Realm of Eldoria

Chapter 17: Chapter Sixteen: Where the Beasts Dwell

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As Valdus and Ace entered the Jade Heart, Valdus immediately began to notice various similarities to the rainforests from Earth. It was calming and serene - a quiet trickling heard as a pristine river cut through the forest. Variations of wildlife also flourished in the surrounding area, many of them resembling creatures from his home world.

The creatures here... A lot of ‘em look so familiar, yet...peculiar.
Valdus pondered, looking around at his surroundings.

He’d on occasion recognise what looked like foxes, birds and different types of insects, yet they all possessed strange features. One in particular stood from afar, watching Valdus and Ace as they passed by - occasionally following while keeping its distance. It was a deer with two antlers that were abnormally large, and they grew in a strange, symmetrical pattern. Its eyes were black like opals, and intricate, white patterns ran across its brown, oaken fur. Though somewhat resembling the stature of a white tailed deer, it was significantly taller than average. Valdus then froze as he saw a small, green dragon walk up to the deer. The two spoke of what sounded like work, but when Valdus tried to rush over, Ace stopped him; a hand on his shoulder.

“Another time... Not now...”
Ace muttered, hesitance in both his eyes and voice as he shook his head.

Valdus glanced at Ace, then nodded. They then resumed moving forward through the forest, and Valdus turned his focus back to his surroundings once more, noticing that most of the trees stood far taller than he’d ever seen. Some even reached high enough for it to hurt his neck, trying to see the canopy up above. A faint hesitation to continue then sank in as strong footsteps were heard up ahead, along with the rustling of the trees and bushes. Two glowing eyes suddenly shone in front of Valdus and Ace as the footsteps came to a stop, now gazing down upon them. The left eye was moonlit white, while the right eye was blood red. Valdus and Ace could only assume the shadow behind those eyes was a large figure hidden by the shade, and many other forest inhabitants had gathered, keeping all their attention on the figure.

It then spoke - a voice different to what Valdus and Ace heard at the entrance - sounding serious, but also welcoming,
“I see you’ve travelled through the canyons... Child with the mark, you have my thanks; for freeing Rex and his pack from being Cursed. I was incapable of doing so myself, as I do not possess that magic of yours, nor was I able to even find them while they were shrouded... That aside, perhaps we should introduce ourselves, before I say more.”

They noticed the mark...? How’d they know that I freed the Raptors?
Valdus looked at his left forehand, the mark not showing the slightest glow at all.

Not wanting to dwell on it for too long, he dismissed the matter and turned to Ace, who began introducing himself first. Valdus introduced himself soon after, but the figure cut him off before he could explain how he wasn’t from Eldoria, and emerged from the shade. It was a large, black-feathered owl with glowing eyes. Its feathers shone with glints of violet, and it stood tall with a regal demeanour.

Now being able to see what the figure truly was, Ace stepped back a bit and stared in awe.
A-...a Verex...!

“-yes, you bare a Realm-Link... I have heard much about you.”
The owl spoke soon after interrupting Valdus,
“Though, with the Corruption shrouding the Raptors, even if your arrival was noticed, the Raptors remained missing. Once again, I thank you for freeing them. That alone makes you worthy of naming Rex. Normally those with a rank amongst the Raptors, or those that the Raptors serve, shall only name them...but you have become an exception.”

Valdus blinked, listening.

“Do not fret. Whilst that was against their traditions, for wielding the strength to free Rex, and his pack, the Raptor Alpha himself deemed you more than worthy. However, regarding your Essence... Your journey has already taken quite a toll. While you may feel as though you are gaining control, you will soon find it acting against you once more. While I am willing to offer assistance where viable, there is unfortunately not much I can do at all.”
The owl continued,

“ you mean? And how do you already know so much about me?”
Valdus was filled with more questions.

He then fell silent as he properly took note of the owl’s right eye, sensing a slight chill that he’d always felt from the Corrupt.

“I need not to answer your questions. The answers are for you to find yourself... Either way, I deduce you’ve figured the answer to a few already.”
The owl replied.

“Then, that means... I heard from Kae-- from someone else about the Tainted. If you know that I am, then that means...”
Valdus began to mumble, trailing off momentarily.
“...your right eye is red - the same red as the Corrupt. Are you...half-Corrupt? Will I become Corrupt, if I lose control entirely?”

“In some sense, yes. You are on the right track, but it is not definite. It is true that, like you, I too am Tainted, and when I first faced the Corrupt, I had barely escaped their grasp - feeling as though half of my Essence was stripped away. I was far too close to being lost... The only symptom I know of having this Corrupt blood is that - if one’s Essence is not honed - it will drain you of your Essence entirely and turn you into a lesser form of the Corrupt known as the ‘Fallen’. The only way to avoid becoming Fallen is to simply strengthen your own Essence. While the Corrupt Blood will not be cleared from your body, it will no longer affect you, once you are strong enough.”
The owl explained,
“Now...ahem. It appears we got a little sidetracked... I have yet to introduce myself, haven’t I? I am Vuryth, a Jade Guardian. I am also what is known as a Verex - a once reclusive, yet renowned species, but...I believe I am very the last of my kind. Our ways led to our downfall, and so now I live as a protector of this haven for all those that live here. Come. I will show you around.”

Vuryth then turned and walked further into the forest. Valdus and Ace followed her, until they reached a large glade. The sun shone down and the grass glistened. Small orbs of light - which Valdus and Ace could only presume were Wisps - flew abound, dancing within the glade’s light. Many other creatures were gathered within the glade as well, much like the wildlife Valdus was observing from earlier, all coexisting. Before, he found himself intrigued, but now he couldn’t find the words to express his amazement. Occasional chatter seemed to resonate from the Wisps - though as if not their own - and he noticed the many denizens of the forest were having their own conversations, even though none appeared in any way, shape or form human from a quick glance - more like wildlife from Earth. The glade was brimming with cheerful chatter and laughter. He then turned to see what Ace thought, and he wore the same bewildered expression.

“Welcome to the Central Glade. What you see are the most common people of the Jade Heart. As Ace may know, those little lights are our helpful Wisps, and those creatures that look a lot like the animals you are familiar with; they are known as Fangs. I should also inform you that I am not the only Jade Guardian. There are others of course, each of us vowing to protect the Jade Heart. Another two will meet you here, back in this glade.”
As Vuryth continued, she began to walk toward a different section of the forest.

Valdus and Ace followed her again, this time arriving at what seemed to be a large bog. The area was darker than the rest of the forest, and there were huts held up by wooden supports, all built close to the edge within the bog - each hut connected to one another. Ladders were fitted to the entrance of each of the huts. The bog and the huts were inhabited by reptilian-like people - a small village of lizardfolk - and though the bog looked to be presumably deep, it was actually rather shallow and barely reached up to Valdus’s knees. There wasn’t even a hint of a foul scent from the bog either, in which Valdus had expected the opposite.

“The Jade Heart grew to hold this bog, and the lizardfolk couldn’t find a home more suitable than this, so they have been more than welcome to stay. This place-”
Vuryth shook her feathers and suddenly began to walk away again.
“Well, I do apologise, but the tour ends here. I have something I must attend to. The other two are already waiting back in the glade. Feel free to make yourself at home.”

Before Ace and Valdus could notice, Vuryth suddenly vanished from their sight. A loud shriek was then heard, and wind blasted through the woods. They rushed into the glade and saw Vuryth in the sky, flying away. Immediately after, Rex’s pack then suddenly came running by, dancing around Valdus and Ace as they barked playfully. Valdus and Ace watched them dance in circles, turning a bit as they bounded about, before stopping to face a raptor much larger than the rest. It let out a call and stood proud, and the pack’s dancing came to a halt. The larger raptor had faint, blue patterns across the sides of its face and faint, yellow patterns across the sides of its torso. Its scales were pale pink, and it had a beige underbelly. A figure in brown leather armour, about a head shorter than Ace, walked over to Valdus and lifted his hood. He wore a bow a head shorter than himself, worn on a nail catch on his back, his quiver was clipped from behind on his belt. Various throwing knives were strapped to his baldric. There was also a sheathed sword clipped onto his belt.

“I assume you two are the Guardians Vuryth said we’d meet?”
Valdus asked.

“Sure am. Name’s Alterion Falsana. Nice to meet you.”
Alterion responded and smirked,
“This is Terraxis, the Alpha of all the Raptor packs. He’s basically Rex’s boss.”

Terraxis let out a proud huff after Alterion’s comment, then let out a smaller, more friendly huff while seemingly grinning toward Valdus.

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“Anyway, I should let you know a bit about myself. You can already see a few of the weapons I use, but I have my own Key Affinity too.”
As Alterion spoke he held out his hand, and a small throwing knife appeared.

Alterion then threw the dagger at a tree. The dagger soon vanished, leaving the chipped marking behind.

“Not as good as my brother but hey, it works!”
Alterion chuckled.

“So, what are those for then?”
Valdus asked, pointing to Alterion’s throwing knives.

Alterion responded, pointing finger guns at Valdus.

He’s meant to be a protector of this place...?
Ace pondered.

Another gust of wind shot from outside the glade, and Vuryth’s voice followed with it, echoing in the wind.
“Another wishes to speak with you. The Celestial of Jade, my mistress. A visit with her is often rare, so be honou-... B-but...Sail-... Valdus, Ace. My apologies...for my formality...”

Alterion stifled his laughter, shouting out toward where Vuryth’s voice came from.
“You need to learn to loosen up a bit, V! Even Sailus thinks so!”

A hiss of annoyance was heard, but nothing else was said.

“The Celestial of Jade...? She must be mighty powerful. Why does she want us to visit her, I wonder?”
Ace muttered.

“I’d bet, and I bet it’ll be an interesting meeting, hehe!”
Valdus commented,
“By the way, what exactly is a Celestial?”

“Huh? I swear you’d have heard from the canyon by now! They’re basically the strongest beings in Eldoria, tasked to watch over and protect vast lands, and anybody who lives there! The founding Celestials were said to have created the havens within Eldoria, like this very forest! In fact, one of those first-ever Celestials is the current Celestial of Jade. They can sometimes even control the entirety of the domain they protect with great ease, or use magic depending on what they protect with amazing strength. Obviously, there’s only a select few Celestials though.”
Ace explained.

“So, Ignis would be a Celestial as well then, right?”
Valdus asked.

“Precisely. He was titled as the ‘Celestial of Flames’, if I remember correctly.”
Ace responded.

After that response, a sparkle lit up in Valdus’s eyes.
“Cool~!! I wonder what other Celestials there are...!”

Terraxis then gave a rather low-pitched bark, and more raptor packs gathered around. Alterion began to back away, but as he did, Rex tackled him from behind then resumed dancing. Without a regard for the fellow Guardian who was now knocked to the ground, he then bounded to hug and lick Valdus.

“God dammit Rex...”
Alterion muttered, not bothering to get back up,
“...I hate it when this happens...”

Valdus then began laughing, hugging and patting Rex while trying to dodge the licks again.
“This is going to be a rather interesting place to stay!”

Not bothering to help Alterion either, Terraxis barked again before leaving the glade. The other Raptors followed their chief, also leaving Alterion, who was still lying face-down on the grass.

“Haha, see yah Rex! Was sweet to meet you too, Terraxis!!”
Valdus called out to the Raptors as they left, waving to them.

Ace simply smiled before sitting down, leaning against a tree, while Valdus climbed up the same tree to a branch up above - having a bit of ease thanks to some vines - before leaning back against the tree as well.

This place took me by surprise...somehow more-so than the Canyon of Flames. I wonder what the other havens are like...

Valdus closed his eyes and smiled, before softly calling out to Ace.
“I’ll be taking a short nap~...”

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