Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 263: 263: 263

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After the rain, it will be summer soon.

In this season of shuojing, the rain should keep falling. But in Jiuchuan, the desert is boundless, and there is already summer heat. The sun is long and dry, and the soldiers' lips are peeling.

The fighting was particularly fierce.

After the victory of the first battle last time, he Yan led the Fuyue army to fight with the uto many times. Wu Tuo people have suffered many times in the hands of Wu'an Marquis, but they gradually understand that Wu'an marquis is by no means an incompetent person who has a superficial appearance and is lucky to be an official. The exquisite arrangement of her array, her bravery in the battle, and even her skillful swordsmanship make the uto people think of the legendary general Feihong.

So it is.

After several exchanges, Heyan made a general understanding of the operational forms of the uto people and began to counter attack. She was extremely patient and not in a hurry to attack the city. She only practiced the tactics of "guarding when the thief comes, chasing after the thief when he goes; shining soldiers in the daytime and attacking his camp at night". The uto people can't stand such "harassment" from time to time. For a long time, their morale was low, they were depressed and tired, and they saw that they were defeated again and again.

Today is the time to attack the city.

The woman in red armor galloped on a horse in the battle field. The flags and drums rocked the sky, and the swords and swords were shining. Under her command, the battle array was like a swift dragon, and she rushed to the enemy's camp with a deadly spirit.

Her sword never moved forward.

The two armies fought, and the red land was a thousand miles away.

Wheat is fighting with a strong man of uto. Although he is young and strong, he is not as good as stone in terms of his starting hand. At the moment, he tries his best to kick the knee of the person in front of him. The man is kicked staggering. Wheat takes advantage of this opportunity to wipe his neck with a knife.

When his opponent fell down, he was relieved that he did not show a happy smile. Suddenly, he was knocked down by a man and rolled on the ground for two times. Wheat heart a tight, subconsciously looked up, saw the stone holding him, back block in front of him, a black arrow into his back, only a little feather.

The stone's lips moved, and only had time to say two words: "be careful."

Another arrow pierced his back.

The boy spat out a mouthful of blood Let's go

"Big brother -" cried wheat with grief. Wang BA at the other end rushed to the two archers who were ambushed in the dark and fought with them.

He was always smiling and lively. Now his face was full of panic. He fell down with tears and knelt down beside him, shouting: "brother, don't scare me, brother..."

The stone looked at the young brother in front of him. Two arrows were in the middle of his chest. His physical strength was gradually passing away. The battlefield was so chaotic and wheat was very dangerous.

"Go Don't stay here... " He said with difficulty, "danger..."

Then the light in his eyes went out.

Wheat issued a cry of pain, but unfortunately, this is the battlefield, no one paid attention to his grief at the moment.

Death happens anytime, anywhere.

Huang Xiong's armor has been cut to pieces, and his face has suffered a lot of injuries. He is old enough to deal with ordinary thieves, but he has some difficulties in dealing with these tough and cunning uto people.

The uto man in front of him was tangled with him. He was slashed at the mouth of the tiger. His flesh and blood were blurred. When he held the knife, his heart ached and his strength gradually lost. Even the gold knife which had been with him for many years became very heavy, as if it was hard to wield it.

His exhaustion was seen in the eyes of the other party, and the uto people said with a smile: "no, this big man can't!"

Most of all, his appearance was majestic, and the golden sword was particularly conspicuous. The uto people paid close attention to him and cried, "this knife belongs to me!"

Huang Xiong said in a deep voice, "dream."

He held a big knife in his hand and cut at the same place with the blade of the other party. At this time, his back suddenly became cool. A bright long knife ran through his chest from his back, making him stagger.

The uto behind him laughed wildly.

However, only half of this smile, the bear shaped man gave a big drink, and suddenly turned back, regardless of the wound on his body, lifted up the big knife in his hand, and immediately cut off the head of the uto people behind him. The other head of elated laughter also stopped at the moment when the golden light would take his life away.

The armor on his body was completely pierced by the tip of the knife. He held the handle of the knife and pulled it out suddenly. At the moment of pulling out, he could not support it and fell to the ground.

In his hand, he still held the golden back sword tightly.

For so many years, he had been wandering because of this sword, but it was also the sword that accompanied him to travel thousands of miles, blood blade enemy. He is now alone and unconcerned, and it is not a pity that he had been with him for many years before he died.

It's just

Lu Zhuang's man looks at the sky. The Buddha beads on his chest are warm and dark. He is in a trance to see his mother praying in front of the Buddha Hall. The wanderers in the distance will come back soon. The sisters are offering steaming meals. The elder brother is in the courtyard asking his nephew what he has just learned today

So calm, so comfortable.

He closed his eyes at ease, and his expression was more peaceful than ever.

The prodigal son drifted outside for so long, now, finally can return home.……

The city is broken.

The soldiers of Yan Jiaxi were exposed to the wild. The soldiers cheered for the hard won victory, and there was a happy smile on every surviving face.

The head of the woman was in high spirits and never felt tired. She was always like this, as if she never had a weak side. It is because of her presence that the morale of the Vietnamese army is getting stronger and stronger day by day.

Wutuo people were beaten to leave the city to escape, so far, Jiuchuan was finally recaptured by their great Wei.

He Yan's face still has not had time to wipe the bloodstain, was about to go to count the results of the war, saw Wang Ba face dignified toward her.

The smile on the corner of her lips vanished.

"You have a look." He said.

In recent days of war, people have been dying. The men from liangzhouwei finally realize that this time is different from every time before. The war made them grow up rapidly, and they became silent, firm and calm. Wang BA was no longer a man who used to shout to and fro before. These days, he was quite calm.

He Yan followed him to the front.

The dead soldiers can only be buried on the spot. The surviving soldiers are checking whether they have any keepsakes with them. If they can be found, they will return to shuojing and give them to their families. Most of the soldiers here have a letter on their bodies before they go to the battlefield. If they die in the war, the comrades in arms will take the letter back to their families.

He Yan saw the stone and Huang Xiong.

She had known for a long time that people could not decide their own life and death when they went to the battlefield. When you put on your armor, you are ready to give your life. Those who live to the end are not so lucky that they can't help watching their comrades leave one by one.

First Hongshan, now Shitou and huangxiong.

The stone was killed by an arrow, the arrow was pulled out, and the clothes on the chest were dyed red. Huang Xiong died under the knife. I heard that he finally died with two uto people. When he finally found him, he still held the knife in his hand.

He Yan knelt down in front of the two of them and carefully arranged their clothes.

Wheat was crying hoarse and his eyes were red. Heyan still remembers that when he first saw stone and wheat, her brother hunter, who had grown up in the mountains since childhood, told her of his ambition to join the army. Wheat was lively and naive, greedy and fun, and stone was silent, steady and careful.

The war changed all that.

A small soldier asked, "my Lord, brother Huang's knife..."

Such a good knife, if used in the battlefield, is also enviable.

"He has no family. This knife is his family. He has been with him for so many years. Let's bury him with him." He Yan looked at the man on the ground. The big brother who always couldn't tell the direction was always wandering around and lost. Seeing the calm smile on his face, he thought he had found his way home.

She stood up, but in a moment of sadness, she said, "call them to my tent and talk about war."

Step firm, do not look back.


As if to celebrate the victory of recapturing Jiuchuan, the moon came out late at night.

The woman in the camp left the last stroke on the map, rubbed her eyes, stood up and went out.

She climbed up the tower and looked into the distance. The direction outside the city was a vast expanse of yellow sand. The distant beacon reflected the ground of Changping. The desert was desolate. The white tower was here, like a lonely boat in the deep sea.

A crescent moon hanging in the night sky, will be desolate temporarily lit up a few minutes.

She sat down on the ground, her stomach made a light sound, only to find that the war is over, so far, she has not eaten a bite.

A dry cake was handed over to him. He Yan was stunned. Jiang Jiao came over from behind and sat down beside her. He said, "I know you probably didn't eat it. I left it for you."

He Yan smile: "thank you very much."

She took a bite of the dry cake and filled her stomach with coarse grain, which brought real satiety.

Jiang Jiao handed her the kettle, and she took a big drink with her head up. His face was still covered with mud and blood. He looked very embarrassed. Only his eyes were as bright as stars.

There was a sudden emotion in his heart.

In the Fuyue army, everyone said that he Yan was born brave and used the army like a God, never tired. The men needed rest after the war. However, after she got off the battlefield, she counted the results of the war, arranged the follow-up pursuit and re analyzed the enemy's situation. Up to now, her clothes have not been changed and her dry food has not been eaten. Only at this moment, when she is sitting on the ground in a deserted city building, will she show a little bit of her own fatigue.

He heard Heyan's voice: "how's the wheat?"

"Not so good. Wang Ba is always with him." Jiang Jiao's voice sank.

Liangzhouwei's brother has already gone half way. And who is next to go, who can go to the last, alive back to shuojing, no one can say.

He Yan looked up and poured down a saliva, the voice was still calm, "let him go out quickly."

This is cruel, but Jiang Jiao also understood that this is in the battlefield, battlefield, will not leave a sad time.Although he Yan did not shed tears, it does not mean that she is not sad. After all, she is a woman. She should be very powerless to stay here alone and watch the people around her leave one by one.

"Brother he," Jiang Jiao asked, "do you want the governor?"

The answer was silence.

After a while, Heyan raised his head and looked at the distance of the tower.

Lonely desert, only that round of silvery moon, quietly suspended in the night.

"No She slightly raised the corner of her mouth, as if through the crescent moon in front of her eyes, saw another person.

"I know. He's there."

The voice of crows came from the distance. The cold wind at night made the torch like a shaking star. The young woman stood up and patted someone on the shoulder: "go back early. There is a hard battle to fight tomorrow."

Turn around and leave.

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It has been raining for days in Jijun. The rain has washed away the mud and blood on the ground. If it were not for the scattered weapons and corpses, the soldiers could not see that there had just been a fierce battle here.

In the camp, the man in sackcloth looked at the general sitting in the tent and said, "Yan Nanguang, you don't want to die!"

The last white robe on his body was not spared the fate of being cut into cloth strips. From then on, he wore the linen clothes of ordinary people and shuttled through the camp of Yanjia army. Now, the young master of the Lin family is no longer as elegant as he used to be. Twelve hours a day, ten hours a day, his face is dirty and his hands are stained with blood.

The war is getting more and more tense. The wounded soldiers are more and more, and the military doctors are not enough. He is the most powerful and reassuring existence here.

But now, only Lin Shuanghe knows how upset he is.

Yan he did not pay attention to him. He just frowned and counted the results of last night's battle. Last night, the Yan Family army defeated the uto people, killed 10000 enemies and captured thousands of horses. This is a good thing to celebrate.

"Yan Nanguang, did you hear me?" Lin Shuanghe is in a hurry.

"I hear you." Yanhe replied impatiently.

"Do you know that you are in danger now?" Lin Shuanghe lowered his voice, "you will die!"

On that day, Yanhe rescued the father, who was already a pair of children, from the uto people. However, he was hurt by the uto who secretly fired a cold arrow. Although he did not hurt the vital point, he only stabbed his arm, but the other party came to him with poison on the arrow.

Lin Shuanghe can't get rid of the poison.

On the battlefield, there was no medicine for him to slowly develop an antidote.

The poison spreads day by day. If you don't find the antidote as soon as possible, Yanhe will die. But he has been fighting and fighting for days. The poison marks on his wounds have spread faster and deeper, which makes Lin Shuanghe's heart beat. If Yanhe can put aside the war for a while, the toxicity will be slower, maybe it can last longer, but now, if it goes on like this, maybe I can't wait to go back to shuojing.

"Have you developed an antidote?" Yanhe frowned.

Lin Shuanghe was stunned and replied dejectedly, "No

"Since it's all death, why do you care so much?" Yan he didn't think so.

He didn't seem to care, as if he were talking about other people's lives. Not even worried about it, Lin Shuanghe asked, "do you really want to continue like this?"

"Lin Shuanghe, this is in the battlefield." Yanhe's voice was solemn. "In recent days, we've got a lot of good results, and the morale of the uto people has been greatly damaged. If we continue, we will soon be able to recapture Jijun. At such times, we should strike while the iron is hot and do not take advantage of the high morale. It will be difficult to wait for this opportunity in the future. In the battlefield, there is no time to stop. "

Lin Shuanghe closed his eyes.

He knew that Yanhe was right and truthful. But as a doctor, he knew that if he went on like this, there might be a ray of life, and it would become impossible.

"You know..." At best, if you don't stop, he'll stop March. "

"March," Yanhe said, "in March, the battle will be finished."

Up to now, what he thinks about is still the result of this battle. Lin Shuanghe can't help but say: "even if you don't care, don't you think about Chengxiu? Yan Nanguang, your child is still waiting for you to go back! "

Yan He's fingers trembled slightly, but his face was still normal. He said as if nothing had happened: "since you know, go and develop an antidote for me. Why else would you come here? Since you are a miracle doctor, can you only cure women, not men? "

If he was ordinary, Lin Shuanghe would surely come forward to make a theory when he heard such words questioning his medical skills. But now, he just looked at Yan He, and suddenly understood that even if he knew that he had only one day's life, he would use this last day to be a good master.

On the battlefield, he is not Xia Chengxiu's husband, nor Yan Mucha's father. He is the leader of Yan's army and the general of Wei Dynasty. That's all.

"I see." Lin Shuanghe looked at him deeply, "I will do my best."He turned and went out. At the table, Yanhe raised his eyes and looked at Lin Shuanghe's back. Suddenly, he vomited out a black bloodstain.

Poison will not only make him lose his life, but also make him suffer. However, this can not be revealed in front of people. Yan Family army need a backbone, in the war before the victory, he can never fall down.

Yanhe casually pulled the cloth towel on one side, wiped the blood stains on the corner of his lips, and scattered his painful expression. His eyes fell again on the military defense map in front of him.

Three months

He has to be quick.


In the school hall, on the green lotus leaves in the pond, pink bone flowers begin to appear. Dragonflies skim over the water, and their glass like wings make a light ripple.

After summer, the days grow longer, and the wind brings warm sunshine.

In the school hall in the afternoon, the sun is just right. The teenagers are sitting and dozing off. The good time is always extra long.

Someone ran in from the outside, jumped on the table with joy and excitement, and said, "good news, good news, the Fuyue army led by Lord Hou he of Wu'an recaptured Jiuchuan and defeated the bandits of uto --"

in an instant, they were awakened by the news.

"Really? Have you recaptured Jiuchuan so quickly? "

"It's true. It's all over the place! I just came back from outside. "

"The Marquis Wu'an was very fierce. The four generals sent out their troops separately, but the Fuyue army headed by women took the lead in taking the city."

"What about women? Is not general Feihong, the former leader of Fuyue army, also a woman? I see that Marquis Wu'an is also a heroine. I'm not sure that when he returns to Beijing, the emperor will become a senior official, and he will be general Wu'an in the future! "

In the corner of the school library, the young people sitting in the room are dazzled. Hearing this letter, they are still unbelievable.

He Yan won? Has Jiuchuan been recaptured?

Just thinking, a group of people "Hula" surrounded.

"He Yunsheng, your sister is so powerful that she has made contributions so quickly! I think your family will only go up in the future. "

"Hey, hey, brother he, brother he, from today on, we are good brothers. As long as you are developed in the future, don't forget to take me with you."

"Bah! One by one, you were still talking about people behind your back. Lord he is all stained with the light of governor Xiao. You don't have much skill. Now all of you are in the face! Lord he went to Jiuchuan, but he led his troops alone, but he sent back the good news first than general Yan, Dudu Xiao and general Huwei. It can be seen that people have real skills. "

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm really good. I don't know Mount Tai. Brother Yunsheng, brother Yunsheng..."

He Yunsheng is surrounded by the warm compliments from his classmates. He has only one idea in his mind. He Yan wins and she is safe

The youth slightly side head, the corner of the mouth can not help but up, heart, calculate she this time abide by the agreement.


The pomegranate tree in Xiao's house has become the best shade place in summer.

The yellow dog crouched under the tree and squinted lazily. The green plum added water to its sink and wiped the sweat on its forehead. As he was about to return to the house, a shadow jumped in from outside. His voice was cheerful: "sister green plum, sister green plum!"

Green plum startled, see Baiguo a gust of wind like run over, help her, "what's the matter? Why are you so happy? "

"I just went outside and heard people outside saying that the second young lady won the battle and took the Fuyue army back to Jiuchuan! Sister Qingmei, the second young lady has done meritorious service

Er Mao was also infected by the excitement of ginkgo, and jumped up and circled for ginkgo twice.

Bai Rong Wei was carried over by her maid, and her voice was a surprise that could not be hidden: "really?"

"It's true." Baiguo said happily: "the second young lady is very powerful. Although she led the army alone for the first time, she even won the battle. She took Jiuchuan back so quickly. I heard that when the second young lady came back, the emperor would surely have a lot of rewards! We can't say that another general will come out of our family! "

Bai Rong Wei was amused by her and said angrily, "you can talk." He shook his head and said with a smile: "it's not important to give rewards for meritorious deeds. As long as ah he is safe and sound, everyone will be very happy."

Now her abdomen has been gradually raised, but there is war on the border, Xiao Rubi is also very busy every day. When Bai Rongwei is alone, he can't help worrying about Xiao Jue and he Yan. To say that both of them are in the same place, they have a care for each other, but they are in the opposite direction. Xiao Jue is OK. He always goes to the battlefield. The Nanfu soldiers are brought out by Xiao Zhong at the beginning of Wudang. He Yan is different. When she led the army for the first time, not everyone in the army was convinced. She was a woman, and there were always many inconveniences. Bai Rongwei broke her heart, and now she can relax a little.

"I think uncle he should be back soon." Bai Rong said with a smile: "if he knew that ah he had won the battle, he would be very happy."

Since he Yan and Xiao Jue left Beijing, Bai Rongwei and Xiao Jing went to hesui home more frequently. First of all, the house Xiao Jue bought for them was originally close to the Xiao family, but it was a street away, so it was convenient to come and go. Secondly, Bai Rong thought that she was so worried about her sister-in-law. He Sui, a father-in-law, was always worried. He Yunsheng was a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, so he was not as intimate as his daughter. Xiao Zhongwu and his wife died early. Hesui was both Heyan's father and their father. Therefore, the husband and wife often went to talk with hesui and help him to relieve his boredom. However, the in laws were more harmonious than other families in Shuo capital."The eldest young master is coming back soon," Baiguo chirped: "madam, today is a happy event. I'll let the little kitchen cook some good dishes. I think it's a celebration!"

"OK," Bai Rong said with a smile, "green plum, you also go to he's house, and ask him uncle Yunsheng to have dinner together in the evening."

Green plum smell speech, show a big smile, "good, maidservant this go."


In the palace, in the imperial study, Emperor Zhaokang looked at the folding in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

It's probably the happiest thing since the accession to the throne.

The Chamberlain looked at the emperor's face and said, "the Empress Dowager came here in the morning. Your majesty is busy with political affairs. It's getting late now."

Emperor Zhaokang stood up and said, "I'm going to see my mother."

In Qing Lan palace, LAN Guifei, who should be the Empress Dowager now, is leaning on the soft collapse to read a book. Although she has become the empress dowager, she has not moved out of the palace, and she has done the same thing as before.

"Mother." When Emperor Zhaokang approached, he called her.

The Empress Dowager put down the book in her hand and looked at her predecessors with a smile: "the emperor seems to be in a good mood today. Is he happy for the success of Jiuchuan?"

In front of his mother, Emperor Zhaokang finally showed his real joy and said with a smile, "naturally, I didn't expect that Marquis Wu'an was so brave that he would take the lead in winning the city than Yan He Xiao Huaijin!"

Although he had given the military power to Heyan, most of them were for the sake of Xiao Jue. He had only heard of his skills, but he did not know how capable she was in leading troops. Now, the good news that came to him finally put his heart down, this woman, even better than he imagined.

"It seems that the emperor has underestimated her a few days ago, and does not think that Wu'an Marquis can really gallop the battlefield." The Empress Dowager knows.

Emperor Zhaokang was a little embarrassed. "I just didn't expect that there would be a woman like general Feihong in the world."

At the beginning, "general Feihong" was already one in a million. Such a talent has fallen, which makes people feel sad. But now, there is such a lucky general. Who can not say that this is the great Wei God bless?

"Ai Jia told you," the Empress Dowager said softly, "don't look down on women. There are thousands of women in Wei Dynasty, but there will be a third or fourth general Feihong."

"What my mother taught me is."

"Marquis Wu'an is a pure minded and upright man. Such a good minister can not be found. Since the emperor has met him, he must recruit him. This time she recaptured Jiuchuan, which is a great achievement, and he family has no background. The emperor has figured out how to reward Wu'an Hou? "

Hearing this, Emperor Zhaokang chuckled and said, "well, mother, don't worry. I've already thought about it. When she returns to the court, I'll make her a real general. From then on, she will be left in the history of the great Wei Dynasty. "

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