Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats

Chapter 16: Chapter 14 – Penname and Inheritance

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Alex needed something solid, something that could cement his place in this industry, something to shut the critics up and the veterans that He's a serious Mangaka Contender and is here to stay, he isn't here just to ride on his father's coattails, while his skill was rather impressive, he isn't his father. He could fail and all of this could simply just collapse and disappear. All that goodwill he has gotten will be turned sideways even for his father's reputation, He needed to establish himself properly with an original title, with a style that transcends his current form and create something new.

  After thinking about it, it seems quite scary, Although he has achieved high achievements before, so what? That kind of indifferent dignity is very important, but for Alex, whose mental age is thirty years old, this kind of dignity is nothing to him, He's done much even in his past life.

  Even if he lost this time so what? he's still young he can rebuild, and next time, next time I lost, and next time, there's always the next time. It's just that he is rather desperate and had something to prove now, He will make a living by drawing manga for the time being. After all, Alex must rely on my current state and the blessing of the "Book Gift Package" and the system he has gotten from this transmigration.

Although it is not possible to earn a million yen a month, it is still very easy to earn more than 1o0,000 yen a month right? baby steps.

  Well, although I'm He's not afraid of losing, he doesn't want to lose either nobody in this world does Call it a unique perspective of someone who died at the age of 32. Perhaps it's something he could find comfort in, As he stood there looking at the art before him, his thoughts returned to him within the confines of this small studio and continued to grasp the feeling he had found before, to find his own feelings for him. The style of painting that he needed to master in order to create the masterpiece " Kyoto Ghoul"

" Let's start"


A day later, the Awards were officially held, and there were advertisements for the competition on the login page, homepage, and recommendations of every affiliate of JAMP magazine. from billboards to advertising agencies. Everything is full throttle during the month of JULY. It's GO time, Summer is almost ending. Schools are starting soon, but not yet, There is still something to do for people like Alex who submitted their entries. 

On this day, 3000 comics were submitted to the Internet the same day, accounting for 80% of the entries.

On this day, whether in the local area of ​​Japan, Korea, or even China, countless people have logged on to the JAMP portal and read entered the competition since it's open Internationally.

"I heard that there are works submitted by Mr. Kameda in this competition?"

some of the chatter in an office building kept going on and on from one group to another, busy talking and discussing the upcoming event.

In Osaka, a high school boy in a student uniform sits on the subway and rushes to a summer cram school with his friends.

"Kameda that guy?! Is that the writer who is full of shit?"

Jiyusan said happily, his eyes twinkling, "What is the content of his comics this time? More NTR? Isn't it exciting?!"

"I haven't seen it yet, but the title of the new work seems to be "Green Sky"..."


"Yotto, are you paying attention to this year's Awards?" A middle school student with glasses hooked his friend's shoulder.

"No, the next one!"

In the face of this rumor, he chimed towards his friend generally and looked at him coldly.  

"Oh...don' know? he said so mysteriously,

"This time there is a cool manga about cats! it's called "Bungoku Stray Cats" it is really's about... Oh! wait! Don't go away! Listen!"

In every corner of Japan, from elementary school students to middle-aged greasy uncles, every one of them is all paying attention to the Grand Prize this time, and the quality of the  Kokusai Manga Shou Comic Grand Prize this time is indeed high! They all came across the whole world and try to vote for their favorite manga. they liked and cast their precious votes. This time the promotions are given were also very successful, and countless online netizens left messages below to discuss and comment about it.


"Wow! It's a new project from Kameda Sensei! "

A dissolution person from mainland China said with an IGN tag called "MrLu" was very excited when he found out about his favorite mangaka is about to release a new series.

"Mr. Lu! Excuse me, how did the protagonist get NTRed this time? Or did he give his girlfriend to a friend?"

A netizen with the IGN called " Who's yourNTR?"

"Hey, guys be civil! What are you thinking! Didn't you see the name this time? "Green Sky"! Of course, it's all green! you bet this author is gonna insert more NTR stuff, isn't that why you follow his works?" 

"Bwahahhahaah!- no not really, I just thought his series really had potential if it wasn't for the NTR"

"Then why do you even-"

"Cuz pretty waifu pics, what else? Kameda san is a man of culture"


In the comment areas of major social platforms, Kameda's reputation has been gaining some traction but whether it's a good reputation or a bad reputation, is debatable. His previous work "Game of Kings" and the current work "Green Sky" have been pulled out for debate in a show of comparison, every single day his reputation kept dwindling down due to a decision he did with one of the plots and storyline in Game of Kings, as he wonders if these same plot mistakes will happen in his future series.

In the face of netizens' ridicule about himself and his works, Kameda didn't care at all about it, bad publicity is still some sort of publicity,

This is not because he has a lot of arrogance with his new works, The general public opinion about him was always terrible since he wasn't one to go with the crowd, he is the King of NTR, the self-proclaimed master of Netore and all things Netori, he prided himself of that title too. He doesn't mind it. Thinking of the time when the protagonist of "Game of Kings" gave his girlfriend to his friend, let alone the readers, even his editor in charge was stunned by this decision to insert NTR into the publications! He was strongly urged to revise it, but Kameda simply refused to revise it. It did come with some backlash but he didn't mind it one bit. He too has his own conviction at hand.

In the end, it attracted all kinds of infamy, and his social media was hacked by various forums, which caused a huge public opinion towards his work given the morality it was showing towards the youth today, but he was very happy because his popularity was higher! and! More people knew about his manga because of this bad publicity, most of these people then proceed to generate huge subscriptions to his series. In terms of reputation, he is basically trash, but in terms of money, he really is rich, and this time, his newest title "Green Sky" ranked first on the JAMP portal Platform! So what if he's trash? Trash people are people too.

Who cares if these readers hate on him? trying to cancel him? so what? Are haters gonna hate? How about being hacked? what are you gonna hack? Hack my website?  Can't that make me money? I have my own fanbase, I have my NTR and my fans love me for it." As long as I provide the goods, the Visual Couture, the people will rally behind my NTR genre", This is Kameda's basic motto, it is how he lived his life. Everything is simply for money and profit and all things NTR. He doesn't care how he gets there as long as there's money involved and he gets famous for it.

Looking at his first-place result, Kameda simply shook off  from the keyboard and said with a sinister smile,

"Kid! I want to see it! How can you beat me!"


"Hey! It's me, Deshawn your assistant before? Congratulations Sango Harukawa Sensei!! Thank you very much for helping me promote on our local US platform your latest series "Bungoku Stray Cats!" I heard you got the second ranking on the JAMP platform for the newest award? congratulations!"

On the phone, a 28-year-old  from America called a 35-year-old middle age Sensei.

"It's nothing, after all, you've been my assistant for five years, that's what I should do," Harukawa said lightly, with a very cold tone,

"Hey Deshawn, have you ever heard of a kid called Alex Kenichi? he's currently running under the penname Tochigi?"

"Tochigi? is it the same Tochigi? There are thousands of entries this time. And you say it's a kid? I don't know if there are any, but I didn't see this name in the top 20 entries." Dashan thought for a while and said.

"That's it, it's alright, take care Deshawn"

After that, Harukawa Sensei hung up the phone.

That man simply looked at an old comic book with the title " Raindrops by Tochigi" he simply sat there and looked towards the window, It's raining right now


Dickscord Announcement Channel

"@All members of the group! Lilian's assistant -Kikite's debut work "Kikite's Daily Life" has been published, Please vote for it if  you have time."

"Wow! Beautiful Lilian Sensei has appeared!"

"If Lilians there I'm coming from Africa to Japan!! marry me Lilian Sensei"

"Hey!! Lilian is my wife!"

"The two of you!! Don't say anything, draw your sword!"...

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In the Dickscord group, as soon as the group owner named Lilian appeared, the whole group became lively, Lilian was merely doing what she does best for her protege assistant with her publicity and canvassing for her assistant, she doesn't talk much but simply sent a link to vote. It's a rite of passage every Mentor and assistant will go through once they passed certain years in their training and wanted to go pro.

"Don't say anything! Support Lilian's assistant Miss Kikite! I'm going to vote now!"

"Go through the portal and vote!"


Seeing that her propaganda effort was quite effective, she closed the discord group window with a smile and typed in the search engine 

" Tochigi  Kokusai Manga Shou Comic Award"

But nothing came out. Only a blank result was shown. She could only frown at the search results, Did he not post anything at all?

Her assistant came by and ask her teacher

" Is this Tochigi really that influential? Didn't he pass away just recently? isn't this just another copycat?"

Lilian could only smile and said

" Talent can't be copied darling, Whoever it is, It's definitely Tochigi or someone who learns extensively from him. It's worth noting that someone of that talent is making a comeback or debuting, don't you think it's exciting Kikite?"

Her protege could only nod confusedly, She wasn't born in that era 10 years ago, so she couldn't understand the hype regarding this Tochigi, She has heard the rumors, This new Tochigi penname is a newbie just like her. Kikite was an only follower of one single work, The Queen of Shoujo herself, Lilian Akamatsu, she seldom look towards other mangaka and their works until that day-

" you will know when you meet the person. If that guy submitted something similar to that "My World" project? it's going to be grand"

Kikite could only nod and look at her entry, it's trending rapidly right now, but her mind could not focus on anything else besides the story and one-shot drawing from that "My world" project, the first one-shot manga made by "Tochigi" was very interesting. A simple romance story, short and cute, but the NSFW art made her boil in anticipation.

Those brushstrokes were not done by an Amateur, there's no way a kid who's similar in age just like her could do something like that. That was too explicit, even she couldn't think of such poses and create such artwork even with reference, "how do you even find such a reference anyway?! " She was just too flustered to think rationally. Her face is red as a tomato right now because of that- Her sensei noticed it and just said

"Pfft, you're thinking about that "My World" entry didn't you?"

She tried to protest and said,

" I-I do not!! I'm busy! leave me alone!"

She simply stormed off into the corner of her studio and picked up a pen and paper and started drawing profusely, clearly, she was flustered, Mary walked by and notice the changes as she headed towards Lilian. Her cold and calm gaze was simply glued to her phone as she was typing something and sending something on it.

Lilian was clueless about what her Editor and manager is doing right now so she asked

" What-cha doing Mary?"

Mary didn't say anything, looks up, and turned toward Lilian

"A friend of mine, she asked me for some favor, And I refused"

Lilian didn't know she had a friend outside of this circle, She wondered who it is, Mary looked at the with a blank stare and sighed

"You know her too, It's the Blizzard girl, Aya Gozen, for the first time she asked me for a favor and I refused. It's something to do with her young charge, the new "Tochigi" is under her right now"

Lilian's eyes lit up at the mention of the name

"Oh-my, that icy girl? So what did she ask for?"

Mary could only scoff at it and said

" She wanted us to advertise for Tochigi's new work, I tried to ask what it is and she didn't even want to reveal it, naturally I said no, it wasn't even submitted, I don't know what got into her, she was always bright, Cold, Charming and aloof, this sudden change of's odd like she's desperate"

Lilian could only nod and touch her chin with the word "hmm" and hummed along the way while she was thinking of something.

" That icy girl did that? Huh- she really did change"


Alex has finished creating the first baseline for the cover, He created the basic outline of the Series, just brought line art and the skeletal of what he's supposed to do next, he had already done 35 pages, halfway there, and the first day was almost over as he was drawing till the late nights trying to find the balance in making this Kyoto Ghoul artwork that he envisioned. 

The city landscape and the darkness that is portrayed in the story was the same, the same bleak darkness of humanity and ghouls alike, He tried his hardest to portray that but not only that, he also tried to make some parts softer during its slice of life moments in the story, he thinks he has found the right balance in the plot, artwork, and storyline. 

*Knock knock*

"Alex, aren't you asleep? it's late"

It was his mother, Katherine Kenichi calling him from outside of his room slash half furnished mashed up studio he made using some of his father's equipment he found around the house, Did his mother find out? He didn't think she would find any fault in that right? 

Ignoring the knock, the door wasn't unlocked and she simply came inside of the room, it was scattered, the pages are spread all over the floor for the ink to dry, His mother could only smile softly, It reminded her of Alex's father back when he was working on his Manga, it was a little nostalgic.

"What are you drawing right now? Something new?"

Alex could only turn his head around and put down the pen and paper on the table, cramp as it is, it is still his bedroom and there isn't a lot of space since most of it was used to set up the artboard on the wall and various tools lying around, His mother noticed some of the works he had done,

Touga and Gen Ganeki the two protagonists of the story laughing languidly in a cafe named "Anteiku" and having a good time making coffee, and on another panel, blood and body parts were lying strewn on the panels, Alex thought that some of these panels would have shocked his mother but It didn't give her any adverse response, instead, she seems rather delighted, that was a glint and sparkle in her eyes

" Oh my, these artwork are exquisite, You're good at this Alex! I didn't even know you've already reached this level of talent, this is far better than what your father did!"

Her elation was real, she was genuinely impressed by his artwork, After all, perhaps it is why his mother married his father in the first place, for his art? that could be it, right? That put a smile on Alex's face, he was genuinely happy that someone liked his art, He didn't try to copy the previous artwork of Kyoto Ghoul, he tried to improve upon it since he think he could do it, just make it far sharper, bolder and softer at some points.

" It's good huh? I'm glad" That's the only words he could say, even back in his old world, the only people who ever praised his artwork directly and truthfully are his fans and his Manager from his old world. It felt good to be recognized. Her mother saw that small little smile and felt her heart pang with guilt, She wondered if he feels pressured to do this because his father has just passed away,

Katherine could only hug her boy at this moment and she softly said

"Yeah, you're very talented Alex, you should keep doing it, but not today. The day has ended, why not rest for the day?"

Alex who was suddenly hugged by his mother couldn't say anything, he felt extremely comfortable being hugged like this, having felt his mother's warmth for the first time, It was a very comforting feeling, even if he was a 32-year-old man from the inside, but right now, as an 18-year-old kid, he was rather embarrassed and glad he had this hug, Alex tried to explain that he was in a hurry to submit this for the competition,

"I needed to submit this as soon as possible before the dateline of the voting period, but as you can see, it's not finished"

Katherine release herself from hugging her son and said-

"Why don't I help you out tomorrow? I could do the inking, Yukari could help, It's the summer holidays anyway, what do you say son? After all, I once inked for your father as well and put on the toner when he's rushing on his dateline, I know how it goes."

Alex could only say...


My mom is helping me out?



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