Reborn as a Basic Barista

Chapter 80: Chapter Seventy-Three – The Bunny Festival

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True to his word, King Christophe arranged for a massive festival to be held in Lorepashe as well as several other cities throughout Ciriczar. Enlisting every available seamstress and minstrel his agents could find, the festival was complete with hastily written songs in my honor and cloth bunny ears for the people to wear. 

Even the church, whom I’d yet to have much of a relationship with due to their rather lazefare approach to religion, got involved. Though I’d never posed for such a thing, on the first day of the festival they revealed a beautiful statue of me which they intended to place alongside all of the other gods, permanently deifying me in this world. 

“My stomach hurts,” I sighed, hiding in the back of Lorepashe’s grand temple. “Everybody keeps begging me for blessings, and trying to touch me.” 

“Don’t forget the women who wanted you to name their babies,” Rysa giggled. “How lucky those children will be to have been named by you.” 

“I didn’t use any blessings on them, it’s just a name. They might even hate it later in life.” 

“They will have a lot of caché with their friends as the only children to be named by Bernice, the primordial demigoddess.” 

“Your mother is right,” Ellione smiled. “They will certainly have many advantages in life just from having this minor connection to you. Paths that would’ve been closed to those of common birth will open to them.” 

“People didn’t make this much of a fuss about me last time.” 

“Your background was a great deal murkier when you came to our world,” Rysa noted. “This time, you actively declared yourself a demigoddess before anyone knew you existed. That’s the right way to go about it.” 

“The priestess told us Bernice was here,” A voice called at the door causing me to stiffen. I turned in horror as the door swung open to reveal Neige and Lucetta.

“You look horrible,” Lucetta said with a devious smile as she moved to sit in my lap. “I’m going to enjoy this, as payback for making me a child.” 

“You agreed to the new body, and you never said not to make you a child.” 

“You should’ve known better! This isn’t something I should’ve had to warn you about.” 

“Alright, sorry. You can enjoy my misery all you want, and I’ll enjoy yours when Harriette sees what has become of you.” 

“You bitch…” Lucetta clenched her hands into fists and acted as if she was going to strike me only to gently press her knuckles against my chest. “You’re not going to leave me here?” Lucetta asked gazing up at me with a fragile expression that hardly fit on someone who’d just called me a bitch. 

“Nope, you’ll be coming home with us. Neige will be too.” 


Neige coyly smiled as she slipped her arms around Lucetta’s shoulders, after sneaking behind us while we talked. “Someday, I want you to be comfortable enough to sit in my lap too you know.” 

“Not happening.” 

“Looks like almost everyone is hanging out here,” Otrea observed as she walked into the room. “Why aren’t you outside enjoying the bunny festival, Bernice?” 

“Because I’m the person everyone is celebrating Otrea. It’s exhausting.” 

“You’ve got a guest here that could help with that,” Otrea noted right as Lauren filed in behind her. 

“There’s my lovable daughter.” 

“Still doing the dad thing?” 

“Yeah,” Lauren grinned and winked at Rysa. “Your Rysa shared with me the change I needed to make to win her counterpart’s heart, but I figured I’d wait till your situation was over. After all, I don’t want to be distracting my Rysa as she carries out our side of the plan.” 

“Your side of the plan?” 

“Don’t worry about it Bernice,” Rysa interjected. “Lauren and I had a long conversation about what needs to happen. A lot of surprising things might happen soon, but we’ll protect you. Now then, Lauren, why don’t you keep up your end of our deal and give Bernice her disguise.” 

“Sure thing,” Lauren smiled before nodding to Lucetta. “Might wanna move little lady, otherwise I might accidentally turn you into her outfit.” 

“How could you possibly make such a mistake?” Lucetta grumbled. 

“Eh? I’ve been drinking wine by the barrel since sun up, don’t expect much from me. Now move please.” 

Lucetta huffed before hopping off my lap and moving out of the way. Grinning Lauren placed his pinky finger lightly against my nose. “Sorry Bernice, but the knowledge on how to win Rysa’s heart didn’t come free. I promise this will only last a day.” 

A feeling of dread washed over me, but before I could do anything about it the whole world began to spin. I felt nauseous and dizzy to the point that I had to clench my eyes shut and hug myself for fear I’d begin to regurgitate my breakfast. Then, as fast as it had washed over me, the feeling was gone. 

Opening my eyes I found that the world and everyone in it was suddenly far larger than I remembered. To the point that I began to worry I’d just been turned into a rabbit completely. Gazing down at my hands revealed that wasn’t the case, rather something far more dubious had been done to me. I’d been shrunk down to a toddler-sized pip-squeak. Even my clothes had changed into a childish dress, while my hair, now done up in a pair of braids, stretched down to my knees. 

“You turned me into a child?!” I screeched, my voice now a slightly higher pitch than it’d been moments ago.

“Only for the day,” Lauren replied as Lucetta hit the floor clutching her stomach and cackling. “Rysa requested this as repayment for the information I obtained.” 

“I told you once that Laura and I had argued over what would become of you when we brought you to our world,” Rysa smiled, crouching down so she and I were eye level. “I wanted to make you a child again, but she won. She almost always wins, but when Lauren showed up, with all the powers of trickery that Laura commands I knew I could use them, so when he asked for my help I made a request of my own. Please Bernie, let me have some mother daughter memories of my own.” 

“Even if you make me look like a kid… I’m not sure if I could act the part.” 

“Do your best. I’d rather have a day of you poorly pretending to be a child, than not even try.” 

“Well… if you don’t mind a bit of bad acting,” I reached up with both my arms. “Pick me up please.” 

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“Of course dear,” Rysa slipped her hands under my armpits and lifted me into her arms. “You ready to enjoy the festival?” 


“Before you go,” Ellione came over to us with one of the bunny-ear headbands that everyone was wearing. “You’ll need one of these. Since Lord Lauren took your bunny parts away.” 

“Wah? I’m human again?!” 

“You were human when you were this size weren’t you?” Rysa giggled. “I wanted an authentic experience.” 

“Eh? That makes sense… I guess.” I allowed Ellione to place the headband on my head and adjust it so it fit me properly. Once she’d done that Rysa carried me to the door as my companions all did their best not to laugh at my expense. 

“Well then, we’ll see you tonight everyone,” Rysa said turning to wave at everyone with a smile that radiated warmth and happiness. “Please enjoy yourselves.” 

“W-Wait!” Lucetta ran up and caught Rysa by the hem of her blouse. “Let me come too, I want to lau— I want to play with Bernice as a child.” 

“You can come with us Lucetta,” Rysa replied with a devilish grin. “But you best be on your best behavior okay? If you don’t act like a good older sister for baby Bernie, then I’ll have to curse you so your body never grows a day older, understood?” 

“Yes ma’am!” Lucetta answered with a quick salute all while smirking at me.

It was obvious that Lucetta would happily be the best big sister I could ever ask for, all so she could gain information to torment me with later. My face heated with embarrassment as I imagined the psychological damage future me would endure as Lucetta regaled everyone in our world with tales of this day. Still… Rysa looked so happy, I couldn’t take this away from her just because I didn’t want Lucetta to tease me. 

“Are you feeling hungry sweetie?” Rysa asked as we stepped out of the temple. “Ask for anything you want and mommy will get it for you.” 

Ugh… The smell of barbecued meats filled the air causing my mouth to salivate in anticipation, the only problem I had was, how would a child this size ask for it?! Seeing how happy Rysa was to be carrying around my toddler-ified self made me want to try hard to play the part, but I simply didn’t know how to do it. 

Wait… Eskame is basically a toddler, how would she ask for it? 

“Mommy, somfing smells good,” I cooed, doing my best Eskame impression. “I want it!” 

“Oh?” Rysa was grinning from ear to ear, while I felt as if I’d probably taken on the same color as a ripe tomato. “You must be smelling some of the meat vendors, I’ll get you some. Lucetta dear are you hungry too?” 

“A little.” 

“A little, what? 

“Er… I’m feeling a little hungry for barbecue?” 

Rysa sighed. “You should say ‘a little, mommy’ try to be a bit more cute like your sister.” 

“Yeah Lucetta,” I giggled. “Be a wittle more cute.” 

“I’m hungry too Mommy,” Lucetta grumbled, looking away. 

“Good girl,” Rysa gave Lucetta a pat on the head before guiding us over to a vendor selling meat skewers. 

“A pair of skewers for my daughters please,” Rysa said to the vendor, handing over a couple copper coins.

“Your daughters?” The vendor asked handing over the food. “You hardly look old enough to have one that old.” 

“I’m just blessed with youthful splendor despite my age,” Rysa laughed. 

After eating our skewers, the three of us meandered around the festival, playing guessing games, watching magic shows, and eating a ton of sweets. Though the people had barely a week to prepare it seemed as if everyone had come out to celebrate the arrival of a demigoddess, which was a bit humbling. It also made me feel a little sour, I was planning to abandon these people for my own world, yet the people here would probably speak my name reverently for the rest of their lives. 

“We can always come back to visit,” Rysa noted, poking my nose. “Now then, little girls shouldn’t have such a terrible expression. We don’t have much time so push all those sad thoughts to the back of your mind and just enjoy yourself today okay?” 

“Yes, Mommy!” 

“Good girl, now then is there anything you girls would like to do? You both seemed to love the fairy floss vendor, want to go back and buy some more?” 

“You look just like Zrysanthene, interloper,” An irritated voice cut through the crowd. Lucetta froze in place and began to hug herself as her body shivered in fear. Turning I saw an elderly man walking towards us, a blond-haired Rysa following right behind him. 

“Shit…” Rysa growled. “This wasn’t supposed to happen today.”

“You look upset to see me, then you must know the punishment you are about to endure for breaking the flow of history that I designed.” 

“The flow of history?” Rysa laughed. “Mortals are not puppets for you to direct Deezer. You are the god of time, your only job is to ensure it flows without issue.” 

“My job to ensure that the people remain as they are, and never forget us. Now then Zrysanthene, as we discussed, kill the false demigoddess, and the interloper who mocks you by mimicking your appearance.” 

“Our power doesn’t come from worshipers,” Rysa hissed as she carefully set me down on my feet. “The cauldron of life itself, origin of reality, granted our power. The only way we could possibly lose it, is to have it forcibly taken from us. Or have you forgotten why the lesser gods are constantly clawing outside your dominion?” 

“I’ll not listen to your babble a moment longer, Zrysanthene, kill them. 

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