Realm of Eldoria

Chapter 25: Chapter Twenty-Four: Recount

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As Valdus stirred in his sleep, he could hear the deep huffs of someone breathing, and a strong warmth comforting his body. The safety he felt was like none other, and as he opened his eyes he found himself still snuggling up to Ignis’s tail. His back was against the red dragon’s chest as it rose and fell, and his wings acted like oversized blankets. The huffs which sounded out were from Ignis.

Valdus groaned, shifting a bit before stretching a bit and yawning loudly.

Soon enough, Ignis stirred in his sleep as well. His tail safely dragged Valdus away from the gentle embrace, before he began to shift from his own position too. Valdus hopped off and stretched again, before watching Ignis, who also stretched and yawned.

“Ah... Good morning, Valdus. I do hope that you had a comfortable rest. I can’t be quite sure being against my scales would have been...favourable, but you had fallen asleep so cosily. I could not bring myself to pry you off my tail.”
Ignis humoured.

“Hehe, well, I- I slept well. Really, it’s all right. Was really comfortable.”
Valdus chuckled, a little embarrassed.

“I am glad to hear that. I must admit, when it comes to you and Mythriln, I feel urged to take care of you both, as if you were my own.”
Ignis smiled warmly, but a little worried too.
“ understand if it brings you discomfort to hear that, but believe me. I do mean it.”

Valdus rubbed the back of his head as he proceeded to process it in his head, before looking up at Ignis with a bright smile.
“Well, that’s actually kinda cool! Wouldn’t mind havin’ a dragon as a dad!”

Ignis then began to laugh. With how sincere the large dragon sounded, the idea left a warm, fuzzy feeling in Valdus’s chest as well. The two then stepped outside for fresher air, before Valdus walked further out into the open space and held his arms out by his sides, spinning in place for a moment.

“So, uhh...”
Valdus mumbled, trying to figure what to say,
“...would you umm...happen to be able to call a Wisp?”

“Is it about Ace?”
Ignis pried.

“Yeah. It’s...about that thing that I wanted to ask him. Still been feelin’ bummed out about it.”
Valdus replied.

Ignis instead laid down, resting his head on one hand - propped up by his elbow - and slightly tilted his head. He gazed down at Valdus with a warm smile and let out a short sigh.

“Tell me about it first. It sounds troublesome for you to get off your chest.”
Ignis insisted,
“After all, I may be able to answer your question in his place, instead. He and I have spoken quite a bit.”

“W-wait, really? Then- well-... It’s-... It’s about Ace’s wife, Scarlet. She healed the wounds I received from the Realm-Link, when I first arrived in Eldoria, but she had to part ways with us when we set out on our journey.”
Valdus expressed his worry,
“I’d been wondering for some time, but...had been forgetting to ask about her.”

“I recall Ace mentioning her quite a lot, but it seems only you are this worried about her. Ace, in fact, seems to have full faith in her safety, no matter what.”
Ignis replied.

Valdus found himself puzzled by that notion, but before he could inquire as to why, Ignis continued to speak, already giving an explanation.

“Scarlet Sparrow is a unique individual. She wields a Key Affinity known as the Foreseer Key Affinity, normally only possible for the ‘Reverens’ - a race of stone griffins. With the Foreseer Affinity, she is able to foresee her own fate at random, tied to very specific and brief, but dire events. If she were to find herself in danger, her visions will show her both that unfavourable fate, as well as the safest, and easiest way to survive - or so I’ve been told.”
Ignis began,
“It is very likely she is still travelling toward her own destination, or perhaps has even reached it already. Nonetheless, young Valdus, there is no need to worry for Scarlet’s sake. Ace believes in her, and so shall we.”

After hearing all that, Valdus fell back and sat down, heaving a big sigh of relief. With that weight lifted he looked back up again at Ignis.

“Okay, there’s one other thing I’ve been needing to ask someone. Ace never had the chance to further explain, but now that I have time to really process it...”
Valdus said,
“...can you tell me more about Essence and Affinities? Like, what exactly they are, and how they work?”

Valdus then immediately began to ramble on, and as he did, Ignis listened with a seemingly puzzled look. Slowly, he began to find himself a little amused as Valdus tried to make sense of it on his own. With a bit of a chuckle Ignis then let out a small sigh.

“You’re like a young fledgling, although I suppose at your age you still quite are! Well, little fledgling, you best sit down nicely. Back straight, and listen well. This will take a lot to explain...”
Ignis spoke, beginning a brief lesson with Valdus,
“We’ll be going over some of what you already know, as well. First, Essence within living creatures acts - in a way - like a second soul, housing a pool of energy within. It is influenced by many different aspects; from your own life force, to your very emotions. Your stamina in particular will be one of your Essence’s strongest ties. If you yourself are exhausted, your Essence itself will be exhausted too. And likewise; if your Essence is exhausted, so will you become exhausted.”

“And so by training our stamina, or how we use our Essence, we can avoid that exhaustion, right?”
Valdus asked.

“Correct. You must hone it, but this takes great effort. Of course, some are also born with a greater ‘well’ of Essence. Luckily, making use of an Affinity in itself works wonders, making progress in strengthening your Essence pool, albeit little-by-little. But, before that, the first step in training your Essence - which I heard Lucile taught you - is to sense Essence itself. Much like how we can smell, touch, and hear - we can wield the ability to detect the very presence of others around us. This allows us to understand another’s strengths and weaknesses, what their Affinities are, and so on. And when stronger, you can hide your presence too.”
Ignis continued,
“On top of that, inanimate objects such as Essence Crystals can be detected, as particular non-living things house their own natural Essence.”

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“So, basically by doing that, that’s how without knowing who you were - when we first met - I could see that explosive amount of fire Essence you have...”
Valdus commented.

“Indeed. Although, let’s use the more appropriate terminology. Rather than calling it ‘fire Essence’, we have the Base Affinities; Flamma, Unda, Aer, Tellus, Lux, and Nox. They each govern the natures of fire and heat, water and ice, wind and electricity, earth and nature, and light and darkness respectively. Each and everyone will be attuned to a particular Base Affinity, although not always restricted to it. As for you, young Valdus, you are highly attuned to Flamma, as am I.”
Ignis replied.

“Heh...highly attuned is putting it lightly... First I came to discover my powers, I somehow set myself on fire subconsciously, like...three times or something. Bloody hurt.”
Valdus grumbled.

“And that is...unfortunately due to you being Tainted. A Condition, where your body is deeply affected by Corrupt blood.”
Ignis said,
“Despite that, it is safe to say that you have been suppressing it well. Your Essence seems more stable than when you first arrived here, in the Canyon of Flames.”

Although a little worried, Valdus also felt relieved by the note Ignis left that on. Happy to hear that, he found himself now worrying less on yet another thing. The two gave the explanations and queries a brief pause, allowing Valdus time to ponder.

Ignis then shuffled from his position and sat up, huffing a bit.
“Now, moving on. There are two more things I feel I should explain; Channelling, and most importantly, the Eldorian Essence itself. The Eldorian Essence is similar to the air we breathe in this realm. Unseen even through Essence sense - it flows both in large blankets, and river-like ley-lines throughout the entirety of Eldoria, gifting us with our own Essence and Affinities, whilst tying us to what is known as the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life protects us in the direst of times, when we most need it, although it is never truly understood how far its effect can go.”

“It almost sounds like it could just...up and revive someone.”
Valdus said.

“Unfortunately, I strongly disbelieve that ever being possible. Whilst I have prayed to the Threads of Life before, not once, not ever, has it brought someone back...”
Ignis replied.

The two then for a moment fell quiet again, before Ignis audibly cleared his throat.

Dismissing that darker topic, he resumed the lesson,
“Now, lastly; Channelling. This, you have already done instinctively, but it is when you pass your own Essence - carrying the Affinity you are wielding - through an object such as a weapon. That, in itself, is rather straightforward, and as for the lesson, that is all.”

Ignis finished off the detailed explanations with a proud smile, once again giving Valdus a moment to enquire again, or ponder.

“Wait, so...that’s what lets me launch waves of fire with my sword? It’s not an Ability from my Realm-Link Affinity or anything, but me Channelling Flamma into my sword before swinging?”
Valdus questioned with a puzzled look.

Ignis laughed,
“Quite right! It can become confusing at times, but you seem to have the hang of it already. With enough time, more and more will become clearer. I do hope this has helped you learn more.”

“It’s helped a ton! Thanks, hehe! Now that I’ve got a better grip of it all, it’ll help out a whole lot next time I train. Seriously though, thanks a bunch!”
Valdus chuckled and grinned wide, hopping up onto his feet.
“Ahh that gets a lot off my chest, as well. Really, I hadn’t known anything about any of that, and I was so worried about Scarlet for so long. I can’t wait to see her again... I do hope she and Ace reunite sometime soon, too.”

“They are a strong couple, they will be well. I am sure of it. You, on the other hand, have your own pressing matters to attend to.”
Ignis replied,
“I’m sure all of this is enough preparation, is it not?”

Valdus looked up at Ignis, now faced with a serious expression, yet one that also held a hint of trust. The Celestial was proud of him, and he could tell. Taking in a deep breath, he pondered upon his next decision, before taking a few steps back from Ignis.

“So, you are ready?”
Ignis asked again.

“After all that talk? How can I not be?”
Valdus chuckled,
“I’ll be back. And...hopefully with Kaenrae, too. I’m sure you already know, but...he’s Tainted as well. Tainted, and Cursed...and it’s hurting him. But I’ll fight him, and I’ll set him free. A promise to myself, and...a promise to you, too. I won’t let you down.”

Ignis smiled warmly and simply nodded, bidding Valdus farewell with a tap to his forehead. Fighting his hesitation, Valdus then turned, and ventured forth, at last on his own. He informed Mythriln and Lilith as well before bidding them farewell too, then continued on his way to the Cardinal Plains.


As Valdus walked through the canyon, toward the exit, he stopped by the edge of the plains. The sudden presence of a powerful Essence rushed through him, then immediately faded. He shook his head and looked around, expecting to see someone nearby, but the plains were empty. He sighed and continued forward. Without Kaenrae anywhere nearby, he stopped to stand amongst the swaying grass, held his left arm forward, and began concentrating his magic directly to his hand, preparing himself while he had the chance.

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