Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 265: 265: 265

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On the first day of June, the closed gate of geeshire finally opened.

Two thousand Wei soldiers took the lead in entering the city and surrendered with the uto soldiers.

After the death of guide Zhonglang general Yanhe, the remaining Yanjia army was like a loose sand, unable to cope with several attacks launched by the uto people. Now the disabled and defeated generals have no foreign aid. It is sooner or later to surrender. The uto people were not suspicious. All the utuo soldiers on both sides of the gate were carrying swords, mocking and satirizing the weakness of the soldiers of the great Wei Dynasty.

He Yan was hidden in the army of Wei Dynasty. Her face has been dusted, can not see the original appearance, with the army and horses mixed in.

These two thousand people were all selected by Heyan himself. Most of them were Fuyue troops, not for anything else. Now the Yan Family army has not run in with her. The Fuyue army has been fighting with her for a period of time, and they all have a tacit understanding. It is very dangerous to enter the city this time, and there is no way out.

After Yan He's death, only Chen Cheng, his deputy general, can speak up in Yan's army. At the end of the road, shajit, a general of uto people, looked at Chen Cheng and burst out laughing. He only said, "great Wei coward, but it is so!"

Chen Cheng lowered his head and asked, "if all our troops surrender to uto, can we let our soldiers live?"

"Of course, of course." Shajit, who was strong and strong, said sarcastically: "since you surrender to uto, you will be uto people from now on. We will not do anything to our own people!"

"Please open the gate and accept the surrender of Wei." Chen Cheng replied.

"It's a small matter to open the gate, but the troops that come down have to be the same as you," he pointed to the troops. "Take off your weapons and tie your hands

He still doesn't trust Dawei.

"There's no problem," Chen said He said, "please let me send a man back to explain this."

Shajit: good

Chen Cheng walks up to a soldier and whispers a few words in his ear. The soldier nods, turns and walks towards the gate. He is halfway there. All of a sudden, a uto standing next to him suddenly shoots an arrow with a bow, and the arrow pierces the chest of the soldier who went back to give orders.

The soldier fell to the ground before he could even make a sound. Chen Cheng was furious, "what's going on? I don't mean to tell him to go back and give orders! "

"Now that you are prisoners, how dare you offer us conditions?" The uto, who was holding a bow and arrow, said with disdain, "no more nonsense, I'll kill you together!"

Shajit said with a smile, "why be angry? It's just an ordinary soldier. Can't you send another one?"

Their attitude was clearly intended to infuriate the soldiers of the Wei Dynasty. He Yan had a bad idea in his heart. Before he could make a sound warning, a Yan Family army suddenly rushed to the uto people in front of him, shouting: "soldiers can be killed, not disgraced, fight with them --"

He Yan sighed in his heart.

The style of a general will affect the conduct of the whole military team. Yanhe is direct and brave, and so are the soldiers under his command. He can't be agitated. Now, all the previous preparations are useless.

But what about that?

The soldiers in front of them had already dealt with the uto people. Before they entered the city, they removed their weapons. Now they can only take the blade from each other's hands with empty hands.

It's tragic and breathtaking.

He Yan kicked aside the uto people who were attacking him. He grabbed the long knife in his hand with his backhand, and yelled: "children, follow me!"


The battlefield outside Yunzi city is full of blood.

The uto soldiers outside the city were beaten scurrying around in a panic. The reason why "killing generals" are "killing generals", "Jiuqi battalion" is "Jiuqi battalion" and "Nanfu soldiers" are "Nanfu soldiers" because most of the people who have dealt with them died in the battlefield. Others can only learn from the lucky escape how the team is invincible, but only when they face each other on the battlefield can they know that the rumor is less than one tenth.

Among thousands of troops, the young man with black armour sword is like an emissary who crawls out of hell to reap his life. The blade of the sword is as calm and indifferent as his eyes. His appearance like jade brings endless killing intention.

And he wasn't fighting alone.

The cavalry behind him, like his shield and his gun, made the army seem invincible and daunting.

A man's army is like a wolf like a tiger, a wind like rain, a thunder like a thunderbolt, shaking the world.

This is a crucial battle and the final siege. As long as this battle is victorious, Yunzi can be recaptured, and the rest is just cleaning up the mess.

But for this battle, Xiao Jue and the soldiers of Nanfu have been waiting for a long time.

The wutuo people of Yunzi refused to open the gate to face the Nanfu soldiers. They were afraid of the prestige of the Nanfu soldiers and the nine flag battalion, and wanted to advance their internal strife. They still have reserves in Yunzi City, and the army of the Wei Dynasty stationed outside the city will have to eat up one day.

Every day Xiao Jue made people walk around the city carrying rice grain. He specially showed them to the uto people who came secretly to inquire about the news. It was only two days a day. After a long time, the uto people would be suspicious. When they saw that the great Wei Dynasty was rich in rice and had high morale, he was frightened and timid, and his morale declined.But it's not just that.

As early as before he came to Yunzi, Xiao Jue had arranged to accompany several skilled craftsmen in the soldiers of Nanfu. After arriving in Yunzi, he sent soldiers and craftsmen to dig tunnels to lead to Yunzi city. They also let people use strong crossbows to shoot stone arrows at the city every day to harass the uto people. For a long time, the uto people were worried every day. Even if the leader ordered that they should not leave the city, their military morale had been shaken.

Sometimes the battle of wits among generals is just more calm than others. Whoever can't sit down first will lose.

After all, the wutuo people who occupied Yunzi were attacked by Xiao Jue. In the early morning, they went out of the city to fight with Nanfu soldiers.

The long-term preparation made the victory of the campaign a logical one.

Tens of thousands of enemy troops were captured and countless weapons were captured. A small number of uto people fled in a hurry, which was not enough to fear.

So far, the overall situation of Yunzi has been decided.

From spring to autumn, the soldiers of Nanfu cheered each other for nearly half a year. Although they looked relaxed, only they knew that they had a hard time. Yunzi offshore, wet at night, many soldiers have a red rash, a night, strange itching unbearable. There is also military food, which has been insufficient for a long time. The load of white rice that the uto people see every day is actually the same load.

"Finally I can go home!" A slightly younger Nanfu soldier grinned and said, "Yunzi, I've stayed enough here. I'm back in Beijing!"

Chiwu passed by him and was about to reprimand him. When the words came to his mouth, he did not say them. Instead, he showed a smile.

It's a pleasure to be able to go home alive.

In the camp, the military doctor is healing the wounds of the main commander.

The young man's middle coat was faded to the shoulder, and the front chest was covered with thick cloth strips. Since he was the commander of the right army, he was the center of all the spearheads of the uto people. He was wounded by his open guns and hidden arrows. However, black armor covered his wound, and no one saw him bleeding. Therefore, others always thought that general Fengyun would not be injured.

"Don't do too much action these days." The old military doctor with white beard reminded, "although the arrow does not hurt the vital part, the wound is also very deep. It is best to take a few more days to rest, so as not to fall ill in the future."

Xiao Jue pulled up his robe and covered the wound. He nodded and said, "thank you very much."

As soon as the old military doctor withdrew, someone came in again. He was a flying slave. He walked quickly with a letter in his hand. His expression was rare and anxious, "young master, there is a letter from the county of geese."

Jijun is far away from Yunzi. It has been some time since the letter came. The last time I received a letter from the other end of Jijun, I learned about Yanhe's death. Jiuchuan has received a good report, but Jijun has no chief General. Heyan leads the Yue army to help.

This time, this letter should be after he Yan arrived in Jijun.

Feinu handed the letter to Xiao Jue, looking ugly. Although he did not open the letter, but from the messenger's mouth, already knew the news from the other end.

It's not really good news.

Jijun is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Now the Yanjia army has lost its chief General. If the war is not ended as soon as possible, it will only do harm to the great Wei Dynasty. He Yan, with two thousand troops, pretended to surrender and enter the city in an attempt to break the army of the uto people from the city. When the city was in turmoil, he took the opportunity to open the gate and let the Fuyue army cooperate with the rest of the Yan Family army to kill the uto people by surprise.

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There was no problem with the plan. Unfortunately, during the implementation of the plan, a Yan Family army could not resist the provocation of the uto people, and the plan was disrupted. The Wei soldiers led by Heyan fought with the uto people in the city. Although he opened the gate to win the battle, he Yan was seriously injured and in a very bad situation.

Xiao Jue stares at the letter in front of her.

The letter was written by Lin Shuanghe and his handwriting was very scribbled. It can be seen that when he wrote this letter, the situation was urgent. Although the authorities did not say how bad the situation was, we can imagine it.

When two thousand people enter the city, once they do it in advance, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Without weapons, they will be in a weak position. In addition, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists

What's more, although he won the battle, the uto people will fight back once they know that the general is injured. Lin Shuanghe didn't understand the situation of the war, and the letter was not clear. He didn't know what the situation was.

Feinu looked at Xiao Jue's face.

To be honest, this letter came at a bad time. As long as the battle field of Yunzi is over, Xiao Jue will be in a state of confusion at this time. However, Yunzi and Jijun are not in the same direction at all. Even if we turn around and go to Jijun now, we can't catch up.

Can only watch, how difficult.

"Young master, do you want to leave for Jijun..."

"No need." Xiao Jue interrupted him.

Feinu didn't dare to speak.

Xiao Jue stood up and walked out of the camp.

Outside, the west wind is coming. It's almost autumn. At night, all the inflammations fade away, leaving only a whistling coolness.

In the distance, the sea is vast and the tide is surging. The moon is reflected in the clouds, and the sea water is dyed white.

The night in the frontier has always been like this. The sun is cold, the grass is short, and the moon is bitter and frost white. But what is the difference between the color of the moon in the desert and that in the sea?There is a faint pain in my chest. I don't know whether it's a wound or something else. He raised his eyes, quietly looking at the cold moon in the sky, floating in his ears, is a woman's hearty voice.

"I want you to promise me that if there is news, no matter what it is, do what you should do, do not affect the overall situation, do not stay, and move on."

Keep going.

A moment later, he withdrew his eyes, turned and walked in the direction of the camp.

The deputy general came forward and hesitated to ask, "governor, next..."

"After daybreak, pack up the remaining soldiers to the north." He said.


Jiyang's summer heat was finally blown away by the autumn wind and rain overnight.

in the early morning, under the Wutong tree outside the temple, there was a thick layer of gold, 32 pieces fell into the pond, and occasionally the fish floated to the surface. At the top of the light, it swam away quickly, leaving only a little bit of ripple on the tail.

Mu Hongjin walks to the courtyard.

The maid said, "Your Highness, Lord Cui is here."

Cui Yuezhi came in from the outside. These days, he has lost a lot of weight and looks more energetic than before. The army of Jiyang city was not strong when the uto invaded the territory of the Wei Dynasty. Previously, Xiao Jue and Heyan defeated each other because they defeated each other. Now Xiao Jue and Heyan have gone to the battlefield. Although Jiyang is safe now, the last thing is a lesson. After the end of the new year, Cui Yue spent every day in the martial arts arena, practicing Jiyang City Army, so that one day if there were thieves coming, he would also have a strong foundation.

He saluted Mu Hongjin and handed over the scroll, "Your Highness, this is the battle report of Jijun and Yunzi."

Mu Hongjin reached for it.

She is also a little older, but now, she does not ask her maid to pull out the new white hair on her head every day. In the hair that is pulled up, the stars are gray. However, she doesn't care. Mu Xiaolou has grown up gradually. Sooner or later, Jiyang city will be handed over to the new Wang nu.

Everyone will be old, and aging, should not be a terrible thing.

She opened the scroll, and her eyes fell on the handwriting in the scroll for a long time. Then she closed the scroll and sighed.

"Both Jiuchuan and Yunzi have been recovered, and everything is well in Hejiang. Good news has come from Jijun. Your highness is worried about miss he?" Cui Yuezhi asked.

He Yan's life and death is uncertain, which is indeed a matter of concern. Cui Yuezhi still remembers that when she saw Heyan last time, when she didn't take weapons, she was just like an ordinary girl. When she picked up her weapons, she felt like she was born for the battlefield. At that time, they all knew that he Yan was not an ordinary woman, but they were surprised when they learned that she led the Fuyue army to Jiuchuan alone.

At that time, the young general Fei Hong was also a woman, but the woman in the world was no longer alive. How lucky they were to see another one in their lifetime.

But now, does this female general, like general Feihong, fall early?

The woman in the red robe with wide sleeves shook her head slightly when she heard the speech. Her eyes were a little disappointed. "I just don't want to..."

Don't want to see a lover like her, can't get a good ending.

The things in the world are too difficult to be perfect. She has already been so. She really doesn't want to see her beloved's disciples walk on the road of separation between heaven and man like her.


In the Buddhist temple in Rundu City, the Golden Buddha is kind, overlooking all living beings. The women in the temple kneel on the haystack, closing their eyes and praying for the people in the distance.

These are the female prisoners who were rescued from the uto people by Heyan in the first World War of Rundu. If it had not been for Heyan to stop them, now they would have become a pile of white bones, no longer today. Since Da Heyan left Rundu, Zhao Shiming, the county magistrate of Rundu, was entrusted by Heyan to take care of these women. Most of them were not recognized by their families. Some even died in the hands of the uto people. Zhao Shiming found an embroidery workshop for them in the city, doing embroidery work on weekdays to make a living.

For these women, to be able to do so, has been an extraordinary surprise. Although they have not yet come out of their inferiority complex, they have the courage to face the future again.

When the news that he Yan led his troops to assist Jijun county and was seriously injured reached Rundu, these women were all in a state of impatience. They only wished that they could go to the battlefield together as men and kill the enemy with the heroine. Now, they can only pray for Heyan in the Buddhist temple, praying that the young and brave girl can get better soon and return safely.

Outside the hall, the county magistrate in long robes sighed: "you see, they are more devout. In their hearts, they really respect Xiaohe."

At his side, Li Kuang looked at the women in the palace and did not speak.

It has been nearly a year since the death of qiluo. Even so, sometimes he talks and does things, will subconsciously look for that pretty figure. Countless nights, he woke up from a dream, always thinking of that day, qiluo looked at his eyes.

There is no resentment, only doubts and puzzles.

He Yan was right. He was wrong, so later, up to now, he spent more time practicing Rundu City Army. There is no way to make up for the mistakes he has made, and all he can do is not let them happen again."Mr. Li saw it now. They survived and lived well." Zhao Shiming said.

When he Yan rescued these women, everyone thought that she was just a waste of effort. Even if the women who had been insulted by the enemy survived, they would not be able to resist the secular eyes. The guidance and ridicule behind them would become the last straw to crush them. Leaving this world is their choice sooner or later.

Before he left, he Yan told Zhao Shiming how to arrange for these women, and even left a sum of money by herself. She really thought for those women. And now, the women have lived up to her.

Li Kuang bowed his head and laughed at himself: "I'm not as good as her."

"How many people in the world can compare with those like Xiaohe?" Zhao Shiming stroked his beard. "I hope Xiaohe can turn the devil into a lucky one in Jijun. If she is there, these women will have their own place."

Zhao Shiming looked at the distant sky, and a line of autumn geese flew by. He looked at it for a while and whispered, "I hope so." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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