Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats

Chapter 28: Chapter 26 – Welcome to Anteiku

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" Hey, boss? come and see this..."

Yukari Kenichi was perplexed. What was her brother doing there? the red light district? Yukari doesn't know much but she knows enough. That's where the less savory parts of society operate. the shadier part of town. Her mother often warned her about ever stepping foot into that place, so why is his brother there?

There was a recorded video posted on a private channel of Sensei Tochigi entering the building, someone who's into the streets of Sapporo would recognize the building anywhere, it's the Gojo group merged under the Seiyukai Clan, it was being transmitted live on TwatchTV, a hundred men were gathered outside with various cold steel weapons, from baseball bats to samurai swords. Sapporo can be quite lawless when it wants to be, and right now it seems like there's an all-out war.


An all-out war with Alex?.  Her brother?"

dickscord Admin messaging group---


"Eh Nani?"

"what? Alex? isn't that Tochigi's real name?"

" Isn't that the Author?"

" What did he ever do to piss off the Yakuza?"

" Omoshiroi! hohoho! ...but seriously, does anyone has any idea why?"

" Hey upstairs, what do you mean it's interesting? do you know anything?"

"What do the admins have to say?"

"Do yakuza even exist? maybe they are shooting a movie?"

Yukari simply ignored all of the chatter that was going on and was only focusing on the live video right now, what interested her was what came next, several Masked Dogs wearing cosplay outfits were standing eerily above the building menacingly eyeing the yakuza below, the Self-made man, the Gokudou of Japan simply unaware that several hungry burning eyes were starting from above. She had seen those people before.

One woman was particularly similar to the manga her brother drew, It was Kaya Irimi, in the flash. The leader of the Black Dobers appeared out of nowhere and drop from several stories above ground. How does someone even do that? Yukari couldn't understand what was happening on live streaming right now.  She immediately increase the audio on her phone and took a headset to listen to it.

" Irashaimasen- Welcome to Anteiku"

The yakuza Captain step up and with an annoying face, He was a giant of a man, with tattoos over his face, and the symbol "Death" on his T-shirt and coat he's wearing.

"Huh? who the heck are you?! what's up with the dog mask you freaks?!"

The Black Dobers from Kyoto Ghoul, the group led by Kaya Irimi before she joined Anteiku Cafe. She led the group of ghouls and warred with the Apes, another group of gorillas masked with white Parkas. both leaders had a truce and joined Anteiku in the 20th ward, and now one of that group is Sapporo. Why here? why now? Does this have to do with Tochigi her brother?

dickscord messaging group---

"Yo, is it really a movie? something is off though..."

"Who are those guys? are those...? the Dobers?"

" Is miss Irimi there? Wait, she's real?!"

"No way, this is definitely some promotional shooting material right?"

"A live-action movie of Kyoto Ghoul? I rather watch the anime adaptation tho, wait..they haven't even begun to serialize yet"

the next scene was even more unbelievable, several of those men on the rooftop  just jump down from 3 stories high towards the ground like it was nothing and simply walked by, one of the Leaders of the black outfitted dog masked group said something, the Audio clarity was

very low but it sounded Animal Growl, Predatorial Sound of a wild beast.


With that single word, all hell breaks loose. those black-masked Doberman garbed men and women flew and move at the speed where the inhuman eye could follow and decimated the yakuza as bodies were thrown and beaten around like ragdolls in a blink of an eye, legs and arms were broken and bent in weird degrees, bones shattering and sounds of various clavicle were crushed could be heard from the low audio, but it was loud enough, devastatingly brutal to the average citizens to hear bones break, meat grounded, and concrete slabs being broken as these people smashes through the yakuza group in less than two minutes. The longest two minutes of anyone's life as they watch in horror at the sheer brutality of this group.

After everything settled down, only groans and moans of pain could be heard, shrieks of pain and screaming woke up the city as many onlookers halted and who happened to be at the scene came out of the Pachinko Parlour nearby, only to find out that many men were left broken and battered on the floor, still alive but unmoving among a group.

The leader of the Black Dobers is a lone woman with black raven hair, a cold calculated beauty in the midnight light of Sapporo illuminated her dangerous sense of allure walk towards one of the conscious Yakuza still holding his bat, still standing shakily as pee was running through his pants right now, The woman noticed this and simply said,

"No one threatens the Creator..."


the man simply collapse and started screaming as she step on his leg and it cracks from her stomp. The woman tilted her head and ignored his cries and wailing. she then looked towards her men and nodded, they simply vanish into thin air as multiple flashes of these people take off into the night before anyone could see who they are. there, that same woman seems to be bowing towards a person coming out from a back room with two other people wearing a facemask. Just your ordinary facemask, one member of the Anteiku Dickscord group on the scene, with the shaking camera...even he could barely hold on to the phone properly. What everyone here just witnessed was just too...insane.



dickscord messaging group---






"the fuck just happened?"

"I don't know"

"Does anyone know what the hell was that?"

"Shit that was cool"


"that was too brutal...the sound of bone that real?"

" I don't know"

"me neither"

"me three"

"me four"

"five...the fuck just happened? They said Anteiku, was that really one of us?"

"Anteiku...drove out the Yakuza?"

"Tell me that video was's real right? Is that really Kaya Irimi or someone cosplaying just like her?"

" no way, but's...I know that place right at Susukino, I just went there last night..that's definitely Kishimoto clans people..."

"uh..hey upstairs, are you Yakuza too? "

"Uhh wow, we have yakuza in Anteiku? get outta here! that's kinda cool!"

"Heyy guys chill, don't discriminate against the yakuza man!"

"What if it's a Yakuza girl? what then?"

"Wanna see my Bazongers pics? who's the kid in the mask?"

"Hey, how the hell do I know? He seems familiar, That's the Author? the mangaka Alex Tochigi?"

"It's Alex Kenichi, I thought he would be some middle-aged man or some college adult, didn't think he would look that young and tall, the New Tochigi kid is pretty handsome"

"He's a blondie, real blondie? hafu? a gaijin? or is he just a delinquent"

"I don't know...I can't tell by the mask"

"What's he doing there? is he related to the Yakuza attacks? did he orchestrated it?

"I Dont know man..the audio is pretty choppy..all i hear is screams of agony and broken bones"

"Everyone seems so familiar man, the kids wearing some sort of mask, that girl and the other kid are also wearing a mask, Kaya cosplay girl is wearing a dog mask, yo man..we should wear a mask, it'll be our signature profile man..."

" a new gang? the dog mask gang? the face mask gang?"

"shut up..just watch the damn live feed, I wanted to see what happens next!"

Yukari could simply stare at the screen in shock and horror. what was that? what did she just see? What about her brother? is he okay? She frantically started to type to the person filming there, then she saw a figure coming out walking out of the aftermath, it was her brother albeit covered from that hoodie and is wearing a face mask covering his lower half. 

He seems to be addressing the Yakuza that had fallen down shakingly cowering from the fear,



" Sapporo belongs to Anteiku now, tell your Oyabun that I want to meet him alright? Anteiku got some business with him"

The yakuza leader could only nod vehemently at the threat

"O-okay, I'll tell him that"

the Yakuza stood up and ran away, he was the only one uninjured, he quickly flee the scene and ran away leaving the men behind. Alex was standing before the crowd of injured Yakuza on the floor with Aya and Matsutada following behind, they kept their mouth shut and just follow him out. Before they left, he told them that he got everything here handled and explained everything to Aya, how he met Matsutada shaking down someone innocent for money, how he was forced to do this because he was bullied by the local gangs. Most of the small-time gangs here follow the Kishimoto clan. After he said those words the three of them exited the place as he said some orders towards Kaya Irimi and whisper to her these words-

" Spread out and fan out towards the streets, if you see any small-time gang bullying anyone, beat them up and wipe the floor with them, make it known that Anteiku is watching. Leave the aftermath to me"

Kaya simply looked at the Creator and nodded. Alex simply stare at her and point at the watch

" Do this, and I'll change your world for the better. You have my word that the Anteiku in my world will have a proper happy ending"

Kaya didn't say much and bowed, with one last look she vanish into the night. Aya and Matsutada couldn't hear what they were saying, they were simply too afraid to even pay any attention to their surrounding after seeing all the bodies lay bare out here, beaten and broken. These people are dangerous people, they don't play around, violence is their business and yet all of these gang members lie beaten and broken on the floor all because of a single person they knew that somehow made it happen.

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Alex and the two of them left, Alex noticed that he was being recorded. He wanted to be recorded so that they would witness this. He already had one of the Irimi's men to record and upload it on the internet, it will be virally as he's walking the streets now. And as for his identity? he's doesn't mind getting exposed. At this rate, there's no use in staying lowkey with the things he's about to do to this town soon. He's going to flip the whole place soon anyway. Life in high school? and ordinary life? does that even matter anymore?

Alex look towards Aya as they walked to the streets and then towards Matsutada.

"Hey Matsu chan, how old are you anyway?"

Matsutada was in a daze when Alex was talking to him. He was still thinking about what to do next. Before this he was just an ordinary delinquent with his buddies, he did join a gang, part of a Bosozoku gang in Sapporo called the Cypress kids. That all changed when the Kishimoto clan came and took over the place 2 years ago, they were decimated, although 2 years ago, he was still in high school. He's only 16 now.

" I'm 16 Aniki! Attending Sapporo west High school! "

Alex could only stare at the big-boned guy, He looked like someone around his age, muscular, while unruly still look quite older than him.

"wait, you're younger than me? huh... the small world we live in, I went to the same high school as well"

Matsutada could only brush it off and said

"Iya..there's no way I wouldn't know someone as strong as you Aniki, I was part of the Sapporo great 13 clans back in the days, someone with your fighting skills would pop up on the radar, I would know you if you go to the same school as well"

Alex only replied with

"Im not in any gang, I was really just your regular Otaku really"

Matsutada forgot that Alex had just said he was the famous new debut Mangaka artist known as Tochigi

" Right right!! You're Tochigi sensei! but really, I didn't even know Anteiku is so strong. Who were those guys?"

Alex simply smile and said

"Anteiku. Haven't you heard? there are lots of strong people in this gang... over 3 million followers and increasing. Probably the biggest in Japan, oh should join the dickscord channel, it's very lively."

Aya could only stare at her young charge with an unbelievable attitude, as her mind was a mess. What does he mean by that? isn't it just some online forum group appreciating his comics? since when did it become a gang? let alone someone that formed so suddenly within a few days with a fighting force to take down the Yakuza? And who is that cosplayer of Kaya Irimi? How could she fight like that? So many questions os going on in her mind and she wanted answers.

"Alex, what were you doing back there? Seriously, who are those people?"

Alex's eyes glint with a seriousness that doesn't reflect his current age right now, that glint showed a dangerous glow as he stare into her eyes

" Hey Aya, tell me something, those guys at JAMP, How long have they been doing this? I'm pretty sure your sister is in it as well, It isn't a coincidence that many of the people that get laid off from Jamp are people with the potential to succeed, why destroy their career directly like this? I don't see why this would benefit Kodansha Main Revenue, the shareholders definitely won't allow it"

Aya just remembered something, she forgot that she fucked up the JAMP deal due to a former acquaintance.

", and Alex, there's something I need to tell you, JAMP hasn't been the same since the board of Ceo under my sister took over, Usually, the editorial department, proofreading will all work separately without Management interfering but since my sister joins in, she decided to meddle into the affairs of who gets contracted with Chief Sanomiya's help"

"And what about the shareholders? Don't they know this will cause them some potential revenue? Kodansha stocks haven't exactly been rising for the past few years"

Aya could only look at the boy strangely, he's just a high school kid, how does he know that?

"How do you know that?"

Alex could only shrug and said

"Aren't the reports in public? Isn't Kodansha a public company? of course, I could read their financial statements Annually each year"

" The major shareholders are the people that support my Sister, naturally..they would stay silent as long as there's some...benefits under the table, I could only surmise that there are other backend deals that I'm not privy to, My sister is very successful and very rich, far richer than my father is right now, She even force him to hand over my Father's company shares to her"

Alex pondered for a while

"You think that someone is backing her from the background?"

Aya couldn't say anything, she could only nod and said

"It's just a speculation, sister, after your father quit at the height of his career, My sister made a lot of bad financial choices, she was in debt, but...all of those debts was suddenly wiped cleaned without my father or my mother's help, I could only speculate that she somehow had a backer, her rise towards CEO of JAMP was rather Meteoric, that even my Uncle was surprised"

Alex could only shake his head in regret,

"You...have a complicated family, Can't say I envy you, Miss Aya"

Her face was emotionless as there wasn't any feeling whatsoever towards the mention of her sister

"It's alright, I'm used to it."

Alex could only smile at this sudden change. He knew the world would retaliate somehow when the system warned him. So perhaps this is one way the current world trying to meddle in? He couldn't be sure.

"Eh, whatever. We could self-publish or go with another publisher. I'm not that worried about JAMP. It's their loss really, as I was saying, JAMP, even if I sign an exclusive how much are they paying me?"

Aya could only sigh in defeat, a million yen a month? that's not how much the average Mangaka earns, it's probably more than 20 000 yen mostly on average.

" I won't bore you with the details depends, a new artist like you will probably get 30 000 volume sales at first, so 10% percent of that volume sale will be converted to your salary, and that's just accounting for your royalties. You don't...have a proper salary"

" No need to say anymore Aya, I understand perfectly fine that a Mangaka doesn't earn much. Instead..."

Alex then stops looking at an abandoned warehouse. across the street. 

" I wanna be self-sufficient. Create and control the industry for the better. Why share the piece of the pie when we can have all of it?"

Aya looked at the abandoned building, she couldn't contemplate what this young man is looking at an abandoned building for.

" Alex, it isn't that simple..there are people in the higher-ups, there are..."

"There will always be people up above you, Ask yourself Aya. Why did you become an Editor? didn't initially you were awed by my father's works? Didn't you start producing your own series too? tell me the truth, For you to not release any works and became an Editor, was this the work of your sister as well? were you one of her victims too? Your novels were pretty great, I've read them myself."

Aya could only stay silent and nodded. She indeed became an editor so that one day perhaps she too could be Alex's father's exclusive Editor, while the dream was naive it was indeed pure and true. She did try her hand at producing her own works, but find that helping out others realize their potential is a far better reward in itself, she wanted others to believe in themselves.

She really does love mangas and the medium. She loves the anime industry, the buzz, drama, everything. Even if she wasn't his father's Editor she wanted good works to be exposed, it's why she became an editor, she wanted good manga to be produced and proliferate in the industry. She wanted these stories to receive exposure, she wanted the hard work of artists to be appreciated by their fans and inspire them to be more... Manga thought her that.

"Why did you become an Editor?"

"I believe that every artist deserves a chance, it might start with wanting to help your father, but later on, It became something that I myself wanted to pursue to create and shape the current industry, I wanted to give every story a chance to be heard, that is why I became a mangaka Editor"

Alex could only smile as he heard that simple reply, it's all he ever needed to hear

" And yet...why do these mangaka's need to work so hard and yet get rewarded so little while the middle man profited, I mean look at my Dad, is he rich? is he successful? can he be considered as successful? The cruel fact is, only a small amount of percentage of Mangaka get any recognition and became really successful, financially and creatively"

Aya could only nod, she knew the grueling trials of the current manga and anime industry right now. It's practically hard labor for the amount of recognition, you get for such little amount of pay, she wondered if the industry could change for the better, but she doesn't have a solution.

" What do you suppose we should do Alex? the world doesn't revolve around you..."

Alex then said 

" Then I'll just make the industry revolves around me, that building over there?it could be our future studio, My anime, and art studio, not just any studio, I'll start an empire, a Mix Media conglomerate that shocks every part of Japan, they can't afford to ignore us."

Aya could only smile and chuckled a bit, at times like this, Alex really does act spoiled like a kid

"And how would we do that my little sensei?"

Alex simply smile and said

" Leave it to me. In a week's time, it will have the proper equipment to house the best animation studio not just in Sapporo, but in the world. Do you trust me?"

Aya could only shrug her shoulders and smile. Whatever it is, she might as well let him do whatever he plans to do.

" Okay, I trust you, Alex. And...I'm sorry about JAMP, If my sister didn't hold a grudge against your dad if it weren't for her, you would probably have your own serialization -"

Alex interrupted her and said

" It's alright"

His eyes showed a strong determination as if whatever he said will come true tomorrow, there was a strong responsibility in what he just said, Aya could only nod as they look upon the abandoned building in the moonlight as it showed brightly above the sky, Matsutada didn't understand much about what they said but he heard that Alex said he could own the building soon and he did say he will guarantee him a business, his own operations. 

Alex then thew Matsutada shoulders a small punch and said

" Hey Matsu-chan, wanna by vice-captain in a gang? I'll buy you a Zephyr if you do"

"Oh? Aniki! Are you a bosozoku too? Do you know what a Zephr is? which brand? A zephyr for free?!, what do you need?"

Alex then told him what he needed tomorrow

"Gather your friends and meet me in front of  our high school, we got places to be tomorrow"

Alex then looked toward Aya and then said

" Aya, let's go back to my place, I'll finish up Kyoto Ghoul's Manuscript and give it to you, other than Jamp, Do you have an idea who we can approach next for self-publication works here in Japan?"

" I have an idea who to approach, but let's discuss it once we got back, today has been rather weird Alex."

Alex simply smile and took her hand as they walk back to his home

" Sure thing"

Matsutada then bow and simply left

"Leave it to me Aniki! let's meet up at high school tomorrow!! I can't wait!"



The next day- Headlines of Asa Shinbun Tokyo

"Asa Shinbun Daily news headline"

Kyoto Ghoul canceled from the Kokusai Manga Shou Comic Award "

Tokyo ghoul will not get a serialization as controversies ensue after an alleged yakuza brawl in the back alley of Sapporo red light district shows highschooler Alex Kenichi, also known as the Creator of Kyoto Ghoul was allegedly involved in a fight with the Yakuza last night, onlookers have recorded the scene and posted the video on many sites and have reached Viral status as gangs are known as the "Anteiku" assaulted the Yakuza gang members in a gruesome and bloody manner, no casualties are involved as the police are still looking for these masked vigilante's,

The police has ruled out any gang involvement with the Creator of the series since he wasn't in any injury and ruled out any involvement since there were no past records indicating it, the Manager Aya Gozen and Editor has begun making statements and had filed a police report yesterday night regarding the issue but failed to-

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