Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty-Five – One More Night

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The next couple of days were a blur. While I’d expected them to be weird, due to the effects of [Impose Naivety] on Eskame’s mind. I hadn’t quite expected to be dealing with the fallout of two goddesses kicking down my bedroom door because one of them had a grudge.

It also became quite apparent when I caught Harriette having a panic attack the day after their arrival that nobody had told her my mother was one of the Primordial Eleven. She’d been so stunned it hadn’t even clicked, and when it did her mind did a hard reset. All resulting in me fighting a losing battle trying to stop her from treating me like a literal golden child of rainbows and goodness.

Our temporary reprieve from the repercussions of that night came to an end on the morning of the third day, when the two healers were due to return. Mommy Laura had said she’d deal with them, but didn’t really elaborate on what that meant. So I simply sat in the library on pins and needles wondering if they were going to show up or not.

“You could send me a message anytime mom,” I muttered under my breath. “Let me know they’re off doing their thing and I don’t have to worry about it.”

“Perhaps I should go to the Council Halls and inquire if anything happened over the last couple of days.” Eurycelia offered, standing from her chair.

“Even knowing you’re still a member of the Council doesn’t really do much for me. I don’t trust them, I don’t want you to go.”

Eurycelia smiled at me leaning forward to place a kiss upon my lips. “I wrote my resignation letter yesterday. I’d intended to give it to the healers to take back, but I could always take it in person.”

I gazed at Eurycelia in wide-eyed astonishment. “I thought you were proud of your place on the council?”

“I’m spending every day of my life in the company of a literal demigod Bernie,” Eurycelia chuckled. “None of that matters as much anymore. Besides they have meetings I won’t be able to attend while we’re obtaining the coffee you want. So they’d probably vote me off the Council anyways. Better to resign now, so they reflect on threatening my life. Instead of just vanishing and them believing I’m simply too flaky to be trusted with my position.”

“I guess that’s a pretty good argument,” I sighed. “Still, can’t you just send it with a courier?”

“If it would make you more comfortable, then I will.”

“It would make me a lot more comfortable Euri. I don’t want you to go near the Council Halls, at least not until Otrea’s mind is freed from your spell. At least then we can threaten them using her name, and they’ll probably comply.”

“We could threaten them with your name too. If you want to make your whole status as Laurmonja’s daughter public.”

“Let’s not. Just send them your resignation via a courier. I want to leave for the Scaleborn Kingdom tomorrow morning, so it’s not like it’ll matter if they get upset. We’ll be out of the city before they have time to do anything.”

“Okay, I’ll see if I can flag down a courier.” Eurycelia smiled before kissing me again. “Before I do that though, where did Eskame go?”

“She’s pestering Adelita to make her a stuffed animal.”

“Shouldn’t you go save Adelita? She’s way too skittish to be left alone with a child isn’t she?”

“She actually looked happy.” I chuckled. “She’s been dreaming of Lady Otrea spending time with her. It seems like your spell is a godsend for her. Whatever was preventing Lady Otrea from spending time with her is locked away with the rest of her memories.”

“It isn’t easy to see Otrea and Eskame as the same person anymore is it?” Eurycelia asked casting a concerned glance towards the staircase. “Something altered her personality to the extent I can’t see even a hint of Otrea in her eyes. I don’t know how Adelita could be happy with this.”

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“The starving will eat anything,” I replied. “Do you think Rysa manipulated your spell? Made it more damaging than it should’ve been?”

“I don’t know. I doubt I could even find out. When one of the Primordial Eleven wishes for something to happen, we are taught it just happens. The scripture says that those who displease the gods just fall dead. If Zrysanthene was displeased with Otrea, then punishment should’ve come with a snap of her fingers. The fact that she came in-person to carry out Otrea’s punishment is unexpected.”

“Perhaps the gods are weaker than the church would like you to believe.”

“Or there is something about you that is changing the rules,” Eurycelia grinned at me. “Maybe you have some kind of anti-divine field around you and she cannot take action on anyone who is inside it. Not without first entering the field herself.”

“I have no such skill,” I laughed. “Though it would be nice if I had some sort of secret power. It kind of sucks to see a four-year-old fox that can level mountains. When I can’t even transmute a single coffee bean.”

“I’m sure there are many things only you can do Bernie. But if I keep standing here I’m going to want to give you a million kisses and I’ll forget to send off my resignation. So I’ll go now. I love you Bernie.”

“I care for you too, Euri.”

Eurycelia gave me an awkward, almost sad smile before leaving me alone in the library.

A little while after Eurycelia left to flag down a courier one of my two healers, Monte, arrived. He looked as if he hadn’t slept in days, and from the smell, he hadn’t bathed in that time either.

“Is everything okay?” I asked concerned.

“Yes Lady Bernice, we’ve just had a random spike in those with allergic reactions to things. I’ve spent all my waking hours tending to them. I simply wished to come here and formally thank you for the education you’ve provided, and let you know we’ve been successful. So that you do not expect us again, I doubt I’ll have the leisure to visit anyone for some time.”

“Thanks for letting me know.”

“Yes, Milady.” Monte bowed. “Your arrival in Lorepashe was a blessing from the gods. Without you dozens would have died.”

I watched as Monte left the manor grounds feeling a little conflicted. Mommy Laura had done just as Rysa suggested and used her control of bad luck to have several citizens develop allergies. Probably those closest to Monte and Regina so that they would be nearby to take action.

It feels terrible to be called a blessing, when I know truthfully that I brought about a curse.

Sighing to myself I made my way upstairs to check on Eskame and Adelita. Hopeful that whatever they were up to would be enough to chase away the dark clouds forming over my mind.



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