Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 45: Volume 10 - CH 3

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Several days after Arisuin and Shizuku traveled to their destinations.

Ikki and Stella departed towards the Empire of Vermillion.

They headed to connect trains from the school to the airport, and after various procedures, they were guided to the VIP chartered airplane.

They received the welcome of the crew, went up the stairs covered with a dark red carpet then got inside the plane. Ikki was astonished by the interior.

Anyhow, the plane was fully equipped with a bar, a salon, a theater room, a bedroom that had a king size double bed and all sorts of things were in the bathroom.

Like a luxury hotel. He didn’t think this was the interior of an airplane at all.

It seemed that Stella had never been on an airplane of this class as one would expect, and like Ikki, she wasn’t able to believe it, she looked everywhere with great interest.

Because this was all prepared by Tsukikage as an apology for the impoliteness regarding the matter of 《Black Knight》 the other day.

Well, it was that sly old fox Tsukikage. Maybe he had ulterior motives to deepen the friendship between Japan and Vermillion by providing a pleasant and romantic air trip to Stella and Ikki and have them deepen their relationship.

However, the ulterior motives of such Tsukikage were an unrelated story to them.

Stella wasn’t just enjoying what was expressly prepared for them, she was fully enjoying the air trip by watching a movie accompanied by an aroma massage in the Jacuzzi.

However, on the other hand, Ikki wasn’t enjoying this trip at all.

The movie watched by them didn’t get in his head, the splendorous Kyoto-style traditional Japanese meal brought in courses as dinner seemed to be certainly good, but he didn’t experience the taste.

His thoughts were filled with just one trouble.

――The greetings with Stella’s parents, it was finally going to happen tomorrow.

It was just the trouble of what to do in that scenario.

According to Stella, her mother respected Stella’s decision, so in reality the story was about how to persuade her father, the King of Vermillion,

(… How should I break the ice?)

Ikki racked his brain as he sat down deeply on the sofa of the salon.

At any rate, his amount of experience was completely zero.

He didn’t know but,

(For the time being, the plan I came up with when I was arrested by the former League branch is discarded)

It was a plan to express aloud as he showed sincerity by prostrating himself, saying「Please allow me to marry your daughter」without using even the small ounce of masculinity.

*TN: the verb within the brackets was placed by me: the original sentence just says otome-san o kudasai, literally means “please (verb) your daughter”.

At that time, he was rejected by his father who appeared inopportunely saying「I’m not going to leave Shizuku to you」with a serious face.  That was an ill augur.

In addition, to convey his good faith without adorning it,

(In the end, if I immediately prostrate myself, then that would be a bad move, huh)

Everything had something called procedures.

Rather, his true feelings were far away from it when only his feelings were suddenly thrown at the other and that other was not in the mood to listen to his true feelings.

One may say that was just self-satisfaction. And that was no good.

(In any case, I don’t think it should be enough to get Stella’s parents to listen to my true feelings first)

The first was from there on.

And from there on was the start.

So, the question was what to do to get to the start line,

Then, at that moment.

– Fuuuh.


Ikki shuddered when he felt a breath that went into the hole of his ear without any previous notice.

Naturally, it was Stella who breathed into his ear.

– S-stella!? Eh, w-what are you doing so suddenly!?

Stella inflated her cheeks as if pouting discontentedly and returned a protest.

– Don’t come with “what are you doing”! You were absent-minded all this time since I started talking to you a while ago, or perhaps I should say, you just gave absentminded responses. Why are you acting so weird, Ikki!?

Ikki turned an awkward expression before this.

Because he had no memories of being addressed by her.

Maybe he was unconsciously ignoring her.

– I-I’m sorry… I was just thinking a little about something.

– Are you perhaps nervous because you’ll meet my parents tomorrow?

Ikki returned a nod to Stella who asked while sitting next to him.

– … y-yeah. I was thinking about more and more about the moment when I’ll have to come down this plane….

– Well, you’re getting nervous. … When I met Ikki’s father I also got frozen. Just remembering it makes me feel embarrassed….

– Haha. That thing also happened to you.

With those words, Ikki showed a smile as he reminisced that such behavior was exactly the same as to what happened to them before, and that was Stella’s behavior when she met Father Itsuki, the father of Ikki, in the medical office by coincidence during the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival.

– Since Stella did her best at that time, now it’s my turn, but I’m worried about in what way I should bring up the topic.

– It would be better to pass on doing a dogeza.

– I know that much.

The problem was that no alternative plan came to mind.

At any rate, Ikki had no experience doing greetings like this and had no information about the other party.

However, Ikki realized something there.

Information could be gathered regardless of having experience or not.

If he asked Stella about what her father liked, then he would be able to get a starting point in one way or another.

– Hey, Stella. I was wondering, what are the things that your father likes?

– My father?

– Yeah. Going straight to the issue at hand all of a sudden is… a little frightening as you can see, so if there’s something to warm up the situation or information to initiate a chat like a jab to grab the pace, that would really save me.

Stella responded to the question of Ikki after she thought for a short while.

– … hmm. Me?

– How you say that with a straight face…

Ikki hung her head, his hopes were gone.

Stella spoke words of encouragement to Ikki.

– It’s alright, you don’t have to think too hardly. In the first place, Okaa-sama and Onee-sama aren’t against you, and Otou-sama who is against you is a bit unwilling to let her children go, an obstinate person if you will, who’s not so skilled and irritating.*

*TN: Last part of this sentence said: his legs are clumsy and his beard is irritating.

(The amount of discontent is quite high, huh)

– Even so, Otou-sama is someone who thinks and cares a lot about me. It’s impossible to not understand the charm of Ikki I fell in love with. He will definitely… get it if you talk. Because… nothing is impossible for my strongest and beloved Ikki. We’ll persuade him together and we’ll do our best together.

Stella tapped her thigh and only said「come」 with a bright voice.

Maybe she was trying to cheer him up in preparation for the crucial encounter.

– … thank you.

Ikki thanked her and depended on Stella’s kindness.

He put his body horizontally on the sofa and left the back of his head on the plump and tensed white thighs of Stella.

The thighs of Stella loaded with flexible muscles and feminine soft fat were very comfortable to sleep on.

Ikki closed his eyelids and put himself in that comfort.

Stella tenderly caressed Ikki’s head and played with his bangs with her fingers.

His cheeks became less tense, he had a happy face that he could only show when they were alone.

Only falling affection was swaying in her deep crimson pupils.

Ikki felt it was irresistible when he thought that he monopolized that.

It was already unimaginable for Ikki to miss this gaze.

He couldn’t imagine a future where Stella wasn’t next to him.

So, and certainly as Stella said, this greeting was「A conversation where we have no choice but to make it go smoothly」.

He knew that.


(… maybe it’s not going to be easy to convince Stella’s father)

Stella said that it was fine, but Ikki was going to tread on something that didn’t have any smooth on it.

Because there was a very absolute difference stuffed between Ikki and Stella.

On one hand, she was the second Princess of a country.

On the other hand, he was born in a distinguished family though he was a wanderer with half broken relations.

On one hand, she was an A-Rank knight with anticipated prospects from the world.

On the other hand, he was an F-Rank who was still far from E-Rank even when going through《Brute Soul》.

When he was preparing for the decisive match aka the greetings with her parents, when he thought about it again, they weren’t balanced at all.

Stella would say that this wasn’t related with things like talent or family.

But that was only for Stella.

The father of Stella would want more from her partner because he truly cared about Stella.

And so the wanderer called Kurogane Ikki didn’t own a single one of those things that could meet those demands.

These facts were extremely heavy.

(Can… can I meet the expectations of Stella’s father…?)

Could he show something that was enough to receive Stella, his treasure, from her father?

Because she was important――

Because he couldn’t think of handing her over――

His anxiety didn’t disappear no matter what.

However, the plane flew in the night of the continent and directly headed towards the Empire of Vermillion.

And also, Ikki didn’t know yet.

In the foreign country he was heading to, the reality that awaited him was far beyond he assumed.

The next day. Around the time when Ikki and Stella finished eating somewhat late in the morning.

The plane finally reached the skies of the Empire of Vermillion.

– Ikki! Look. This is my country. The Empire of Vermillion!

Stella raised a happy voice to the hometown she hadn’t seen in a long time.

Ikki chased her eyes and also overlooked the territory of Vermillion from the airplane.

What was in his field of vision was the plain Vermillion and almost all of its territory, it was a vivid green carpet that spread gently everywhere.

Windmills stood in lines here and there, and a settlement where enumerated small private houses were seen along the river.

It was a complete different view from Japan that had a little jumbled up impression with all its mountains and buildings.

Ikki recalled the information about the Empire of Vermillion while looking at such idyllic view.

The Empire of Vermillion.

It was a rare, absolute monarchical country in the present day that existed along the gulf, facing the northern sea in a corner of Europe.

It was originally a part of the neighboring country of Kledelland, but it got its independence several hundred years ago and that is how it was now.

The main occupation was the animal husbandry by making the best use of the vast open fields. The exportation of cut flowers.

The tourism made use of the beautiful nature. Exportation of natural gas and the like.

Up to this point, it could be said that it was quite an ordinary nation which wasn’t unusual in Europe.

However, the Empire of Vermillion had a big feature that no other country had.

And that was the height of the loyalty towards the nation’s imperial family.

There was a famous episode.

The World War II that yielded many tragedies.

Due to the rise of the Nazi Germany, Europe became a sea of fire.

The war also reached the Empire of Vermillion, and the imperial capital Hraesvelgr fell.

The Empire of Vermillion had lost its shape as a nation for a moment.

In that occasion, the Nazi Germany, that was naturally under the government of the Empire of Vermillion, set out to eradicate the Vermillion imperial family――but that didn’t turn out well.

That was because the people of the Empire of Vermillion continued giving refuge to the imperial family with whom they had become one.

When the trend changed and until the Nazi Germany completely withdrew from Vermillion, they didn’t yield to any kind of unjust torture.

And when World War II ended, the citizens disregarded completely the flow of democratization of politics that had spread at an accelerated pace all over the world and Vermillion imperial family stood up once again as the only and absolute ruler.

This episode, the strong and hard as iron loyalty, was greatly associated with the history of the founding of the Empire of Vermillion.

The War of Independence of Vermillion was a war in which the people who couldn’t stand the Kingdom of Kledelland began to be led by the Duke of Vermillion who was the aristocrat leader of the moderate faction of Kledelland… during this period, the relatives of the influential nobles took the form of a marriage to the public in the capital city and were kept as hostages.

The Duke of Vermillion wasn’t the exception and the Kingdom of Kledelland used the life of his family as shields and forced the Duke of Vermillion to stop the insurrection.

However, the Duke of Vermillion didn’t stop the war.

He didn’t give in to a nightmare situation in which a part of the body of his beloved family was sent to him every week, he was going to do to completion the War of Independence in exchange for the lives of all his own family members.

For the weak citizens that had asked for his help.

The people never forget even now the dedication of the Duke of Vermillion――also named the First Emperor of the Empire of Vermillion.

That was widely transmitted as a children’s story and as history, and raised the strong and hard as iron loyalty.

『We are one nation, we are one family』

When did that happen?

During a casual conversation in the dorm, and when Vermillion became a topic, Stella had confessed that that was the relationship between the royal family and the people.

All the people loved the royal family and the royal family also loved such people by spreading out a good government.

The strong wishes regarding Stella’s national defense were probably also the foundation of those feelings.

Ikki also was capable of even knowing that as general knowledge.

He understood that the royal family and the citizens were closer than any ordinary nation.


Notwithstanding, he was overwhelmed by the sight that jumped in the moment he got off the airplane.


The very instant he took a step and walked under the sunlight of summer and his eyes were dazzled by it from inside the airplane.

Ikki was kind of surprised for a moment, then looked towards the point where the shock had soared.

And there,

『Stella-sama! Welcome home〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!』

『Your combat training is much appreciated――――!』

『Kyaa! Stella-chan! Your matches were very cooool!』

There were people.

Hundreds of people were just filling altogether the site of the government-dedicated airport.

The shock just now was their cheers.

– Everyone――――! I’m ba――――!

Stella shook her hand and returned those words while showing a lot of surprise to the beyond-the-norm cheers.

The excitement of the people gathered here skyrocketed.

The cheers that pretty much shook the earth raised.

And then, the interest of the crowd reached Ikki who stood next to Stella.

『Ah! That’s the boy I saw on TV!』

『That’s the guy who defeated Stella-hime!』

『That means he’s Stella-chan’s fiancée, right!?』

『No way, he’s quite attractive, isn’t he?』

『He looks amiable, completely different from the time of the match』

『He came to greet the King as he promised!』

『Welcome to the Empire of Vermillion!』


Hundreds of thousands of cheers and gazes leapt at him.

He experienced a big stage like the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, but this wasn’t the case.

Ikki didn’t know what to do, so he waved his hand, imitating Stella for now.

And then,

『『『 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!!!』 』』

The crowd returned cheers and applauses in response to what Ikki returned.

(U-uwaa… this is really embarrassing…)

Although he was born in a distinguished family, Ikki, who was treated rudely, was hopelessly bad at this kind of situations.

He showed his gratitude to others.

I’m probably not such praiseworthy person, he eventually ended up thinking so.

– Stella-sama. Kurogane-sama. A welcoming car has come below here. Please be careful of your feet when descending.

– Thank you. It was a very enjoyable trip.

They thanked the crew members that saw them off and descended the stairs covered with the same deep red carpet when the two had departed.

Below the stairs a pure-white luxury car stood there.

The car was appreciated as Ikki wanted to escape from the gazes’ concentrated fire quickly.

Then, at that moment.

Without waiting for the two to arrive, the passenger seat’s door of the courtesy car was opened.

Thereupon, a petite, long waved, peach blonde woman got out of the car and looked upward,

– Welcome back. Stella-chan.

She welcomed Stella’s return home with a gentle smile on her childish shaped face.

– Eh…! You came to pick me up!?

Stella, next to him, raised a surprised voice and ran down the stairs in one go, stood in front of her and held her hands.

Reacting to this, the woman grasped back the hands of Stella,

– Of course. Now that I can see Stella-chan after several months〜.

– Thank you! I also wanted to see you!!

They were delightedly meeting again, and smiled together.

The pigment of that little girl’s hair was slightly light, but the smile that made her cheeks became softer with『bonya』was exactly like Stella’s smile when she was off guard.

She looked very young, but… was she the first princess or something?

When Ikki stood idly while thinking about the figures of the two intimate girls, Stella guessed the left-behind state of Ikki and said to him.

– Ah, I’m sorry, Ikki! I’ll introduce her to you! She’s my mother!

– Eh!? Your mother!?

Is she the same type of monster as Saikyou-sensei?

When he thought such rude thing in his mind,

– You are Kurogane Ikki-san, yes? Nice to meet you〜. I’m Astraea Vermillion, mother of Stella Vermillion〜. I hope we can get along〜.

When Astraea finished her self-introduction with a calm tone of voice, she bowed facing Ikki.

Before she finished her bowing, and while he felt it was an oversight of his, Ikki also bowed, panicking a lot.

– Ah, I appreciate your politeness…! I am Kurogane Ikki! Thank you for inviting me today…! I will be indebted to you during summer vacation…!

– Fufufu, you’re a very polite boy, so different from the powerful image I saw on TV〜. Your aunt like those kind of boys〜.

– Okaa-sama also watched the broadcast?

– But of course. I also ended up watching the finals of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival on TV〜. To be honest, I was surprised because I didn’t think that Stella-chan would lose. You’re veeery strong〜.

– No, that’s… it was very, very close. That match.

– Whether it’s a complete victory or a narrow victory, it was your win, no?

Astraea said so and firmly grabbed the hand of Ikki.

And then, she put nothing but her thanks in her voice,

– Ikki-san. Thank you very much. For competing to that level with Stella-chan. It was the first time that Stella-chan fought with so much fun. … There was no one in Vermillion or in the neighboring country Kledelland who could keep up with Stella-chan’s strength. … I was a little worried about sending my daughter alone to a foreign country, but she was able to find such a wonderful boyfriend so it was right to make her go to Japan.

The hand that grasped him, her expression, her voice. From all of them, it was transmitted to Ikki that Astraea’s thanks weren’t on the surface but they were indeed from the bottom from her heart.

As Stella said, it seemed that her mother supported her actions and decisions.

Ikki was relieved in regard to this, and he also returned his thanks with a tense-free smile.

– Thank you very much. Since I also got the chance to meet Stella, fell in love with her and could fight to that extent.

– Fufu. You pass, and more than twice*.

*TN: An expression it’s used here (倍率ドンさらに倍), I think it comes from a TV show called “Quiz Derby” now I don’t have the slightest idea if that’s correct or what truly means.

(It came here, the strong distinctive body odor of a middle-aged person…!)

– Hey, Okaa-sama. Did Okaa-sama watch the match together with Otou-sama?

– Of course. Luna-chan too, the whole family was rooting for you〜

– I’m glad! Then Otou-sama also knows that Ikki is strong! That’s a good thing, Ikki. With this, your rank shouldn’t be an obstacle.

But to these few words of Stella,

– Ah〜… I woo〜nder about thaat…

Astraea displayed a skeptical opinion, looking troubled.

– I wonder? What do you mean?

– Because papa didn’t see that match till the end〜.

– W-why!? His job got in the way or something?

– That’s not it〜, he saw till the middle of it, I think? Right when Ikki-san slashed the abdomen of Stella-chan〜. He was foaming when he saw that and remained fainted for three days or so〜. Since he was going to move the army to declare war on Japan as soon as he woke up, both mama and Dandalion-san calmed him down〜.

– …

Ikki lost his words and complexion due to the excessively convincing reasons.

– What’s with that? How can he be so exaggerated, when I was barely cut?

Stella was incensed while saying so next to him, but that response wasn’t to the degree that she was barely cut.

It was a fatal wound, a “break up match” would have been set if wasn’t due to Stella being capable of having a high level self-regeneration.

If he were looking at his own daughter in such state, then fainting would be a natural reaction.

– Ah, come to think of it, I just remembered with papa’s story just now, but papa said he wants to have a family meeting with everyone for a moment before meeting Ikki-san.

– Huuh? And why?

– Because he wants to hear all about Ikki-san from Stella-chan〜. If he were to look at his face without knowing anything about him now, then a proper decision can’t be made. … I wonder though. I think it’s not a bad conversation for Ikki-san. Though he will have to wait in the guest room for a while〜.

– Sure. I am fine with it.

Ikki returned an immediate reply.

He decided there was no reason to refuse.

He didn’t want to die young in the lands of a foreign country.

– Sorry, Ikki. Otou-sama came up with a selfish thing.

– Don’t worry. I mean, he would feel at ease when some things about me are conveyed by Stella rather than me facing him all of a sudden.

–  Got it! I’ll embellish, or perhaps I should say that I’ll rapidly convince him like a jet engine about the wonderful things of Ikki!

– D-don’t rise his expectations too much, alright…?

Thus, when the conversation was settled, Astraea recommended the two to seat in the back seats.

A middle-aged woman with a good physique appeared from the crowd that kept silent to not disturb their conversation until now and proposed to the three of them.

– Hey, hey. I’ve been hearing your conversation from a while ago. If groom-san is going to be free, then would you like us to show the imperial capital to groom-san in the meanwhile? What do you say? In fact, we’ve been preparing for their homecoming and we wanted to teach a lot of things about the city and the country to Stella-chan’s darling. Of course, if you don’t feel like it, then we won’t insist…

At the suggestion of the middle-aged woman, the crowd behind her showed interesting reactions such as『It sounds good, isn’t it!?』and『Say yes!』.

That was the same for Stella.

– Yana-san, that’s a very good idea! Please accept it, Ikki!

Yana seemed to be the name of the middle-aged woman.

Once her name came out, they began to talk, he was able to see that they had a close relationship.

In that case, there was no problem in trusting in her.

Ikki concluded so,

– Yeah. Then I accept your offer, I will be under your care.

He accepted Yana’s proposal.

For Ikki, it felt more significant to look around the city where his lover was born rather than just waiting in the castle.

– Well then〜 You’ll be contacted by Stella-chan once the family meeting is over〜, so until then, please enjoy sightseeing in Vermillion, Ikki-san〜.

– Everyone! I entrust Ikki to you!


Thus, the Princess and the Empress of Vermillion entrusted Ikki to the crowd and headed to the castle first.

Ikki gave his thanks to Yana and the crowd again once they saw off the car.

– Err, Yana-san, was it? Thank you for your kind suggestion. It really helped me because I wouldn’t able to calm myself down while waiting alone in an unknown castle.

Towards that, Yana and the crowd showed a grin on their whole face,

– No, no, don’t give your thanks. We don’t want to hear it.

– Eh?

The warmth in Yana’s voice vanished abruptly.

And then, in front of Ikki who was bewildered by her change of tone, the crowd jostling in the runway of the government airport suddenly out of nowhere and at the same time took out things with nails nailed on top of rectangular lumber, spades, hoes and takaedakiris*

*TN: 高枝切ばさみ is the complete name of the object, I don’t think it has a translation outside of Japan, but I could be wrong.

(… huh?)

The understanding of Ikki couldn’t naturally keep up with their actions.

He stood still, dumbfounded, without knowing at all what they intended to do with those things,

– Well then, we’ll be rapidly guiding groom-san. ――To the deep sea of the German Sea!

– Uwaaaaaaa!?!?

When a metal bat was swooped down above his head, Ikki finally took an evasive action and got aware of the malicious intent that was directed at him as well as his own critical situation.

*Clank*!  The metal bat that made a sound broke the runway.


――They were serious.

He didn’t know the reason why, but they seriously attacked him, there was no doubt.

But, why on earth!?

– Wai, eh, wait a moment! Why are you doing this!?

When Ikki threw that question,

『Don’t make fun of us! You playboy bastard!』

『A guy acting as if he was her boyfriend appears shamelessly! Were you thinking that such information wasn’t going to be transmitted to this rural country!?』

『You’re well known in the news for being an infamous rascal in Japan!』

『You’re just pretending, you enticed the innocent Stella-chan to love you with just a fight!』

『Don’t you dare to disgrace our precious and important Ohime-sama!』

『You fucker, don’t you dare to think you can escape alive from Vermillionnnnnn!!!!!』

The crowd made their eyes became bloodshot and attacked Ikki from all directions to crush him to death.

Ikki realized their words and their actions.

(D-don’t tell me that that misunderstanding hasn’t been solved yet――――!?)

That was, of course, the false rumor about Ikki that Akaza circulated at that time, his previous scandal with Stella.

That Ikki played with Stella or something like that, that he was a long infamous rascal since a while ago.

Ikki also remembered that he had become a man that led a very rose-colored school life and that he had multiple relationships with female students other than Stella.

This misunderstanding had been solved at least in Japan thanks to the cooperation of the ones surrounding him and his own personality.

However, in Vermillion, which was half an orbit around the earth, it seemed that it wasn’t the case based on everyone’s reactions.

Well, that was an understandable argument.

Basically, the mass media made humorous fusses and stirred them up, but they hardly followed them when it was a mistake. Because that would make them admit they were wrong.

Shocking information was transmitted to every corner, but the truth almost never reached the same level.

If so, he had no choice but to solve the misunderstanding. If not――

(Everyone’s eyes are dangerous! They aren’t in a state where they’ll talk a lot!)

Then a way of escaping from here was the right answer.

Ikki decided so and brought down his body while looking for an escape route.

Yana noticed the expression of Ikki who recovered his composure for an instant and peeked at his surroundings to try to escape from this place then raised her voice.

– Don’t let him get away, you guys!


The crowd put much more motivation in their war cry and brandished the specialized weapons in each of their hands.


– Fuh.


Immediately after, the crowd that attacked the overbearing Ikki lost sight of his figure.

The brandished specialized weapons grazed the emptiness and hit hard the ground.

――He disappeared.

From before their eyes, all of a sudden. The human.

In that situation, everyone showed confusion and bewilderment, they weren’t able to conceal those,


『Uwaa, w-why was he here!?』

Screams were heard from behind, they turned their heads to the people that attacked Ikki.

And they saw him.

Ikki, who had brought down his body and almost touched the ground, ran through the narrow gaps in the jostling crowd with an agility like he was a cat.

That’s right, Ikki hadn’t disappeared.

The process called acceleration was skipped, he left behind the dynamic vision of all the crowd that were attacking him thanks to his body that went at maximum speed from the start.

The crowd that was comprised of amateurs of this art couldn’t keep up with his speed.

The special movement of Ikki was one of the reasons, but because they were too cramped, there were many restrictions to their visual field and their movements.

They were just a few good-for-nothing.

No matter how crowded it was, they didn’t become an obstacle for Ikki.

Ikki went through the gaps of them that became flustered like gliding without losing speed at all.

And when he escaped from that enclosure, he got in a car that someone of the crowd drove,

――He stole it and ran away from the airport.

『I-I can’t believe it. The hell’s that guy?』

『How could he run so fast in this crowd of people…!?』

Yana clicked her tongue while in the stunned group of people,

– So he’s not the man that defeated Stella-chan just for show, huh…!? However, something of this degree was calculated and handled it!

She took out an old foldable cell phone and got in touch with a certain person.

– Signard! Groom-san stole a car and escaped to the city! I’ll tell you the license plate!

――Meanwhile, Ikki, who had gone through the enclosure of the people of Vermillion without difficulty, drove along the empty road due to the majority of the citizens living in the imperial capital gathering at the airport.

He was going towards the huge castle seen far beyond the townscape of the imperial capital Hraesvelgr.

Even if he explained something from his own point of view, it wasn’t going to enter their ears.

He thought that he had no choice but to rely on Stella from here on.

However, in such Ikki’s path――

– Hmm?

Something moved towards him from the opposite direction of the heat haze that waved in the summer sunlight.

It ignored all the road lanes and spread across the width of the highway.

Just like a flood.

A fleet of vehicles that he had only seen in worlds of movies and animations――

It was a large army of tanks and their cannons turned towards him.

– You must be kidding…

Immediately after, thunderous roars and impacts reverberated loudly in the sky of Vermillion.

– Ara〜, what was that sound〜?

Astraea inclined her head to the side in doubt due to the sound of something that burst open in the distance.

It was the sound of countless tank cannons that blasted away the car Ikki was in, but,

– Yana-san told they had lots of things prepared, but to think they are launching welcoming fireworks for Ikki!

– Ufufu. I’ll have to give my thanks to everyone later〜.

The two people who didn’t know anything were completely in harmony.

On the other hand, Kurogane Ikki made full use of his natural physical ability.

Right before the tank cannons fired, he manifested《Intetsu》.

He immediately escaped once he cut off the roof of the car.

At the moment of the impact, he took in his hands the roof he had cut off and let it take the direct hit of the blast like a shield then jumped using the momentum of the blast that struck the shield.

He jumped over the buildings lined along the highway and escaped danger.


– Y-y-you want to kill me!?

– Killing you would be fantastic. We don’t intend to leave Stella-sama to a man who dies to something of this level. That’s the consensus of the people of Vermillion.

The people who wore red military uniforms and were waiting on the roofs of the buildings returned cold words to the relatively serious protest of Ikki.

They deployed on the roofs of the nearby buildings to surround Ikki who escaped, going to the roofs.

They aimed their guns at Ikki.

And then, a person among them.

A young woman with a shoulder strap threw a sharp gaze from behind her glasses and pronounced to Ikki.

– My name is Signard Iruon. I’m the person that was entrusted to be the General of the Imperial Army of Vermillion. Ikki Kurogane. You are already surrounded by the Imperial Army of Vermillion.

– They even moved the army…?

He had heard of the level of loyalty of the people of the Empire of Vermillion, but to think it was this much.

But this too was completely like the sown seed of their family.

– Please listen to what I have to say for a moment, I’m not going to run away or go wild. Everything is a misunderstanding.

– A misunderstanding?

Luckily, the woman that introduced herself as Signard was an experienced soldier, and she looked to be much more relaxed when comparing her to the people at the airport.

So that was why Ikki tried to persuade her by talking to her somehow.

– I think that a lot of information about me that circulated widely during that scandal are false rumors. That “I’m on bad terms with my family”, it’s irresponsible that people who don’t think well about me spread such things!

– Hou. Then you’re saying that the things about you exhibiting violence poorly and that you got in a family that was carrying its days calmly and without any sort of crimes were all lies?

– … of cour, se… huh?

He tried to answer quickly but he was at a loss for words.

――In this case, what kind of treatment did he have when he visited another middle school kendo?

– Is it also a lie that you abruptly stepped in the room when Stella-sama was changing clothes and that you even reached the pervert act of taking off your clothes too?

– … Th-that’s, well.

– That you presented an unreasonable condition to Stella-sama in which the loser must be obedient to the winner forever and that you enslaved Stella-sama who lost the duel and you make her listen to what you say!?

– …

(W-what do I do…!? I can’t answer back because everything is completely true!)

And finally, the speechless Ikki.

He realized Akaza’s cleverness.

They were 100% not a lie, he wasn’t able to deny them.

She really used in a skillful manner the serious personality of Ikki.

He was finally able to squeeze out some words with a cramped smile,

– Well, the nuances are scary, aren’t they?

– You piece of shit.

She spat out like she was looking at waste.

He could see that the soldiers around him put their strength into the finger to pull the trigger.

However――Signard controlled with a finger the frenzied soldiers and said something unexpected.

– … well, the information surely reflects the arbitrariness of the third party. It is also a fact that it was distorted when it reached the other side of the world. … Stella-sama seems to like and trust you, and based on what we saw at the finals, we know that you aren’t just a waste of human being. It doesn’t matter how accurate the information about you is, that’s already indifferent for us. You don’t have the guts for that.

– What do you mean?

– If you are Stella-sama’s boyfriend, then you should know, right? The kind of hardships that Stella-sama had to overcome to be able to control her power.

– … well, yes.

That was a story he heard from Stella herself.

At first, when her ability revealed, Stella was unable to control the power of the dragon’s flame, he was told that she burned herself with her own power.

However, Stella understood at a young age how valuable her ability was for the small country of Vermillion. A strong Blazer was an irreplaceable asset for a country.

She shook free from the opposition of her surroundings and acquired control of her own ability, being prepared for death.

For all the people of this country.

… When Stella was still 5 years old.

– I was overwhelmed by the pride of Stella’s imperial family.

– You’re a kind person…

Signard muttered like digesting that,

– However, in the same way as Stella-sama thinks so, we also want to protect Stella-sama!

– …!

– Everyone in this place loves Stella-sama like a daughter, like an older sister, like a younger sister, like a family member. Because we think of her with great care. … That’s why this relationship won’t be allowed or consolidated without consulting it with us! In no way it will be allowed!

When she scowled at Ikki for a second time, she raised a loud voice.

– Ikki Kurogane! The people of the Empire of Vermillion challenge you to a duel! If you want to marry Stella-sama, then show us with your sword that you are worthy of a knight! That you are the appropriate man to be the spouse of our beloved girl who is beautiful, noble and kinder than anyone else!

『『『That’s right ―――――!!!!』』』

『『『If not, we’ll never recognize you!!!!』』』

Aligned with Signard, the soldiers on the roof and the soldiers and citizens that crammed below the buildings before he knew raised their voices all at once.

When he saw that scene, Ikki realized at last the situation he was placed in.

They were beyond help.

To sum up, this country was――

(All the people of this country are her doting parents…!?)

He thought that the obstacle was one of Stella’s parents, but he was overoptimistic.

But that couldn’t be helped.

One wouldn’t usually consider that.

Even if Stella told him that her family was one with the country, her existence wasn’t just the royal family for the Japanese Ikki. The royal family married him and so forth, they virtually watched it become news and after a while, everything was decided.

It was unthinkable for them to determine him as a marriage partner of the royal family.


– I see. That sure has logic.

– …!

In an instant, Ikki saw Signard facing him on behalf of the people.

A thin smile was shown on the mouth of Ikki.

And then,

– Stella also said it before. “We’re one family with the country”. In that case, your indignation is completely natural. I won’t be allowed to marry Stella without making you consent to it. ――There’s no reason to refuse you to a duel.

The man who came to take their Princess from a foreign country elevated the tip of the black sword he had in his hands and accepted their challenge without hesitating.

– …! How vigorous! In that case――

– However!

But, Ikki said the moment when Signard tried to wave her hand that was controlling the soldiers.

– However, I have just one condition.

– A condition?

– I’m not going to defeat all of you, it will be my victory if I can reach to where Stella is by breaking off from all of you.

– Isn’t the victory condition too weak?

Ikki just replied「No」 .

– Your beloved girl and I don’t want you to get hurt.

– ――!

Signard was at a loss for words against that.

Because Ikki showed a deep understanding towards the girl named Stella.

I get it. Certainly, the people that rejected the proposal weren’t qualified to show their love to Stella.

If so,

– … ――I accept. If you can get away, then show you can get away!

Signard accepted Ikki’s proposal and swung her right hand controlling the soldiers.

A sound like a waterfall sprayed, hundreds of lead-rain sudden showers were aimed at Ikki in an instant.

But at that time, Ikki had already finished his action.

The moment he had raised《Intetsu》 and accepted the challenge of Signard and company.

In the instant that couldn’t be followed by the eyes of ordinary people,

――He cut the roof under his feet.

When Ikki hit lightly the roof with his heels, the roof that was cut off collapsed easily.

It ended up swallowing Ikki into the perfect circular hole.

As a matter of course, he wasn’t hit by the shooting.

『That guy! He cut the roof and ran away by going down!』

– Kuh! Look at the doors and windows of the building! Don’t let him get away when he comes out!

Signard immediately ordered the vigilance of the entrances of the building.

This was a big mistake.

Because Ikki didn’t go into the building from the hole just like that――he was just grabbing the edge of it with his fingers.

– Heave-ho!

Ikki made sure that the watching on the roof was removed under the instruction of Signard then threw up his body with his fingers and jumped out from the hole.


『General Signard! There!』

He rushed out of the castle before the soldiers noticed him.

Signard had a disgusted look on her face, looking at his retreating figure.

– D-dammit…! He feigned it! Don’t let him escape!

『『『Yes ma’aaaaaaaaaaaam!!!!』』』

The soldiers fired the rifle they had in their hands while chasing the distant Ikki.

However, he was able to let all the bullets fired go past him by stepping to the left and right.

He checked with his sense of hearing the location of the shooting sounds.

He predicted the arrival time of the bullet speed, he didn’t look back not even a single time.

His movement was extremely quick despite the unstable footing.

Even when compared when he was running on the level-ground airport.

That was because Kurogane Ikki’s mind and body conditions had recently reached their climax.

Everything was thanks to them, the people of Vermillion.

Ikki was able to notice them because they were facing him seriously.

『To get them recognize him as Stella’s companion』

『To get them to hand over Stella』

If they truly loved her, if they thought about her wellness more than anything else,

――Was she something that they should and could hand over?

As if he couldn’t hand over Stella.

Ikki was aware of the serious attitude so far of the people of Vermillion.

They were just like him.

In that case, there was no way they could coexist.

Trying to coexist was the great mistake itself.

Fellows that loved the same girl from the bottom of their hearts.

If he wanted to get the girl, there was only one thing to do.

That was to pull Stella’s hand, hold it tightly and take her away.

With stronger feelings――and physical strength than the others!

(If it’s the strength of my feelings, then I won’t lose to anyone――!)

Never, to them――or to Stella’s father.

Other than that, there was no way to make them agree.

The moment he arrived at that mental state, Ikki was finally able to determine his feelings.

――He may not get them to recognize him.

Such weak idea, that was filling the head of Ikki until just now, dissipated, and he stared straight at the castle with burning eyes.

He didn’t think that he’ll get them to accept him and hand her over again.

He would take her away and made them recognize him…!

Because――that’s was Kurogane Ikki’s way of life and the Ikki that Stella loved.

『T-that man…! Does he have eyes on his back or something!?』

『And with this unstable footing, how can he run so damn fast…!?』

『General! It’s useless! We can’t catch up with him! 』

– Tsk.

The heavy burden of his heart vanished, the soldiers couldn’t catch up with Ikki that became more agile.

Ikki jumped between the roofs and separated from his pursuers in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers fired bullets at Ikki with the rifles they had in their hands, but none of them hit him.

The soldiers weren’t unskilled.

Ikki stepped to the left and right to evade the bullets with precision.

――He never looked back, not even once.

He had already assessed the speed of the bullets. And remembered them.

If so, the timing at which the bullets came flying from the angle and position of the firing sound could be roughly calculated.

It was possible to avoid them, including the calculation error if he had to evade it with a bit more room.

Signard clicked her tongue.

Although she knew about the level of his physical ability, what Signard saw was just Ikki on top of a flat ring.

It was nothing but the skillfulness of his main sword technique that caught her attention.

The impression of his Noble Arts《Ittou Shura》was also combined with it, she thought “he was a strong knight specialized in matches”.

But that wasn’t it.

Signard realized it.

The fundamentals, the foundation that sustained that sword technique.

The sharpened physical ability and concentration ability of Ikki weren’t common. And his ability to grasp space.

Ikki wasn’t bothered at all by the terrain or the surprise attacks.

He constantly turned his head and selected the best movement at the very instant, he understood the art to break the battle.

This tenacity, this determination to use everything he noticed――

(――this guy’s the type that exists for war rather than for regular matches…!)

The non-Blazer forces weren’t opponents for him.

It should be possible for Ikki to return and take the head of the enemy general by himself.

He wasn’t flashy so as to blow up the large army in one hit like Stella, but he had the penetrating ability to deeply pierce through the enemy like a sharp needle.

He was making light of them.

They couldn’t stop that by themselves.


(Still, I can’t break off from those girls…!)

(It’s weird)

Ikki felt an uncomfortable feeling as he rode fast the roofs of the buildings of Vermillion alone, he completely got separated from Signard and company.

Even though he broke off from his pursuers and didn’t see their figures anymore,

(There are two gazes that were able to stick to me this whole time)

Moreover, one of them was so close he could hear their breathing.

Where were they?

They weren’t to the right.

They weren’t to the left.

They weren’t in front or above him――in that case,

– ――from below!

A water sound and a splash rose in an instant, a three-pronged lance popped out of the roof right below Ikki.

Ikki barely blocked it with《Intetsu》.

But his movement was stopped,

– Heh, now, Milly!

The barley-skinned girl that appeared from inside the roof with lance in hand shouted,

– Or rather, I know what to do even if you don’t tell me〜.

Immediately after, the ears of Ikki made a dry, bursting sound.

Together with that, he felt like a lightning running in his femur.

(She’s sniping…!)

– Fuh!

– Whoah!?

The intuition that was sharpened to be out of danger many times moved the body of Ikki like drifting.

He launched a kick loaded with his weight on the long handle of the lance and pulled away one of the assailants,

– Haaaa!

A black, circular bullet that flew and broke through the wind was cut in two, it was chopped.

The divided, severed bullet slid on the blade of《Intetsu》and passed to the left and right of Ikki――

– Ahhaaah ☆.

– …!?

At that moment, the hemispherical bullet took a sharp turn and thrust into both feet of Ikki from the left and right.

Ikki dodged them by jumping to the back right away.

It was an evasion that owed everything to Ikki’s power of concentration who had always won through disadvantageous fights, and to not being careless because he let the attacks of the enemies go past.

The semi-circular bullets lost their target, sunk into the roof and stopped their movement.

– Not gooood, this guy’s super faaast. They were dodged with such a timing, this’ll be a serious booooothersooome.

– Hehe. It’s not that much though, he’s kind of worth being our opponent, don’t you see?

The girl kicked by Ikki rotated in the air and landed on the red tiled roof.

Next to her there was a girl having a small musket at the ready.

She suddenly appeared as if jumping out from the water’s surface without destroying the roof.

The bullets that followed him here had an almost impossible trajectory.

Ikki realized.

Without a doubt, these two girls were――

– … Blazers, huh.

– Nice to meet you, Stella’s boyfriend! I’m Tilmitt Gracie, I’m in first year of the National Black Magic Institute of Vermillion! Your reaction just now was very good, you know!?

– Huh〜? Are we self-introducing us now? Then I also have to do so? Hello, I’m Milliaria Lazy, I’m in first year of the National Black Magic Institute of Vermillion. It seems you’re a close friend of Stella-chan since not too long ago, yes?

– I’m Kurogane Ikki. … Are you also going to test me for the sake of Stella?

When he asked, the girl named Tilmitt laughed.

– Ah, no, no. We don’t care who marries Stella. That girl is free to decide who she likes.

– Our goal is thi〜s.

Milliaria said so and showed a rough paper to Ikki.

There was a photo of Ikki in it and――

The characters DEAD OR ALIVE.

– I’ve become a wanted!?

– Yup. We’ll get a bonus from the army if we defeat you. That’s 1,000,000《EL》Yulis!

– Milly-chan found a super cute bag last week, but she’s totally troubled, she’s running out of money〜.  Can this be then a lifesaver without a doubt?

It appeared that the wanted poster was scattered throughout the whole town by the Imperial Army.

By the way, 1M Yulis were 100M Japanese yen.

It was an extraordinary amount.

Ikki understood that amount of money.

The degree of seriousness of his opponents. And the presence of those behind the army and Tilmitt.

(I thought it wasn’t an arbitrary decision of the people because they’re even moving the army, but――)

Only one person could withdraw this amount from the national treasure from the absolute monarchy that was Vermillion.

The king of Vermillion was also involved in this mess.

He didn’t know if he was leading it or if he was cooperating, but either way, he approved it.

(Their murderous intent is high!)

That perhaps was natural when looking at the match.

And, when Ikki wryly smiled at the level of hate directed at him,

『This is it! 1M Yulis!』

『Damn! Another problem child combination is already coming into contact with the enemy!』

『Those girls, they barely work with honesty at times like this!』

『Don’t let the two have a favorable moment! Let’s go!』

Besides Tilmitt, those who were dazzled by the prize money rushed along the roof.

Tilmitt and Milliaria who were seeing this,

– Oops, the hyenas have gathered.

– Let’s take care of this very quickly.

They took a combat stance again.

Tilmitt activated the ability of her Device《Triaina》.

Then again, the material called roof changed to sea for her, she jumped without hesitation and got inside.

At the same time, Milliaria, her partner, fell to her knees there,

-《Calamity Barrett》Triple rapid-fire!

Three bullets were fired from the musket-type Device.

Its shape was of a musket, but there was no concept of reloading in her Device.

And so, these bullets weren’t ordinary bullets that flew straight into the sky.

Ikki, who understood that with the hit earlier, started running immediately without trying to avoid it at the very limit.

Then, and not surprisingly, the bullets curved sharply and started chasing the escaping Ikki.

This was the ability of Milliaria‘s Device《Casper》that had the concept of absolute hit.

No matter how many times a bullet was repelled or bisected, the magic bullet would continue chasing the enemy to pierce them.

It was a very annoying ability. But,

The capture method was already identified.

Ikki aimed at a certain place on the roof while struggling to barely dodge the bullets that attacked him while turning around him.

There was a chimney.

(Just like before, she sunk into the attracting wall)


– Here I come!

Because she was waiting for the moment he approached the chimney, Triaina came outside from the side of the chimney.

Ikki poorly twisted his body and evaded it by millimeters.

He rapidly separated from the chimney.

(If I get near the wall then I’ll be attacked by Tilmitt-san…!)

– Here we go again!

– Kuh.

Moreover, Triaina appeared in succession at his escaping steps first.

From this, Ikki couldn’t stay in a place and he couldn’t use a guided standard attack principle to attract and get into it.

It covered the weakness of《Calamity Barrett》very well.

– That’s a nice combination…!

– Of course! After all, Milly and I are C-Rank knights, 2 of the 3 C-Rank knights of this country!

– I mean, you praise us, but we’re not going to miss.

Milliaria said so and abandoned control of the speed-decreasing《Calamity Barrett》.

She fired three more《Calamity Barrett》again to replace the bullets and went after Ikki mercilessly.

In addition to that, Triaina stuck out irregularly from below his feet like if it was pestering him.

Even the genius Ikki was just defending against the gapless attacks from every direction.

At this rate, then he would be caught sooner or later.

That was why Ikki greatly jumped to the edge of the roof with all his strength.

When he moved to another building, he peeked at Tilmitt that was《Travelling in disguise》.

The two that chased Ikki understood such way of doing things.

Most of those who had been attacked in waves by Tilmitt and Milliaria ended up with that general idea.

Therefore―― Milliaria grinned and laughed.

– Ahhaaa ☆ We were waiting for that〜!

At that second, Milliaria abandoned the speed-decreasing《Calamity Barrett》.

Then fired three new《Calamity Barrett》aiming at Ikki who made a jump in the air.

Yes. The creation of this situation was the aim of their wave attacks.

People couldn’t move in the air except for the Blazers that had a special ability.

He was completely defenseless.

It wasn’t possible to evade the maximum speed of《Calamity Barrett》that were just shot with that momentum.

The three bullets attacked him.

Ikki flipped his body in the air.

Then took an interception stance with sword in hand――

(That’s really meaningless〜)

It was insignificant for《Calamity Barrett》whether they were cut or repelled.

If they were cut, the number of balls would increase just like before.

If they were repelled, then they’ll attack him many times due to the propulsion of ricochet’s momentum.

――That was what she supposed.

That was why both Milliaria and Tilmitt were convinced of their victory, but――

– Haaa!

At the same time as the three bullets pierced Ikki.

Three slashing lights surrounded Ikki and《Calamity Barrett》lost its ardent driving force, it was attracted by gravity and fell to the ground without force, Ikki was safe, he landed on a building shorter than the one Milliaria and Tilmitt were standing on.

– Huh?

Milliaria got confused by the unexpected consequences.

The ability of Kurogane Ikki should be physical strengthening.

That was why she was able to invalidate his Noble Arts.

But Tilmitt who had a taijutsu sense greater than Milliaria, comprehended together with shivers the superhuman feat of Ikki just now in the sea of stones.

(They completely cancelled each other out…!)

It was evidently that.

Ikki, in the defense and offense so far, and the bullets that Milliaria replaced twice up to now, he read that her ability is to guarantee nothing else but『Trajectory』, she doesn’t have the power to『re-accelerate』the fired bullets. By striking the bullets with the same energy as the energy contained in them, they weren’t repelled to the back like before and weren’t sliced off either, all their movements were cancelled.

(Milly’s ability is just『bullets』, they aren’t『missiles』. What we’re doing is meaningless)

《Calamity Barrett》was powerless against enemies that had a technique of such level.

(But still――!)

She had no choice but to do that.

Tilmitt decided so, she strongly kicked the bottom of the water and jumped to the surface.

– 《Dolphin Crash》!

She jumped out from the wall of the building.

The distance between the two buildings was indeed 10 meters.

Tilmitt flew that distance without difficulty and drew near Ikki.

She pushed out Triaina and aimed at his head from above and diagonal of Ikki who landed on a short building.

The movements of the opposing Ikki were also fast.

He immediately raised《Intetsu》and took a defensive stance with his blade against the thrusting lance of Tilmitt.

It was easy for him to defend against that attack, like a charge from 10 meters away.

However, ――that was a trap.

(That momentary preparation did it…!)

That was her first strike, Tilmitt was performing a preparation for the moment when《Calamity Barrett》couldn’t shoot him down.

That was the first strike that made Ikki defend.

At that moment, Tilmitt had instilled an understanding by purposely making Ikki defend against her thrust.

He was able to block the thrust of《Triaina》.


(It’s not like I can just hide in buildings!)

The Device of the opponent was no exception.

Now it was the time to move the trump card prepared in case the collaboration with Miriallia didn’t go well.

Triaina slipped through Ikki’s《Intetsu》 that tried to stop the point of the lance with a water sound and hurried to the face of Ikki in a straight line.

(Got you!)

The moment Tilmitt was convinced about it,

– That’s too open.

Certainly, 《Triaina》supposedly stabbed Ikki’s forehead, but it turned away to the side like sliding on the skin of Ikki.

It was the secret technique that warded off the blade with only a slight defensive body movement ――《Flawless》.

Ikki dodged the lance attack of Tilmitt with that,

– Fuh.

He slashed Tilmitt who became defenseless in mid-air due to the unexpected protection with the blade of《Illusory Form》.

– Kuh, ah.

– It was as if you were saying “please receive the charge from that distance”. Given the special characteristics of your ability, it’s easy to anticipate and slip through your Device, and so turning the tables. That was quite dangerous now, so it’s better to not do it again.

In the real battlefield, if his real enemy was an opponent, then her current careless attack could have cost the life of Tilmitt. So, Ikki scolded her imprudence with severe words.

But soon after she reflected upon those words, a strong sleepiness that resembled a blackout of consciousness attacked Tilmitt and she fell on the roof.

And just like that, she rolled down due to the inclination of the roof.

Ikki took a glance and,

– Alright then, I leave the rest to you!

With a refreshing smile, he threw violently everything to Milliaria and resumed the escape.

– Kyaah! Til-chan!

She may be a Blazer, but she was just a human being that needed to protect herself with magic.

It was unpardonable if she fell from the roof of around 10 meters in height in a fainted state.

Milliaria jumped out from the roof by dashing with all her strength and caught Tilmitt in the air and landed on the ground.

Then she looked up on the roof from there but there were no signs of Ikki anymore.

When Ikki defeated Tilmitt and Milliaria.

Stella and Astraea arrived at the castle of the Imperial Capital central part.

– Hmm〜 Like I thought, my home is quiet〜.

Stella breathed in a big way while walking through the spacious marble corridor.

Everyday cleaning should be done carefully, but her home had a smell of marvelous and harmonic air.

However, leisure was for later.

Even though the citizens were keeping company with Ikki, it was painful to keep him waiting too much.

– So, where’s Otou-sama waiting?

–  He told me to bring you along to the dining hall, so I guess he’s still there?

Then Stella tried to hurry up, she left the luggage to the maid and headed towards the dining hall.

And then, she pushed the large double doors open that lead to the dining hall and――

– SssstellaaaaaaAAAA―――――! I so wanted to see youu――――!

A middle-aged man with a thick beard flew like a rocket, aiming at the lips of Stella.

– Nooooooooooooo!!!!

Naturally, she punched him.

A counter with all her might.

Raising a snap and a no sounds, the fist of Stella sunk into the face of the middle-aged man and knocked him off his feet.

The middle-aged man of large build that was knocked off his feet protested against Stella with a shaking voice while holding his nose that was bent in a weird direction.

– W-why did you… I just… wanted to give you a welcome kiss…

– That’s the reason why I did that!

The exasperated expression of Stella to this middle-aged man――

She shouted at Sirius Vermillion, her father and the current King.

– You think that such an assault is allowed for your adolescent daughter that turned 15 already!? This is exactly that case!

– … fu, and so you hide your embarrassment by turning your face deep red? You’re not being honest.

– I’m angry! You truly are inconsiderate!

Stella said and sighed in a great way.

What a way to reunite with her father after several months.

Even if she was extremely reluctant.

Then, from the side of Stella,

– Papaa〜?

A voice like a curse resounded.


This is bad, she was already moving when Stella turned her face to the side.

She, Astraea, put both hands on the face of Sirius who fell to one of his knees as he was hit by Stella and made him look towards her,

– What do you mean by approaching our daughter to kiss her when you have me?

She opened her eyes wide to the limit of her big pupils with eyes filled with darkness like mud and asked Sirius.

– Ma-mama…!?

– Are you cheating on me? You’re cheating on me now? Was mama perhaps cuckolded by papa with our daughter? Did you notice the importance of the two only after you were separated〜?

– Hii…! T-there’s no way such a thing is happening. I’ve been devoted to mama since always!

– Hmm〜〜〜〜〜〜? Is that trueee〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜?

Astraea approached him enough to not touch his eyeball and stared at the pupil of Sirius who explained as sweat was suspending on his forehead.

Sirius blinked not even once.

At that moment, if he were to divert his eyes from the eyes of Astraea even for a moment, he knew very well the kind of terrible things that would occur.

Once a minute in that state had passed, Astraea finally released both hands from the cheeks of Sirius,

– That’s good〜. Mama also loves papa since forever〜.

She showed a sweet and calm smile.

– But if you try to do something strange to Stella-chan next time, then I’ll have to punish you〜.

– Ah, yes ma’am!

– Enough! Even Okaa-sama became strange because Otou-sama did a ridiculous thing, so take that in mind!

– Y-yes. I also like better a tender mama rather than a strange mama…

When Sirius got up and cleared his throat once,

– You came back well. Stella.

He showed a gentle smile with a tough look as if it was a strict one and hugged Stella.

– … yeah, I’m back. Otou-sama.

Stella put her hand on the thick body of Sirius and returned the hug.

(… Even though I wouldn’t have hit him if he were like this from the beginning)

He really was a helpless father.

Well, maybe it meant that he loved her so much.

After their bodies separated,

– By the way, Otou-sama. I was wondering but Luna-ane hasn’t come yet?

You are reading story Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan at novel35.com

She asked Sirius about something that was weighing on her mind from a while ago.

She though that they were going to have a family meeting in the dining hall, but the figure of her older sister wasn’t there.

Sirius put a look a bit bitter,

– Since Luna arbitrarily had decided long ago her own conclusions, she went and locked in her own room. … Even though this is a serious affair that involves all members of the family.

– It can’t be helped. Since the『war』preparations this time apart from the preparations of the coronation are entrusted to Luna-chan, she has been quite busy〜. She said that she would go on a business trip to Kledelland tomorrow.

Stella showed agreement to the words of Astraea.

『War』was an important diplomacy done once every five years.

With those things before her very eyes, it was like she was being chased by reconciliation businesses.

In that case, it would be unwise to disturb her.

Above all, her older sister, Lunaize Vermillion, was on her side about her actions and decisions, so there was no need for her to be present.

Stella concluded so,

– Well then, let’s immediately start the family council without Luna-ane.

She sat down in a dining hall chair.

– There’s no need to start so fast. This is our first reunion in several months.

– Nope. Because Ikki is waiting for me while we’re doing this.

– Don’t worry, because will that guy be able to get here after all――oops.

– Otou-sama?

– It’s nothing, it’s nothing! T-that’s right! It’s a shame to keep your boyfriend waiting forever, so I would like to hear what you have to say asap!

– …?

Stella inclined her head to the side because her father became obedient all of a sudden.

However, since it was habitual for her father to be weird like this, she immediately stopped paying attention to it.

But his wife Astraea noticed something,

– Papaa〜? Were you perhaps thinking about something incorrigibly evil?

She glance a suspicious eyes towards Sirius.

– W-what nonsense are you saying!? I’m the just and upright King of Vermillion! I don’t have a guilty conscience or anything of the sort! Wahahahaha!

Even though Sirius denied it while laughing looking excited――there was cold sweat floating on his forehead.

That’s right. There was no way he wasn’t scheming something.

Sirius Vermillion was working since long ago for this day.

Ikki told that he would come to greet him when the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival ended.

Without being seen by Astraea and Lunaize, he cooperated with the people through the former maid Yana and the military through Signard, he created a Kurogane Ikki encirclement and even made use of a large prize money to make doubly sure of it.

Now, the Empire of Vermillion was united as one to shoo away Kurogane Ikki.

Sirius was convinced that the named ones knew it.

――That Kurogane Ikki couldn’t reach this castle ever.

(Anyway, at this moment,『those guys』are also moving…!)

Maybe it was not possible for the non-combatant citizens and the non-Blazerarmed forces and the ones after the prize reward.

Because he was a man that even for an instant defeated twice his daughter who was an A-Rank knight.

However, he wasn’t going to be able to break through『those guys』.

The loyal beasts that pledged absolute allegiance to the royal family of Vermillion and didn’t hesitate to lose their lives for Stella.

There was no way for『those guys』to make a mistake and let that poisonous insect get near Stella.

(I rely on you. The Imperial Elite Guards of the Empire of Vermillion…!)

The very moment when Sirius strongly transmitted that thought.

Ikki went through the outer circumference of the castle town and arrived at the bridge that led to the rich residential area and confronted the Imperial Elite Guards that were waiting on the bridge.

– How admirably of you to get this far, Ikki Kurogane! As one would expect of the man that defeat her Highness Stella in combat! Hoowever! Your steady advance ends here! The bridges leading from the castle town to the noble district were made to collapse completely, this is the only one remaining! But look at us, we are the elite! We are the shield of the Empire of Vermillion and we the soldiers pledged absolute allegiance to her Highness Stella. Because we are the Imperial Elite Guards of Vermillion!

– L-O-V-E!! Stella!!

– L-O-V-E!! Stella!!

– Lovely! Lovely! Stella!!!!


(W-what’s with these people…!?)

Ikki ended up stopping his steps because of too much bewilderment due to the group of around 50 people that wore red happi coats* and continued turning the upper half of their bodies with incredible momentum while having glow sticks in their hands.

*TN: happi coat is a traditional Japanese straight-sleeved coat.

This was well understood by Ikki who lived for the martial arts and carried defensive body movements to extremes.

Their defensive body movements were carried to the limits of an extensive training.


(What a refined useless movement…)

Besides, he had no idea of the meaning, if it had one.

On the other hand, the man and leader of the group, the captain of the Imperial Guards, looked at Ikki who stopped his walking in front of them and smiled.

– Kuku. This guy looks like he said that he’s lost for words before our perfectly coordinated leadership and loyalty. However, it’s too late for you to get cold feet now! We will judge your serious crime of tricking her Highness Stella with our swords! For that reason, we will confirm your crimes after this!

When the captain of the Imperial Guards told him so, the Imperial Guards that were making mysterious movements and circling around him from behind stopped their movement all of a sudden.

Everyone had the same serious expression or either were at their wit’s end.

But that was also natural.

Questions and answers were coming from here on. In any case, this was also related to their meaning of their existences.

Everyone was holding their breaths and watched attentively.

In such silence, and after several deep breaths, the captain of the Imperial Guards represented all present and asked Ikki.

– The information saying that you’re living in the s-saaaame room as Stella-chan, is that true!?

– Eh…. Yes. It’s true. The board chairman told me to do so.


Immediately after. Half of the Imperial Guards that blockaded the bridge bled and fell on the spot.

– Captain! Second-class soldiers have fainteeeeed!

– Huh? Those weak guys…! Although I said that they had to prepare themselves by playing NTR erotic games, they weren’t prepared enough…!

– B-but the captain also has blood coming out from his fists! He’s grasping it so tightly that they’re bleeding!

– Calm down! It’s fine, it’s only a confirmation of the fact they live in the same room…! However, they’re just living together! Damn straight! According to reports, this man wasn’t in good terms with his family and the scandal with Stella-chan and the theory that this guy’s home was a disseminated hoax is still alive…! That thing is what!? T-this photo is fake, riiiiiiiiiight!?

The commander of the Imperial Guards said so, he turned toward Ikki the picture of a weekly magazine that exposed the relationship between Ikki and Stella.

The photo looked very well when he saw it again.

It was a professional job.

To that vividness and while averting his eyes, looking embarrassed, Ikki,

– No… it’s real. Stella and I are lovers, we have kissed already.


At that moment, the voice of something like a strangled cattle echoed in the skies of Vermillion, almost all the Imperial Guards that survived fainted. Those who fell down in the first question also began to convulse incessantly. Did their brains understand Ikki’s answer?

– Don’t loooOoOoooOoooze your miiind! D-dis iz a trap of dis guy to make uz fall in chaos!

– Please calm down, commander! Aren’t you so perturbed that you have problems to speak properly!?

– W-wait a moment!

And, at that moment.

An unhealthy thin man crawled out of the back row of the heaps of corpses all around,

– If you’re really the lover of Stella-chan, then… that means that you already had s-s-s-s-s-sex with Stella-chan――

– Stop you morooOooooooooooOOOOOn!!!!!

– Ack!?

But before the thin man finished asking the question, the commander of the Imperial Guard crushed his face and words underfoot.

– Youuuuuu, youuuuuu! Why are you asking such thoughtless thiiiings!? Yes, youuu! N-nevertheless! What would you have done if the reply was a『Yes, that’s right』or a doubtful silence!? Do you plan to destroy the Imperial Guaaaaaaaard!!!!?

– Hii, I-I’m sorryyyyyyy!

Then, the commander of the Imperial Guard wiped out the bitter tears, breathed greatly just once and appealed to the fallen members.

– You, the Imperial Elite Guards, get a hold of yourself! We haven’t confirmed anything yet! There’s a possibility that this man has made a false declaration, we’re not done yet! Don’t give up hope! There’s still one thing that is clear in this round of questions and answers! Just one! And that is no matter if the words of this guy are true or lies, there’s no way we’re going to trust in this guyyyyyyyyyyyy! Everyone, draw your swords! Let’s cut him into pieceeeeeeee――――!!!!

「「「Yes siiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIiIiIIーーーーーーーーr!!!!」」」

The order of the commander of the Imperial Guard also raised those who were even convulsing on the bridge.

As for the Imperial Guards, all of them made their Devices manifest and attacked Ikki with all their strength.

The number of enemies was 50.

They were all Blazers.

And combat in a wide area was a disadvantage.

If so,

(I’ll rapidly deal with these guys near me and I’ll temporarily retreat to the alley …!)

In the narrow alley they couldn’t make the best use of their advantage in numbers.

If he ran around skillfully, then he would be able to get around opponents with minimum battle.

Ikki judged the situation in an instant. He made a strategy and,

– Haaa!

– Guhaa!

He made the three Imperial Guards that were sticking out to faint with a hit in their necks with《Illusory Form》and tried to escape.

But ――

– ――hoooooooooooo!!!!

– …!

The cut off Imperial Guards attacked with a furious facial expression while scattering magical light like it was red blood from their necks.

Ikki protected against the drawn swords of their counterattack with difficulty and also showed agitation.

(They didn’t collapse with《Illusory Form》…!?)

The damage of《Illusory Form》chipped off their stamina directly, it didn’t deal physical damage.

If an arm was cut, then that arm wouldn’t move, there was actually no damage.

These were all temporary actions by means of strong『wrong impression』.

Essentially, this wrong impression by the Device acted strongly in the human body, it couldn’t escape from that.

If they received a fatal wound, they would faint.

That was the usual.

But very rarely, there were those who could avert this wrong impression with the strength of their will.

Individuals that faced battles with a willpower that transcended both the body and mind as long as their willing to die was weak.

Towards such type of guys, the blade of《Illusory Form》was almost powerless.

But such individuals rarely existed.

Ikki was amazed because they didn’t exist.

But the Imperial Guards that were in front of him now.

The appearance that this odd bunch had,

(The strength of their hearts is real…!)

If he didn’t have a strong mind, he would be swallowed up by their strong determination.

Ikki believed so, and pushed aside the three people with his own indomitably strong force.

At that moment,

– Hmm?

He saw a piece of paper lightly fell from the Imperial Guards’ sliced off happi coat’s hem.

Then the pieces of paper fell like sliding under the feet of Ikki.

– Is this…?

Ikki touched them with his hand almost by reflex,

– Ah, d-don’t touch thaaat!

The collapsed Imperial Guards stopped Ikki’s action with a shouting, close voice.

But Ikki――caught sight of that a bit late.

It was a Stella’s swimsuit photo that captured the precise moment she was fixing the part surrounding her buttocks.

– ――――…

– That’s a medal that can only be given to the Imperial Guards who pledged allegiance to the Imperial Family! Give it baaaack!

They wouldn’t hesitate to give their lives for the royal family.

In exchange for such loyalty, a dear treasured picture was given by the commander of the Imperial Guard.

The man whose treasure was arbitrarily touched raged and swung downward the western sword against Ikki.

That, yes, that was――such a foolish act, wasn’t it?

In that case,

– The fact that this was only given to the Imperial Guards means that all these guys have something similar to this, isn’t it?

He made a smile with just his mouth because he would waste the last chance to escape from the man that was the most broken in this place.

――Later on, the Imperial Guards spoke while shaking.

Of the day when their Princess came back, accompanied by a『demon』from the country of Japan.


Sirius felt a strange uneasiness.

Even though enough time had passed already since Ikki arrived in Vermillion,

――why there was not even a single report arriving from the citizens, the army or the Imperial Guard saying that they defeated Ikki?

His ability with the sword was certain, however, he had an F-Rank fighting power after all.

Mobilizing even the army, the possibility of not being a hard fight should be there, but then――

– Otou-sama!

– ――ah, i-it’s nothing, Stella!

– Don’t “it’s nothing” to me! Why is Otou-sama staring at the emptiness, even though you wanted to hear about what kind of person Ikki is!?

– N-no! I wasn’t absent-minded!

– Really? You listened to me perfectly?

He didn’t listen to her at all.

He didn’t want to listen about her boyfriend from the mouth of her daughter.

But if he were to say such honest thing, he would end up roasted.

In that case, Sirius,

– O-of course. Every time I hear more things about this admirable young man. He should be called a Samurai. As one would expect of my daughter. To find such man, you have reliable eyes.

At any rate, Stella was singing praises of that man.

Then if he also praised him or something like that, then that should convince her, so he said an insincere compliment.

Towards this, Stella showed an almost bright smile on her face.

– I-I know right!? Ikki is really cool! Otou-sama finally got it!

Sirius noticed his own blunder due to Stella’s delight.

(N-no good. Now that I made the conversation come together right away, as things are, the family meeting will end up finishing)

There were no reports in which they defeated Ikki, and that was problematic.

In the worst case, Stella could go and assist the escaping Ikki.

(I have to earn some time somehow…!)

– Okay then, let’s contact Yana-san immediately so that Ikki――

– W-wait, Stella!

– Eh, why?

Sirius said to stop Stella who took out her smartphone.

– I certainly think he’s a splendid man, but when it comes to marriage the story is different!

– W-what do you mean?

– Because, well, you’re the second Princess of the Empire of Vermillion. And naturally, the political this and that are, well, affected by that marriage, you see? The opinion of Luna who will be the ruler of Vermillion for the next period must also be heard before the greetings, that’s what I think.

Stella raised her eyebrows towards the words of Sirius,

– Don’t say such things at this point of time!

She protested.

It was justified. That was something that should be said before the family council began.

– Isn’t it okay to summon Ikki? Besides, Luna-ane wasn’t against him from the start.

– But it’s not like she declared her approval, am I right?

But Sirius didn’t withdraw.

He persisted while getting self-aware that what he was saying was an absurd thing, that he wanted Lunaize’s opinion at this late hour.

– This is an important conversation for the Empire of Vermillion. I’d like to properly unify the opinion of the imperial family. I’m sorry, Stella. Please summon Luna to come here! I also want to be certain of his attitude as the current King of Vermillion based on Luna’s opinion.

– F-fine…

Sirius’ insistence was completely late.

Now that they called Lunaize, it would take just double effort from the point of view of Stella to have a meeting once again.

She felt very bad for Ikki as she kept him waiting outside.

However… while it was completely annoying, it didn’t mean that what he said was a complete baseless emphasis.

That he wanted to compare the opinions regarding the engagement of the second Princess with the next ruler as the current King and that was certainly a reasonable discussion.

That was why Stella gave in there.

– Understood. Then I’ll go and call Luna-ane now. And then, you will greet Ikki so you better be prepared. Good grief…!

Stella said so and jumped out of the dining hall and hurried to shorten the time she has kept Ikki waiting.

Astraea let a sigh escape while looking at her back and reproached Sirius with a glance.

– … papa really doesn’t know when to give up.

– I-I don’t really know what mama is saying…!

Sirius stood up, turned away his eyes and tried to escape.

– Where are you going?

– T-to the toilet. I’ll be back soon.

When he left the dining hall and rushed to the toilet, he got in touch with the Imperial Guard.

No, he tried to take on the matter directly.

But――none of the Imperial Guards answered the call of Sirius.

The only thing he could hear from the cell phone was the eternal inorganic call sound.

With that sound, Sirius felt something ominous like it was inexplicable, he was sweating cold.

(What the… hell is happening outside…?)

Almost at the same time.


Kurogane Ikki finally broke through numerous obstacles and came just outside of the castle walls that surrounded the castle.

However, he hid in the shadows of the buildings, he hid himself and stopped walking.

While Ikki sent all the Imperial Guards to the hospital and took extra time to dispose of the photos, the allied forces of the citizens and the military led by Signard and Yana gathered in front of the wall.

They spread out to protect the iron wall by taking advantage of their numbers.

It was difficult to break through the front with this.

No, the breakthrough itself couldn’t be done because it could cause a lot of damage to the other party.

They would get hurt even if he cut them with《Illusory Form》.

Unlike the group of a while ago, almost all the citizens and the military were non-Blazers.

The real intention of Ikki was to avoid a battle as much as possible.

So he took a look at his surroundings――and had his eyes on a certain place.

On a church with blue roof that was next to the wall.

(If it’s from that roof, then I can cling to the wall)

When he decided so, he moved.

Fortunately, the vigilance of the citizens wasn’t suited for it.

They probably didn’t think that he was going to jump over the castle walls of more than 20 meters.

Ikki jumped on the triangle roof of the tall church without being discovered by anyone,

– ――Hohoho. In the end, you chose this route?

That person stood in front of him.

– …!

– The rumor was true, you are a gentle young man.

A bald old man that Ikki didn’t perceive until he stood on the same roof asked with a jesting tone of voice and turned a shrewd glance towards Ikki from the back of his eyelids that hung due to his aging.

– How was it? What is your impression of the sightseeing tour of the Empire of Vermillion?

– You are…

– Hoho, my apologies. I am Daniel Dandalion, I was entrusted as the Branch Director of Vermillion of The International Mage-Knights League and as the Sword Art Instructor of the Empire of Vermillion. I was waiting for you to come. 《Seven Stars Sword King》Kurogane Ikki-dono.

When the old man answered, he revealed his Device.

It was a thin long sword with a silver sword blade and the face of a lion was traced on the golden grip.

The old man held the specialized weapon in his hand and turned its tip towards Ikki.

At that moment, Ikki, who sensed that a sword was produced by him, felt a sensation like the soft hair of his whole body was burning.

(――this person. He’s strong)

Ikki felt the form of the enemy’s firm true strength, and realized his own disadvantage.

The enemy’s specialized weapon was a rapier.

He was armed with a long blade that was thinner than a Japanese sword.

In addition, the enemy’s stance was a fencing stance that was mainly based on thrusting techniques.

It wasn’t wise to oppose that opponent in a terrain that was the top of an inclined triangular roof with limited horizontal movement.

Above all, the level of the enemy was different from the ones that were defeated and had come to him till now.

He wasn’t an enemy of an ability that one would say he was going to deal with as he took an advantageous position.

In that case, Ikki jumped to the back to change the location.

Immediately after ――he was attacked in the middle of that and fell to his knees due to the impact, he was shocked.

– !? This…

There was an invisible wall behind him.

To Ikki, who got aware of this fact, the old man put a smile at the back of his beard that was like a white cloud.

– Hoho. You are already in my cage.

– Is this your Noble Arts?

– Correct. It’s the Noble Arts《Blood Circle》 of my Device《Lionheart》. It’s a barrier-type ability that captures an enemy with whom I’ve exchanged a glance into the battlefield that won’t have interference from the outside, creating a one-on-one situation even during a fight. So I was able to eradicate your escape route. If you want to get out of this cage, then you will have to win a duel.

It wasn’t a very easy-to-use skill, but it was a handy power in case there was an opponent you wanted to fight no matter what.

That old man, Dandalion, talked about his ability,

– Now then, will you be able to get out? I was made to take care of Stella-sama since she was still a baby. I am not going to leave Stella-sama to someone who cannot advance and push aside this old man, there is no way, don’t you agree?

He came close to Ikki who had lost the means to escape.

If he wanted to go beyond from here, then he would have to defeat him.

Then Ikki,

– Understood. ――Come. 《Intetsu》.

He manifested his Device and took a fighting stance.

… The battlefield was on top of a very inclined roof.

No matter how stable the trunk of Ikki was, it was an angle where he couldn’t escape to the sideways as expected.

The battle was, on top of the roof.

It was to be done on nothing but straight footings.

An absolute favorable battlefield for the opponent that used an armament called rapier, the core of the thrusts and also that outrivaled him with the reach of his Device.

However――he concluded that in this setting, he had no choice but to force his way through.

And then,

– Now…

The fight started.

The one who started first was Kurogane Ikki.

Before he turned his dominant hand towards Dandalion, he instantly raised straight the point of the sword with one hand and took a stance called “Allongez le bras” (Thrusting attack) that mainly consisted of the same technique as Dandalion.

In order to reduce the superiority of his reach even a little.

Seigan*, Hassou*, in any case, he went with it because his vitals were too close to the point of the sword of the enemy, so he was going to thrust with an original posture of a Japanese sword.

*TN: Seigan means “Aiming at the eye (with a sword)” and Hassou is kind of tricky. The kanji used is八相 and when read as Hassou implies the 8 features that characterize the life of Buddha. Now if we use the furigana reading and look for another use, it could mean “style of sword fighting” however I’m not sure what the intention of the author was.

And then, he kept that stance and shortened the distance with steps instead of dashes.

(First is to determine the capability of the enemy on the same ring…!)

In response to Ikki’s proximity, Dandalion was in a defensive stance, he didn’t move from the spot.

The instant the pointed end of《Intetsu》 got in the distance between them, the pointed end of the sword was put against the facing Ikki!

– ――Hmm!

– …!

He suffered a series of thrusts like flashes of light.

Ikki also responded to this with a series of thrusts;  the pace strife while repelling the point of the sword started.

On top of the triangular roof. Flashes of black and silver lights intersected while giving off sparks.

If the other party tried to lag behind even a little, then he would immediately go and pierce their heart.

In that fight, they couldn’t relax their concentration not even for an instant――however, Kurogane Ikki analyzed the enemy with composure.

(I see, he’s certainly fast. And nimble)

It was a sword handling that didn’t seem to be of an old man who had gone beyond his golden age.

There was no way he would give him a chance to step into his territory.


(I know very well that my sword is sharper than his sword and that I’m faster than him!)

《Sword Eater》’s《Yamata no Orochi》,

《Star of Naniwa》’s 《Three-stranded Stars》,

And《Wings Abreast》’supreme slash――the whole <combat experience> career of Ikki somehow or other slipped through, he wasn’t worried about the speed of Dandalion.

– …!

Dandalion goggled at him beyond his thick eyelids.

Because Ikki increased the rate he projected the point of his sword.

He smashed the reach of Dandalion by parrying him before the point of the sword that was all extended then Ikki approached Dandalion with certainty step by step.

The flash of black lights were approaching at an overwhelming speed and number.

Dandalion was forced to retreat before the fierce attack that relied on his physical ability,

――He was able to corner him up to the edge of the triangular roof in the blink of an eye.

(One more step)

After that one step, 《Intetsu》’s pointed end would reach the vitals of Dandalion.

If Dandalion didn’t want that, then he would have to undo the barrier and jump down the roof, but then at that moment there won’t be chains to prevent his movement.

In that case, it would be fine to jump from one castle wall to another before he made contact with his eyes again.

Judging so, Ikki went after a thrust while advancing towards Dandalion.

Immediately after, a deep crimson splash scattered on the blue roof.

――that gushed out from the pierced shoulder of Kurogane Ikki.

– Guh!?

Ikki opened his eyes wide and distorted his expression.

Was he in anguish due to the pain he felt in his shoulder, like it was burning?


He wasn’t bewildered by the <results> pain, but by the process.

(W-what was that just now…?!)

And, towards Ikki who wavered to the back with his pierced shoulder,

– Fuh――!

This time, Dandalion launched an attack.

He stepped greatly on his forefoot from “Allongez le bras” (Thrusting attack) and launched a fast series of thrusts as if returning the favor of moments ago.

Of course, Ikki had《Intetsu》at the ready, and tried to brush away the incoming point of the sword. But――

Right after that, the same process of not long ago developed.

The long blade of Dandalion’s Device《Lionheart》 that was brushed away by《Intetsu》returned and made its body undulate like a snake and attacked Ikki.


Ikki, who barely dodged by paper-thin difference the thrust that was extended to his face, understood.

The thrusts of Dandalion came back even if he repelled them.

As if they were alive.

Then, it was impossible to defend against it by parrying.

Nothing good would come out if his offensive continued.

This should be restarted once.

Then Ikki, who judged so, stepped back to try take distance for a moment,

– !?

――Immediately after, Dandalion, who was waiting for that decision, just stepped greatly and deeply into Ikki’s territory, the most effective distance was taken by him!

(My running feet were predicted…!)

And then――,

– 《Croix Du Sud》.

*TN: Southern Cross.

Dandalion launched thrusts from the most effective distance.

His speed was just like lightning speed.

From the offenses so far, this speed was of a different dimension.


The instinct of Ikki that was sharpened by slipping through the verge of death gave birth to phantom pains that pierced his skin.

The locations were: the lungs, throat, heart and the point below the navel.

What was released by Dandalion was five instant thrusts crowned with the name of Southern Cross, he was on the verge of piercing those five human body’s weak points.

(――This, is bad…!)

Even Ikki wasn’t able to block them.

However, Dandalion’s thrusts returned even when parrying them.

It was difficult to protect against them.

But Ikki, against Dandalion’s attack――

Dandalion also took an unthinkable response.

– Huuh――!?

The next moment, Dandalion revealed surprise.

Ikki firmly pressed the ground with his feet that were drew back to come down and charged with all his body towards him who tried to release the thrusts.

And when he sustained the first thrust of 《Croix Du Sud》that went into his right lung with the sword handle as a shield――he put pressure on the body of Dandalion with all his might.

From that, the stabbed Ikki and the pressured Dandalion stepped back at the same time, the distance between the two of them widened again.

Yes, Ikki began to shut down the five thrusts of Dandalion and got out of the predicament by pushing him away.

– Fuh…

Dandalion had a deep respect to Ikki who caught his breath.

– Certainly, you have defeated Stella-sama while being just an F-Rank.

His intuition came from the motion of the enemy, the detailed gaze movements and the vast combat experience.

And also he read through of the enemy’s sword, he saw through it even if it was his first time seeing a technique.

Seeing that it was too much to be struck by his own ability, he smashed it from the onset without hesitation.

Dandalion transmitted his honest praise to his powers of observation, imagination and his decisiveness to devote himself to it.

– In addition, you made of the handle a shield, which is indeed a really interesting way of using the sword, you are not different from the rumors.

– … we are of equal status when it comes to interesting swords, aren’t we?

Contrasting with him, Ikki returned a wry smile to Dandalion’s praise.

– That Device… it looks like a rapier, but the sword blade is strangely flexible. If I had to say then it’s a sword similar to a Foil. So it’s expected to do odd movements.

Foil’s sword blade had unnatural flexibility for a sword, it bent nicely.

That is to say that it bent on how much one tried to repel it, as if the point of the sword came back with the reaction.

As for this sword, if it were to be carried to extremes with a different flexibility treatment, then even the special move called furikomi (jutaju)* can be done to thrust the opposing rival from behind.

*TN: A term that I can’t really find any translation available. But it’s about piercing the opponent’s defenses to reach even their backs.

– … I was taken aback because it was the first time I saw it being used in actual fighting.

– Hohoho. Evidently. My《Lionheart》has this flexibility as its selling point. Not even the《Blade Steal》of Ikki-kun can imitate it in the slightest, isn’t that right?

– You know me a lot…

– If you know your enemy, then the battle should not be eternal. Especially because of such ability, so I decided to perform an elaborate investigation beforehand of my fighting opponent.  So… I know the next move of Ikki-kun. There isn’t enough distance to start《Shinkirou》in this place. And hard to go through the swaying sword blade of Foil with《Dokuga no Tachi》. ――In that case, only one possibility remains.

That said, Dandalion took a stance of “Allongez le bras” (Thrusting attack) with the point of sword to the front again,

– Now. Use it, to see it. ――The First Secret Sword《Saigeki》.

– …!

Ikki had his breath taken away due to the words of Dandalion.

His prediction hit the mark.

Ikki planned to use《Saigeki》as his next blow without a doubt.

The reason was the armament of the enemy.

The Foil was a sword endowed with a unique characteristic named flexibility.

However, that characteristic wasn’t its only advantage.

The disadvantage of Foil was that its sword blade was too soft, the strength was hard to convey due to that.

If that was the case, the most effective was to overwhelm him with power.

He decided so.

But, Dandalion had read through the options of Ikki.

(He truly investigated me well, huh…)

Even though Ikki was impressed by Dandalion’s meticulousness, he slowly made his stance flourish, lowered his posture and pulled tight the point of the sword as if drawing a bow and took a stance of《Saigeki》.

It was uncanny that he read his thoughts, but it was a fact that 《Saigeki》was an effective technique against a weapon called Foil. If so,

(Don’t hesitate…!)

– ――You don’t have to tell me!

Ikki released《Saigeki》with the power enough to smash the roof.

In the past, it was a sword technique that couldn’t be used unless using it together with《Ittou Shura》, but ever since he used《Blade Steal》on Edelweiss’s sword and thanks to his mastered taigi he reached the point where he was able to exhibit enough power without《Ittou Shura》.

There was no way he could catch it with a soft sword blade like Foil…!

――Or so he thought.

– Huh…!?

However, Dandalion caught it completely.

Just like《Wings Abreast》Edelweiss, the world’s strongest swordswoman did.

He met the pointed end of his sword with the pointed end of《Saigeki》.

He stopped the charge of Ikki.

Ikki shuddered because of this fact.

Because even that Edelweiss, the weapon that she was using was a sturdy single-edged blade, and yet,

(The soft sword blade that is like wire of Foil isn’t even scratched…!)

Against the pointed end of《Saigeki》, Foil received all the strength as a straight needle in a single point.

(This kind of technology existed already…!?)

– Even though it looks like this, I was the fencing instructor and the opponent of the rigid sword of Stella-sama with this narrow one. The way of power killing is understanding it more than others…!

Dandalion said.

Ikki’s《Saigeki》degree was equal to mere child’s play compared to her wielding, strong sword.

If the timing of the magic released didn’t err and if he didn’t make a mistake in the angle, then he could easily catch it,

――On top of that, if he could force him back.

– Hmmm!

The body of Ikki was further driven to the back. He was repelled by his strengthened physical strength because of Dandalion’s magic release.

When he became aware of it, the place where the two faced each other first.

The distance that was shortened in the previous assault had returned to the beginning.

No, he merely shook out the relation of their positions, but the war situation was different.

Ikki was much more cornered because he blocked his charge technique《Saigeki》 that had the strongest offensive ability among his cards.

But, in such situation,

– … fufuh.

– !

– I see, there’s no way that this much of my strength and abilities will keep in touch with my opponent who had received Stella’s sword.

Ikki showed a small smile at a corner of his mouth.

– I’m envious of Stella. I would also like to receive instructions of the sword from a person like you. May I ask for a bout if we have the chance some other time?

– Today I will deliberately show you more than enough, there won’t be a next time.

That said, Dandalion felt disquieted――as he raised the point of the sword.

Even though he lost his strongest card, “Ikki’s surplus was there”.

In that case, when something came to his mind――

(《Ittou Shura》… huh? Or perhaps like me, action reinforcement by magic release?)

In the process of investigating Ikki, Dandalion, who had also looked over the leaked data of the battle against Ayatsuji Ayase, didn’t throw away that possibility, he strengthened his alertness against either of them.

To such Dandalion, Ikki,

– No. I’ll hold back for now. … I have to go and greet her father after this. I don’t want to leave and get to that situation looking shabbier.

He said so with a tone of voice adorned with a joke that made his light shoulders to freeze,

He lowered his stance, laid horizontally against the ground and had the point of the sword ready like drawing a bow,

– I’ll break through you with this blow. Daniel Dandalion…!

He trampled hard on the roof and released a second《Saigeki》.

And in addition to that, without emitting magic powers or making use of《Ittou Shura》.

Nothing was the same as the one of some time ago.

(Can this I overcome this honorable suicide attack!?)

If that is the case, then that is a foolish thinking, Dandalion concluded.

――Dandalion remembered the speed, distance, timing and everything else of《Saigeki》minutes ago.

If so, then he couldn’t catch this already.

There was no need to catch it.

He dodged it with paper-thin difference and pierced Ikki’s glabella with a bitter counter!

– !?!?

Immediately after, the consciousness of Dandalion froze.

Because the pointed end of《Intetsu》appeared in front of him all of a sudden.

The time of Dandalion stopped with the predicament of his life.

He was astonished in the midst of that halt.

Why was the tip of the sword in front of his eyes?

Even though the tip of his sword hadn’t reach the enemy.

Why, when the armament of the opponent had less reach than his own?

It was too fast for《Saigeki》. And too close.

――If that was the case, then the answer was one.

(He threw it…!)

Yes. Ikki threw《Intetsu》, aiming at Dandalion from the stance of《Saigeki》.

As a result, He covered a counter against Dandalion who tried to meet《Saigeki》with a counter.

Dandalion had already stepped on his forefoot, and at the same time he stepped into Ikki’s territory with a stance to thrust his glabella.

He couldn’t stop.

He was no longer in a state where he could stop.


– NUUuaAh!

Still, the movement ability of Dandalion that moved his body and brushed away Ikki’s《Intetsu》that stopped the movement of his body against his will came to an end with a few words as expected.

(It was a very good surprise attack, but without giving a step――!?)

However, Dandalion saw despair in the next moment.

Ikki, who sent his armament flying, became defenseless.

Black thread extended from his hands to《Intetsu》.

(That is the pattern thread of a Japanese sword!)

Oh no! The moment Dandalion understood so, everything was decided.

Ikki pulled the unraveled thread and brought 《Intetsu》that was flipped back to his hands like a yoyo and――


He cut down the defenseless Dandalion who ended up swinging Foil to repel《Intetsu》with the grip of his blade.

Dandalion coughed, spat out blood and fell on his knees on the spot.

Together with that, 《Lionheart》disappeared from his hands, becoming haze, he lost the power to tie Ikki.

– … that was truly an underhanded idea…

Dandalion raised his neck somehow and cursed at the boy who looked down on him.

Towards Ikki,

– That is what art of war means, isn’t it?

He returned a smile like being proud of it, there was no signs of feeling guilty about it.

In addition to that, Dandalion laughed at the back of the blood-stained beard.

It was completely like that.

The art of war was a means where the weak was born to win by all possible means against the strong.

If so, the unfairness in the real art of war was a virtue.

(… I intended to make use of《Ittou Shura》 , but…)

As for the weapons and the numbers available, the difference was too great.

The difference of reach which was absolutely advantageous for him from the start.

It was an observation tactic to use his attack against him and match that.

But the thing he saw in the field of battle was different.

How long had it been since he went through the verge of death? How was he be able to learn such cunningness being this young?

There is no way for me to stop him anymore.

Dandalion deemed that,

– It is my defeat. … Please take care of Stella-sama.

He entrusted the future of the girl he loved like she was his daughter.

Ikki, before this,

– Yes.

A strong answer returned, he went through the side of Dandalion and jumped to the castle walls.

And then he run up to the wall with the slight unevenness as footholds and disappeared into the castle.

Dandalion saw him off with a hazy field of vision due to loss of blood and apologized to his king.

– I am sorry, Sirius.

I am very unlikely to be an enemy of that boy anymore.

After he crushed Dandalion, Ikki finally succeeded in crossing the castle walls and infiltrate inside.

The palace guards were also inside the castle walls, of course, and kept an eye towards intruders, but if it was about crossing the walls, then it wasn’t difficult to enter the castle using Ikki’s movement abilities.

As he climbed the castle walls, he grabbed onto the small unevenness and ascended the surface wall of the castle.

He could easily break into the castle from an opened window,

– Fuu. I finally made it into the cas――

– ――――――

The moment he tried to intrude, their eyes met.

In the room.

The sudden intruder opened his eyes wide, he was lost for words――with the woman in underwear.

(Oh-oh nooooooo!?)

His mind faded, Ikki realized about his own regretful mistake, that he failed to check the interior, but it was too late.

The woman dyed her face red, hid her small breasts that fit in the stylish-made lace fabric with her arms and scowled at Ikki.

– I-I’m sorry! I didn’t think there were people inside, or rather, I forgot to confirm, anyway, I just didn’t do it on purpose! Even though it gives the impression about what the hell I’m saying and that I’m creeping in from the window, but it was truly inevitable…!

Ikki kept excusing himself with things that didn’t look like excuses, but,

– ――――

The woman was approaching Ikki with large steps, her lips were still in silence.

Ikki, who stepped on the window frame, didn’t run away, he just looked firmly at those scarlet eyes.

And then, when she got very close to Ikki, she waved her hand.

(I’ll be punched…!)

But, it can’t be helped.

This wasn’t a situation where he could make an excuse no matter how one looked at it.

He had no choice but to accept at least 10 fists here.

Ikki prepared himself for the worst, closed his eyes and prepared for the impact that would strike hard his cheek.


– What are you doing? Get in before you’re found by those guys, idiot.

– Uwaa.

The impact didn’t come.

What attacked Ikki instead was an ability that caught the nape of his neck and pulled him inside the room.

Ikki, who was prepared for the impact that would strike him, couldn’t go against it and fell from the window into the room.

Hmm? Ikki fell on the carpet and raised his face.

What was reflected in his field of vision was the figure of a woman who closed the window and the curtain after she confirmed as if being on guard, looking restlessly outside the window.

– E, err…

Ikki was perplexed, he wasn’t able to understand her behavior.

She looked at such Ikki and,

– Puh, ahahahaha!

The woman tore down her beautiful face that didn’t hide her intelligence and laughed out loud.

– Well well, I’m amazed. I wanted to know how was the man that Stella brought with her, so I was pretending to not notice the conspiracy of my father, but I certainly wasn’t expecting you to reach the castle by challenging the people and the army all by yourself. You sure are amazing, aren’t you, boy? Though I’m not saying that you turned that hot-blooded idiot woman into an elegant one. Because of this, the preparations of the government management broadcast that were prepared for your support ended up coming to nothing. … Hmm hmm, m-moreover, due to that, you intruded in the room I was changing my clothes. If I remember correctly, didn’t something similar happen to Stella when she had just arrived in Japan?

*TN: I’m completely unsure about the underlined sentence.


Ikki noticed the way of speaking of this woman.

The color of her hair had the same pale pink as Astraea, the mother of Stella that he met at the airport some time ago.

Then, this woman was――

– Excuse me, are you perhaps… her Highness Lunaize!?

To that question of Ikki, the woman laughed and wiped the tears that floated in the outer corner of her eyes with her fingers and,

――she nodded greatly, she showed affirmation.

– Yup. Certainly, I’m the older sister of your girlfriend and the next Queen of the Empire of Vermillion. I’m the first Princess Lunaize Vermillion. Nice to meet you. Ikki Kurogane.

Lunaize formally introduced herself and presented her right hand to request a handshake.

Towards this, Ikki, while confused, stood up and,

– Ah, y-yes. Nice to meet you. T-thank you v-very much for inviting me today.

He returned the greeting and a handshake. But――his eyes were swimming.

The reason was that, of course, the appearance of Lunaize.

She was only wearing lace fabric.

Though he was in the wrong for coming through the window, he wasn’t going to say that he was troubled about where to look.

To this restless gaze of Ikki,

– Why are you acting suspiciously? … Hmm?

Lunaize inclined her head in doubt――immediately after that, she examined both arms of Ikki and opened her eyes wide in surprise.

– Hey, aren’t you injured!?

Lunaize, who said that, stared at the left shoulder that was pierced by Dandalion not long ago.

Although it was thin, there was a piercing mark.

The hemorrhage was abundant in itself, blood spread in the white uniform, it was dripping even on his fingertips.

Due to this, Ikki turned an “oops” expression.

– I’m sorry! The carpet is…!

– Don’t mind about it, now take off your clothes! I’ll treat you!

However, Lunaize raised her eyebrows as if she got angry at Ikki’s irrelevant worry and started stripping him.

– Eh, eeeeeeeh!? Hey wait, it’s fine! This is nothing!

– This isn’t an injury where you can say “this is nothing” you know!? Those guys did it, they were completely serious about keeping you company…. That doting parent that don’t care about moderation――ah, hey! Don’t move! You’re not a child, so be obedient!

– Understood! I’ll be obedient, but please wear clothes at least!

– Leave that for later! It’s not that you’re going to die by seeing some skin!

– T-that’s true, but still〜〜!

Ikki resisted, but Lunaize’s will was unexpectedly strong, he couldn’t tear it off.

No, Ikki could have been able to tear it off if he seriously shook her off, but as he was injured, he wasn’t able to put strength into it.

Then, in the end, Ikki was left at Lunaize’s mercy who stripped him of his coat and undergarment,

– Luna-ane! I know you are in the midst of work but can you come to the dining room―――… w-w-w-w-what are you two doiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!?!?!?

The scream of Stella when she saw the scene of her boyfriend and her sister that were entangled and half naked resounded even in the cellar of the castle.

Although it was in an outrageous form, Ikki succeeded in joining with Stella safely.

It was Stella who showed a great confusion at first with the gut-wrenching sight that jumped into her eyes, but the misunderstanding was immediately solved with a sheet of paper presented by Lunaize.

Yes. It was a wanted poster of Ikki scattered throughout the city.

After that, Lunaize exposed this physical evidence and the behavior of her father Sirius in the dining hall where everyone gathered.

From here, the strife that started because of the visit of Kurogane Ikki would reach its conclusion at once.

――In the dining hall, a denunciation meeting that surrounded Sirius who was made to kneel with the tops of his feet flat on the marble floor was being held.

– I see〜. In other words, papa conspired with Yana-chan and Signard-chan then took out a prize money from the national treasury and tried to drive Ikki-san out by forming a crowd with everyone?

– Yes. The family council had also divided work for that reason. It means that he was only stalling us.

– Is that right, papa?

Sirius objected with a pathetic expression that one wouldn’t think he was the King of a country to his wife that looked down on him with an exasperated look.

– Th-th… I couldn’t help it, you know? Why do I have to give my daughter to whom I brought up under my personal care to a guy who’s a no one!?

– Father. You threw a tantrum like that and exhausted it to the limits of cowardice and despicableness, but in the end, it the entirety of it, everything was just overcome by Ikki. There isn’t a single good thing at all in what you did.

– Mama is already disappointed.

– Mmmmmmm…. Guh!

Sirius was despised by the cold eyes of Astraea and Lunaize and after they caused his words to be clogged, he shot Ikki with eyes packed with wrath.

Even if he didn’t have one, it seemed that a “voice” with such look could be heard now.

Ikki had nothing other than a wry smile as Sirius vented his intense anger on him.

Then, at that moment.

– Otou-sama. … The conversation just now, is everything really true?

After she came to the dining hall, Stella, who hadn’t emitted a single word, opened her mouth for the first time.

It was a strangely composed tone of voice. The expression of the eyes weren’t hidden behind the forelocks.

Ikki felt something cold came down around his stomach.

And then, he noticed it.

It was like an explosive in which Stella had pierced innumerable fuses.

If he were to add a careless stimulus, even if it was something minimal, it would cause a huge explosion.

And there,

– S-Stella. Listen to me. I was just trying to protect you…

– Unbelievable…

With the careless excuse of Sirius,


She evidently exploded.

Stella yelled with a loud voice just like a shock wave, the room practically swayed, she scattered brightened phosphorescence from the core of her scarlet hair and turned eyes burning with fury towards Sirius.

– Despite me being happy!? When Otou-sama wanted to hear about Ikki, I thought that Otou-sama was seriously thinking about us… and yet, I was happy! But even then, why!? Why are you doing this!? Why!? How can you do such a terrible thing!?

Stella raised an angry voice because of her emotions and approached Sirius.

The light surrounding Stella was distorted by the emitted heat, the scenery got crooked.

This is bad, Ikki felt.

This way of anger of Stella wasn’t usual.

The reason was that she was thoroughly burning in anger.

At this rate, she might be capable of committing an act of violence.

It seemed that Astraea felt the same thing as well.

It wasn’t good to leave her alone as one would expect, she tried to stand up for Sirius.

– Stella-chan. It’s reasonable to get mad, but let’s settle for a moment, yes?

She called out to Stella from her side. But,


Stella glared at Astraea with eyes just burning in flames――then gradually, large tears appeared in the outer corner of her eyes.

– S-Stella-chan.

– Because…! Because, that’s horrible…! Everyone ganged up on Ikki and were cruel to him when he finally came here…! Since such horrible things were done, if Ikki ends up hating everyone…. How is he not going to end up disliking this country!? E-even though I love Otou-sama, and the people of my country――I wanted you and everyone to come to like Ikki, and yet, this, uh, u, uwa, 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜! Uwaaaaa〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜aaaaa!!!!

The worked up emotions of Stella exceeded the critical point.

Stella crumbled down on the spot, covered her face with both hands and cried like a kid.

The indignation of what her father and the people of the country had done and the sadness already surpassed the limits that could be handled by her immature heart, it was what she spat out while sobbing.

Sirius showed dismay.

He was prepared to be knocked off his feet.

However, he didn’t take into consideration that she would cry her eyes out like this.

– S-Stella…! Mama, what are the things that one should do at moments like this…!?

– … I wonder if that’s a bit hopeless this time around.

– T-that’s…!

It was hopeless indeed.

She wanted her family and the citizens to come to like her special person.

For Stella, who thought so, it was an extremely cruel incident.

What Sirius said now seemed to add fuel to the fire.


――That sadness of Stella, was a misunderstanding.

So, Kurogane Ikki moved to make Stella know about it.


He sat down on the floor and gently hugged the round back of Stella,

– Wha, you bastard, the hell are――

– Sit down.

After he sent his thanks with his eyes to Lunaize who immobilized Sirius that tried to stand up with an axe kick, he tenderly whispered close to the ear of Stella who sobbed convulsively.

– Don’t worry. I’m not going to hate the country nor the people of this country. Rather… now that I finally came here and fought with the people of this country, I really came to like this country.

– I…kki…?

Stella turned curious eyes that were dyed red with hyperemia to Ikki because of those words.

Stella knew.

Ikki wasn’t a man who would make a temporary lie to comfort her.

In other words, his words were his true feelings.

That’s why she couldn’t understand.

– W…hy…

How can he say that, even when he was persecuted in a country where he came for the first time?

Ikki replied while wiping the tears of Stella with a gentle gesture.

– Because, this people who acted so desperately like this did it for the sake of my dear girl.

His true feelings from the bottom of his heart.

That was it. It was impossible to hate them.

Certainly they went too far, and there was no doubt that they had an irrational behavior.

But… even when pressed by him, they couldn’t help but feel to test him.

The man that wanted to be Stella’s husband.

Then why?

Everyone just loved the girl called Stella from the bottom of their hearts.

Precisely because they loved her, they worried about her, they wished for her.

They wondered if that man was of a suitable caliber to hold their treasure in his hands.

It’s not that Ikki unsympathetically felt those feelings, hearts and love.

The man Stella chose wasn’t such a narrow-minded man.

– This is a warm and kind country. I understood well the feelings that Stella wants to protect. And… I thought. The biggest strength as of now. That I――also want to be a person of that family and of that country…!

Ikki, when he said so, he separated from Stella, then stood up and faced her family.

And then, he calmly did one deep breath and,

– Onee-san. Okaa-san. ――Otou-san.

– Who are you calling “Otou-san” ――

– Shut up.

He opened his mouth and focused his field of vision on the three of them, centered on Sirius whose earlobe was twisted by Astraea.

His own reply to all those who loved Stella.

And today, to accomplish the purpose of coming to this place.

– Please allow me to greet you again. My name is Kurogane Ikki and the person who have been accompanying Stella-san. And as the rumor in the street says, I am not a person who has a lot of things. I cannot say that my talent as a Blazer is superior either, and although I am more or less the second son of the Kurogane Family, I am in a “breaking off relation” situation and hardly getting along with my family, so I don’t have social status. As the person who is in a relationship with Stella, I realized that I am a person in a very unfavorable state. I understand the feelings of everyone who is worried about entrusting Stella-san to such man. However――there is one thing. I have confidence in myself that I will never lose to any person of this country, nor to Onee-san, nor to Okaa-san nor to Otou-san, because I love Stella-san! And I am prepared to carry out those feelings too…! So please, test my resolution until your hearts are settled. Until everyone can agree and make sure of this man, of me. I will respond to all of them with my whole soul!

If he needed strength, what kind of enemy would he have to completely overcome?

If he needed status, then he could get one using any kind of means.

Not all the tender persons that loved Stella and thought of wanting to protect her would make a compromise like that.

Ikki pledged so,

– And… if that were to come true, then at that moment, please let me marry Stella-san!

Ikki kneeled with the top of his feet flat on the floor strongly than Sirius, he lowered his body and bowed his head.

Stella, who was next to this behavior of Ikki, wiped the tears of her cheeks and her dripping nose,

– Please…

She bowed deeply to her own family next to him and indicated so.

Who was the person that Stella Vermillion stood next to?

Seeing the determination of the two, Astraea narrowed her lovely-looking eyes due to the growth of her daughter and asked Sirius.

– What do we do? Papa.


– W-why do you throw it to me…!? I recognize you! But a guy like you will never get to marry Stella!

– It seems that it went that way, what do we do, Stella?

– Do we have a father?

– In the end, it was like we thought. Mother.

– Maybe if he weren’t here――

– Fiiinee! I’m also a man, if Ikki-kun said he will show a resolution of that level, then I have no choice but to confront it head-on!


*TN: The sentences between ** were extremely ambiguous, besides Sirius has a very complicated way of speaking. So what they said might not be accurate.

– T-thank you very much!

Ikki smiled wryly and felt ashamed of the father where women were majority in the family because of the appearance of Sirius that was cornered by the cooperation of the women group that had a good coordination while he thanked them.

If he was adopted into the family of his bride, then it would surely be the same for him.

However, the intention was transmitted with this.

(What’s left is――an issue of my own determination)

He would show everything.

Even if he said so himself, he didn’t think it was something terribly to brag about, but he didn’t have regrets.

Ikki decided it strongly, that he would certainly do it to completion.

And then, Lunaize told Ikki without delay.

– Now, why don’t we try out Ikki the way one likes? In that case, a challenge is presented by me first.

– L-Luna-ane!? Didn’t you say that you weren’t against us, Luna-ane!?

– I don’t remember saying that I approved him but I’m not against him either.

– Ugh.

No way, the bluff of Sirius came even this far and resulted to be correct? Stella put a bitter expression on her face.

On the other hand, Lunaize soothed Stella with「hey, be calm」and said.

– It’s not a troublesome conversation. If it’s the physical strength of Ikki.

– My physical strength is connected to the challenge?

Lunaize nodded to the question of Ikki.

– Yes. Ikki. I’m inviting you to participate in the『War』that will be carried out with Kledelland soon.

– W『War』…!?

Ikki couldn’t hide his surprise at the disturbing meaning of those words.

But Lunaize immediately denied his imagination.

– Huh? Although it’s called war, it’s not that is a bloody thing or something. Kledelland and Vermillion are both《member nations of the International Mage-Knights League》.

In regards to the《International Mage-Knights League》, there were agreements regarding war between fellow member nations of the league, in addition, small countries helped each other to protect from large countries, and in the event of an emergency, to provide military strength and war expenses. That agreement said: there won’t be use of military or conventional weapons in the disputes between fellow member nations of the league but instead the outcome will be decided by duels, choosing the 《Mage-Knights》that will be the representatives of both countries――that’s how it is.

This system was a symbol of League’s great principle where『Blazesr should protect the powerless』and at the same time, it was essential to maintain the harmony between the member nations.

Since the hierarchical relationship was built by national power among the member nations, it would be difficult for a small country without power to be in League.

However, using this rule, it was possible for a small country to defeat a large country.

They could keep a position of equality.

『Two countries, even if they belong to the same League. Political arguments happen after all. That is inevitable. If they don’t let it go and try to avoid the unreasonable, the organization loses its flexibility, develops cracks and collapses. That’s why, war between the member nations must be conducted under fair conditions』

This rule, which was established and advocated by《Sir Whitebeard》, the head of League, had the most rivalry within the League, but the fact that this organization called《International Mage-Knights League》was able to become so huge as to divide the world in half a century, was probably thanks to the existence of this rule.

– Of course, the war between Vermillion and Kledelland will be conducted under this rule. Ikki. Do you know that Vermillion is an independent nation from Kledelland?

– Yes. I know the details of it.

– In that case, I’ll omit the explanation of those circumstances, but since the country was originated like that, we naturally have territorial disputes. Even now, the gas fields near the border are being disputed with Kledelland. This war is held once every five years with the ownership of this gas fields at stake. The form of the match changes every time, but this year is a team competition of 5《Mage-Knights》. To hurry things a bit, it will be the victory of the country that had reached more victories in a total of five matches. … About what I said so far, do you get my condition?

– That is to participate in the war as one of the representatives of Vermillion and win… yes?

– Not quite so. There’s no point in your victory alone. To conquer your enemies and to bring victory to Vermillion. That is my challenge. That’s the condition of Lunaize Vermillion, the first Princess and next Queen to recognize your relationship with the second Princess Stella Vermillion.

Having said that, Lunaize showed a smile to test Ikki.

– Thinking about it, it’s not a bad talk. After all, it’s a chance to contribute directly to the national interest. Moreover, in the last 30 years, Vermillion has never won this war. If a man were to break that situation, no one would object your engagement with Stella. … Not even my obstinate father.

Sirius, startled, opened his eyes wide because of the words of Lunaize.

– Eh!? Hold on a second, Luna! Such words are――


– Hey, Luna-ane. It’s been weighing on my mind since a while ago, but who’s that old man?

– So fast!? If a Samurai brings victory to this country, then there’s no reason for me, the King of Vermillion, to have a reason to go against him! Then I’ll be relieved, entrusting Stella to you! Nahahaha!

Sirius easily fell down to the brief words of Stella.

He was also aware.

The eyes of Stella that were looking at him from a while ago became completely cold.

Now, within Stella, the existence of her father was in a very dangerous place.

Because it seemed as if he was scattered outside of her head with the smallest of the impacts, and so, she never being able to remember about him again.

Well, he suffered the consequences of his own actions, nothing less, nothing more.

Then, after they deceived Sirius with those words, Lunaize asked Ikki again.

– Okay then. Do you accept my challenge?

Ikki then,

– Of course. If with this I can hope to be the husband of Stella, then I’ll win without fail.

He immediately replied.

At first, he was told that it was a war and so he was surprised, but rather this was what he desired, to cut and open a path with the sword.

There was no reason to refuse.

She listened to that reply and,

– Alright.

Lunaize turned her back on Ikki and the others all of a sudden

Then, she approached the big glass door of the dining hall and opened with both hands――

– That’s right! Did everyone hear it too!?

She shouted out of the castle from the terrace.

At that moment,


An ovation like a rumble in the ground burst in the dining hall from the window that was left open.

When anyone went out to the terrace, there were countless groups of people crowding outside the castle, raising shouts of joy.

– W-what’s the meaning of this!?

– It means this.

Lunaize took out something from the hem of her dress with a mischievous look to Stella who opened her eyes wide in surprise.

It was a highly directional microphone that was linked to all the broadcasting facilities of the imperial capital in advance to help Ikki while she pretended not to see the reckless action of her father.

– All the conversations so far were broadcasted outside by the government-managed broadcast. I thought that if we did this, we could save us time and effort to explain to the citizens.

– Wai…

Ikki tried to protest Lunaize who had said something unexpected as if nothing happened.

Naturally, the greetings to her parents were broadcasted throughout the town.

However, Lunaize completely ignored Ikki and continued talking to the people outside.

– You heard it just now! A promise has been made here! Sirius Vermillion, the King of Vermillion, will recognize Ikku Kurogane as the husband of the second Princess Stella Vermillion with the victory of war! Is there anyone who disagrees with this promise!?

Towards this, the crowd replied.

『No, nobody!』

『We all fought and we all lost!』

『Furthermore, groom-san even said that he liked us…』

『I’ve never seen such a strong and kind man!』

『You’re the only one to whom we can entrust Stella-chan!』

『If the King throws a tantrum and tries to annul his promise, and even if a coup d’état arises, we’ll be on your side!』

They didn’t have negative feelings towards Ikki.

The promise of the duel that he exchanged before coming here.

Since he shook free from all the citizens and finally arrived to where Stella was, it was Ikki’s victory.

The people of Vermillion kept the promise of the duel.

If so――there was only one thing Ikki should do.

– All the people are looking forward to your great efforts. Ikki.

The words of Lunaize told.

– Yes…! Allow me to do my best effort!

What it meant to win was to carry them on his back.

To inherit the wish of the losers.

That’s why, he swore as a victor.

That he shall never betray the trust that he had won.

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