Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 105: 105

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It was a very complicated day for Jian Shiwu. Although he was happy that Shen Cheng was wearing his flower rope, he wasn't happy that people kept saying that the ugly flower rope was created by someone who designed it in an ingenious way. It didn’t make him happy at all.

But he was complaining about the people around him, he still sent out the small dumplings that Zhen Meili had asked him to give to other colleagues when he was out to the family.

"Thank you, Jian."

"It's really delicious."

"Thank you so much."

Although in this group of interns, Jian Shiwu's business ability was not the strongest, he was definitely the most likeable. Less than half a month in the project team, he has already got a piece of everyone’s heart.

Jian Shiwu smiled and said, "It's good that you like it, my mother made it herself, she would be happy to hear the compliments."

The other colleagues responded in kind.

Hu Jing, who had been getting on well with Jian Shiwu, came over and said, "You've given us all a share, don't you want to send some to the director?"

Jian Shiwu was stunned.

According to reason, it should indeed be sent, but Gu Duan that person is too bad-tempered, yesterday he was beaten by him, and this time, if he sends something to eat, he didn't know what he’d say.

Hu Jing smiled and said, “Master Duan is bad-tempered, but he doesn't eat people."

Jian Shiwu smiled bitterly "I was afraid that he wouldn't look at this, or in case he had eaten at home."


Hu Jing was a veteran of the department, and she took a sip of water from her cup before saying, "Others may have eaten it, but he definitely hasn't."

What does that mean?

Jian asked in a soft voice, "Why?"

The corners of Hu Jing's mouth curled up into a mysterious smile as she lowered her voice and said, "You don't know, ah, Master Duan's parents died when he was young, he grew up in M's Chinatown."

Jian Shiwu was stunned.

He really didn't know, "So he was.. how did he grow Chinatown, alone?"

Hu Jing said: "This we’re not sure about, but he seems to have been adopted since he was a child, but he grew up on his own, as for what happened afterwards, we’re not sure."

Jian Shiwu thought of those messy injuries on Gu Duan's back and felt as if things just weren't that simple, how did Gu Duan become Donald's man? How did he grow up without parents? And how did he go to school, how did he get into Ji's?

He looked inside the basket and packed up the last few dumplings, and after three more hesitations decided to knock on the door: "Director, your documents."

Gu Duan's voice came, "Come in."

Jian put the information on the desk, then put the small basket with the dumplings on the edge of the desk, "This is our home-baked small dumplings, you can try them."

The red-haired man snorted lightly, "Take it back, I don't celebrate the holidays."

Jian Shiwu said softly, "You don't have to think of it as a holiday, you can eat it as a snack."

The table was a mess again, and he started tidying it up with ease, complaining in passing, "The bin is right next to you, can't you find the right place to throw all these paper balls and stuff?"

Gu Duan lazily said, "I happy like that, what do you care."


Jian Shiwu gritted his teeth.

He saw Gu Duan pick up the basket and look at several delicate little dumplings laid out inside looking puzzled, the man reached out and took them out. The dumplings were wrapped in a loop of thread, he unwrapped them in a very clumsy motion and in the process stuck a handful of glutinous rice juice to himself, Jian him very angry.

Jane Shiwu snorted out a laugh, "You've never eaten dumplings before, how can you unwrap them like that."

Gu Duan was furious: "Shut up!"

Jian Shiwu took the dumplings and peeled them for him, afraid that if he didn't, the man would smash the wall. Unlike the man's clumsy and grumpy appearance, the youth's fingers were slender and nimble, and his movements were gentle, peeling the leaves away and handing them to him, "Here."

Gu Duan swallowed the words he had wanted to grumble and say that he wasn’t going to eat it.

He took it and took a bite, it was pork stuffed, the meat was tasty and chewy, the dumplings were salty and the rice was steamed and soft, it tasted good on the lips.

Unlike the instant products he usually ate, and unlike those expensive five-star hotel delicacies, the taste of this dumpling was so rustic, yet it was as if it was really filled with a kind of warm family taste.

In a trance, he was reminded of a cold and luxurious palace.

A row of long tables with delicious food, steaming soup that couldn’t hide the coolness emanating from the ornate table top.

Looking up again, he was greeted by a pair of watery eyes, and Jian Shiwu arched his eyebrows as he inquired of him, saying, “Is it good?"

Gu Duan swallowed the rice ball in his mouth and swallowed the mess in his mind, nodding inaudibly, "Not bad."

Jian Shiwu raised his eyebrows noncommittally.

There were still a few dumplings inside the basket, he said, “You take these out, I want to take the basket away."

Gu Duan, who was rarely not angry, took the dumplings out by hand and found that the basket was padded underneath with scrap newspaper prevent collisions, and a corner of the newspaper showed a bit of red thread, and when it was pulled out it was a red rope. Jian Shiwu came over and said, “Oh yeah, my mother must have put it in when she folded the newspaper, right?"

The family had bought a lot of red cords yesterday.

The management of Licheng Technology is relatively close to the people. Yesterday, Jian Zicheng bought a lot of wholesale, and asked the help to put it in the gift box. It was to be sent to the executives and shareholders as a gift. This should have been accidentally mixed in

Gu Duan pinched and said: "Are you still young, still wearing this kind of thing."

Jian Shiwu gave him a blank look, "What do you know, this is a good omen, it’s to bless peace and prosperity."

He was about to come over and take it.

Gu Duan dodged and he put the red rope away and said, "What I found is mine."


Are you an elementary school student ah.

Jian Shiwu tried to get it a few times but didn't get it, so he just let him go. Anyway, it was a wholesale commercial red rope. Then, when he thought about what Hu Jing said, Gu Duan's childhood experience of both his parents died, and his heart softened. : "Okay then, I'll give it to you."

There was just a knock on the door outside to report, so he left with the basket.

It was Gu Duan's secretary who came in and said, "Director, we have a meeting in twenty minutes about the R quarter 11 maintenance project, Mr Shen is quite concerned about it, the relevant information has been sent to you, shall we go there in a while?"

Gu Duan nodded, "Got it."

When the group arrived at the conference room on the 20th floor, there were already quite a few members of the management who had also arrived, when Shen Cheng wasn’t there yet, the crowd would also gossip and chat with each other. Today’s topic was of course the matter of Shen Cheng wearing a flower rope on his wrist.

"I heard that it's a mandarin duck model."

"It's so rare, our boss is getting off the hook too."

"I heard that the knitted one is quite ugly to say."

"You don't understand, because the person who sends it is special, it's unique, not many people are willing to personally do the handiwork these days, and the most important thing is it’s from the heart, saying that they obviously have our boss in mind."

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The others also followed with ambiguous smiles.

Shen Cheng, who was about to come in at the door, heard the sound of the chatter in the conference room from a distance, and also took in the others' comments. The normally unsmiling man standing outside the conference room paused in his steps, and the secretary next to him quietly observed and found that although Shen Cheng remained expressionless, the corners of his mouth also ticked up imperceptibly when he heard someone say it was from the heart.

Although Shen Cheng doesn't like these people gossiping at work, he seemed quite happy to hear them talk. It seems that today's meeting won't be too difficult, after all, the boss seems to be in a good mood.


While chatting in the room, the wind of the topic suddenly changed.

Someone was surprised to look at Gu Duan and say “Yo, Director Gu, why are you wearing a flower rope!"

"Ah really!."

"Did you meet someone?"

This was big news ah, who doesn't know the nature of Gu Duan. They never thought that today the company's two golden bachelors were both wearing flower rope, which gods are so capable to capture their hearts?

Gu Duan crossed his legs and said lazily, “Why are you wild guessing where the object came from."

The eyes of the others remained ambiguous.

This would have been fine if it were someone from another department, handing out a flower rope or something in passing would be considered right, but what kind of person was Gu Duan?

So a female executive gossiped and said, “I heard that many of you got dumplings today from your intern, did Director Gu eat them?"

Gu Duan: "Ate it."

The others got even happier as the female executive said, “You got this flower rope from someone too?"

Gu Duan glanced at her impatiently: "Annoying."

There was no denial.

Everyone in the room was a smart person, and instantly understood and laughed.

The room was full of sighs and giggles, the pleasure and cheerfulness of gossip could hardly be contained inside the meeting room, yet, apparently, the outside was a different scene from the inside, and Secretary Wang saw with his own eyes the smile disappear from the corners of President Shen's mouth, his cold brow slowly wrapped in frost.

The door was opened and the laughter inside the meeting room came to a screeching halt.

The crowd knew that it was Shen Cheng who had arrived, but they expected him to be in a good mood today, having just been given a flower rope by his lover, so they all rose with a smile, but were unexpectedly confronted by the man's gloomy face. "

Whether it was the sharpness of his walk, or the icy intent of his open mouth, or even his unpleasant face, it all leaked a signal that Mr. Shen seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood right now, and with the green plants next to him by the main seat, it was as if the whole person was exuding a not-so-good colour.

Secretary Wang hurriedly coughed: "Everyone, get ready, it's time to start reporting."

The other executives hastily put away the smiles on their faces and shot up.

After all, whenever it’s a meeting where Secretary Wang speaks first, it means there will definitely be a tough battle to be fought, which means that the boss is in a bad mood today.


The day was still going well, and the work had been successfully completed, and the interns added 20 points to their business score.

When he was about to get off work, he held his mobile phone to find Shen Cheng, who was on the top of WeChat, and sent a message to his new boyfriend with a sweet heart: "I'm leaving work."

After sending the message he waited while at work for a reply.

Would there be a date today?

Ah, he hadn’t seen him for a day, he missed Shen Cheng so much.

In his heart, the little deer was rolling around, but he didn't dare to be too obvious. So after sending a message he started to wait, thinking that Shen Cheng would reply soon, but who knew that half an hour later, when it was time to leave work, WeChat hadn't received a single message, and the other interns had asked him.

"Jian Shiwu, do you want to go together?"

"Do you want to go out for dinner after work?"

"I'm not leaving yet."

The other interns asked him, "Do you want to go out for dinner after work?"

"No, I'll stay for a while and sort out the information."

The others saw this and didn't push it.

Jian Shiwu took another look at the phone and it was still not moving. He felt that Shen Cheng must be busy with work.

After half an hour of dawdling in front of the computer, sorting out information but glancing at his phone every five minutes, and even making sure there were no problems with the signal, restarting WeChat, after three times, when he was about to give up, his phone rang!

Jian’s eyes lit up, the previous depression on his face was swept away, and he unconsciously raised a smile, tapping on the WeChat box of Shen Cheng and finding that the other party replied very briefly:

Be safe on the road.


That’s it?

He typed tentatively, "What about you, are you busy today?"

Shen Cheng's reply this time was also very quick, one short word: "Yeah.”

And then there was no more.

Jian Shiwu scratched the dialog box and waited for a while to make sure there was really no more follow-up before he died.

Although there seemed to be no problem with the conversation, his empty heart was empty, taking out the glass box from the cupboard, inside were rows and rows of small dumplings that had been put away, but unlike the ones Zhen Meili had made, these dumplings were a little strange looking, and the threads tied were crooked. They were all the small dumplings he had wrapped with his own hands.

After thinking about it Jian Shiwu took a photo and sent it to Shen Cheng: "Do you eat dumplings?"

Top floor, CEO's office

The man clicked on the photo and his face sank again, the project team had eaten dumplings during the day, Gu Duan had also eaten dumplings long ago and even received a flower rope, while he was relegated to the last.

A resentment irrepressible with acid gushed to the heart.

Shen Cheng was, right now, very aggrieved!


Jane Shiwu of the project team quickly received a reply.

The reply from the other end was so concise that it poured cold water on the bottom of my heart, just two words: "No."

No? That's it?

The smile on Jian’s face gradually disappeared, a resentment slowly festered in the bottom of his heart. He had worked so hard to make them, he had spent hours in the kitchen last night to make the lunch box, and he said he didn't want them! How could he do that? Jian Shiwu was aggrieved!

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