Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan

Chapter 83: Volume 17 - CH 7

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Tendou is in Fukuoka City which is the center of the blizzard he caused and he has been sleeping on the edge of a mountain that had collapsed. He is dreaming of the time he was captured during the war where he and his comrades were tortured every day. Tendou kept praying to God to save him but his prayer ended with him being surrounded by the bodies of his dead comrades and during that moment he received “God’s blessing” which allowed him to release a power that killed his captors. He wondered at first why someone who didn’t have any relative like him was the only survivor. But he then realized he was only praying for his own survival which is why he couldn’t receive the “blessing” before his comrades were killed. To atone for his mistake, he decided to make sure that other people know the method to achieve this “blessing”. He would tell those who have the qualities to exceed their limits for the sake of others that it is when they want to protect what’s important to them that they will obtain the power to do so. He was certain that it was the meaning of his survival. After he wakes up, dawn has arrived and he wonders when was the last time he dreamt before. His body is almost non-human and no longer needed sleep after going through “Excessive Awakening” so his consciousness was always awake when he was in that ice prison. The shine of a person’s life is seen as light in the blind Tendou’s view and during his imprisonment, he would spend time observing the movements of the lights in the world rather than dreaming. Tendou then notices millions of lights are in the middle of the blizzard and some are just a few kilometers away from Tendou. He can tell from the size that most of the lights are non-Blazers and so he wonders why they are doing such a dangerous thing. Tendou believes such small lights can’t do anything and what’s necessary to illuminate darkness is a giant light, in other words, a hero that can lead the era. He then uses “Houten Banrai” to add a thunderstorm to the already existing blizzard. However, a strong light has appeared and Tendou wonders if this light can shed his darkness.
Moroboshi and Kuraudo show up in front of Tendou. Even though this is the first time they meet, Kuraudo can tell Tendou is a monster and at the same, he feels that it is interesting. Kuraudo immediately moves towards Tendou and uses “Hebigami” to release multiple slashes at him, but the attack doesn’t touch Tendou at all. Moroboshi calls Kuraudo stupid because he already told him before that Tendou can’t be touched. Tendou praises Kuraudo’s brave action and is pleased that there are young men like Kuraudo and Morobsohi who are worth fighting. Tendou wants them to receive God’s trial and obtain “blessing”. Kuraudo immediately senses danger and so takes distance from Tendou who then uses “Kokuryuu Toguro” to create a black tornado around himself. The tornado protecting Tendou this time has many more rubbles moving at high speed which makes it more difficult for Moroboshi to breakthrough. However, Moroboshi has brought Kuraudo with him this time and he activates “Tiger Bite”. Moroboshi says “enchant” while the golden shine from his spear is put on Kuraudo’s Device “Orochimaru”. Before arriving there, Moroboshi and Kuraudo had already discussed how to fight Tendou. Even though “Tiger Bite” can hurt Tendou, Moroboshi doesn’t have the reflexes to make sure that his attacks will reach Tendou. So he came up with the idea of granting Kuraudo’s Device with “Tiger Bite” ability. Moroboshi’s ability is magic destruction but Kuraudo’s “Orochimaru” which can extend its length is able to endure “Tiger Bite” as shown in their mock battle before. So “Orochimaru” can be granted with the ability to destroy magic and it just needs to hit Tendou. This would also damage Kuraudo since his own Device would be devoured even if slightly but he accepted the strategy. Kuraudo maintains the length of his blade as it is being devoured by “Tiger Bite” and Moroboshi calls the combined technique as “Ouroboros (evil-devouring large serpent)” as it looks like a snake that devours itself as well as the enemy.
Moroboshi and Kuraudo begin their attack against Tendou as shown in a pic. Kuraudo runs towards the tornado and breaks through the countless rubbles easily. Tendou tries to escape to the sky by turning into a cloud and riding on the tornado’s updraft but Kuraudo chases after him by using the surrounding rubbles as foothold to jump up. Tendou tries to knock down Kuraudo by delivering continuous fast lightning strikes but Kuraudo just sweeps them away with “Ouroboros”. Kuraudo is able to perform all of these actions thanks to his “Marginal Counter”. Tendou then uses “Raishin Ten’i (lightning body change)”, a Noble Art to transform his body into lightning and move at lightning speed. He lands on a ground that’s one kilometer away and cancels “Kokuryuu Toguro”. Kuraudo is falling to the ground but he stretches his “Ouroboros” to stab the ground in order to safely reach the ground fast and rushes towards Tendou again. Tendou immediately uses “Kokuryuu Toguro – Houkou (howl)” which the tornado shoots rubbles, together with “Houten Banrai” which shoots lightning from the sky and “Banshou Kaijin” which shoots flames. The number of projectiles shot towards Kuraudo is too much to be dealt with even by evading with “Ten’i Muhou”. However, Kuraudo uses an evolved version of “Ten’i Muhou” called “Akuro-Ou (king of bad roads)”, which he breaks through the obstacle in front him with pure violence. Instead of just evading the obstacles, he also cuts them all down at the same time which is made possible with his “Marginal Counter”. Kuraudo then stretches one of his blades which catches Tendou on the shoulder and shortens his blade in order to pull his body towards Tendou. Once they are both close to each other, Kuraudo’s uses “Yamato no Orochi” with both of his blades on Tendou. The effect of “Tiger Bite” has a range of 500 meters from Moroboshi’s position so Moroboshi has been running around the area to make sure that “Ouroboros” is within range. Moroboshi is exhausted and annoyed that Kuraudo didn’t listen before but after seeing Tendou injured he thinks it’s worth it. However, despite Kuraudo even cutting Tendou’s arteries, Tendou is still standing because he is able to turn his body into a cloud and reconstruct it.
Tendou is pleased that Moroboshi and Kuraudo are strong and dazzling, and so he plans to test them with the strongest technique he has. He throws his sword “Ame no Murakumo” to the sky and it turns into a huge sword of light that is over 100 meters long after melting into the thunderclouds. The huge sword in the sky powered with the energy from hundreds of thousands of lightnings and flames shoots down towards Kuraudo. The attack’s resulting blast would be capable of killing everyone in Fukuoka so Kuraudo has no choice but to receive it with his swords. Despite his Device being coated with magic destruction ability, the impact Kurudo receives the moment “Orochimaru” meets with “Ame no Murakumo” is still huge that he’s desperately enduring. Even the blade of “Ame no Murakumo” itself is only slightly being devoured so at this rate Kuraudo’s own Device will disappear first. Kuraudo is feeling the fear of death and his instincts are telling him to run away and just protect himself. But instead of doing that, Kuraudo continues to fight back. While supporting the sword on his left hand, he waves the sword on his right hand to increase the area of “Ame no Murakumo” being hit by “Tiger Bite”. This increases the speed of “Ame no Murakumo” being chipped away but the fact Kuraudo’s Device will be the one to disappear before the huge sword of light doesn’t change. Despite so, Kuraudo doesn’t give up and yells at Moroboshi to not hold him back. Normally it’s understandable that someone would give up on catching up to Ikki who is now a knight that ranked high in the world, but Kuraudo refuses to give up because being defeated by Ikki caused him to have a strong feeling of wanting to become strong like him. Kuraudo doesn’t want to be like his filthy-looking father who just drinks at home and watches the events of the world on TV while complaining about how politics and society are bad. No matter what obstacles are in his way, Kuraudo can’t stop even for a second because the man whose back that Kuraudo is chasing after is capable of overcoming any limit or impossibility. Kuraudo then uses double “Yamato no Orochi” and continuously chip away “Ame no Murakumo” at even greater speed, but the strain of it causes him to bleed from the eyes and nose. After over 10 minutes, half of “Ame no Murakumo” is left and cracks are formed on the remaining blade. Once “Ame no Murakumo” shatters into dust, Kuraudo rushes towards Tendou to finish him off. Kuraudo is aiming at the head to end Tendou’s life before he has the chance to activate his Noble Art that can reconstruct his body, but Kuraudo’s Device doesn’t have any blade left. Kuraudo’s body falls down in front of Tendou who says it’s a shame because he thought Kuraudo might receive “God’s blessing”. However, Moroboshi says Kuraudo did well and then pierces Tendou’s chest from behind with his spear “Tora-Ou”.
Before the fight started Moroboshi had planned that Kuraudo didn’t have to win and distracting Tendou would be enough because Moroboshi would then finish him off. After being pierced by Moroboshi’s spear, Tendou falls to the ground and is coughing blood. He apologizes for having forgotten about Moroboshi since he was so distracted by Kuraudo’s radiance. Tendou then stands up and tries to reconstruct his body like he did earlier. However, he is unable to release magic power and his whole body is losing strength which confuses him. Moroboshi explains that a Blazer’s soul is the source of their magic power, so eliminating the source with “Tiger Bite” would cause them unable to draw out their magic power. This is Moroboshi’s Noble Art “Musou Ichiretsu (unparalleled single ferocity)”, a deadly move that kills both the soul and body at the same time. Because Tendou is unable to draw out his magic, he is unable to reconstruct his body and is continuously bleeding while his breathing weakens. Moroboshi says he doesn’t like killing a human life and so he hates the technique he just used. Tendou has killed hundreds of people and destroyed many homes in Fukuoka, so he has to die and apologize for what he did. After a few minutes, Tendou finally dies which is confirmed when his breathing and pulse have stopped. However, the thunderclouds and blizzard caused by Tendou’s Noble Arts don’t stop even though Noble Arts should lose their effects after the user is unconscious or dead.

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Suddenly, Moroboshi hears Tendou’s voice saying how wonderful it is that someone that didn’t receive the “blessing” was able to kill him. Moroboshi also sees the shadow of the clouds in the sky forming Tendou’s face in huge size. Tendou says the soul is normally not something that can be seen or felt. Even Tendou was able to see the shine of a person’s life only after experiencing the hell where he witnessed many people died and he himself almost died. Tendou thinks Moroboshi must have seen a tragedy that is equal or greater. After the train accident where he lost his legs, Moroboshi couldn’t forget about the scent of “death” that filled the scene and as a result, he acquired the ability to sense “death” as stench. Moroboshi is certain that his spear had pierced the location on Tendou’s body that had the strongest scent of “death” which was where Tendou’s soul was, so he’s confused why Tendou is still alive. Tendou explains that he did die and currently he is just a residual thought that is projected by his magic power that was already released on the verge of death, which Moroboshi compares it to being a ghost. Moroboshi wonders if this is the characteristic of a Desperado or just willpower. Tendou can no longer produce more magic power and will disappear eventually so before that happens he wants to make sure Moroboshi receives the “blessing”. “Ame no Murakumo” appears again in the sky but this time there are 12 of the huge swords. Tendou tells Moroboshi to use this as a stepping stone to achieve “blessing” and become a hero. However, Moroboshi says he refuses while he puts his spear down and just sits down on the ground. He doesn’t understand why he alone should be the one doing his best and also says that if there is anything he alone should be responsible for it would be his younger sister Koume. A hero who saves everything alone is a tragic person and he’s not interested to become one. Moroboshi says Tendou is wrong for believing something that must be done by just one person alone even until death actually exists. He then says he’s worn out so he’s leaving the rest to the third person. In the next instant, Tendou notices that the small lights he sees in his dark world are joining together to form a huge light and then a huge thunder is heard.
There are many people working in the middle of the blizzard and they are not stopping despite getting frostbite. The reason for this is because Touka had asked everyone to fight together the night before. She asked for the Kyushu power grid to be restored so that Tendou can be defeated. Touka who is a lightning user can absorb the huge electricity power from the power grid and turn it into her own power. Since the power generated will be received by Touka at a substation close to Tendou’s location, the people working to restore the power grid would risk of being attacked and getting frostbite. Despite the risks, Touka wants their help and says Tendou who is alone can be defeated if everyone cooperates. Touka’s determination and her trust in everyone convinced them to do it. Blazers are protecting the workers from Tendou’s lightning, with one group being protected by glass shelter made by Kanata. Touka is at the substation where all of the electricity from Kyushu’s power grid will be sent to and she’s standing on a mountain of cables that will supply the power to her. Kaieda asks Touka if she’s sure about this since the amount of power she will receive is very huge and might destroy her body. He would take her place instead if she’s not sure but she says that she’s fine. Preparations are then complete and electricity is sent to the cables Touka is standing on. Touka manifests her Device and pierces the cable. In the next instant, she’s back on that hill again where she is chained to a cross and surrounded by countless figures in the shape of Tendou. But this time a lightning appears and strikes the countless Tendou and the cross, freeing Touka. Back in the real world, Touka’s body emits white light and she looks like she has become thunder. Normally the amount of energy Touka wields right now would destroy her body, but her large heart that has loved, believed and accepted other people made it possible for her to wield it. Touka then uses “Takemikazuchi” which she shoots her own body from the ground to the sky.
Tendou sees the huge light that was formed from many small lights joined together coming from the ground towards him. He’s never seen a soul with such brightness and tries to stop it by launching one of his huge swords of light in the sky towards it. However, his sword that is filled with huge magic power gets crushed into dust the moment it touches the incoming light. He then sends two of his swords but it happens again, and even sending four swords doesn’t change the result. Tendou, who has received “blessing”, can’t believe that his Noble Art “Ame no Murakumo” that was created by combining all the magic powers in the sky is far inferior in magic power. He then realizes that the incoming powerful light is in fact Touka and so he’s screaming in joy thinking that she has finally received the “blessing”. But Touka explains that this is not her power and that it was gathered from many people that Tendou calls as ugly lights. Everyone worked together and entrusted to Touka the power they had gathered as much as possible, and so Touka doesn’t need the “blessing”. Tendou believes that the “blessing” is needed to protect everyone, but Touka disagrees because there are many strong people in this world. She believes more in everyone’s power who is also fighting and declares that they won’t lose. However, Tendou shouts in anger that it’s wrong because people are wonderful but also weak, so they can only be saved with God’s love like he was during the war where many people killed each other. He then reassembles the remaining five “Ame no Murakumo” swords into a flash of light that shoots out from his huge face in the clouds. This light attack called “Shinbatsu – God Breath (divine punishment – god’s anger)” is no longer lightning or flame but just pure destruction and so Touka can’t absorb it with her ability. Touka replies even if they can’t shine they won’t stray from the right path and will join together to overcome the dark night, and she also had wanted Tendou to join hands together. As shown in a pic, she then releases all the power she wields into “Raikiri” and her attack strikes both “God Breath” and the clouds that Tendou resides as a spirit. Immediately after, the black clouds that covered whole of Kyushu completely disappear.
Blue sky is formed with sunlight shining as a result of Tendou being defeated. Utakata, who had already woken up in his hospital bed, never doubted Touka’s victory. Ever since he came to Wakaba House, he knew better than anyone the real strength of the girl named Touka Toudou. It is different from Ikki and Stella’s ego and that Touka is the strongest when she fights for someone else. Tendou sees that the light erasing his existence is not a single huge radiance but a collection of small ones of different colors. These represent everyone who had worked hard and celebrating in joy, and they are dazzling enough to be difficult to see. Tendou accepts that his “blessing’ has been defeated by them and wonders why he couldn’t do the same during that time in the war. He then realizes that it’s because he was the only one asking for God’s help and didn’t work together with his comrades, which was the start of all of his mistakes since then. He could have had a future like the one he is seeing now. As his existence is disappearing, Tendou finally understands and admits that he was wrong. He also hears a girl’s voice telling him that it was thanks to him that she didn’t make a mistake and bids him farewell. Tendou now knows that “Excessive Awakening” is not a “blessing” and is actually the result of a weak person who couldn’t endure being human. He regrets his mistakes which he committed crimes that involved so many people. But finally after a long nightmare, Tendou has obtained salvation of being able to return to being human in the light.

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