Rebirth to 90s: the Heroine of the Salted Fish Quit Her Job

Chapter 363: 364

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The man brought a rope and wanted to tie people.

The middle-aged woman hurriedly stopped.


"Tie people."

The man shook the rope in his hand. It was very strong.

"That's not good," the middle-aged woman didn't want him to use the rope. She touched Liu Liang's face. "This is very white. It should be from a rich family. What if you can't sell a lot of money? Anyway, it's so thin and has little strength. When people wake up, just feed more medicine."

"Men think so."

"That's it, as long as you're sure that people can't run."

The man said and threw the rope aside.

The footsteps of the two men went a little farther earlier, and then they could hear the sound of locking.

Liu Liang opened her eyes. As soon as she came in, she smelled the sweet scented osmanthus, and her heart relaxed.

She knows that Liu Lele is still here.

She looked around and saw that there were not only her and Liu Lele, but also several girls who had different experiences for several years. After counting casually, there were as many as five or six people.

It seems that we did meet traffickers.

However, she didn't find Liu Lele. The aroma was all here. How could it be that no one was there? Just when she began to feel anxious in her heart, she was in a pile of firewood guys and found one lying there.

Pink clothes, even in such a dark place, are very dazzling and look like palace light.

Liu Liang stood up and walked over. She helped people up. It was Liu Lele,

She had an impulse to strangle Liu Lele. This time, maybe they couldn't even catch the train. Fortunately, these people didn't go far. Otherwise, where would she go to find her and how to explain to Liu's father and mother.

When she gets back, she must let mother Liu give her a good education. Her daughter, who is short of tendons, has read so many books at least. How come her brain hasn't risen at all, and she has been tied up by human traffickers.

What would she do if she was sold to a poor mountain?

"Hello, Liu Lele!"

Liu Liang patted Liu Lele's face. Those people seemed to give her face and didn't tie her up, but it didn't matter. Liu Liang had some ways to untie the rope.

Of course, it saves her less time.

She filmed for a long time, but Liu Lele didn't wake up. It seems that the middle-aged woman's ecstasy is really powerful, and Liu Liang can't let go of such people. Letting the bad guys go free is the harm to those innocent people.

I don't know how many people lost their lives in their hands, and how many families were destroyed in them.

No, Liu Liang doesn't say, but now that she has met, she will never tolerate it.

She slapped Liu Lele's face again.

Maybe it really hurt. Liu Lele woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Liu Liang, and then the sleepy stepteacher wanted to sleep. She was still muttering.

"Why is it so dark? Is the station blackout? Are we late?"

She yawned and didn't even have the slightest sense of crisis.

It's good to have a power outage. She can sleep more for a while. Anyway, she has several days to leave school. It's a big deal. She'll go home and wake up first.

"We met traffickers."

Liu Liang stretched out her hand and tore it directly on Liu Lele's face. Almost in an instant, Liu Lele's cry also opened her eyes. The scream that rushed out of her throat was also covered by Liu Liang.

"Do you want to call someone?"

Liu Liang warned Liu Lele.

"If you want to escape, you'd better shut your mouth."

Liu Lele nodded hurriedly. She knew. She didn't shout. Could she stop shouting, but she wanted to cry.

What to do? She's going to be sold to the valley. She wants to give others a baby like a pig and live a life worse than a pig and dog. Her goal in life will stop here.

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"Liu Liang, what shall we do?"

Liu Lele held Liu Liang's sleeve tightly. His white face was like a ghost, and his tears were splashing down.


Liu Liang found herself a place to sit down.

"Wait for what?"

Liu Lele trembled his shoulders and waited for others to come and pick them up like commodities?

"When they all come back."

Liu Liang raised her hand and had brought a big iron bar in her hand.

"You won't..."

Liu Lele quickly covered his mouth.

Those who do evil should also have retribution.

Liu Liang put the iron bar on her lap. Liu Lele was afraid at first. She hid behind Liu Liang and thought of Liu Liang's terrible strange power. It seemed that she was not so afraid. Of course, her heart was calm.

She told herself it was okay, it was okay, it would be okay.

Liu Liang can equal four or five men, and she will help.

She breathed out a long breath. At this time, she couldn't help crying and tears. It's useless.

But even if she doesn't cry or make trouble, it's useless.

The arms and legs are as soft as noodles.

I don't know how long I waited. Liu Lele was about to fall asleep, but he heard someone talking and footsteps outside.

She couldn't help beating Jiling, and her hand also pulled Liu Liang's clothes.

"Liu Lele."

Liu Liang looked back and looked at Liu Lele.

"What's up?"

Liu Lele didn't speak, but now she is asking with her own eyes.

"You'll remember later."

Liu Liang's voice is more secluded.

"Don't pull my hind legs."

Liu Lele quickly released his claws and put his hands behind him, just as Liu Liang would chop her hands later.

"Brother Huang, today's harvest is good."

It's the voice of the middle-aged woman.

"Yes, brother Huang."

The middle-aged man also said, "there are two college students. One is a little black, but the person is OK, and the other is the same as that made by snow, not to mention how white."

Liu Lele bared his teeth. The black man said she was black, but was she black? Where was she black? She was also very white, okay?

She is in their dormitory. No, in their class, she also belongs to white skin.

Liu Liang, is that white? It just becomes too white.

She is not human, ordinary people. Is it difficult to compare with non-human beings?

Besides, even if she is black, it is all because she has been tanned in military training. She hasn't come back in white. If you give her some time, she will be very white and white.

There was the sound of chains outside.

Liu Lele's heart could not help but tighten again, and her hand wanted to grasp something. As a result, she actually touched a cold thing. When she raised her face, she saw that Liu Liang's eyes, even under the lack of light, could make her feel cold.

She lowered her head and saw that what she was holding was the iron bar in Liu Liang's hand. She quickly released her hand, carried her hand behind her again, and then took a hard pat.

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