Rebirth – Urban Crazy Immortal

Chapter 3213: 3213

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Tianyun Xianzong, Qin Qinglan wiped down the filth on the old man's hair.

It is not known how many years of deposition of the dirt, but now Qin Qinglan carefully wipe clean.

When Qin Linglan and Wang Qinglan put down their hands, they would not come.

White hair is soft and falling, every hair is like crystal clear.

And the old man's unkempt face, almost completely different.

However, when Qin Qinglan saw this white hair, her eyes were dull.

She stepped back and looked at the old man.

Snow beard and white hair, no longer slovenly.

That face, already old can't see the original facial features, a pair of eyes yellow, but it seems to be isolated from the world.

"So old, I'm afraid I'm at the end of my life!" Li Hongchen sighed a long time, "he may be a pre ancient man, but what happened."

Qin Qinglan looks at this person, she has a trace of fantasy, but in the end, she is still unable to confirm.

There is a big difference in appearance, manner, even manner and breath.

All of a sudden, her hand moved, and there was a faint tremor of jade Fu.

Taiyuan sage, the great emperor of all ages, all came through the sound.

"It's not recorded before!"

"I have never seen such creatures outside the fairyland!"

Both reply, let Qin Qinglan and others into silence.

"Qinglan, do you think..." But the wind devil is thoughtful. Qin Qinglan is the master of the Qing emperor. If there is no reason, how can he wipe the filth on his hair so carefully for the old man.

Qin Qinglan said with a bitter smile, "I just have a trace of fantasy."

In her eyes, dim low, "father into the river of time, saved us!"

"Maybe, he has been drifting in Hanoi for a long time. I don't know how many years!"

"This old man, even my Immortal King's power can be broken. How many people in the whole fairyland can do it?"

"It's not ancient, it's not outside the fairyland, I can't think of anyone else!"

Li Hongchen, Lingshi fairy King's pupil condensation.

"Qinglan, you mean, he is Changqing!"

Both of them were shocked. Although Qin Zu of fairyland was their descendants, he had already surpassed them by a million times.

It is Qin Xuan's credit that they can go to the present.

Qin Qinglan said in a low voice: "maybe, maybe not!"

Qin Qinglan's eyes suddenly turned red. She looked up at the old man, "I can't recognize him!"

If the old man is not her father, it's OK.

But if it's her father, it's right in front of her, and she can't recognize it.

How sad it is!?

One side of the wind devil quickly out of the voice, "light LAN, you don't want to think, evergreen although in the long river of time, but also not reduced to this!"

"Maybe there are other reasons for this person!"

Qin Qinglan tried to contain the emotion in her heart. She looked at the old man, "I want to take him back to Qingdi hall!"

"Maybe, he's not a father, but I can't let any hope go!"

This sentence, let Li Hongchen three people in the heart a sigh.

Qin Xuan has been gone for many years. It's gone forever. Although there is a glimmer of hope in everyone's heart, everyone knows it.

It is almost impossible to get out of the long river of time.

Otherwise, Taishi would not go outside the fairyland, Qin Hao would not rise, and Qin Wanshi would not become emperor.

They did not hesitate to give up their lives for Qin Xuan. Who dares to despise their determination!?

It is Qin Wanshi. Although she never gave up her life to cast the sword of all living beings, she trusted Qin Xuan. Considering the future generations, she was willing to be emperor.

If there is such a little hope, everyone will enter the river of time.

"OK, take him back to the Qingdi hall." Li Hongchen sighed, "I hope he is evergreen, and there is still a glimmer of hope in the end!"

Qin Qinglan nods silently. She turns around and bows to thank the wind devil for his kindness.

"Light LAN, don't be polite." Li Hongchen looked at the sky of the fairyland, "I also hope to see him return!"

Immediately, Qin Qinglan took the old man and walked away.

Li Hongchen looks at Qin Qinglan's back and sighs deeply.

"Ask this world, only time is the most merciless!"


Qingdi hall, Qin Qinglan comes back with the old man.

The first time she informed the Taiyuan sage, and even the great emperor, the two born sage.

Then she took the old man to the residence of Jun Wushuang and others.


Mo Qinglian sits on Wu Jian and opens her eyes slowly, looking at Qin Qinglan and the strange old man.

"Mother!" Qin Qinglan pursed her lips slightly. She hesitated and asked, "can you recognize this old man?"Mo Qinglian was slightly stunned. She looked at the old man with white hair and snow beard, full of gullies and yellow eyes.

Her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and her facial features have changed greatly. She has a kind of inexplicable familiarity, which is similar to most people in memory.

"An old friend on earth?" Mo Qinglian whispered, "no, if it's an old friend, why should it be tied?"

She looked up at Qin Qinglan, "Lan'er, who is this in the end, then don't sell the key."

Qin Qinglan takes a deep breath. She stares at Mo Qinglian, "mother, I suspect he is Daddy


Qin Xuan!?

In a flash, Mo Qinglian heard the thunder, she suddenly stood up, a pair of eyes staring at the old man's body.

"Qin Xuan? He's back! "

Mo Qinglian's eyes suddenly turned red.

Qin Qinglan is even busy way: "mother don't worry, I just doubt, not sure!"

She appeases Mo Qinglian's emotion, Qin Qinglan is very clear, once this news spreads, is how thunderous.

Fairyland, how many top existence are waiting for the return of that person.

She just suspected But she didn't dare to confirm.

After Mo Qinglian's mood is stable, Qin Qinglan tells her that Mo Qinglian is lost in meditation.

"Even the power of your immortal king can be destroyed!"

"It seems that there is an irresistible force to protect the body!"

"Looking at the whole fairyland, there are not many people who can do it!"

Mo Qinglian said in a low voice: "do you doubt that he is your father?"

Qin Qinglan looks complex, "mother, maybe I'm wrong, but I dare not give up this chance!"

"If he's really a father, we'll miss him here as time goes by."

"There is no exit in the long river of time. Dad is like floating in the endless space and time, like a leaf floating on the sea. If you don't pick it up, maybe the next moment, there will be waves swallowing it into the sea."

"No matter how strong dad is, no matter how long his life is endless, he will be lost forever. How long can dad's consciousness last? And when will a leaf in the sea resurface, just to be met by Lan'er? "

Qin Qinglan's voice trembled slightly. "Lan'er is afraid that once she misses it, maybe it's really eternal!"

Mo Qinglian eyes dignified, "you're right, I'm not blaming you."

"If it were me, I would do the same."

She walked into the old man, her eyes moved gently, "but his appearance, breath and appearance are not like your father at all!"

There seems to be a trace of sadness in Mo Qinglian's voice. If the old man is really Qin Xuan.

That Qin Xuan after all in the long river of time what, just can change into such appearance.

How long did he wait!?

"I'll wake them up!" Mo Qinglian made a decision, no matter whether the old man is Qin Xuan or not, she is not willing to give up a wisp of hope.

Immediately, Mo Qinglian held the fairy formula.

Villa, Jun unparalleled gradually opened her eyes, she walked out of the closed door, saw Mo Qinglian and Qin Qinglan.

She also saw the old man with a slight frown.

Mo Qinglian has made it clear in the fairy formula. Jun Wushuang slowly walks to the old man. She looks at the white hair.

She had seen Qin Xuan's white hair, but the old man was still different.

Xiao Wu is coming soon, Tu Xian Four women appeared beside the old man.

He Yun is still traveling, and she seldom practices in her villa.

While they were looking at the old man, Tu Xian suddenly started and pinched the old man's face.

The skin and flesh on the old man's body seemed to be lax and decadent to the extreme.

"Tu Xian!" You have no double brow a wrinkly.

"Do you think he is the husband?" Tu shook his head. She didn't wait for the old man

"This man may be mysterious, but I don't believe it if he is a husband!"

One side of the Xiao dance can not help but sigh, "looks, breath, and even posture, are too different!"

"It's like a totally different person. No matter how old he is, he can't change his nature!"

"It's a pity that his body is cut off from all immortal forces, and can only be touched through flesh and blood!"

"Otherwise, if you can reshape his young appearance, you will know it at first sight!"

This is the biggest problem. I don't know what kind of power lies in the old man's body. No matter what kind of immortal power it is, the old man's body will collapse nearby.

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"Wait for Wanshi, Taiyuan, two born!" Jun Wushuang said in a low voice, "they hold the power of heaven in the immortal world. Maybe they can find out the real identity of this person."

The girls could not help being silent. After a few hours, he Yun came back.

After he Yun came back with a stick of incense, Liang Sheng, Tai Yuan and WAN Shi finally arrived here.Qin Wanshi's eyes were fixed on the old man. Immediately, she raised her hand and attacked the old man.

This palm immediately changed the color of the people present.

But when the power of the palm touched the old man, it collapsed again.

This result is even more frightening to all people.

"The power of my hand, the fairyland is still invincible!" Qin Wanshi said slowly, "except for the rising sky, Qin Hao, the leaving elder martial sister, there is only master!"

Her words made everyone's heart tremble.

"The power of heaven can't be deduced for a long time!" Taiyuan sage sighed, "he may be a little friend. In ancient times, there were only nine ancestors and three emperors who surpassed the fifth immortal kingdom!"

"The ninth ancestor fell, so did the three great emperors!"

"The third Emperor may not be the ninth emperor in the world."

"My idea is the same as that of the great

The voice of the Taiyuan sage once again made the hearts of the people present tremble.

Liang Sheng was silent for a long time and said, "I'm not sure."

In front of the villa, I fell into silence.

"After excluding all the impossible factors, even if the result is inconceivable, it is a fact!" Jun unparalleled suddenly opened his mouth, "I once at home, read this sentence."

She looked at the old man. "I think he's back!"

He's back!

Four words, but it is like thunder through the ears, even the eyes of Qin Wanshi are not shaken.

You have no pair to sink Mou, "but, even if he came back, how can wake him up again?"

"Did he wander for a long time and become like this, or did he say What have you experienced? "

"It's up to him to tell and decide the final result."

The crowd was silent again. Yes, even if the old man was Qin Xuan, the ancestor of Qin in the fairyland, so what?

I'm afraid the old man can't remember anything for a long time. He just walks aimlessly.

If it's a description, it's just four words.

Is Qin Xuan still alive?

Qin Wanshi pondered: "if you were master, I don't think master would have expected this day!"

"Even in a desperate situation, there is still a ray of life!"

"Maybe master is just a closed mind, isolating Wanli from Xianli."

"But even if it's closed again, there should be a key."

Qin Wanshi looked up and said, "this key, I think you ladies should know better than me!"

"If we can find this key, maybe we can awaken master's consciousness!"

Jun unparalleled eyes suddenly a coagulation, "Bing Er, let Bing Er come!"

"Qingdi song is the predecessor of bing'er, which Xu bing'er left behind. This song has enough weight in his heart."

"If you need to wake him up, if he is really Qin Xuan, this song is most likely to be!"

This sentence, let Mo Qinglian and others quite agree.

That's Xu bing'er's legacy. Even if it's all music in the world, it's not as good as this one in Qin Xuan's ears.

This song, for Qin Xuan, is more like Xu bing'er himself, the woman who has been playing for Qin Xuan on Longchi mountain for decades.

Immediately, Qin Qinglan moved and invited Xu bing'er to come.

In front of the villa, Xu bing'er looked at the old man and played the tune she had played many times.

Light voice slowly, the way of the past young love, the way beautiful people admire, look forward to.

Xu bing'er's voice is rising slowly, just as it was in Longchi mountain in China.

In the music, the old man's face changed slightly for the first time.

Corner of the eye, it seems that a slight tremor.

Although, very subtle, but for all of you, it is like in endless hope, see a glimmer of dawn.

"It's him!"

You are unparalleled. Even if you cover your mouth, the tears on the corner of your eyes will drop.

Few people in the world have heard this song. If the old man was not Qin Xuan, he would never care about it.

Tu Xian, Xiao Wu, Mo Qinglian, even he Yun, Qin Qinglan, Liang Sheng Everyone's eyes are red.

A song falls, Xu Bing Er looks at that old man, faintly some sob.

But soon, let people sink to the bottom of the heart is that the old man, but the canthus of his eyes gently trembled.

It seems to be a coincidence that there has never been any clearness in the yellow eyes.

"Binger, play it again!"

Mo Qinglian some anxious way, Xu binger quickly nodded.

Another song of the Qing emperor, but the old man never responded again.

One song, one song, Xu bing'er played ten times in a row, but the old man's eyes trembled at first, but later, he was indifferent.Xu bing'er is more anxious and sweating. She knows that her music may wake up the old man's hope.

"Binger, that's enough!" He Yun suddenly said, "maybe, to wake him up is not a key, but countless!"

This sentence stunned the people present.

But Qin Wanshi nodded and agreed, "the teacher's mother is right!"

She sighed, "several ladies, Qinglan, elder martial brother, I started late. I don't know what my master's life is like."

"You are what master cherishes all his life. Maybe the key to wake him up is in your hands!"

Her heart is also like a mess, this way, I do not know whether it can wake up the old man.

But she had to make a decision for everyone, to try.

Jun Wushuang and others can't help but be silent. Everyone and Qin Xuan have their own experience and cause and effect.

These may be the secrets in everyone's heart.

"I'll have a try!" Jun Wushuang whispered: "if parents are still there, maybe their words are more useful!"

She looked at the old man and walked slowly towards him.

"Right here." But the other people were not surprised.

Immediately, Mo Qinglian said, "let's go."

Some people hesitated, but in the end, they did not speak.

They left the villa and were still looking at it, but they saw Jun Wushuang standing opposite the old man with a smile on his face.

In her eyes, there seems to be memories of the past and the past.

Everyone may have some secrets, which only they and Qin Xuan know.

You peerless looking at the old man, she set up the array, cut off the audio-visual.

"I don't know if you can hear it, maybe you are him, maybe you are not him!" You peerless looking at this old man, her eyes, there is a smile of self mockery.

In the villa, if the old man's eyes were not focused, no one would know the world in his eyes.

"If you were him, you should remember that you were in China." Jun Wushuang whispered, "I heard it from you for the first time. The name of the master shocks Linhai!"

"The first time I saw you, it was in my king's house!"

She looked at the old man and said, "I was born with a bitter life. If it wasn't for you, maybe I would have been buried in the Loess!"

"Who would have thought that I would marry you in the end!"

"Do you still remember that before the wedding in Huaxia, you ever looked for me?"

"You have given me two ways, one of which is that I am like you, unparalleled in the world!"

"One, but it will make me bear the pain of internal cutting, and it will take a hundred years."

"You choose me, not affection, not love. As you say, it's just suitable for two words."

"It's because there's nothing between you and me."

Jun unparalleled low smile, "to tell you the truth, at that time, I was not reconciled, perhaps also have anger, also have a trace of sadness."

"There are so many men in this world. I'm unique, and I'm also famous in China."

"But only you, because you are suitable for me, because you are the emperor? Or is it that you are the only one who can solve my innate sufferings? "

Perhaps you will not be harsh, I can not refuse

"But I promised you!"

She did not look at the old man, as if these words were from the breeze and the moon.

"It's a short thought, but how did you ever think of today?"

"Qin Xuan, but in the end, you and I have miscalculated!"

"You have regarded me as your wife, and my husband is matchless, and I have already regarded you as my life!"

You are matchless, laughing and laughing, but there are tears in the corner of your eyes.

"Whether I am in the mortal world, you are in the fairyland, or now I am in the fairyland, you are in the river of time."

"Qin, my unique life has already gone with you."

"If you are gone forever..."

"Why save me?"

Sound falls, the old man beside him, suddenly the canthus of his eyes move and his lips and teeth tremble.

There is no sound, it seems speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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