Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 60: Volume 13 - CH 15

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Chapter 15: The Fight Under The Moonlight
During the day before representative war between Cradleland and Vermillion, the League has already gathered a million forces from neighboring countries. About 700,000 of them are assembled around Cradleland’s borders in order to prevent the terrorist from escaping through land, sea and air. The remaining 300,000 that consist of elite forces with 5,000 mage-knights are standing by near the border between Cradleland and Poland. An old general from Poland named Daluege is given command of these forces. In the event Vermillion loses the representative war, Ascarid will use ‘Divine Gate’ allowing these forces to arrive in Cradleand’s capital. The plan made by the ‘Chancellor’ is that the main forces that consist of Blazers will arrive first and at the same time the rest of forces will advance in order to defeat the terrorists with overwhelming number of forces. One of the soldiers is concerned that they are too close to the border since the enemies might exercise rights to pre-emptive self-defense by international law. But Daluege says it’s fine because the enemies agreed to have representative battle probably in order to avoid direct collision with the League forces. Even if the enemies do attack the League forces at the borders, it will just be interpreted as an invasion act and the League will still crush the terrorists with overwhelming number of forces as originally planned. Suddenly, there is a voice that says it is a good plan. Daluege and his men discover that the source of the voice is Naseem Al-Salem who is standing on the top of a hill.
Naseem is using an ability that causes his voice able to be heard by Daluege and the others who are more than a kilometer away. Daluege speaks through a loudspeaker and asks if Naseem is here alone which Naseem confirms. Naseem claims that he’s here as a special envoy of Cradleland’s new government to deliver a message that their new king wants the League forces to withdraw. But Daluege replies that Naseem and the others should be the one to withdraw instead. Even if Cradleland’s side wins the war against Vermillion, there’s no way 4 people can win against 1 million people in a battle. Then, 85 tanks of the League forces all fire towards Naseem, engulfing him and the hill in dust. After the tanks stop firing non-stop for 3 minutes, Naseem is gone and everything on the hill is destroyed. The League forces think it’s a direct hit and Daluege notes that Blazers are still a piece of meat in front of 66.7 caliber-20 pound guns. One of the soldiers is concerned if it’s okay to kill an envoy with pre-emptive first strike since Cradleland is still a member country of the League. Daluege replies he will be in trouble but it’s a cheap price to pay in order to kill someone like Naseem. Some of Daluege’s men then go there to confirm Naseem’s death and believe so after finding a body part. They think it’s natural that this would happen because no one can withstand simultaneous shots from 85 tanks. However, there is a voice that asks who they think they’re up against, and then says that getting rid of things such as natural and reason is why he’s a Desperado. At that moment, the body parts found crumbled and turned into black sand. The black sand then turns into a black wind and converge together in a vortex which forms into Naseem in the end. The soldiers are shocked that all that firepower was meaningless.
Naseem then says he will start attacking now since the League forces fired the first shot. The soldiers then fire the guns they carry and all the bullets hit Naseem. However, all the bullets are passing through Naseem’s body because he has turned his body into grains using a type of magic similar to Shizuku’s ‘Aoiro Rinne’. Naseem then uses ‘Alquimia · Hierro (dust metallurgy)’ to create a Desert Eagle handgun made from the dust of the decomposed ground. He fires his Desert Eagle at the League soldiers, blowing off their heads one by one while enjoying it as if it’s duck hunting. It looks like a nightmare where the soldiers lose their heads as the god of death approaches them. One of the soldiers then fires an anti-tank rocket launcher at Naseem, but Naseem just caught the rocket with his bare hand. He then throws the rocket back and the explosion kills the advance team leaving just one member who has lost both his legs. The surviving soldier begs mercy but ends up getting his head blown off by Naseem. In very short time, 100 members of the advance team are wiped out. In front of Naseem’s monstrous power, the thousands of soldiers that came to support are unable to move. Then, people carrying weapons such as swords, spears and bows appear. They tell the common soldiers to fall back and to leave the rest to them. Naseem recognizes the people that have just appeared as the League’s mage-knight unit. The mage-knights say that Naseem’s technique that turns his body into grains to make physical attacks against him ineffective requires huge magic control and so there’s no way he can use it long if the mage-knights continuously attack him without giving him time to rest. The League’s mage-knights spread out and surround Naseem. They launch magic attacks towards Naseem at the same time. Naseem admits that continuously withstanding attacks from 300 mage-knights by turning his body into grains is difficult.
Naseem then drops the gun he’s holding and grasps his right fist. A black metal gauntlet with golden decoration appears on his right hand which is his Device, ‘Toxcatl’. Naseem raises his right hand to the sky and says “Blow them away, Mictlan · Tormenta (dust wind of corpses)”. A black sandstorm that is like a tornado centered on Naseem immediately appears and blows away the mage-knights towards the sky. Many of the mage-knights are able to use their abilities skillfully and so are able to land on the ground safely after being blown away, but some end up falling to their death. The captain of the mage-knight unit then asks Daluege to have the tank unit and aircraft unit to attack as well. Shells from tanks, missiles from aircrafts and long-ranged attacks from mage-knights are then fired together at Naseem. However, none of these attacks reaches Naseem because the black sandstorm surrounding him blows them away, and even some of the repelled missiles and shells end up hitting the soldiers that are deployed behind. The mage-knights become dismayed but their captain tells them not to panic because Naseem’s magical power and concentration will become exhausted eventually if they keep attacking him like this. However, after some time the captain’s skin cracks, his flesh thinning like a mummy and his eyeballs become deflated from his body’s moisture being lost due to Naseem’s drying ability. The sandstorm created is actually a secondary event caused by huge magical flow released by Naseem and the actual ability of ‘Mictlan · Tormenta’ is to rob all the surrounding moisture. In the blink of an eye, the captain and some other mage-knights have become dust one by one. The rest of the knights and soldiers try to run away but Naseem strengthens ‘Mictlan · Tormenta’ which becomes larger and swallows the people that are running away. The League’s entire frontline has been annihilated and the approaching sandstorm will hit the main force as well at this rate. However, Daluege does not give the order to retreat and is waiting for their ‘trump card’ to arrive. In an instant, a blue flash of light came from a distance and disperses the black sandstorm. The blue light also cuts Naseem’s cheek and causes him to bleed for the first time tonight. Behind the soldiers that ran away, there is a middle-aged man with a tall and lean figure holding an azure-colored spear. Daluege is happy to see that the man named Carlo has arrived. Carlo apologizes but also says that it’s custom for heroes and Italians to arrive late.
Naseem recognizes the gentleman wearing a white fedora and jacket that appeared as the ‘Campione’, Carlo Bertoni. The mage-knights are glad that Carlo shows up and their morale has recovered. But Carlo tells the mage-knights to stand down because Naseem is not an opponent that can be defeated just by numbers. Carlo’s Noble Art that’s banned except in emergencies is too big and so it’s difficult for him to fight with the mage-knights nearby. He says to Naseem that the stories about Naseem reach his country too. The number of countries Naseem devoured, robbed and destroyed can’t be counted with fingers and he made a lot of profit. Naseem says the number of people in the world that has more money than him probably doesn’t reach 10 people. Carlo then says it’s foolish to attack a member country of the League and asks if all the things Naseem had done weren’t enough. Naseem replies there’s no limit to a desert’s dryness and he will keep robbing until the ends of the earth. Naseem then kicks the ground strongly and approaches Carlo fast like an arrow. Carlo says he will just add another episode of monster extermination to his heroic tale that he will tell to a beautiful señorita at bedside. Carlo stabs his azure-colored spear ‘Neptune’ to the ground and says “Shield Arts (prohibited technique) – Adrian Blue (the 8th Ocean)”. A bluish-white magic circle appears on the stabbed ground and a huge amount of water like waterfall comes out. The water swallows up both Naseem and Carlo, and blows up to the night sky like a giant geyser. It spreads throughout the above night sky which makes it look like there is a sea on the sky. Daluege says this is a miracle that can only be made by Carlo who is the strongest knight in Italy, 2nd in KOK league’s world ranking and the best water-user in history. It is said the amount of water he can produce can influence the existence of a country judging from how he was able to wash away an entire city occupied by Blazer terrorists. Thus, use of such huge power is prohibited except in case of emergencies like Nene’s ‘Hadou Tensei’.

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Naseem is being swallowed by the ocean in the sky and Carlo says that Naseem can’t escape by turning himself into sand when he’s surrounded by this much water. Carlo also says Desperados are still human and so they can die from their hearts being pierced. Carlo then releases five consecutive thrusts at Naseem but Naseem repels the thrusts with his fists. Naseem can still move swiftly in this ocean with mana release which Carlo finds it to be incredible since not many enemies can still move swiftly after being captured by ‘Adrian Blue’. Naseem then proceeds to attack Carlo with his deadly right fist. However, Carlo dodges using ‘Corno del Narvalo’ (note: Italian for ‘Horn of Narwhal’) which allows him to move in water at very high speed through supercavitation. Wrapping his body with air bubbles to create cavities in water reduces water resistance to the limit and enables Carlo to move very fast in water, just like how supercavitation is applied on torpedoes so that they can reach subsonic speed. Carlo’s high speed causes Naseem to barely avoid Carlo’s thrusts that keep coming. Naseem is eventually running out of oxygen in the water and Carlo says it’s pointless to try to escape because ‘Adrian Blue’ will migrate as much as Naseem tries to move away. Naseem then laughs and says that if he can’t escape then he will just drink up everything. He then uses his drying ability to try drink up all of the surrounding water. Naseem says he doesn’t know if it will work since he has never faced a water-user of Carlo’s level before. But he also claims that this puddle of water is not enough to satisfy his greed that couldn’t be satisfied no matter how many countries, lives or blood he sucked up. ‘Adrian Blue’ is drying up at incredible speed but Naseem is showing symptoms of oxygen deficiency. Even so Carlo decides to attack Naseem by freezing part of the ocean to make countless ice spears called ‘Giavelotto di Nettuno’ (note: Italian for ‘Javelin of Neptune’). The ice spears pierce Naseem and Carlo continues to attack by charging himself towards Naseem at high speed by supercavitation like before. Carlo’s spear penetrates Naseem’s chest, but Naseem grabs the spear while saying it’s not enough to take him down just by piercing his heart. Carlo tries to pull out his spear but is unable to due to Naseem grabbing the spear with huge strength.
Naseem’s drying ability swallows the countless ice spears that pierced his body and also the ocean covering the sky which becomes small like a pond, which shocks Carlo. Naseem tells Carlo that the monster extermination is at the climax and so Carlo should give everything he’s got left. Naseem says this while having very pale complexion from oxygen deficiency and blood is coming out from his eyes and holes in his body. But despite so, he’s making a face that says he’s enjoying it as shown in a pic. Carlo thinks no human can still be alive in this condition and that Naseem is a monster. Seeing Naseem like this causes Carlo to raise a shriek and panicking. Carlo keeps hitting Naseem’s face and tries to shake the pierced spear away from Naseem’s body while telling the monster to let go. Carlo’s panicked state causes Naseem to lose interest and then grabbing Carlo’s face while saying that Carlo is just all talk. In an instant, Naseem with his monstrous strength crushes Carlo’s skull like a tomato. Carlo’s dead body then falls from the sky and hits the ground where it spreads out miserably. Seeing that Carlo has been defeated, the rest of the League forces run to escape while screaming. Naseem laughs at the League forces’ unsightly state and then hits the ground with his right fist. He then says to the fleeing League forces that if they don’t want to die like dogs then dying like insects suits them better. The ground that lost its moisture becomes a giant quicksand, swallowing most soldiers and even the tanks of the advance forces like an anthill. As a result, the League forces lost a quarter of its total military force.
After the battle around the border is over, Naseem is above the ground lighting a cigarette. Or-Gaule’s voice is heard, thanking Naseem for a job well done. Or-Gaule says the affinity difference between Naseem and Carlo’s abilities turned out to be not such a big deal and that Naseem is called the strongest mercenary in the world not for show. He laughs at the League’s misunderstanding of Or-Gaule and the others agreeing to have representative battle due to fear of the number of League forces. Naseem says the League forces were just that level of a bunch after all. Or-Gaule thinks Naseem seems very interested in Nene and asks why because Carlo should be stronger than her in terms of affinity with Naseem’s ability. Naseem says that it’s none of Or-Gaule’s business and Or-Gaule replies that it’s fine since he is not interested in Nene after all. Because of the recent devastation the League can’t provide more support to Vermillion. Thus, Or-Gaule tells Naseem that they should have fun tomorrow since there shouldn’t be any more interruption. Naseem says if Or-Gaule gets in Naseem’s way again then he will kill him, which Or-Gaule replies he will keep in mind. Or-Gaule’s voice then disappears and Naseem throws away his cigarette. While standing in the sky using a sandstorm, Naseem looks at the sand coffin created by the land subsidence he caused where everyone that was killed is in it. He then makes a smile because he knows that Nene is different from the League forces he just fought. When he met her, she had an interesting look which he knew very well. He doesn’t know why someone like her would be part of the League. However, she is his prey and he won’t let anyone else have her or get in the way. He then says, “As you wish let’s f*ck, b*tch. Do not bore me…!”
Few hours after the funeral in Vermillion was held, it became quieter. Stella is standing alone on the park’s viewing platform facing towards Cradleland’s direction with her eyes closed as if praying. She then opens her eyes when she hears Ikki calling her from behind. Ikki could tell that Stella was praying for the souls of those that were killed by Naseem just earlier. Stella says Naseem is unbelievable since he was able to defeat not just 300,000 people but even Carlo too. Carlo was one of the very few knights in last year’s KOK A-League who could score a win against the up-and-coming Ascarid who made consecutive victories. Carlo’s water ability even had advantage over Naseem’s ability, and yet he still lost. Ikki asks if Stella is afraid which she replies that would be the case if she’s still the same person as she was just a while ago. Naseem and the others are certainly strong but Stella claims the ‘Crimson Princess’ that protects her people is stronger. Ikki adds that this side is not inferior to the other side since Nene, Ascarid, Tatara and he are present too. Stella becomes quiet and then asks if Ikki is really going to fight. Stella is a princess of this country and Nene is a mage-knight belonging to the League so it’s natural for them to fight. Ascarid and Tatara each has personal connection to this. But Ikki is still a student knight and the current situation should cause the promise he made with Sirius to be invalid. Ikki then suddenly pinches Stella’s cheeks lightly with both his hands and says that they’re quite plump. Stella angrily tells him that she’s having a serious talk but Ikki replies that it’s actually absurd. Ikki is fighting because his precious lover’s family and hometown are in danger, and Stella would do the same thing if Japan ends up in a similar situation. But even so Stella is scared that something might happen to Ikki since this is real war and the enemies are real villains. It is far more dangerous than official matches that have safety equipment and rules.
Ikki then puts his hands on Stella’s trembling shoulders and hugs her. While stroking Stella’s hair, Ikki apologizes for messing with her earlier while she was very worried. He still intends to fight not just because this is Stella’s hometown and that he wants to be recognized by Sirius, but because he himself wants to protect this country. Ikki promises that he will win and won’t die since this is his place and he won’t let anyone else hug Stella like this. Stella realizes she is being pathetic and that she should believe in Ikki just like how he believed in her when she fought Fu Xiaoli. While in his arms and looking up towards him as shown in a colored pic, she tells him that just hugging is not enough guarantee. They then kiss, causing all of her fear and trembling to be gone. While being wrapped in warm emotions, Stella thinks that they will win and will receive everyone’s blessing during the day they are bound together for life. While Ikki and Stella are exchanging kisses to confirm their bond, Vermillion’s other representatives are spending the night as they please. Nene is drinking, singing and partying more than anyone. Ascarid is in a quiet place, adjusting her condition. Tatara is eating sweets while staring into the distance. They all believe that they will win, and the day of the decisive battle arrives when the sun goes up to the sky.

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