Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 55: Chapter Fifty-Two – Coffee

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After my mothers left I trudged back to my room, exhausted. It honestly didn’t surprise me much that my birth mom was Ellione. I guess it surprised me more that I didn’t really feel anything about that reveal.

I’d been just as in the dark about my mother’s true identity as Otrea was. The only difference between us I guess is I couldn’t really remember her. Trying to conjure up memories of my birth mother gave me little more than blurry pictures and a dull pain in my chest.

I was more surprised to think that technically Otrea and I were sisters now. Assuming that Mommy Laura was being serious and not just doing her best to embarrass her.

Closing my eyes I quickly faded off into sleep. My dreams playing out a possible future where I sat upon Ciriczar’s throne. Which despite being full of splendor, gave me headache after headache as I had to deal with administrating an entire nation.

It was a nightmare. One I wouldn’t allow to happen.

Unable to suffer through any more of it, I woke up. Carefully I slipped free of Eurycelia and Eskame. Both of whom had found their way into my bed after I’d fallen asleep. I was surprised to see Libelle still awake, drawing runes on a sheet of scrap parchment.

“Aren’t you tired?” I asked trudging over to gaze over her shoulder at her work.

“Dragons are capable of staying awake for weeks without sleeping.”

“You don’t get tired?”

“We do. We just don’t have to succumb to the feeling the way mortals do.”

“Your runes are amazing. You’ve almost got them down perfectly.”

“I told you I would master them by sunrise. Give me your blood and I’ll prepare the circle for your transmute skill.”

“Umm sure, do you know the [Pain Shield] spell? I used to always have Harriette cast it on me before we drew any blood for my alchemy. I like to avoid pain when possible.”

Libelle sighed. “Just use my blood then.”

“Eh, is that possible? I can use other people’s blood?”

“Not other people’s, mine. The blood oath I swore to you makes my blood magically compatible with you. It could be said in a more sickening and disturbing fashion that my blood has been replaced by yours.”

“Sickening and disturbing because someone else’s blood is flowing through your veins?” I narrowed my eyes at Libelle. “Or sickening because it’s my blood specifically?”

“Sickening because it is a mortal’s blood. Being bound to you is a death sentence for me. When you die, I die. That’s how the oath works. You’ve shaved centuries off my life.”

“Really now?” I nearly informed Libelle of how long I expected to live, but thought better of it. Honestly, she deserved the anxiety and worry that came from thinking her lifespan had been shortened. It served her right.

“Well then use your blood,” I commanded turning away from Libelle. “Make the transmute circle as fast as you can. I don’t want to wait any longer than I already have for coffee.

The basket of coffee cherries we’d been able to salvage after Libelle’s assault, was already in my room. Since I had no need to go anywhere I just sat on the edge of the bed and watched my dragon work. Trying hard to fight the urge to bully her.

“Hmm, Bernie?” Eurycelia mumbled. Rubbing at her eyes and sitting up. “You okay? You look tense.”

“Hmm?” I gave Eurycelia a soft smile before kissing the tip of her nose. “I’m just waiting on Libelle to finish my circle. It’s about time everyone tried coffee.”

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“She’s already mastered the runes?”

“The ones we need, yes.”


It only took Libelle a bit longer to finish up the circle. Not wanting to waste our hard won coffee cherries I double-checked her work against our references. The runes matched perfectly. With not a single stray line out of place.

Now all I needed to do was place the circle on the floor, pile the coffee cherries in the center of it, and say the chant.


The coffee cherries began to glow, then within the blink of an eye, they were gone. Replaced with perfectly roasted coarse coffee grounds, ideal for french press. Which I’d decided would be the first style of coffee I’d attempt as it was rather simple. And required little in the way of equipment.

Utilizing [Water Magic] I filled a pot with water. Then I heated it to near boiling with my [Fire Magic] before pouring my coffee grounds in. Careful to obtain a twelve parts water to one-part coffee ratio.

Then I let it steep. Normally with french press you’d have a piston with a mesh filter to push the grounds down. Since we didn’t have such a thing yet, I was going to use magic.

Once I’d let the coffee steep for the correct amount of time I used my [Water Magic] to force the coffee grounds to the bottom of the pot. Then I poured Libelle, Eurycelia, and myself all a cup of it.

“Normally I’d offer you a cube of sugar to stir into it. But I don’t have any sugar in my bedroom and I don’t want to go bumbling around after some. So you’ll have to drink it black. Just know it’ll be a little bit bitter.”

With my little disclaimer out of the way, I brought my cup to my lips. After blowing on the surface of the liquid a bit to cool it, I took a sip.

I nearly moaned in delight as the tart fruity flavor of the coffee flowed over my taste buds. Leaving a sharp acidic aftertaste in its wake. All of which I found desirable of a good cup.

When I used [Transmute] I’d kept the image of a medium-roast, close to dark. And I felt as if the coffee I was tasting now hit that perfectly. It was pleasant enough that despite being on the hotter-than-desirable side of the temperature scale, I downed my glass.

Surprisingly Libelle’s reaction seemed to almost mimic mine. She had the expression of someone who was truly enjoying her beverage. While Eurycelia had the more expected reaction. Politely drinking it while not seeming to overly enjoy it or dislike it.

“You don’t have to force yourself Euri,” I giggled. “Black coffee isn’t exactly something I’d recommend for a first-time drinker. You’d probably find it far more enjoyable with a little creme and sugar. I just didn’t have either on hand, and I’m impatient.”

“It’s fine. It’s a very interesting beverage,” Eurycelia noted. “Very different to the one you made us before.”

“You mean the one that nearly killed you?” I smiled. “Anything without cinnamon is going to be very different.”

Giggling Eurycelia sat down her glass and leaned forward to kiss me. Her tongue pressing gently on my lips. A request I was more than happy to oblige. It was only as our kiss deepened that I realized I could taste the coffee she’d just been drinking.

My cheeks heated as I realized just how arousing I found that to be.


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