Re: Apocalypse Games

Chapter 30: 030 – Superior

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Even though it was just an accessory, a Superior item was something that normally couldn't be obtained on round one. After all, having one so early in the game was a fortune that could change the tides in the game's early stages.

[Effects: Resist Cold +2, Speed increase 10% Sneak skill +1]

The first buff could be found in common items, such as the winter jacket Alan was currently wearing, which was less rare but still valuable for survival. The second effect, the Speed increase, was comparable to another level of agility in terms of boost; hence it was nice to have. The last buff, however, was the one that made and defined this item of Superior rank.

[Sneak skill +1]

This provided a tremendous boost to Alan, who possessed the skill [Sneak (Basic) - (Novice)].

[Increases the chance to move undetected]

It might not sound like something grand for its rank, but it showed its actual usefulness when the related skill had been boosted to a higher level. Since the buff applied regardless of level, one could turn from an expert to a master just by equipping it.

Alan donned the cloak over his shoulders, and just as he did, Alan received +4 Cold resistance combined with his jacket, which completely neutralized his Cold Status. In an instant, the cold feeling disappeared, and he felt his body extremely light.

'Haa... It's worth every ounce of effort we put into clearing the quest.' thought Alan as he felt warmth spreading through his body.

Alan glanced at Nims, who was resting near the Alpha Wolf's carcass. His face looked calm and composed. Even though he was able to control his emotions right now, the injuries he suffered and his body smeared in blood still told the tales of his prowess and earlier feat.

However, his own state also didn't fare any better. The fatigue he accumulated from running around while fighting the beasts slowly crawled back as his adrenalin washed off. With their current condition, both hurt and tired, Alan thought it would be best for them to make their way back to the Library first.

As he walked through the main entrance of the Library, Alan took a deep breath in surprise when he found two wolf corpses in front of the main door with the Mexican standing next to it.

"Haha, Alan, did you see that... it's me… I kill those wolves," said Luis, who appeared excited, but his shaky voice and trembling hands tightly gripping the steel pipe said otherwise.

Right next to him, Laura was dressing an injured Player with a bandage while a metal bat smeared in blood rested on the ground near her.

Apparently, Alan's previous activity endangered their presence, especially with the bloody smell Smiley carried with him as he was escorted inside the Library.

However, noticing no casualties among the 6 players nor the civilians, Alan decided not to make a big deal out of it. Especially with the Alpha already killed, Alan was pretty sure there won't be any other wolf pack that would be seen within half a dozen blocks.

Alan then started to use [Medicated Bandage] on Nims.

"Thank you, Alan."

"No... I should be the one to thank... you did quite a feat just now, Monk."

Nims took a deep sigh and said with his eyes closed, "I mean, thank you for bringing me to this game… I am not proud of what I did.. but… I think.. this is exactly what I need."

"That's great to hear, Nims."

While waiting for the bandage to work, Alan inspected his and Nims' stats to see how much both of them had gained in the previous struggle.

[Alan D Angello, Male, 25 years]

[Level 8: 3100/3500]

[HP: 76/150]

[Stamina: 78%]

[Survival Points: 1630]

[Strength: E+]

[Agility: E+]

[Endurance: D-]

[Perception: E]

[Intelligence: D]

[Spirit: F-]

[One attribute point to distribute]

[ E rank reward x2]

In the end, Alan managed to get an abundance of XP and Survival Points for killing 27 wolves, while Nims himself bagged a total of 29 kills. The reason as to why Alan could almost match Nim's number, despite the latter's monstrosity, was because of the fire he created.

[Nims Temzen, Male, 28 years]

[Level 7: 2720/3000]

[HP: 52/160]

You are reading story Re: Apocalypse Games at

[Stamina: 55%]

[Survival Points: 1560]

[Strength: D]

[Agility: E+]

[Endurance: D]

[Perception: E]

[Intelligence: F]

[Spirit: F+]

[Two attribute point to distribute]

[F rank reward x 2]

Alan had an extra attribute, while Nim had two extra for allotment.

"Which should I allocate to Alan?"

Alan gave it a little thought and said, "You should decide which is best for you, Nims."

The monk paused for a moment and said, "You know a great deal about this, so I will let you decide for me."

Alan gave it a little thought, thinking about the possible challenge they would meet next, the shop they could access after the game, the survival points they have amassed, their level, and other factors, before finally coming into a decision.

"Add both to Endurance."

[Endurance: D >D+>C-]

The upgrade gave Nims 20 extra HP and apparently another layer to his Cold resistance.

As for himself, Alan decided to keep the attribute for now as he wanted to wait for how much he would get from the bonus quest.

After an extra badge was used on both of them, Alan checked the time.

[1 hour 16 minutes]

Seeing the remaining time, he knew that he needed to start moving now, or he would be late for the bonus quest.

Laura, however, appeared before them with determination in her eyes.

"You received a hidden quest, aren't you? Can we come this time?"

"Take me too; I can help," said Luis.

With a glance, Alan noticed that both Laura and Louis were more confident than before. Most likely because of their success in killing the wolves, however, once again, Alan rejected their idea.

"No, you two can't come with us."

Laura narrowed her eyes in irritation and said, "Why!? Of course, we know it is dangerous, but we are willing to take the risk."

Alan looked at the girl before shaking his head. "No… it's me who can't take the risk."

Hearing such words, Laura heaved a deep sigh knowing that Alan was set on his decision.

She then added, "Alright then.. What about this guy? What to do with him?" while pointing toward the African American who appeared still in disbelief with what had just Alan did to him.

"You can decide whatever you want with him," said Alan

Hearing this, Smiley quickly startled and said, "Please, I really didn't mean to kill him.."

Alan approached the terrified man and said, "The fact still stands that he died in your hand.. I do understand the game will make people scared, but we really should restrain ourselves from killing each other... Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir.. Smiley understands, sir."

"If you do, then you should try harder, help more people to survive this" Alan looked toward the other as he said, "We are, after all, in this hell together."

For a moment there, Alan returns to his previous self, who tends to help and teach others, but he quickly shakes it away as he knows firsthand that such ideals would only hinder his objective.

Afterward, Alan and Nims leave the Library in haste.

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