Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 122: 122

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There was a moment of silence after Jian Shiwu's words fell.

Then, it was the female fans who erupted in an uproar, even the host on stage showed an “aunt” smile. In a crowd of laughter, no one noticed that off-stage, Mr. Shen’s face had darkened. Jian Shiwu was also very guilty after finishing his words, only dared to sneak a few glances at him.

The man's posture was elegant, lifting his eyes to look at Jian Shiwu, his air pressure extremely low. Jian Shiwu’s scalp was tingling, but in such a sense of nervousness, Shen Cheng meaningful hooked lips in smile, such a smile made his heart seize.

Jian Shiwu was inexplicably guilty, but when he thought about it, he quickly hardened again. After all, he was on stage now, and he was still being interviewed. Could it be that Shen Cheng could pounce on him and bite him?

"Good, then we'll ask Director Wang to give us a few words, right?" The host shifted the topic to the director next to him.

Director Wang stepped forward, took the microphone and was about to start speaking, while Jian Shiwu, who was next to him, retired. When he got off the stage, there was a lot of people coming and going in the background. He said hello to a few staff members. Just as he was about to go back to his lounge, he was pulled by someone with a long arm when he was passing through the corridor.

"Ahhhh!" He exclaimed.

The man pulling him was a full head taller than him, his back slammed against the wall, the man pressing down carried a scent he had always been familiar with, his waist was restrained, Jian Shiwu gently pushed back: "Someone might be passing by..."

Shen Cheng lowered his voice: "If someone finds out, just say it."

Jian Shiwu looked at him curiously, "Say what?"

"That I'm introducing you to someone.”


Jian Shiwu froze and looked at the man with some amusement, a bright smile welling up in his big eyes, even laughing out loud as he recalled what he had just said.

Shen Cheng's eyes darkened and he cupped his chin and kissed him with a slight punitive meaning.

The sound of footsteps from people around made the people kissing in the corner more stimulated and more sensitive to each other, he seemed to feel Shen Cheng's temperature better. By the time the kiss was over, Jian Shiwu's red lips were slightly swollen, and he glared at Shen Cheng with some anger: "In case other people see my lips later, what will they think of me. "

"The joy of love."

Shen Cheng reached out, his slightly calloused fingertips rubbing over the youth's lips, his eyes slightly dark: "Have you tasted it now."


Jian Shiwu was inexplicably red face, from the ear to the cheek, if before it was his lips that were slightly red, now his whole person was like a red apple, crisp and exudes a sweet aroma, but Shen Cheng, who started it, had a very magnanimous appearance and was not affected at all.

Jian Shiwu was a little angry and muttered: “I was chasing you since elementary school, and I had written so many love letters in junior high school. I had been chasing you for so long, and I did not get tired. When have you ever…."

He thought that based on Shen Cheng's unwillingness to bow down, he was probably going to be angry. But he never expected was that Shen Cheng really paused for a while, and the man asked, "How many have you written?"

What? How could anyone really ask this ah.

Jian Shiwu really couldn’t say he doesn’t know, but it's okay, he is the best at lying about things that can't be said: "I forgot, anyway, there are many."

Shen Cheng: "A whole lot?"

Jian Shiwu nodded heavily and said, "Yes, so it will take you a long, long time to chase me."

Shen Cheng, however, was not annoyed, instead, he hooked his lips and smiled: "Long enough to get married again with crutches."

"Where does it take that long?!"

"So you are trying to get married at an earlier date?"

Jian Shiwu only realized later that he had been dug in by Shen Cheng, he wanted to say something, but his lips were kissed just before he opened them, the man kissed his lips for a long time, and lowered his voice to his ear and whispered, "Me too."


The Next Day

It was the school anniversary of No. 1 Middls School.

The campus invited a number of former graduating seniors to return to school. Returning to what was once high school always gives one a sense of reunion after a long time, an entire class of them received invitations, even Qiao An and Annie who were abroad rushed back, the years of high school, although so short, left indelible memories.

He hadn't seen much of Annie since high school, but when he saw her at the school gate, the little blonde had grown tall and beautiful, she had created her own clothing brand, and the whole person looked crisp and clean, looking like a strong woman in general.

When she saw Jian Shiwu, she ran over and gave him a warm hug: "Shiwu!"

The hug was a little strange, but because of the hug, some of the strangeness was gone, only nostalgia and the joy of meeting again after a long time, but the hug was not destined to last. Shen Cheng came over, pulled Annie away a little, and blocked Jian Shiwu behind him.

Annie bristled: "Stingy."

Then, as if she didn't feel like giving up, she made a funny face at Jian Shiwu: "Your Shen Cheng is a cheapskate."

Jian Shiwu was amused.

Shen Cheng, on the other hand, gave Annie a cool look and said, "It seems that you really don't want to come into the mainland market."

One sentence made Annie, who seemed very arrogant just now, shut up, her clothing brand wanted to enter the domestic market indeed and still needed Shen Cheng's help. Although being threatened, and indeed could not retort at the man, she still poked out her tongue at him.

Jian Shiwu didn't let them argue and said softly from the side, "Let's go in, it seems to be quite lively inside."

The others responded.

Monkey and Qiao An bought two blind boxes made by students at the school gate. They took them out and took out two small plastic bracelets with concentric knots. They were made of rope. Although the material was cheap, it looked beautiful.

Qiao An said, "The Chinese are always so crafty."

Jian looked around at the bustling flea market and the little stalls set up by some students and said with a smile, "That's not really true, after all, we weren't able to make them then either."

Lui Heng was "tsking", "Students these days are so precocious."

Annie glanced meaningfully at the two people next to her and said, "It's not just now, even if we didn't have the current trend of having a open houses back then, but those who should fall in love didn't delay at all."

Jian Shiwu listened to her, and he didn't want to stay with them anymore, he was ashamed.

The high school campus was full of memories, falling leaves of the branches of the sycamore, shaded paths, and after renovation, the original basketball court could not be made out. Every step, was like a tape on playback, over and over again to play back the years.

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Then their former class president gathered everyone together, many students who hadn't seen each other for years, and came together in a lively group to gossip.

"All married, huh."

"Aigoo, doing well now."

"The class flower in our class had a crush on you back then ......"

It was strange that the words that could not be said back then, when meeting again after many years, were so easy to reveal. Those feelings that used to be settled in the heart and chewed countless times and cherished are now said again in a joking way. The person who said it desperately tried to hide it, the person who heard it laughed it off.

Someone saw Jian Shiwu and Erdong waved as he called, "Brother Shi!"

Many people looked over, although now Jian Shiwu is considered a big star, and Shen Cheng is also a company president worth billions, the former classmates met with some tears. A group of people hooked shoulders, naturally asked about the days and hardships over the years. Some people have families, some people are still drifting out, the years seem to have changed a lot of things, but at that moment, when the group returned to the same classroom and sat in the same seats, it seemed liks nothing had ever changed again.

Someone suggested, "Let's sit here and write a letter to our former selves."

"Hey, yes!"

"Let's write to our future selves too."

"Or it's okay to write a message to the child who is sitting in this seat now."


Everyone was given cardboard and many sat in their chairs with their heads buried in writing, as some hadn't even held a pen for a long time because of work and adulthood, but it didn't stop them from being serious at the moment.

Jian Shiwu also wanted to write. He was sitting by the window, the leaves outside slightly swayed in the wind, and when he looked up, he saw the national flag fluttering in the wind in the playground not far away. On the track, there were scattered students laughing and playing, inexplicably, he recalled his former self.

He wanted to write a letter to his former self, but not to the self of a few years ago, but to the self of his former life. After the nib of the pen was held up, a thousand thoughts tumbled in his heart. And when he turned around, he saw, Shen Cheng who was sitting at the end in the back row, also held a pen in his hand. The noon sun shone on the table. His side profile was like jade. He didn't wear a suit today, but casually wore a white t-shirt that made him really look like a young clean boy.

Like Shen Cheng the teenager who has been with him through his life, stunning him for years, a joy he once had when he was young, a love he still can't let go of even today after experiencing the storms.

In the past, he had never dared to touch the memories of his previous life, but at this time, looking at the young man leaning against the window as he recalled those memories, he was surprisingly calm. The tip of his pen moved, and he could already calmly talk to his past self.

After all these years, he had finally taken the opportunity to reconcile with himself at a moment like this.

"Oh, there."

"I'm done writing too."

Voices gradually rang out in the classroom, and when Jian Shiwu stood up and prepared to leave, he found that Shen Cheng was one step ahead of him, he had suddenly walked behind him, which made Jian Shiwu a little surprised, and he subconsciously held the envelope in his hand, not knowing how to speak.

However, Shen Cheng was the first to put an envelope into his hand.

Jian Shiwu looked meaningfully at the letter paper in his hand, "This is ......"

Shen Cheng did not say anything, but Jian Shiwu noticed that there were actually words on this envelope, and when he took a closer look, it was actually written in English, it was:” loev”


Jian Shiwu froze, then laughed out loud, "What is this, it's misspelled, does this mean love, or..."

As he laughed, he paused, his heart suddenly beating much faster, he looked up at Shen Cheng with some disbelief, and saw his teenage self standing in the aisle, wearing a white shirt, as if it was that summer, the year he had just started school after he had just been reborn, sneaking over to Shen Cheng's desk to steal back his love letter, and being caught red-handed by the man.

Unlike that time, this time Shen Cheng did not scowl at him, but instead opened his lips and said, "Yes, it's a love letter."

For a moment, Jian Shiwu seemed to hear the sound of his own heart beating.

Shen Cheng stepped forward and walked closer to him, "This is the last love letter I received, from you, although you took it back at that time."

"Every day after this, I will write to you." The man's voice was low and strong, landing on the tip of Jane Shiwu's heart, inexplicably rolling: "I’ll write a bucketful."

The man's voice made him inexplicably sour, almost to the point of tears, in order to hide his gaffe, he said: "I have long forgotten how much I have written, you do not necessarily need to write the exact amount every day."

"Then I’ll just keep writing." Shen Cheng lowered his head, and the two were as close as if they were going to kiss up: "Write until we get married, until we get old, until we can't walk with crutches."


Jian Shiwu broke into laughter as he listened, his eyes crystal bright as he looked at Shen Cheng: "It's a deal."

Shen Cheng hooked his lips, his voice low and magnetic as he dropped his promise in one fell swoop, "I Promise."

Someone shouted at the door of the classroom, "The class president said he would take a group photo for us, everyone go downstairs to the small playground to take photos."

The crowd walked out together, Jane Shiwu among, he was a little uncomfortable with such a close crowd, until Shen Cheng came up next to him and blocked the people who came up, holding Shiwu's hand, in such a public occasion, unapologetic.

Jian Shiwu hesitated for a moment and didn't shake it off, knowing that if he was photographed, he'd have his hands full, but at this moment, as they walked side by side down the school promenade, he just didn't want to let go of his hand.

"Come on, come on, stand still." The class leader in front of them was directing.

Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng stood in the first row. Shen Cheng was absent from the graduation photo in the second year of high school, and was still absent from the graduation photo in the third year of high school. After years of regret, they stood together this time, holding hands and standing in the middle of a group of classmates. The national flag was flying not far away, and the school's wisteria flowers were blooming brilliantly and exuding a delicate fragrance.

The afternoon sunlight fell on the man's body, bringing warmth, and the two men leaned together, as if the distance and gloom that had once existed had been swept away at that moment.

The late Lui Heng ran over, "Taking a picture? Wait... wait, we'll come too."

Qiao An and Annie followed closely behind.

Jian pursed his lips and waved at them, "Come on, come on, you guys are so slow."

One by one, the friends came over and stood at their sides, the class monitor in front of them adjusted his angle, and smiled excitedly. The crowd was back on campus and seemed to be infected with the same impulse and enthusiasm they once had when they were young, the class monitor said in a loud voice, "Come on, one, two, three, cheers!"

All lips curled up together, bright smiles on their faces, the shutter button of the camera pressed, the sound of laughter and joking from the crowd, the midday sun blazing, the bell of the school building rang at just the right moment, leaving the years in a vibrant color.



The journey is not over yet! Two extra chapters coming on Monday!! 

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