Reborn as a Uchiha (SI)

Chapter 16: [Volume I] Choice (4)

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Ren looks at Sasuke, surprised, perhaps even more than the Hokage standing before them, and the two people behind the man. Boy doesn't seem to notice, though, as he hurries behind his older cousin and grips her sleeve, looking at Hiruzen as if he was currently world's greatest plague.

"But Sasuke-" woman tries to soothe him, and this time, it's Ren who snaps.

"Shut it!" she hisses the way that could perhaps make even Orochimaru jealous, and clenches her fists. "Shut it, shut up, ad get the fuck out! If you think I'm letting you adopt Sasuke, well, then you're fucking wrong!"

Behind her she can feel the boy nodding fiercely, and Hiruzen looks somewhere in between offended, amused, scared and decided. The pair behind him, however, is… Not as understanding.

"We can take Sasuke off your shoulders," man proposes. "So you can finish academy further improve!"

Because you're a child and not suited to care for another child, he doesn't say. Doesn't matter, Ren hears it anyway. And she's furious. So furious that she can't even control it, stop it, when a warm-cold tickle creeps up her eyes and world suddenly becomes sharper. As something burning-hot builds up in her lungs and throat, waiting to be released.

Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu. She is certain she could do it, if she wanted, and could just see those two pests burn and wither. And she's certain that she would feel some odd sense of satisfaction in it, but-

But no. Irrational, infamous Uchiha emotionality has made her put on a show enough. And if she's connecting facts correctly, she has just turned on the sharingan, and she had no idea how to turn it off, really.

Not that it mattered.

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"And I could take your head off your shoulders," she growls. "So your body would be lighter, and I doubt anyone would notice a difference."

Hiruzen sighs, and looks at the pair, somewhat expectantly. He didn't bring them here – in fact, they came in on their own account, shortly after Genma departed, and have been testing Ren's patience for about an hour already.

Testing the fireball on them becomes more and more tempting thought by the second, Ren decides, and Hiruzen must realize it too, because he puts his hand on man's shoulder and says, gently yet sharply;

"I do believe that separating the two, especially now, would prove-"

"Impossible," Ren finishes instead of him, and there's no saying that she isn't right, with the way Sasuke clings to her. "I'm taking care of him, and next person who comes asking to adopt either one of us will become my training dummy for fireballs!"

It's irrational, illogical and stupid. But she's an Uchiha now, and they are exactly just that, especially when tested like this, and Ren has yet to work out Renee's patience and cold calculative mind here.

And after seeing Sasuke, and failing to see all these things she hated in him, she just can't leave the boy alone. Itachi is getting knee to the face for that, but kid is her responsibility now, and heaven her witness, she will be the best damn older sister the boy could even dream off.

The patterns are swapped, and it's done, and it's not her time to ask for who's and why's, not yet. Now, she decides, it is time to knit the fate.

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