Randomly Create Anything From Anything.

Chapter 20: Massacre

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Ogres were prideful creatures always looking for stronger and stronger opponents to fight against, but the fire had messed up their teamwork, all the ogres running in different directions toward the incoming enemies.

By the time the ogres made it out of the settlement everything was ablaze, the wooden walls of the settlement, the grass, and everything in between. Frank and the hunting squad were mostly resistant to the fire and the other three elements due to their Qi cultivation technique and some were resistant to elements they practiced body cultivated in.

Smoke rose in the air blocking the view from both the inside and the outside. This was when ogres started running out of the multiple exits created for their strategy. Three ogres ran out from the main entrance guarded by Frank and JJ.

Frank had been using the earth's elementals spear for all this while, he could use its special ability quite Effortlessly, he could summon earth spears without exhausting too much of his Qi. Two ogres were handled by JJ leaving one to Frank. The warrior ogre was somewhat stronger than the scout ogre but nothing special that they couldn't defeat easily.

Dealing with the three ogres,  more appeared, the rush of goblins leaving the settlement didn't slow down for a while, Frank and JJ had killed ogres nonstop leaving piles of bodies in their wake. They had killed all the ogres that they needed to thin down the numbers until they had to go in and deal with the chief and his guards before the smoke took them out and the fire burned the bodies and destroyed the monster materials.

Running in the settlement was in shambles, the ogres had broken most of their tents and homes and left in a hurry. Some of the ogres were still inside the settlement guarding the young ones and the food reserves.

Frank and JJ didn't let any survive alive, they walked in the streets killing any survivors they came upon, leaving the bodies for the retrieval team to put inside the dimensional cube, they had to kill the chief after some other unit pulled the chief's guards away.

They waited until the chef's guard was pulled away running for the chief, the chief's stature far exceeded any normal ogre being a meter taller with a bigger physique, the ogre chief hit anything that moved almost in a bloodthirsty state hitting everything moving within its eyes, the other ogres had clubs while the chief had a huge battle axe.

Both Frank and JJ ran towards the ogre chief trying to stab the weak points, which the ogres ignored still its movements made both their strikes miss stabbing into the ogre's chief body. The ogre swung the axe toward them luckily they had retreated enough to a safe position. The battle was more of insurance than of strength, while Frank and JJ would try to dodge the ogre and wouldn't take all the hits hoping to land some hits.

The fight was thrilling for a while until the ogre's stamina started to empty slowing it down to a state JJ and Frank could land repetitive strikes on the critical points of the ogre chief. For a while, the ogre chief took hits like a puppet until it roared visible Qi vapors leaving his body, this was the first time both of them had seen something like this, Frank had read about this phenomenon it was called Qi explosion. Beasts as well as humans could use this technique as the last resort because dead was almost guaranteed after its use, this technique would burst the donation leaving all the stored up Qi to be used at once.

This state would only last for a minute or two, during which Frank and JJ had to run away hoping it didn't catch up to them before running out of energy, but the ogre didn't let its last chance of battle go to waste, rushing at Frank into close quarter combat leaving JJ to do his worst. Frank sensing the blood thirst readied himself for the oncoming barrage of attack.

The ogres had dropped his axe fighting with his fists, and so did Frank not wanting to fight in close quarters using a long-range weapon a spear, Frank had been confident in his 9 continuous fist technique, this technique in some ways was far better and perfect than their spear technique, maybe it was because the system gave only the best of whatever it supplied.

The first fight started with both beast and Frank landing some hits on each other till Frank reached the 8th and 9th empowered fist to land on the ogre almost every hit crushing each bone on wherever it landed, not wanting to physically exhaust and break his muscles he didn't use the 10th strike he had used against the hobgoblin.

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JJ had still not stopped attacking the ogre whenever he could, the beast fell after multiple hits from both JJ and Frank. They didn't stop to celebrate their victory going away to find any treasures before the fire destroyed them, the fire was still far enough for them to be safe but the same could not be said about the smoke, if Frank and JJ didn't have large enough lungs capacity they would already be unconscious. They searched around everywhere collecting everything they could find and bringing them over to the ogre chief body.

They left when they saw the retrieval team carting the dimensional cube in case someone else needed help outside. Still, the hunting squads member were strong enough to take care of their problems and had dealt with everything finishing off all the remaining ogres.

Once everything was done all of them came together to assess how much they had lost, which luckily wasn't much, they had only lost 7 members and some seriously injured but nothing the sect couldn't manage. Most of the disciples were happy knowing that they would be paid handsomely for all they have done.

The bodies of the dead disciples were also put into the dimensional cube hoping to give them a proper burial.

Once everyone had regained their stamina and sat down to practice the combined Qi absorption technique to fill their dantian, the effect wasn't as grand as in the minor sect nor did it help in their body cultivation.  They had wanted to do nothing more than rest and prepare for the journey back to the main sect, the rewards and Marit points were to be awarded there.

They were sure that there would be more beasts to hunt returning to the sect, resting the night they started moving the next morning.

The journey was quite easy until they came upon sounds of fighting coming from quite the distance, they had to decide whether to go help or return to the sect.

Most of the disciples were in favor of going and helping out in the fight only some voted to return.

They decided to help since most of the votes were in favor in case the beast they were fighting against was not too dangerous. The ones fighting were surely disciples of the elemental sect cause in these parts only elemental sects disciples came out to hunt.

Closing in on the sound they could see who was fighting who, it was the thunder minor sect versus an earth eagle. This was a rank 4 beast not in their expertise to fight against.

Some of the disciples wanted to turn back before the eagle noticed them, but Frank had spoken his opinion on fighting.

Frank had wanted to help them, some of the minor thunder sect disciples were already dead while most of them were fighting for their life. All extremely tired would die in a matter of minutes.

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