Rebirth to 90s: the Heroine of the Salted Fish Quit Her Job

Chapter 143: 143

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Liu Liang didn't sit down until Lin Xiaoyu asked several students to get the books, but she obviously felt that the students in this class rejected her.

"Don't they know you?"

Liu Lele clenched his fist angrily, just like looking for someone to fight hard. You have participated in so many competitions.

"I'm not a celebrity. It's not surprising that I don't know."

"What's the matter with that teacher? Do you have a grudge against you?"

Liu Lele can hear that Lin Xiaoyu's malice towards Liu Liang is more than malice. She is full of malice. Now her whole body is full of thorns and is angry with teacher Lin.

"This is the first day. I feel like I'm suffocating."

A bad learning environment, a annoying teacher and unfriendly students, can you really enter the University in such an environment?

"You have to work more classes in the future. You'd better stay at my house."

Liu Liang tidied up the things on the table and said to Liu Lele.

"Why?" Liu Lele felt that he worked very hard. He didn't need to live in Liu Liang's house anymore.

"No, why?"

Liu Liang put away her bag and patted the fold of her clothes.

"I'll jump directly to senior two next semester. If you can't keep up with my rhythm, stay here alone."

Liu Lele

In fact, Liu Liang had never thought that she would jump in high school. Even if she could jump directly, she didn't want to jump, because there was Liu Lele, so it didn't make much difference for her to graduate one year earlier and one year later.

College students in this era are still very popular. She and Liu Lele can relax a lot in the evening.

It's just a pity that she seems destined to jump the grade.

She can't live in peace with Lin Xiaoyu, and she doesn't want to change classes. She's afraid to change classes again. She'll still meet the Lin xiaorainforest teacher, so in order to be out of sight and out of mind, she jumps directly.

Liu Lele is very tangled. His tangled eyebrows are crowded together.

"Liu Liang, do you really want to dance?"

Liu Lele never doubted Liu Liang's words. Liu Liang has always been a person who does what she says and is not a joker. She is too serious and serious.

"I'm tired of seeing teacher Lin."

Liu Liang doesn't hide her dislike for that. Although she has a better temper, it doesn't mean that she really can't beat people. When she meets those who don't beat, she may really beat them with her own hands.

Be a teacher and a model. Do you deserve to be like this?

"Think about it." Liu Liang patted Liu Lele on the shoulder. "You always have to live on campus in high school. My home is close. You can go on a day study. There is cool wind in summer, heating in winter and osmanthus flowers in a yard. Everything is convenient, quiet and quiet. It won't have any bad relationship with your roommates. You can turn off the lights whenever you want."

"But I'm so embarrassed."

Liu Lele really feels that this is not a good way. How can she eat and live in other people's homes? Although the conditions are really good, she is also very moved. She can also eat the dishes planted by Aunt Zhou herself.

Good is good, right is also right, she just feels too troublesome.

"The biggest choice in life, why not be cheeky once?"

Liu Liang lowered her head and gently turned the ring on her tail finger.

"Of course," Liu Liang doesn't have to force Liu Lele, "if you don't want to, I won't force you."

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"But if you like..."

Liu liangtu seriously looked into Liu Lele's eyes, "I can make you jump even if you are still top-notch, as long as you can bear hardships like before."

"Let me see."

Liu Lele can't promise Liu Liang now, because Liu Liang's news to her this time is too unexpected. She's still confused.

She is the first year of senior high school, but she directly asked her to go to the second year of senior high school. The first year of senior high school didn't even have a class. This is something that a great genius would do, but she is not smart. She is a stupid bird flying first. How can she compare with a genius?

Soon after, several boys came in with books and handed them out one by one.

When Lin Xiaoyu arranged her seats, Liu Liang was actually arranged on the corner seat, and next to her was the trash can. This is an isolated seat, which is usually prepared for those hopeless students.

Liu Liang doesn't care to sit there. Her eyesight is very good. She is not short-sighted or farsighted. The words on the blackboard are always very clear.

Learning is your own, not others' seat. Everything is good. It doesn't matter to be isolated. It doesn't matter to be cold and violent.

She is not the former Liu Liang. She decides her own study.

Liu Lele's mouth was flat. She was also arranged in a bad seat. It was clear that the person in front was taller than her, but how did she become the one behind?

The teacher Lin didn't take revenge for her own interests. She didn't believe it. Otherwise, she would go to her father. However, didn't Liu Liang say she wanted to jump the grade? As long as she jumped the grade, she wouldn't have to be bullied.

And what she wants to say to her father? Other teachers have said that the seats come according to the results of the high school entrance examination. Except for each, they are arranged according to the results. After the next examination, they will change according to the results at that time.

This approach is not wrong.

After all, teachers like good students, which is not wrong.

When she got back, she told her mother Liu about it. When she heard about it, mother Liu was also very hesitant. She jumped the grade. Liu Liang's grades were easy to jump, but her children were stupid.

Liu Lele was able to get into No. 5 middle school with high scores, which has made her proud to death, but she has no bottom in her heart for the grade jump.

Liu's mother was anxious to sit and stand, but she still couldn't make a decision. When Liu's father came back, she told him about it.

"Do you want to jump?"

Liu's father asked Liu Lele.

Think, Liu Lele nodded hard. At first, he hesitated for fear that he would not do well in the exam, but

Liu Lele clenched his fist, "I feel I can."

"Then jump, it doesn't matter."

Father Liu touched his daughter's hair. "How do you know if you don't do it? We Lele have created a lot of miracles. Even if we can't, it's better for us to start all over again than to hesitate."

"To be a man, you should be able to move forward bravely."

Mother Liu was relieved to hear what father Liu said.

On the second day, Liu's mother took Liu Lele and bags of luggage to Zhou Lanping's new house.

Zhou Lanping hurriedly came to help with the luggage.

"Sister, I may really trouble you."

Mother Liu is both sorry and grateful.

"What's the trouble?" since Zhou Lanping knew that Liu Lele's mother and daughter were coming, don't mention how happy he was. "You also know that Liangliang and I are alone at home. It's very quiet. It's really good for you to come. Someone will talk with me in the future. I've prepared the room early in the morning."

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