Realm of Eldoria

Chapter 2: Chapter One: Everyday Life

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“How hopeless... This place is now ours. Succumb to the Corruption...!”
Whispers shrouded Valdus’s dream.

A bright light shone as the young boy opened his eyes, jolting awake. He held his head for a moment, confused. As he shuffled out from his blankets, the thoughts regarding his dream soon faded away. He then stretched out to wake himself a little more.

“Wake up already!”
A voice shouted from outside his room,
“You’ll be late if you don’t hurry up, Valdus!”

The voice was his mother’s. After staying up so late, his drowsy mind left him completely overwhelmed with tiredness. His mother called out again, and Valdus groaned.

Battling his drowsiness, he called back,
“All right, all right...! I’m awake!”
Geez, I should’ve gone to sleep a lot earlier...and why do I keep getting these damn nightmares? Was that the same as last time? Normally I just forget this stuff...

As Valdus got up from his bed he looked around at his room. Simple blue walls, and a window to look outside. He moved to open the blinds and shielded himself from the sudden sunlight, until his eyes adjusted. Once they did, he took a moment to view the outdoors, few people and vehicles passing by. He then turned back to his room, acknowledging its tidiness and perfection. Amongst that tidiness he saw in his room was a rather distinct decoration. It was a piece of digital art Valdus once made, taped to a lance which was propped upon the wall – above his bed – making it appear like a flagbearer’s lance.

That piece of art was a print, seeming to be that of a dragon in the style of an emblem. Its eyes were purple, and its body was of a darker shade, dark enough to look black without a good enough look. Two horns sat on its head, aiming backward, and spikes ran down it’s back, also aiming backward. It had a slim tail with a spear-like tip, its wings seemed large enough to envelope itself in. It always gave Valdus the feeling that it gazed over his room. He usually felt it was a guarding gaze, but his mother thought otherwise. Valdus then moved to the other side of his room. His computer was on, with a text document of an unfinished story of his left open. Much of what he wrote contained a variety of things which had spurred from his dreams. Dragons and other kinds of otherworldly beings; many of which he couldn’t even explain himself. He didn’t really think the text was all too good, though. Nonetheless, Valdus wrote to his heart’s content.

Remembering that his hobby was at fault for his fatigue, he sighed, turning the computer off and moving again, now to his closet. Watching his reflection from the mirror within it, he fixed his short, messy, black hair, and took another moment for his mind to drift off. His eyes were a near-lightless black. Valdus blinked, and for a moment he noticed his left eye turn purple. A strange mark surrounded the iris as it faintly glowed. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, but his left eye had returned to its original colour, and the mark was gone. He shook his head and changed his clothes, disregarding what he just saw.

He walked down the hallway, only to sight his mother waiting in the living room with a stern look.
Here we go again with the same old crap... Here’s to hoping that one day I’ll finally get to sleep in more often...

“How many times have I told you to not stay up late? Valdus, you need to sleep earlier! You’re much busier than you were a few years ago, so you should be trying to adjust to these things, especially with your exams! Who knows, you might fall asleep on the way to school, during a test, or maybe even the way back! I expect you to be asleep a lot earlier, and if you aren’t going to be, I’ll go to your room to make sure you’re asleep!”
His mother scolded.

He had heard similar words numerous times, but even then, he continued to stay up for longer than expected. No matter how much he tried, Valdus found himself caught up in the joy of writing stories. As his mother ranted, his mind began to drift off, only listening in again at the end of her rant.

“...and you better stop staying up all night writing those stories of yours! You have tons of free time after school, work on it during that time, not when you need to sleep!”
Valdus’s mother then sighed and began to walk away.
“Anyway, enough of me going off at you like that... I made you breakfast.”

Valdus simply nodded in response, then grabbed his breakfast. As he sat down at the living room table and ate, he pondered, letting his thoughts and mind drift off yet again. He pictured his life to be relatively simple. He went to school, lived in a house in his mother’s care, and had his own hobbies to pass time. Each day had its own ups and downs, yet he felt it never wielded any true significant impact on his daily life. He wasn’t as content as he’d want to be with it, but nonetheless he went with what he had. In truth though, Valdus yearned for more. Possibly for a life elsewhere, something far more different than the one he sat through now.

Quite the imagination you got there, buddy...
Valdus thought, chuckling to himself.

He finished eating, packed up his stuff, and headed out.

“Take care!”
His mother called out, as he left.

“Will do!”
Valdus shouted back.

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Later that day, after school...

Valdus’s day proved to be the same as usual, yet something seemed different that day. Not during school, or before, but soon after he left the school grounds. As Valdus was heading back home, he felt an uneasiness creeping behind him, following his every movement. Each step he took, the wind would pass by and a cold silence grew, and he’d notice less vehicles, less people, and even less wildlife; until he was left alone. The place reached a standstill and became dead silent. It was broad daylight, but he couldn’t see a living creature around. At that moment, an eerier feeling enveloped him. He felt preying eyes fall upon him, yet his panic caught the sight of nothing. An image flashed in his head, giving him an idea that he’d hope to not think of again. It sent a shock through his body, chilling his bones with a strange fear and freezing his body momentarily. The image which flashed in his mind was the picture of the purple dragon he had drawn.

A gnawing urge bit at him from inside as his mind screamed out and his heart raced. The world surrounding him seemed to glitch back and forth from existence like a bug in a video game, but each time he blinked it returned everything to its normal state. He wanted to shout out, but he couldn’t. Valdus then heard a howl whispering in the wind as another chill ran down his spine. He couldn’t take it anymore. Either he’d lose his mind, or he’d run from whatever it was, whether it be just his imagination, or some unusual occurrence. So, he went with the latter. He held his eyes shut as he bolted down the street, hoping to run until his legs gave out. He then came to a stop as something sturdy struck his forehead, and the sound of metal rang out. He staggered back and opened his eyes to see a metal pole, then held his forehead as pain pounded from the hit. People started passing by again, followed by chatter; few glancing at the idiot who ran into a streetlamp. Cars drove by as well, blaring their horns as wildlife roamed. Valdus groaned and dawdled onward.

What...was that...? Maybe I should get rid of that picture... There’s definitely something wrong with it...unless there’s something wrong with me...
Worried, Valdus shook his head and hurried back home.


As he opened the door, he passed his mother in the living room. Although a little cold, she simply gave him a glance and welcomed him home. Valdus attempted to return a smile, only to look more worried than he already did.

“Is everything all right?”
His mother asked.

“W- Yeah. Yeah...I am...”
Valdus responded,
“I just...uhh...ran into a pole. On the way back.”

He avoided mentioning anything else. None of it seemed true to him. It could have just been a coincidence, and he tried to believe that it was all just that. Though the picture did seem sinister, Valdus treasured all his creations, and his friend’s gifts. With that sense of treasury, he left himself with the decision to toss aside the idea of trashing the flag and the lance.

“Moron. Well, all right, if you say so.”
His mother humoured,
“There’s an ice pack in the fridge if you want to use that, you’re smart enough to at least take care of yourself.”

This time Valdus smiled a bit. He chuckled a little and nodded, before heading back to his room. He sat on his bed and stared at the purple dragon. The eerie feeling suddenly clouded the vicinity once again, but it felt worse this time. As if with a sense of depraved sanity, whispers rang inside his head the more he viewed the emblem of the dragon. With each cluster of whispers, things drew closer and closer to complete madness. As if with a life of its own, he could see the dragon’s eye move to look directly at him. Valdus shook his head, causing the whispers and unnerving sensation to fade away. The emblem seemed to return to its former state, yet the eeriness followed once more as he noticed some obscure writing scratched into the wall, close to the flag.

What...the... No...this definitely has to be my imagination getting the best of me. I’m probably just tired. If not, I need to see a specialist for much as I hate the idea.
Valdus shifted off from his bed, attempting to reassure himself with his thoughts.
Ignore what you see. Just...get ready to sleep soon...

Yet, even though Valdus had shrugged all of this off as just his imagination, part of him still wanted to believe that some random scratches on his wall suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and that his emblem of the purple dragon had something to do with it. Thinking of it as slightly insane or stupid to believe, Valdus left his room to clear his mind. He spent a short while readying to sleep, relaxing as he did so. Before leaving the bathroom after brushing his teeth, Valdus stared at his reflection in the mirror, blinking a few times.

Did my left eye seriously change this morning...? I was tired then as well, but...
Valdus pondered,
...and my vision from earlier... I...should get that checked.

He sighed and shook his head, once again returning to his room. As he shifted back to his bed, he couldn’t help but glance at the dragon a few times. The scratches on the wall still remained, but he did his best to ignore it. Tired, he finally decided to rest. It would be a decision he’d quickly regret though, to fall asleep after those otherworldly events.

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