Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 62: Volume 13 - CH 17

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Chapter 17: The Unturning Assassin
The battle between Tatara and Ein in the rose garden starts around the same time as Ikki’s and Stella’s battles started. Tatara wants Ein’s head in order to repair the Abgrund house’s reputation, but Ein doesn’t understand. Ein asks if that place has something of value to Tatara, but Tatara replies she doesn’t need to make Ein understand. Tatara manifests her device ‘Sweeping Centipede’ and swings it towards the top of Ein’s head. Ein who is sitting on a garden chair responds by striking the ground with the heel of her shoe and then tulips called ‘Trigger Happy (Chattering Tulips)’ come out of the ground behind her. The flowers release high-pitched screams while shooting bullet seeds from the center of their petals like machine guns. Tatara moves away to dodge and then runs around Ein while continue dodging the bullets and moving closer to her. Ein then hits the ground with her heel again and uses ‘Bamboo Javelin (Piercing Bamboo)’. Spears of bamboos come out of the ground right below Tatara but they only tear her clothes and skin lightly because she is able to skillfully slide her body between them. The bamboo spears also surround Tatara like a cage which makes it impossible for her to escape from ‘Trigger Happy’ but Tatara uses ‘Total Reflect’. The repelled bullets destroy the bamboos surrounding her and the flowers. Tatara then immediately cuts off Ein’s left arm, but Ein who is said to be the best of ‘Abgrund’ is not shaken by this. Ein jumps back and then snaps her right fingers, which causes a giant Venus flytrap called ‘Crunchy Alligator (glutton Venus Flytrap)’ coming out. It is a man-eating plant that is big enough to swallow an entire person and it bites strongly like an alligator. Tatara’s ‘Total Reflect’ causes the plant to be blown into pieces and during that time Ein moves away to create a distance. Tatara says Ein’s head is next and moves to attack her. However, a vine comes out of her cut left arm as shown in a pic and its branches keep increasing that it spreads to the floor.
Tatara moves back and the vines keep growing in order to try to catch her. She cuts down the vine that is slowly approaching her. She is angry at Ein for making such dull movement and tells her to fight seriously. Ein then says that Tatara’s reflecting ability is powerful but like any other ability it can’t be continuously used because of the limit to the user’s mana. Tatara with her sharp reflex only activates her ability during moments of impacts and thus her ability is weak against attacks that slowly creep up on her. The speed and power of Ein’s current attack can’t be read when it’s making such movement and so Tatara can’t set up her reflecting ability at the right timing. Tatara replies that she will just cut down anything approaching. One of the vines suddenly lifts up from the floor and whips at Tatara’s head, though she is able to activate her ability in time to protect her from the whipping. Ein then says if she uses fast and slow attacks at the same time, then Tatara will have to switch between using her ability and evading on her own quickly in order to survive Ein’s two forms of attacks that have different timings. It is difficult for Tatara to keep up such feat and so eventually her arms and legs are caught by the vines. Ein smiles and then in an instant Tatara screams loudly due to her limbs being twisted by the vines continuously even when her tendons are twisted off or when her bones are broken and pierce through the skin. The vines with sharp and long thorns also wrap and tighten around Tatara’s body. It causes her to continue screaming from pain and a pool of blood to be formed on the floor. While her mouth is wide open from screaming, a vine as thick as an arm is thrusted into it. The vine is forcibly pushed into Tatara’s throat which causes her jaw to be dislocated, bubbles of blood and vomit overflowing, her eyes rolling around, and her leaking out urine. Tatara pleads Ein to stop but Ein replies that everyone she killed back at home was still alive at this point and so she will continue to hurt Tatara.
Ein then lifts the skirt of Tatara’s dress and inserts her hand into Tatara’s crotch while saying that she will punish the bad mouth that’s wetting. During that moment, Boomer’s voice is heard and he tells Ein that abuse acts against an opponent who has lost the will to fight is a violation in wars conducted under the rules of the League. Ein faces the drone camera capturing her actions and tells Boomer that it’s a misunderstanding. She claims that she has no choice but to attack slowly like this due to Tatara’s ability. She also says not to worry because she won’t add more attacks if her opponent surrenders. Ein tells Tatara to give up and become her sister. She also says that she will even let Tatara continue to be an assassin and support her in it because she loves her. Ein then pulls out the vine in Tatara’s mouth to hear an answer but Tatara laughs and says that things won’t go Ein’s way. Tatara then says ‘Damage Reflect (fate reversal)’ and suddenly blood is coming out of Ein’s whole body. Tatara’s whole body is healed and Ein instead is the one that has received the damages that Tatara just experienced earlier. Tatara explains that ‘Damage Reflect’ allows the ‘fate’ of receiving damages to be repelled towards the opponent. She used this to defeat Kanata Totokubara before, but she is unable to use it if she is knocked out unconscious in one hit like when she fought Stella. Tatara endured the increasing damages she received on purpose as much as she could in order to decide the match in a single blow. Ein then screams at Tatara to not take her lightly and yells the name of her own device. Suddenly, a trunk of tree is coming out of the inside of her body and tears her body by pressure. It grows into a 50 meter high tree that Ein has become. Ein explains that ‘Yggdrasil Abyss (dark world tree)’ will sprout once her device ‘Astarotte’ consumes all of her mana and she didn’t want to use this technique because of its unbeautiful appearance. Ein then says she will show that someone mediocre like Tatara only deserves to be a playing toy for a genius like her.
In an instant, the roots of ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ release malicious mana that is then soaked into the ground. It causes the roses in the garden to grow huge at abnormal rate and branches into many while forming many bulbs. The bulbs then change shape and fall to the ground, which result in 200 beasts in the shape of lions, wolves, crocodiles and serpents to be present. Tatara realizes that the ordinary plants in the garden have turned into magical flowers. Ein explains that the surrounding vegetation is changed by contaminating the soil with her magic, which is the power of her trump card ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’. The rose beasts attack Tatara all at once but she is able to endure by dodging and cutting the rose beasts with her chainsaw-shaped device. However, the rose beasts that were cut in half then grow new halves from the cut parts and thus increase their number. Tatara activates ‘Total Reflect’ but one of the beasts keeps pushing back the invisible wall despite losing parts of its body and without fear. As the other beasts are about to get her as well, she uses ‘Total Reflect’ against herself which causes her body to be largely blown away instead. Though she receives strong pain, she now has escaped from the swarm of beasts and is trying to escape from ‘Yggrdasil Abyss’ range. However, the huge roses in the garden stretch their vines and form a hedge that blocks Tatara’s escape. Tulips of ‘Trigger Happy’ then grow on the hedge and fire bullets of seeds at Tatara. Even though Tatara is able to activate ‘Total Reflect’ in time, the bullets still hit Tatara. While Tatara’s knees collapse, roots of ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ that are 3 meters thick rise and whip at Tatara who activates ‘Total Reflect’ again. However, her body is blown away and so she realizes that ‘Total Reflect’ can’t withstand the force of any of ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ powerful attacks which is like when she fought Stella. Ein laughs and says that lying on the ground like a rag suits Tatara who couldn’t survive if Ein didn’t teach her how to fight and is Abgrund’s leftover. While Tatara is down on the ground and not moving, the beasts are moving towards her to prey on her. After hearing Ein’s words while her consciousness is hazy, Tatara remembers the days she spent at Abgrund house.

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The Abgrund house was an assassination organization that had existed even before Rebellion and almost all the assassinations they carried out were turning points in history. It existed in a deep place in the shadows of the world with its location and members as complete mystery. Young girls from the outside world were gathered and then raised as assassins. The girls were referred as ‘sisters’ and they didn’t have names. Everyone, including Tatara who was a real child of the head of the house, was called by a number because they needed to be anyone in any country. The ‘sisters’ were not allowed to be ‘individuals’ and they received controlled meals and training to obtain perfect mind and body. They didn’t have cooked meals and all their nutrients were covered with supplements. Physical examinations were also done every week in order to manage their growth and ensure necessary nutrients. After the ‘sisters’ had grown to certain extent, they received harsh training which receiving serious injuries was an everyday occurrence. ‘Illusion form’ was not allowed and treatment of injuries with ‘capsule’ was allowed in training if excellent result was obtained which most of them didn’t get. They only received basic treatments such as disinfection and suturing without pain prescription which caused them to be in constant agony. It was hell for the girl called Vier (number 4) who was injured almost every day due to not being blessed with good physical stature and reflexes.
The scene changes to Vier who is lying in pain from removing bullets of two gunshot wounds in the abdomen that she received during training to avoid gunfire. She also wonders why she was born in such place, and cries. An older girl who is called Ein (number 1) then appears and tells the crybaby Vier that she should have dodged properly if she didn’t want to get hurt. Vier replies that Ein wouldn’t understand her feelings which Ein agrees because Ein is a genius who doesn’t understand the troubles of someone ordinary like Vier. Ein was at the top in all her classes and she was never seen injured after the hellish training. During the final exam called ‘selection’ where the ‘sisters’ killed each other, Ein survived without a problem. Suddenly, Ein kisses Tatara which surprises Tatara. Ein asks if Tatara’s first kiss tastes sweet and Tatara realizes Ein had just given her something sweet in her mouth. Tatara feels happy for the first time in her life and excitedly asks what she just ate which Ein replies that it was chocolate. Ein says chocolate is given as a reward if a job is done successfully or first place is earned during training, so Vier wouldn’t know about it since she is always at the bottom. Ein then says she knows that Vier was thinking why she was born in such a house, but at least she’s alive. If Vier has something to live for then she can obtain happiness and feeling of fulfillment. Ein doesn’t like sweets that much, but her reason to stay alive is so that she can continue taking care of the beautiful flowers she has grown in the flower bed. For the time being Vier seems interested in chocolates, which can be her reason to obtain first place during training. She then decides not to give up and as a start she aims to reach the top during training in order to get chocolates.
For the next 3 years, Vier’s skills have rapidly increased with Ein’s assistance to the point that earning top place during training is not unusual. Though Vier is still not on Ein’s level, she is not frustrated because she looks up to Ein. It’s because she looks up to her that she notices Ein’s abnormality later. Ein’s performance during training is not as good as it should be and during a mission she is playing with the target’s life by turning him into a ‘flower pot’ which is not what Vier’s model sister would do. One day, Vier visits Ein who is taking care of flowers in the courtyard and confronts her about her performance during work that has been less than perfect recently. Ein is actually aware of it and praises Vier for noticing. She then explains that the most unnecessary thing for an assassin is conscience, which should be discarded. Ein decided to kill her old self and a new personality most suitable for an assassin has replaced her old one. She believes it is inevitable for a genius like her to gain the most suitable type of mind needed to survive in such hell. Vier asks if Ein is okay with it but Ein then asks if Vier has found her reason to live. Vier replies she hasn’t found a fine one but she has obtained a strong spirit that refuses to lose to the crappy life she has. She has already killed people and seen many deaths, and so she will never think of living an honest life someday because it is the lowest form of running away. She will continue to live as a killer until the end and die like a dog. If she manages to do so while going through the same situations Ein experiences, then she can be proud of her crappy life. Hearing Vier’s answer causes Ein to smile as shown in a pic, which is amount of happiness on Ein that Vier has never seen before. Ein then tells Vier not to die in the ‘selection’, continue to live as a professional, and not to lose even if her opponent is Ein who has changed.
Back in the present, Tatara gets back up despite her body heavily injured in order to fulfill her duty as a professional until the end which is the path she has chosen. Tatara then charges towards the huge dark tree that Ein has become, but she is being blocked by the rose beasts. Tatara remembers the 3 important advices she received from Ein in the past. The first advice is to not waste too much physical energy by choosing the best course of action needed to achieve the objective without exceeding the required amount of energy. While running towards Ein without stopping, Tatara cuts any rose beast that comes at her in all directions. It is a movement that exceeds the limit of her original ability. Ein realizes that Tatara has used ‘Angel Dust’, which is the name of a stimulant given to each Abgrund’s assassin. Use of such thing is forbidden in wars conducted under the management of the League. Ein then causes over 100 flowers of ‘Trigger Happy’ to be grown from the soil contaminated by ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ and they fire their countless bullets at Tatara. The bullets however just pass through Tatara’s surrounding. The second advice is to not waste time, which Tatara shouldn’t move her body aimlessly and should search for the most optimal way to run through every moment with the highest efficiency. Tatara developed sharpened hearing from her training to be an assassin and with it she realized that the high-pitched scream ‘Trigger Happy’ flowers release before firing their bullets is actually a high-frequency used to determine the target’s position by echolocation. So all Tatara has to do is reflect the sound hitting her with ‘Total Reflect’ in order to ruin the flowers’ aim. As Tatara continues running towards Ein, ‘Bamboo Javelin’ that is also powered up by ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ comes out of the soil surrounding the tree. Tatara’s left arm is severed by the bamboos but she breaks through them by cutting them down with her one arm while having wounds all over her body due to being cut by the bamboos. The third advice is to not use excessive movement, which Tatara shouldn’t repel Ein’s attack too much. Tatara did so against the spears by altering their trajectory a little, but she suffered too much damage. Both her legs are barely connected to her torso and the nerves are no longer connected. Her right eye can’t see probably due to her right ear got struck deeply. However, when her body collapses she reflects the energy from her fall in order to make her body fly forward. As shown in a pic, she charges straight despite her heavily damaged body which only her right arm can move properly.
Tatara’s chainsaw-shaped device has reached the root of ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ but Ein says there is no way Tatara can cut it down in her current condition. Ein then grows thick branches on the tree in order to finish off Tatara and says that it is goodbye. But sign of fulfillment is shown on Tatara’s face and she says towards the tree that there’s one last thing she wants to say to her sister even if she’s no longer in there. Tatara says “Thank you. ---See you”, and then the entire scene turns white. A huge explosion was created and it resulted in a huge crater present where everything including ‘Yggdrasil Abyss’ was blown away. The explosion also caused the live coverage of the fight by the drones to stop and it caused Boomer’s helicopter to sake violently. It was all due to Tatara’s Noble Art, ‘Astral Force (star’s hammer)’, which deflected the power of the Earth’s revolution movement. Earth moves at about 100,000 km/h and so if some of the force of that movement is deflected towards the enemy even a little then it would be like an unparalleled hammer that crushes the enemy. However, it is a suicidal technique which Tatara would have also received the blow from being nearby. Tatara has collapsed on the rim of the crater with her whole body heavily damaged. But she didn’t die from shock probably due to pain relief effects of ‘Angel Dust’. Even though Tatara has completed her objective, she realizes that she shouldn’t die here because of the promise Stella made. If Tatara dies here Stella will arrange a state funeral and cry for her, which is a shameful thing for an assassin like Tatara. Thus, Tatara puts all of her remaining strength to stay alive and says in her mind, “…Do not let her die…, Kurogane”.

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