Re: immeasurable Speed

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Rebirth

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"‹Gasp›, this place?" 

A man woke up from his sleep as he started to panic seeing the different room that he was in.

"Where is this?" 

His heartbeat began to beat faster as his sweat fell to his cheek after thinking about the situation that he was in.

'Did I get kidnapped?'

He starts to sweat profusely as he becomes uneasy. He gets off the bed and looks at every cranny in the room.

'This room looks like a normal room but I still don't think this is simple as that'

He walked up to the door and began to twist the door handle. It opened up making the man confused as he thought it would be locked.

'Why the kidnappers didn't lock the door? 

Isn't that the rule based on kidnapping someone? 

But where is this place located?'

He peeked in to check if something suspicious was happening.

"There's no one here"

He closed the door back to understand the situation that he was in.

'Shit, I don't have any clue'

As he turned around, he saw his face in a mirror on the closet door.

'Aaron Taylor Johnson'

It makes him stunned for a few seconds.

"Did I get transmigrated somehow?" 

He questioned himself as he began to look at his body.

'I was right this is not my body but I don't understand why Aaron's body is in this room. Am I in some fictional world?'

The last question that he thought of resulted in him asking himself an important question.

'Shit, am I in MCU?'

He began to panic and start searching for information in his room for proof that he was in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When he opened the closet, he saw the symbol on one of the shirts. A skull in the middle with six tentacles.

"Fuck, I was right"

He began to panic again as he walked back and forth thinking of a solution.

'If I am in MCU then I pretty much fucked because of TVA'

He searches for anything usable in the closet that he has opened.

'There is nothing useful in the closet except for my own Hydra ID card. I need to find a weapon in case something bad happens'

He closed the closet and took a sit on the floor while resting his back against the closet.

"Let's hope I have my superspeed"

He looked at his right-hand palm and started to move it as fast as he can but nothing happened.

"‹Sigh›, I'm disappointed"

He gets angry after finding out he doesn't have the power that he is supposed to have.

'I suppose to have superspeed at this date for god sake. I am Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver!"

He looked up at the ceiling with a disappointed look.

'My life is over if I don't make up my mind. I'm on Hydra base where most of them learn to kill without showing any emotion. Fuck sake my luck is horrible'

Pietro kept staring at the ceiling as he fell asleep accidentally. His mind worked overtime thinking of every solution to get out of this place. 

But there's nothing he can do really and the only choice that he has left is to work for Hydra as a normal agent if he doesn't have any power.

And thank god, during his slumber, the soul that now resides in Pietro's body finally synced with the body completely.

It caused the X-Gene to awaken as his whole gene changed as his body vibrated at high speed for a few seconds and it absorbs the power that had been given from the Mind Stone.

Pietro is incapable of accessing it as his soul is barely synchronised with the body and it basically blocks him from using that power. 

30 minutes have passed,

Someone wearing a full black suit carrying a rifle knocks on Pietro's room.

"It's time for testing, come out"

Pietro's eyes squinted as he opened them.


He just goes with it and opens the door. It does surprise him a bit to see the person holding the gun in front of him.

"Follow me"

The guy started walking as Pietro followed suit with a straight face even though he was very nervous.

'I hope nothing bad gonna happen'

The whole walk is very quiet but Pietro does see a couple of Hydra agents on the way to the testing room.

As they arrive there, Pietro is amazed and terrified at the same time. The whole place is full of advanced tech.

They stop in front of the old man and another person is waiting for Pietro's arrival. It is his twin sister Wanda Maximoff.

The guy that brought Pietro here left him with the old man and Pietro's twin sister.

Wanda pinched Pietro's left side of his stomach and whispered to his ear in Sokovian.

"Why are you late?"


'Woman, that hurt' Pietro said internally while mesmerised by seeing Wanda Maximoff in flesh.

'Elizabeth Olsen' He smiled as he replied to Wanda in English.

"I have a stomachache" 

"Both of you stop arguing. I need to do some testing with your power," The old man said to both of them.

They begin the testing as Wanda lifts the square object that had been given to her using her telekinesis but Pietro is hesitant to use his 'missing power'.

'Fuck, what I'm gonna do now' Pietro thought to himself as he sweated heavily.

His life is on the line and he doesn't know what to do but with no choices left he decided to tell the truth.

"Doctor, I think my power has disappear"

A man with a futuristic monocle walked past the scientists that were analyzing the twin and he pulled out his handgun directly at Pietro's head.

He pulls the trigger as the bullet flies toward Pietro who is shocked by the bullet's sound.

But Pietro became relieved after seeing the bullet move in slow motion.

'Thank god, but why it appears now?'

He is very confused as his power shows up.

'And this feels weird as fuck'

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Pietro caught the bullet with his two fingers.

'This feels very awesome' Pietro smiled as he looked at the bullet that he just caught.

"See you still have your power, my prized pupil, punk," A man with the futuristic monocle said nonchalantly.

"That's dangerous, Strucker. We could lose our important assets" The old man said in frustration.

"It works either way," Baron said as he walked to the nearby table as he takes a sit on it.

But it is still not good as Wanda saw that happen to her eyes. Her hand glowed redder as she decided to throw the square object at the man with the futuristic monocle.

Before that can ever happen, Pietro drops the bullet in his hand and stops her by running up to her and holding her hands as he whispers to her ear.

"Calm down, Wanda. We still need them"

Wanda looked at Pietro's face as she saw Pietro's annoyed face.

"Okay, but next time they did that I'm going to crush them" Wanda muttered while giving a side eye toward the guy who wears the futuristic monocle as her hand stopped glowing.

"‹Sigh›" Pietro sighed in relief.

'She nearly destroys my plan' Pietro relaxed after seeing Wanda's hand stop glowing.

"Doctor, do we need to do more tests?" Pietro asked the old man who was monitoring the testing.

"Yes, we have a lot of testing to do," The old man said.

With that, they continue to do the testing. During that, Strucker asked the old man.

"Dr List, do you think you can duplicate their power into another person?" 

"It's not possible but it will take a long time with the technology that we have and it also takes more sacrifice before we can do anything similar to this"

The twin is finally done with all of the tests as Pietro sits on the floor resting himself even though he didn't need it.

Wanda followed suit as she sat beside her twin close by with their shoulders touching each other.

"Pietro is there something on your mind?" 


He didn't even notice his sister because of how fast he is thinking in his mind.

'I need to learn martial arts with the Hydra agent to avoid getting beat up by another faster character that I will likely lose if I don't train. 

While doing that I need to work side by side with scientists to create a smokescreen for me to create an AI that will help me in a lot of ways by tracking, detecting, analyzing and helping in my future projects.

I will most likely need a durable suit that can withstand my speed and bulletproof armour because I don't want to become a disgrace like the original MCU Quicksilver.

Also, I need to be extra careful with my sister who is in Chthon observation. This is gonna be painful for me to handle. But how am I gonna handle that outer god?'

"Pietro!" Wanda shakes her brother's arm waking him up from his thought.

"What?" Pietro asked confusedly.

"Did you listen to me?"

"Ah, I don't think so" Pietro smiled while rubbing his neck.

Wanda pouted as she pinched the right side of Pietro's stomach.

"Ow, why do you do that to me?"

'Bitch that hurt' Pietro looks at Wanda with anger.

"You didn't listen to me when I asked you a question," Wanda said in Sokovian.

"I know that is my fault but you don't need to pinch me. What is it you want to ask me?"

"I asked you if there was something in your mind because you act so differently toward the Doctor and Baron"

"Ohh, kinda" 

"What do you mean by that?" Wanda said in Sokovian unconsciously.

"It's a secret that you don't need to know" Pietro replied in Sokovian as he smiled and patted his sister's head as a caring brother would.

Wanda smiled as she received a pat from his brother and it's been a while since her brother showed affection.

After he said that, Pietro stood up and said to Wanda.

"Let's go get some food"

Wanda smiles in return and extends her hand for Pietro to lift her. He reciprocated it and with that, they headed to the cafeteria.

During the walk, Pietro holds Wanda's hands and it causes her to stare at him but Pietro just smiles at her.


"Yes, Wanda" Pietro looked at his sister.

"Can I know why you are acting like this towards me?" She became suspicious of Pietro who acted like this to her.

"Do you hate it?" 

"N-No" Wanda hesitated for a second.

"Then why did you ask me that?"

"I just feel weird"

Pietro's expression is still the same but his heart starts racing and his body starts to tense up.

'Shit, did she find out that I'm not the original Quicksilver anymore. If that is the case I'm gonna run away from this place as fast as I can. CALM DOWN, STUPID. DON'T OVERREACT YOU STILL DON'T KNOW IF THAT IS THE TRUTH'

"Why?" His voice became a little shaky.

"It's like you are saying goodbye to me"

Pietro's heart instantly calms down and his body loosens up.

'Thank god but I still need to be careful'

He let go of Wanda's hand and rubbed her head with a smile.

"You worry too much"

Wanda chuckled a bit and said 

"You are right"

As they arrived at the cafeteria, Pietro and Wanda choose their meal but the meal size for Pietro is ridiculously big.

When they sat at the table, Wanda asked her brother.

"Are you really gonna eat all of that?"

"Yes, I need the calories"

As they began eating their food, Wanda asked another question.

"Pietro, are you happy?"

"Of course, I am I have you at my side and a superpower in my arsenal. Why are you asking a philosophical question?"

"I just feel empty and all of this feels fake"

Pietro sighed seeing his twin sister become like this and flicked her forehead.

"Oww, why do you do that to me?" Wanda became confused as to why he does that.

"Please wait, in the nearest future, I will make your life better. So stop being depressed I'm still here with you" Pietro said genuinely.

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