Rebirth – Urban Crazy Immortal

Chapter 853: 853

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The entire cave suddenly became quiet.

Changyun complexion pale, corner of the mouth flow blood, he turned his head and looked at the incredible smoke.

How can it be!

Can this neon-drinker be able to smash Spirit Transformation?

Not only Changyun, but the Golden Core Disciple is stunned.

Many people have a great shock, and they have sneered at the long smoke. Under this sword, all the cynicism has turned into nothingness.

Tan Xuan is not by the pupil light condense, looking at the long smoke.

“Worthy is Heavenly Cloud Sect, Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, Drinking Soul, Broken Swordsman!” Tan Xuan’s eye killing intent flashed past, and the killing intent in the chest became more intense.

Li He is squatting with a broken arm, and he is full of face. “You dare to slap me!? Look for death!”

He couldn’t think of it, trivial, Golden Core cultivator that’s all, holding a broken sword, can actually smash his body.

In the long smoke, the drunkenness is stunned, and the sword is lifted by two feet. The wine is raised on the head, accompanied by the aroma of the wine, and the throat rolls.

Suddenly, the long smoke slammed into the wine cellar and hung on the back. I was drunk with a laugh: “You fight, I don’t care, but the Junior Brother behind me is just getting started. If it’s really here, I won’t go back. Good to explain to the Master.”

“and so……”

The long smoke pouted, it seemed to be laughing, revealing a white jade-like beak and playing a wine cellar.

“Please die, how?”

The long-smoke hand interrupted the sword like Sword Intent, and a sword came out, but it was as if it was affectionate. If it was red, Li and Li, there was a red dust in the past, not into the scene of cultivation.

Suddenly, Li and Spiritual Consciousness, awakened from this illusion, full of stunned, lost the voice: “Great Accomplishment Sword Intent?”

A sword that’s all, with Golden Core Realm, can affect his Spirit Transformation mental state.

At this moment, he felt a sharp edge, and the pupil in the pupil reflected a broken sword.

In Li and the horrified eyes, the broken sword was slash out on his real body, and only a moment, the spiritual transformation of the Spirit Transformation Realm was smashed.


Li He is almost a dead soul, with the body Spirit Transformation, if the river glaciers swept out, but under this sword, they were all cut off, and the broken sword pointed to Li and throat.

“impudent !”

In the air, a scream of anger sounded, with Spiritual Consciousness, such as Throwing Knife, straight slash toward the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and more Spirit Arts white feathers, seven of them, shot down on this broken sword.


Seven cracks rang in the cave, Tan Xuan’s hand condensed Seal Arts, looking at the broken sword slightly.


The long smoke suddenly spurted out a blood, she refines the spirit with alcohol, but after all, the non-Spirit Transformation big cultivator, Sea of ​​Consciousness, the alcohol was smashed, almost hurt her soul.

Broken sword is not a glimpse, miss the opportunity to kill Li and.

A long smoke body, Li and like to see Evil Ghost like a rapid retreat, a faint blood line in his throat is seeping blood.

Only a few inches away, he was directly cut off his head.

Li and hard to hide the fear of looking at the long smoke, if the non-long smoke is holding the broken sword, just that moment, he immediately corpse separation.

The long smoke wiped the blood of the mouth and forbeared the Sea of ​​Consciousness. She was full of bitter smiles. “Junior Brother, why don’t you leave?”

In the long smoke and bitter smile, Li and he readily reacted, and surprised and angry looked at the long smoke. Immediately, he immediately condense Seal Arts, flying out of the three-handed flying sword from his hand, and came out in a sword. A long smoke that was created.

Qin Xuan looked at the long smoke and eventually he was faintly sighed.

Suddenly, he took a step forward and appeared in front of the long smoke, Palm as Jade, condense Purple Thunder, and slammed it.


Accompanied by an explosion sounds, a one-person-high Purple Thunder Palm will collide with the sword array and annihilate it into nothingness.

Thunderlight is exhausted, Qin Xuan looks calm, faintly looking at Tan Xuan, Li He.

Qin Xuan pointed to a bottle of healing medicine pill and flew to long smoke.

He did not intend to participate in it. Changyun and others were eager to smoke their hearts, and they were ruined. They were disrespectful to him. Why should they be saved?

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It is a pity that Qin Xuan passed the long smoke of the wounded. If he had the strength of long smoke, he should be able to escape. However, the long smoke did not hesitate to raise his sword to make him a birth path. How could Qin Changqing ignore it?

“And fine, I will marry the two people and save this idiot!”

In the silence, Qin Xuan faint start to talk, as if in front of him is not two Spirit Transformation big cultivator, but a mustard.

Words fall, many Heavenly Cloud Sect Disciple are dumbstruck, incredible looking at Qin Xuan.

“What did he say? Hey, these two people!?”

“Is this fellow crazy? He dared to challenge two Spirit Transformation big cultivators!”

A group of Disciple surprised and angry, and some people quietly, looking at the passage that was pulled out above, ready to escape from the place.

Changyun is more full of incredible looking at Qin Xuan, this fellow, is he crazy? This is the Spirit Transformation big cultivator. He is a daring daring to talk about the Golden Core.

Tan Xuan cold face cream, a pair of pupils in the a trace of anger looking at Qin Xuan.

“Worthy is Heavenly Cloud Sect, a Golden Core Disciple. To kill the Spirit Transformation big cultivator, the ready is enough to shock me!”

“But I never thought that Heavenly Cloud Sect has an arrogant generation like you, which is unexpected.”

Yin drop, Tan Xuan will always condense Spiritual Consciousness like a knife, straight slash toward Qin Xuan.

“I would like to see, you arrogant ignorant children, how to save!”

“Today, the people present, who can live and leave!”

Li He is even more angry. He has grievances in his eyes. He smashes the dust from the take action, and the three thousand white silk snakes rush to Qin Xuan and smoke.

“Senior is right, no one wants to go today!”

“Junior Brother !?”

The long smoke turned around, and the drunken eyes flashed a touch of incredible.

Qin Xuan smiled indifferently. In the eyes of the Golden Core Disciple, he had a ray of light on his waist and a three-foot Eternal Sword fell into his hands.

Suddenly, Qin Xuan stepped forward and Spiritual Consciousness Throwing Knife entered his Sea of ​​Consciousness, annihilating the city.

The sword glow is like a cold, and it suddenly sweeps out.

Where Eternal Sword passed, the three thousand white silks were cut into countless moments.


Tan Xuan’s eyes were shocked, and Qin Xuan, who had no change in complexity, looked at the complex earthquake.

The Spiritual Consciousness of his Spirit Transformation Middle Grade was easily blocked, and he didn’t even know what happened in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness and his Spiritual Consciousness Throwing Knife was ready. Contacted him.

Li He is surprised and angry. He looks at the dust in his hands. These seven magical Treasures, there are a subtle sword scar on the three thousand white silks, almost cut off them, let the seven magical Treasure in his hands destroy.

Qin Xuan stands by the sword, indifferently said: “Senior Sister, you are wrong, although I just entered Heavenly Cloud Sect, I went under the Master.”

Qin Xuan slightly paused, his eyes passed over Tan Xuan and Li He.

“But with these two people, you can’t fold me!”

He stood with a sword and faintly looked at the equally full of Heavenly Cloud Sect Golden Core Disciple, which was cold and cold.

“Not fast yet?”

The sound falls, and Changyun takes the lead and moves with an incredible gaze to the cave above.

Then, the Golden Core suddenly reacted, and the air began to rise.

“court death!”

Tan Xuan is even more furious. If Chang Yun and others leave, he will bear the revenge of Heavenly Cloud Sect. If he is, he is also unbearable.

Just after Tan Xuan’s technique, Spiritual Consciousness, and a sudden condense of thousands of white feathers, a figure already stepped out.

Qin Xuan stepped on Qingze and appeared in front of Tan Xuan in an instant.

He faced the 30-Spiritual Consciousness Throwing Knife, and the thousands of flying feathers, as if nothing.

“What about the Spirit Transformation cultivator, as I said by Senior Sister?”

“Oh, it is!”

The sound falls, Eternal Sword out.

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