Rebirth to 90s: the Heroine of the Salted Fish Quit Her Job

Chapter 874: 875

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This is not to steal their village dolls, is it?

"Uncle, uncle came to see sister Liu."

The child said with milk and milk. As soon as Zeng Xubai looked back, the man also saw Zeng Xubai's bloodshot eyes, which were very red and dazzling. In a piece of white ice and snow, he felt more and more obvious, which was still very shocking.

But the people in the village were still worried. They hurried over and blocked the child behind them. It was strange that the strangers who appeared in the village inexplicably took the dolls in the village.

Anyway, we should be more careful, otherwise if we really abducted the doll, wouldn't it be the life of the doll's family?

"Where are you from?" He raised his head and asked Zeng's narration. It's the sour head and the sour heart. Everyone is human. How can others grow so tall? He's not low in the village, but he has to look up at others in front of this person. It's really a bit frustrating.

I'm not afraid of the bad guys, but I'm afraid of the good looks of the bad guys. It's really uncomfortable.

"I came from Dongguan village." Zeng spoke slowly.

As soon as the villagers heard about Dongguan village, they didn't have as much hostility as just now. Of course, their tone was much more friendly than just now.

"You came to Dongguan village to find Doctor Liu?"

"Well," Zeng Xuxu nodded, "come and find her. We don't have a doctor there. The way down the mountain is difficult. My eyes are very uncomfortable and I'm afraid of going blind."

The village man nodded, indicating that it was like this.

"Dr. Li is now in Beiguan village, which is far away from your Dongguan village. Now only the people in Beiguan village are happy. When they are sick, they are not afraid of no doctor. Fortunately, we have Dr. Liu. Don't look young, but the medical skill is very good."

"How slowly the child walks. Let's go. I'll take you to Dr. Liu!" He said, touching the child's small head, "dog egg, go back to your mother. Your mother just asked you to go home for dinner."

Dog egg quickly covered his pocket and went home after jumping happily.

The villagers are walking forward with Zeng Xubai. They always talk about several villages, such as how Beiguan village is with them. They say that others are with the people of dunanguan village. The people of these two villages are bad. They love to fight for land, mountains and firewood. They are very annoying.

And the people of the two villages in Xiguan and Dongguan should be united, otherwise they will be bullied to death by the people of those two villages.

Zeng Xu didn't expect that he just casually said the name of a village. He was right.

And he said he was from Dongguan village, in fact, because he went to the wrong place. At first, he went to Dongguan village, and finally he turned back. Almost all of them came here by climbing mountains and jumping mountains.

It's not safe to walk this way, of course, it's not very peaceful. It can be said that what he has experienced, if not, others will never know. It's dangerous everywhere, and he almost died several times.

He clenched his hand, which also held the sweat of his hand, even on his forehead.

So many dangers passed through, he just hoped that he could really find them, so that he would not go through life and death, but what he got was nothing.

"Here it is."

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Just then, the villager stopped, pointed to the house in front and said, "Dr. Liu lives here, but Dr. Liu doesn't like others to go to her house. We all want to invite people to our own house."

"Maybe it's also because Dr. Liu thinks that the wind and snow are heavy. People are already ill. What if the wind blows again and it's serious? So even if Dr. Liu is frozen, she has to take care of the villagers. She not only has good medical skills, but also has high medical ethics."

Listening to Zeng's narration, she knew in her heart that this was just their idea. If the person inside was really Liu Liang, she wanted to have her own secret, so she never had too much contact with strangers. At the same time, she was afraid of trouble.

When the villagers came to the door, they also knocked on the door. Soon after, they heard a burst of dog barking.

"Don't be afraid. This is Dr. Liu's dog. The dog is very smart and can open and close the door, but it won't open it for us. It may also be because it smells the smell of strangers on you."

Liu Liang inside is making dumplings. She wraps the dumplings well and can be frozen outside. Now it's more than minus 20 degrees outside, which can be completely used as a freezer. She makes more at one time. When she wants to eat, she can take and eat as she wants. Just ask the dog not to harm her dumplings. If it dares, she will kill the dog.

And she has wrapped fifty or sixty since now, and she can wrap some more. While she is in a good mood and has nothing to do, she can prepare her own rations.

If these dumplings are frozen outside, she can eat them several times.

The rhubarb dog, who was still lying on the mat, stood up with a cry, turned his head and ran out, just like a dog like the wind. When he ran to the door, he barked.

Liu Liang couldn't help sighing and knew that the dumplings couldn't be made.

She put away the electric heater and the thermos cup, but she didn't need to take the others. As for the remaining dumplings, she came back and made them again.

After washing her hands in the basin, she rubbed some hand cream on her hands to protect her hands well. After all, she is a doctor and eats with these hands. If her hands have problems, how can she make money to support her family in the future?

After wearing her hat, she came out. The rhubarb dog outside was still barking.

Liu Liang went to the door and opened it.

When she saw the man standing at the door, her pupils suddenly shrunk, the tip of her nose began to sour, and even her eyes seemed to sour.

The rhubarb dog whined and barked wildly at people.

Liu Liang raised her foot and kicked the rhubarb dog away with one kick. Then the rhubarb dog, with a bang, also fell into the snow. It took a long time to stretch out her dog's paws and shake her head. I think she was knocked unconscious.

The villagers were stunned and watched Liu Liang kick the dog out.

It's no wonder that there are so many old singles in the village. No one wants to marry her. If she wants to marry, the dog will be replaced by a man and will not be killed.

"Liu... Doctor Liu..."

The village man stammered and explained. As a result, the man behind him stood up and walked forward, and it was too late for the village man to stop. Now it is clear that Dr. Liu is angry. What if he kicks someone to death later?

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