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Chapter 10: Mad Dog’s Death battle

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All his teammates agreed to continue the hunt, resting a bit they rose searching for more goblins to hunt, after a while, they came up on four goblins feasting on an undetermined animal limb. They used the goblin's guard being down to their advantage, using the previous strategy they defeated the goblins quite easily.

At this point, they only had to recover their stamina and hydrate themselves, once done they started searching for another goblin pack but instead ran into another hunting team. The leader of the opposite team dragged Frank to the side to convey a massage.

"We ran into a goblin camp, probably shout return before they figure out what's happening," said the Leader named David.

This wasn't absurd that the goblin's packs had run out, at least 24 goblin packs had been hunted from their hunt alone if one group hunted two groups each.

The only good plan Frank came up with was to retreat to their resting ground. He ordered the rest of his team to return to his camping area. Their mood was quite sour hearing their hunt come to an end already, they were doing so good until now. Hearing of the goblin camp they understood who they had to retreat to.

They returned to the resting ground, seeing the first six teams ready, and pumped up to go out hunting again, but their good mood came to an end hearing of the goblin camp further up in the forest. All the leaders of the teams gathered u[p for a meeting on what to do with the goblin camp.

During the meeting they came up with three choices, first, tell the sect about the goblin camp and be rewarded with not even 10% of the total reward they would gain from the goblin camp, second keep quiet but this was impossible considering 120 people knew about this, and the third which was crazy, hunt the goblin camp themselves.

They decided not to decide on this themselves they put it up for voting from all the disciples present. Frank had been selected to convey their objective to the disciples.

"We have a vote to decide the future of this expedition, first, tell the sect about the goblin camp and be rewarded with not even 10% of the total reward, this will lead to some rewards without any dangers, Second keep quiet and third hunt the goblin camp ourselves, this will give us all the reward but some of us could lose our lives" Shouted Frank giving the disciples their choices.

Frank himself wanted to fight the goblin camp together but kept quiet not to influence the other disciples' choices.

The area was divided into three reigns, each for their respective choices, most of the disciples contemplated for quite a while, still high from their recent success most of them chose the third option, fight themselves.

The disciple who had come up with the previous strategy held another meeting, this hunt required extensive calculated strategy and the best battle formation. They took care of everything except the hobgoblin responsible for the goblin camp, None of the disciples could take care of their hobgoblin alone.

Wanting to fasten their progress Frank decided to reveal the 9 continuous fist technique to hold off the hobgoblin until the rest of the disciples were done with the goblin camp. The disciples already knew the might of the  9 continuous fist technique using which Frank had annihilated the demonic rats at the first all-out battle.

Nobody objected to his decision, everyone was briefed about the plan and their position in the formation they started moving towards the goblin camp. The walk was extremely nerve-wracking with the shield bearers in the front, spear users in the middle, and bow users at the end.

Frank had left the formation in hopes of infiltrating the camp during all the chaos of the battle, the hobgoblin wouldn't come out until the goblins lost most of their forces. Once reaching the goblin camp they didn't wait for even a second to launch their arrows into the camp.

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The deaths from the arrow shower didn't even put a dent into their numbers, the arrow shower didn't stop no matter how close the goblin tide came, the goblins ran towards the wall of shields like crazed beasts.

The shield absorbed most of the force from the charge while the spear users stabbed in between the gaps of the shields, this looked like a spartan formation Frank has seen in a movie, pushing the shields forward in unison while the spear users pulled back to remove the impaled goblins off the spears. Moving a step forward the spear users stabbed again providing the same results.

Frank snuck into the goblin camp trying to catch the hobgoblin by surprise, stealthily walking into the largest and tallest makeshift tent he identified the hobgoblin surrounded by 4 goblins. Holding tightly into the earth elemental spear he snuck behind the seat the hobgoblin was seated on.

Not wanting to be spotted he stabbed into the hobgoblin using the earth spear ability pulling the ground beneath his feet into an earth spike. The goblin feeling the bloodthirst from Frank's strike dodged forward, the spear and earth spike missed all the vital spots he was aiming for, hitting the back of its shoulder and stunning it in the progress.

Being ready for any situation Frank pulled back his spear stabbing the close-by goblins, not wanting to leave three goblins and hobgoblins alone with him, he activated the ability of their earth elemental spear impaling the rest of the goblins from underneath. The goblins were fortunately slow enough to get impaled by the earth spikes, he turned around to face the hobgoblin preparing for a stab.

The hobgoblin had already recovered from its shock, and could quite easily parry his stabs with his dagger. the goblin easily closed the gap between them, and this made Frank let off his spear, the spear wasn't useful in close-quarter combat and the hobgoblin was fast enough to parry his long-distance attacks.

He took the first stance of the 9 continuous fist technique striking at the hobgoblin, the goblin didn't stop slashing Frank with the dagger, He followed the first stance with the second, then the third, and so on, but the strikes didn't deal any damage until it reached the eight stances, almost knocking the hobgoblin down.

As he finished performing the ninth strike, he took the tenth stance he had been enlightened about from the page of enlightenment. He ducked down from the incoming claw of the hobgoblin and struck immediately squarely in the chest breaking the sternum, heart, lung, and backbone of the hobgoblin from the raw strength of the attack

He had paralyzed the hobgoblin from the waist down but doing this bit the recoil from using this was extreme, Frank felt like all the muscles of his fist, arm, neck, back, and feet were stretched to the extreme, he didn't know if he could move until the throbbing of his muscles calmed down.

He couldn't move but the hobgoblin was crawling toward his dagger wanting to kill whoever had hurt him to this condition. Frank tried to stand up, but his body refused to listen to him. He tried his best until he saw the curtain open up and some of the other disciples enter the tent.

They didn't stop to check on franks condition, stabbing into the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin had multiple spears stabbing into his body, they didn't pull out the spear until the life in the hobgoblin's eyes went out.

One of the disciples checked on Franks' condition and shouted in a loud enough voice to inform the entire camp.

"The Mad Dog is alive, we won"

'Mad Dog' Frank thought, glaring at the disciple who had called him that.

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