Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty – Crossroads

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A somber melancholy overtook me after we returned to the manor. Sitting in the library I thought overall that’d been said in the council chambers, wondering what I could have done differently. Confident that there had to be a better plan, just nobody had mentioned it yet.

Otrea’s skills with magic were unheard of, it was a given that she’d be able to grasp what I’d said and make use of it. Part of me even believed it might’ve been possible for her to save Eurycelia without me. She had to have an ace up her sleeve she was simply trying to keep hidden.

These new healers would be regular mages. Even if they were Colletta’s brightest students, they wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to Otrea’s abilities. Could I really stomach trusting the life of my girlfriend to them? We’d only just started dating, I wasn’t ready to see Eurycelia die.

“You look as if someone you cherished has died,” Eurycelia noted, softly petting my ear. Her expression didn’t look much better, but I decided not to point it out to her.

“Couldn’t I just shadow Colleta’s healers? Stay with them until someone suffering from anaphylactic shock appears.”

“You can’t be with all the healers in the kingdom at all times. I’m sure they believed there was a risk of simply having you in the wrong place and wasting their chance to learn from you.”

“Were you there when they voted? Did you know they were going to do this?”

“No. I was kept in the dark, I am… as shocked as you are Bernie.”

“What do I do if… if they can’t save you?”

Eurycelia sat herself down in my lap, wrapping both of her arms around my neck. “I have faith in you,” she whispered, as a solitary tear streaked down her face. “It’s scary to go through that again, but I know you’ll succeed Bernie. You’re the daughter of a god after all, if you can’t make a miracle happen then nobody can.”

“I have no training in making miracles.”

“You saved my life once already. And that was before we knew you were a demigod.”

If only knowing about being a demigod actually gave me demigod powers.

“I’d feel a lot better if—” I halted mid-sentence as an idea struck me. “Euri, can you go get Lady Otrea’s spider? I have to speak with her.”

“About what?”

“My backup plan.” I didn’t want to risk Eurycelia’s life, and I just realized I never had to. Otrea already knew what to do, all I needed to do was convince her to sneak into the kingdom, her exile be damned. And I was willing to face my fear of spiders to make sure I could.

After hopping to her feet, Eurycelia ran upstairs and returned a few moments later with the little blue spider in hand. “Here we are, Bernie.”

“T-Thank you,” I bit down hard on my lip to control my fear. “How does this work? How do I speak with her?”

“I think you just start talking, the spider can probably relay when someone is speaking to it with intention.”

“O-Oh got it,” I coughed to clear my throat. “Lady Otrea! Are you there, I need your help.”

“So good to hear from you again Bernice,” Lady Otrea’s voice swooned after a brief silence. “What help do you require?”

“The Council wants to force Eurycelia to have another allergic reaction so I can train their healers. I don’t want to risk Euri’s life, and I don’t trust the magic of the healers I’ll be teaching. Not as much as I trust yours. So I was hoping, you would be willing to return to the city. I want you here to make sure Euri stays safe.”

“Hmm… you’re willing to risk the possibility of the king’s guard marching on my manor. But you’re not willing to risk the possibility that the healers you will be training might fail to save Eurycelia’s life. I see, you must have grown quite fond of the councilwoman since you left my side.”

“I have.”

“It is no problem for me to come to you. Harriette had something she wished to discuss with you as well, so this is a perfect opportunity for us to come visit. I will even alter my appearance as to not cause a ruckus. Though Bernice, this does mean you owe me a favor.”

“What kind of favor?”

“If I tell you now it’ll spoil the surprise. Simply know that I will be calling upon you when I have wants I need met. When are you due to meet with the healers?”

“Lady Colleta said they were due to arrive this afternoon.”

Otrea sighed, “That doesn’t give me much time. Very well, I’ll arrive as quickly as possible. There is a hidden teleportation circle in the basement, I’ll arrive there. So don’t act surprised when I appear within the manor. Simply pretend as if I’ve always been there. It’ll be bad if your healers suspect me.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Eurycelia returned the spider to wherever the girls liked to hide it before returning. “I can’t believe you asked for her to come here.”

“It’s the best way to keep you safe.”

“If the king finds out we’ll all get beheaded for luring the Exiled Witch back into the city.”

“Then we just need to make sure he doesn’t find out. After all this is Lady Otrea we are speaking of. You said she could sunder magic and create armies of spirits. I’m certain whatever disguise she wears will be flawless as well.”

“If these healers are capable of spotting illusions, we’re doomed.”

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“You said you trusted me,” I giggled making my way over to Eurycelia’s side to place a kiss on her cheek. “And this is what I think is best.”

“I just don’t want you around that woman,” Eurycelia pouted, puffing out her cheeks.


“Of the sexy immortal witch whom you owe multiple favors to? Yes.”

“Sexy?!” I placed a hand over my heart. “Is Lady Otrea more your type than me?”

“No!” Eurycelia shouted, her cheeks turning red. “You’re perfect Bernie, too cute to even have competition. I was… comparing her to me.”

“I like a wide range of types,” I smiled laying my head on Eurycelia’s shoulder. “But you know, you’ll always be my very first girlfriend. In this world and the last. That makes you special in a way nobody else could ever compete with.”

Eurycelia and I cuddled in one of the library chairs until a knock at the door announced the arrival of the healers. Eurycelia left my side to go welcome them in, guiding them into the library to meet with me.

The two healers were both humans with brunette hair. One, a girl with straight shoulder-length hair bowed as soon as they came to a stop before me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Bernice, I am Regina.”

The second, a male with a close military-looking cute did a brief salute, “Good Afternoon Lady Bernice. I am Monte, I look forward to our time together.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet both of you. Will you be commuting? Or are we preparing rooms for you?”

“We have a home here in Lorepashe, Milady,” Regina replied. “We’ll arrive around midday, every day until you deem that we’ve learned how to handle allergic reactions successfully. We’ll leave you around dinnertime so as not to impose on your personal time.”

“The two of you live together?”

“We’re siblings Milady.”

“Well then, you can both take seats. I’ll try to explain the basics first. I hope you don’t expect any practice on day one.”

“Of course, we wouldn’t want to risk the Councilwoman’s life. We won’t attempt anything until you feel we are ready to do so.”


Now I just need Otrea to arrive and we’ll be all set.

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, Harriette stepped into the library. A fox-eared toddler riding atop her shoulder.

“I see your students have arrived Bernice,” Harriette called.

“Big Sis~! I’m bored, let’s play!” The fox-eared girl squeaked. Causing Harriette to cover her mouth so we wouldn’t see her fighting back the urge to laugh.

You’ve got to be kidding me! That can’t be Otrea, can it?

“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Regina gasped. “We were told you came here from another world as an adult.”

“Eh… she’s, adopted,” I replied. “Give me just a moment to speak with her, and I’ll be right back.”

I jumped to my feet and guided Harriette and the little girl out of the library, so we could speak in private.

“Who is this?” I asked pointing at the foxgirl.

“You forgot me?” the foxgirl whined. “Big Sis, you’re a meanie. It’s me Eskame.”

“This is Lady Otrea’s homunculus. She would’ve appeared a little older if we had time, Lady Otrea only began working on her recently.”

“I thought Lady Otrea was coming?”

“She’s here,” Harriette pointed at Eskame. “She’s transferred her soul into her homunculus’s body, temporarily.”

“The look on your face,” Eskame cackled. “This has already been worth it. I’m going to have so much fun causing trouble for you while I’m here, Big sis.

Oh gods, save me now.


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