Reason For Being

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Meeting (2)

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The Frozen Sea. A forbidden zone. A place full of danger. A graveyard.

He had wanted to go there at least once.

Located next to the capital, it was a massive expanse of frozen water, reaching thousands of meters deep, maybe even more. As to how big it was, no one knew. It was a place where the boundary between the Under Dark and the surface was blurry.

Unfortunately, he could not go there.

It was difficult to get a transfer permit, even for a normal citizen. Settlements invested heavily in their harvesters but despite that, they were few in number which made it that much more difficult to get the permits.

Few chose this field, fewer got the training done, and even fewer survived for long outside the safety of the settlement. It was not easy to survive in the harsh and freezing world, filled with danger at every step.

Knrama remained silent, letting Inero-ie sort out whatever was running through his mind.


"Stop. This conversation will go nowhere if you keep talking like that."

Fria-al returned with a necklace, handing it to Inero-ie who put it on.

"You have heard about it, that makes it easier. Harvester Inero-ie, we are currently creating a new guard order for a young member of our family. If you join it I will get you access to the Frozen Sea."

A frown appeared on his otherwise stoic face.

[Full access?]

"Unfortunately no. You need minimum cultivation of 1st Shedding Core Formation to be allowed full access to the forbidden zone."

[Not interested.]

"No need for such haste. I will make sure you will have ample opportunities for your expeditions."

[No. Takes too much time.]

"Harvester Inero-ie, this is not an opportunity you should give up."

[I care only about expeditions. Nothing else.]


Fria-al kept glancing at the two seated across each other. There was no way this stubborn brat would yield. If it had been this easy, she would have accomplished the task long ago.

But they had an excellent bait this time, it just needed to be used properly.

Their eyes crossed and Fria-al nodded, taking the lead on this conversation.

"What is the problem? He will surely resolve it."

[You know already.]

"Are you worried you will not have any time for expeditions?"

A nod.

For Inero-ie this deal was completely disadvantageous. He would have to give up his time and for what? Just a few months and he was reaching his limits, if he was forced to stay inside for longer periods due to this guard order, he would go crazy.

'How to get him to agree?'

Fria-al thought. He had not rejected the idea itself. He was interested, that had been the biggest problem until now as he had never shown any semblance of interest in anything.

With renewed determination, Fria-al started talking, after all, words were free.

"But you won't be able to go on a long-term expedition anyways. Don't you need to show up for regular checkups? Give–"


A stretch of silence.

Tak tak tak.

"Harvester Inero-ie, if you can go outside will you agree?"

A nod.

"How about you come in as a material harvester? Do you have any experience?"


"One of our family members is a researcher. Some of the materials she needs are difficult to acquire, even in the capital. How about it? You may even be able to go into the forbidden zone."

[Can I go solo?]

"Yes, except for the Frozen Sea. You can only wander freely only after gaining the required cultivation level."

A silence.

"Though there may be sometimes you will be accompanied by others."

Further silence.

Fria-al eyed Knrama to continue. They had to strike while the iron was hot.

"Harvester Inero-ie, even besides the forbidden zone, Rozcast is filled with exciting places. Just the habitable zone is big enough to fit hundreds of Grand Formations like this."

"Yeah. Just think how big the Outer Barrier will be there. How big is it Lord Knrama?"

"Around 3 thousand kilometers in diameter."

Another stretch of silence.

Thump thump thump

He had not rejected it outright.

[Ok. Will try for one cycle.]

“I will make sure you will only get missions related to material harvesting but occasionally you may have to do other jobs."


"Yes, occasionally."


Mus-Draik. He had not reacted to his family name. It made him anxious. Never before had he encountered such a strange situation but this boy in front of him could display such eccentric behavior. Despite having administered many settlements before, he had never seen someone as young and as capable.

'If the records are true…'

Now that he had agreed to it, he could send that bogus list with much less dissatisfaction.

None of those young masters had shown any semblance of worth. How many resources had been used up by them but what had they achieved? Objectively they were good, they had decent cultivation compared to their ages but what good was it without any experience?

'What use is all that investment, if it shows no result?'

Young. Experienced. Cultivated. Inero-ie had all that was lacking in them. He even had high attainment in the Dao.

'What level of attainment is needed to survive in conditions as gruesome as that...'

He had not just survived but was on the way to recovery. All things considered, he would be perfect for the duty.

'I can slowly work on getting him to agree...'

How many cycles had it been since he started wandering in those frozen wastelands? A living husk that was unable to die and unwilling to live. He could finally see an escape from that cycle. The moment he had heard of the Frozen Sea, he had been tempted.

He had adapted to the current environment, to the monsters, even the harsh conditions outside the massive formation, he had survived those for so many cycles.

He had not died.

The Frozen Sea. Even though it had been discovered thousands of cycles ago, even the ancient capital had not fully explored that dangerous zone.

[How do I apply?]

A breath of relief escaped her. Thankfully he had not rejected it.


Clenched fists. Finally, this brat had cracked. It would be hard but she would make sure he changed. The first step was always the most difficult.

"All you need to worry about is your combat ability. I will introduce you to that kid but it will be up to you to get her approval."

A nod.

"How much combat ability can you show?"

[How much required?]

"You are still recovering, right? What is the most you can do right now?"


"You will be provided with standard equipment."


"Wait a minute… here, can you do it with these specifications?"

[Kill a specter. Inside Core Barrier.]

Knrama handed something to Fria-al.

"Excellent. This is his permit. Also, you will be going separately from the other prospects. Please visit the capital after two months."

"Why can't he go with other prospects?"

"So that I can avoid some headache."

"What kind of headache?"

"Is there a need to say everything, Seeker Fria-al?"

"Someone like you afraid of them?"

"Insignificant as they may be, even small insects can cause pain. I would rather not waste my time, especially when it can easily be saved."

"As you wish."

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"It was nice meeting you, Seeker Fria-al, Harvester Inero-ie. I will take my leave."

Inero-ie kept looking at the door even after Knrama had left.

"What are you looking at?"

[Qi. It had been gravitating towards him, even now there is a pull on the Qi in the air.]

"That is to be expected. He has quite a high cultivation."

[How high?]

"Who knows? He is a senior even in the Mus-Draik's. Anyway, follow me for a moment."


[New material?]

Inero-ie asked upon seeing the new armor.

"No. For that, we will have to visit the capital first. I have been working on a new alloy and gained this stuff as a side product. It's quite good."


"Not as good as the stuff your last armor was made of but cost-wise, it's very cheap. Easy to mass produce too."

He stepped near it, the threads coiling around him unraveled, enveloping the armor, examining each and every millimeter.

The armor had multiple layers, each separated by a layer of insolation that completely stopped any energy loss. He started dismantling the armor. Starting from the gloves, then the whole arm, then the other, then the legs, then the chest, then the back, then the head.

He did it each time he was going to use a new suit. Only if he could break it apart and then piece it together would he ever use it.

[Architecture changed?]

It had many familiar things but many more aspects had changed.

"Yeah. It has been a long time and I have been constantly improving it. Need help?"


She guided him through the changes that had been made, things that had been removed, and the new addition. Hours passed by quickly as they kept working with the armor. Maybe because he had been away for an unusually long time, it took half a week just to understand the working of this new armor.

[Blade, changes?]




He did not like rifles. They were very conspicuous. A single shot and everything within the vicinity would become aware of you. I was an unnecessary risk as he worked solo.

He would take it this time. It would take quite a long time for his strength to fully recover, until then he needed the striking power of a rifle.

[Refined core?]

"That would be better though it can use unrefined ones. The power level and efficiency will drop though."


"You have a month and a half. Come back in one piece this time."

[Thank you.]

"Just take care of yourself. That is the only way to thank me. Now go and return on time."


"Hello sir, have you recovered?"

[Somewhat. Need mission inside Core Barrier. Max duration 1.5 months. Team mission. Lots of free time.]

"A team swap will happen in one of the mining operations. Here are the details."

A mining operation. Three veteran harvesters would protect the recruits while they got used to the environment outside. As it was physically intensive, mining was very helpful. It allowed quicker adaptation to the environment.

What he cared about was the rotation. 8 hours per harvester, meaning he would have 16 hours free to use.

It would be enough time to experiment with the Law he had been enlightened to as well as retrain his body.

[Set out when?]

"A few days, sir. Will you be taking this mission?"

A nod.

"Your badge, sir."

"You will be notified of the time and location, sir. Please keep track of your messages."

[Thank you.]

"Welcome sir, and please return healthy."

A nod.


Inside the Harvester lodgings.

He tried closing his eyes but like always it was difficult. The voices never stopped. He had long since become indifferent to them but the constant chatter made him highly exhausted.

He was exhausted but could not sleep.

Just a bit more and he would be out of here.. Just the thought of leaving this place filled his body with an intense sense of relief. He could finally rest, free of this constant mental anguish.


A door opened, and they entered the hall while the door behind them was sealed close. The same thing kept repeating, bringing them closer to the outside. The cold kept increasing and despite the advanced armor suits, recruits all trembled, unfamiliar with this penetrating cold.

It was a trail. Their armor was intentionally made like this to see whether they could endure this cold. It would gradually increase as time went on. They had to survive if they wanted to become Harvester.

Sometimes all it took was a single encounter for the armor to be damaged.


A blast of cold freezing winds and frozen pellets. But he cared not for them because he was finally free, the constant whispers had vanished the moment he stepped outside. It was like those whispers had never been there.

The headache that had been constant started calming down. His stiff and frozen face, hidden inside the armor, had relaxed. It would take some time before he reached the mine and he could have a complete rest.

But he already felt better.

[Recruits, are you ready?]


Multiple replies came back in the communication channel and the group started moving.

Inero-ie was at the end of the group, the remaining two veterans on the left and right side each with the instructor in front, leading the charge.

It was a mess. Despite the armors doing most of the work for them, the recruits slipped at almost every step, disrupting the formations each time.


Frozen land, glacial winds. As the winds rushed through the forest of pillars, horrifying voices abound. The lights shone from the top of the settlement but were obstructed by the pillars, it created a dim and dark environment.

It was good their armors were sealed, trapping their shrieks inside.

Despite the increasing desire to sleep, he enjoyed the journey. His head felt fresh after a long time. It no longer felt like it would explode at any moment.


Inero-ie equipped the rifle. It was another new experience, using the echo scanners of the armor. It had been quite a long while since he last used it.


A barrage of bullets left the rifles.

The environment itself was more problematic than the wolves. The forest of pillars makes it easy to shield from the bullets.

[Defensive formation! Prospects!]

He had no hopes with them for them. It would be a miracle if they could move without falling.

Inero-ie and the other two started firing as soon as the pack neared.

Qi bullets flew through the air, aimed at their legs. Instructors spread around the prospects to deal with any stranglers if they neared.

Wolves maneuvered further left. The Harvester on that side rushed forward to engage in close combat. Inero-ie rushed from one side, the remaining harvester from the other. A pincer attack. Qi bullets rained down on the wolves. They howled but to no avail.

[Prospects! Divide into the following…]

It was the work of amateurs by amateurs, another spectacle to watch as the newbies worked hard just to balance themselves while trying to cut through the layers of hardened ice that acted as the armor for these wolves.


It was only after three days that they reached the mines.

As the duties were handed over, the previous team started the return journey with prospects that could walk normally.


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