Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 16: 16

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The crowd looked back.

At the entrance of the school, Zhen Meili stood by the flower bed holding her husband's hand, looked over with a smile, and calmly accepted everyone's scrutiny.

Ji Beichuan recognized the people and called, "Aunt Zhen, Uncle Jian."

Zhen Meili looked at him: "Bei Chuan, you are so old now, I hugged you when you were young."

Ji Beichuan smiled awkwardly.

Zhen Meimei looked at her husband meaningfully: "How well behaved he was he was at that time, right, husband."

He was a bit embarrassed, for if it were anyone else, he would not have just shrugged it off. But the Jian family is not a small family, and they had a good relationship with his father and deceased mother. He can’t dare to make assertions.

Father Jian nodded and asked Ji Beichuan, "Why are you standing here, will Yuan Sheng come over today?"

Ji Beichuan hurriedly said, "Father said to come over today."

When his words fell, the others hadn't reacted yet, but Gao Can panicked first. She didn't expect that person to come. She trembled and looked around in panic, leaving her crippled husband and heading straight for Shen Cheng: "Xiaocheng, let's go back."

Shen Cheng frowned indifferently.

Zhen Meimei noticed it and glanced at her husband with a meaningful look. She walked over on high heels and stretched out her voice: "Aiya, you are Shen Cheng's mother, right? This parent-teacher conference hasn't started yet, so why are you leaving?"

Gao Can froze and turned her head: "Who are you?"

Zhen Meili hooked her lips and stretched out her hand: "I’ll introduce myself, I'm Jian Shiwu's mother, Zhen Meili, you may not know me, but I would like to get to know you."

Gao Can was anxious, worried that Shen Cheng and Ji Yuansheng would bump into each other, so she haphazardly stretched out her hand and shook it: "We have nothing to talk about."

Her reaction was bizarre and very suspicious.

Shen Cheng's eyes narrowed, but before he could open his mouth, Ji Beichuan, who was next to him, answered the phone, and he hung up after chatting with the person at the other end. After answering the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Father Jian: "Uncle, my dad's secretary just called me and said that he has a meeting that is not over yet, and he will come later so I don't have to wait at the door."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions were different.

Because of his words, Gao Can, who was still clamoring just now and in a hurry to leave suddenly changed her previous eagerness and began to be cheeky again: "Have the parent-teacher meeting started, let's go in?"

In public, she was sure that Shen Cheng would not reject her, otherwise the rumors and gossip in the school could drown him. Shen Cheng is such a proud person, and it would be great if he bears criticism.

Thinking of this, Gao Can was further pleased with herself.

However, in the next second, someone ran out: "Wow, aren't you hot?"

Gao Can's smile froze on her lips.

Jian Shiwu stood beside Shen Cheng, with a chubby figure, standing in a half-protective stance like an indestructible haven as he looked at Gao Can, raising his chubby face: "My mom said that if it's hot and you wrap it so tightly, you will get heat rush, then there are also those type of people…."

The corner of Gao Can's mouth twitched: "What type of people?"

Jian Shiwu smiled and said, "Robbers and child traffickers."

Inexplicably, no one knew which of Gao Can's pain point was hit, but her face twisted for a moment and she spat out: "What are you talking about, you, uneducated child..."

Before she could finish her words, Jian Shiwu was pulled behind by Shen Cheng. Shen Cheng, who was unresponsive befor, reacted when she heard that she was going to scold Jian Shiwu. The boy stood in front of her, cold and detached as if she was a stranger. He protected the little fat boy behind him, raised his eyelids to look at Gao Can, his gaze full of warning.

Shen Dashan came up behind him, and the cowardly man had a pleasing smile on his face: "Don't make noise, don't make noise, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, hello kid, we are not some robbers, we are Shen Cheng's parents. "

Jian Shiwu pouted.

Liu Heng next to him stood on the other side of Shen Cheng, grinning: "I'm sorry, uncle, don't be surprised, it's mainly because I haven’t seen you since the school opened. After all, parents were asked to pick up and drop off kids for a month at the beginning. All the parents came in the class every day but I didn’t see you even once. Even when it rained heavily, others came to pick up the children and I didn’t see you guys, and I still didn’t see you when it was time to pay all kinds of miscellaneous fees at the office.

Gao Can's face was blue and white.

But Zhen Meimei, who was in the back, not only didn't care about displining the children, but also came over and said, "Mother Shen Cheng, I heard that your family Shen Cheng is the first in his year. How do you usually teach your children? You are so good ah, can you teach me?"

Gao Can felt very embarrassed. She didn't put any effort into Shen Cheng at all. She didn't feel like she was being praised, but she felt like she was being satirized.

Shen Dashan forced a smile: "It's all about children's self-consciousness."

Zhen Meimei let out a "tsk" and lamented, "I'm really envious. Our little chubby takes a lot of trouble. It would be great if this child, Shen Cheng, was from our family. I would definitely like to come pick him up every day. What a pity."

The corner of Jian Shiwu's mouth twitched: "Mom..." He was very nervous, afraid that Shen Cheng would be unhappy.

Glancing at Shen Cheng cautiously, he saw the jade-like profile of the young man’s face, the afterglow of the sunset fell on him, with the loneliness of a falling curtain, he didn't speak, but inexplicably, it made Jian Shiwu feel a little sad.

Zhen Meili stepped forward and warned: "The parent-teacher meeting is about to start. You can find a store outside to do your homework by yourself, and we will go in."

Jian Shiwu recovered: "Oh, okay."

Indeed, it was the heart-to-heart talk time between teachers and parents, and it is useless for them to follow.

Gao Can asked, "Aren't you students coming?"

Liu Heng next to her smiled and said, "We won't be going in to the parent-teacher meeting this year. Auntie, you don't even know that?"

Gao Can was a little embarrassed again, Shen Cheng didn't tell her at all, did he deliberately want to embarrass her? She doesn’t know why, she had never met these people, but she felt that everyone present was targeting her. This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable.

She wanted to leave, but Shen Dashan tugged at her arm and said, "Everyone is here, let's go in."

Gao Can pouted, a little unhappy, but she knew the importance. If she left today, she still didn't know how she would be stabbed in the back. She had no interest at all in holding a parent-teacher meeting for this little bastard, but she heard the teacher's talk about Ji Beichuan's situation.

With this in mind, Gao Can smiled and said to Shen Cheng, "Then Xiaocheng, you can go home too, we're going in."

Shen Cheng didn't even look at her, he raised his foot and walked away without even giving Gao Can a reply. In front of so many people, it was like slapping her in the face.

Gao Can looked at his back and twisted her face for a moment, smiled at the people around, and slandered: "I'm sorry, the child was not taught well, so you guys had to see that."

Zhen Meili waved her hand: "Come on, don't say that."

Gao Can breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, she saw Zhen Meili looking at her with a smile: "The son doesn’t teach the parents, don't blame the child."


On the street outside, only Jian Shiwu and Liu Heng were wandering around.

Both of them are reminiscing about what happened today. It will be a little late, and they are also a little hungry, so they wandered around the snack street.

Liu Heng said, "Isn Shen Cheng’s mother upto something?"

Jian Shiwu bit the sugar gourd in her mouth: "Has she done anything that’s not shameful?"

Liu Heng froze and doubled over with laughter.

Just as he was about to say something, he was stunned for a moment, and tugged at Jian Shiwu's sleeve: "Hey, hey, look, isn't that Shen Cheng?"

Jian Shiwu looked over, and through the glass window, he really saw Shen Cheng's figure in the restaurant. He was standing in front of the cash register, and there was a long queue in front of him, all girls.

Liu Heng gave a "tsk": "I suspect that they are not interested in the food at all."

Jian Shiwu looked at the young man inside through the window. It was undeniable that Shen Cheng's appearance was really outstanding, cool and noble. There is the heroic spirit of a young man and the cleanliness of a girl. It is precisely because of this that many people will be paralyzed, thinking this was a harmless flower.

This kind of scene, in fact, Jian has seen many times before.

This time, Shen Cheng can be considered harmless He remembers that after entering high school in his previous life, Shen Cheng changed. He began to slowly become a bad boy in everyone's eyes. The places he went in and out were no longer such restaurants but bars and nightclubs. The friends around him are no longer students, but people society dared not approach. But the more bad he became, the more girls he attracted in school.

Liu Heng pulled Jian Shiwu: "Let's go buy a cake too!"

Jian Shiwu: "Hey... why are you joining in the fun?

With Liu Heng dragging him, Jian Shiwu was pulled into the restaurant. There was a queue of girls where some took pictures with their mobile phones, and others peeked infront from time to time. When they got close, they could hear what they were talking about:

"He seemed to look at me just now."

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"Obviously he was looking at me, okay?"

"He's so handsome, I really want to sleep with him"

"Don't even think about it, all who asked for just the contact information was rejected."

Jian Shiwu listened with relish in the back.

The line was slowly shortening, and finally they reached the front. He was just about to explain why he was here, but when Shen Cheng saw him, he didn't have any extra reaction, just like looking at ordinary guests, he said, “What to order."

Jian Shiwu glanced at the big sign at the back, which had the drinks and cakes described, and he said, "I want a lemon kiwi tea."

He’s actually a little hungry, but to lose weight, he can't eat high-calorie foods.

Shen Cheng ordered food on the machine, but when Jian Shiwu was waiting, he heard a voice above his head: "Aren't you hungry?"

Jian Shiwu raised his head in surprise, the young man in front of him had no superfluous expressions, as if the words just now were not uttered by him.

Jian Shiwu tentatively replied: "I’m on a diet."

Shen Cheng lifted his eyelids and glanced at him: "So, you won't eat now, and then eat when you can't bear it at night when you can't digest?"


Makes sense.

Jian Shiwu: "Then you can help me order something."

Shen Cheng continued his work, but the girls in the back saw that Jian Shiwu was talking to Shen Cheng, and looked at Jian Shiwu with some curiosity. The little fat boy was not a threat and they felt reassured.

After a while, Shen Cheng brought over dinner plates, Jian Shiwu and Liu Heng took their meals and sat at the table behind.

Liu Heng said, "There’s nothing to do, let's do your homework."

Jian Shiwu nodded. The two of them have been diligent recently. Originally, Liu Heng had no interest in learning, but under the leadership of Jian Shiwu, he gradually became more attentive and wanted to study more.

The first problem the two of them did was still a math problem.

Liu Heng said, "Can't you go ahead and find Shen Cheng?"

Jian Shiwu took a peek at the front and coughed lightly, "Why don’t you try it?"

"...Forget it, I don't dare."

Although Liu Heng is stupid most of the time, he knows people very well. No matter how handsome Shen Cheng is, he doesn't dare to take the initiative to provoke him. This person is hidden deep, and it is best for ordinary people not to touch it easily.

While sitting, Liu Heng answered a phone call. He listened for a while, then turned to Jian Shiwu and said, "My father is here. I'm leaving first."

Jian Shiwu hadn’t received a call from Zhen Meimei, so he said, "Go ahead, I'll write some more."

Liu Heng: "Okay."

When he left, Jian Shiwu was left alone.

Jian Shiwu wrote two questions, raised his neck and moved his muscles and bones. He was just about to lower his head to do his homework. When his attention was suddenly attracted by a table not far away. It was a table sitting in the corner with some greenery beside it as a cover up, a girl is sitted, secretly stuffing restaurant decorations into her bag.

Stealing things?

But today is Shen Cheng on duty, if something is lost, will it be counted on Shen Cheng's head.

The girl stood up and was about to go. She happened to pass by Jian Shiwu. The hem of her skirt swept past him, Jian Shiwu hesitated for a moment and said, "Please wait a moment."

The girl stopped in her tracks.

Jian Shiwu pointed to her bag: "The plates and decorations in the restaurant are not supposed to be taken away."

The girl's face changed, she glared at Jian Shiwu: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Jian Shiwu said, "I saw you."

"I don’t know what you are talking aboiut." The girl turned around and was about to leave, but was pulled by Jian Shiwu: "You leave the things behind."


The girl looked at this fatty who popped out of nowhere, a sneer appeared in her eyes, she took something out of her bag and put it on the table: "It’s these, right?"

Jane nodded her head.

He let go and prepared to go back to do his homework. Who knew that just as he turned around, the girl suddenly hit the table with a big movement, knocking down a drink and screaming, "Ah!"

Jian Shiwu turned back in a daze.

Everyone else in the restaurant heard the movement and looked over. The girl covered her mouth: "Why did you splash me?"

Jian Shiwu's eyes widened: "What?"

The girl shouted: "Everyone, I was passing by, and he suddenly spilled the drink on me."

The commotion also caught the attention of others.

Jian Shi was stunned at noon, and saw Shen Cheng coming from not far away. He was wearing a restaurant uniform, tall and straight, with handsome features. He was standing in front of the table at this moment, first glanced at the wet homework, and then he looked up at Jian Shiwu and asked silently.

Jian Shiwu hurriedly said, "I didn't hit her!"

Although he knew that he was innocent, Jian Shiwu was nervous. In these days, such small shops generally have no monitoring. If no one can testify, even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he will not be able to wash himself of this accusation.

The girl's eyes were red, and she began to sob: "Why wrong did I ever do to you?"


Shen Cheng was silent for a while, then turned his face to the girl and said, "He bullied you?"

The girl nodded her head aggressively.

Shen Cheng said, "Just now?"

"That's right, pulling and tugging, I don't even know him."

"Are you sure?" Shen Cheng glanced at the table and said in a low voice, "You mean he wants to molest you while bringing cutlery and decorations from the back table?"

The implication is, didn't you bring this stuff over?

The girl didn't expect Shen Cheng to notice this. Her face was blue and white, and she realized that the eyes of the people around her were a little wrong. She gritted her teeth angrily, turned around and left.

Shen Cheng retracted his gaze, and Jian Shiwu smiled innocently at him.

It was already dark now, and Shen Cheng's part-time job was over. He took off his apron, glanced at the dirty test paper, and said, "Get the stuff, take mine and make a copy."

Jian Shiwu hurriedly said, "Okay!"

The two came out of the restaurant one after the other. The snack street outside was brightly lit. Jian Shiwu was carrying a schoolbag and said angrily, "That woman was stealing things by herself and wrongfully accused, fortunately you are smart."

Shen Cheng glanced at him: "You the one who is stupid."


Thinking of the girl who wronged him made Jian Shiwu nauseous.

He complained to Shen Cheng: "How could I be interested in her, she is too confident, I wouldn't like her, even if I liked her, the type I like is..."

Halfway through, he choked up.

Just when Jian Shiwu wanted to change the subject, Shen Cheng, who had been silent, turned his head to look at him: "What?"

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