Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 124: 124

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In his twenties, Shen Cheng succeeded in starting a business and became a financial upstart. The scale of the company was expanding rapidly. He had vision, skill, and courage. These things may be out of reach for many people, including Shen Cheng, and many people thought that it is very rare for him to achieve such achievements at such a young age, and it would certainly get very difficult.



However, Shen Cheng did not think it was such a difficult thing. The business world had procedures and calculations that were very complicated to ordinary people. But to Shen Cheng's cognition, they can be solved step by step.

If there was one thing that he found difficult, it was probably his wife, Jian Shiwu.

He and his wife do not get along very well. Since the marriage, he had been busy with work, but he did not forget to fulfill the responsibilities of a husband, whether from the financial or from not restricting Jian Shiwu. He had not once argued with Jian Shiwu, even if there are really things are not done properly, he woulld only point out properly, and will not make things difficult for his wife.

Shen Cheng even felt that he actually spoiled his wife very much.


For example, when Jian Shiwu made a mess in the kitchen in order to cook, and also burned his hand, he was calm and sensible: "You are not fit to cook, don't do it in the future."

When his wife went to the mall and bought clothes for him in the wrong size, he would be very considerate and say, "You can just buy for yourself, I can buy my own clothes."

When Jian Shiwu called him on New Year's Day to say that he wanted to celebrate, he also knew that he had to show his appreciation for the holidays and that he would have to give red packets: "I transferred a sum of money to you, happy holidays."

So, Shen Cheng felt that he had handled everything quite well, whether it was a big or small matter, but there was just one thing he didn't quite understand. He seemed to be doing everything well, but it seemed that his relationship with Jian Shiwu as a couple remained lukewarm, of course, it was probably the same for most married families.

The turning point came one rainy night, the day he had just finished a meeting and received an unprecedented phone call from Jian Shiwu, the person on the other end seemed to be a little drunk: "Husband, can you come and pick me up?"


He is drunk.

That was Shen Cheng's first reaction.

It had sort of been a while since Jian Shiwu had taken the initiative to call him, and he didn't even seem to have heard Jian Shiwu call him husband for a long time.

Therefore, when he saw this call, even though the secretary told him that he had a client to meet later, Shen Cheng concluded after just a little thought, "Push it off, I have something to do tonight."

The secretary was smart enough not to ask more about the reason and just respectfully said, "Okay boss."

He had driven to that restaurant alone, expecting it to be Jian Shiwu and his friends having a get-together, but when he pushed open the room, he realized that there were quite a 

number of people gathered there. It was because of this opportunity that he had the chance to meet this group of colleagues, and to his somewhat surprise, the group was equally slightly surprised when they saw him.

"This… this is?"

"Sir, you are?"

"Got the wrong room?"

A man dressed in a suit had appeared here, that powerful aura and handsome appearance, some people were born to give a sense of unattainability. Moreover, the crowd felt that it was impossible to climb into a relationship with him.

While the group of employees were doubt, in the corner, a drowsy and drank-over-a-little wine Jian Shiwu gently raised his hand, he said: "Here. "

Shen Cheng followed the voice and looked over, and saw a drunken Jian.

Jian Shiwu’s temperament was usuallh relatively easy going, but today, perhaps because of drunkenness, he looked much more honest and well-behaved, with his face flushed.

Shen Cheng frowned inaudibly and walked over, reaching out to take the cup away before speaking, "Don't drink it."

Jian gave a light hum and burped, leaning against him in a smooth manner.

The director beside him looked at Shen Cheng with curiosity, always feeling as if he had seen this young man somewhere before, so he enthusiastically asked, "Shiwu, who is this?"

Jian Shiwu was pointed out and, after a moment's thought, replied, "Husband."

When the words came out, the other people were shocked.

The drunkard was a little less coy, and Shen Cheng was even more indifferent, as he calmly accepted the gaze of the others, and opened his lips to the crowd to make a short introduction: "Shen Cheng."

The people at the table were amazed by this silent, yet apparently extraordinary man.

There was naturally gossip where there were people, and as Shen Cheng pulled Jian Shiwu up and led the way to say goodbye, the woman in the usher's seat did cast a curious glance as she spoke up and inquired, "How long have you been married?"

Shen Cheng didn't expect an answer from the drunkard and replied in a kindly manner, "Two years."

"Married at such a young age, so you must be very much in love, have you been dating since college, how many years have you been in courtship?" Another person picked up the conversation and inquired.

Shen Cheng paused.

He pulled Jian Shiwu with one hand, and picked up Jian Shiwu's jacket 

that had fallen on the chair on the other side. The man was silent for a brief moment, and actually skipped the topic, not answering, only saying to the director as he went out, "I'll take him away."

The aura was so strong that the director didn't even dare to say anything more.

Pulling the somewhat drunken man out the door, but for some reason, Jian Shiwu, who was still a bit sober, also fell silent after that question, or rather, when Shen Cheng chose to be silent, Jian Shiwu's gaze began to dim down.

When he got into the car, Shen Cheng helped him fasten his seatbelt but was refused by Jian Shiwu, who put his head down and fastened it for himself while saying softly, "I can do it myself."

Shen Cheng did not stop him, but said, "How much did you drink."

"Not much."

"You look a bit drunk."

"I'm not drunk."

Shen Cheng was not stubborn with him, today's Jian Shiwu looked a bit strange, probably because of the alcohol as well, so he decided to go along with the person and not stimulate him.

However when the car began to start, the person sitting beside him spoke, "Shen Cheng, have you ever liked me?"

Shen Cheng's movements were halted for a moment, he then started the engine, no extra expression on his face, but inside he was not calm at all, he didn't know about liking and love.

Just like he couldn't answer the question from the person in the box, he didn’t know how to answer Jian Shiwu.

Shen Cheng was not someone who avoided problems, but this time, he unexpectedly did not look back, as if he did not dare to look directly into Jian Shiwu's eyes: "Why are you asking this."

Jian Shiwu's voice was soft : "Have you ever been?"

Shen Cheng frowned inexplicably, and the man opened his lips and said, "We are married, and I will take care of you."

There was silence next to him, and there seemed to be a slightly disappointed chuckle. Shen Cheng couldn't help looking up at the mirror. From the reflection in the mirror, he saw Jian Shiwu huddled in the car seat, and under the dim headlights, there seemed to be a pair of red eyes.

After a while, Jian Shiwu said softly, "Got it."

It was obviously a promise, but it inexplicably made Shen Cheng feel a bit gloomh. This emotion was so strange that even Shen Cheng didn't know what he was doing, what was he angry about, or who was he angry with. He felt that maybe he should say something now, but when he tried to open his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Not knowing what motivated him, Shen Cheng opened his lips: "Does it matter I like you or not?"

Jian Shiwu, who seemed to be drowsy next to him, was stunned. In such silence, even Shen Cheng felt some remorse, that sentence just now, perhaps it was better left unsaid.

After a brief hesitation, Jian Shiwu finally said, "You don't have to try so hard."

The car arrived at the traffic lights. Shen Cheng stopped the car, looked at him sideways, and met those red eyes, but Jian Shiwu smiled, and with the strength of the wine, he said, "If it's really not suitable, we can divorce."


The car behind kept urging the car in front to start quickly, yet the car did not move for awhile as if it was possessed, and the driver had lost his soul.


It has been many days since that night, but many times, Shen Cheng's ears still seem to ring with those words, even though at that time he had subconsciously refused the offer, although it still seems to be indiffereng, but only he himself knows that his heart was not so calm.

After that day, although Jian Shiwu did not mention the divorce matter again, but this matter remained a hidden bomb in Shen Cheng's heart, he began to observe Jian Shiwu's daily life more attentively.

Such as watching him and his new colleague go to the restaurant after work together, the woman opposite chose the Western restaurant, the woman smiled, not knowing that Jian Shiwu did not like Western food at all.

Such as watching Jian Shiwu and a new client talk business, the man also thought he was considerate enough to bring Jian Shiwu coffee, not knowing at all that Jian Shiwu did not like to drink so bitter cappuccino, he had a sweet tooth.

The more he watched, the more he realized that he knew Jian Shiwu extraordinarily well, knew everything, knew more than anyone else, no one could know Jian Shiwu better than he did, because this was a boy he had watched grow up, was now his wife, and always will be.


Shen Cheng's secretary had told him, "To like someone is to want to take care of them."

Sitting in the living room of his home, looking at Jian Shiwu who was chewing on a snack in his pajamas, Shen Cheng slowly pondered that he liked Jian Shiwu, only this realization seemed to come a little late and he wanted to find a proper time to tell his wife.

However, recently there were some troublesome things that gave him some headache, and they seemed to 

be related to his birth. There were private detective figures appearing in his life, the other party seemed not small in origin, and at the moment did not dare to make any big moves, but he was not an amateur. Using some forces to find out, Shen Cheng found this may be related to the Ji company, and sent someone to investigate who.

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It turned out to be the vice president of Ji's, Donald.

The secretary said, "You may have a blood relationship with Ji Yuanfeng, the president of Ji company, and Donald's purpose is to pull in, or control you. But it shouldn't be enough to fear, if you do identify with Ji Yuanfeng, it would be possible to obtain the succession of Ji's, which is a great fortune. But it seems that President Ji hasn't learned of this for the time being, do you think you should go and negotiate? "

Everyone knows that property is not so easy to inherit, getting involved in a wealthy family is equivalent to being involved in a whirlpool, and the big cake that seemed to fall from the sky can kill people.

Shen Cheng sneered, "No need, I'm not interested."

However, things never go in the direction one wants them to.

Donald pressed on step by step and it made him use all his energy to face him. The other party's bravado also provoked the competitive spirit in his bones, and he was never afraid of a challenge, not when he met a somewhat strong opponent.


The person should be Ji's vice president, Donald.

The secretary said: "You may be related to Ji's president Ji Yuanfeng, and Donald's purpose is to win over or control you, but you should not be afraid. If you really recognize Ji Yuanfeng, It will be possible to obtain Ji's inheritance, which will be a huge fortune at that time, and Mr. Ji seems to have not learned about this situation yet, do you want to negotiate?"

Having said that, I understand a little bit. Everyone knows that property is not so easy to inherit, getting involved in a wealthy family is equivalent to being involved in a whirlpool, and the big cake that falls from the sky will kill people.

Shen Cheng sneered: "No, I'm not interested."

Things never develop in the direction that people want.

Donald was pressing step by step, and had to let him face it with all his energy. The opponent's publicity also aroused a competitive spirit in his bones. He was never afraid of challenges, and he was not afraid when he encountered some strong opponents.

As he used all his mind to deal with the affairs of country M, something happened to Jian's family. Jian Zicheng was cheated while doing business with others. The company may face the possibility of bankruptcy. When he heard the news, he was still in country m.

When looking for a solution, he only thought that Jian Zicheng's arrogant temperament should not accept his explicit help, so he said to the secretary: "You go back to China first, and see which company is going to buy them, don't be too obvious."

At that time, he thought that he would return to China in another ten days at most, and that he would then handle the matter properly in person, first he had to deal with the Donald tangle at hand.

He was in a meeting the day he learned of Jian Shiwu’s car accident. When his secretary called, he even thought for a moment that he was joking, until the secretary said it again in a careful tone, "Madam's car had an accident on the outer ring, it was raining so hard that it hit the bridge."

Shen Cheng had never had a moment in his life when his mind was as black and confused as when he received this phone call, his heart felt like it had been struck hard, and he couldn't breathe for awhile.

Shen Cheng's voice felt like it was squeezed out as he inquired, "Jian....?"

The secretary didn't dare to breathe heavily and only dared to say quickly, "The car, the car crashed down the river, a rescue team had already gone to look for him, but it was raining too much and after searching for a few more hours, they said..."

Even through the phone, the secretary could feel the hostility in Shen Cheng's voice: "Keep looking."

The few short words came from the other end of the phone, but the intense chill, cold and piercing, was enough to make people's hearts tremble. When the phone was hung up, the secretary realized that he was covered in a layer of cold sweat, as if he had turned around from the gates of life.

He knew that Shen Cheng would be back soon, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He had unprecedentedly used the Ji's private jet for the first time and when he appeared in the frosty dew, the secretary was almost unable to recognize him, with his scarlet eyes and even somewhat messy clothes, not the same as the mature and stable man he used to be, as if he wouldn't be afraid even if the sky collapsed.


Shen Cheng spoke, his voice a little hoarse: "Have you found it?"

The secretary shook his head gently, and he too was about to cry: "The rain was too heavy, and the river was fast yesterday, the car was salvaged, but strangely… no…no one was there."

In those few days, it felt as if Shen Cheng had aged a lot.

It was a very strange thing, the body was never found, the salvage rescue team was always there, and Shen Cheng was always at the scene, but almost always to no avail, the rescue 

team searched for as long as Shen Cheng kept watch. He had not closed his eyes for a long time, it was as if something was keeping him together and he just couldn’t sleep.

When the secretary came to report, he said, "Boss, it's been a week, the company still has some things for you to deal with, do you want to go back?"

Shen Cheng said, "Bring it here and I’ll deal with it here."

The secretary mustered up the courage to say, "It's been a few days, why don't you go back and take a rest..."

As expected, before the words fell, he received a somewhat harsh gaze from Shen Cheng, the bloodshot eyes were like a harsh beast, making people's heart panic. He could only suppress the words in his heart.

A bottle of water was sent over: "Then you always need to drink some water and eat something, otherwise your body won't hold up and you won't be able to keep watch here."

Shen Cheng didn't take the food in his other hand, just took the water over and drank two sips, then instructed, "On the company side you bring the documents and the computer, if anything happens..."

Under the secretary's eyes, his voice grew weaker and weaker as he spoke, as if sensing something, the man's eyes swept him with a fierce glance, and eventually he couldn't resist passing out.

The secretary hurriedly folded his hands: "I'm sorry boss, I didn't mean to, but you really can't stay up any longer, just rest for awhile."

Then he turned his head, "Go back to the flat."

The driver started the car familiarly and left the riverside.

Everyone knew Shen Cheng's temper, even the secretary was prepared to have himself executed when Shen Cheng woke up, but what no one expected was that when Shen Cheng woke up, the person was surprisingly calm, so calm that people felt it was abnormal.

The secretary cautiously said, "Boss, I'm sorry."

Shen Cheng, however, only asked him, "Have you found him?"

The secretary shook his head, in fact, everyone knew in their hearts that it had been more than a week, and if they couldn't find him, the person should be gone, but no one dared to say anything, no one dared to stimulate Shen Cheng.

But the man who woke up seemed to have suddenly calmed down. He got up, sat on the sofa in the room, looking at the tea cups on the coffee table left by Jian Shiwu, and then below that, the snack cabinet, where a lot of stock is usually hoarded, but this time, it was actually empty.

Shen Cheng looked at it for a moment, the corners of his mouth curled up into an almost ironic smile, "Were you so angry?"

There was nothing left. He was so angry that he wouldn't even let him have one last glance.

The secretary looked at Shen Cheng with some trepidation as he mumbled and also showed such a smile. He couldn't help but feel a little horrified, and even wondered if it would be better to make a psychiatric appointment for Mr. Shen to see.

But very quickly, except for that day where he acted strange, Shen Cheng seemed to have suddenly returned to normal. He set up a funeral for Jian Shiwu. The Jian family did not have many people, so a few members came. Next to him were two tombstones, Jian Zicheng and Zhen Meili’s tombstones quietly stood in the cold wind, looking unusually ironic.

It was a bad day, with a light drizzle in the sky. All afternoon, Shen Cheng sat in front of the tombstone not saying a word. Jian Shiwu's tomb was very simple, except for the unusually deep and conspicuous words on the stone monument, and there was a photograph on the tombstone, in colour, of the young boy smilinh radiantly and lovingly.

Seeing that it was about to get dark, the secretary's lips moved and went up to ask: "Boss, it's time to go."

Shen Cheng sat there quietly, "You go back."

The secretary hesitated as he said, "Do you want to be here at night? This is a cemetery...not only will it be cold after dark, but if you are alone, won't you be...scared?"

Shen Cheng finally reacted a little, he looked up at the tombstone, his deep eyes gradually became deeper, as if he thought of something, then the man's voice lowered and said in a faint voice: "That night, how cold was he."

How scared he would have been.

There was a cold breeze blowing over and the secretary shivered, he and Jian Shiwu didn't have much interaction so he couldn't really appreciate Shen Cheng's grief too much, however, he could feel the changes in Shen Cheng more directly. Before his wife's accident, Shen Cheng was career minded, mature and stable, but after Jiam Shiwu's accident, he really felt how scary Shen Cheng was as a person.

After that day at the cemetery, this man has changed. Before Shen Cheng was like a civil servant in general: a small business, asking him from time to time what gifts boys like, what new candies are available at the recent candy house, what the hell was that drama yesterday about and why he could not understand Jian Shiwu’s mantra about it.

That time Shen Cheng although was so serious, but because there was Jian Shiwu, there was just a sense in his body, a that kind of fireworks made that made Shen Cheng real and humane, but the current Shen Cheng, was like as if his life had been taken away as well.

The secretary knew that Shen Cheng was regretting, too many more words he hadn't been able to say, and 

remorse for things he hadn't done well, that this man carried a lot on his back, like a heavy mountain weighing him down, and at one point he mustered the courage to say, "I don't think Mr. Jian will blame you."

At those words, he seemed to see that the protective shell that had been built up by Shen Cheng crack, the man lifted his head to look at him, that kind of gaze was something he hadn't seen for a long time, harsh.

He thought Shen Cheng might scold him, would chastise him, in fact it would be good, this man had been suppressing it, it would be good if he could burst out.

But no.

"Go and do your own thing." Shen Cheng said.

There were no extra words, no extra expressions, the afterglow of the dusk fell, but it was inexplicably sad, there was no one who could save Shen Cheng, no one. Was the one who was gone suffering, or was the one who was alive suffering a little more? Even he himself did not have a clear answer.

Such a situation remained, until the arrival of one thing, brought a change, that is the black gold small VR helmet.

A device developed by Shen Cheng for real interaction on holographic networks. This device helped Shen enter the top 100 companies completely and become the leading presence in the electronic information industry. The secretary knew that Shen Cheng also had an exclusive version of the black gold small helmet, he would log on to the device every day and spend a night in it, the next day he would be in much better spirits. Who were the holographic characters in it and what had Shen Cheng set up? He did not know.

But the device did save Shen Cheng's precarious mental situation, but unfortunately no one had the chance to find out what exactly was programmed into his helmet until decades later, when Shen Cheng passed away and the secretary found the little black and gold helmet while rummaging through his belongings.

With curiosity, he put it on his head and clicked on the start page. Before logging in, he thought, Shen Cheng would have set a living wife to accompany him and reset a perfect marriage, but after the page slowly restarted, what appeared in front of him was a school street.

He stood there as if he was automatically brought into Shen Cheng's perspective and character. Then, he walked into a class and saw, standing in front of the back seat, a boy, chubby but cute, who seemed to be holding something in his hand, and upon seeing him, gave an awkward and somewhat confused smile, and the love letter he was holding was squeezed tightly as he stammered a little and explained, "I, I didn't steal anything from you."

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