Reborn as a Uchiha (SI)

Chapter 6: [Volume I] Waking (6)

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There’s a soft knock on the door to her hospital room that happens about an hour after her freak-out. It sounds just when Renee – bored to the point she never thought she would experience again after she finishes school – decides to read through her medical information for third or fourth time in a row, even if she is more than capable of reciting it whole right now, perhaps in hopes that sneaky papers hide something else from her. Something else that isn’t her biological information, so eerily alike to what she was, from blood type to even goddamn vitiligo she can see on her palms if she squints enough, skin just two tones paler but still (and she’s willing to bet that those ugly paler splotches are on whole length of inner side of her legs that make her look like a fucking cow). There’s also description of her injury, and she still bets that it’s too similar to what killed her to be a coincidence.

But the other option is ridiculous-

But then, she is in goddamn Naruto world with Ninja Magic and Ninja Presidents and Ninja Villages-

“What?” she snaps at the door, childishness of her voice instantly killing all the annoyed and dangerous note in her voice, and door slides open. Renee stops everything she does at the moment, and focuses at the man leaning very casually by the doorframe, and can’t help but feel relieved, somehow. She sets the papers down, and can hardly fight her muscles as they force corners of her lips up, even if just lightly.

His hair is rather long for a man, reaching slightly below his chin and chocolate brown, and his eyes are few shades darker than that. The most basic Leaf Ninja uniform on him, and senbon between his lips, bent in a smirk, and she knows that when spit out, the needle is more than capable of stopping a thrown kunai. His forehead protector is tied on his head like a bandana, backwards, but Renee knows that the plaque is there, on the back of his head, because this is Shiranui Genma, one of most awesome people to ever grace the Naruto Universe, and hot damn, she’s this close to start giggling like a dumb fangirl she, in fact, is.

Only, she doesn’t. Genma deserves more than a fangirl freaking him out. Much more. He’s way too awesome for this shit, being a tokujo and all, and he surely is older than tender age of fifteen, when he became one. That sparks hope.

“Hey, kiddo,” is first thing he says, and Renee can’t help wrinkling her nose. She wants to protest that she’s not a kid- But then, she is a kid. So, instead she watches as the tokujo strides into the room in carefree and yet careful. He sighs, crossing his hands on his chest and looks at her in scolding manner. Yet, Renee feels anything but abashed. She’s been disappointment her whole life, one of her favorite characters staring her down won’t change a thing.

“Hi,” she answers instead and straightens slightly her sitting pose even if it hurts like hell. Genma just arches his brow and his senbon clanks around on his teeth as he moves it to the other corner of his mouth.

“Heard you gave the nurse quite a scare,” he says, and Renee can’t help but think that he’s the help that nurse rambled about getting. Was it a case with every near-killed kids, or was she just a special snowflake?

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