Reality Master: Multiversal Summon

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – Choking.

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When I got home, satisfied with my new skill, I was taken aback by the big bat flying in the middle of the room that stared at me. My heart stopped instantly until I remembered that it was not an enemy.

As soon as I approached the bat, I saw a smile(?) on its face.

"So, what's your name?" I said to it. However, the bat didn't answer me. The monster made only a strange sound before flying up to my head and stopping on top of it with its two paws.

I felt chills all over my body and was paralyzed.

"Would you please disappear?" I said to the bat. And with a sad "voice," the bat disappeared as soon as it flew in front of me. The bat looked sad that I had sent it away.

"But I can't live with a monster here like this. It's impossible!" But what about the rats? Did it eliminate all of them, or did it kill just one? I'm not sure, but I don't see any rats around here.

They might be hiding inside the wall or something. Let's see in the night. If the rats don't show up, I'll have to thank that giant bat a lot. Well, I wonder how Rias is.

Up the noisy stairs, I reached Rias's room. I knocked a few times on the door, and no one answered. I knocked again, but there was no answer, so I opened the door.

When I opened the door, I found Rias lying on the bed I had bought for her. She's using the old pillow and my best blanket to cover her legs.

Her eyes were closed, and she breathed slowly.

"Who would have thought she would sleep in this place as soon as I left? Come to think of it, It is dawn in Japan at this time. Maybe she was asleep when I summoned her? I don't know if that makes sense."

Especially since she came from another world, I don't know if it was night there.

"But since she is sleeping, I'll take this opportunity to prepare something for both of us to eat. The only thing left is some steaks and some noodles to prepare. I hope she likes that."

Maybe I'll try to make a kind of lamen for her (since there was just pork left); Rias will like that. I'm not very confident about my skills, though.

"But it's decided! I'll make a lamen with vegetables and pork. My mother has made it for me before, it shouldn't be that hard."


After some time of cooking, it was ready! My work of art. A beautiful lamen with vegetables and pork. As soon as I tasted it, I got a big surprise.

It was much better than I had imagined.

The seasoning was great, I had cooked the noodles perfectly, and the vegetables were tasty even if they were a bit old. I'm sure Rias will like this. Speaking of which, can Rias cook?

If so, I can ask her to cook from now on. It will be a great help. I summoned her only to get money from the mission, but she could help do things like this.

After all, I don't need to use her abilities to fight, do I? There is no monster in this world I live in. Unless God does something stupid, I'm sure that we won't need to fight in this world.

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Right, but this is not the time to think about it. I need to see how Rias is doing.

Then, entering the room, I found her lying on the bed as before, sleeping peacefully. I hadn't taken that long to make the food, so it makes sense that she is still sleeping.

I approached her bed and then touched her shoulder, rocking her body to get her attention.

"Rias." I called her for a few seconds before something unexpected happened... She grabbed my hand. Gripping my hand tightly, she pulled me in. Before I knew it, my face was into Rias' breasts as she hugged my head.

Her black lingerie smelled of roses, and the softness of her breasts was suffocating me. Seriously, I couldn't breathe properly. It was like I was going to die. Because of this, I started to struggle and try to call her.

But my voice didn't come out right. This girl was a profound sleeper. She's not waking up at all.

I'm going to die.


I was almost dying when Rias finally woke up. I was feeling a little dizzy. It was an excellent feeling but horrible at the same time. Not good to suffocate on breasts, as they say.

"Hm?" Rias opened her eyes slowly. Her arms were still squeezing me but in a lighter way. As soon as Rias saw me, she stared at me for a few seconds.

Then something I didn't expect happened. Instead of screaming and calling me a pervert, she smiled, and she squeezed me even tighter.

"Hmm!" I was out of air again.

"Stop... with... that..." I said with difficulty, yet she didn't let go.

"You pervert. What do you think you were doing?" She said with a smug smile and soon after eased her hug so I could talk to her.

"I came here to call you to eat, but you hug me and didn't want to let go at all. I called you, but you wouldn't wake up."

"I see. You're making up lies."

"It's the truth! Can you let me go now? I almost suffocated to death."

"But wasn't it good?"

"Eh... The feeling was good, but being unable to breathe is not good."

"I see. Here, stay a while longer without breathing." Rias hugged me tightly again and started choking me. I should accept death here and suffocate on her soft breasts.

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