, that was exactly why she couldn’t help but understand the magnitude of the difference between herself and the warrior in front of her, Another One Ikki Kurogane.



Countless clashes later, a particularly loud strike rang out and Momiji was sent flying backwards.

Her vision went blurry. There, at the edge of the ring, Momiji fell down and exhaled roughly before looking at the trio.

The Hagure sisters and Jougasaki, who had already carried out mock battles with Ikki.

Ikki had kicked the three around in front of Momiji.

He hadn’t even been scratched. If this went on, she too would-

“Asagi! Show your determination!” “Enmaku…!”

Responding to Moroboshi’s encouragement, Momiji deployed a

wall of fire in front of her.

Frustrating though it might be, she couldn’t compete with


She would just have to show her determination by fighting with magic.

Thus she switched over. However-


Her determination was short lived as Ikki cut through her wall with a single shout and a slash.

From an overhead stance, Ikki had swung Intetsu down, and by sheer force, blasted away the approaching Enmaku.

And at the same time, -Momiji’s spirit as well. (…)

Having cleared Enmaku away, Ikki’s eyes shone like a wet blade. Momiji’s blood ran cold seeing this.

Head and chest, mind and body, would be cut apart.

Ikki wasn’t foolish enough to waste that moment.

He closed to space between them now that there was no obstacle- Fast.

Though she’d frozen for only an instant, Momiji lost her chance to


Clash was now inevitable. No, rather, if there was an ability that could still allow her to evade, it would be the Trackless Step Master Nangou had taught her.

(Even if I were to try to enter his blind spot… he doesn’t even have


Standing against Ikki, Momiji came to a realization.

Ikki’s discernment was just like her friend Moroboshi’s Happou

Nirami[2], in that it could perceive the entirety of the arena, not

overlooking a single movement from the enemy. Her own Trackless Step would not be precise enough to outmaneuver the owner of those eyes.

In that case… there was nothing to do but intercept him with her


Despite the knot in her stomach, Momiji clad her device, Hibachi, in flame.

One hit would be enough.

If she just grazed him, Hibachi’s flames would capture Ikki’s whole

body like a snake.

(Just one stroke…!?)

However, she was only eager for an instant. She had lost sight of Ikki Kurogane.


Momiji realized in an instant that it was due to Trackless Step.


But by that point, it was already over.

Ikki had passed by Momiji’s side and cut her torso with his device

in illusionary form.

That attack had, without a doubt, been a fatal wound, cutting through her stomach all the way to her spine, causing an appropriate amount of strength to drain out of Momiji as a magical red light- Blood Light, which dispersed into the air.

One moment later, Momiji’s body collapsed onto the ground. “Ha, ah, …!”

Sudden fatigue hit her as she was gouged of strength appropriately for an illusionary fatal wound.

Despite also feeling a burning pain in her abdomen, Momiji somehow managed to raise her head. Then-

“Thank you!”

Ikki bowed his head deeply and thanked Momiji. Just as he had done earlier with the other three.

“Aha, you’re welcome… I don’t feel like I was very useful though.” “That’s not-”

“Armor Piercing Bullet-!!!”


A deep voice like a cannon’s roar suddenly interrupted their


While Ikki was facing Momiji, an attack came from directly behind him, aiming for the back of his head- It was Panzer Grizzly Renji

Kaga’s iron palm strike.


There was a trick to this impossible feat.

That trick was in Ikki’s feet.

As he received the blow, the ground below Ikki’s feet sank

noticeably, cracking and being crushed.

Witnessing that, Kaga understood in an instant.

-He had redistributed the force.

By moving his whole body and perfectly shifting his center of gravity, Ikki had received the blow and released it into the ground through his legs without having it reverberate in his body at all.

Just like a lightning rod.

After receiving the surprise attack, Ikki matched the movement of Kaga’s attempt at retreating and pushed him back using the arm he’d received the hit with.


In that instant where he shifted his weight back, more force had been added from the front.

With his own weight being so heavy, Kaga was bent backwards greatly-

In that instant, Intetsu cut open his robe.

“Gu, Nuu!”

Kaga’s great body collapsed at the knees and he hit the floor.

Towards that Kaga-

“Ah, you! What were you thinking, attacking so suddenly?!”

Shizuku shouted angrily.

After all, it was an unthinkable thing.

He had launched a surprise attack on a fighter who was set to fight that same day, even if it was in Illusionary form.

Ikki himself was far calmer.

“It’s fine, Shizuku.” “O, Onii-sama!?” Then, of all things-

“Kaga-san. Thank you very much.”

He thanked Kaga as he had Momiji and the others.

For a moment, Kaga stared in puzzlement at this expression, then broke into a broad smile.

“Gah, hahahaha! On top of not having any weak points, you don’t even have a single complaint about a surprise attack, eh. Even though you have a girly mug if you look at it right… Being combat

ready at all times. It looks like you know that well.”

Knights were not sportsmen.

Therefore, they had to maintain high concentration outside of matches as well.

Even when they are walking, sleeping, or eating, they must always keep their senses sharp.

They can’t afford to be careless.

If one became used to slacking off, they would surely fail when it matters.

Sometimes, the flow of battle goes to the one who can transition quickly.

Going about it in small steps is out of the question.

This was all the more true against an opponent who’d easily

overwhelmed Ouma, whom he had been so powerless against.

That was why Kaga decided to attack in the moment when Ikki was preoccupied with Momiji.


(I’ve been preaching to the choir, at most)

To this man, it was a pointless warning.

At the same time Kaga realized that, he came to believe it.

“You’ll win! You will!”

Kaga thumped Ikki’s chest with his fist as he insisted on this.

Stella was certainly a formidable enemy. Her attack power was nothing normal.

However, Ikki knew how to use and stop force.

His special skills shouldn’t be outdone by her attack power. Kaga believed this based on what he’d witnessed.

Ikki smiled at the encouragement. “Then, I shall be your next opponent.” “…!”

Ikki’s expression stiffened as a wave of numbness ran through his


When he turned his head, he saw a girl climbing slowly into the ring with a katana in a black sheath in her hands, Raikiri Touka Toudou.

The opponent Ikki had defeated at the finals of Hagun’s selection


Though their battle had consisted of a single stroke, her strength

was vivid in Ikki’s memory.

She had been in the top 4 last year, falling behind Byakuya and

Momiji, but the impression on Ikki’s skin was betraying that fact.

No doubt she was the best of the members that Moroboshi had assembled.

She was a difficult opponent to face with no abilities.

“What will you do? Including Arisuin-kun, you’ve fought 5 consecutive battles. Will you take a quick break?”

“No, don’t worry about that.”

His fighting spirit was overflowing.

Ikki wiped away the sweat from his hands and renewed his grip on Intetsu.

“Please don’t hold back!”

He raised his sword to point at Touka.


In the instant Ikki raised his sword, Raikiri began to move. From ten meters away, she unsheathed Narukami and fired a crescent slash formed of lightning towards Ikki.

The golden lightning charged at Ikki like a bird with wings spread open.

It was the same long ranged attack she had used against Lorelei, the Noble Art Raiou.

However, while it was a quick opening strike, it was made from a considerable distance.

Far from distressing Ikki at all, he immediately took an evasive maneuver.

Namely, he took a big sidestep to the right.

It was a style of moving that he’d learned from Twin-Wings using his Blade Steal. That was how he managed to evade so easily at high speed as soon as he raised his heel.

Truthfully, it didn’t pose a threat to him.

However, the moment Ikki dodged the first attack, Touka launched a follow-up Raiou right at him.

The technique he had just dodged so easily was launched again. Of course, that one didn’t reach Ikki either.

With a leap in the opposite direction, Ikki evaded that as well.

As expected, it didn’t even graze him.

Even so, Touka fired a third Raiou. Was she just being stubborn?

Of course not.

Touka had a reason for her actions

(This is…!)

“As expected of Toudou. After watching his match with me, she has recognized his weak point.”

Murmuring this with a spirit of admiration was Moroboshi, who was watching their battle from the sidelines.

“Onii-sama’s weak point?”

“Well, more accurately, it’s a flaw in that technique. It’s a

technique he’s been using since his match with me, a technique he took from Twin-Wings using Blade Steal where he uses all of the muscles in his body simultaneously to accelerate rapidly to top speed. Most people cannot follow such acceleration with their eyes. That being said, constantly moving at full speed is…”

Once said, Shizuku realized as well.

Since earlier, Touka had been unleashing Raiou left and right in order to force Ikki to dodge in different directions constantly.

“I get it. When moving at full speed constantly, it’s difficult to make sudden stops and turns. All that switching makes puts excessive strain on his lower body. Dodging will slowly become more difficult, and eventually he’ll get caught.

Moroboshi’s prediction was coming true up in the ring.

While Ikki had avoided the first two by a good margin, that margin started shrinking, and the amount of near misses began to rise.

“Ikki should also understand Touka’s intention, though. If he stays

on the defensive, he’ll just remain pinned down from long range.”

Ikki started to change his movements, just as Moroboshi predicted.

He stopped his sideways evasion, faced the scattered Raiou strikes aimed at him, and started running.

Just as he was about to take a direct hit, he dropped to the ground like a crawling animal to get past the Raiou.


“He’s doing the unthinkable as usual. Passing through a gap like that!”

“It’s possible because it’s Onii-sama!”

Once he slipped through that, he was in range to cross swords. It was close range.

Having closed the range so much, Ikki could now launch attacks as well.

Both of them moved so quickly that only the trails left by their swords were visible.

Touka fought back well, but no longer had any opportunity to resheathe her blade.

And when Touka is unable to sheathe her blade, she cannot bring out the strongest close range noble art she boasts, Raikiri.

(This is good…!)

Ikki thought this while carrying out an orthodox Raikiri countermeasure.

Ikki understood the power of Raikiri from personal experience.

Only by using Ittou Rasetsu to put his all into one daring strike was he able to overcome Raikiri before.

Since he was preparing for a match with Stella, he would be unable to use such abilities. In order to beat Touka, he had to first ensure that she could not use Raikiri.

If it was used on him, he would lose right then and there.

Thus in that manner, he would pressure her with swordplay and suppress Raikiri.

(I’ve got this! My swing speed is faster…!)

Though Touka’s attacks were sharp as well, they were a far cry from Ikki’s, which mirrored those of Twin-Wings.

As long as it didn’t come to a sword lock, he shouldn’t have to

worry about being shocked either. (At this rate, I can overwhelm her!)

Ikki made up his mind. He shifted forward again and put his power into the sword.

Then, suddenly, he struck out like a flying swallow and forced

Touka’s Narukami to the side. (Alright, she’s off balance!)

After exchanging blows with Touka, he had finished measuring the speed of her swings.

With her sword pushed to such a position, she would not be able to block his strike.

Next, Ikki would-

(I’ve got her here! It’s decided!) Believing so, Ikki struck forward again- Rather, he tried to.


Immediately after, a sharp numbness ran up his neck.

It was sixth sense he’d honed by toeing the line between life and

death so many times warning him.

At this warning, Ikki’s body ignored his previous assumption and moved- Touka’s sword had moved faster than Ikki’s expectation and, just barely, had managed to return to defend.

(That’s crazy…!)

Based on Touka’s swing speed, the speed of that counter was


Ikki gulped in astonishment. What on earth was that?

Ikki thought about the unexpected counterattack.

However, Touka wasn’t about to wait around for Ikki to think.

From the contact point, Touka channeled an electrical attack into Ikki.


Zap! Sparks crackled between Narukami and Intetsu as electricity ran through Ikki.

Though his skin wasn’t burned thanks to Illusionary form, receiving

a shock made his muscles spasm intensely and cry out in pain.

In the end, his movements were stopped instantly. Touka took aim at this opportunity-!

She raised Narukami overhead nimbly, and struck down at Ikki. However, Ikki had baited that attack out.

(She’s flustered!)

Just as Touka began her strike, Ikki steeled his writhing body.

Using the full body control he had cultivated, he took control of his heart and forcibly restored function to his peripheral nervous system.

Recovering from the shock in that instant, Ikki avoided the strike towards his head with the smallest possible sidestep.

Thinking that the shock had immobilized him, his opponent had gone for a finishing blow.

It was a move made after seeing through Touka’s thoughts,

outplaying her thoroughly.

That was Ikki’s chance-or it should have been.


Once again, Ikki’s predictions were overturned by Touka’s blade.

This time, having sidestepped Narukami, Ikki did not need to lock swords with Touka, which prevented her from using the same move again. Their close range battle continued in this manner.

Ikki would have to rethink his close range tactics from square one.

Despite being able to clearly surpass her swing speed, he could not land a decisive blow on Touka.

Moreover, Ikki was slowly starting to fall behind.

The cause must be…

(This switching around!)

Ikki saw it in her movements while being pressured.

Touka’s blade would strike out with the sharpness of the legendary sword technique Swallow Counter, then return with unnatural speed, leaving a trail like a flash of lightning.

Squeezed into the moments between blows, these strikes threw

off Ikki’s rhythm.

This was the technique Touka Toudou had polished in order to win at this year’s tournament. By creating a special magnetic field around her, she could use electromagnetic attraction and repulsion to move her sword at speeds exceeding the limits of her body. It was her Noble Art, Inazuma, devised as a counter to Yuudai Moroboshi’s superhuman technique, Houkiboshi.

The burden on the wrist made it impossible to use it haphazardly, but by occasionally mixing it in while trading blows, she could

interrupt her opponent’s rhythm. Once their rhythm was

interrupted, forcing them back was simple!



Touka lunged at Ikki’s chest.

In order to avoid the blow, Ikki threw himself backwards, ending up outside of engagement range.

He escaped with his tail between his legs.


Ikki had been forced out of his comfortable range.

Shizuku realized this and let her worry show, while on the side

Moroboshi’s expression hardened.

It was only natural. Ikki knew well the close range superiority of Twin-Wings’ sword, which he had learned. That being said, someone had pushed it back.

(This girl is… powerful. She can’t be compared to herself from last


Not intending to let Ikki get away, Touka stayed hot on his heels, keeping up the pursuit.

(Kurogane-kun. Your sword sword skills are certainly amazing.

When I saw your match with Moroboshi-san on TV, I got

goosebumps. Your techniques don’t even seem human. However!)

That much was expected of Blazers.

It was incredible that Ikki had gotten this far on physical skill alone.

However, that was a product of Ikki’s circumstances, having not

been blessed in terms of Blazer power.

Touka and other Blazers hadn’t needed such single minded focus

on martial artistry in order to reach this point.

If they simply used their magic power along with their abilities, then surpassing an ordinary person was no big deal.

His skill alone would not be enough.

With sword techniques that merely surpassed average people…

(Forget Stella-san, he can’t even handle me…!) “Gah…!?”

In response to Touka’s fierce attack, Ikki stayed on the defensive. Beyond avoiding clashing, Ikki was forced to constantly retreat.

In the end, that turned out badly for him.


Suddenly, while jumping away, Ikki’s balance wavered.

What had happened?

The answer was under his feet.

Shizuku and the other spectators looked on with dismay.

(That’s what was left behind when he took Kaga-san’s attack!)

(No way! His foot got caught in the cracked part of the ring! An attack is coming, Ikki!)

(…No, this is-) “Haaaaaaaaaaah!!!”

As Arisuin expected, Touka took the opportunity and attacked with all her spirit and might.

Having caught his foot in the broken ring, Ikki’s balance was off and he was not able to defend. However, with a dull ‘Gagi!’ the two returned to having their swords locked.

Of course, Touka followed that with a lightning blast.


With a soft bursting sound accompanied by sparks, Ikki’s right arm and upper body snapped back from the shock. Touka saw a decisive opening.

(This is it!)

Touka decided to unleash her trump card.

Touka had already seen Ikki’s resilience towards electrocution


A mere slash would simply be dodged. However, even if he were to dodge Raikiri, her supersonic blade would hit Ikki with a blast through the air.

At close range, the damage from receiving that would be able to take down any single human.

There was no reason to hesitate.

Believing this, Touka returned Narukami to its scabbard.


To be more accurate, she tried to.

However, she was unable to.

Why? Well, the reason was in Narukami’s scabbard.

Right at the opening of the scabbard and the tip of the sword, preventing the sword from returning to the scabbard, was a small chip from the broken ring!


In that moment, Touka realized that she had been trapped.

Ikki’s foot had not gotten caught on the broken part of the ring.

In order to kick up a shard from the ring, he had stuck his foot in a crack. Then, while he was bending back due to the electric shock, he launched the shard into the gap between Narukami and its scabbard.

This prevented the resheathing of the sword, leaving Touka defenseless.

“Ka, Ha-”

In that instant, Ikki finished recovering from the shock and cut Touka at the throat.


After receiving such a fatal wound, Touka felt that she was about to lose her consciousness and collapse.

However, with sheer force of will, she managed to stay on one knee and addressed the victorious Ikki.

“To think that Raikiri would be defeated in such a manner…” “It’s a surprise attack that will only ever work once, though.” Touka smiled bitterly.

Using a shard from the ring to block her scabbard was definitely a

surprise. She wouldn’t let it happen again.

However, reading her intent to use Raikiri and then using the damage to the ring was nothing short of creative.

Even during their fierce sword fight, he’d had the ability to

nonchalantly lead her to a predetermined location.

Most impressively, he had completely deceived her ability to directly read intentions from biological signals in order to get his plan past her, taking decisive action without letting her realize anything.

Without a doubt, that was the power of Ikki’s experience.

Ikki’s strength definitely consisted of more than just swordplay.

He had widened her view. He was constantly thinking about the best way to win.

(I’ve been thinking only about sword techniques this whole time.)

“Amazing. Even though I came to help you train, I ended up learning from you instead.”

“Learning from me? I’m only fighting this way because I can’t afford to reveal my hand… Toudou-san. Thank you for having this match with me.”

“Oh, don’t men-”

“Alright, alright. It’s very Japanese of you to be throwing thanks around, but face me, Ikki.”

Something hard prodded Ikki in the back with an audible thunk. It was Moroboshi’s device, Tora-ou.

“That was an interesting path to victory you took, though I’m not surprised. After all, you turned the tables on me in similar fashion, didn’t you?”

Ikki turned his attention from Touka to Moroboshi and nodded slightly.

“That I did. You and I have a similarly sneaky way of thinking.” “Haha. Of course. I’m a merchant from Naniwa.”

Even while he laughed deeply at Ikki’s jesting, Moroboshi flipped

Tora-ou around, pointing its tip at Ikki.

“I will be the last. Since you have a match today, I will not use Tiger Bite, hehe. I’ll tire you out in a good way. I’ll take this opportunity to pay you back for the first round. Are you ready?”

Moroboshi wore a boorish grin on his face.

However, even as he played with his expression and words, the fire in his eyes was honest.

Even while feeling thankful for the warm feelings Ikki saw flickering

in Moroboshi’s eyes, he raised his sword. “Let’s do this.”


It was time for a mock battle with Moroboshi. The beginning proved much calmer than his battle with Touka.

It was natural, as Ikki and Moroboshi were knights with similar styles at heart.

He wouldn’t engage in long range combat with magic the way

Touka had.

Basically, until he entered spear range, he wouldn’t attack.

(At least, that’s what I’d like to think, but he seems like he might throw his spear.)

Even though Moroboshi hadn’t entered spear range, Ikki could not

let his guard down at all.

While paying meticulous attention, Ikki circled around Moroboshi.

All that time, Moroboshi’s gaze never left Ikki.

Tora-ou, which had been lowered, tracked Ikki’s heart with its tip.

(Facing him again, the pressure really is incredible.)

There was no point at which he could break into Moroboshi’s


(I don’t think I can use speed to disturb his zone like I did in the

tournament’s first round.)

Ikki reasoned this out.

He was referring to how close his victory against Moroboshi in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival had been.

That victory had been less through true power and more about a surprise attack. Moroboshi hadn’t known enough about Ikki, which let Ikki get a major cut in on him before his eyes had gotten used to Ikki’s speed.

The bleeding from that cut had lowered his oxygen circulation.

With his eyesight weakened by that, Moroboshi had been unable to

follow Ikki’s sudden acceleration.

However, Moroboshi was different now.

He was in perfect condition, and moreover, he now knew about

Ikki’s use of Twin-Wings’ style.

Relying on speed to attack such an opponent was dangerous. (However-)

Right, even so, in the end, it was the same as in his match with Touka.

Dangerous or not, Ikki did not have many options to choose from.

He had his own fighting distance. Take the battle to the range of a sword, and cut them down.

Besides that, he had no other way of fighting.

That said… (He’s scary.)

Moroboshi’s pressure was certainly strong.

However, if he flinched from just this, he would never be able to approach Stella.

If there was no hope of victory given by his opponent, (I must go, without fear!)

Ikki steeled his heart and accelerated, running up to Moroboshi. In response, Moroboshi took a deep breath.


As Ikki stepped into his spear’s range, Moroboshi unleashed three

lethal thrusts towards him in the blink of an eye.

It was Moroboshi’s high speed strike, Sanrensei.

Ikki took them on with lightning-like slashes, which left only afterimages in his vision.

The downpour of steel was like that of falling stars. He pushed forward, trying to cut through, but… (This is…!)

Try as he might, he could not advance.

Countless Sanrensei strikes rained down in a flurry.

The speed and density of the strikes were beyond comparing with those in the previous match.

Even using Twin-Wings’ technique, he could just barely repel the


“Are you surprised? Kurogane.”


“During the tournament, I was using Sanrensei as bait for Tiger Bite. You prepared to enter my range by depending on your speed. However, if I don’t mix in Houkiboshi, don’t use Tiger Bite, and focus on speed, even I am capable of this much. If you can get through, then show me!”


His voice was full of confidence.

He was by no means overestimating his own ability.

Slipping through Moroboshi’s thrusts would be no easy matter.

(There are no gaps during which I could recover. This is not like Sanrensei so much as it is a meteor shower.)

The downpour of steel like a falling star had no gaps. Put simply, stepping into range would be impossible. That being the case, Ikki used a technique.

It was his technique where he moved left and right at a high pace, generating afterimages to deceive his foe.

Fourth Secret Sword- Shinkirou. It was the technique that had caused Moroboshi grief during the tournament.

With this, Ikki would press Moroboshi to choose between-

“Don’t underestimate me!” “!?”

Ikki’s shallow plan was crushed in an instant.

Ikki used Shinkirou to send an afterimage right while he moved to the left, but in that instant, Tora-ou bent with deceptive agility, adjusting its trajectory to follow the real Ikki.

Ikki managed to turn the attack with a hair’s breadth of space. “Oraaa!!!”

“Ku, oof!”

Moroboshi used all his strength to strike at Intetsu when Ikki

blocked, sending Ikki’s body flying to the edge of the ring.

Moroboshi then smiled daringly at Ikki, who just managed to break the fall.

“If you try to create illusions, I’ll have my spear in you in an instant.

I already know the movements you use to set up that technique. Don’t think you can get the same move past a first class fighter like me again. That’s naive of you.”

“…Eh? Didn’t it work twice, Botan-chan?” “Yeah, that’s why he lost in the first round.” “So he’s second-rate.”

“Sh-shut up! Onlookers stay quiet!”

Moroboshi objected to their disruption. Even then, he remained vigilant towards Ikki.

It seemed obvious that he would; Ikki was grasping his sword

strongly as if to say it wouldn’t be over after just that.

(I still have a way to get out of spear range!) Ikki rushed at Moroboshi for the second time.

“You’re incorrigible! That said, even if you’re caught, this is your

only way, huh!”

Moroboshi prepared to combat this approach from spear distance again.

He wasted no energy while Ikki was out of range, but the moment Ikki entered his zone, he swooped in like a raging fire.

Fundamentally, Moroboshi preferred this kind of patient spear technique.

That’s what Ikki decided to aim for.

The first blow Moroboshi would put out as he approached.

(I’ll hit his interception with Dokuga no Tachi!)

He raised his sword diagonally above his head. His sixth secret sword- Dokuga no Tachi.

It sends shockwaves into the enemy through the Device, attacking them from the inside.

It was an attack that passed through weapons.

Unlike Shinkirou, he hadn’t shown this technique to Moroboshi.

Therefore, the first attack should definitely get by-

“What might this be?” “…?”

Ikki was left astonished the instant his Dokuga no Tachi intercepted Tora-ou.

Moroboshi had quickly withdrawn his spear.

Then, aiming at Ikki, who was full of openings after being faked out, he struck out again.

“As if I’d take such a poisoned strike!” “Ku, Uoooooo!!!”

Immediately after, that light of strength leaving someone, Blood Light, danced in the air.

Moroboshi’s strike had caught Ikki.

However, it had not been a serious wound. It had only slightly scratched his side.

To pull that off, Ikki had used the hilt of Intetsu to strike the blade of Tora-ou and turn its trajectory.

He then promptly escaped out of spear range.

“Skillful as usual.”

“What makes you say it was poisoned? You should not have seen this technique before.”

“It’s because you left your weight behind unnaturally. I just got a

bad feeling from that.” “…I see.”

Ikki laughed bitterly at that.

Even though he’d intended to make an opening, somehow there’d

been another oversight.

He suddenly understood then.

(Tactics that expect mistakes from the enemy won’t work on this


Perhaps it was due to the lack of tension during a mock battle, but

Moroboshi’s concentration had too few holes.

He had been in a natural stance this whole time, leaving no openings to attack.

In that case… There was only one thing left to do.

Having decided thus, Ikki brought Intetsu into Seigan no Kamae and focused on Moroboshi with both eyes.


Moroboshi observed Ikki’s gaze and stance.

“What’s that? The nature of his pressure has changed.”

Moroboshi’s veteran 6th sense immediately sensed something. (His back foot is well planted. He can’t dash effectively from that


Just as Moroboshi had judged, Ikki’s third approach was different

from those until now; this time he approached slowly.

Without changing from Seigan no Kamae[3], Ikki shuffled forwards slowly, feet never leaving the ground.

“What’s wrong? If you move at such a turtle-like pace, you’ll be

filled with holes the moment you get in range.” “---”

Ikki showed no response to Moroboshi’s provocation.

Ignoring him-that wasn’t quite it.

(He’s simply not listening. He can’t even hear me.) After looking at Ikki’s eyes, he understood.

He wouldn’t respond to sound.

With his eyes focused on Moroboshi, he would just slowly advance and close the gap.

(When focus exceeds normal limits, you become unable to hear anything around you, and also become unable to perceive color. I’ve experienced being in that zone before…)

Well, if it was the man before him, he could probably enter that state intentionally.

The problem was, what was he thinking, using that focus? With such slow movements, what was he trying to start?

Finally, Ikki’s toes encroached upon Moroboshi’s domain.

(Tch, I’m so confused! But what I have to do doesn’t change!)

Moroboshi made his move.

Focusing on speed, he unleashed a violent storm of steel.

Ikki blocked it in the same way as before, with Intetsu flying in to deflect the spear.

The sound of weapons clashing. The rain of sparks. It was exactly the same as earlier.


Moroboshi felt it in the hand wielding Tora-ou first.

There was an abnormal weight coming from this opponent. It felt like a massive tree rooted in the earth.

No matter how many times he struck, Ikki would not back off like he had earlier.

He didn’t dodge horizontally either.

With his eyes fixed on Moroboshi, he advanced straight forwards, bit by bit. Only forwards.


Seeing his form, Moroboshi understood Ikki’s idea.

(This guy, he didn’t have a specific plan or anything…! He cut off

nonessential senses, lowered strength spent on things other than

movement as much as possible, and put all his focus into his sword…! I’ll put my all into my blade and break through with all my strength!)

He wasn’t an opponent you could get past with a half hearted plan

and a cheap trick.

Knowing that, he would meet the blade that Ikki honed with his all.

Ikki understood his own weakness, and made use of everything before his eyes for victory.

Contrary to that, when it mattered, he had the courage to trust in his own strength.

At a glance, these two seem contradictory.

The one who united them was Worst One Ikki Kurogane. He is aware of his weakness.

Despite that, he believes that he can be stronger than anyone. To achieve this, he does everything he can.

That everything resides in the black blade he grasped in both hands.

Therefore, Ikki Kurogane would no longer back down. He would no longer run.

If it was himself, it was possible.

Believing that, he advanced slowly, but surely, towards Yuudai Moroboshi.

This was no last stand. Nor was it a desperate attack. Absolute Victory. He held such a conviction.

His pressure was fierce.


He overwhelmed Moroboshi soundly, driving him into a corner of the rectangular arena.

“Awesome, Onii-sama! To drive that Moroboshi-san against a wall

head on!”

“Forwards, slowly, but surely. He did it through incredible pressure.”

“Yeah. That said… Kurogane-kun’s stance is also amazing.” “What are you talking about?”

“Against Moroboshi-san, without being shifted laterally or front- to-back, he maintained a straight trajectory. It makes it hard on the attacker. Anyway, he guarded with his blade well centered in Seigan no Kamae and made it difficult to attack, and his opponent did not change his stance at all, continuously aiming for a fatal strike at the same place, from the same angle. He inevitably ended up repeating the same motion. As a result-”

Right after that, red light fluttered in the ring. It was Blood Light spilling from Ikki’s limbs.

It was just a graze, though.

And surely enough, Moroboshi also understood the ‘result’ that

Touka pointed out.

(I’ve shown too much motion! He’s optimizing his strength and

approach to repel me!)

Precisely. If one ends up repeating the same attack, then you’ll end

up exposing it.

The power, angle, and speed necessary to deflect the enemy was all shown in detail.

And now Ikki had analyzed it and optimized.

While avoiding any fatal wounds, Ikki used the minimum defence necessary, contracting his defensive movements as much as he could, making his attack and defense stronger than before, and

stepping into Moroboshi’s zone.

Forwards. Powerfully. Quickly.

“Moroboshi-san lost his patience after being backed into a corner.

He’s attacking unreasonably out of impatience!”

That was Touka’s prediction. “Come no closer!”

It came true in the next instant.

Moroboshi sent a single flashing strike flying towards Ikki.

Because of his impatience, he sent his elbow too far to return easily, making it a sloppy thrust.

Without any spirit put into it, the strike lacked power and aim.


Ikki didn’t overlook that. “Shit-”

By the time Moroboshi realized his misplay, it was too late.

Ikki stepped forwards with the sloppy thrust, letting his own shoulder be pierced.

Using his own body he trapped Tora-ou, denying Moroboshi any counterattack.


With Tora-ou stuck in his shoulder, he broke into Moroboshi’s

space and thrust his blade into his heart.


“Damn… Lost again!”

Moroboshi cried as his heart was pierced, and with his strength drained he collapsed on the floor spread eagled.

“Damnit… I thought I’d be able to win this time, too.”

“At the… real… match… this wouldn’t do…”

Ikki’s words, spoken while gasping for air, were not born of


In reality, the fight just now Moroboshi had, worrying about Ikki who had low magic power, held back Tiger Bite. He couldn’t go all out on the contestant who was about to go into a big match. Even in that state, they had devoted as much power as they could.

Ikki knew this after crossing swords with him.

So, with Moroboshi included, Ikki once again thanked all his friends who had gathered today.

“Moroboshi-san. Everyone else as well. I am truly thankful. I have gained valuable experience before my match with Stella.”

“I don’t need thanks. You can return this favor by returning as the champion.”

“Isn’t that a little unreasonable?” “Are you not confident?”

Moroboshi asked Ikki while sitting up, and after a brief silence, Ikki nodded slightly.

“Honestly, I think this fight is going to be the toughest thing I’ve done in my life. I can’t say I’m confident… But I’ll give it everything I have.”

“That won’t do, you big idiot.”

Moroboshi prodded Ikki in the head with Tora-ou’s hilt.

Then he spoke in a chiding tone.

“This is the stage you’ve always aimed for. You can’t take it with such half hearted feelings. No matter how strong your opponent was, you must always enter the ring believing that you will win, 100%. Even if you don’t have confidence, force it out. You can think

about losing after you lose. If you end up losing, that’s all you’ll be able to think about anyway.”


“If you still don’t feel confident, I’ll stick with you until you do. So, do me a favor and don’t say such a pitiful thing.”

Everyone gathered there today for Ikki silently agreed with

Moroboshi’s sentiment.

They all had the same expectations as Moroboshi.

“If you’ll go that far for me, I’ll take you up on your offer. Will you accompany me a little longer?”

“Hehe, then, how about we go again after a rest?” “Yeah, sure-”

With a heavy scraping sound, the training area’s fire exit opened.


“O, Ouma!?”

“Why are you…!?”

Nobody was able to hide their surprise at the unexpected newcomer.

Ouma saw this and tossed the sack he’d been carrying on his

shoulder onto the floor.

“I’m here for the same reason most of you are. I got a text asking for a training partner before the finals.”

“Eh, er, is that so? Onii-sama.”

Shizuku looked back at Ikki in surprise, who nodded. What he said was true.

Besides Moroboshi and Touka, he had also contacted Ouma.

Of course, he had only done it because there was no harm in trying.

Ouma had never acted for Ikki’s sake before, after all.

“I didn’t think that you would actually come, so I can’t help but be surprised.”

“It’s only because I’m free, since I had planned to fight in the finals.

Also… I thought that I’d see your power myself.” “My… power?”

“After all, it’s F-rank vs A-rank. Your defeat is all but decided by the fate. I have no interest in such a spectacle. It’s just… To have even survived with such a meager power, until you were able to stand in front of that dragon… It is my duty as your older brother to beat the dullness out of you before you are killed.”

Ouma’s whole body then welled up with wind magic, which he focused into his right hand, manifesting his device, the nodachi Ryuuzume.


When he manifested Ryuuzume, the aura he emitted became much sharper.

Shizuku felt disquieted, and immediately moved in front of Ikki as if to protect him.

No- More accurately, she tried to.

However, Ikki stopped her by putting his hand on her shoulder.

Even as Shizuku’s eyes shook with worry, Ikki told her “It’s alright,”

and stood in front of Ouma.

“Thank you for coming. Brother.”

“Cut the idle chatter and prepare already. I’m not here to chit-


(As usual, not even a hint of friendliness.)

Even as he smiled wryly, just by feeling the pressure he felt just from standing in front of Ouma, he found himself in awe.


He had felt the intimidating aura the first time they had faced each other.

Ouma’s body seemed twice as big.

It was clear that he was a cut above fighters like Moroboshi and Touka.

Ikki’s palms began to sweat.

However, the thought of backing down didn’t even occur to him.

After all… there was some truth in what Ouma said. If he couldn’t

fight off Ouma, then he had no chance of prevailing against Stella.

Might as well start praying then.

For the purpose of forcing life back into Ikki when he was feebly panicking in fear of Stella, there was no better opponent.

Ikki shook off the sweat from his palms once, and took up Intetsu in his grasp once again.

“Let’s do this…!”


Ouma made the first move as the start was announced.

With his kimono sleeves fluttering, he moved to close the distance to Ikki directly.

Ikki was not idle, however.

He kicked off the floor to meet Ouma.

Of course, he wasn’t foolish enough to simply attack Ouma straight

on like that.

He knew what kind of superhuman physical endurance and

strength Ouma’s mad training had granted him.



Moroboshi, watching from the sides, noticed.

The instant Ikki entered the nodachi’s range, he changed his step,

adding sudden changes to his speed.

Moroboshi knew that technique well.

Ikki used those movements to confuse his opponent’s vision and create afterimages.

It was the Shinkirou he spread around him.

And, according to Ikki’s plan, Ouma snapped at the afterimages.

With one breath he swung Ryuuzume down from above as if cutting bamboo, cutting Ikki in half.

However, he had cut an afterimage.

As a result, he exposed himself to a flank from the real Ikki.

“He got him!”

Moroboshi clenched his fist upon seeing Ikki take the initiative.

Next to him though, Raikiri was squinting while taking her glasses off.

“No, not quite.”

She pointed out a mistake in Moroboshi’s analysis.

Ouma knew his next move from the signals his body gave him.


Without bringing his lowered blade back up, he took a low, diagonal swing.

Using that force, Ouma rammed Ikki with his shoulder.

“Shoulder charge…! He even read through Shinkirou!”

Ikki used Intetsu, which he was going to attack with, to block instead.

However, Ouma was heavier than he looked.

The shock of a nearly five hundred kilogram man’s ramming attack

was easily lethal.


With the low sound of two people colliding, Ikki’s body was pushed

back and he stumbled backwards with his balance destroyed.

Ouma swooped down on Ikki like a raging fire.

Without giving Ikki any time to recover his stance, he fired off several slashes and stabs.


It approached Moroboshi’s Sanrensei in speed.

Without taking a breath, he fired off 10, 20, an endless barrage of attacks.

Such astounding rotation-Shizuku recognized it.

“Kyokujitsu Isshin-ryuu, Retsu no kiwami Amatsukaze…[4]!” “What the heck is that?”

“It’s a secret technique within the Kyokujitsu Isshin-ryuu style

passed through the generations in the Kurogane family. It’s a continuous 108 strike combination.”

From the first strike to the 108th, everything from the angle and power of each strike was tuned for efficiency.

By repeating them over and over countless times and carving them to his very core, he was able to abolish all thoughts and bring out the fastest speed that his flesh and blood body could handle. It was meant to crush the opponent with an overwhelming number of strikes.

“There’s no better technique than this to defeat someone whose stance has been broken…!”

“But if I’m not mistaken, didn’t Ikki grow strong by stealing the techniques of others? In which case he should definitely know of a technique passed among the Kurogane, shouldn’t he?”

“…I don’t know. All of this talk is over my head. But… even if he does, with just that he can’t do anything about this assault.”

Just as Shizuku said, in the face of Ouma’s overwhelming speed, Ikki could not even bring Intetsu to face the attacks. He had to do everything he could just to dodge Ouma’s fierce onslaught. He definitely wouldn’t be able to turn the attack in this situation.

Bringing about such a situation was the point of Amatsukaze, after all.

With almost excessively optimized constant attacks, it held down the enemy, preventing them from taking any actions.

Now, Ikki was completely stuck in that situation.

That’s how it seemed, looking from outside. However-

(He’s waiting for something…)

Even as Ikki was being overwhelmed by Ouma’s strikes, Touka Toudou saw a glint of cleverness in Ikki’s eyes.

He was being neither held down nor overwhelmed. He was waiting for something.

That something was an opening in Amatsukaze.

No matter how much time had gone into developing such a technique, in the end, it was created by humans.

Creating something perfect was impossible.

And if it was anything short of perfect, Ikki’s penetrating insight wouldn’t miss it.

It wasn’t a first sighting either, especially since it was the Kurogane style, which he’d spent the most time watching.


Suddenly, a particularly sharp sound rang out, and the situation changed.

After that sound, the one who was thrown off balance was Ouma. Ikki had pulled out his seventh secret sword, Raikou.

It was a technique with such speed that, before he had grasped

what he’d stolen from Twin-Wings, he hadn’t been able to discern its

swing by sight.

Worst One’s fastest strike had been further refined by Twin-Wings’ swordsmanship, and in the instant between Sword Emperor of

Wind’s Amatsukaze’s fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth strike, Ikki cut in

with a strike to Ryuuzume’s side, ruining the combination.

After he disrupted the combination, Ikki launched a full body attack at Ouma, whose stance had been broken.

It was a slash with all his weight thrown behind it. Moroboshi noticed something in that motion.

(The way he’s using his weight is just like the time he fought me.)

It was his sixth secret sword-Dokuga no Tachi.

Whether it strikes sword or armor, the opponent would be destroyed from within starting at the point of contact.

Using this technique, he could render Ouma’s steel body


Not knowing that, Ouma took Ikki’s attack without blocking or dodging, accepting it with his tempered body.

His body was attacked from within as if it were a bag of water.

The shock that entered Ouma had nowhere to escape, and so it ran over his muscles, bones, and organs-



The shock should have hit him, but Ouma looked like he didn’t

even care.

Dokuga no Tachi had not failed.

The vibrations from his blade had definitely made it to Ouma. However, Ouma had not been moved.

That was, in short, what made Ouma Kurogane a terror. He had a force of will that transcended flesh.

He hadn’t spared any effort, realizing his resolution with steel-like sense of purpose.

Half-hearted attacks would not even be noticed.

Far from crying out in pain, without swaying even a little, he’d clad

his body in the stormy armor Tenryuugusoku.

Then, Ouma reached past Intetsu, which had been touching his chest, and sent Ikki flying back.

Ikki’s body tumbled in the air like he’d been hit by a car.

Aiming for his landing spot, Ouma swung Ryuuzume horizontally from where he was.

With the sharp sound of cutting through air, he released a vacuum blade.

It flew towards Ikki’s landing spot, with just the right trajectory to strike Ikki’s neck.

However, Ikki ended up deciding not to evade.


Ikki took the impact of the landing by sinking into his knees, lowering his body.

He bent as far as he could, then released the energy coiled in his lower body.

With enough power to gouge the ring, he kicked the ground and

thrust Intetsu’s tip at the incoming vacuum blade.

First secret sword-Saigeki.

Within Another One’s original sword techniques, it boasted the fastest charging speed and the strongest penetration. With that thrust, Ikki met the vacuum blade head on and destroyed it with all his strength, sending the force right back at Ouma like an arrow.

Ouma had tried to use Tenryuugusoku to form a gap and engage in long range combat, but Ikki’s speed completely destroyed that plan. He would unable to respond to Ikki charging back into range again with such timing-supposedly. However…!

(It’s no use!)

Touka and the other spectators all shivered. At the same time, Ikki noticed it too.

When he destroyed the vacuum blade, the distortion disappeared from his field of vision.

Ouma brandished Ryuuzume, twisting as far as to face his back towards Ikki.

Everyone knew what technique would be fired from that stance. Kyokujitsu Isshin-ryuu, Jin no kiwami- Amaterasu[5].

It was a secret technique where he used his whole body’s strength to twist his frame down to the bone, then slashed by releasing that wound up power. Though it was but one stroke, unlike Ikki’s Blade Steal, this, Sword Emperor of Wind’s fastest strike, was more truly within the territory of Twin-Wings.

Moreover, Amaterasu was not long ranged, but a close ranged attack.

Ouma had understood.

After breaking through the vacuum blade, Ikki would immediately return to sword distance.

Having read his opponent, he amassed his power and waited. This was the worst development for Ikki.

Saigeki was an assault technique. He had put all of his power into the starting kick, as it was a technique that shot oneself like an arrow towards its target.

Therefore, once in the middle of Saigeki, it would not be possible to stop.

Ikki could now only move forwards.

As Ouma’s Amaterasu would win in reach and speed, Ryuuzume would behead Ikki before Ikki’s blade reached him.


Ikki was not such a naive man as to be unable to improvise in a pinch.


In the next moment, the spectators all widened their eyes in surprise.

In the instant Ouma fired Amaterasu, Ikki pointed Intetsu down and stabbed the tip into the ground.

As a result, Saigeki’s assault pitched forward, launching Ikki over Ouma’s head like a pole vaulter. He then kicked off the ceiling hard enough to break it, and once again charged at Ouma with Saigeki.

Amaterasu was a technique in which one devotes their all into one

move’s speed.

That meant it left one vulnerable until it ended, leaving Ouma unable to avoid this Saigeki.

…Direct hit.

The close range Saigeki pierced Ouma’s wind armor, Tennryuugusoku, and Ikki’s sword dug in right above his collarbone.

That was by no means a random target.

Ikki had seen through Ouma’s muscle shape and density based on

his movements, and attacked so as to slip through a gap.

He realized that without doing so, his offensive power would not

be enough to pierce Ouma’s body.

His judgement was correct.

Even something like Touka using her Takemikazuchi was unable to cut Ouma. The only one who could damage him with a simple slash would probably be someone as powerful as Stella.

However, the plan hadn’t gone that well. Intetsu had not cut muscle. It had seemed to pierce Ouma, but before it turned into a serious wound, Ouma had flexed his muscles. His swelling muscles caught the blade as if it had been tucked in there.

Ikki immediately tried to extract his sword.

However, the cost of not bringing Ouma down was too great.

Ouma grabbed Ikki by the lapels before Ikki even landed on the floor, then threw him onto the ring with his full power.


Ikki’s body made a large, deep depression in the hard stone ring.

He just barely managed to use an ukemi, distributing the impact into the ring, but his stance was left in a terrible state, with one knee propping him up on the ground.

Ouma struck there, putting his full body weight into a downward swing.

Ikki also brought up Intetsu to bear. Unfortunately, his stance was too poor.

With a position like that, there was no way he could take a blow with Ouma’s weight.


Ouma crushed Ikki along with Intetsu with his weighted blow.

But in the moment it seemed that would happen, something nobody could believe happened before their eyes.

Somehow, in the next moment, the one who was blown away was Ouma.

Ouma immediately gathered power in his toes, but couldn’t stop.

While scraping the surface of the ring, he moved backwards.

Even when he thrust Ryuuzume’s blade into the ground, he could

not fully contain the force-

Not until he finally reached the side of the ring.


Ikki had certainly been at a disadvantage. However, the one retreating had been Ouma.

The spectators outside the ring were all baffled by this turn of events.

“Wha, what was that just now?”

“I, I don’t know…”

Moroboshi and Touka knew they hadn’t mistaken the statuses of

the combatants.

That only left them all the more confused.

The attack just now clearly far exceeded Ikki’s strength.

What had just happened before them?

Unable to understand even after pondering it, they could only stare intently at Ouma, who had been forced to the edge of the ring.

However, there was one person who understood what had just happened.

It was none other than the one who had been pushed back, Ouma himself.

He understood the trickery from the numbness in his arms, and glared irritatedly at Ikki.

“…Such trickery is just like you.” “But you fell back, brother.” “…”

“My swordsmanship does not seek to become powerful. It seeks to win. Therefore, I will do everything I can possible do to defeat my opponent. Even if my opponent is more powerful than me, I will win. Even if that seems like trickery to you, brother, it is the answer that I, the weakest one, came up with. That is Ikki Kurogane’s swordsmanship. I do not intend to apologize for it.

Ikki did not avert his gaze from Ouma’s scornful glare.

He boldly threw out his chest, having nothing he felt ashamed about.

Ikki’s pose made Ouma think.

Even though he couldn’t understand, didn’t want to understand, that was one of Ikki’s strengths, wasn’t it. Then…

“Are you satisfied with your swordsmanship, having pushed me to the edge of the arena with stolen techniques?”

He had once again entered the ring, brandishing Ryuuzume. The blade was clad in wind.

It was a dragon’s claw, clad in a wild tornado.

While his blade shaved parts off the ceiling and walls, Ouma called out to Ikki.

“Take your stance, Ikki.

I will give you everything I have.

Use everything you have, and show me you can overturn fate.” “…”

Hearing those words, Ikki showed surprise for a moment.

He never thought this brother of his would accompany him so far.

However, towards that fighting spirit which brought shivers to his skin,


Ikki thanked him sincerely and took up a stance with Intetsu again. At some point, his cold sweat had stopped.

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com



When Stella opened her eyes, she found the room full of deep red light flowing in from the evening sun.

She sat up in bed.

Her eyelids were light, and not so much as a yawn escaped her mouth.

Her mind was clear, and it even seemed like her vision was broader.

She threw off her bathrobe and stood in front of a full body mirror. It reflected a white body with beautiful curves and proportions.

Without any hesitation, she understood that her blood, cells, everything was full of energy.

It seemed the excessive amount of food she’d eaten before

sleeping had been stored away without waste by her draconic body.

There was no mistake. She was in peak condition like she’d never

been before.

Stella felt confident in the heat her body emitted.

Tonight, she would learn things about herself that she didn’t know.

Well now, everything was ready. Time to go.

To the ultimate stage, where the strongest opponent would be waiting.

Translation Notes

⦁    Renren is making a pun on Saijou’s given name, Ikazuchi (雷), which can mean lightning god. ↩

⦁    Happou Nirami, 八方睨み: An all-directional observation

technique. ↩

⦁    Seigan no Kamae, 正眼の構え: A basic defensive stance with blade held low, pointing at enemy’s eyes. ↩

⦁    Kyokujitsu Isshin-ryuu, Retsu no kiwami Amatsukaze, 旭日一心流・烈の極天津風: Rising Sun One Mind Style · Highest of Sequence - Amatsukaze. ↩

⦁    Kyokujitsu Isshin-ryuu, Jin no kiwami- Amaterasu, 旭日一心流

・迅の極天照: Rising Sun One Mind Style · Highest of Swiftness - Amaterasu. ↩

As Iida yelled, the entire crowd gathered to watch over the fight cried out with him. And so it began. The final battle of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival.


The moment that the match began, they all lost sight of Kurogane Ikki. Ikki’s Twin Wings ability had allowed him to accelerate instantaneously, moving too fast for anyone to track, as he headed straight for Stella.

“Oho!! Kurogane has taken off! He isn’t wasting any time! And he’s fast!!”

“He is a knight with limited range. He has to bring the fight into his

domain if anything is to happen. This was the obvious choice to

make, but…”Kaieda kept a close watch. This speed was not normal.

Ikki’s rush this time was faster than anything they’d seen before.

But that was stating the obvious. Ikki’s warm-up had been grossly overdone, such that when he stepped into the ring he was already in top gear. (Feeling good!) His body was as light as a feather, but he hadn’t lost any of his strength. He was in top condition. Feeling how powerful his own body had become, Ikki felt gratitude to Moroboshi and the others. He wouldn’t waste what they had given him.

(I need to be the first to strike! I’ll take control of the match!)

Stella was not an opponent that could be defeated in one strike. This would be a long fight. Which was all the more reason to be the one leading and controlling the flow of the battle. If he could land the first blow and take control, he would surely be able to keep that lead!

As he stepped within reach of Laevateinn, Ikki began to shift to the left and right at a rapid pace. His rapid movements created illusions before Stella’s eyes, making it difficult to track him.

“This is Shinkirou…!!”

“Not only has he closed the distance, but now he is using his own speed to create illusions to conceal himself. The Princess is not even set in her stance yet! He’s surely taken the lead in this match…!”

Moroboshi, who was watching the match beside Shizuku, clenched his fist at the sight of Ikki’s perfectly executed rush. There was no doubt that he would be the one taking control of the match, for this was no normal rush attack.

He’d been tightening control of his own body all morning, making it such that he could move at top speed from the very first step and create illusions to counter even the slim chance of a return attack. He had been preparing for this attack long before the match began. It was his very best offense. There was not a single flaw in it. There could not be. It was the ultimate attack. But… Even the best attack could lose to enough sheer power!

“Dragon Stomp!!”

Stella raised her long, beautiful leg into the air and drove her heel down into the ring. In that moment the ground pitched up with a blasting sound.


“W-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!!?” “KYAAAAA!!!”

“Th-There’s no way…!!?” The crowd was screaming. Of course they were. Because…

“W-What is this?! The moment Stella stomped the floor of the ring, the entire arena broke into a spiderweb of cracks with her at the center!”

Not even the Panzer Grizzly’s stomp had this kind of destructive power. Who could possibly have expected such power to come from a beautiful girl’s slender legs? And of course her goal here had not been to destroy the ring. Her Dragon Stomp would stagger anyone, forcing them to stop moving for at least a moment. And a non-

moving target can’t create illusions. “HAAAAA!!!!”

A flash. The Crimson Princess swung her sword, shining bright with its intense heat, at the real Ikki. Of course Ikki had a response. Before she had even begun her swing, he had read the course her blade would take. He met it with Intetsu. But he could not hold back the enormous power she was bringing against him.

When Laevateinn met Intetsu, the sheer power of her attack forced Ikki off the ground and sent him flying through the air like a rag doll.


Luckily he managed to remain inside of the ring, if only barely.

Despite having read the course of her blade completely, he had been thrown 50 meters by her attack, a fact that had a cold sweat running down his face.

(I guess I really can’t take even a single hit from her.)

“You really worked hard for this, didn’t you Ikki.” Stella called to him as he recovered at the edge of the ring. “You tried to come at me right at the start of the match to catch me before I was really into it. Too bad for you that I’m always performing at my best. You

missed your chance.”

Her voice was full of confidence. The Stella that Ikki knew had never had that. The knowledge that she was more powerful than anyone else. It wasn’t that she lacked self-confidence, and she always knew that she was strong, but despite that, she had always seemed to find herself lacking.

She should be more prideful. She should be more arrogant. Ikki had always felt that way. But if he had told Stella that, her serious nature would only have made her an even more harsh judge of herself. So he had never said it, but… it seemed Saikyo had managed to pull out that pride. And in facing and holding him off, she had

enforced it. However…

“I missed my chance? Don’t be ridiculous.”

That’s right. Thinking he had failed was a huge mistake. As he popped his shoulder back into place he looked at Stella with joy clear on his face.

“It went just as I expected.”

She was the Crimson Princess Stella Vermilion, after all.

“Kurogane has managed to hold off a direct attack, but it blew him straight across the ring! What amazing power! Just what you’d expect of the Crimson Princess’s unparalleled blade! Stella has given us a fine show of what an A-rank knight is capable of with this one attack!”

That single crossing of blades had filled the crowd with energy.

They cheered wildly for Stella. Among that crowd Misogi Utakata let out a small scream at the sight before his eyes.

“Uwaa, what amazing power. She didn’t just break the ring, she sent cracks all the way out into the spectator seats.”

Beside him, Tomaru Renren nodded in agreement. “Guess calling

her the most powerful blade wasn’t just talk.”

“But Kurogane-kun is no disappointment himself.”

Hearing Totokubara Kanata’s words, Tohka simply nodded. Kanata and Tohka were the only two in the student council with enough skill of their own to have seen what it was that Ikki had done.

“At the moment of impact he purposefully dislocated his shoulder,

which allowed most of the power in her attack to flow behind him.

He was able to read that far ahead.” “Ohh? He really did that?”

“Had he not, he would be buried in the stone of the wall right now

I think.”

If the power invested into Stella’s attack made her a monster, then the ability that Ikki showed in deflecting that power made him a monster as well. Neither of them was lacking. At the least there was no sign of this battle going either way. —But Tohka narrowed her eyes as she watched.

(In that exchange you ended up giving Stella control of the center of the ring. Is that really okay, Kurogane-kun?) Just then, in the

center of the ring, Tohka’s suspicions were confirmed.

“Fufu, I see. I’m glad that I lived up to your expectations.” As Stella laughed softly, the air around her began to change. Her fire blonde hair began to grow a phosphorescent crimson. “Now let’s see if you can live up to expectations.”


He could feel the building heat even at the edge of the ring. His

expression stiffened as he replied, “I’ve already decided. Against you I can’t be picky about how I win!” In the next instant Stella released such heat and killing intent that the light itself began to twist and warp.

(This pressure…! There’s no mistaking what’s coming!!)


In the same moment that Ikki understood what was coming, Stella released her greatest area flame attack. Light and heat flooded from Stella in all directions.

“Th-This is the Noble Art that we saw Stella use in the first


Upon seeing her activate the Noble Art, Kurono and the others tasked with protecting the crowd rushed to contain the flames. Of course they would. Stella’s Noble Art reached beyond the ring –

beyond the crowd and even the entirety of the dome. And unlike the first round, Stella was no longer held back by her illusion form. If not for the magic knights containing the heat the crowd would have been flash ignited. And those magic knights had been chosen for this job specifically because of their skill. They were put in place so that skills like Stella’s Bahamut Howl could be used without fear of harming anyone else. The crowd was safe.

But in the ring there was nowhere to hide!

“Waves of heat are pouring out from Stella and roasting the entire

ring! Kurogane has nowhere to run! Is his life in danger already!?”

“No, look!” Kaieda yelled from the commentator’s seat. He had


Among the waves of blinding light stood Ikki. Not running, but holding his ground. His body was folding down towards the ground, and then…


Ikki kicked up and away from the ground, charging straight into the waves of heat.

“K-Kurogane is running straight into the center of Bahamut Howl!

What is he thinking?!” The commentator was clearly at a loss.

“No, this is the right call.” “Kaieda-sensei?!”

“If he runs into the flames at high speed he will reduce the amount

of time that he is in contact with them. And look. The way that he is charging into the Bahamut Howl is like running a blade through the flame – he is reducing the amount of contact he has with the flame to the bare minimum. He can break through with no problems!”

He pierced through. He was through the flame in an instant. The only visible damage was a slight singe to his hair, but he did not stop. His body had become arrow aimed straight at Stella as Intetsu pierced through her chest!


Stella stood with the blade through her chest for a moment longer before she shimmered and disappeared like a mirage. She had been nothing more than a bending of light from the Noble Art Flame Veil. Even after unleashing such a massive skill like Bahamut Howl, Stella had not expected Ikki to fall. His charge had been expected. She used Bahamut Howl to obscure his vision for the second that she needed to use Flame Veil, and then when he charged in to attack her illusion…

“YOU’RE MINE!!” She was directly behind him, having concealed herself with Flame Veil as well. Now she could strike him, but…!


As she swung her blade down on Ikki, Stella felt a shiver of doubt run through her. As Ikki looked over his shoulder at her, his expression was calm like a pond without a single ripple.

He knew.

There was little use doubting that. After all, this was the “Worst One .” In the past Stella would have hesitated, but now was different.

(Fine by me!)

Even if he anticipated this and made a plan, that’s fine. Stella did not falter and drove her blade down towards him! But…

“Third Secret Sword Art – MADOKA!”

The blow that struck Stella far exceeded anyone’s expectations. “~~~~~~~~!!?!?!?!”

The sound could only be described as an explosion as Stella was thrown across the ring. Despite planting both of her feet into the surface of the ring, her body continued to slide backwards until she finally stopped just before the edge.

“Would you look at this! It’s as if Kurogane wanted revenge for

earlier! He’s sent her flying to the edge of the ring just as she did to him! He’s turned the fight around!”

The sudden reversal of positions and Ikki’s completely unexpected attack had the crowd heating up even more. Amid the noise of the crowd, Stella remained calm. Her hand clenched around the hilt of Laevateinn, feeling the lingering numbness in her hand.

(This feeling… his power… that isn’t Ikki’s.) Stella well knew Ikki’s ability. She knew that Ikki’s body could not produce this kind of attacking power. Not even Ouma could do that. The only person that could unleash an attack with this much power… would be herself.

Which means…

“You stole my power, huh.” Her voice sounded somehow pleased, and in response Ikki smiled.

“I did.”

That’s right. The power that had sent Stella flying just now was her own. He had accepted and flowed her attack in a circle around him, sending her own power straight back at her with his counter.

“That’s the trick of my third secret sword art, Madoka.” It was one of the more difficult of Ikki’s sword techniques. All it took was a slight misreading of his opponent’s trajectory and timing and he would end up accepting their blow head on. He had to have perfect timing to land the counter. Even for someone with Ikki’s skill, it required absolute concentration to perform. Which is why it had been too difficult for him to use the ability well in his fight with Runner’s High.

“Thanks to copying Twin Wings’s sword I’ve become much better at accepting attacks and flowing with them. I could never have done this when I first came here, but now I can take an attack from your sword head on and return its power right back to you.”

Fighting Stella now without using Madoka would be impossible. Which is why for his warm up he had pushed himself so far and so hard, so that he would be able to perform at this level in his fight. He was in top form. Even as far separated as they were now, he could see every strand of Stella’s hair, and his ears hummed with the flow of his own blood through his body. He had a complete understanding of every single muscle within him. His skin was so sensitive that he could feel every speck of dust that landed on him. In this condition he had no concern of being hurt. In which case…

“I’m not afraid anymore!”

“Kurogane is charging at Stella once again! She’s at the edge of the ring! He’s fast! The Crownless Sword King is going beyond what

we’ve seen before, he’s crossed the ring in an instant! He’s closing in on Stella!”

Stella’s brow furrowed as Ikki charged at her. “Devour him…! Satan Fang!!” A great dragon of flame erupted from Laevateinn.

“It seems Stella doesn’t want him to close the gap! She’s unleashed the long-range attack that we saw in the battle with the Sword Emperor of Wind!”

The flaming red dragon lit up the dim night-time arena as it lunged towards Ikki, determined to rip him apart with its molten fangs. Its seven heads opened their jaws wide. But even with such a nightmarish beast charging straight for him, Ikki did not slow in the least.

(That’s a pretty formidable attack, but it’s a bit too clumsy to stop

me now!)

In fact, rather than slowing down, as the seven heads descended on him – he sped up. They struck down where he had been just a moment before as he slipped past them, leaving them behind. He had seen her use this attack against Ouma. He knew she would use it against him eventually, so he had saved a burst of speed just for this purpose. The seven heads would not be able to follow a target that suddenly speeds up, as evidenced by the seven jaws that snapped shut behind him as the dragon disappeared. He increased his speed again and charged at Stella.

“Kuh…! You…!!!!” Stella knew that she would have to fight Ikki at close range now that he had dodged her Satan Fang. “Empress Dress!” Her body was covered in a dress of flame as she stepped towards Ikki. The waves of heat coming from her body would no doubt prove helpful in the coming fight. But…

(If I can just use Twin Wings to move in and out of the fight

constantly, her Empress Dress won’t be a problem at all. In fact, it’s

helpful if it makes her come towards me!)

Having already read her intent, Ikki closed the gap without hesitation.

But no matter how fast Ikki may move, he could do nothing about the reach of his Device. Stella would have the first strike. And she

chose to…

(Make the shortest possible movement, a thrust straight at his

throat…!!) “…!!”

For a moment Stella’s expression stiffened. Who could blame her.

After all, her opponent had accepted the thrusting blade of her sword with his own blade. Ikki then used Intetsu to draw a circle around his entire body as he spun. As Intetsu carried the force of Stella’s blow around, the blade shifted under Laevateinn and redirected the movement upwards – leaving Stella temporarily defenseless. Ikki would not pass up this chance as he struck in an attack that was indistinguishable from Moroboshi’s Sanrensei.

“Th-The Uncrowned Sword King’s blade has struck the Crimson Princess!”

Her right shoulder, the left side of her chest, and her solar plexus were struck. Each blow was beautifully accurate. But the stabs which should have been fatal did no damage at all. The massive well of magic inside of the Crimson Princess did not allow Intetsu to pierce her. The best that his blade could do was to slice the topmost layer of skin. And if the blade could not harm her, there was no reason for her to hesitate.

(I’ll counter by powering up Empress Dress and attacking the

entire area.)

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Stella began her counterattack immediately. She pumped heat into her Empress Dress, aiming to burn Ikki away. However Ikki had already anticipated this and retreated from the close-range battle. He then accelerated into the flames, striking at her as he dashed through the heat. With the

speeds he was moving at he could be in and out before the flames touched him. Three times he lunged through to strike at her. His focus was on speed, so each strike could hardly break the skin as it struck her.

(But Stella’s pride will be wounded by each hit.)

Stella was not known for her patience. She wasn’t one to stick to a single method for any length of time. And she would not simply stand by as he attacked her.

(If she thinks this is making no progress, she’ll change her attack.

She’ll do it… now!)

As if she had been heard his thoughts, Stella released the Empress Dress. Why? There was only one reason. Because while this ability was good for area control, it did have a downside. As it burned everything around her, it also limited her range of vision. In a close- range battle that was a heavy handicap. Especially if her enemy was moving fast. The flames made it impossible to follow him. So she had deemed Empress Dress as not useful against Ikki and removed it. She refocused her power into Laevateinn. And that was when Ikki struck!

“Kuh, ah!”

“Kurogane has leapt in as soon as Empress Dress went down! He’s struck hard! I can see blood spraying from Stella’s head!”

He had not dashed by this time. He stepped in and planted his body for a power attack. Thanks to his Twin Wings sword skill, his body strength when he struck with all of his might was such that Stella’s magic could not fully defend her, which allowed him to land the first real damage of the match.

Stella frantically struck back, but her blade only swept through empty air.

“Th-This is…!”

“Whoa whoa, are you serious??” “No way…”

Holding the same distance, only Ikki’s blade made contact. The entire crowd was forced to accept the unbelievable reality that was unfolding before them. It was one-sided.

The F-rank “Worst One” was overwhelming the A-rank Crimson Princess.

“W-What is this! Both of them should be fighting at their optimal range! But only Kurogane is able to land a blow, Stella can only hit the air! She can’t do anything! This is completely one-sided!

Kurogane is driving her back! I can’t believe what I am seeing! We knew that Kurogane was skilled at close-range combat, but to think the difference in their ability was this great!”

“I think she’s too close to Kurogane for her to fight like this.

Kurogane’s ‘Perfect Vision’ is able to predict the actions of even an invisible opponent. And if he uses that ability against a lover, not just an opponent that he has only met at the start of the fight, then it will be even more powerful. The more time spent with the target of his Perfect Vision, the more it will see. Most likely Kurogane is able to

read Stella’s next 100 moves in the blink of an eye.” “Th-That far ahead?”

“If you look, Kurogane is already dodging before Stella even begins

her swing. It’s fine to say that he is dodging her attacks, but he is doing so with such precision that moving even a single millimeter closer would mean being struck. But he isn’t being hit. He can’t be hit.” Kaieda explained. In terms of their ability to read each other, there was no competition.

“But Stella has the trump card that she used against the Sword Emperor of Wind, the Dragon’s Spirit.”

“Have you not noticed? Kurogane has been pressing her from the very moment the match started. Even when she had her Empress Dress active, he kept charging straight in to attack. He isn’t giving her the time to use Dragon’s Spirit, because she doesn’t even have the space to stab her blade into her own chest. He’s been fighting this

entire time to prevent her doing that.” “Ah…”

“Even if she were to try and forcefully use Dragon’s Spirit here, Kurogane is already right on top of her waiting to use Ittou Rasetsu, which would be the strike to land first. And her foe is the Crownless Sword King, so even if each of these hits does little to no damage,

eventually he will find a gap to use Ittou Rasetsu against her.”

Attack or defend, the result seemed to be the same. At this rate… “At this rate, Stella really will be pushed back in a completely one-

sided fight.”

Not even the veteran Kaieda could have predicted that Stella would be so overwhelmed in this match. His voice was strained. Meanwhile, the crowd was losing its mind over the course the match had taken. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Seeing Ikki do just that, the cheers for him increased.

“Th-This is amazing! He’s totally forcing her back!” “He’s going to beat her!!”

And of course, among those cheers was Shizuku. “Onii-samaaaa!!!

You can do it!!!” She was leaning over the edge of the fence and screaming at the top of her lungs.

“But that Stella really is something. Any other Blazer would have been overwhelmed by now, but she’s only taken a few scratches. No matter how long he keeps up like this, he can’t win the match.”

“Yes, you’re right, and he’s no doubt looking for the perfect moment to use it.”

And whenever he did use it, that would be the deciding moment of the match. Shizuku, Arisuin, and the rest of the crowd did not doubt that. However –

(Something is off here…) Moroboshi’s brow furrowed. Something about the exchange going on in the ring was unsettling. (The way he’s fighting, it’s like me in the first round…)

“Something seems odd.” Moroboshi was not the only one to sense it. Elsewhere, the Akatsuki chairman Tsukikage was thinking the same thing.


“Tsukikage-sama felt it too?” Rinna Kazamatsuri’s maid Charlotte

asked, to which Tsukikage nodded in reply.

“It seems that Kurogane is attacking and holding her back at first

glance, but it looks to me like the fight is getting out of his control.”

“I agree. From what I have been able to see, there were seven times at which he could have used Ittou Shura to have decided the match. Yet… he did not.”

“Of course he didn’t.” Crossing her legs in the seat behind the two, Edelweiss joined the conversation. “Right now, he is scared.”


Edelweiss nodded. “To be more precise, his instincts are shaken.” And in an awful turn for Ikki… “Those instincts of his are right to be scared.”

The discomfort Arisuin and the others had felt, the unease, had not escaped Ikki.

(What is this feeling…) His brow furrowed as he continued to attack. The match was clearly in his favor. Everything had gone just as planned from the very start. He’d kept up the attack on Stella to keep her from using Dragon’s Spirit just as he’d wanted. If she tried to force it out anyways, he could counter with Ittou Rasetsu and end the match. And if he just kept attacking like this, within twelve moves she would present an opening for Ittou Rasetsu anyways. If he used it, it would be the end. Yet…

(Yet how many times have I let that opening go already?)

He’d had multiple chances to use Ittou Rasetsu already. But he had not used it. He could see it. In the moment that he moved forward, inside of his mind he could see it –

The gaping mouth of a dragon waiting for its prey to leap in.

Ikki knew. This was a warning. Having scraped close to death so many times, how could he not know. He had a sixth sense that was smelling impending death. And that sixth sense… was right.

“Hehe.” Suddenly, amidst the constant rain of attacks from Ikki,

Stella began to giggle. And then… “……!!!”

She stopped defending completely, instead spreading her arms wide before Ikki. Completely defenseless. It was as if she was saying, “Go on, stab me.” It was so unexpected that Ikki completely stopped. Seeing this, Stella began to laugh harder.

“What’s wrong, Ikki? Why won’t you attack me? Just look at how many openings I’ve given you.” Her smile was so bewitching that it seemed more suited to inviting him into her bedroom than inviting him to attack her. But he did not move.

“…Openings? I don’t know that I’d call them that…” Ever since she

had stopped and spread her arms, he had seen it. If he took one

more step forward, the jaws of the dragon would snap shut on him. Seeing his caution, Stella let out a regretful sigh.

“Too bad. This was my secret plan, but at the rate things are going you’ll never do what I was hoping for…… so I guess there’s nothing

else I can do.” As soon as the words left her mouth, the world


“    !!”

Stella’s body was suddenly producing so much heat that sparks and embers flew from her hair. The heat warped the air around her. At the same time, the world thundered.


It was an unbelievable sound, a massive heartbeat that made the ground shiver. And in time with the beat, Stella began to flash with light from deep within as a brilliantly bright sword cut opened in her chest.


Her mouth was spread wide to reveal great fangs as she howled to the sky. Her voice was no longer that of a girl, but instead had become a mighty roar like the crash of the ocean. There was no doubting it now.

“Th-This is…!! This light!! That wound!! There can be no doubt!!!

This is the Dragon’s Spirit that defeated the Sword Emperor of Wind!! Stella has brought out her trump card!!”

“How?! Stella-san didn’t do the thing she did against Onii-sama!?”

And yet, she had activated Dragon’s Spirit. The unbelievable truth of it had Shizuku at an utter loss. Behind her, Jougasaki Byakuya nodded his head as if finally understanding.

“It seems the Crimson Princess has exceeded all of our

expectations in her preparation for this match.”

“Shiro. What do you mean?”

“From the start she didn’t have to stab her sword into her chest at all. The reason she did so in her match against the Sword Emperor of Wind was all in preparation for this match. That is a huge and obvious motion to perform in order to active Dragon’s Spirit, which means nobody would expect it to have been just for show. She made it up just to make sure that the Crownless Sword King would be forced to attack relentlessly to prevent her using it. Then all she had to do was wait for her moment to strike.”

Surely the first time she did it, in the fight against the ‘Yaksha

Princess’, she had used her blade thrust to force the temperature of her blood up, allowing her to draw out the power of the dragon. But once she knew what was required, she had control of her body and her power. She didn’t need to stab her blade into her chest, just raise her blood temperature and activate it. Stabbing herself during the fight with Ouma was purely for show. Since that point in the semifinal Stella had been preparing this trap for Ikki.

It was just as Jougasaki had said, she made it appear that the stabbing motion was required to activate ‘Dragon Spirit’ so that the moment he tried to use ‘Ittou Rasetsu’ she would be able to counter with an attack that not even he could predict. But… Ikki’s intuition had seen through it.

“…I thought it was just a bit too easy.”

“So it wasn’t just luck that got you this far. I should have expected it.”

He couldn’t help but admire Stella, even though her plan had been to deliver a ‘Dragon Spirit’ powered blow with the utmost precision and likely with lethal timing. But having seen through her plan while on the brink of falling into it, it was clear that her plan would not be her path to victory.

“Thinking about it now, waiting for you to make a mistake was probably not the best idea.”

There were no more plans. In fighting a knight of Ikki’s level it was clear that quality trumped quantity. That was why she had put all of her effort into this one strategy. But now her plan had come to nothing. Then what to do? The only path remaining was lined with thorns – it would have to be a direct assault. It was against a man so skilled with the sword that he was called the ‘Crownless Sword King’.

Even with ‘Dragon Spirit’ this would be a risky fight. Ikki’s fighting

experience has exceeded her own knowledge and thinking. She

couldn’t even imagine all of the ways in which he might counter her attacks. It was dangerous. It became a very dangerous fight. That’s why if it was possible, she wanted to decide victory using the trap just now, but now that it had come to this there was no other option.


Stella swiped ‘Laevateinn’ through the empty air. The power behind her blade was so great the air itself was blasted towards Ikki, forcing him several meters away. A lazy slash of her blade had caused an explosive blast of air to strike him. Despite having her plan to victory ruined, Stella spoke with joy showing in her expression.

“I won’t be waiting for you to slip up any longer. It doesn’t matter how well you know me. I’m going to beat you into submission until I’ve won the Seven Stars!”

“This time it’s Stella that is closing the gap with the ‘Crownless Sword King’!”

Her own skill. Her own power. She was trusting in herself as she

rushed towards Ikki. Meanwhile, Ikki…

(Calm down. Her using ‘Dragon Spirit’ without the motion was

Stella’s identity had not changed. Which means her actions would

not change.

(Her first attack will be a thrust straight for my head, just like before!)


But in the moment that he set himself to accept her thrust into his ‘Madoka’ counter, a vision of him losing his head flashed through his mind.


Trusting in his intuition, Ikki shifted his neck to the right. In a moment, the wind pressure that was like a bullet passing through struck his eardrum.

(She created a vacuum next to my head with her sword…! What a thrust…!!)

She was faster and more powerful than he had expected. The air itself fled before her blade. The degree to which ‘Dragon Spirit’ increased her capabilities far exceeded Ikki’s expectations. If he had

received it with ‘Madoka’, his head would have been blown off if the timing didn’t match. The possibility was insane.

(But I expected that to happen…!)

After all it was information acquired during Ouma’s fight by viewing from a distant spectator seat. From the beginning it was not that reliable. That’s why Ikki was able to escape by avoiding it in a moment. Then he immediately bowed his body, avoiding thrust coming at him and took a backstep to retreat to a distance. Over there Ikki took a stance with his sword. What was needed now was information, so he decided to stop rushing to victory, protecting himself without being fixated on ‘Madoka’ while gathering data on Stella.

“Kurogane has stopped! But Stella isn’t letting him go! She’s dancing and leaping after him with her blade! Sparks are literally flying from her as she strikes! The ground beneath them is cracking from the pressure! But her opponent is the ‘Crownless Sword King’! He can endure even this! He’s holding on!”

Ikki accepted the mighty swings of her blade with his own thin sword. He channeled the force of her blows through his body and into the ground. He wasn’t making even a single offensive move. His defense was canceling out Stella’s attack. He couldn’t allow even the slightest gap in his defenses. After a while of this, he finally had a grasp on her power.

(I’ll have to pretend to mess up!)

He waited for Stella to slash at him, then feigned a stumble as he caught the blow with his blade. He had to draw out a full-power swing. Of course, Stella would see through his act, and she would likely realize that he was trying to make her attack him with her full force, but…

(Knowing her, she’ll do it anyways!)

And just as Ikki expected, she swung at him with the weight of her entire body behind her sword.

(I can counter this…!)

He had already determined what she was capable of and she was attacking just as he had predicted. The speed and angle were perfect. He can turn her own blade against her. And with this much power behind her swing, it would surely be enough to create an opening – which he’d use for ‘Ittou Rasetsu’. Match over.


He tossed aside his plans as he flung himself out of the path of her blade. ‘Laevateinn’ slashed through empty air and struck the ground of the ring.

The ground split.

“H, how extreme!!! The moment Stella’s large sword hit the ring it opened a crack in the ground all the way up into the seats!! What a power it was!”

The entire crowd was staring at the crevasse that had opened in the dome. Ikki too was staring, shocked horror plain on his face as he gulped a breath. He calculated the force she must have used to cause such damage and it far exceeded what he’d anticipated. Just like the first time.

But something was different this time. This time he had observed Stella and knew the power of her swing, but the moment he moved to use Madoka against her she had increased that force further to overpower him. She was adapting. Even as they fought.

(Just as predicted…?)

Don’t lie, Kurogane Ikki. You didn’t expect this. Well, the sheer

offensive power was predictable, but… (Stella’s, those eyes…)

Her crimson gaze was fixed on him. The flames of her fighting spirit lit them from within. And inside burned… respect. He had not anticipated that. It caught him completely off guard. Stella to this extent made the knight Kurogane Ikki afraid.

He was certain he could handle any attack, no matter how strong.

And if she was just tossing her power around he would be able to handle it. The arrogance that comes with being the strongest was Ikki’s path to victory. But Stella was different. Her training with Saikyo Nene had certainly awakened her to the extent of her own

power. In that awakening she had certainly come to realize that she had a right to be arrogant.

Yet even then, she had not looked at Kurogane Ikki as if he were below her. It was because of this that she had gone so far as to set up a trap for their match and would stop at nothing to win. A girl with her level of skill and power, not showing even a moment of carelessness against a mere F-Rank, fought to win like her life depended on it. Even now, she was adapting and growing to overcome him.

-What could be more terrifying than that.

Within Stella right now was the knowledge that she was truly powerful, along with the understanding that the man she was fighting was just as capable as she. She believed in the two facts that should conflict, but instead created a harmony within her. She was utterly confident in her own ability, but wouldn’t let her guard down for even a moment.

For a knight, it was a completely flawless mentality that can be said ideal to fighters. Ikki had never fought against anyone like this before. Which is why he didn’t know what to do. Why there were no openings. He couldn’t think of anything. He had no tactic to counter the respect that filled her eyes.

(How am I supposed to fight someone like this…?!) “…!!”

“Whoops, Kurogane has taken a huge backstep! He’s retreating from close range! Is he feeling the pressure from that last attack!”

“Onii-sama backed off?!”

“He would have to after seeing that much power.” “    That’s not it.” Moroboshi said, his voice heavy.


“That’s not why he backed off. It’s worse than that.”

Backing off from Stella’s power would be one thing. Of course Ikki would be overpowered by Stella. This was different. It wasn’t as simple as that. Moroboshi grit his teeth in anger as he glared down at Ikki’s retreating figure.

(That idiot…! He’s lost to his emotions!)

Moroboshi was not the only one to notice that Ikki had lost to the emotional pressure.

“I can’t believe it.” Up in the spectator seats, Tohka confirmed her suspicions by studying the flow of energy through his body and spoke aloud in surprise. “Kurogane-kun is… scared…”

Tohka was well aware of how much courage he had, which made it all the more difficult to believe what she was seeing. After he had fought her in a far direr situation and shown no fear, such weakness was flowing through the body of the ‘Crownless Sword King’. He’d fallen prey to the unbelievable aura of skill that Stella exuded.

(But…) His decision was wrong. Retreating here was regretfully a bad move that Ikki showed. Because… (Stella-san is used to chasing after her opponents…! That development is Stella-san’s specialty…!)

Tohka’s fears were then soon confirmed. Ikki who could only fight at close range backed off. Even though he couldn’t gain anything from it. Stella knew that reaction well from her time in the Vermillion Kingdom. Most of the knights she faced had done the same. The fearful reaction of a loser.

(I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but he’s looking pathetic.) She thought as she looked at Ikki breathing raggedly. He looked like he’d fall if she just kept looking at him. Something was wrong, that much was obvious. In which case… this was her chance. (I won’t give

him time to recover…!) Stella swung ‘Laevateinn’ in her hands so that

the tip pointed to the ground.


She plunged the blade into the ring. Light so bright that it could hardly be seen poured from the cracks of the ring followed by a flood of bloody crimson that split the ground.


“It… It’s hot…!!”

“No, no way, this is…?!”

The spectators’ screams filled the air. But they weren’t alone. “Hey, hey…This is going too far…”

“…I didn’t expect this.”

Even mage-knights like Kurono and Saikyo were dumbfounded by

Stella’s display of power. How could they not be.

“I… I can’t believe it! Stella has melted the ring and the ground beneath it!” It was just as they said. The ring and all of the earth around it had been blasted with her ‘Dragon Breath’, melting it into a sea of magma.

The only place left to stand were the bits of stone that remained floating throughout the sea of magma. But even those were slowly melting away and sinking into the molten depths. Within ten minutes they would all be gone. When that happens there wouldn’t be any foothold, and Ikki who had no resistance to the flame would automatically lose. Stella had effectively placed a time limit on their match with her ‘Dragon’s Nest’. This way Ikki could no longer run all over the place. But adding to the fact was this hellish scene that stood out most in Ikki’s mind.

(What power…!)

He could train for hundreds – no, thousands of years, but he would never be capable of that kind of power. They were too different in what they had. In what they had been given.

(Did I really think that I could defeat a monster like this…?)

He looked at Stella, his gaze quivering with fear. What he saw was no longer a girl, but a dragon. A massive flame dragon that stood as tall as the heavens. It was not his first time seeing such a vision. But now, facing her head-on with his life on the line, he understood for the first time.

Extraordinary intimidation.

Compared to this dragon, his existence was very small.

And most terrifying of all, this massive flame dragon that stood as tall as the heavens was seriously facing the very small human called Kurogane Ikki. It wanted to win. It didn’t let its guard down for even a second. It came into the ring prepared for every situation, baring its fangs and ready to fight to the death. This thing…-would kill him.

Sure, he had experienced fear when facing Amane’s power, and his fight with Edelweiss had been dire, but he’d never been so certain of his own death before.

Terror. It was the only thing in his mind now. He was shaken to the

depths of his marrow. Stella didn’t miss the terror as it filled him. Stella’s long leg struck one of the floating islands in the magma.

‘Dragon Stomp’

The stone crumbled away sending a wave that made Ikki’s footing even more precarious. He was so unsteady that he lost his balance. The best he could manage was to take a knee to stop from falling.


He gave Stella an opening to approach. As she charged across the magma as if it were solid ground heading straight for Ikki,

‘Laevateinn’ aimed straight for his throat.


Facing this, Ikki had little choice in the action he took during that moment. With his center of gravity already low, he propelled himself forward into a roll on his narrow island. His roll took him under Stella’s blade and behind her. He was back on his feet in an instant and slashing at Stella’s unprotected back. Response… was none.

(‘Flame Veil’…!!)

As his blade pierced her back, Stella burst into a cloud of sparks. At

the same time, the real Stella swung ‘Laevateinn’ down towards Ikki’s head. She had known that he would be able to dodge easily after taking a knee. She had known from the start that attacking him there had no chance of success. Which is why after ‘Dragon Stomp’ she had used ‘Flame Veil’ to draw out his dodge, and once he had

wasted more time and energy on an empty attack he wouldn’t be

able to dodge again.

She had read him completely. She still had not let her guard down.

And now she finally had chased Ikki into a corner from which he could not escape. Her sword would crack his skull this time.

(Calm down! I can use this attack to make some distance…!)

“ONII-SAMAAAAAAAAA!! DON’T DO IIITTT!!!!” By the time Shizuku

had screamed it was too late.


‘Laevateinn’ descended towards him. Even though Ikki caught it with ‘Intetsu’ with the intention of fleeing behind, there was not even a slight power put behind it.

When he finally understood…

His gut had already been pierced.


It was Stella’s molten iron left fist that had punctured his abdomen. The downward attack with her right hand just now had was a decoy. The real one was a blow to his body with her fist. It was the combination she had used in the first fight against ‘The

Unturning’ Tatara Yui. Her molten fist had punched into his gut at such high speed that it ripped through his muscles and shattered his ribs into dust. On top of that the heat burned and charred his intestines. Her power far exceeded that of any normal human and the damage she caused with that one blow was evidence of that fact.

With one punch – “Geh… ah……” – she took Kurogane Ikki’s

consciousness. Vomiting up boiled blood, Ikki’s body hung limp. He didn’t fall, but the light was gone from his eyes. His awareness was gone. It was a completely hopeless situation.

(You’re mine!)

Stella moved to deliver finishing blow. In order to bring her victory in the Seven Stars, in order to for her to surpass the one she had chased for so long, this attack with her entire body would…!!!!

The blade slipped through muscle and bone with ease. The fresh blood that spurted into the air and splattered onto the white stone was a deeper crimson than the magma. The blood boiled as though it was on the verge of igniting.


It couldn’t have been anyone else. It was the ‘Crimson Princess’ Stella Vermillion’s, dragon blood.


“H-He’s countered! Just when you thought the match was over!

Kurogane Ikki, who looked to be down for the count, has just counter-attacked!! He’s sliced across Stella from bottom to top! What a reversal!!”

“It- It was ‘Madoka’! He took the force of her attack and turned it back on her! I… I can’t believe it! How could he manage it!”

“Gah! Haa…!!”

“Stella has knelt on the ground! Her boiling blood is flowing on the

white ring arena! The amount of bleeding is not ordinary!!” (This damage is… bad…!)

Stella groaned as she pressed her abdomen like holding her entrails from falling out. This was not a fatal wound to Stella who has the power of the dragon inside of her. But it would take time to

recover from her injury even when having a dragon’s vitality. She

wouldn’t be able to move for at least tens of seconds. If he attacked her now, she’d be utterly defenseless. Realizing this, Stella had no choice but to gather her strength and try to escape.

“Stella is retreating while staggering! She’s putting some distance!”

“…!!! Aaah………!!”

But one island away Stella collapsed again. Her vision faded. She

couldn’t move her limbs. Her blood loss was severe. Her regenerative abilities couldn’t keep up with the amount of blood flowing out. But rather than the damage to her body, the unrest in her mind was

more serious. What’s filling her head was a question.


She was certain that he had lost consciousness. No, not in the past. In fact, even now Ikki didn’t regain consciousness. And yet… he could he use ‘Madoka’ to counter her. It made no sense. In front of Stella

who was in an inexplicable confusion, Ikki finally regained consciousness.

“    ” His first thought upon waking was

surprise to see that Stella was down and injured. (…Did I… do that…?) Even though he had been unconscious, he could still feel the sensation of his blade cutting through Stella. She had swung at him with more power than ever before. He knew purely from feeling that he had used ‘Madoka’ against her. He knew how he had moved. He understood it all. And that’s why he knew…

The movement was nothing special at all.

It wasn’t a spectacularly well executed counter, nor was it a spectacularly bad counter. It was absolutely normal. It was the routine ‘Madoka’ that he had performed thousands of times in simulations.

He had engraved those motions into his body repeatedly. It came out while he was unconscious.

-I don’t want to lose.

His body, his flesh, casted away the fear in his mind.

-I believe it.

Even now strong heartbeat reached his earlobes.

“    ”

While his body is screaming, Ikki slightly apologized. I’m sorry. He’d set out as an F-rank with only the barest excuse of power. With that power he had set off after the ‘Great Hero’ Kurogane Ryouma on the path to knighthood. He’d pushed his body harshly and recklessly. In so doing he had overwhelmed his body until it accepted his desires.

He shouldn’t lose easily. No, ‘he won’t lose easily’.

(That’s right…)

He had not been soft in his training. It was only his emotions that had feared Stella’s overwhelming talent. Even though failing to believe in himself was the easiest way to guarantee a loss. What a fool.

(I should have known this already.)

That he was inferior compared to anyone. While aware of it, he had set out on this path. He had always believed that if he mustered everything he’s got, he could defeat even the strongest. There was no basis of it from the beginning. Even so, with just that one belief he had come all this way to fight. Despite being warped journey, he

made through it. Yet now, now of all times, why wouldn’t he believe it?! His small self wouldn’t believe that he could win against this colossal dragon that stood as tall as the heavens?! After all the pain and suffering, despite all the people that had helped him, and all the people whose dreams of winning he’d stepped on to make it here, isn’t it now…?!

(It is now more than ever, you big idiot!!!)


With a powerful kick, Ikki instantly leapt from the island. The place he aimed was not the stone island where Stella knelt wounded, but the largest remaining ring fragment in the center of the sea of magma. There he stopped, took a deep breath, and…

“Th-This is…! This light!” “H-hey, it can’t be!”

“Is this-”

The ‘Crownless Sword King’ was slowly emitting blue light from his body. The crowd stirred. It’s obvious. They shouldn’t have mistaken it. His rising magic power, the flashing light, it was the once-a-day trump card of the ‘Crownless Sword King’.

If Ikki was using this ability, it meant that he was ending the match.

But Ikki’s action made a lot people wondering. Why now? The time that it took for him to regain his senses had allowed Stella’s wounds to begin to recover. Even if there was any chance, there was only few seconds remaining for it. It was a very narrow time window for him to secure his win. But, without minding all of those things, Ikki has decided. If there was no opening he could use, then there was little timing. At this point there was only one thing for him to do. The only thing that he could do.

For an F-ranked idiot who had carried on all this way professing that he didn’t want to lose, right now in this moment the only thing for him to do was trust in the body that he had developed throughout all of his struggles!

-It’s time to muster up strength!

Mental, physical, magical – all of it. Every experience and brush with death-, as much as possible. This body, this mind, this moment, everything that makes up Kurogane Ikki. Those everything would be used as fuel for the next one minute. No need to think about what will happen after that. Losing and such can be thought about it after losing. Right now, only move forward. Until his strength was gone, forward. Win or loss-

Not even ash would remain at the end of this battle!!!!


As the blue light emitting around him, his roar filled the dome. The air shivered and the magma sea rippled. His voice was filled with fighting spirit. Ikki was calling her out. A face-to-face fight. Stella smiled looking amazed.

-Ah, that’s right. He was not the kind of man who would end this

match in such a state. This was inevitable. So how should she

respond? Run away during ‘Ittou Shura’s’ one minute time limit? – That would be the worst possible course of action. Stella was certain of it. A top-class knight like her knew. There was no room left in this fight for that kind of tactic. If she retreated, Ikki would be on her heels in an instant to tear her apart.

One step. That’s all it would take. Whoever took the first step back would lose. The next minute that would start from here was a battle with their souls.

-In that case, there was one response. No retreat! Force through at full strength! That’s no problem. It was what she wanted. That was her intention all along!


Immediately after, the two knights collided. The crowd gathered within the dome remembered it as they watched. It begun from now, -the one minute that was like a precious stone.

“Flashes of blue and crimson! This is nothing like the fight we’ve seen so far! They’re not looking for weakness now, it’s a non-stop

whirlwind of blades! Neither one is backing off! They’re giving it their

all in the middle of a sea of magma!” “W, what huge noises!”

“My ears hurt…!”

“Beat him to a pulp while like that, princess!!” “Don’t lose, Ikki-kun! You can win this–!!”

Ikki invoked his trump card ‘Ittou Shura’ to decide the match here.

Stella from the opposite was meeting him head-on. While both

contestants’ feelings were crashing into each other, cheers were sent

to the ground like a rumble. But all of those didn’t reach their ears.

Each of their attention was towards the enemy in front of them, and

only the enemy’s appearance was reflected in their eyes

“It’s so loud!” “My ears hurt…!”

“Beat him to a pulp!!”

“Don’t lose, Ikki-kun! You can win this!!”

With Ikki having activated Ittou Shura, the match would be decided here and now. Stella was meeting him head-on. The crowd roared as they clashed in the center of the ruined ring. Their attention was fixed entirely on their opponent. Their eyes saw only each other.

Every cell quivered with the urge to strike.


Ikki’s arms became numb after receiving Stella’s blade that was

like a struck of lightning.

(The attacks her blade is returning are rapidly getting faster!)

‘Madoka’ is a technique that receives the impact from a blade and returning it back through circulation by rotating the body, but among the exchange of countless sword attacks the speed of Stella’s strikes were increasing and so the rotation’s initial motion wouldn’t make it in time. She’s growing. In the midst of this raging battle, Stella’s body, her sword, was evolving at tremendous speed to overcome him. At this rate, he would be overtaken by her next attack. But…

(I’m also growing right now!) “OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!”


In an instant, during the shrieking yell where there was a slash that was like a black flash, Stella’s eyes widened. Why? It was because Ikki’s attack had changed form.

(Just now, he didn’t spin his body…!)

Until now he would block her blade, then immediately spin his body like a top to return her attack. That was his way of fighting against Stella’s attacks. But this time, Ikki was releasing his attacks without blocking at all. It was not attack and defense, but a clash of attack after attack. Normally this would be a good thing for Stella because in a battle of sheer strength it would be impossible for Stella to lose. But the unbelievable had just happened. As their blades

clashed, Stella’s blade was the one slightly driven back. Why? There could only be one reason. She understood from the numbness in her arms.‘Madoka’.

After realizing that he was falling behind with the body-rotating

‘Madoka’, Ikki had revised his own technique in the middle of this high-speed match. Instead of using spinning, the shock of impact that entered from his arm was not stopped there and was circulated by his upper body’s muscle control through the crossing of latissimus dorsi (broadest back muscle), and during that moment it was returned back to the opponent in the form of his own slashing.

But it wouldn’t be possible to do so if his whole body stiffened even slightly. If it stiffened, the shock of impact that entered would explode there. All of his muscles would have to be relaxed without end like almost liquid. Much softer than they would be even during sleep. -In the midst of their raging battle, that is. At the man in front of her eyes who could do that, Stella looked with horror.

What a guy. Unbelievable.

But at the same time, flames rose up within her chest. As if she would just sit back and lose. If the other person was going to get stronger, then she too-

(I’ll just smash the blow that can’t be parried!) “HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!”

The moment Ikki’s ‘Madoka’ evolved, the way they fought changed severely. It was no longer a trade of attack and defense, but a clashing of two head-on assaults. Neither one spared any defense, relying entirely on their own attack to drive each other back.

Ikki was trying to overcome her with speed. Stella was trying to overcome him with power. They gave everything they had. Steels of souls clashing. The sparks filled the air, shining more radiantly than the night lights and the ring of their blades echoed all the way to the highest seats. Every person watching could see it clearly.

Both were wielding their sword with the intent to kill. In the exchange of slashes, there was no hesitation at all.

Whoever was falling behind even slightly would be killed. Even though they were supposed to be a couple in love. But not a single person who saw the scene doubted their love. It’s because…

“It’s beautiful…”

Those two who were fixed entirely on each other, improving each other – looked like dancing hand in hand.

Seeing their appearance, Shizuku muttered, “I’m envious of Stella- san…”


“If the opponent was me, Onii-sama would never be so heated up.

I’m certain he would hold back to stop from hurting or breaking his opponent. But… it’s different with Stella-san. He’s hitting everything

he has against Stella-san. Because he believes… if it’s her she can take everything that he has to offer…”

What a truly awful woman, Shizuku thought. Getting upset and sulky every time I dabble a little with my own brother. But what’s the problem.

“Even like this, in Onii-sama’s eyes there was no one else but you…”


“How amazing. Vermillion and Kurogane both.” The one amazed was Shinguuji Kurono who was watching over the fight in a place not far from Shizuku and the others. “Every time they’re exchanging attacks, they are improving at terrifying speed.” Skill, power, speed, everything was. The scene was like two gems grind against each other. The shine was increasing the beauty as their speed increased. But Saikyo Nene who was of course nearby spoke.

“Well of course. Those two are rivals, after all.” “…I see. That is true.”

Kurono agreed with Saikyo’s words. They could remember it again. At just about the same age as Stella and Ikki. An opponent that it was worth dying to win against was there. The Seven Stars Sword Art Festival final match where they ruthlessly facing such opponent.

Both Saikyo and Kurono remembered every minute of it. It was a fulfilling time. The tens of minutes where they didn’t want to lose to just the other person, showing all kinds of deadly power. A fight that tested their ability more than any other fight ever had or ever would. The passionate moment to the degree of the feeling of wanting to embrace the opponent they hate enough to kill. Right now Ikki and Stella were the same as them from that day, in the middle of a glorious time. No, they had gone beyond that. Because they were not only strongest rivals, but also beloved lovers. The feelings they

felt towards their strongest rival and the feelings they felt towards their most beloved lover. Whichever irreplaceable passion it was, they’re filling it into the same person. It was–

“For knights like us, there’s nothing better…” “Well, that’s obvious from their expressions.”

Saikyo said so while pointing her folding fan at where Ikki and Stella were showing smiles as if bearing fangs.

There was no telling how many times their blades had crossed. How many times the steels had crash into each other. How many times they struck each other with all their might. But still the enemy before them would not go down. The blade of their souls struck each other back faster and harder without a step back. To defeat such an opponent would require becoming even faster, even stronger –

endlessly improving each other. They are going to the top. It’s likely that if they had not met this person, it would have taken years, decades for it to reach this level – their own potential. In this moment they both definitely felt it.

That’s why they should go. Together. To the pinnacle of


It was the promise they made that day being carried out here.

…But, no matter how wonderful the time was, the end was coming. And when everything ended, only one person would be left as victor. The one at the top would only be one person. Both who were living in the world of battle knew that. Therefore, they accelerate much more, racing for the top.


The crowd shivered with excitement as the huge sound of the weapons echoed. It was as if the passion of the two was spreading, stimulating the crowd’s mind, with passion in their eyes. In this vessel filled with enthusiasm – there was just one person, as if

bearing pain, a woman staring at the ring with sorrowful expression.

It was ‘Twin-Wings’ Edelweiss.

(So it ended up like this after all.)

She looked down at their battle sadly. It was certainly a beautiful battle. They were forcing each other to improve, driving each other to greater heights. It was… truly a spectacular sight. It was the ultimate battle, just what they had each wanted. But Edelweiss knew. Once they had reached this point, there was only one outcome. And that outcome would be cruel beyond belief. The result would soon appear to be obvious to everyone watching. The struggle for supremacy ended as the ‘Crownless Sword King’ retreated far behind.

“They’ve finally separated! Kurogane has staggered back from the fight!”

It was a battle where even one step back meant losing. That

condition had just become clear. Having been pushed back, Ikki’s eyes were shaken with shock. Being forced back in this battle with spirits – was not the cause of his surprise.

(…This is…)

Ikki could see it. For just a moment it had suddenly appeared, black iron rings – steel chains wrapped around his limbs like snakes, binding his movements. Stella charged at the retreated Ikki, clearly aiming for the win. Her blade sliced through the air towards him. Ikki needed to use back Madoka to counter it, but…


The chains around his body were tight, the weight desperately preventing his movements as if being connected to a mountain.

“K-Kurogane can’t attack back! Can’t reach back! He’s entirely on

the defensive!”

“O-Onii-sama?!” Shizuku screamed at the sight of her brother being suddenly forced back. Next to her, Arisuin was similarly perplexed.

“Why?! It looks like Ikki’s movements suddenly became dull…” “Could it be, ‘Ittou Shura’s’ limit–”


“That’s not it.” Moroboshi refuted their thoughts. Being one of the

strongest people in the country, he could see far more than the

other two. “Ittou Shura is still active. His movements hadn’t dulled. It just relatively looked that way.”

“Relatively, you mean…”

“Kurogane suddenly can’t keep up with the Princess’s movements any more…!”

And at this development, “Finally, it came,” Edelweiss let out her voice as if sighing. That’s right, this was definitely the result that she had foreseen. “Do you know, the reason the rivalry stopped?” As Sara’s hand stopped sketching those two fighting, Edelweiss replied. “You could call it fate.”


“The magical power that a Blazer possesses is decided upon birth.

For those carrying great destinies in this world, that power is big. After all, magical power grants the ability to change the world by defying reasons. But that also means that upon birth what you are capable of doing in this world is already decided. Just now the two of them have been improving themselves at a rapid pace. The journey that would have taken decades to reach from now, they had gone through it in an instant. And then, as a result the ‘Crownless Sword

King’ has just reached it. The furthest he himself could possible go.”


That’s right. That was definitely the reason the rivalry stopped. In this one minute, Kurogane Ikki had completely exhausted all the possibilities that he was allowed to have in this world. There was nowhere left for Kurogane Ikki to go. The fate that decided his life in this world would not allow him to progress any further. But it’s different for Stella Vermillion. Since birth she was an existence that was allowed to greater heights than any other. Therefore, she had further yet to go. She was still growing. She was different from Ikki who was chained to the bottom of the earth. Stella had been born with wings that would carry her as high as the heavens. So it became clear which of the two was superior.

“It’s a pity, but… he can’t keep up with the ‘Crimson Princess’ anymore.”

It was no longer a matter of skill or effort, but a despairing limit to their existence. Just as Edelweiss said, this limit parameter decided their match. As Stella continued to grow at a rapid pace, Ikki could no longer follow. He was extremely already at the pinnacle of his possibilities. Thus he couldn’t do anything against Stella’s continued attack.


Her blade struck ‘Intetsu’, which shuddered from the blow. His posture crumbled. Stella stepped into the gap and launched an upper body blow. It was the same sword and fist combination as before.

But this time it was not a direct attack. Ikki had managed to move

‘Intetsu’ back to block her fist. Since the blade wouldn’t make it in time, he blocked with the hilt. Even if he was clearly fated to be outmatched, he wouldn’t allow good blows to reach him. His high clever defense spoke volumes about his skill. But it was useless. The

power of a dragon, Ikki’s body was in the air like a scrap of paper. In that instant –

“Pierce through the heavens, flames of purgatory.”

The ‘Crimson Princess’ would decide the match with her finishing blow. Burning flame gushed from Laevateinn as she swung it up. The rampaging flame in an instant caused the temperature and light intensity to go up. Her sword was soon wreathed not in flame, but in light that burned shadows into oblivion. It shaped itself into a sword of light and heat large enough to strike the heavens. Stella took that blade and…

“Burn to ash! ‘Katharterio Salamandra’!!!!”

Ikki looked down from his position in midair. Ikki couldn’t dodge.

He couldn’t. It was obvious because his legs were nowhere near anything to push off from. The only thing he could do was place his device in front of his body to block the sword was coming towards him while splitting the heavens in two and. But, obviously he

couldn’t even do that. His ability to think had been swallowed by the sword of light that burned everything. A moment later his world turned from pure white to pitch black.

“Stella’s greatest move ‘Katharterio Salamandra’ hit directly! Her blade has sliced through Kurogane who couldn’t move in the air and the giant LCD monitor as well! Beyond the sea of magma, the

batter’s eye seats are left in black rubble! I can’t see Kurogane

anywhere in that rubble! I think he’s likely buried underneath it!”

“Th-This is bad… Kurogane has been hit with the worst possible ability.”


“Anyone would expect this to be the end…”

The crowd stirred as they looked at the caved in section of seats. It had clearly been a fatal blow to anyone watching. Among the

commotion, the referee’s out-of-bounds countdown began.

“The referee’s out-of-bounds countdown has begun! Stella will be named the winner if Kurogane is unable to get back into the ring

within the count of ten! But I’m not sure. It seems to me that they

should be rushing into rescue him instead of doing a countdown.

After all, he just got hit with the ‘Crimson Princess’’ finishing move…”

But Kaieda did not agree with Iida’s comment. “…No, he wasn’t hit directly.”

“Is that so?!”

“Well, he wasn’t fully hit directly, is what I mean. …Stella used a

fairly quick motion this time so that she could hit him in midair with

‘Katharterio Salamandra’. That attack works by focusing the power of flame into one place, which means that it requires a build-up period.

However, the build-up period this time was unusually short. That’s why it didn’t have the same power that we saw in her fight with the ‘Sword Emperor of Wind’. With ‘Ittou Shura’s’ magic increasing his defense against magic attack, I wouldn’t say he won’t regain

consciousness within the ten second count.” “So he still has a chance?”

But toward the question, Kaieda shook his head . “…No.

Unfortunately, even if he regains consciousness, a minute has passed since he activated ‘Ittou Shura’. He’s already used up everything. …I can’t think of anything he could do if he did wake up.” Thus, Kaieda thought so. That this countdown was the referee’s way of showing sincerity to the two fighters.

“O-Ohhh!! Stella has just turned her gaze away from the rubble where Kurogane is buried! She’s certain of it! Her victory! That the ‘Crownless Sword King’ won’t get up!”

Stella was sure from the condition. There was nothing more to this fight. What’s left was just the countdown completing. Once the referee counted to ten, she would finally have overcome Ikki. –When that happened, she’d raise her blade to the heavens. She’d show them all that she was at the top.

“Three! Four! Five!”

And, Stella wasn’t the only one certain of the outcome of this fight. (…It’s fine already, Onii-sama…)

Even Shizuku, a relative of Ikki, understood that there was nothing

more to this fight. Ikki had lost to Stella. It was an unshakable truth. But it wasn’t sad, she thought. She didn’t think it was frustrating either. –In fact, she was proud. Of course. Her brother that she was proud of had fought bravely until the end. Normally, it would have likely taken him decades to become this skilled. By watching this fight, nobody would think that her brother was weak.

(Onii-sama, you’re already a fine hero…)

Nobody would be ashamed to give him the title of Great Hero that had belonged to Kurogane Ryouma. The rest of the crowd shared Shizuku’s emotions as they looked at the pile of rubble. Their gaze was not pitying, but admiring. The spectators, friends, teachers, fellow Seven Stars rivals, all of them. Not one of them could say, “Don’t give up,” or “Keep trying.” Having seen the fight first-hand, they all knew – Ikki had given the fight everything he had. That’s why they could not speak.

Clank… Clink…

The sound of metal on metal could be heard in everyone’s ears. “………”

When Ikki came too he was surrounded by darkness. He was laying on his stomach above what felt like wet cold rocks in a limestone

cavern. His limbs were bound by black chains that extended into the darkness around him as expected. –From that time. The black chains that had suddenly appeared during his fight against Stella. Ikki understood what they were.

These chains were his fate.

It was obvious, since it was about none other than him. He knew all too well. This was as far as he could go in this cave-like place where light could not reach. It was the bottom of the earth which was certainly a fitting place for an F-rank like himself. He had no right to go beyond this point. The chains of fate would not allow it. Well it didn’t matter, he had no strength left in his body to even take a step. He was well and truly used up. His emotional, physical and magical energy – every last one of it. They had all been thrown into that one minute gamble. And so he was empty. So empty that a breeze could carry him away. But that was okay. It was already enough. He’d truly given his very best. He’d put his life into it, exploited all of his potential – even so he couldn’t win.

So there was no helping it now. He’d probably gone too far

already. After all, he had fought the ‘Crimson Princess’ head-on even if it was a minute. The memory would remain in the hearts of many people. It would be written in history. Sure, he hadn’t managed to win, but nobody could fault him for that. Who would blame him if he couldn’t obtain victory? It was a loss no need to be ashamed to show anyone and had satisfactory end. It was a satisfactory loss.

That satisfaction…, that cheap satisfaction was nowhere to be found in Ikki’s heart even a little.


In the darkness, the chains ground against each other, making clanking sounds. Ikki who was lying on his stomach, the man without

the strength to take even a single step, reached out with his right hand. Then, his nails were clawing the damp stone.


He strongly put strength into his fingers and tried to crawl himself forward. But obviously he could not move forward. His body was bound by the chains of fate. Those clinking chains bound his body that was like dragging mountain. His hand slipped. His fingernails ripped off. Pain. Blood. He was only hurting himself, which was futile.



Ikki continued to claw at the stone, even without fingernails to grip with. Using more strength than before, he gripped and pulled, dragging his empty, weak body slightly forward.

Why? Why would he do this? Why? Why could he do this?

Why would he still drive his battered and used up body forward? Was it his pride as a knight? No. That had long turned to ash.

Was it admiration for Kurogane Ryouma? No. That had been burned away.

There was only one reason for Ikki to keep going. The feeling that would not be exhausted even when kept burning. The one that could not be used up in about one minute.

The limitless passion that he felt towards just one girl.


Ikki thought so. Had he not met Stella, had she just been a stranger to him, he would have been satisfied to be where he was. He would have been satisfied to reach the end of his ability. But they had met.

They had met, experienced each other – fell in love.

The time they had spent together, slowly growing closer, even fighting sometimes, their feelings deepened every time of it. Every minute – every second – spent with her was more precious than any jewel to Ikki.

I love Stella. I love her more than anything or anyone else in the

world. Which is why… I can’t stay here!


He rose to his knees, raising his upper body, dragging the chains with him. The chains were tight against him, squeezing his entire body. Splitting his skin, bursting his muscles, cracking his bones. The pain and the weight like dragging a mountain behind him – seemed to speak to him.

Stop doing the impossible. There is nothing left ahead for a man like you. This is the end of the road for you.

In reply to all of this Ikki gave a ‘so what’.

Fate would not allow him to go any further. Who cared about that? It was not his concern. Something like that was no reason for him to stop. It was obvious, since Stella was getting further ahead of him while he remained like that. She was using the wings she had been born with to fly anywhere ahead and above. And someday, she would come across them. Someone with the same wings, her new rival.

That… he didn’t want that.

He wouldn’t allow that. Stella’s heart, body, greatest love – her

strongest, everything that she had…

I will not let anyone else have them, not even one!!

So let it burn! The one burning was the limitless feeling in his chest.

It shouldn’t be impossible. Ikki, who had been fighting against fate his more than anyone, understood. It’s true that fate is probably defined by talent, but he wouldn’t be able move forward without his feelings.

–His feelings that wouldn’t be crushed even if his body is burned

and charred.

–His feelings that wouldn’t give up even if he’s beyond recovery.

–His feelings that would not falter even if the bitterness of defeat made his entire body shake.

These feelings are what made people move forward. These feelings are what made them stronger than they were before. In that case, those should be the power could cut through fate!

Now go.

Take hold of the power that endlessly fills your heart. Even if this is the bottom of the earth, cut free of the chains and go forward. Even if this body has no wings, go up to the sky, to the one beside you. For always and forever, before the one you love most in this world,

“You better always be your coolest self for me, YOU DUMMYYYY!!” It’s because you want to be the coolest you could be…! “OOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

In an instant, as his right leg made one step forward, the chains snapped apart, –Light filled the world of darkness.

It happened when the countdown had reached nine. Every spectator in the dome had their sight fixed on the pile of rubble at the batter’s eye seats. A sharp blade seemed to slice the rubble into pieces as it exploded upward.


Then, a flash of light from among the charred black rubble shot towards the large island where Stella stood and stabbed into the surface. But of course it wasn’t an arrow. The one bathed in blue light that looked like flame was none other than the Worst One, Kurogane Ikki.

The match that everyone thought was decided, had been overturned. At this situation, the dome was filled with surprise and shock.

“WHAT IS THIS?!? I… I can’t believe it! From that state, at the count of nine Kurogane came back into the ring! A-And this is…! Magic is overflowing from his whole body! Magic that is clearly more powerful than before! He should have used up all of his magic from using ‘Ittou Shura’! Just what could this possibly mean?!”

Iida was looking to Kaieda for some explanation. However, like the other audience and Iida, he could only become stunned towards the unbelievable reality unfolding before them.

“I… I don’t know…! I’ve never seen this situation before!” But, it was a reasonable reaction. It was not possible for magic to just increase. Magic is a power that changes the world beyond reason. It is the power of fate itself guided by the wielder’s own will. Which is why the amount given to each person was determined upon birth.

The fate of each person was decided long before they came into the

world. That is humanity’s common belief regarding magic. It is common sense for a knight. And yet…

“But, this is…! Other than magic is increasing, I can’t explain it!”

The reality unfolding before their eyes right now was in clear violation of that belief. Inexplicable, confusion, bewilderment. Anyone in that place was showing the same reactions as Kaieda. Even that Edelweiss had stood from her seat staring in shock. It was natural. His magic’s maximum limit was increasing. The phenomenon that was said to be impossible, Kurogane Ikki trampling over fate by turning his feelings into power, and the theory that had been said to be common sense all had been flipped over its basis. But the one most troubled by what was happening was of course – the Crimson Princess, Stella Vermillion.

“H…… How……?!”

It was just as Kaieda had said – Katharterio Salamandra had not been charged properly. It was not impossible that Ikki would get back up. But the one minute of ‘Ittou Shura’ had already ended. Ikki should have used up every ounce of his power in his body already.

Since the human body has a system that could consume itself to produce energy, it was possible to muster up physical strength. But how was it possible to the extent of recovering his magic? As Stella is

“Stella.” Ikki began to move. His blade swayed as he lifted it. “I won’t lose.” He seemed to be smiling while saying it.

“……!!” From those words, Stella felt shiver ran through her body into her bones. Was it fear? No. It was delight.

–Ah, that’s right. This man is always like this. He would not lose no matter how absurd it is, He would not yield no matter how impossible it is. He would never give up on himself, continue to move forward, always ripping common sense into shreds. In that case it is just him kicking away common sense once again. If it’s him he would succeed in something of this degree. He would kick away common sense, overcome even fate, and then stand in front of me as the strongest opponent. It is natural. After all, he is, Kurogane Ikki is–

The man I love…!

As I thought there is nothing wrong in front of me. Right now I will make sure of it from my heart. If it’s with him I can do it. No matter how high, no matter where, we will go together.


But that is why… I don’t want to lose. No–, I definitely won’t lose.

Because I want to be worthy to stand alongside this amazing man!


The moment the referee gave the signal for the match to renew, a dragon’s roar drowned it out. At the same time, a change had occurred in Stella’s body which was visible to the eyes.

The shine produced from her flickering and beating body grew more intense. The outline of the existence named Stella began to blur into the light itself. The shine and waves of heat released from it was not the same amount as before. Her shine filled the surrounding area like midday to the extent of the stadium lighting having no purpose now, and the sea of magma boiled even more.

But more than the changing heat and light, the people in the venue felt it–

The feeling of being drawn to Stella. It was not their imagination. Any small scrap of trash or rubble was being pulled towards Stella who had become light. A gravity-user like Saikyo Nene quickly understood what was happening. It was magnetism.

(She’s created huge concentration of heat energy that she’s throwing the magnetic fields out of order, generating a gravitational force…!)

The moment any of the debris and rubbish that were being pulled came near Stella, light was flashing like lightning, leaving none of the trashes behind. The powerful heat made all objects touching it go through liquid and gas phases, turning them into plasma. At this point it was like a star. It was a crimson star shooting out light and creating magnetism on its own.

(What a woman…)

Towards Stella’s power, Kurono was also speechless. That’s right. Ikki had certainly overcome his limit. Overcoming limit, triumphing over the common sense, …it was the moment she felt that the match would come to an end. Yet Stella had sent such light expectations flying. In order to surpass Ikki who had overcome his limit, she had to evolve herself further. She realized it. This girl was born outside of

common sense. In fact, she was a ‘demon’. (This is… Stella Vermillion…!)

Facing the ‘Crownless Sword King’, who had overcome his own

limits, the ‘Crimson Princess’ readied all of her strength as she raised her blade. She put her body into a stance like her opponent, raising her sword of light next to her face. Her arms were tucked in close against her body, the tip of her blade aiming directly at her

opponent’s life, in a stance that did not hide that the next attack

would be a thrust. During that stance,

“Ikki. The next one will probably going to be our last duel. So I’ll swear it now.” Stella was staring straight at Ikki. “Even if your life ends from this, I will continue to love you and only you for the rest of my life.”

Her most beloved feelings in her would never waver. Ikki smiled at those words.

“–In that case, I really can’t lose now.”

Of course. What man would leave his most beloved girl in such unhappiness? He could not let her be widowed. Then what should he do? The answer had been decided.

“With my strongest, I will destroy your strongest!”

And so the final match of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival that had continued long, the last fight had begun.

The ‘Crownless Sword King’ and the ‘Crimson Princess’. The final crossing of their blades. The one that started to charge, –it was Stella. She had already abandoned long-ranged battle using

‘Katharterio Salamandra’. The reason was simple. If ‘Ittou Rasetsu’ is activated, he would be inside her swing and striking her down before ‘Katharterio Salamandra’ could even land the strike. Even if she tried to distance herself from him, the result would be the same. With the speed of Ikki using ‘Itto Rasetsu’, he could charge across the sea of magma before the bottoms of his shoes would burn down.

There is no victory at backing away. Then forward it is.

Having decided it in her mind, Stella increased the heat on her body with almost no limit, creating an armor of light. The heat would cause anything attempting to strike her to simply cease to exist the moment it touched. Ikki’s blade could no longer reach her. The

moment the blade of ‘Intetsu’ touched Stella’s radiance, its existence would vanish. Her defense was impenetrable. All that remained to be done was to impale him with the tip of her blade. Then,–

It would be victory.

“……!!” She firmed her resolve and charged. She became a red

shooting star like her name.


It was the thought that went through Ikki’s mind as he stared at her approaching brilliance with his eyes wide open. They were certainly different. Even after overcoming his limits once or twice, he could not possibly shake her off. There was no end to her talent. And right now Stella was fully devoted to her talent.

(She’s planning to use the heat that was throwing the magnetic

field out of order to blow away ‘Intetsu’ once it touches.)

With the power that only she could produce, Stella covered her

entire body with it. Something like ‘Intetsu’ wouldn’t be a problem to

her if it came in contact with that light. So what could he do?

–He had decided. He would just have to get his blade in fast enough before it could be destroyed. There was nothing else. After all, his body had already used up all of its energy once. By breaking down some of the proteins inside his own body to gain energy, it would only be enough for one swing. But Ikki determined that it was enough. Just one thing left. To strike. His entire life had brought him to just this. There was nothing he could do now but trust in that one thing. That’s why Ikki would show in front of everyone what the man named Kurogane Ikki was capable of.

(Well… let’s do it then.)

In an instant, Ikki activated ‘Ittou Rasetsu’ using the magical energy he summoned with his burning feelings. His body’s strength was

amplified a hundred times and his entire soul was invested into this next one strike. His body was aware of how to release that one strike. How his own body should move, how he should swing his sword, how to reach the fastest. Thus, his body naturally settled into a stance without thinking. His body was at an angle as he twisted his back and hips around. The blade was held with his right hand. He moved it across to his left side behind and his left hand grabbed onto the base of his blade. Though he did not have a scabbard,–

It was the stance of an Iai sword-drawing. One glance at that stance,–

Stella understood Ikki’s intention.

Ikki would strike her down with his fastest attack before her heat could destroy his blade. His stance, though without a scabbard, revealed it as Iai sword-draw. His left hand held the blade part of the sword. His right hand on the handle pushing while his left hand on the blade pulling. By pressing down on the arc-shaped blade as if there was a sheath, a powerful force would be produced from the conflicting force vectors. The speed produced from releasing that force in that moment would be of a different level from when holding the sword normally. The sword slash of the ‘Crownless Sword King’ was already difficult to see even when he held his sword normally. The speed achieved from the Iai sword-draw would be something Stella could not even imagine. Which means it was possible that his blade would strike down Stella before it got destroyed. But,–

Stella had already decided that was not an issue. Even if his sword should breach through the shield of light, even if Ikki had chosen

more than just a sword slash, it wouldn’t be a threat. It was obvious. No matter how fast he swung his sword, there was still a difference in their reaches. Regardless of his method, she would be the one to strike first. In that case…,

(I’m going to win…!!!!)

Being convinced of it, Stella stepped boldly forward and swung her blade of light towards Ikki. It was time to end this. But in that instant Stella’s focus reached its limit. The view of the surrounding began to disappear from her mind and what reflected in her eyes was only a white world and certainly a figure of Ikki striking her with his sword swing. In that world of white with only Ikki’s figure in it…


Stella remembered something was off. Something,–

There was absolutely something strange. It was as if she had woken up in the morning to find the sky was pink. It was a horrible discomfort that can be said to be ridiculous. But what? What was strange? Where was the source of this discomfort? When she focused her mind further tens of times in that moment stretching towards infinity, Stella finally realized it. The source of her discomfort. It was Ikki who swung down his sword – the shadow under his feet.

The shadow did not move.

Ikki had swung his sword and yet his shadow remained still. No. It did move but it was as if it was trying to pursue his movements badly. Stella had guessed what that meant. His shadow could not keep up with his movements. Was that even possible? It couldn’t be. It shouldn’t’ be possible for that to happen.

But after this, this impossible occurrence became known to many people. Many people had witnessed the scene. Lived by the sword, trusted in it, and broke through all limits–

A godly attack that even his shadow could not keep up. This was the ultimate form of ‘sword cutting’ completed by one person. A height that one day countless individuals would seek to achieve.

Based on the significance of both the occurence and respect it earned, that attack was named to many people.

The Final Secret Sword – Oikage (Seeking Shadow).

“Kah…… Ha…!”

It was only a moment after their shadows crossed. The one that spilled blood was Stella.

“Th-The ‘Crimson Princess’ body is spilling blood!! It was a moment of crimson and blue lights clashing! The one who won from it was the ‘Crownless Sword King’, Kurogane Ikki!!!”

“I… I absolutely don’t know what happened…” “Kyaaaa! Ikki-kun, you’re amazing!!”

“No way! He really turned the match around from that?!”

It was immediately after everyone had given up on him when

‘Ittou Shura’ was defeated. The betrayal of expectations of everyone

in this place had the entire crowd boiling with energy.

But most of them could not understand what had actually taken place during the clash. A member of the student council, Saijou Ikazuchi, who was watching the battle with Touka was no different.

“H, hey, Tomaru, what just happened?”

But Renren also shook her head on this.

“No, even if you ask me… it was too fast for me to see it.”

Even to the eyes of two strong people from Hagun, the fight between the ‘Crimson Princess’ and the ‘Crownless Sword King’ had reached a different level. Tohka answered those two.

“It was a sword-drawing art.” She had just barely been able to see

what took place within that moment of clashing.

“You mean like your ‘Raikiri’, Touka?”

Touka rebutted at Utakata’s query.

“No, while my ‘Raikiri’ is also a sword-drawing art, the method of movement is different. ‘Raikiri’ works by depending on electromagnetic force to draw the blade from the sheath at high speed, but what Kurogane just did is the opposite. By gripping the sword tightly with both hands he was able to build up power into the blade so that when he released the strike it could move at much greater speeds than normal. To put it simply, it’s the same as snapping your fingers.”

“Oh, I get it.” Utakata understood from the explanation.

No matter how fast you tried to move your fingers on their own, they wouldn’t produce any sound in the air. But by building power against the resistance of your thumb you can create the sharp sound in the air. Ikki had just used that same idea on slashing.

“But President, even though he could swing his blade faster, Stella- san’s sword should have hit him first if there’s still a difference in reach between their devices. How did he manage to bridge the gap between their reaches?”

“Kana-chan. You would know the answer if you look at the grip on


As told, Kanata looked at Ikki who is in the ring. Then she realized it. The black sword he held in his hand. The grip was unusually short, which part of the handle up to where his right ring finger held was missing.

“Could it be… it melted?!”

“That’s right. Before Stella’s sword could reach him, Kurogane-kun drew ‘Intetsu’. But with the difference in the reach, he would have received a blow from her first. So Kurogane-kun swung the handle of his sword instead of the blade, and the butt of ‘Intetsu’s’ handle struck Laevateinn’ on the side.

“So he altered the trajectory of the thrust…!!”

“He pulled off such strategy during that moment where our eyes couldn’t even follow…what an amazing man?!”

“He really is an outrageous person…”

In the blink of an eye, he was able to combine attack and defense into a single concept and skill during that instant. His sword skill, the way he used it was on a different level.

(You really made me learn something new)…Then, beside the

amazed Touka,

“But, can’t Stella just recover from such injury?” As a reasonable question came out of Utakata’s mouth after watching the match so far, there was a movement in the ring.

“Geho…! Goho…!”

Stella coughed up blood and at the same time her body was shaky.

“The blood coming out from Stella’s abdomen won’t stop! Her

wound isn’t healing! Though she is refusing to collapse and keeping up by using her sword as support, as you can see the damage is deep! The healing from the dragon’s life force is not working!!”

Looking closely, Stella’s spilled blood was not burning. That’s right, Stella’s ‘Dragon Spirit’ at this point had faded away. What was the reason for that? Kurono who was in the audience seat had guessed it.

“I see… so Kurogane wasn’t the only one at his limit in that fight.” “What do you mean, Kuu-chan?”

“It means ‘Dragon Spirit’ has a major weakness. It’s obvious if you

think about it. Just saying things like ‘a dragon’s physical strength’ or ‘a dragon’s life force’ is a bit too convenient as an explanation. Her

power is the embodiment of a dragon. Vermillion was aware of it as well and so last night, –she had that much meal.”

Saikyo understood as well from those words. “Oh I see, so the weak point is the calorie consumption.”

That was exactly the case. Every time that Stella uses her abilities like ‘dragon’s physical strength’ or ‘dragon’s life force’, magical energy and calories at the same time were being consumed. Right now she was using her ‘dragon’s life-force’ to forcibly heal her nearly fatal wound. At the time her ‘dragon metabolism’ had already consumed large amounts of calories. Stella was completely out of fuel now. As remaining conscious was already difficult at this point let alone healing her wounds,–

A moment later there was a large sound and the ‘Laevateinn’ she

leaned on cracked and shattered.

“Aaaahhh!!! The ‘Laevateinn’ she used to support herself had


Stella’s body who had lost its support was about to collapse on the

ring. Or it should have.


Stella would not accept it.

(My legs… can’t give out…), Stella told herself as her body tried to

maintain its support.

Her energy or core was exhausted, her device had shattered, but as long as she had even a scrap of consciousness remaining,

(Keep… my head… up…)

No matter what others thought of her, or how pitiful she was, or

how badly they laughed at her for not giving up…

(Don’t… lose sight… of the goal…)

That was…the least she should do as the challenger.

As Stella stumbled she faced Ikki and thrust her fist towards him. Ikki, who was watching her quietly, did not dodge her fist that was approaching his chest slowly. He knew that she didn’t have the strength to defeat him. Also, he knew the importance of what was clenched in her fist. So Ikki took it with his chest. He accepted it.

“A… Amazing! He really did it! He really defeated that A-rank monster!”

“It was so brilliant… I… I can’t even describe it.”

Moroboshi was delighted while jumping up like a kid. Even the

calm Jougasaki’s white skin was flushed with excitement all the way to his ears. Beside them, Ikki’s friend Arisuin was wiping tears from the corner of his eyes. Arisuin knew how much sacrificies he made to reach the top of this place. He even knew about the screams he

couldn’t hear himself, the impossible things he went through

repeatedly. That is why he was glad of his victory like it was his own. But as expected she was probably the one who would be even far more overjoyed, Arisuin then turned his sight at her.

“You must be so happy, Shizuku.”



Shizuku did not even reply to Arisuin, and with her expression changed she leapt over the fence and towards the magma sea. Instantly, the body of Ikki who was embracing Stella was shaking violently, toppling towards the ground from his back.

“Toudo Heigen!!”

“W-What?! The sea of magma has… frozen…!”

“Isn’t that the Worst One and the Sword Emperor of Wind’s little sister’s…?”

“It’s Lorelei!”

The audience was shocked at the sudden intrusion. But Shizuku ignored all of them, dashed across the frozen field towards the pair, and yelled with her expression changed.

“Hurry and get a stretcher! Please get Onii-sama and Stella-san to

the infirmary!”

At those words, men dashed out from each gate carrying stretchers. They then loaded the two ragged knights into the

stretchers. Had they completely lost consciousness? Both didn’t even


“Did they both pass out?” “…They gave it their all.”

“Yeah. …They were amazing. They were so strong…”

“Right now, thunderous applause with no sign of stopping is pouring down on the two who are leaving the ring! Both the winner and loser are unable to stand on their own! That’s how far these two knights competed with each other with everything they had! Anyone in attendance today will probably never forget the jewel-like shine of these two! Even if the era has changed, even if showing their pride with their power ends up being called foolish, even if the tradition of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival becomes buried deep in history, we will…definitely never forget it…! True strength definitely exists in them!!!”

Thunderous applauses were pouring down on the two unconscious knights that were being carried off. The former opponents they faced, Akatsuki Academy’s Sara and Kazamatsuri, were also present in the middle of it.

“Ikki… congratulations…”

“Ku ku ku! I knew that my Demon Eye of Twilight could not be wrong! That man is suitable to be my butler when I have conquered the world evetually…! He backs down from nothing…! Right, Charlotte!”

“Grrrrrrr!” Charlotte growled while her face was still


Behind her, in the middle of all the applause ringing to the ears, Edelweiss was watching Ikki being carried out of the ring.

“…He is truly an amazing boy. He always manages to surpass my

expectations.” She made a voice filled with admiration. “Who would have thought…he could have achieved ‘Brute Soul (Awakening)’ at such a young age.”

It wasn’t clear if that was a good thing or not. Existing within fate meant that you were a prisoner of that fate and at the same time being protected by fate. There was always some measure of happiness to be found there. It was an area where anyone seeking a peaceful life would not step outside of. Consequently, she knew knights who had reached that point and stepped back on their own will. But, –Ikki did not stop. He had stepped towards it. He ignored

god’s warning. Outside of fate, towards the ‘domain of demonic beings’.

(With that one step the ‘Crownless Sword King’ became an existence outside of this world’s karma.)

Rather than following fate, he would become an existence that writes the future of this world. In other words–

“Those two may just have the power needed to avoid that ‘future of despair’ that you saw – Your devotion was not in vain.” Edelweiss said as she smiled at Tsukikage.

Tsukikage slightly smiled wryly at those words. “…You think so?


“Yes. Of course I do. And so do the ‘Desperados (Majin)’ other than myself.”

As she replied, Edelweiss’ eyes swept over the venue. Right now in the crowd, those who possessed great powers to lead have gathered from around the world.

Others like Edelweiss wouldn’t be spoken of publicly even by one person, but they were imposing. Those who had surpassed being human, and would fight against each other one day to decide the future of the world.

Then,“Every single one of them should be certain of it. A new

possible future has just been born.”

Tsukikage closed his eyes at Edelweiss’ words. He remembered… the sight he saw when he visited the Kurogane household back when he had been running for the House of Representatives. The figure of a boy who while sweating kept swinging his sword in solitary despite not asked to be anyone’s opponent and was ignored by everyone, and did not waste away or give up.

“…It is reassuring then.”

It was because it would probably be a world with full of hope and kindness far more than the one he had ‘seen’ before.

After the final match, Ikki and Stella who had collapsed were carried to regeneration tanks in the infirmary. They were given treatment there.


When Ikki finally regained consciousness, it was around midnight.

“This is……”

He opened his eyes to reveal a ceiling of patterned tiles. Ikki immediately realized it was the infirmary where he had slept the night before. He also noticed the presence of the silver-haired girl sitting beside his bed.

“Good evening, Onii-sama.”

“Shizuku… Ah, I see… that time I passed out in the ring…” “How do you feel? Is there any place that hurts?”

During that, Ikki turned his mind towards his body. Certainly, a heavy feeling of fatigue still remained. But…at the same time there was also a sense of fulfillment.

“That’s right… I won against Stella…”

That terrifyingly powerful knight. As he was convinced it was not a dream, Ikki clenched his fist.

“By the way, where is Stella?” She’s here.”

The voice came from the opposite side of where Shizuku was sitting. When Ikki turned his head, there were figures of Arisuin sitting on a folding chair and Stella lying in a bed like him.

“It looks like even someone like Stella would be sleeping soundly

at this time.”


Ikki looked closely at Stella who was lying down. Her breathing when asleep was normal and her complexion was good. It seemed she had suffered no lasting damage.

“Thank goodness.”

“Says the guy that cut her down.”

“D-Don’t phrase it in an unpleasant way…”

“Ufufu, I’m sorry.” As he apologized, Arisuin stood up from his chair. Then, he started to speak to Shizuku. “Well then, Ikki has

woken up so should we return to the hotel about now? It’s already quite late.”

Shizuku nodded in reply. She was also thinking of leaving after waiting for Ikki to wake up after all. “Yes. …Onii-sama. A change of clothes has been placed next to the bed. Tomorrow morning, I’ll

come wake you up before the award ceremony, so today please rest

your body at ease.” “Will do.”

“And…” Shizuku held Ikki’s bony hand between both of her small hands and smiled broadly, “Congratulations. Onii-sama. Up until now, Onii-sama today was the coolest.” She congratulated him on his victory.

“Yeah… Thanks.”

“The celebration is still for tomorrow, let’s do it after we get back to Tokyo. I’ll introduce you to a good place.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” “Just leave it to me. Later.”

“Today, please just rest your body at ease.” After saying that, the

two left the infirmary.

In the infirmary there was a faint moonlight shining inside. Only Ikki and Stella remained. The only sound during the silent night was the ticking of a clock and Stella’s soft breathing when asleep. Ikki’s eyes were naturally drawn to Stella who was sleeping on the bed next to his.

“………I……kki……” “……!”

Suddenly, Stella was calling out Ikki’s name. Was she awake?

Thinking that, Ikki left his bed and came close to her but Stella who was lying on the bed was still apparently in comfortable sleep while breathing softly. She was just talking in her sleep. Ikki who was a bit disappointed sat down on the folding chair Arisuin was on before.

Just what kind of dream she was seeing? While thinking that, he could never understand even when he was staring at her sleeping face. But…


There was a feeling in his chest that kept coming and going. The fulfillment of this day. The expression of the girl he competed with desperately together while he was overcoming the peak his limits. Her burning eyes. Her ferocious smile. Her presence that was nothing but magnificent, Ikki had remembered it.

Thump, thump.

When he remembered any of it, his heart was beating fast. It was because this girl was here that he was able to become this strong.

Because this girl had faced him and fought against him so seriously.


Whenever he remembered her, he became drowned in his love for her that was overflowing from within him. As that emotion stirred him up, Ikki slightly rose from his chair. He was leaning over Stella on

her bed. Then, he gently touched her cheek. That was, something he should not have done.

“Ah… I…kki… funyuu~”

Even in her sleep she could tell that it was Ikki’s hand. She smiled in her sleep and nuzzled against his hand like a cat rubbing her smell on him.


At Stella’s action, Ikki felt something rumbling around in his brain.

–––What a cute living thing. His heart was pounding so loudly already and his blood was boiling. His body temperature was rising and his throat was dry. Then, his eyes were naturally drawn to Stella’s moist…wet and shining lips that was in front of him and bathed in moonlight. He wanted to hug her tight immediately. He

wanted to kiss her. …He couldn’t wait for her to wake up. Wanting to kiss the person you love was natural. After all, Stella had allowed it every time they did. With such convenient excuse and after KO-ing the feelings of guilt of stealing the lips of a sleeping girl, Ikki was drawn into Stella’s lips like a bug attracted by a flower…

“Itadakimasu…” “Huh? A meal?”

Her eyes popped open wide and their gazes met. It was at such a short distance that they could feel each other breaths and were very close coming into contact.


Ikki’s face was right in front of her the moment she woke up. The

situation was enough to cause Stella’s brain to boil–– “M-Morning, Stella.”



Her knee struck his solar plexus in a flash.

“I… I’m sorry! Ikki! I… I really hit you hard… are you okay?!” Stella asked while patting Ikki’s back as he was prostrating on the floor trembling from the pain. Ikki then replied,“Y-Yeah… fine… I’m really fine…”, but his face was dripping with a cold sweat as if not looking

fine. Seeing Ikki’s expression like that, Stella began to feel guilty with

her eyebrows drooped.

“Auh… I’m really sorry, okay? B-But it’s because Ikki was at such position…”

“Yeah, just now was about 200% my fault. So don’t worry about it.” After Ikki reminded her like that, Stella finally stopped apologizing. And then she realized she was in a room she didn’t recognize at all.

“Come to think of it… where is this?”

“The Bay Dome’s infirmary. It seems we were carried here after the match,.”

“Oh, it’s because it’s my first time being sent to the infirmary during this tournament that I didn’t recognize it.” She muttered, then made a deep sigh. “…That’s right. I lost, huh.”

Ikki could feel the discomfort in Stella’s words. Just as he had felt the fulfillment of winning against Stella after waking up, there seemed to be feeling of regret recurring in her chest. After thinking about it, he had a feeling that there was no way he should be here.

“Uh, um… should I step outside for a bit?” “Hm? Why?”

“Well… as expected we just finished the match today, so I thought me being here might be unpleasant.”

“Not at all.” Stella replied to Ikki’s suggestion without hesitating nonetheless. “Ikki, could it be that you thought I would cry? I

wouldn’t do something so wasteful.” “Wasteful?”

“That’s right. Sure… there is feeling of regret burning inside me, but I’m not going to do something wasteful by crying it out. It’s because this feeling of regret is a power that will make me stronger. I have to store it, burn it as fuel, then build it up so that I can come back and beat you next year.”

As Stella declared it, she smiled which her white teeth could be seen. It was a powerful smile. It seemed that she was serious. Her feelings had already changed towards revenge for next year. That optimism of hers made him think again – what a strong girl she really is.

“…As expected of Stella.”

“Also, it’s not just regret by the way.” “Eh?”

“My prediction, it’s because it wasn’t wrong so I knew for sure.”

Her prediction was she felt that if it was with Ikki she could go anywhere no matter how high. Considering the gap in their talents, the expectations were too heavy for Ikki. However, Ikki responded to her expectations in such simple form. That they would go anywhere together. For the man she loved the most to be the strongest man was the greatest happiness possible. That was why as she reached down to him on the floor for a handshake,

“Ikki. From now on always, always be my number one, okay?” she

said while showing signs of embarrassment.

That was, –––not good. Extremely, not good. From those words, Ikki’s heart, which had settled down once from the trouble just now, had fired up. To the point of no return already.


“Eh?! Kya!!”

In the next moment, Ikki ignored Stella’s outreached hand and gripped her shoulder, and like that he pushed Stella’s body down onto the bed behind her.


“I… Ikki…?” Stella who was taken aback by what was happening, looked up with a surprised face at Ikki who was hanging on top of her. Ikki was reflected in Stella’s eyes… his face was brighter red than her eyes.


As he was thinking of what he should say, it looked like his face

was about to catch fire. But… even so, it seemed that this feeling bubbling up in his chest could not be concealed again. So Ikki forced his stiff throat to move and said the words out.

“Um… S-Stella. That time when we went to Okutama with the

student council, what I said in the mountain cabin… do you

remember? About … doing lewd things with you, is something I can’t do without having even met your parents.”

“Y-Yeah… I remember. …It made me really happy.”

Really happy. He groaned softly at those words. It was really something unthinkable that he had said. No, at that time it was

exactly what he truly felt, and he felt confident in it… but now… it

was already impossible. So,

“After trying to look cool like that before, it really is difficult to say though…” Ikki said to Stella in an apologetic tone. “That… please forget that I ever said that!”


She didn’t understand immediately the meaning of those words. But, from the way that Ikki was holding her down and from his face flushing bright red even to his ears, the words just now had

connected with her brain’s response and eventually, ––she

understood what he was trying to say. In an instant, Ikki’s ‘fever’ had spread to Stella as well. Her cheeks were hot, spreading even to her ears, and her voice became half an octave higher.

“That, t-th-that, C-C-C-COULD IT BE~~~~!?” “W-Well… that’s… what it means…”

“~~~~~~~~~!!! J-Just… Just wait! Wait! W-What are you saying all of a sudden, Ikki?! Are you serious!? I mean are you for real!? The strong Ikki who didn’t lose to temptation even after seeing my

immodest appearance, where did he go!?” “He died.”


It was a very harsh way of phrasing it, but Ikki couldn’t say it in any other way. After all, right now he was not sure anymore how he should show some restraint in front of his charming lover, since he

couldn’t understand his feelings completely at the time. So––

“Today, when I fought against Stella, when I reached my limit, I thought about it. If I were to stop here, you would go on ahead alone. Then… you would find and compete with someone stronger than me. But… when I imagined it, I really didn’t want that. My head was going crazy with hate for whoever that ‘someone’ was. I don’t want anyone else to have any part of you. I want all of you to myself

only. It was that one feeling that drove me forward. That feeling… lit

a fire in my empty heart. And then, that fire even now is still not


Ikki wouldn’t stop. The next words out of his mouth, even though he understood they would decisively progress their relationship, he had to say those few words. He didn’t care about appearing cool.

Almost pestering, pleading. Directly from his heart, ––he said it.

“Right  now,  I  want  to  make  love  to  you,  Stella…!”  “    ” At those words her scarlet eyes, which Ikki was

reflected in them, were largely shaking. The emotions in them were shock, bewilderment, turmoil, and––

“Is that a no…?” “Stupid Ikki…”

Overflowing delight. As Stella smiled a little, she reached up her hand against his cheek, and pinched him gently.

“…Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for those words?”

That’s right. She had waited the whole time. She was truly happy when he said that they could not do such things without greeting her parents first and that he wanted to treasure their relationship. But, that happiness did not change the feelings of what a woman would want their most beloved man to seek from her. If Ikki wanted to, at any time––she had always thought of it. So,

“So… right now… I’m really happy…!” Warm tears overflowed from her scarlet eyes. That sparkle, which acknowledged her whole self, had become like courage for Ikki and pushed his back forward.


“Ah, but wait!” She pushed back the impatient Ikki forcefully.

“Stella?” Ikki was confused since he’d not expected her to ask him to wait at this timing, during this flow. Stella looked at Ikki with inquisitive eyes and asked.

“Ikki, although you said those things, have you carefully prepared ‘that’?”


In response, while muttering “I… I’m saying…”, Stella let out the

words with difficulty.

“I-it’s true that I had waited for you to say something like that after all, right? But, we’re still students, we haven’t gone to properly meet each of our parents, …and I plan to fight against you again next year, so… uhm… it would be troubling if I get pregnant, wouldn’t it?”

“    ah.”

Even someone as dense as Ikki would realize it after being told that much. And of course he had not come prepared. Realizing this, he became embarrassed by his carelessness.

“S-Sorry! To think that I… just got so caught up in it…!” “……That’s what I thought. Ikki, you love making rather sudden

moves, huh.”

“Uuuuu…” As he was strongly being stared by Stella with criticizing eyes, Ikki groaned in an apologetic manner. It was natural for Stella to be angry. As a man, this was something he should have paid attention to. Yet he had completely forgotten about something so important and let his desires go wild. If there was a hole nearby he’d like to crawl into it. Even if there was none, he would like to dig a hole and then crawl into it. It looked like he would cry at his pathetic self. At any rate, as long as he wasn’t prepared he could not force to do it.

“Th… Then I will hurry and go buy it now…!” Though it was not a

cool thing to say, there was no other way so Ikki got up. But,

“W-Wait!” Stella grabbed Ikki’s arm. “L-leaving a girl alone after causing her to feel like this is a loss of points you know, a huge loss of points! You don’t really have to go buy it right now!”

“No, but…something like that is-”

“It’s fine! Just wait a little!” As she said that with a face that seemed embarrassed for some reason, Stella opened her expensive make-up pouch inside the basket that had change of clothes stored on the side of the bed. Then, she grabbed what she wanted after searching for a short while…and after her feelings were somewhat decided, with a quiet voice,

“…Use this.” She said as she took out a square, plastic-sealed object from the pouch and handed it to Ikki.


He had never used one, but Ikki had knowledge about it. It was definitely ‘that’, which he knew information about it. But for such a thing to turn up now…

“S-Stella, could it be, you had prepared it all this time?”

“~~~~~~~!” During that, Stella’s face became red as if it would

catch on fire.

“It-It-It’s not like I was expecting for it to happen all this time, it’s not like that, okay!? It’s not!! It’s just… that… only because I could be well-prepared whenever my lover asked for it! Y-Yeah! This is normal etiquette for a princess!”

(I-It’s normal, huh. Princesses are really amazing.)

“C… could it be that you think I’m a disgraceful woman…?”

“I don’t think of such things.” Ikki immediately denied back at Stella who had an uneasy look. He would not think of such rude things. In fact, he had learned from Stella’s concern what he had missed, and so he was grateful.

“Thank you. I’ll properly be more careful from now on.”

“You should. …because it was really embarrassing to buy those.”

As he promised and nodded, Ikki took it from Stella’s hand. (Huh?

It’s thicker than I would have thought…) Then it began to unravel down to ten times longer. (What the heck is this?!) It seemed that there were ten packaged together.

W-well, just because they were packaged like that probably doesn’t mean they all have to be used at once. It is obvious. It can’t be like that.

As he warned his agitated heart, Ikki detached one piece away by ripping the lines along the top with his fingers and the ripping sound of plastic was heard. That was…the signal that preparation was complete.

“    We’re really…… going to do it… right now…?”

“Y… Yeah…”

Now that preparation was complete, their hearts once again were filled with embarrassment. He couldn’t look straight at Stella’s face. Stella was also the same, even though she was checking at Ikki by sneaking quick glances with her moist eyes, they both would look away immediately if their gazes met. They continued like that for three minutes in silence.

(What are we doing…)

They couldn’t just keep avoiding each other. Not after all the

courage they had already worked up. (At a time like this, the man

needs to pull himself together…!) And so Ikki took a deep breath and

faced Stella on the bed.



“I’m not much… but I’ll be in your care!” “L-Likewise, please take care of me.”

And so as they were feeling many things that seemed pointless,

their first night together had begun.

Stella’s upper body was laid on the curled sheets of the pure white bed as if being cared for, with the blue moonlight faintly illuminating her. While wearing the simple white one piece dress which must have been put on her when she was admitted into the infirmary, that faint light casted shadows from every curve of her body. That alone was enough to set someone’s mind ablaze. It was weird. He should have already seen her in a more immodest appearance but now looking at her like this, he couldn’t stop it. He wanted to run his fingertips, palms, lips over every inch of her. Just thinking about it made him nervous and his heart unable to stop racing out of control. It was understandable. Ever since he had come to like this girl, he had longed for this day to come.

“This is embarrassing…” It was probably the same for Stella.

Regardless of whether or not her bust was too large for her stature, her chest was heaving up and down from being nervous, but her eyes were looking up at Ikki with a glint of anticipation. She felt anxious and excited from not knowing what would happen to her.

The light in her eyes reflected the combination of those two emotions. And so Ikki responded to that. He hid his hesitation and embarrassment, leaned over Stella and extended his hand to her clothes.

“W-Wait…” Just as Ikki’s fingers were almost at the top button, her

small voice stopped him.

“H-hey… right now, I’m… not wearing a bra…, so it’s embarrassing so suddenly…, from the bottom…please …”

“S-Sorry…” He automatically apologized in response to Stella’s request. Though it wasn’t really the time for him to apologize.

Nothing made much sense to him anymore. But if Stella didn’t like it, then from the top was no good. Starting at the top or the bottom, it was all the same. In that case, it was probably better to make it easier for Stella. After deciding it, Ikki reached out his hand to the button around Stella’s knee, and started unbuttoning one by one. It was like unwrapping a precious present without damaging it.

With each button undone, Stella’s body was revealed from the bottom. Her round knees. Her very white voluptuous plump thighs. Her crotch hidden by her inner thighs pressed together, and protected by simple hospital underwear. Then, above her pure white stomach there was something jiggling and contracting when she respired.

(Wow… this is… not good…)

While he was excited to the point that he thought he would be sweating blood as well, Ikki had realized it. He was walking through an unthinkable landmine. Truthfully…he had imagined of unbuttoning them little by little from the top. He expected how it would happen. He had previous experience during the time at the

mountain cabin so he was ready. But, he hadn’t anticipated things to go this way. Even though it was the same thing, it felt different just from changing the order. As a result he wasn’t prepared, and his reasoning was lost little by little as what he saw became more exposed. He wanted to force open her shivering thighs that were closed in shyness. He wanted to rub his hands across that pure white

fingernails. His wild desires were burning him up from inside his

whole body. Then…when he undid the button above her bellybutton, fireworks burst in his head. As Stella breathed and her chest rose, her dress opened from the button on top of her breasts to either side. The bottoms of her breasts were exposed with the dress clinging on them.

“……!!” His eyes were fixated on the flattened round white flesh.

…Just how soft are they? His boiled desire and curiosity tempted his fingertips.


When the tip of his middle finger touched the skin of her breast, Stella’s body shivered. She clenched her eyes closed and clamped her lips tightly together as if to stop from crying out. But she did not resist. So he took it as a good thing. He slightly put more strength to the pulp of his finger. Then, his finger sunk into the soft flesh without resistance. The sensation of the opposite sex that his body never felt before caused a shiver ran up his spine. Next, Ikki’s index finger accompanied his middle finger on her breast. He ran his fingers against the line of the bottom of her flattened breast and they slipped into the gap.


The underside of her breast was touched. The sensation she felt for the first time made Stella’s ruby eyes opened with bewilderment. But she did not make any objection. So Ikki did not stop. He gently slid his fingers in further. Her skin was utterly smooth. Her breast that his fingers were on was so soft as if melting and had a considerable weight. They were warm. His fingers felt like they would melt.

“~~~~~~!!! aah…!”

Stella’s body showed a small reaction from having her breast stroked from underneath. An adorable voice leaked out of her moist lips. He wanted to hear more of them. So he turned his finger under her breast and curled it to gently lift it up. In an instant,

“…k, kuu!!”

Stella’s entire body heaved, and at the same time the final button of her dress popped off. Then, her breasts that were pushed down bounced off like jelly and her dress opened wide from the impact.

But not everything was revealed. The dress that was split to both

sides had stopped at the peaks of her breasts. Yes, it got stuck. Barely though. Therefore, although he could not see the peaks, the surrounding parts which were half of her white breasts had been exposed, and their color became more different closer to the peaks.

–––It’s okay to bite.

Ikki then suddenly remembered the words Stella said a while ago in a similar situation. Yes. That’s right. She definitely said something like that before. ––In other words, he had her promise. It was already allowed. So there was no need to hold back. Let’s bite.


He wouldn’t wait… because Stella said this was okay. He definitely wouldn’t wait. As Ikki was about to strip off the clothing stuck on the peaks of her breasts,

“…This is so embarrassing that… it feels like my chest… is going to break…!”


He stopped his movements at her nice voice which was almost a scream she was holding off. He turned his gaze from Stella’s breasts to her face, and tears welled up in her wet scarlet eyes as she was breathing shallowly. The amount was not as much as overflowing

tears, but her bottom eyelashes were wet, and the feelings included…was fear. Although she said it was okay, as expected scary things were scary. Thinking about it, Stella must have always worked hard before today as well. She gathered her courage and showed him that she was a woman. To be stronger, to be closer, so that they can make love with one another.

Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that? She really had been waiting for him this whole time. Thinking of that devotion, the forceful emotion known as lust that warmed his entire body had faded away. What boiled up instead was love that could even make them feel uneasy. He wanted to treat this girl

gently. He didn’t want her to have a scary memory of this day that

she had always been waiting for. So,

“Stella…” “…!?”

Ikki took his hand away from her dress and leaned forward, joining his lips together with Stella’s lips. It was not a sexual kiss like biting, but a kiss that exchanged each other’s moisture like the ones he always did with Stella.


He repeated it several times, and stiffness from Stella’s body faded

away. The sensation from the usual kiss seemed to reassure her. But–– that was not good. Because today they were not leaving things at the same place. So Ikki…made the kiss deeper.


He slipped his tongue between Stella’s lips and invaded her mouth.

Stella’s body bounced at the sudden sensual stimulation. But this kind of deep kiss wasn’t their first. Stella also didn’t show any fear. She immediately moved her tongue as well, as if welcoming Ikki’s tongue. Just as usual. But… this was the end of the usual.


Stella eventually realized. While the action itself was the usual, the amount of time was different. If it was the usual they would have let go of their lips by now, but Ikki wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t let go of her lips. He wouldn’t let her escape. His tongue crawled into her reasoning, melting it away as if it was candy. He was persistently melting her down.


The wet sounds of their kissing can be heard in the infirmary at night. Their salivas were bubbling from being mixed together, and overflowing from their lips. But, Ikki would not allow them to spill like that. He lift Stella’s chin up and poured all of them down into her throat. Stella swallowed the melted fluids of their passion. The burning passion warmed the tissues inside Stella’s throat.

Then at the same time, Ikki slid and crawled his fingers from Stella’s knee into between her thighs. However, he never touched her crotch. He was uncertain of whether or not he should touch it, but he was stimulated into tracing along the lines between her thighs. His fingers moved slowly starting from near the knees and towards the crotch, back and forth repeatedly. And when his fingers finally reached near the edge of her underwear, Ikki could feel from his fingertips that her thighs starting to twitch. Looking into her eyes he could see that the fear had already begun to melt into passion which made even her vision to become unclear. Her body was hot from the inner and outer stimulations, and flushed cherry blossom pink. Sweats along with sweet scent indicating Stella was strongly aroused were released. It was proof that her heart and body were ready.

“Are you okay now?” “……Yeah…”

“If you’re scared then just tell me. I will do this as many times until your feelings have calmed.”

“……I’m… okay.”

It seemed she had no strength. Stella made a smile that looked like she was melting. Her gaze was soft from dizziness, but even so it held Ikki in place and would not let him go. Her braveness was so lovely that Ikki gently kissed Stella three more times. ––Then, when their lips separated, he placed a hand on her shoulder,

And took her clothes off.

Under the moonlight, her naked body, flushed in faintly cherry blossom pink, was revealed. The delicate line of her neck. Her slender, feminine arms. And, the part of her that seemed the most contrasting – her breasts that largely jiggled but remained attached to her body, and the cherry blossom pink nipples that became exposed and slightly jiggled from the stimulation of her clothes being removed. At such beauty, Ikki forgot to breathe.

“You’re so beautiful…”

His mind was so overwhelmed that only such common words could come out. Even right now he wanted to hold on to her. Half of his body, inside his pants had already become painfully excited. But even so, Ikki had to restrain himself. Even if he forgot to breathe, he would not forget to care for Stella. He held his ground, and proceeded to make final confirmation.

He scooped up some of the saliva on her collar bone that had dripped down from her mouth with his finger and smeared it on her right nipple. He rubbed it with the pulp of his finger. Then,

“Aahh…nnn…” For the first time, a clear flirtatious voice came out of Stella’s mouth.

When he moved his fingers away, he could see that the shape of her nipple was clearly different from the one on her left breast. Her left breast had no hand on it, and her right breast was swollen and wet with saliva. That sensational difference hit Ikki’s reasoning hard.

––It was agonizing. His breathing was out of order. His forehead hurt. Honestly, it was too painful to endure any longer.

––But, was it okay now? Was it really okay to go further now? He had no experience after all. He had no idea because he had no experience. Though Stella said that it was okay, he wondered if would hurt her if he began now. As Ikki was worrying about it,

––Stella reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then, she spoked as she smiled.

“Thank you… for being so gentle with me. It really is okay now.”

Thus, he didn’t have to endure anymore. “Ikki, you can do what

you want to me, all of them…” “……!”

Those words were the trigger. He didn’t hesitate anymore. He wouldn’t turn back. Under the moonlight, two shadows melted together, overlapping with passion. How much was his, and how

much was hers? They embraced each other strongly and deeply that

it was not clear anymore. Their voices no longer carried any meaning and their lips were desperately seeking their beloved partner. In the midst of it, Ikki Kurogane… vowed to himself.

I won’t let this girl be unhappy.

He would never let her regret choosing the man named Ikki Kurogane. He strongly vowed on his own soul.

The sounds of birds chirping from somewhere could be heard. As if being invited by them, Ikki woke up from his slumber. The morning light shined on his opened eyes. The sky on that day was displayed on the window, and it was perfectly clear that it would make anyone feel good. It was a wonderful morning.

…And yet his body felt completely heavy. He felt like he was sunken into the bed so firmly that it seemed impossible to move. At the same time his consciousness was the same, which his eyes received the morning sun but he was far from having completely woken up. That was not good, and so in order to lead his mind and body to awakening, Ikki took a single breath. Then… a sweet, floral scent tickled his nostrils. Ikki knew that smell. He turned his head to the side, and as if it was natural she was there. Stella’s appearance was that her white body was covered in sheets up to her shoulders, and she showed a gentle smile. When their eyes met, Stella’s scarlet eyes became squinted from shyness.

“Good morning, dear.” “……!”

“Ehehe, I had wanted to try saying that once.”

That one word made his heart jump and his face flush. The expression of special love that Stella spoke of. The moment he heard that, any sleepiness was blown away and Ikki remembered it.

Everything that happened here last night.

(I-I see, of course my body would feel heavy…). He understood everything now, and looked over at the plastic debris. (I can’t believe we actually used them all…!)

He wondered what had happened to their fear and nervousness from before. It all happened after the first one was over – Stella was strangely turned on. Once she was in a mount position, it went out of

Stella wasn’t the only one turned on. …Even so, there should have been a limit. He never thought of cursing his self-control that had kept going since the school opening ceremony. Since it was this

excessive, he wouldn’t be able to move normally the next day. (We’ll need to be more careful next time…)

It was a mistake for him not to consider about Stella’s trained body. As Ikki was cautioning himself, he asked Stella, who seemed to have sustained actual damage more than himself.

“Is your body okay?”

“It still quite hurts. It might be hard to walk without feeling the pain. Ikki, you’re surprisingly a brute. Doing those things to a girl during her first time.

“But I shouldn’t be the only one to be blamed for that, right? I’m sure of it”

“W-Well… that’s true.”

She probably thought she overdid it too. She averted her eyes that looked embarrassed.

“Couldn’t you heal it with your dragon regeneration?” “I could, but… I want to stay like this for a while.”

Her reply made him tilted his head. If she could heal it, then she really should. Ikki would feel guilty about her always feeling pain, but––

“After all, this is proof of being loved by Ikki.” “~~~~~!!!”

Being told such things with such face filled with happiness made him speechless. Even though they made love to each other so much last night, she was so lovely that it hurt him.

––What a cruel woman.

He had to control himself. He shouldn’t get drowned in it. Even as he decided this, he knew that he needed to do the same thing she strongly did to him. By any means, he needed to express this love or else he wouldn’t feel good. He wouldn’t feel good if he didn’t let her know how much he loved her. With that in his mind, Ikki’s hand naturally reached Stella’s cheek. Stella didn’t resist. She could feel Ikki’s feelings being transmitted to her from the heat on the palm of his hand, closed her eyes, and moved her lips slightly forward. As if being drawn in by those lips, Ikki moved his face closer and his lips…,

It was when their lips were about to meet.

“Onii-sama. Stella-san. Are you awake already?” During the knock, Shizuku’s voice from outside the door was heard.


In that very sudden situation, they both let out a weird scream.

And unfortunately it was heard by Shizuku and Arisuin outside.

“It seems that you are awake.”

(I-Ikki! Hurry and go to the other bed!)

(Ah, Stella’s robe is…)

(There’s no time to put it on! Pick it up and hide it! I’m hiding the

trashes on the bed after all!)

(Okay, I get it…!)

Ikki grabbed the fallen robe from under the bed, jumped into the other bed, and hid it under the sheets. In that same moment the door to the infirmary opened, and Shizuku and Arisuin entered.

“Good morning, Onii-sama, Stella-san.”

“Did you two sleep well? …Oh?” Arisuin stopped as soon as he

His mouth made a somewhat meaningful smile. At his expression that looked like he had guessed everything, Stella began to sweat rapidly.

“W-W-W-W-What are you grinning for, Alice?!”

“Hmmm? No reason. I was just thinking you two had so much fun last night.”

“W-W-W-W-W-We didn’t do anything!!”

Shizuku managed to slip in the words “What do you mean?” during Stella’s objection.

“Even though it seemed you two had fun fighting each other.” “Oh, …y-you meant that.”




(Stella… your behavior is too suspicious.)

It was not good at this rate. Thinking that, Ikki addressed Shizuku to draw her attention away from Stella.

“Shizuku, thank you for going to the trouble of coming to wake us.”

“No, there is no need to thank me for something this much.

…Actually I would like Onii-sama who did his best to rest at ease more, but considering the time of the award ceremony I thought it was probably better to have breakfast soon.”

“Y-Yeah. Well then, I need to be ready by getting dressed, so could you wait outside?” He somehow managed to maintain his expression even though he felt pain and guilt while his little sister was being

concerned for his entire body. Ikki suggested Shizuku to leave and she did not have any problem with it.

“I understand. I will wait outside then. Let’s go, Alice.” She said

that as she turned back. ––With this, now they could…

“By the way, Stella-san. It’s been bugging me for a while, but what

is ‘that rubber ballon-like thing’ that fell under your bed? “EH!?!? No way! I should have picked up all of them––––ah!”

Stella peeked under her bed and there was nothing. But the careless words that came out of her mouth had provided enough detail for confirmation.

“Stella…” “Uh-oh~”

While the males gave despairing sighs, the girls’ faces grew pale.

One was going pale from panic, while the other went into a rage that made her pale.

“I see. I see… As I expected, it was that, huh. I thought something

was weird about you two …”

Shizuku made a smile that only reached her mouth but her eyes glowed with green demonic fire, even as the temperature in the room all around her fell below freezing temperature. With cracking sounds, frost spread across the glass windows of the room, despite it being midsummer.

“Sh-Shizuku… Uh-uhm… this is……well–”. During it, Stella tried to

somehow reason with her much though,

“Oh, no no. It’s fine if you don’t finish, really. Basically it’s that, right? Last night, after having faced Onii-sama in an earnest contest, when Stella-san seriously thought about how she intended to express her intent to reward him, the two of you must have been

‘Dragon Fang-ing the Ittou Shura of the Night’–”

“H, hey?! I think we can find a better time to tell you about this


“Any last request?” “No-”

“I see. So last requests are not needed.”

From the start, there was nothing they could say to persuade Shizuku once she was on fire. In the next moment, the green magic light coming out of Shizuku blown away all the windows.

“Well then, right now, DIEEEEEEEE!!!!” “KYAAAAA!”

“Wai–, Shizuku, Calm dow–” “SHAAAA– – – – –”

“Yikes, sorry it was nothing!”

“IKKI– –! Why did you move back there– – – –! “It’s, not, my problem”

“MUSHAAAA– – – – – – – – –”

And so a bloody blizzard devastated the infirmary.

At long last the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival came to an end.

“From among the 32 people selected from the eight schools of Japan, only one has made it to the top. All of those matches ended with yesterday’s final match. The 26 matches were carried out intensely. They were magnificent and I remember every detail of them.”

The head of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival’s steering committee Kaieda Yuuzou made a speech at the venue where the excitement from yesterday had not yet cooled down. Everyone’s eyes were not at Kaieda, but were at the curve-shaped podium in

front of him. To be precise, at the place where the competitors would go up to. They were eagerly waiting, for the appearance of the ones who would be crowned as the victors, the leading actors of this tournament. Shinomiya Amane who was one of the two who were at third place had committed a bad foul play by continuing to attack even after the match ended, and Kurogane Ouma who automatically won third place had left yesterday for Osaka. They were not at this place, but the remaining two, Kurogane Ikki and Stella Vermillion, were in the waiting room.

“G-Good grief, haa, haa! Stupid Shizuku, she went too serious!

Anyone else other than me would have died, really…!”

“A-Are you okay, Stella?” Ikki stroked the back of Stella who was slumping in her folding chair and gasping for breath. Stella had kept being chased around by Shizuku until just now.

“Honestly, I managed to get away from her just now but I’m really scared of later.”

“Next time I’ll explain to her too.” But at these words, Stella

adjusted her breathing after taking a deep breath and,

“No, it’s fine”, she refuted back. “Why?”

“Making Shizuku understand is my responsibility.”

“That’s not true, this is our-” But at Ikki’s words, Stella shook her

head sideways.

“Sorry. I know that. I know, but I want to do this alone.” Stella had made up her mind long ago. It was natural. Because she was the girl who loved Ikki that much, she was taking him away. This was something she had to finish on her own.

“If it’s not like that, I won’t be able to face Shizuku with pride. I can’t let you help this time.”

Ikki showed his understanding at Stella’s words. It was very much like a girl’s responsibility. Ikki just couldn’t help but loving this part of her. And so, Ikki encouraged Stella who was being like this. “…Okay. Good luck.”

“Why are you saying like it doesn’t involve you?”

“Eh?” Ikki obviously felt confused at her reply because a moment ago she said she would do it alone. But Stella had a good reason for saying that it involved him too.

“Don’t you remember? You were told after the match with Touka- san, right? What my father said.”


After being told that, Ikki remembered too now. The scandal that had erupted around Stella and the ethics committee’s rampage. At the end of that incident, the King of Vermillion, Stella’s father, had sent a message to him through Stella, “After the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival is over, come and meet me at the Vermillion Empire.”

“R-right, that happened…” It certainly involved him. It would be

right to say it was a do-or-die situation for him.

“Speaking of which, I already booked a flight for a week from now.”


“It was already decided from the start, right?”

“W-Well yeah, but… my…my heart isn’t ready! Can’t we at least postpone for a week?”

“If the country’s army can hold out another week, then it’s fine.”

Did that mean that a war would break out if we don’t go within a week?!

“Don’t tell me, I may be the second princess, but you’re not going to run away after you deflowered a nation’s princess, are you~?”


“My father is just as scary as Shizuku, you know~. Good luck,

d~e~a~r ♥.”

There was no getting out of this completely. There was no other way but to accept this.

“I… I’ll do my best…” Ikki nodded as he felt cold sweat breaking out

all across his body,

“And now we will carry out the 62nd Seven Stars Sword Festival’s awards ceremony. Everyone here, please give a round of applause to the winners!”

Just as their talk had reached a resting-place, Kaieda was calling them out. During this Stella rose from her chair as if leaping out of it and turned to face Ikki,

“Well then, let’s go, Ikki”, she said and reached out a hand to him. The winner and the runner-up would be awarded separately. So, at least she wanted to be welcomed together when entering.

“…Okay.” Understanding Stella’s feelings, he took her hand. Then,

they made their entry from the same gate while holding hands. Instantly ––


After they had just waited, round of applauses and cheers rained on the two.

“Ikki-kun! Congratulations!!”

“Ahh! Look! They’re holding hands!”

“Woohoo! You two look great together!”

“Your highness Stella! You will get your revenge next year for sure– – – –!”

“You two were really amazing– – – –!”

As they were being welcomed, the two were walking down the aisle towards the stage while holding hands. Eventually, the two stood on the stage with Kaeida, and the voices of the tens of thousands of people soon became smaller and quiet, creating formal silence in the end. After waiting for the silence, Kaieda announced the name of this tournament’s runner-up.

“Hagun Academy, first year, Stella Vermillion.”

“Yes”. Stella, whose name was called, let go of Ikki’s hand and

walked towards Kaieda.

“In the 62nd Seven Stars Sword Festival, you left behind brilliant achievements and reached second place. For that, I hereby award you this. …Congratulations.”


Stella took the certificate Kaieda presented in both of her hands and bowed. She then turned back and bowed to the audience. The audience returned the favor with huge applause without any words. During the applause, Stella faced the winners’ podium and stood on the second highest place. –––While very dignified, it was done masterfully. As expected, she was used to being on stage. Then as silence descended upon the ceremony once again,

“Hagun Academy, first year, Kurogane Ikki.” It was finally Ikki’s


“Yes!” During the silence, he replied with a clear good voice and walked forward. Though he was not used to being on stage like Stella, he had good posture. His appearance was dignified and

powerful, which was as good and didn’t lose to Stella’s. Once Ikki

stood before him, Kaieda awarded him.

“In the 62nd Seven Stars Sword Festival, you stood on the top after winning through fierce battles. For such accomplishments, I hereby award you this certificate and the title of ‘Seven Star Sword King’.


Along with the certificate was the title of the strongest student knight in this country. …It was what Ikki had always continuously aimed for. In a moment, various thoughts were recurring in Ikki’s mind. Meeting Kurogane Ryouma. The days of training since then. The memories of entering dojos and the taste of blood from being almost killed many times. Being continuously held back for a year at

Hagun Academy. Then, his chance meeting with his most beloved girl

– Right now, a resolution to those days had been formed. The path of carnage he walked through was never wrong.

“Thank you.” With many thoughts filling him, he accepted the certificate. But there was no applause. Everyone in attendance knew after all, that the winner still had something left to do.


Shinguuji Kurono, the chairman of Hagun Academy, was waiting beside Kaieda and she handed something over to Ikki in order for him to fulfill his duty. It was what Todou Touka entrusted him with as the representative leader of his school – Hagun Academy’s school flag. What should he do with Kurono’s alma mater’s flag? Ikki of course understood even without being told. It was what he had promised. He entrusted his certificate to Kurono and received the school flag in exchange. He then stood next to Stella, on the top of the winners’ podium… the summit of the Seven Stars, and raised the flag high towards the sky. —–Immediately after,



It was as if the applause was pouring down on him like waterfall and the cheers splashing over his whole body.

“Kurogane-kun, you’re the best– –!”

“All hail the new Seven Stars Sword King!”

“Next year, I will be cheering you again– – – –! “You looked cool! Ikki-kun!”

It wasn’t just from the audience seats. The cheers were also coming from outside the venue. They were also blessings that came from tens of thousands of people he didn’t even know. And of

course, they weren’t just from people he didn’t know. Those who Ikki

knew also gave their blessings to him who was standing on the top.

“You’re looking good now–!” “Hmph.”

Arisuin waving his hand, and Shizuku applauding mildly beside him with her cheeks puffed out like a hamster that had too much to eat.

“Kurogane-kun, congratulations!” “……Hmph.”

Kurashiki Kuraudo who diligently came to this place and standing with his arms crossed as if bored, and also Ayatsuji Ayase who wanted to attend the awards ceremony for the person she was indebted to by forcing herself as someone associated with Kuraudo.

“Thank you! Kurogane-kun!”

“As expected of the man who defeated me, Runner’s High!”

The student council members who had done their best to protect everyone during the Akatsuki attack. And–

“Yo, Kurogane! I won’t lose next year so be prepared–!”

“Are you planning to fail a year, Yuu…?”

“Ah… you’re right. I won’t be here next year. What should I do…” “Even if you were here what were you planning to do?”

The rivals he competed with for the top, on the stage of this Seven Stars Sword Art Festival.

Accepting their blessings, Ikki had made a decision. ––Become strong. So that he would not be ashamed of the blessings and the ‘Seven Stars Sword King’ title he received. More than now, always from now on. Then––

With these celebrations, the final program of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival came to an end. Kaieda then began to speak towards everyone present.

“Well then…I now announce the 62nd Seven Stars Sword Art

Festival to be o-”. However, it happened during that time. “““HOLD IT RIGHT THEREEEEEEE!!!!”””

In an instant, dozens of voices belonging to the same girl, overlapping each other, had echoed throughout the venue, and dozens of people’s forms jumped over the fence and rushed towards the ring. Everyone in the venue was shocked at the sight. It was because it was so sudden, but more than that it was because the dozens of intruders were girls that had the same face.


“The same person, that many!?”

Of course, the adults immediately responded to this situation. In order to calm the situation down, they were trying to catch them. But just as the girls were captured by the adults, they disappeared like smoke one by one. It was a Noble Art that created clones of herself. The girls split herself up and broke through the adults’ line of defense. She slipped into the front of the podium where Ikki and

Stella were standing. The two became dumbfounded at the face of the intruder. But that was expected. After all, the one who intruded was,



She was their classmate and friend. Kusakabe Kagami of the Hagun Academy’s Newspaper Club. Just what is her intention? They were going to ask, but before they could Kagami had already brought out a camera in her hand.

“Stella-chan! Get beside Senpai! It’s no good if you stay in that


“……!!” Stella and Ikki understood what those words meant in no




As Kagami aimed the camera lens towards them, Stella’s face that was dignified until now had turned into a smiling face like a blooming flower. She jumped onto the top of the podium where Ikki was standing. Ikki caught Stella without staggering and supported her body.

Kurogane Ikki’s chivalry would continue from now on. He would walk beside his irreplaceable and most beloved rival. At the appearance of the two standing as equals, everyone in the venue gained an understanding as if the final piece of a puzzle got into place, thinking ‘Ah, I see’.

It was the conclusion of the battle. Even if the outcome was difficult to shake and remained as a record, these two should be together like this. From now on, always. ––Forever.

“Okay! Cheese!”

You can find story with these keywords: Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan, Read Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan, Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan novel, Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan book, Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan story, Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan full, Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan Latest Chapter

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