Reality Master: Multiversal Summon

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Where did she get this information?

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Arriving at the realtor's office, I threw my bicycle to the sidewalk and ran to the door, opening it with force. As soon as I opened it, I found Edna behind the counter, looking at some papers.

At the reception desk, a woman was sitting. She was an old woman who was probably over 50 years old. As soon as I entered, she looked at me as if I was a nuisance and then returned to her cell phone.

But I didn't care what she thought of me, so I ignored her and walked to the counter.

Edna looked quite surprised to see me. "I didn't think you were going to come. I thought you had given up on renting the house." She said as she put her papers to the side and leaned her two hands on the counter.

I could tell she was a little irritated.

"I'm sorry about that. I got swamped yesterday and forgot to come here." I told her as I smiled and scratched my head. Well, I wasn't lying, but I felt a little embarrassed.

"You gave me the wrong number. I called your cell phone, and a woman answered, saying she didn't know anyone named Erick. She was quite annoyed with me, thinking it was telemarketing..." Edna looked a little sad. I think she ended up hearing unnecessary things.

"I'm sorry again for that. It wasn't my intention to put you through that. I swear I just got too busy and forgot, and I also gave you the wrong number by mistake."

I had to lie. I can't tell her that I don't have a cell phone. If I do, she's sure to think, 'How can a guy who wants to rent such an expensive house not have a cell phone? He surely won't pay.'

"That's fine. So you're going to take that house, right?"

"Yes, that's right. First, tell me where I need to sign and when I will need to make the first payment." I don't have the money now, but I will get a good amount when I move in.

'So I hope I won't have to pay until next month.' It's July 22nd now. I hope to pay only on August 22 because I'll have the money to make the payment.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Edna went to the door behind her and returned with some documents. "Here, you need to sign all these documents. Don't worry about the payment; you can choose the day of the month you want to pay. You can choose the best day to make the payment."

Edna turned the documents over to me and handed me a pen.

"For example: If you receive your salary on the 14th, you can choose that your rent payment has to be made every 15th, one day later. That makes it easier to control your money, right?"

"Yes, that makes sense. Let me see."

I started reading all the documents before signing anything. I learned something from my mother, which is never signing anything without reading everything that is written. And after checking that everything was correct, I signed.

However, when it was time to sign the last page, I noticed something different.

"Isn't the rent a little lower than agreed upon?" I thought the house would be $4,000, but the rent on the document was $3500 per month. So the rent was a little bit lower.

"Ah, yes. The rent was down after a conversation I had with some people." Edna gave a smile.

"I see... Thank you?" Well, if she did that to help me, I think it's ok. So, after one last signature, I finally rented my new house.

After Edna took the documents and analyzed all the signatures and the day I had chosen for payment (the 15th), she smiled. Then she picked up the keys to the house.

After making sure those were the keys to the house I had rented, she handed them all over to me. All the main keys were on one key chain, and the keys to the bedrooms were all on individual key chains.

That was a lot of keys.

"Edna, while we were doing our negotiation, I realized that you didn't pick any of my documents...I don't remember you asking me for a document..."

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"About that." Edna pulled out another piece of paper, and there was my picture. Not only that but all my information. My documents were there.

"When did you get these?"

"Yesterday. I got it and waited for you to show up to sign the papers, but you didn't show up."

"And where did you get this?"

"It's a secret."

"I see..." Hey, isn't that forbidden? She got my information from somewhere without my permission.

"Well, take good care of your new home." Edna gave a smile and then put away the paper with my information. I smiled bitterly, and soon after saying goodbye, I quickly left the building.

I had finally rented my new home, but it scared me a little. I didn't know that people would get my information so easily.


After some time, I finally arrived home. As soon as I walked in the door, I didn't find Rias, so she was probably upstairs. And after opening the door to her room, I found her lying on her bed.

Without approaching her, I called out to her.

After calling her a few times, she slowly opened her eyes and sat up in her bed.

"Are you back already?"

"Well, I cycled as fast as I could. Besides, signing the papers was pretty simple."

"Did you manage to rent the house?"

"Yes, I already have the keys." I took the keys out of my pockets and showed them to her. Since there were several keys, I put them in several of my pants pockets.

"I see. Then we can move in now..."

"Yes, that's right. And since the new house is already furnished, we won't need to take anything. I think we can take your bed since it's new... But I think that's the only thing worth taking with us."

"I see. Are you thinking of moving today?"

"I'll pack my bags. Since you don't have any clothes, you don't have to worry about that." Rias was wearing my clothes all this time.

"I'll help you with that."

"Okay, thanks."


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