RE: Apotheosis Journey of The Former Divine Ruler.

Chapter 3: Chapter 1ー Part 1 : Summoning Ceremony

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The lone girl reads a book in the deep dark abyss while sitting in empty air. Every time the girl flipped pages from the book, the flipping sound echoed through space. Slowly, the sound of flipping pages becomes faster and faster. Until then, the book closed, leaving a loud ‘bang’ sound echoing through space. The girl then threw the book away while sighing.

“How many times have I already read that book?. Millions? or just thousands of times?. I am so bored staying here.”

The girl complained about the lack of entertainment she had. All she had was a single book she carried with her when she was sealed in this place. The girl, Sulfie, thought she would last for an indefinite amount of time in this abyss. How wrong she was thinking of that. Now she regretted allowing herself to be sealed here. 

While she thought she would last forever in the abyss. She did not plan to stay there forever. While she was shallow by the dark shadow, her snap was the preparation for her to break free from her sealing place. She sends her alter-ego consciousness to the cycle of reincarnation in the hope it will do something. She didn’t know where her alter-ego ended up being. All she hopes for is her alter ego didn’t just die in vain. 

She didn’t know how many years had passed. She assumes billions or not trillions of years have passed while she was sealed. At least she feels like it. Though, she didn’t know if the time flow in the abyss was the same as the outside of the world.  She hopes it is much faster than the outside. The reason is that her alter-ego is mortal and doesn’t have divine power as she had. Worst-case scenario, she has already reincarnated so many times, become her own entity, and forgotten her purpose.

While in frustration and thinking about what she is going to do to get rid of her boredom. A bright shining blue magic circle appears below her. 

“A summoning circle. Who? just who dared and was powerful enough to summon me while I am in this forsaken place. Is it my alter ego?. Then, I am finally free!! hahaha... wait, what? what is this?..”

She suddenly feels her consciousness being torn apart from her body. She then realized that this summoning circle was not as perfect as she thought. She still can’t go outside of this abyss. But at the same time, she has to fulfill the summoning call from the other side. She can’t go outside, but her consciousness can. 

"And when I thought I would be free from this place, it comes with a cost. I have to leave my divine body here. Well, I guess that a good thing. With my divine body aura, they will think I am still sealed in this forsaken place. I have to come out with a mortal body it seems."

Her consciousness then split from her body, leaving behind her divine body in the empty darkness of the abyss.

Everything becomes dark. She could not see anything but darkness. But slowly, a ray of light appears in her sight. She could hear a commotion around her. People are screaming, panicking in confusion. Slowly; she regains back her sight. She could finally look at her surrounding. What she sees is a crowd of people surrounding her. Those people are wearing some sort of uniform that she has never seen before. They are standing inside a room that looks like a throne room. On the throne sits a young man wearing a crown. He is presumably a king to which that throne belongs. Standing on his right is a wise-looking old man holding a magic wand. On his left is a beautiful blonde woman wearing some sort of church uniform. Whoever sees her will guess that she is a saint, while the old man is a wizard. There is also a royal guard on standby on each side of the room.

"Greeting heroes from another world. I am the Emperor of Limoges Empire; Darma Archil Limoges, welcome you to our world." Said the young man who is sitting on the throne.

"Another world?." The girl ponders upon hearing the Emperor's word.

Meanwhile, the crowd of people surrounding her is once again bustling in commotion.

"Woah... this is like a story from those novel."

"Isekai without Truck-kun involve? Let's go!!"

"Another world? is this some kind of TV show prank. Where the camera at, I need to look pretty."

"I am pretty sure I am just eating my lunch earlier... now where the fuck my lunch go!!"

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The girl, Sulfie, ignores them. Her focus is on the young man sitting on the throne, the young monarch that welcomes her to another world.

"I assume this body belong to my alter ego." said Sulfie in her mind.

Her appearance is a typical timid girl with glasses. Her hair is braided and black in color. Similar to people in her surrounding, she also wears a uniform. Looking at her alter ego memory, this turns out to be a high school uniform. The people around her is her classmate.

"This is interesting." a faint smile formed on Sulfie face.

"Quiet!!... You are in front of his majesty!!" A galant-looking knight suddenly shouted.

The crowd suddenly turns silent. The Emperor then continues...

"As I said before, welcome to another world. All of you are people from another world summoned to this world by the blessing of goddess Thirena. All of you are a hero to our glorious empire. We summoning you here because of a threat coming from the demon. They intend to rule the world with an iron fist. O Heroes from another world. I hope all of you can lend us your help in preventing this from happening."

"What a magnificent speech." Said Sulfie sarcastically in her mind.

The emperor then continues.

"You may ask a question later. For now, I suggest all of you check your status and see the blessing Goddess Thirena bestow upon you."

Suddenly, all the boys in the crowd shout status loudly. Meanwhile, Sulfie is a bit confused about what that means. But she tries it anyway.

"Status." She assumes saying that will do the work.

Suddenly, a blue hologram screen appears in front of her.

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