Rampaging Biology (Rewrite)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Quantum Age

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RBR Chapter 1 The Quantum Age

It's the year 2134 of the 22nd century, dubbed the Quantum Age. This Quantum Age had begun in the waning years of the 21st century, when Quantum processors had achieved miniaturization (courtesy of countless hours of research), leading to a possible affordability by the common man and woman.

Every field of study had bloomed instantly, progressing at almost light speed. This boom culminated in the colonisation of the solar system within a hundred years, with almost every corner having been trampled on by human footsteps... Or you could say having been traversed by space vessels.

The domes of Mars could be seen from outer space, holding artificial atmospheres supporting the myriad human colonists and the biological flora and fauna, not to mention the great cities aboveground with their sprawling skyscrapers which appeared to defy the most common conventions in construction.

Space had been quiet, lonely, despairing and many other things during the first half of the 21st century, but now, it was loud and populated, space vessels in all manner of design could be seen moving along designated routes between Mars and Earth, not to mention the various terraformed moons of the other inhabitable planets in the solar system.

Space stations, ports and cities littered the space above the mother planet of Earth. People weren't floating or moving by wearing magnetic boots as artificial gravity kept them tethered firmly where they were...hurray for the scientists who had come up with it!

The Earth's atmosphere too, hadn't been neglected, possessing slow moving sky cities and buildings, kept afloat by ion engines and gravity repulsion technology. Some of those floating masses didn't contain humans though, instead biomes of a wide range existing, from forests to deserts to snow covered lands, with each acting as a habitat for the various fauna and flora of Earth. You could even say that they were oversized floating zoos, or national parks.

Further down, onto the surface of the Earth, even with progress and an overall population of 12 billion, nature hadn't been disturbed, instead preserved, humans confined to living within garden-like cities bearing skyscrapers with edible plants. An increase in life expectancy of up to 500 years had contributed greatly to the increase in population. Ozone damage had also been fixed a long time ago and the toxic gases were broken down into harmless gases before they even made it outside the factories.

Disease had essentially become nonexistent as a quantum computer only had to create a digital chemical compound or biological virus that could combat whatever pathogen existed within an individual's body, specifically tailored to his or her genetic signature.

There were still some conundrums that hadn't yet been solved, like spatial warping, but with current progress, it had been predicted that in 30 years, compressing space and commuting to other solar systems would be possible.


A smile tugged at his lips as he beheld the test tube in his hands, specifically the crimson liquid shifting inside as if it was alive. No one would be able to describe the joy he felt at this moment. Over 20 years of nonstop experimentation and research had finally culminated into the vial in his left hand, raised to eye level. He stared at it with wide eyes, nostalgia and many other emotions tumbling within.

"Humanity has advanced greatly...but all of that is external. Fundamentally, the cell is still the same. This is a key to a higher level!" He mumbled out the words even as he lowered his arm, placing the test tube into a rack holding over 30 others. These were his accomplishment after all these years. Many had tried and failed or were still trying, but he alone had succeeded where everyone else failed or was still stuck.

"Alpha Prime, how long have I been lost in research this time?" The man asked no one in particular, his voice deep. He had already started walking away from his futuristic research table.

(14 hours 34 minutes and 12 seconds, sir.) 

A female voice echoed in the room coldly, his own advanced AI. Having an advanced AI was strictly regulated as they had a 21% chance of achieving sentience. It was a very big deal, causing him to always wonder when his would. He was excited by the prospect of studying it the moment to gained sentience even with his field of research mostly related to flesh and blood lifeforms.

'Hmmm...I was a bit long this time.' The doors automatically slid into the white walls when he was within a meter, courtesy of the AI.

A tiny room with another set of double doors appeared in his vision, walking in with familiar ease before the doors behind him shut. The white light took on a violet hue and liquid disinfectant sprayed out of the tiny holes along the walls to his sides, dousing the white bio suit covering his whole body. Gusts of warm air came out of the holes next, drying up the place and his body, all in less than a minute.


"It seems I have to groom myself a bit. I can't appear in front of the crowds like this." He mumbled as a full length reflection of himself stared back at him. The suit had been ditched to the side, exposing his fully naked body into view. It was lean well toned, pale white-brown skin, blue eyes and blonde bird-nest like hair. He stroked the blonde overgrown beard on the lower half of his chin with tenderness. It had been with him through all these years, only occasionally trimming the excess, but now it had to go. 

'Its wondrous how I appear 30 when in fact I am 87 this year. Those who discovered the method for turning back the clock truly do deserve the nobel prize they got.' He thought as his gaze admired every inch of himself.

"But ultimately, they still pale in comparison to what I have discovered...hahahahaha...I wonder what I will be called...a progenitor? A god? Or a saint?" His sparkling white teeth became visible as he chuckled, the excitement alone causing his body to tremble minutely.

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"Alpha Prime, send a notification to Duncan that I need him here within the hour." He ordered, the AI not saying anything back, but he knew it had already acknowledged. He broke his gaze away from the mirror and entered the shower. The time for grooming had arrived.


Is there a higher evolutionary level above this one? How can humans reach such a level? And should we strive to reach it?...these three questions had been posed by a famous genetic engineer 13some years ago. He had been among the audience as the man posed the questions. He had scoffed at the man's cowardice, 'should we strive to reach it?'...how can you ask something like that? Of course we are obligated to strive for it! If it exists, it means we were already on the path towards it, no matter how slow!

He pondered as he sat on the sofa, one leg over the other and a mug of coffee in his hands. The younger generation took caffeine shots but he was one who still loved taking that sip from the mug. It was something he was sure he would never change no matter how the world advanced.

(Tensions are rising between the Mars' colonies and the Federations of Earth. Riots are everywhere, the Martians clamouring for independence...) 

He waved his hand, shoving away  that news feed. It was simply pointless in his eyes...the tensions. Instead of focusing on evolving higher, they were fighting over authority.

He looked out the window, a floating mass, probably a city was slowly inching into the horizon. It was dusk, the sun's rays causing it to shine brightly, a star heralding the night.

(The average citizen's IQ has risen to 150 according to the latest research done by the NAFIS...) 

This time he didn't change the channel on the hologram, but lost interest. Those bastards at the NAFIS (North Americas Federal Institute of Science) were simply common men and women in suits and ties who managed scientists. What made it even more humiliating was the fact that none were researchers, with each one having never donned a lab coat! It was also one of the reasons that he wasn't going to notify them that he was going to arrange a press conference. It would be better if they were caught unaware as they might try to stop him. They always butted in when important discoveries were made, trying to make sure the front page of every newsfeed labelled them as having been vital...the idiotic bureaucrats! He frowned as a particular unpleasant memory covered dust reappeared.

(Mr. Duncan has arrived)

The AI alerted him at this time. A smile naturally blooming into his lips as he imagined the coming glory. The first steps were about to be taken after all!

"Hahahahaha...you finally managed to get rid of that annoying beard and gelled your hair too! Oh! How surprising!" The moment the man entered, those were his first words.

He had dark brown skin, lean body and was clad in a black business suit that wouldn't seem out of place if he were placed in one of those floating metropolises.

Duncan was business man, a successful one with a very large conglomerate. Certain circumstances had allowed them to meet and become fast friends almost 50 years ago.

"So...I believe you must have succeeded, right, Dr. Marcus?" He lowered his voice the moment the space between them shortened to a meter, his expression serious and eyes, hopeful.

"I do believe I did. The plans can now be set in motion." Dr. Marcus replied with a wide grin, his excited eyes conveying all. 

"Hahahahahaha...finally!" Duncan tapped his shoulders in joy. 

"So, how long till you can spread it all over?" After a few minutes of small talk, Dr. Marcus asked. This was important. Before the press conference, it had to be done.

"Give me a month. Everything will be done by then!" Duncan didn't beat around the bush.

"Okay then, a month it will be. I would have liked to have it sooner but our preparations need to be thoroughly complete." Dr. Marcus felt a pang of disappointment. Having to wait a month for the reveal of his latest creation would be daunting.

"If this works...no, when it works, humanity will enter a new era. We won't be left behind by technology, instead technology will be struggling to keep up." Marcus said while leaning back into the sofa. It was so soft that he felt the first slivers of sleep creeping up on him. Well, he could only blame himself for staying awake 14 hours straight, depending on ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) for food and stimulants to keep his eyelids open.

"It looks like you will have to schedule another trimming in four weeks...hahahahahaha..." Duncan joked at his expense.

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