Rampaging Biology (Rewrite)

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Birth

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          RBR Chapter 6 Birth

Blood red light entered his eyes, originating from a pulsating eggshaped meaty sac. Elec stepped around his father, curiosity driving his feet as he stepped into the room, subconsciously taking one step after another.

It was square shaped and 10m give or take. It was supposed to be dark, but the sanguine crimson light emitted by the fleshy egg in the centre provided ample illumination, though, weirdly macabre.

Flesh roots attached to the roof and floor held the fleshy egg within their midst, spreading into the floor and ceiling.

"Shit!" Elec cursed and recoiled back to the entrance as if electricity had just struck him. He had managed to come to his senses and the things he had been stepping on had been squishy and gross, causing him to flee. Stepping upon them had given him shivers as it had given the sensation of walking on human limbs or tentacles.

"What?...what is this?" He asked, surprise not in his voice, instead something else, a primal fear. This was the second most bizarre thing he had ever laid eyes on apart from that awakening.


It pulsed, Elec feeling as if the vibrations had come from his very heart, but he knew better. The oval egg like structure was beating like a heart and for some reason had released such a powerful beat.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

'Why...why is my heart resonating?' He became even more fearful while he waited for his father's answer.

"This is another creation, a son of mine." 

"A son!? How can this...this thing be a human!?" He shouted incredulously. His father had just said something absurd after all!

How could this fleshy thing be a person? Wait! Could it be that there is a person inside? Such a realisation hit him before many other things dawned upon him.

"Are you kidding me right now? Why am I here? Are you here to introduce me to the one who's going to take my place?" Elec lost it. Rage once again had managed to claim him.


Another powerful heartbeat caused his face to pale, his steps faltering. He felt as if his entire being was connected to whatever was inside the meaty egg.

'Am I here as a sacrifice?' Anxiety was born within the gaze that he was directing towards Baguma. If he had been brought here as a sacrifice, then...was his life about to end?

"I took a sample of your cells and added them with something else to create him." Elec felt the excitement, the anticipation within his father's expression. He lost his words upon seeing this side of the man. 

'Did he ever care for me?' His heart sunk to the deepest of depths.

"I need to see what is going to come out." He said, instinctively knowing it was about to break out. He couldn't explain it, but he could feel it, probably because he was connected to it on a genetic level.

'I want to see what is so special about this...thing.' He once again allowed his feet to take him inside, revulsed by the fact that his imagination was giving him the illusion that he was stepping on intertwined limbs...but still continued until he reached just a meter before the oval fleshy egg fixed in the centre by the fleshy roots.

Crimson, colored his body forming a contrast with his light blue eyes. Heat waves wafted from the fleshy egg as he stood near, droplets of sweat beading on his forehead. He removed his blazer and threw it to the side, loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar.

"What is it that is so special about this? Why is my father excited?" He mumbled out as with an unblinking gaze stared a the fleshy egg, rippling with each beat that it released.

"I have been waiting for over 15 years for it..." Baguma's voice came from behind. Judging by the sound of his steps and the closeness of his voice, he was making his way where Elec was.

Elec clenched his hands and ground his teeth at the thick emotion within the man's voice. He even doubted whether he had been this excited when he had been born. 

"He's about to hatch, the tendrils are darkening." His father provided commentary in in his excitement.

Elec moved his gaze away from the fleshy oval for the first time and raised it towards the ceiling, where, at the edges where it met wall, the fleshy vessels were indeed becoming darker and dessicated, every ounce of liquid and life being pulled away from them and into the giant he was standing on front of.

He stepped back due to a spike in temperature along his skin. It was rising steadily, now almost to boiling point even as the vessels dessicated.

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His retreat brought him to his father's side who had already stopped his advance. He could almost see the sparkles in the man's gaze as he beheld his creation. It bordered on manic.

'Am I going to be kicked to the side?' He wondered as he gazed at Baguma's side profile, his heartbeat, still tethered to the thing within the fleshy egg. 

'Why am I connected to it when all he took were just a few of my cells?' Another question without an answer. It would only probably be answered when the thing hatched.

A line appeared within the oval flesh, folding in on itself as if it was being devoured from the inside. Elec waited with anticipation as a burst of steam whooshed out of the line of folded flesh.

The withering fleshy appendages holding the egg, finally had all that they had sucked out, turning dry, like tree roots.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

Elec felt the synched heartbeat with clarity as the entire place entered a bizarre silence. Panic should have set in at this time, but the since his heart was connected to it, he was calm, docile, the myriad emotions only causing waves within his mind.

The line which had appeared vertically along the height of the fleshy egg abruptly widened, a claw appearing in his vision.

Elec traced the black scales glittering within the red fading light to the sharp claws, a shiver running down his spine.

'Did things go wrong?' He turned to his father, who still had an expression of anticipation and came to the conclusion that he had probably already expected this.

'He isn't human?' The claw held one edge of the line and widened it into a crack.

Elec froze when a lone eye appeared within the crack. It was vertical slitted, colored a blue mixed with gold. It was cold, emotionless, machine-like... He found it hard to describe, but the moment it focused his gaze upon him, his body stopped everything.

Breath caught in his throat as it failed to make it out. He felt a terrifying pressure weigh on his mind. 

"Fa-fathe-father! What-what is this?" His mouth managed to move after a few seconds, then his feet, which proceeded to move him behind Baguma. His subconscious had already told his body where to hide, and his father appeared to be the safest bet.

The eye followed him. Even behind his father, it followed him. Even with his neck sticking out from behind Baguma's shoulder, he instinctively knew that the gaze was on him, not his father.

The crack widened as another claw ripped at the edges, the...lifeform...that was the only word he could use, walked out. Mucus cascaded down its body, its vision still locked with his.

Those twin bluish gold eyes stared right at him, giving him the feeling as if they could see through him, his mind and even his secrets. Terror gripped him. His entire body was screaming for him to run away but he couldn't, so he used his eyes to take in its features.

It was humanoid, taller than him by a head. Black scales entirely ran along its body, obscuring skin. Even the face was covered except the eyes, mouth and nose. A pair of white horns grew out of both sides of its forehead, curving upwards and spiralling into screws. 

Strands of blue hair grew out of its head, reaching the waist. The toes and fingers all ended in sharp, dark claws.

It stood there, its gaze finally breaking away from him to take in its surroundings. Elec felt his shirt sticking to his back after it's gaze moved away. The sweat had soaked it.

'What is that?" He whispered, voice hoarse. 

"I think he came out alright." Baguma ignored the question, or he might have been spellbound by its appearance, but Elec didn't care.

"What is that thing?" He asked, breathing down the man's shoulder. He didn't feel safe enough to take a step away. The creature was taking in the room, giving him time to talk.

"My son of course." He answered with such a short sentence which didn't do anything to alleviate his fears.

""We finally managed to succeed with another experiment.""

It's mouth moved, a myriad of voices assaulting his ears. It was like many people were speaking the same words but in different tones.

"The brain hasn't yet awakened it seems." Baguma's puzzling mumble entered his ears, leading to the creation of more questions within his mind.

What was his father yapping about? The brain hasn't awakened? Shouldn't he just kill this...creature? Such, and many more swarm in his mind as he did all that he could not to tremble, or piss his pants.

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