reborn as a doll, what do I do now

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: a doll’s purpose.

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"You sir have chosen a wonderful model, this model of combat doll is highly rated and customizable, I'll tell you a secret though the efficiency is a bit to be bargained for as most require a refill every day," said Arthur a renowned engineer and merchant. he wore a trench coat covered in oil and goggles on top of his head. he was trying to sell a combat doll he made to a military general.

" I'll pass Arthur you know what I want, not this inefficient garbage,"responded the man. " Yes, yes I'll bring it out right now," Arthur replied. Going to the back of his shop he brings out a large sword made of many mechanical parts, this sword was made to slay the monster that terrorize this city. " here you are please use it well, the metal used was hard to obtain but with my con-"Arthur tried to say," Yes yes I get that how much for it," the man interrupted. " that will be 2 gold and 10 silver,"Arthur replied. "here just take it," the man said after placing 3 gold coins on the table.

Arthur waved the man goodbye and closed up shop, as he had a project to finish assigned to him by the god Mekka. to build a body for Mekka's chosen heroine. Arthur, despite his merchant disguise, was really the head prophet of Mekka and a devout follower of his word. his current mission was to  build a doll body for a soul Mekka will reincarnate without their memories and teach them their role in this world. Of course that wasn't Arthur's only secret as female engineers were deemed witches and evil as no woman should be able to fill a man's job, but Arthur or Alice was and hides her femininity in order to keep her job.

"wha- where- who-," the new doll said after being activated.

" hello young heroine pleased to make your acquaintance my name is Alice builder of your body and prophet of the god Mekka" replied a gentle voice.

" who am I, where am I" said the infant doll confused

" you are Autumn, the heroine of Mekka and you're in my workshop," replied the gentle voice called Alice.

" can I see who you are Ms. Alice."

" why yes I am the creator of your body after all,"

After that a voluptuous figure walked out of the dark she was wearing a trench coat with oil smeared on it and goggles on her head. She wore under that a blue turtleneck sweater that accented her curves well, along with a short red skirt that looked too short for her because of he generous behind. her hair was pale blue tied in a bun with a pencil in it though she looked like she had no sleep that night.

Autumn was stunned by the young engineers beauty. so much that she forgot to take a look at her own body. it was as voluptuous as Alice's if not larger with a rubber-like substance acting like skin. her body wore a pink sleeveless shirt that showed off her cleavage and a dark pink skirt that was way too short for her body. 

" your skin is made from a mixture of slime membrane and treant sap I call sudoskin, your bones are magicite and oricalcelm alloy, while your organs are all made from demon hide your powered by a magic core that turns water into energy that can last you a week or so without needing a refill," Alice boasted to Autumn's annoyance.

" you said you're the prophet of a god, then why do you look like a simple engineer," Autumn asked.

Alice startled but happily replied," Mekka is the god of machines and clockwork so of course his prophet would be an engineer."

Autumn and Alice continued to talk throughout the afternoon. Alice explained Autumn's role and told her that until the demon king decides to attack she will train and work with Alice in the elf kingdom as there Alice can be herself and be a engineer.

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