Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1759: Another Day

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The sunset.

It is night mode now.

The players are all a bit nervous. Because of a couple of kills they got in the day more are achieved with some of their strongest shots. If the undead creatures come with those moves, they will probably be in a bit of trouble.

Noah and Kumar set up a defensive dome of vines as they waited near one of the deadbodies.

As the night mode started, the dead body disappeared.

In that spot, An undead appeared from within the ground. The day-mode target was one of the two targets they managed to kill by themselves without any of Sam's interference.

And when that undead creature appeared, both of them are shocked, to say the least. Because the creature appeared along with a bunch of vines extending from its feet, while a spear appeared in this arm.

This undead target came at the two of them with the vines and the spear at the same time.

Noah even took her time to count the vines that came at her as Kumar defended them. She noticed that no matter what is happening, the number of vines is not exactly increasing or decreasing. Even if Kumar is destroying one of the vines, it is regenerating. As for the length, it is infinite. It is just increasing no matter how the players moved.

The battle could end easily. The only problem is they would need to use a lot of their energy, and expend a lot of it if they want this to be over faster.

And the problem right now is obvious.

For some reason, the undead managed to even copy some of their own moves and implement them while fighting. Which is just an added headache.

But that is not the end of it.

As they are trying to find a window to deal with the one creature they had at hand, they felt a sense of threat.

Both Noah and Kumar jumped to the side.

Two light beams flew right threw the spots they were in before. They looked over and saw two puppets flying over along with an undead closely following them. They were stunned.

This is the worst that could happen and this is the worst-case scenario they imagined.

Just like how Osiris explained how the city will copy their weapons, the puppets were also copied. They remembered that Sam killed one of the targets with two puppets and this undead is the result of one of them.

From the looks of it, the attacks of the puppets are also similar to the real ones Sam had.

"Fucking hell. Sam better treat me to some damn good wine of his after all of this is over. I won't let him get away with it."

Kumar muttered as blocked a light beam coming at him.

They are embroiled with two undead creatures and two puppets.

Even though they are in a tough situation, things are much worse for some of the players. Particularly, Dayus.

While Noah and Kumar are cursing just for coming across a creature with two puppets and a creature with their spear and vines, Dayus is looking at something that is on a whole different level.

In level of him, an undead creature is standing with a spear in its hand.

It has purple lightning that has a much darker shade compared to his own, revolved all over its body and the spear. As if that wasn't enough, there are over half a dozen puppets adding support to this creature.

This is one of Sam's kill steals.

When Dayus was fighting with a target, Sam interfered with six puppets and killed the target.

Now Dayus is facing the undead resultant of that.

He felt terrified as he looked at the opponents.

This is the worst thing that could have happened to him at the moment. At least that is what he thought until he saw another undead creature come and this one came with over eight puppets.

He is surrounded by puppets and undead creatures.

Not just him, even the rest of the players are facing similar situations. That included Sam as well of course. But he is not exactly worried. He is using his own puppets to fight the puppets that came with the undead creatures.

But before he unleashed any attacks, he made a slight modification to his own puppets.

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The puppets with their default settings, which he used this morning, are actually programmed to recognize humans. Even though he is steering them when he attacked or researched the city layout and such, when they are in auto mode, they are only used for attacking people.

So, the puppets that came with the night mode will be focusing solely on Sam and the rest of the players. His own puppets will not effect.

And Sam has a way of misleading these night-mode puppets that is the reason he modified his own.

His modified puppets started projecting images of the players. This lured the puppets away from the undead creatures and made it easier for Sam to destroy them. Both undead creatures and the puppets within his region are gone.

None left.

He then focused on the players and how they are doing.

He has no intentions of interfering whatsoever. He just looked at the players through his puppets and just witnessed as they exhausted their energy bit by bit.

This night, he doesn't even have to do anything anymore. He sat back and relaxed while the players suffered bit by bit.

They knew that they might not have much energy left after the next day mode. Which means, they won't get past the next night no matter what they do.

Some of them might even just exhaust themselves completely in the next-day mode itself. So, almost every one of them had one thought in their minds and that is to make sure that they can reap as many points in this night mode itself.

There are a decent amount of neutral undead left and this special undead that came with abilities and puppets is consuming their time and energy. So, they decided to make use of this to some extent and put their incredible skillset to full use.

They carefully navigated the fight so that they can move around and kill as many neutral undead as possible.

Sam was a bit impressed by this decision. This might be the most conscious and careful decision they made in this round.

He didn't even bother to hinder them. He just waited for the day mode to come.

And since he is enjoying himself by witnessing all these fights, it didn't even feel like he waited for long.

As the sun slowly rose, almost all of the city was cleared. The players might have had some difficulty, but they did kill all the puppets and the undead with abilities and they also almost cleaned out the neutral undead.

There is only a handful of them left.

They all felt a bit relieved as the city slowly transitioned. Since last night, this is the only time they had to take a breather. Of course, they knew that this won't be long. So, they decided to enjoy it to the best of the maximum extent.

The only problem is that it didn't last as long as they wanted it to.

The sun finally rose in the sky and the transition is complete. The Day mode started.

The players became vigilant. Not about the targets. But about Sam's tricky moves. They wanted to see if Sam would steal their kills once again or whatever he might have planned.

They didn't find anything for a while. But soon they didn't have a chance to sit down and ponder about Sam's thoughts.

The targets that are remaining actually took the initiative this time and unlike the players, they actually have aligned interests, so it was easier for them to team up.

Except for the main three that Sam marked down, the remaining targets all gathered together to team up. And while the players were thinking about Sam and warily examining the surroundings, the targets surrounded Donner.

Donner looked at the bunch of targets that blocked all of his escape routes. He gritted his teeth and took out his hammer.

"Fuck it. I am done."

He didn't care about preserving energy anymore and his whole body is filled with blue lightning.

He lunged forward and aimed at the first target's head.

He is not pulling his punches anymore. He decided to give up. Whatever score he gets, he will get. He will just let loose with the last bit of energy he is left with.

The first attack landed, but not on the head, but on the shoulder. The target narrowly dodged it and avoided the killing blow. But even the attack on the shoulder is devastating enough for him to hit the ground.

His body is paralyzed with lightning. He couldn't even move.

Donner wanted to finish him off with the next blow. But too bad, the other targets are not intent on making it easy for him.

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