Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats

Chapter 14: Chapter 12 – Pursuit of Happiness

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 The next day, Alex woke up and made some breakfast for his family, Just simple eggs and bacon, something their father used to make, Unfortunately, his mother had already gone out to work, He woke up around 7 am, which means his mother probably woke up earlier and went out already, He wondered if she ate breakfast at her workplace at the "Deluge Bar" where she works mainly.

Maybe he will learn how to make a bento for his mom one of these days, perhaps even have his little sister to help? The two of them spend the morning together and watch some Saturday morning cartoons here in Japan, and he gets to watch some of this world's Japanese anime, And he thinks these anime...really sucks.

"Hey sis, why is the furry character keep having this Neo Nazi propaganda in their apocalypse world, also, I wonder how this sort of anime passes the censorship"

"Hey, big brother? What's a Neo Nazi? isn't that part of the war from before?"

I forgot that the lore in this world just ended world war 2 and the cold war around the late 1880s, so some remnants of the previous Era would be found here, Not to mention Economical sanctions are still a real thing since Japan joined the Axis, it's only been recent that the sanctioned been removed and the economy in Japan started to recover and became more liberal and adopted democracy.

"Umm...never mind, enjoy your anime, here have more bacon, Summer holiday is already here. Any plans?"

The little girl took a chomp of some bacon and eat it gleefully

" I haff a little pwan wiff muh fwen"

she tried to talk while the food was still within her mouth, Alex could only sigh wryly at his little sister, 

"Come on, don't eat while you talk. do it slowly, I'm going back to my room to draw, don't watch too much anime, it will rot your brain"

Alex's little sister just nodded and took out her little pink smartphone.

" Okay! I'll just watch this episode and go play with the internet"

The internet huh? right...through the phone. I guess that's alright. The tech in this world is trying to keep up so anime and games in the mobile market are really too few, it's still in its infancy. There isn't' anything called microtransaction yet, most of the games are using the buy and play method. The most popular mobile game company was basically monopolized by two companies right now, Kemco and Cairosoft. the game are just your usual 8 bit and 16 bit, it's kinda cute.

"I guess that's alright"

I sauntered towards the room and get my art supplies ready so I could start drawing, the sooner I finish up the current project, the faster I can gain more cash. He hoped that the system will really help him, but at this point? It feels like he's doing all the work himself. The system actually hinders his original purpose since it seals a lot of his previous anime techniques, he tried to recall it, but he could, he tried to do fan art of popular titles from the previous world like Bleacher and Naruto but it wouldn't work. His memory draws up blank when he tried to put it on the A4 paper.

"This system is a damn crutch, here's hoping it would actually start to contribute, if not perhaps it's better if I just don't rely on it and think of another way"

The manga "Kyoto Ghoul" tells the story of the confrontation between humans and ghouls. The ghouls feed on humans, and the CCG agents among the humans also aim to eliminate the ghouls.

The storytelling is very compelling in this series. The setting is extremely novel for its time Whether it is the protagonist Gen Ganeki, or even a small supporting role, they all have extremely strong character attributes. You could say there is a soul within the artwork and storytelling of Kyoto Ghoul. But despite all of this, its style of painting had some controversy in the beginning, but "Kyoto Ghoul" eased the controversy with its excellent results in the Rankings.

In the manga, the lines drawn are extremely bold and Raw. Especially in the outline of the battle, the lines are extremely rough, and there is often a phenomenon one often describes as the "out of panel" (escape from the frame) method the original author popularized. A method where the mangaka will draw the art out of the bound of what's restricted in the A4 paper, Out of bound artworks was already not uncommon, but back in 2011, the idea was still novel enough that not many Mangaka did it, and with his crazy brush strokes and especially bold and vivid artwork, it works. It shows its rawness and edginess.

Therefore, in the early days, some people thought that although the story of "Kyoto Ghoul" was excellent, it lacked delicate elements in the artwork, it's too raw some people say.. Of course, more people hold the opposite opinion, and more readers believe that it is this kind of line, often "out of line", that vividly expresses the most intense scenes during the battle, the better it looks.

In response to the controversy that "the artwork is not delicate", the original author Ishida made the Re chapters When characters meet again, that excellent artwork completely showed all the inner feelings of the characters! The controversy also came to an abrupt end.

The system gave Alex the most original and accurate painting method of Ishida san. With his skills, Alex can perfectly interpret "Kyoto Ghoul" But Alex didn't want to stop there, In terms of the plot, he doesn't plan to make any changes to the previous plot, because the original plot is perfect, but in the battle and daily scenes, Alex plans to add his own ideas!

Isn't the original battle scene rough? Alex intends to make the battle scene even rougher! Darker! like DcED comics! featuring the Dark Knight art style, back when he was emulating American Comics style In his daily life, Alex uses the delicate lines unique to shoujo manga in some of the drawings he did back in his old world, creating that indie comic vibe and feel. It's what made his series so popular. why not do the same with this series too?

The contrast between the two is extremely strong! But this intensity is a double-edged sword, If this strong contrast is properly grasped, it can increase the explosiveness of the battle and show the delicate warmth of daily life in a slice of life setting.

A warmer daily life can bring out the saddest plot, and the saddest plot can better reflect the value of an everyday slice of life! Under this switching method, the reader's feelings are easier to shift around the dynamics of the storyline, as the reader is caught in it and cannot extricate himself within the storyline. It's what he thinks Ishida intended back then when he was reading it.

But regardless of the disadvantages in this style, if there isn't anyone interested in the first few chapters of the series, if he couldn't hook the readers in this world, then all is for naught, Over the next few weeks, Alex re-modified his room into a small proper little studio, where he continued to study different illustration techniques that could only be found in this world. he made many renderings and test art for Kyoto Ghoul, Alex doesn't know how many drawings were discarded due to his attempt, just to capture the essence of the artwork perfectly, Not to mention how many bottles of ink were used! But finally! At noon of the day, Alex finally found the right sweet spot and the right feeling for the tone of this series!

"At this point, this is borderline fan art and fan fiction of the original Kyoto Ghoul, but it should be alright, I think the changes in the art direction are more towards my aesthetics style compared to the previous rough and tumble rawness of the work"

Even after all that, A feeling is just a feeling, now he needs to translate those feelings into proper artwork. Alex is not in such a hurry. When he is tired of drawing the manga, he will watch some television and spend some time with his family... He had a really good time, this goes on for about a whole week, enjoying the summer holidays, and as usual, Ueno would come by his house to cook lunch for everyone. it's a good life.

Alex lived alone in his previous life, he was just a dead man living through work, he never cooked, never even cleaned for himself, everything was done using the laundry place, always ate Chinese takeout, now that he thinks about it. He doesn't even cook except instant ramen noodles and just simple breakfast like eggs and bacon. Alex tried to cook in this world using Viutube as a guide, he wanted to surprise Ueno and impress his mother and sister with his cooking, surprising it turned out well, but the kitchen suffered some damage.

After Ueno came here and saw how bad the kitchen looked, she started to pout and scolded me, fortunately, no one was hurt, note to self, try not to cook without any supervision, and not number 2, learn how to clean the damn kitchen yourself. Unless he went to a proper cooking school. probably. Since then, Alex has never been to the kitchen to cook again, well...perhaps with the occasional Ramen experimentation, he tries to keep it to a minimum for his late night snack through the Konbini.

" Forget it, when all else fails, let's just hire Ueno as your manga assistant and just let her cook for you all day long. "

The day goes by relatively uneventfully today. On the next day, Ueno came to visit on a Sunday morning to play. Alex kept looking towards Ueno all day long today. Alex has always fantasized about marrying a seiyuu or an idol in his previous life, and now he is also a mangaka, so there should be more opportunities, he never dated a girl in his previous life, and He wondered if he should in this world?

Alex was cooped up in his small little refurbished studio and kept drawing and drawing. After Alex finished his sketch, he sat in the chair thinking about it, but soon, he laughed at himself. Ueno while pretty is rather too young for him, deep down he's already 32 years old. how could he suddenly decide to date a high school girl? even if he is still in high school right now, his mentality won't allow it.

On second thought, broke-ass people can't find love, it's better if he concentrates on his manga first, love can come later. He is in no hurry to do that, he could even try to draw a romance series later on who knows? Ueno tries to help out today, she does the inking for some of the pages, I taught her how to do so and we had fun for the whole day,

"Alex Kun, this feels like a date in your studio huh?"

Alex could only shake his head and smile at her

"Stop making jokes and just ink it as I taught you, can you do it? thanks for the help by the way"

Ueno san could only look at the few pages she had and a range of emotion was plastered on her pretty face.

"You're kinda amazing...and here I'm still struggling with my seiyuu school, I'm not closer to my dream compared to you"

Right, the summer holiday may come, but she's still cramming for Seiyuu school to learn how to be a professional Voice Actor, she really studied and try harder than any people he knew in this world, it's very admirable that she tries to take care of his family like this and still focus on her school. 

"I'm sorry, you take care of us so much...I wish I could do something for you, maybe...if my Manga turns into an anime, will you be my Seiyuu then?"

A bright pretty smile came from her beautiful face at the mention of being starred in my anime

"Okay! that's a promise alright? even if I suck, you can't take it back!"

Alex could only nod while laughing secretly

"Alright alright, Now help me ink it, If my Manga becomes famous, I'll even pay you for it later"

"Booo! Alex kun is still a baka! I'm not doing this for the money!"

we joked around like this while working on the manuscript the whole evening. It was pretty relaxing. normal high school life for him. Who knew I would experience it in my second life. As Alex scribbles his artwork, the wrist doesn't hurt as much as before, so he could do it for far longer. With Ueno-san helping out, the work was almost done a quarter of the first volume, it was going quite well for him.


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A woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face in a women's uniform is standing in front of a middle-aged man with a bald head. On the middle-aged man's desk, there is a letter with the "Resignation" letters written on the envelope. That middle age-old man was Aya Gozen's uncle Soujiro Gozen.

" Have you decided? really? we will try to satisfy our demands and try our best. Why quit?."

The bald man kept persuading Aya to not give up on this company.

"There's no need for that, President, the company has treated me very well. I have learned a lot of things in Satelight for the past three years."

Aya said mildly, the bald middle-aged man in front of him could simply smile in kindness Aya did not show her cold demeanor at all towards this bald old man, She has always had great respect for him.

"Is it for the kid? didn't I ask you to think this through? Don't be so reckless Aya"

said the bald man as he was pushing the envelope back towards Aya's direction. Looking at the resignation letter on the table, the bald middle-aged man looked puzzled about this sudden request.

"Because the reason why I become an editor was because of that person, While that person is dead, He had found a worthy successor, unlike before, I will not mess this up, not again"

Looking at the president in front of him, Aya's eyes began to wet as if holding something back, Covering her chest slightly, she bowed ninety degrees

"Uncle! I'm sorry."

Looking at the girl in front of him, he couldn't help thinking of the little girl who applied for the job five years ago...


"Hello! I graduated from the University of Tokyo, majoring in editing, and would like to apply for the post of editor in charge of manga."

The girl's voice was cold and her eyes were very firm as if she was the chief examiner. For a time, several chief examiners were stunned by the momentum of this young girl in front of them, only the middle-aged man who was not bald back then spoke

"Why are you applying for the job?"

"Because of an artist! I want to be an editor worthy of his vision!"

Back then, those were the words this young girl said to me when applying for the job with Satelight. Naturally, we were impressed. But after His death, she became far more distant. She will eventually quit this job since her muse was gone, Now she found someone worthy again, who am I to stop her? The bald man simply shakes his head in sorrow but understood what she means back then, even after several years, he can't say no to this girl.

"In my impression, you never say sorry."

The bald president chuckled, opened the letter of resignation, took out the letter, and signed his name on it.

"Go ahead, your world is much bigger than this small little company I run. You'll have a better chance outside of Sapporo."

The bald president said kindly as if talking to his daughter.

"When you want to come back, you can come back anytime."

With tears in her eyes, Aya Gozen could only say it in a trembling tone,


The bald president smiled slightly

"Say hello to your father for me and that kid as well"


At this time, in front of the apartment's door, Aya Gozen kept walking and walking. She was headed towards Alex's apartment, she stretched out her hand several times to knock on the door, but couldn't muster enough courage to do it. As soon as she was about to try again, The door next to it opened with a click, she was so frightened by the sound that she quickly pretended that she had just arrived and was about to knock on the door before a voice called out to her, a familiar voice.

"Are you the editor-in-chief Gozen?"

Ueno was a little surprised when she saw Aya Gozen in front of Alex's front door. Aya straightened her posture and gave a curt greeting to Ueno-san

"Well, hello Ueno-san."

Seeing this beautiful, sunny and cheerful female high school student in front of her, Aya Gozen couldn't help comparing herself with her. In terms of appearance, both of them are very beautiful girls, however, Ueno Yume is younger than herself, which is an advantage compared to her, not to mention she's the same age as Alex Kenichi. In the end, there is one advantage she has over this high school girl, and that's her boobs. Big bazonkers boobs.

"Are you here to meet up with Alex? Let me take you in, he's preparing a new manuscript right now!"

Ueno said happily, holding the key to open the house next door. wait, she has the key? Why does this little girl have the key to his house? Aya kept staring at the key in her hand, biting her red lips, her eyes were extremely complicated! It's even more complicated! Why is she so cheerful?!

Aware of Aya's Gozen penetrating gaze on her key, Ueno could only blush and quickly explained the matter properly, She then quickly narrated the story of why she even had a key in the first place.

"It's not like that editor-in-chief! This key was given by Alex's mother so that I could come and help out with the cooking, and take care of his younger sister, and since He's busy with his art these days, It's not convenient for him to keep going in and out of his"

The more Ueno tried to explain it to her, the redder her little face became, pure and innocent like a green apple blushing during the summer's gaze under the sun.

"You don't need to explain anything! 

I'm getting one from Alex too!! his mother approve of this?! tch!"

When the two of them first entered, Alex was startled, he was walking around with just a towel around him, he had just taken a shower after a long day drawing since he was just done with the Manuscript. What incredible timing, The two girls who entered immediately stood there paralyzed...their ears were red but their minds stopped functioning they just stood there for a whole five seconds, Alex too just stood in place as the water dripped from his hair without a care in the world As he didn't notice they were just staring at him.

"ah...the two of you are here, I just took a bath just now,"



the both of them gasp the same words as they kept staring at Alex for something. both became red as an apple, Something did happen. Alex was oblivious to everything and just said

" What's wrong with the two of you? why are you staring?"

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