Realm of Eldoria

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine: If Only

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Two weeks had passed since the group’s first encounter with a strong shadow. Cedric and Valdus were still oblivious to Lucile’s situation, while Ace had remained quiet. Once again, the group sat around a campfire, chatting away as the night passed, but a sense of uneasiness had fallen over Ace and Lucile.

“Say, where are we heading to as of now?”
Valdus asked.

“We have two options right now... We can investigate the place known as the Canyon of Flames, or we can head out to sea - to explore the Azure Expanse.”
Lucile responded.

“That being said, little has been known about the Canyon of Flames, since most - if not all people - stay away from that place.”
Ace commented.

“A home to many of the dragons of Eldoria.”
Cedric spoke up,
“I myself am unsure about what they think of visitors. I’d suggest being careful going to that place.”

“It’ll most likely take us another day or two to reach the Southsun Beaches, and longer if we are to reach the canyons. We can figure out which one to go to on the way. As for now, we need to keep investigating what those shadows are, and what they’re really after.”
Lucile explained.

“And we still need to look into more of Valdus’s magic. I’m starting to think that it’s somehow connected to those things, since he was able to detect them before they even attacked. As well as that, Valdus, when you use that white fire of yours, it cures the creatures afflicted by that shroud.”
Cedric noted.

“Let’s just rest again for now though. If that stronger shadow attacks again, we need to be ready for it...”
Ace said.

The others nodded, putting the campfire out and soon resting. Valdus took a moment, staring at the stars until he drifted off, and immediately afterward he found himself awake in his dream – a world of pure emptiness, devoid of any other life. No sound, and an almost nothingness of touch. Despite the lack of anything besides the endless white surrounding him, he felt as if he were standing on solid ground.

This place again...
Valdus pondered,
...but why? This feels so much more than just a dream. I used to always forget my dreams when I wake up, but recently it’s felt...almost like I’m waking to another world.

Curious, Valdus pinched himself. The measly sting lingered momentarily, and his curiosity of this world still drew him further in. Thinking it was perhaps a lucid dream, Valdus tried to create something, or take himself to a different place, but to no avail.

A voice then crept up behind him, echoing faintly through the dream world,
“Amusing, isn’t it?”

For a moment he could’ve sworn he felt a sting in his back, but as he swung around in a panic, he saw nothing. A purple muzzle then crept over Valdus’s shoulder, bearing sharp teeth. He froze in fear, before turning slowly to face the glaring eyes and sadistic grin of the purple dragon which had haunted him before. This time he was smaller, standing around the same height as Valdus.

“H-how...are you here...?”
Valdus questioned.

“I myself am intrigued.”
The dragon seemed somewhat puzzled.
“I never would have guessed our two minds were this close. I can watch your every move, stalk your every dream, and listen to each and every one of your thoughts!”

He then shook his head and moved away from Valdus. His expression shifted slightly, and he appeared slightly in pain. Still, he grinned at Valdus.

“Hehe... I’ll leave you for now though, but I hope you’re prepared for what’s to come. What you’ve fought so far is nothing compared to the true fate Eldoria currently faces!”
The dragon laughed.

“There’s worse...? Hey, tell me then! Are you one of those shadows? Are you trying to kill me, or help me? Just make sense, at least for one moment!”
Valdus pleaded.

Without another word, the dragon suddenly faded away. What remained of him was faint purple flames and smoke.

Irritated, Valdus gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
That guy’s starting to get on my nerves...!

He then sighed and shifted to lay down. As he did, he felt himself lift off from the invisible floor and float gently, laying mid-air.

If he’s around, either I’m more than worried, or this isn’t just a dream after all...
Valdus thought to himself,
...and this place is...weird... I wonder...

He breathed in, then shouted out,

His voice travelled outward, but nothing bounced back.

Would’ve shouted something more stupid, but I feel like I’d be judged...
Surprised by the lack of an echo, he shifted to stand back up, then began walking forward.
Judged by who, though...? I’m the only one here.

No exhaustion fell over him as he continued on for what felt like hours. At this point, all he felt was boredom. Soon enough, that was cleared when a bright, purple light broke into the empty, white dream.

Ugh, that damn bright light... Must be waking up! Finally!
Valdus thought.

As he had hoped, he opened his eyes. This time Ace was awake, while Lucile and Cedric still slept. Noticing Valdus had woken up, he then moved to tap Lucile and Cedric before walking off. The others gathered their gear and caught up to Ace soon after.

“We’re not as far from the shore, now.”
Ace said,
“Hopefully we’ll be able to deal with that shadow soon, too...”

Valdus then suddenly paused, speaking with a shaky voice,
“A-about that...”

The others turned to look at him, only to notice his frightened demeanour. They readied their weapons, but before they could react, a blast of black fire struck Lucile and Cedric. Ace shouted out, only to be struck as well. From seemingly nowhere, two strong shadows leaped toward the group, one being the shadow with black flames, while the other was different, having the same piercing chill from its presence as the other. Its hands looked like hammers, while the rest of its body resembled a large, bulky ape, and it was striking at Valdus. He instinctively raised his arms, trying to move away, but was slammed by the hammers and sent flying. The shadow with black flames then darted toward Lucile. Ace quickly stood up, then bashed it with his sword. As it let out a shriek, Lucile coughed out blood, as if he were struck as well.

Cedric shouted,
“Ace, fall back, something’s wrong!”

Ace answered Cedric’s call, falling back and rushing to Lucile. A blood red light began to glow from the shadow’s chest, and the marking on Lucile’s neck glowed brighter as well. Having staggered from the wound to his chest, Lucile then fell to his knees, barely remaining propped up thanks to his spear.

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“That...light... Lucile...! Dammit, this is what that curse was about?”
Cedric cried,
“Why didn’t you say anything!!”

Ace faced away momentarily, then turned toward the shadow with the red glow.

Cedric noticed, then gritted his teeth.
“You knew, didn’t you! Why didn’t you say anything either, Ace...? Why!!”

“It was during that first fight he realised what that shadow was... He didn’t want either you nor Valdus to know.”
Ace uttered.

The words only angered Cedric even more, sharp winds enveloping him. He glared toward the two shadows now approaching them and roared, darting at them. He swerved past the hammers of the ape-like shadow, then struck at the other shadow with his claws. Scratches then struck at Lucile as well, and he flinched. Cedric turned to realise, regret consuming him and throwing him off guard. The ape-like shadow then struck at Cedric with the hammers, bashing him aside. With fear and desperation fuelling him, Valdus rushed in from behind and tried to strike at the ape-like shadow with a blade of wind. It shielded against his attack with its hammers, then struck at the ground, causing a fissure. Valdus staggered, then was struck again. He was thrown aside as well, just like Cedric, and struggled to get back up. Both shadows then faced toward Ace and Lucile.

Ace readied his greatsword again.
“Stay back. I’ll try to draw the-”

“No... You stay back. I’ll...stop them while I do, take Valdus and Cedric...and fall back...”
Lucile spoke, interrupting Ace,

Ace froze in shock. The words sank in deep, tearing at his heart. As much as he wanted to hesitate – to try and save Lucile – he couldn’t move.

Lucile began to stand back up, holding one hand to his stomach, and his spear in the other.
“I don’t know what it is, but I feel that until he’s found his path, Valdus is going to need you more than me. Let me be the one to take this role. I’ve sought this fate for so long, anyway... You know well about that.”

“What about Cedric...?”
Ace questioned, lowering his head as he held back tears.

Lucile fell silent for a moment, then continued,
“If nothing is done, none of us will survive...”

He then stepped forward, both hands on the spear now, and let out a battle cry. The shadow with black fire jittered slightly, while the ape-like shadow raised both its arms.

“Lucile...! Don’t! We made a pact! You’re my Summoner!!”
Cedric cried out,
“We can...find a way out of this...without any of us dying!”

“I can still fight too!”
Valdus shouted, trying to stand up.

“No!! Leave this to me!”
Lucile ordered.

He shifted his stance and aimed the spear toward the two shadows. A variety of different coloured winds began to spiral around him. Different elements coiled around him and his weapon as well, before fusing and forming a powerful light at the spear’s blade.

“Lucile, you can’t be serious...!”
Cedric’s voice wavered.

Lucile instead then smiled.
“A two-on-one...let’s see how you two freaks fair.”

The ape-like shadow dashed toward him, while the other shadow threw another blast of black fire. Both were stopped in an instant - the hammers and black fire blocked by the spear and aura Lucile wielded. He threw the ape-like shadow back, then leapt into the air.

“By the powers vested in me, bring a rain of flames upon my foe!”
The words echoed out as Lucile shouted.

He then threw the spear down at the ape-like shadow, and it lit up with intense flames. Those flames swirled furiously, before they vanished with the spear. Fireballs then began to rain down from the sky above, falling past Lucile and barraging the ape-like shadow. Unable to defend against the barrage with its hammers, it simply let out shrieks of agony.

Lucile landed beside the shadow once the barrage came to a stop - his spear returning to his hand.
“Harken to my call, and bring forth a wave of raging thunder.”

As he then ran the spear through the ape-like shadow’s chest a shockwave of electricity sparked from its wound, and it burst into black dust. Lucile then suddenly coughed up more blood, almost collapsing, but he held his ground.

“The way he’s using up his’s his Affinity...!”
Cedric said,
“Lucile stop, if you keep using that, you’ll die!!”

Ace clenched his fists, then sheathed his sword, before running over to Valdus and Cedric, moving them away from the fight. Cedric tried to protest, but Ace held onto him. Valdus was unable to do anything either. Despite Cedric’s cries, Lucile continued to fight. The remaining shadow darted toward him, and without hesitation Lucile, drove his spear into its chest. As if the same were to happen to him at that moment, he coughed up even more blood as his chest bled profusely. Black liquid spurted from the shadow’s chest as well.

“Listen, you three...!”
Lucile began, wheezing,
“No matter...what hardships you face...from hereon... Don’t let anything...bring you down...! Face forward, surpass your limits...and live on!!”

Cedric continued to struggle, hoping some miracle would occur. His desperation grew with each and every moment, but Ace refused to let him go. Wind then howled across the plains, before a brief silence blanketed the battlefield. That silence was only then broken as Lucile began to harness even more of his magic.

“Fangs of fear and claws of calamity, Ancestors of anguish upon wings of woe...”
Lucile first uttered, his aura spiralling with more and more violence. He then shouted out,
“...hear my final pledge – I give my life to slay my adversary!!”

The aura then shot upward and vanished. From the ground below Lucile and the shadow, a dark red, clawed hand rose.

As the claws began to slowly close in, Lucile smiled back at the others one final time.
“It was brief, was fun...”

“Don’t leave me!!”
Cedric cried out one last time, right before the claws swiftly crushed Lucile and the shadow.

The claws then disappeared, blood pooling where Lucile stood just moments ago, and the black dust from the shadow drifted away into thin air. The fight was over.

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