Re: Under A Fantasy World(Yandere, GL)

Chapter 5: CH3 Narnolur (2)

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The sunlight in the early morning spread through the curtains into the room. The children of the night, however, are not grateful for the gift of the sun.

Sitting on a chair with elegant floral carved patterns, the girl's long cherry-colored hair is placed behind her back.

She had no sleep, the child of the night doesn't need sleep.

A blood eagle was stamped on paperwork with her family crest.

She watched the blood in the goblet swirl with the movements of her hands. Her eyes were scarlet, and always indicate her boredom.

She threw the goblet on the floor casually. And then the expensive carpet eagerly sucked the blood like an ogre. The color which looked like wounds spread on the carpet, making the carpet slowly stain with it.

The girl had lived for six hundred years. She could feel that she had lost some of her primitive stirrings as the years were pouring out. Everything's existence around her was so boring and gloaming.

There was a knock on the door, and the girl turned her gaze to the door.

"Come in."

"Your Highness, the king of the Bopeni Kingdom has written back, and our delegation is expected to leave in a month."

The servant in front of her spoke respectfully, but it was not difficult to notice the trembling in her voice, and the fear hidden within it.

The young girl waved her hand, and the servant retreated.

When she once again heard "Bopeni Kingdom", unlike before, this time she felt the traces that fate engraved on her, as the bloodline of the old king was at work.

Fate has nailed everyone's destiny into their bones, and no one can counteract it, just like the words written in history books cannot be changed. Inheriting the bloodline of the old king, she can sometimes feel the traces left by fate.

I will meet the most important person in my life?

The girl murmured and couldn't help but laugh out loud.


The silver blade dashingly cut a beautiful cross in the air, and the polished sword reflected the girl's pretty face like a mirror.

Lora stroked the sword.

It was a gift given by her elder sister on her last birthday. The sword was forged from Valyrian steel and enchanted by the Dwarves of Doron.

She will use this sword gifted by her sister to cut down all the bastards who dare to hinder her, and of course there will be no mercy for the maggots that hinder her sister at all.

Lora looked at her sister's white cheeks and couldn't stop the love that are gonna spill out.

Anne and Lora left the dwarf's inn, breathing in the fresh air, Anne asked.

"Lora, do you have confidence in this tournament?"

"Ye~ holding the sword my sister gave me, I feel like I'm already unstoppable~"

Lora said playfully, and then she flung herself onto her sister's shoulder.

"Ugh? ~ I remember there was someone who was complaining to me nervously last night?"

——That's because I want to get more of your comfort!!!

Lora thought sadly, but she didn't dare to say her real thought in her heart.

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“Humph, I... I touched the sword you gifted me today. It gives me much confidence! Didn't it!?”

Anne smiled and stroked Lora's soft head, but in fact Lora wanted her sister to touch her privates more than anything else. On the countless throbbing nights, she always thought that.

Anne and Lora came to the amphitheater in Narnolur, which is also sometimes used for large or small tournaments, as long as the organizers can afford the rental fee.

Currently the Narnolur Free City is managed by the Ansel family. Their family is as old and pale as the amphitheater in front of them.

The outer wall of the amphitheater is so tall that it seems to stand above the clouds, like a barrier that isolates the world. After thousands of years of baptism on the khaki wall, it is still smooth without a crack.

Even the chaos of the gods a thousand years ago still did not bring Narnolur to its knees. Just like Ansel's long-standing family, they were nobles from thousands of years ago, managing this land for generations. Although the family suffered heavy losses a thousand years ago, they have still become one of the rulers of the new world, which was really rare for the other old rulers.

Even though the heir of the old king came here hundreds of years ago, he just only gave them a very high degree of autonomy. 

Because Narnolur's name has long been existing here and merged into their family. The deer flag symbolizing the Ansel family has been flying on the city gates for thousands of years.

Going through the towering wall with a door, Anne saw a vast layout lined up.

The entire amphitheater is oval-shaped, with floor-by-floor seating around it, until the bottom for fighting also has plenty of room.

"Then, I'm off to the competition, sister, you must watch me well later."

After Lora had settled Anne, she ran backstage of the arena.

Anne looked around the crowds of people have been seated, thinking with emotion when the little girl who was crying in her arms had already grown up.


The strong male voice was beamed out by the amplification magic.

"I announce the semi-finals of the National Swordplay Tournament Narnolur Division officially begins now!"

Anne had never felt such an atmosphere before, and it felt good to experience it once in a while.

——This world was really full of various entertainments.

The young girl thought of this and then was confused, wondering what "this world" meant, as if something had suddenly popped up, but she could not catch up with its trajectory.

"Semi-Final B: Lora Lisbeth VS. ......"

The referee's voice interrupted Anne's thoughts and when she looked up she could see her sister greeting her from afar on the battlefield.

——Why isn't my sister looking at me earnestly?

Lora was displeased to see that her sister had not looked at her at the beginning, and something began to move in the depths of her crimson eyes.

Lora's blonde hair, like her sister's, ends at her neck, and was glowing in the sun. Her black cloak was rising and falling valiantly with her movements.

Anne looked at the tassel under Lora's coat and wished for her.

Lora pulled the longsword out of its scabbard, the silver sword was so cold, and eager for the warmth of blood.

As the referee shouted out "start".

Lora lunged forward and the blades clashed, a dull clash of metal sounded. 

The beast in Lora's heart was howling inside her.

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