Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 261: 261: 261

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It's almost Qingming. It's raining for days. The rain in the capital will wash the ground and underground clean, everywhere is lush vitality.

It has been more than a month since the great Wei soldiers left Beijing.

Near Jiuchuan, there is an endless desert.

"Lord he," the young deputy general went into the tent and said to the female officer who was sitting on the ground drawing a picture, "your order to reduce the number of military stoves in the camp has been explained."

He Yan said with a smile, "thank you very much."

The deputy general looked at the woman in front of him and felt some emotion in his heart. When the Fu Yue army, who had followed general Feihong, learned that the leader was a young woman, he was reluctant. Don't blame them for being picky. After following general Feihong of the Wei Dynasty and looking at other generals, they always have a heart of comparison. He Yan as a woman, dare to go to the battlefield, of course, people admire. But in fact, she has never led a war alone, and she does not know the depth of her skills. Even though they had won the battle in Rundu and Jiyang before, there were also governors of the right army at that time.

Now, she is alone.

War is different from simple competition. Emperor Zhaokang did it because he was the commander of the right army. However, Fu Yue army was not really convinced.

In the past month, they have only been near Jiuchuan. Jiuchuan, originally a city in the desert, has now been occupied by the uto people. When Heyan arrived in Jiuchuan, he was not in a hurry to attack, but camped near Jiuchuan. For days after day, the soldiers had complained.

But the Vice Admiral knows that this is not what people see.

He used to be in the Fuyue army. Although he could not get close contact with the former general Feihong, he also knew that general Feihong was daring. And the woman in front of her, for the time being, has not shown the brave side, but is more rational and calm.

The location of the camp is just right. In this position, we can attack and defend when we retreat. At the tuyere, what's the movement? It's convenient to adjust the retreat. The deputy general was a little strange. He inquired that he Yan was also the first to visit Jiuchuan, but he seemed to be very familiar with the terrain here and had a lot of experience in how to survive in the desert.

Of course, he did not know that he Yan was the "general Feihong" in the past, and general Feihong first followed the Fuyue army to deal with the Xiqiang people, which was in Moxian county. Mo county and Jiuchuan are not far from each other, and the terrain is similar.

"My Lord," the deputy general's eyes fell on the long scroll in front of Heyan, "are you drawing a map?"

"These utos are rich in strength and have been scheming for a long time. Although the Fuyue army practiced day by day, it has not been on the battlefield for several years. In addition, the damage caused by the first World War in Huayuan was so severe that the troops were inferior to their opponents. I can't attack rashly and ignore the lives of these soldiers. Before that, I will know myself and the enemy, and I will be invincible in a hundred battles. "

Every day, she asked several stone King Ba people to explore the way around Jiuchuan city from a distance. She did not have to go too close. She felt the terrain around the area almost. She then went out to the deep. In a few days, she finally drew a complete map. With this picture, the Fuyue army, which was originally not as large as the uto people, can exert its greatest strength.

It's just Heyan sighed in her heart. She had known that the utuo people had been recuperating for many years and their armaments were bound to be rich. However, it was not until she really arrived in Jiuchuan that she found that the troops and horses of the uto people were more powerful than she had imagined. If only Jiuchuan is so good, if the other three places are the same, the battle of Da Wei is really not easy to fight.

For so many years, Emperor Wenxuan paid more attention to literature than to martial arts. The army of the great Wei Dynasty stagnated, but he taught the uto people the first chance. It seems that in the past, Huayuan, Rundu, and even Jiyang were just a cover. What the utos showed was not their real strength, but to make them relax their vigilance.

Also, if not, how could these four cities fall so quickly?

"When adults rush to make maps, they should also pay attention to their health." The vice general thought about it and finally reminded him, "the adults have been sleeping very little these days..."

"It's OK. I know it in my mind." He Yan continued without raising his head.

Seeing her so, the deputy general could not say anything more and bowed down.

After he left, someone called out: "Lord he."

He Yan: "come in."

In came Jiang Jiao and Shi tou.

They are also called Heyan "Lord he" like other soldiers. After all, he Yan has not been granted a general yet, but in private, he still likes to call him "brother he"

They are careful and steady in their work. In today's Fuyue army, the original elite is buried by he Rufei, and there are not many people available. Some important things were handed over to Shi Shi and Shi Yan.

She raised her head, looked at the two approaching, and asked, "can you detect the movement of the uto people?"

Jiang Jiao replied: "at night, a group of uto people went out of the city to visit, but they did not get close to our camp. They only checked around and left. According to brother he, we didn't chase after him. But in the past two days, there has been no movement. " He asked, "brother he, do you want to continue to wait?"

"Wait." He Yan said in a deep voice: "we don't take the initiative to attack the city, let them come after us."

"Lure the enemy?" Jiang Jiao was stunned. "But if they really take the initiative to attack us, are we not in a weak position? After all, there are more Otto soldiers than we are now. ""Don't worry," Heyan said with a smile, "those uto people are cunning and suspicious. They will never let all the troops out of the city. Otherwise, we will not stay here for many days and remain safe and sound. They send spies out at night to see what's going on. They just want to find out about us. "

Heyan stood up and went to the wooden plate in the tent. There were many hills piled up with sand in the wooden plate. Beside the hill, there were marks made by rice grains. She picked up the branch on one side and pointed it to the two people: "besides, if we retreat back, we will pass through the gorge road. The uto people are afraid that we will have an ambush on the back road, so we dare not make any rash moves."

"I have dealt with the utoes in Jiyang and Rundu. If the people of Maka and huyat send the words back to the kingdom of uto, the uto leaders in Jiuchuan should have heard my name. But he was not sure whether I would really lead the army. He despised me in his heart, but because of Rundu and Jiyang, he didn't dare to despise me. What do you think he would do? "

"For what?" Jiang Jiao is puzzled.

"He will find a way to prove that I can't, and when he finds the evidence, he will despise me with good reason." He Yan laughed. "Although I don't understand why general uto is always like this, since they want to see a woman who has her name but can't lead soldiers, I'll show them what they want to see."

"So," the silent stone's eyes lit up, "those stoves..."

"We stayed here for a few days, but we didn't move. The uto would suspect that we had cheated, so they would send troops out to see us at night. If I'm a uto, watching the number of military stoves decrease every day, I'm bound to think that it must be because the other party's soldiers are a woman, and they are not satisfied with the troops and are afraid of the uto soldiers in Jiuchuan. Many soldiers have become deserters. This gives birth to the heart of belittling the enemy. "

"When they relax their vigilance and lead the troops deep, they can set up an ambush."

Jiang Jiao was excited at first, and then he thought of something. Hesitantly, he said, "brother he, you don't mean that the uto people are cunning and suspicious and will never let all the soldiers and horses out of the city..."

"Yes," He Yan looked at him, "so the troops they sent out should only be a part of them, and that's what we want to annihilate. If they really dare to attack the whole army, we will be in a weak position. "

"Didn't you think about killing them all?" Stone has some doubts.

He Yan patted him on the shoulder: "you have never been to a real battlefield. You don't know that a real war can't end overnight. The Otto are more than us in their army and horses. Don't attack them with their own shortcomings. I didn't intend to confront them, entice them to go deep and annihilate some of the enemy troops, so as to damage the morale of these uto people. After that, I will try again and again. "

"To win a war, we must be patient and calm before we can reach the end." He Yan tiny smile, "this just started."

Jiang Jiao and Shi Shi Shi looked at the woman in front of her. When she was in liangzhouwei, she had already known that she was very skillful and resourceful. But now she is standing here, leading a party of soldiers and horses, slowly spreading the net, it is only when people gradually and truly understand her ability.

"Brother he," Jiang Jiao joked, "you are just one more Jiyang battle than us. How can you seem to be very familiar with it?"

"That's not the same." The woman's mouth slightly raised, "I was born to fight."

There is a wind blowing outside, blowing the desert, the yellow sand flying everywhere, banners rolling between, the more depression.

Stone murmured: "Jijun is not far from here. I don't know what happened to general Yan?"

"County of geese..." He Yan's eyes become heavy.

It is said that the plague has spread there.


The fields outside the city, on the side of the river, are full of piles of corpses.

A group of soldiers are digging a hole. The hole is very deep. When you look inside, you can see that there are bodies wrapped in white cloth, which has given off the smell of rotting. At first glance, it looks like hell on earth.

There were dozens of people lying on the ground in a shack made up of thatch. They were dying, and there were some signs of ulceration on their bodies. The young people were cooking medicine on one side and stirring the herbs in the vat with a big iron spoon from time to time.

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His body was not very strong. It was very hard for him to stir the herbs in the VAT. After a while, sweat was exuded from his forehead. However, he did not mean to be lazy from the beginning to the end. His snow-white robe had already been stained with mud and blood in a mess. He always held the folding fan hand. These days, he was holding either a silver needle for treatment or a bowl of medicine to save lives.

The plague in County geese is more serious than expected.

After occupying Jijun, the uto massacred civilians and abducted women in the city. A large number of dead bodies were randomly thrown to the river. It was spring again, and the plague soon broke out. The uto directly drove out all the people who were still alive in the city, leaving them to live and die. When Lin Shuanghe and Yanhe came to Jijun, mountains of corpses were everywhere in the fields outside the city.

Lin Shuanghe thinks that as a doctor, he is used to life and death. However, when he first arrived here, he was still shocked by the tragedy here.

Yan He's soldiers and horses are used to deal with the uto people. There are not many military doctors here. He is the grandson of Lin Qingtan. Originally, everyone advised him not to contact these patients in person. If he was infected with the plague However, Lin Shuanghe did not listen to these kind suggestions. If he was afraid of death, he would not choose to come here in the first place.It is not good to bury the dead civilians on the spot. They can only be burned and buried in the pit after being turned into white bones. This is the best way. Even so, the weeping and wailing of the surviving family members can still be heard every day.

He scooped the soup into broken bowls and left them in the air. When it was a little cooler, he took it up and sent it to the grass shed to feed the patient.

He used to be a very fastidious childe. He always had some vanity. Even when he was treating female patients in the capital city of Shuo, he would smile more brightly when he saw the lovely and gorgeous clothes. But now, the patients here are smelly, dirty and ferocious, but he did not have half a dislike.

The patient who was helped up by Lin Shuanghe was a woman. She should be very young, but she was plain and even somewhat plump. Lin Shuanghe scooped up a spoonful of medicine soup and reached her lips. She drank it carefully. Looking at the gentle and beautiful young master in front of her, she turned a little red. It seemed that even the pain on her body was alleviated.

"Dr. Lin, I'll do it myself." She whispered.

"That's not good," Lin Shuanghe said positively, "how can a beautiful girl drink medicine by herself? I'm also a gentleman, at least

The patients in the thatched cottage laughed with kindness when they heard the words.

This Doctor Lin is good-looking and has a good temper. He is different from the general who always has a stern face and a fierce look. He always smiles every time. He was also in the mood to joke with people. He talked about everything from place to place. It was clear that people would not be able to see tomorrow's morning. It was such a tense and sad moment, but his attitude never changed. So with him, the atmosphere was much more relaxed. It seemed that as soon as I woke up, Jijun was still the former Jijun, and everything could be easily solved.

When all the medicine in the hut was fed to the sick people, Lin Shuanghe told them to have a good rest before picking up all the bowls.

He just drank the medicine bowl with boiling hot water to wash all over, then stopped, kneaded his shoulder, and finally had a chance to examine himself. However, a look at their own body that piece of the stain, hair for a while, simply give up.

It is because all the white robes that he brought over were cut into cloth towels to cover the wounds of patients. Now, this is the last one, and there is no other white clothes to replace.

Lin Shuanghe goes to the other end.

Yanhe's troops and horses have fought with the uto several times, winning and losing. The terrain outside the city of Jijun is complex. The uto people in the city are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the war is at a standstill. Fortunately, Yanhe himself was not affected by the incident. Looking at his good spirit, his morale was also strong. Moreover, now that the plague has been slightly charged, the panic has not continued to spread. Although this battle is not easy to fight for a while, it is always going in a better direction.

In a surprise attack last night, Wei won a small victory. Many more wounded were added and some soldiers died in the war. The soldiers who died in the battle were buried on the spot. Lin Shuanghe asked other military doctors to treat the wounded soldiers first. He took over the most dangerous plague patients himself.

At the moment, at the river bank in front of the tent, some soldiers with slight injuries were sitting on the ground and pouring water into his mouth.

Lin Shuanghe dragged his tired pace to the past, and showed his hands in front of Yanhe.

Yan he was puzzled and waved his hand away: "what are you doing?"

"General Yan," Lin Shuanghe licked his lips, "I'm busy treating patients. Up to now, you haven't even given me a bowl of wild vegetable soup. I'm starving to death. I'll give you a bite to eat. "

Yanhe gave him a white look, took out a dry cake from his arms, and threw it into his hand, "eat it, eat it, I can't choke you."

If always, Lin Shuanghe would fight with him. Today, he had no strength and was hungry. He sat down with a butt and took a big bite.

The dry cake is dry and astringent. When swallowed, it grinds his throat, and the taste is not really delicious. If Lin Shuanghe is choking, Yanhe looks at him with disgust and hands him the kettle in his hand, "are you the one who died of hunger?"

Lin Shuanghe immediately passed the kettle and took a big gulp. After swallowing the dry cake in his mouth, he said, "elder brother, I haven't eaten all day. I'm not only a prisoner. You not only have no sympathy, but also scold me. Are you human? "

Yanhe looked at the face of the man in a mess, subconsciously wanted to be mean. When he saw his dirty clothes, he swallowed the ridicule of his mouth.

Well, to tell you the truth, Lin Shuanghe's trip is really beyond his expectation. At first, Yan he thought that although Lin Shuanghe had been to Liangzhou Wei before, he did not fight in Liangzhou Wei. At least he lived in the garrison and did not suffer from human suffering. When he got to Jijun, he would surely cry. I didn't expect that from the beginning to now, Lin Shuanghe didn't say a word.

Although he did not draw a knife with the uto people in front of him, it was not easy to take care of the wounded soldiers and pacify the civilians who were frightened by the plague.

And it's dangerous.

Yanhe snorted and did not answer.

Lin Shuanghe bit a few more dry cakes, drank some water, and put some food and drink on his stomach. He was not so miserable, and he was in a good mood again. He looked at Yanhe and said, "Yan Nanguang, I have suffered a lot here. When I return to shuojing, you must report my merits here to the emperor. Anyway, I'll be rewarded with a part-time job. I'm so old. When have I ever suffered this kind of hardship. What kind of cake, I used to leave my dog alone. "When the man came alive, he began to talk nonsense. Yanhe sneered, "no one here forces you to eat. What's more, I don't see what you've suffered, when it's all over, and you're in a mood to laugh and laugh with women. Lin Shuanghe, you're so promiscuous that you can't change it. "

"Don't talk about it. You are upright and awe inspiring," Lin Shuanghe scolded him. "You have a wife and children, and I'm still alone. How can I know which girl is my destiny? It's natural to try. You hanged yourself in a tree early, and you saw others picking flowers and smelling grass. Are you sick? "

Yan he heard the speech and was about to refute. A soldier who passed by said in surprise: "general Yan, do you have a child?"

Yan he stares at Lin Shuanghe, and Lin Shuanghe coughs gently. Xia Chengxiu's pregnancy has not yet been publicized. It's just that being heard right now has no reason to deny it. Yanhe said: "not yet born, in my wife's abdomen."

The soldier looked more than 30 years old, with a dark face and some simple and honest appearance. After hearing the speech, he sat down and scratched his head: "that's a good feeling. When the general returns from the battle, he will see the child. Just like I was. "

"You?" Yanhe asked, "do you have a child?"

"Nonsense," Lin Shuanghe couldn't help saying, "do you think you're the only one in the world who can be a father?"

The man scratched his head and said with a smile, "yes, there are two. The older one is three years old, and the younger one is just full moon. When I went back this time, I wanted to spend more days with my daughter-in-law, but I didn't expect the uto people to come I told my daughter-in-law that I would give my youngest son a silver collar to wear when I got the salary after the war. And my eldest daughter, when I left, I cried and cried, and my heart was broken... "

Yan He has never been an approachable person. Because of his noble birth and proud temperament, he always takes a bit of pride even when he gets along with his subordinates. Today, however, because this man and he are both "father" status, he rarely said a few more words.

He asked, "is your daughter deeply in love with you? You live in barracks, don't you go home much? How can she be close to you? "

Lin Shuanghe is puzzled: "are you seeking the experience of predecessors for the trouble you may encounter in the future?"

Yanhe scolded him: "shut up." He also looked at the man in front of him, "say it quickly."

"This I don't know The man was a little confused. "I do go home a little, but every time I go home, I always remember to take her favorite maltose, buy her a nice cloth, and let my daughter-in-law make her a new dress. Don't worry about general Yan. It is said that girls are all close to their father. If the general's wife is a daughter, she must be very close to general Yan. "

Yanhe was so elated by him that he immediately looked dignified, "what if it was a son?"

"That's not better?" The man said: "the general will take the young master by his side, and go to battle with his father and son, and there is no need to separate them."

Yanhe suddenly realized and looked at the man in front of him: "I didn't expect you, a father, have two points of intelligence."

Lin Shuanghe is speechless.

I was afraid that the little man's leg had been lying on the battlefield. If, "he looked at the sky in the distance," I wish I could go back alive, I would buy her her favorite candy cake. "

Yan he was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he also looked at the distance.

The sky is dyed red by the setting sun, the setting sun is like blood, and the field is gentle and silent.

"Don't worry," he said, "she will be able to eat the candy you bought." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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