Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats

Chapter 38: Chapter 36 – The Hentai Conundrum

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What is a Hentai game you ask?

Maybe you aren't asking the right question, or maybe you aren't even asking but it's good to know anyway. There is no set definition for the gameplay of eroge, except that they all include explicit erotic or sexual content depending on the game. Like other pornographic media in Japan, erotic scenes feature censorship of genitalia, only becoming uncensored if the game is licensed and released outside Japan unless produced illegally by dōjin, such a thing does exist in his previous world.

Alex couldn't care less where the medium came from legally or illegally.

Additionally, some games may receive an "all-ages" version,  where pornographic content isn't allowed, removing or censoring sex scenes entirely. Something Alex will never do. He checked the laws, but there aren't any. Japan still recovering its economy from the previous war and still use bunker technology for civilians, What's a little snu snu in life? Japanese people don't care about Semantics.

Eroge is most often a visual novel or dating sim. The kind of dating sim you grew up with is just dialogue options with a choice-based selection. Very traditional and yet very functional as well. Alex wouldn't want to change the formula. It works.

However, there are also many other gameplay genres represented within eroge, such as role-playing games, mahjong games, or puzzle games. Some eroge, such as those made by Illusion Soft, are just simulations of sex, with no "conventional" gameplay. Now Grisaia?

This game is the holy grail of modern Eroge. 

Grisaia no Kajitsu is undoubtedly one of the most successful and popular visual novels in recent years. It is a game praised for having a godlike character cast, excellent production value, great comedy, extreme lewdness, Let's stress that again, EXTREME LEWDNESS.and an abnormal amount of psychological depth and serious storylines for a harem series for its time.

If there was a gold standard for Eroge? this was it. Is it any good? for the degenerates and connoisseurs out there, perhaps not. But for someone who's just starting to step into this sort of degeneracy? Grisaia is a great first novel to sink your teeth into.

Grisaia is a very traditional Eroge. It’s light on choice, there’s little interactivity to speak of, and the gameplay boils down to clicking to advance the text and occasionally selecting a choice to change how the story plays out. There aren’t very many of those, however, and in fact serve only as ways to transition onto the five pre-set paths the story can take, or “routes”.

This leads to another way Grisaia is traditional: it centers around a school, the Mihama Private Academy. It’s a special school with unique students, ones that weren’t average in some way, so they were brought there to give them a somewhat normal life. An academy where they can go to school every morning and study along with their peers. Each of the characters has a past that stops them from being normal, including Yuuji Kazami, the game’s protagonist.

He is not a cardboard cut-out meant to represent the player like a lot of Visual Novel main characters with their stupid covered hair. No, Alex refuses to insert any hentai meme's in here. That's not necessary, instead, the main character has a sarcastic and dry personality that’s pretty entertaining. He is, just like the girls that serve as romantic interests, a completely human character placed into an environment where he can try to be normal.

As Alex thought about the changes he want to make, He already did several pages of artwork with his innate powers speeding through the paper he bought earlier, It's better to keep the tablet he had a secret. Just the laptop is fine since he's short on time and needed to use the computing power of a modern high-end laptop from his world.

There is one more asset he found in this world, The legendary Yoshida is working on his game. The guy that made Final Fantasy XIV Reborn and rebirth. From a realm reborn to the Acclaimed Heavensward and,...Alex isn't even going to cite that joke. nope. Let's just say this guy is a big deal in the gaming industry.

Who is this Yoshida you ask? Try the director Naoki Yoshida. At least he goes by the name of Yoshi-P in his previous world, He knew that face anywhere. A younger version of Yoshi-P and working in some indie company. Alex realizes that Yoshida san here hasn't started working in SquareEnix yet. The first final fantasy game. That is a long way off. He knew that the man came from Hokkaido, but didn't know he went to Tokyo to pursue his dream in game making.

The man studied some coding before, and his code is clean. very clean. His designing skills comes to life when some of the artwork was scanned and put into text and a proper direction under him

" Alex-san, Can we add some explosions here? I want the asset from 24 and 27 nodes, Alter the style and I'll modify the bitmap into the game."

Alex nodded and smile as he work swiftly on paper and scan it,  the artwork was already done before he could ask for it.  Yoshida-san was surprised by the speed this boy could portray. He's efficient and has really good control. And whatever this Development kit they are using, it's fast and intuitive. Nothing like the Console they used to work on, Perhaps PC gaming is really the proper medium to play the best games after all.

A seed started to churn within his mind as he ponders the technology this boy created for future gaming. Visual novels, while accessible in terms of ease of play, can be a frustrating thing to create. You plot out your narrative, chart all your dialogue, create memorable characters, and then when it’s time to tie it all together and transform it into a viable, player-ready videogame, your project can come to a screeching halt. What if you don’t know anything about coding or programming? How could you take your artwork, painstakingly crafted plot threads, and killer twists and translate them into a finished game ready to go online? 

This Alex Kenichi did it all in this devkit he called a game engine. It seems simple at first, but it simplifies a lot of the coding process and cut through all that framework to create a game. What could take weeks to make now only take a few hours, under Alex's speedy hands? even faster. The boy is a speed demon when it comes to hand-eye coordination. That sort of APM is unrealistic.

Ueno was recording her voice on a phone recorder as Alex could multitask and mix it using something called Goldwave, Another software he created using the system help from the real world. Just a simple digital audio editing software, even Ueno could do it on a borrowed PC inside the studio that Yoshida borrowed for their project.

Yoshida san couldn't help but marvel at this Engine Unity.

"I can't believe we're actually done with the framework in a single day. And all the main voice sample has been recorded"

Alex grins devilishly as he finishes up the last artwork for the main characters. Now all he needed to do is create a new Platform for a PC and mobile cross-platform. Something the Unity engine is able to do when other SDK couldn't, Create the background art, and do a few more random voice samples like ambiance, he will have to record this from the city, such as a crowd of people and the sound of tire screeching.

Sound engineering isn't his forte, but he learned enough in to fit this in. being a person from his previous world where Youtube is so prevalent, something like this is easy.

"Come on, Let's leave this for tomorrow, I've saved all the data in the PC, we can pack the drawings we scan for archiving. Im sure these original art will fetch quite the price on Comiket later this weekend."

Alex said so, As Ueno embarrassedly handed over the rest of the drawings to him, Some of the artwork was NSFW, and one of the girl looks awfully similar to Ueno too. The similarities are too Uncanny. Ueno couldn't help but whine and bawl as she slap Alex by the shoulders, Alex just shrug it off as he laugh maniacally like a little kid.

"Alex, you're such a horrible person, Why did you draw me in that game!"

Alex look around feigning ignorance

"What drawing? I didn't draw you. That girl certainly wasn't you"

Ueno shouted

"She has the same Hairstyle and the same personality as me! "

Alex look at her innocently with a deadpan look and said

"Which girl?"

"Amane of course!"

Shouted Ueno again,  Yoshida-san could only shake his head. Glad that he doesn't have a girlfriend. Having one seems like such a chore. Alex could only smile and laugh a bit as he taunted her and said

"She's nothing like you. For one, She got that red hair going on here, something of a femme fetale charm. so you can't say it's the same, and secondly,"

Alex have gotten closer to her face and said this in her ear silently almost like a whisper.

" You're far too shy be Amane"

Ueno san temperature rises as her head blows off with steam from embarrassment


Alex can't help but tease her even more. He didn't exactly base any of the heroines off her, but the characters are relatable to some. As for Amane being similar to her? maybe once upon a time when they were younger. Alex could remember that she used to tease him a lot, these days it's the other way round.

"Come on, It's time for dinner, this Hotel room is too stuffy with just the three of us in here"

Yoshida-san could only shake his head in envy, the two of them flirting openly like this. Is this how kids are these days? Yoshida-san couldn't relate. He's too busy trying to survive out here just paying rent and eating right every day. Alex noticed how uncomfortable Yoshida-san is with Ueno and him so he decided to ask him where to eat.

"Hey Yoshida-san, know any good places to eat? Preferably something affordable, none of that bento-packed stuff tho"

Alex smiles jokingly as he gives a little wink toward Ueno san and drapes his arm around Yoshida-san in a friendly manner. The man is far too stiff to be their senior. Yoshida-san could only smile wryly as he was clearly uncomfortable with the sudden friendliness of this ha-fu high school kid, who is currently his temporary boss.

"Come on, Lighten up, we did a lot of work in just one day, to be frank, I didn't expect we could reach this amount of progress so soon"

Yoshida tried to relax as even the kid could sense how tense he is. He feels bad that he hasn't developed many social skills outside of working after college. Not that he had many friends either, After the war ended, a lot of things changed for him and his family. Nothing is the same ever again, he certainly couldn't enjoy being a kid even when he was a child and had to grow up fast. At least he could try to make it up here. 

"Yeah, I know a 

The young man nodded and took out his phone, type something on it, and showed it to the young genius Alex. A small little Ramen shop by the Street just behind this building in a Ryokan-style inn, The food there is not bad and there aren't that many people going there as well. A perfect place to eat and chat and the price isn't too bad either.

"Ooh, not bad. Got that traditional Japanese Inn vibe, Lead on Senior~!"

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The rest of our group choose to sit at the end of the room. Surprisingly the room is quite spacious for an Inn. A nice view from the outside too with the zen-like garden within the compound. From the busy streets outside, it doesn't look like the inside would be so spacious. Alex pondered for a moment as he looked around the place and a waitress came up to them to get their order.

" What can I get you?"

A young woman, with a pleasant voice, Alex thought she would make a great voice actress too, Maybe he will ask later. Alex look towards the menu and just ordered what everyone else already discussed on the way here.

"We will order your best Shoyu Ramen for all of us. Anything else to add guys?"


"Nope, maybe change my drink to Ice Mugicha instead of a hot drink"

Said Ueno as her eyes were still glued to the menu looking through it ravenously, Alex has an inkling that she wanted to order everything. This gluttonous side of her is something Alex rarely sees. There are a lot of things he still doesn't know about his own childhood friend even with the help of the previous Kenichi's memory.

" I would like some of the starter plate sushi, thank you"

Yoshida-san said curtly as the Waitress bowed as she take our order and breezed off to the kitchen. Yoshida-san then looked at me while Ueno is still reading the menu, there was a slightly awkward silence as traditional Japanese cyberpunk music is playing in the background, It was kinda nice with some bossa nova tunes.

"Alex, about the game. What are we going to do with the gameplay? Just making a simple visual novel wouldn't cut it."

Alex looked towards Yoshida-san as he chimed in, Ueno-san started to perk up as she heard what he was saying, Alex, touches his chin and pondered what he would like to introduce in the game, something he would like to add to the Grisaia game. If this was his previous world, he would just tack on some RPG element and call it done, but no. He wanted to do more, the only problem is...there don't have the time.

" We do a demo, just one stage to showcase our gameplay. The rest of the game can be updated once it goes live. All we need to do is wow the people in Comiket.  The game will be given out freely as a download to their phone first"

Yoshida gave Alex a questionable look

" A mobile game?"

Ueno san looked towards Alex and nodded as she took out her phone and showed it to Yoshida-san. A game titled " Demo Idle 1" Not really a game then, a prototype of a game. There Yoshida-san could only gape his mouth in wonder as he saw something ...quite novel. Alex could only grin as he look at the shocked Yoshida-san with his eyes glued towards the small pinkish phone trying to tap around the game.

" is this? resource management..with continuous progress without any..oh?"

He tapped on the phone and the idle animation did a slash. His eyes went wide again as he tap the phone again and the little idle animation did another slash faster to deal more damage to the enemy.

" the gameplay?"

Idle games are everywhere. They aren't any games that help a player to progress through no interaction with the game. The games play themselves! Idle games can also be referred to as Clicker games, Incremental games, or Offline games and we’re going to take a look at why they are so popular with players around the globe, but according to his findings, Alex couldn't find any of these sort of game in this world, at least it's not prevalent.

An Idle game is a novel idea for a traditionalist like Yoshida-san after all.

An idle game is a game that progresses with no interaction from the player. Imagine a game that starts by you mining some rock, but after mining a few rocks, the game continues to mine the rock without you actually having to play! Sounds like a game for lazy people and it is, It's for those who just don't have the time to play but want to play. It's all about the perception of playing.

Idle games do not need a player's constant attention, and can therefore be active while a player does other things, and can even be running will a player is sleeping. This type of gameplay can be very rewarding to the player because they feel like they are gaining rewards for their inactivity or lack of activity, Alex wanted to introduce this type of game to the mass audience but he won't be introducing the bare minimum.

He wanted to create a proper RPG game with some gacha elements in it in the future.

Having the first game as an idle game is easy, the barriers to entry are low and everyone can try it. The game only needs two things to progress, first is Upgrading. The math of the game must be good. For now, he won't focus too much on the schematics of the math and only introduce the simple combat tap design and RPG elements to level up for the demo.

and The demo on Ueno's phone is a good sample of it. She was having fun with my game so she had to download it directly herself. Plus, Alex needed the feedback anyway. 

" What do you think? Think we can implement this as a simple improvement and create artificial stages and bosses? I reckon we can set a boss at every 10 levels"

Yoshida-san could only shake his head as he heard this

" ten level is too much, and even so..progressing this way might seem...too easy and too fast. Won't people complain about the simplicity of the game?"

Alex could only smile as he whip out his laptop and boot up a program, something he experimented and this is what he came up with. Yoshida san pulled himself closer to Alex's sit as Ueno san stood up as she had gotten curious as well about this new game. His previous one was rather fun, mindless fun, but still fun.

"Check out the prototype and tell me what you think"

In the screen, five units were moving in tandem towards several units, one of the unit seems like a tank, another a dps role and another the support that heals the tank and dps defeated a bunch of random copy-paste soldiers.The hero was the main character of Grisaia. Yoshida wondered when did the man create this? was he already had this idea from before?

He then saw the team take down the soldiers as there were skills and button prompts that synergize with the four other party members. The characters that Yoshida could see is the Hero Yuuji Kazami wielding a handgun and avoiding the incoming damage by dodging, His role is the tank, then there's Amane Suo brandishing a large pipe like a greatsword designated role DPs Vanguard, and Yumiko wielding a boxcutter, odd choice of a weapon but her designated role is DPS Assassin.

Each of the units has its own passive skills and technique, with one button to use the ultimate with a cooldown.

It was an interesting idea. A game that plays itself but the micromanaging in upgrading the characters and managing the stats and armor is quite delicate. This isn't an RPG per-se it's a tactical RPG with many things combined, including the base building and sim management such as the story and affection meter.

There's a real working prototype game almost done in completion. All they need to do is to finish up the story and fix the rest of the stages and copy-pasted more artificial levels and they are done. 

Yoshida-san couldn't understand how the hell all of this was made within the next few days. He can certainly see it in his mind, the mindmap and the makeup of the game and its implementation. Alex already knew how it will end. That is why he's so confident. He already has a complete game finished in his mind.

"Yeah...this is possible. One problem Alex"

Alex raised his eyebrows next. What problem? he thought he nailed it. Yoshida-san then said

" Does it have to be a hentai game?"

Ueno san to the side could only nod vigorously.

" Uhh..yeah? The story is steep in R-18 stuff. Trust me, I'm not botching up the story to write something else, The sex is part of the story"

"Alex Ecchii-"

"Yeah, I guess a high school boy like you would want to do that huh?'s your project "

Why are these people making him out to be some big bad pervert? How could he say it? That the original story wasn't created by him? that he actually enjoy the deep and meaningful heartwarming and tragedy behind the characters? eh-whatever they will learn in time. I better ask the Waiter if she wants to work part-time as a voice actress. Having more voice sample in the voicebank will help with more voice modulation for future projects anyway.

"Oh look- the food is here" Alex tried to deflect the whole conversation as their food arrived. 

The rest of the crew had mixed feelings about what they just witness, Ueno-san was pestering Alex to let her download this Alpha version on her phone, While Alex coaxed Yoshida-san to ask the waitress to see if she wants to work and lent her voice as an NPC. The rest of the day goes by peacefully as they ate their food and the night ends.

Their first night in Tokyo goes splendidly well. Hopefully, tomorrow will be another calm and fruitful day.



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