Rebirth – Urban Crazy Immortal

Chapter 1133: 1133

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Qin Xuan’s words are pervasive, but the 100-nation Powerhouse, the illusion cloud cultivator, not only did not have fear, but burst into laughter.

Thousands of people looked at Qin Xuan and looked at Qin Xuan’s slightly pale complexion.

“What did he say? Say we are looking for death?”

“Who is this child? Heavenly Cloud Sect Disciple? The costumes are slightly different!”

“Heavenly Cloud Sect Chief Disciple Changqing, hey, now Heavenly Cloud Sect, the master, tch tch, a great master!”

“Yeah, don’t you think you are the supreme? Heavenly Cloud Sect is going to vanish like smoke in thin air. What can you do with a little Spirit Transformation?”

Many cultivators are full of mockery and scornful look at Qin Xuan, and some people laugh.

it is ridiculous!

A Spirit Transformation Disciple, with thousands of Powerhouses, no lack of versatility, is so vocal.

Qin Xuan operating Eternal Evergreen Secret Art, calming his own seven sorrows, he looked at the thousands of cultivators, his eyes gradually turned into calm, calm as a pool of stagnant water, as if to swallow Starry Sky.

No one knows how angry this scorpion is.

Fantasy also saw Qin Xuan, but he did not care, the overall situation has been fixed, Qin Xuan, a Spirit Transformation, can not change anything.

It is Immortal inheritance behind Qin Xuan. Today, Qin Xuan is just a Spirit Transformation cultivator.

Come here, but die that’s all.

“How did he come?” Feng Bao was shocked by the hole. Before the great war, he saw Qin Xuan not, and his heart was still sighed in relief, but now, Qin Xuan is coming out of the air.

先不论Qin Xuan 以何种手段裂空而行,但光凭Qin Xuan 一人能改变什么?

韩雨注视着Qin Xuan 的身影,更是陷入沉默。

“来了,恐怕他走不了了!”韩雨低声呢喃,她turns the head to look at 冯宝,“Master ,Nine Dragons 五灵的那笔交易,恐怕是要赔了!”

冯宝的complexion 也有些难看,Qin Xuan 若是现在死了,还谈什么同盟。

马上仙凰遗迹开启在即,用不了多久了,他因与Qin Xuan 结盟,准备了许多,一旦Qin Xuan 陨落,恐怕那些准备都要浪费。

“他怎么会来!damn 的!”冯宝眉头紧锁,瞳孔收缩,他甚至在考虑,是否要take action 救一下Qin Xuan 。

若是Qin Xuan 死了,他损失极大,最重要的是,在仙凰遗迹内,再想找到Qin Xuan 这样的盟友,如今也是来不及了。

其余不少围观的人也看到了Qin Xuan ,满面错愕。

这个时候,Spirit Transformation Disciple 恐怕是逃都来不及,Qin Xuan 竟然会主动过来送死。

“当真不知这天云Changqing 是视死如归,还是愚蠢至极!”


“Grand Dao 万千你不行,偏偏要走那阎王路!”幻元filled with a trace of a sneer ,“我还在想,灭天云之后,去何处寻你,你竟然主动登门领死!”

Qin Xuan 缓缓抬头,望向幻元。

“此言,你应自语,而非对我!”Qin Xuan 缓缓start to talk ,声音如石,“我本不想这么早去灭你幻云宗,偏偏,你幻元、幻云宗,如此寻死!”

他目光深邃,其中如蕴含killing intent 。

“今日,曾对我Heavenly Cloud Sect make a move 之人,便都留下吧!”

淡然言语响起,让那些Powerhouse 皆是面露冷色,也有人暴怒,欲make a move ,蠢蠢欲动。

一介找死之人,一介Spirit Transformation cultivator ,死到临头,竟然还口出狂言?

幻元哈哈一笑,不予置否,他余光落向那天目族Powerhouse 。

“Venerable ,稍等片刻,此人头颅,你便拿走!”

他传音,旋即,他make a move 了,毫不迟疑。

与Qin Xuan 废话诸多又有何意义,在他眼中,Qin Xuan already 是一个死人。

只见他破云笛剑骤然一震,无柄flying sword 瞬息而至,甚至,Qin Xuan 都不曾察觉,速度太快了。

即便是对于Qin Xuan 而言,只感觉面前景色毫无变化,但他within the body 的那一枚至尊印记却already 浮现。


印记腾空,化作大盾,挡住那flying sword 。

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flying sword 距离Qin Xuan ,仅有咫尺。

“至尊印记?风魔如今自顾不暇,印记内的Magic Force ,又能支撑多久?”幻元眼中有些惊异,旋即便冷笑出来。



Pēng pēng pēng ……

一瞬间,那flying sword 便在Qin Xuan 周围掠过,若化作千丝万缕。


幻元瞳孔之中一片漠然,继续动大能念,操控那无柄flying sword ,轰击在至尊印记之上。

Qin Xuan 在那至尊印记之中,孱弱的如同即将熄灭的烛火般。

冯宝、韩雨面色骤变,他们望着被sword glow 笼罩的Qin Xuan ,最终对视一眼,看到互相眼中的叹息。

Qin Xuan ……死定了!

一旦至尊印记破开,Qin Xuan certain death no doubt 。

百国、幻云宗Powerhouse ,不少人更是冷笑不断。

甚至,还有一群人already 开始闭眸,恢复cultivation base 消耗与伤势。

一介注定陨落的Spirit Transformation cultivator ,他们还需要在乎什么?

便是龙凤,也要陨落,更别说,那天云Changqing 也能比肩龙凤么?

天云great array 前,九山隐Cloud Mist ,只有a path of sword glow 与撕裂长空,碰撞轰鸣之声响起。



就在这时,身在至尊印记内的Qin Xuan 终于start to talk ,他手中浮现出一枚白骨树枝,轻轻折断。

“ants ,终归是ants !”


“尔等眼中的死亡在我眼中却是freshman ,幻云宗,若是能够恪守本分,或许我Qin Changqing 还能留幻云两字,入我天云占据一山,偏偏,却要重蹈覆辙,自寻dead end 。”

“大能又如何?至尊也好,仙脉大宗also fine ,在我Qin Changqing 眼中,也不过过眼云烟。”

Qin Xuan 轻轻一笑,“also fine ,Third Grade 大宗,那便……”


在那白骨树枝折断后,一息还未到,骤然,幻元concentrates the eyes ,便是那天目族的Venerable ,幻云宗的大能都不由面色微震。

只见Qin Xuan 身后,一道足有千丈的裂痕浮现。

“what is this?”


骤然,从那裂痕之中探出一道手掌,通体皆是荒石,足有百丈,如同一座Mountain ,从其中探出,刚好触及到幻元所施展的无柄flying sword 。

石屑纷飞,那巨大手掌巍然一捏,两枚巨大手指捏住那无柄flying sword ,就仿佛捏住一根银针。



Qin Xuan 包裹在至尊印记内,负手而立,在其身后,裂星石魔already 尽数从其中走出。

它捏着那Third Grade Supreme Treasure ,看到了Qin Xuan ,更看到了这一片Heaven and Earth 的众生,巨大的石眸俯瞰着。



两字声音,但对于所有看到这位至尊生灵的cultivator 而言,无异于是……


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