Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 35: 35

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The room was quiet.

Before this, Ji Beichuan was bawling, pulling at others non-stop, but now it was different, he was sitting quietly alone, his eyes were red, he didn't drop another tear, his whole face was a bit pale.

The old lady finally slowed down, she slowly sat up, coughed a few times and looked at Shen Cheng: "Why didn't you tell me at the study?"

It was clear that at that time, Shen Cheng could have just defended himself.

Shen Cheng, who was standing on the inner side, leaned back in his chair, he said, "You didn't take any medicine before, I was afraid you wouldn't be able to bear it."

The old lady was just about to be moved when she heard Shen Cheng add, "After all, I am also responsible for not giving you the medicine in time."


The old lady was silent for a long time, finally turning her head to look at Ji Beichuan, she called out, "Beichuan."

Ji Beichuan stiffly twisted his face, his voice was a little hoarse: "Grandma."

"Beichuan ......"

The old lady was sitting on the sofa, her whole body was a little hunched over, and her meticulously coiffed hair had fallen down a little, as if she had aged overnight.

Ji Beichuan stumbled and took a few steps on the ground, holding the old lady's hand: "Grandma."

The old lady reached out and caressed Ji Beichuan's face with a shaky hand. It was obvious that she had not seen him for a short period of time, but she felt that the child in front of her was a bit strange, as if she had never known him before all these years.

How strange it it is.

It's like when she hated Shen Youting, but when she saw her devastated son after she passed away, she thought she might have been wrong.

Ji Beichuan was a little desperate: "Grandma, I didn't collude with Sister Li, I didn't know she would steal anything, I just wanted to change the medicine, Grandma, will you believe me?"

The old lady's pale hair fell down as she sighed, "What if the fake pills were laced with something that could kill me, an old woman?"

Ji Beichuan froze.

"What if ......" the old lady looked at him, "The plan that Sister Li gave you today was not this, but for you to steal Yuan Sheng's documents on the condition that you would have monstrous riches, would you agree? "

Ji Beichuan: "I..."

He wouldn't, he wouldn't do it, he just wanted to come back, if it really threatened his grandmother's life and his father's company, he wouldn't do it.

Ji Beichuan was full of despair but could not say anything in his defence, wrong was wrong, no one had forced him, it was his greed and unawareness that had harmed him.

The old lady looked at the child in front of her and felt nothing but disappointment, she said, "Go to the hospital and see Shen Dashan, he and Gao Can can do right by you, at least they are people who treat you with sincerity, don't make yourself regret it again."

Ji Beichuan sat limply on the floor and nodded gently.


This night was destined to be a sleepless one.

There was a big mess at the old lady's 70th birthday party, the guests were dismissed early and most of the parties went to the hospital, the red light in the emergency room didn't go off until the early hours of the morning.

Ji Beichuan waited at the door of the ward for a long time until the person inside was pushed out and he was the first to gather around.

The doctor said, "Currently he is still in danger, if he can wake up, it's good, if he can't wake up you should also be psychologically prepared ......"

Ji Beichuan's heart sank.

The waiting time was long, a long dark night from up to dawn. He sat on the hospital bedside and thought a lot. To today when Ji Yuansheng was worried Shen Cheng’s rest was not good and did not let him follow over, Jian Shiwu's parents worried that he was frightened and sent him home early. Each of the children have the love of their parents, openly, brightly.

But he did not, even in the past, in the Ji family, he was not been able to as Shen Cheng, generally getting Ji Yuan Sheng's attention, he is like a poor worm, from beginning to end, a joke in general.

Perhaps ...... there are actually people in this world who love him, but unfortunately they are all lost to him.

Grandma loved him, but he almost killed her. Shen Deshan loved him, but he almost killed him because of his stupidity and selfishness,

Ji Beichuan sat dumbly by the hospital bed, unable to say a word, he could not shed a tear, nor did he have the strength to think, everything in the world seemed to be quiet, only the dying man on the hospital bed in front of him and the boundless darkness engulfing him. No one would love him anymore, he was really a failure, why had he become this way, even he resented himself.

He didn't want to lose anything but he lost everything, in the end he had nothing left, what was the point of such a life, no one would ever forgive him, perhaps disappearing from the world was the best way to go?

"Knock knock"

There was a knock on the door outside and a nurse came in and asked, "Why don't you have something hot to eat? It's not a good idea to wait here hungry."

Ji Beichuan shook his head gently and refused.

The nurse, however, still forcefully took a bowl of steaming instant noodles: "How can you not eat, it’s not certain as to when your father will wake up yet."

The hot air of the noodles slowly rose up and spread on Ji Beichuan's face, and in a trance, he thought of another bowl of noodles, a bowl of hand-rolled noodles with a very ugly appearance.

There was someone who, even after he had done a lot of wrong things, even though he was already so hated, had left him a little bit of noodles.

Ji Beichuan hugged the bucket of instant noodles, trembling all over, and finally buried himself, breaking down in an instant.

The nurse hesitantly said, "Why are you crying?"

The teenager, who had just been tense, felt as if all his strength had been removed, crying out in pain over a bowl of instant noodles in the early morning sun, beside his unconscious father's bedside.

Just before, he thought of commiting suicide. He wanted to save face. The thought that he might have to endure the disgust and disdain of so many people in the future, that he might never have any family again, that no one would accept him, made him feel worse than if he had died. He regretted it so much, he knew he was wrong but he could never get anything back. No one would forgive him, and no one would give him the chance.

But that bowl of noodles, that bowl of noodles that was left behind even though Jian Shiwu was disgusted with him actually became a straw that saved his life, made him feel that even as a failure he might have hope for a little while, he might be able to live, he was a wretch, but there were people who might allow a little food for the wretch, a little room to live.


The instrument rang again, pulling Ji Beichuan's thoughts back.

At the sound of the teenager's cries, Shen Dashan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes looking at the teenager beside the hospital bed with some hesitation, "Beichuan?"

Ji Beichuan stiffened and said with some disbelief, "You're awake"

Shen Dashan nodded somewhat weakly, his body was full of tubes, the oxygen mask made his voice a bit muffled, he raised his hand to touch Ji Beichuan's face, but because of the dislocation, it only had to fall down mid air, but at the moment when it was about to hang down it was held by Ji Beichuan.

The teenager's fine white tender hand held Shen Dashan tightly, he gently came closer, dragging Shen Dashan's palm to caress his own face.

Shen Dashan's eyes were slowly soaked red with tears, and he mumbled, "Beichuan, are you okay?"

Ji Beichuan shook his head.

"They...didn't blame you, did they?" Shen Dashan's voice was hoarse and faint, and his spitting was unclear, but Ji Beichuan understood, and the man said, "I'm sorry, dad was incompetent and couldn't help you stop them."

Ji Beichuan's body stiffened, his body was cold, and he said with some disbelief, "You knew all along?"

Shen Dashan didn't nod nor did he shake his head, this foolish and weak man had been incompetent all his life, perhaps others thought he didn't know anything, but more often than not his heart was like a clear mirror.

Looking at the fragile Ji Beichuan in front of him, Shen Dashan could already guess the general outcome, he sighed and said softly, "That day... you didn't eat and went downstairs, it was too late I was afraid that you were in danger, so, I followed you up."

Ji Beichuan's eyes widened as he inquired bluntly, "You knew I wanted to go back to the Ji family, yet you didn't stop me?"

Shen Dashan laughed lowly, a tear flowing down from the corner of his eye as he sighed, "People go up high, water flows down low, I'm incapable, I can't let you suffer you with me."

Those two people in the garden, he could have avoided them, but he guessed that there might be an accident in the mansion, if something really happened, Ji Beichuan might not be able to escape from it, maybe he was really an incapable man, but he was a father, there was nothing he could give to Ji Beichuan, but he could do everything he could to protect his child.

Shen Dashan spoke with difficulty, the EKG instrument kept jumping and making ticking sounds, he whispered, "Beichuan, I'm sorry, dad didn't give you a good life, I made you lose face, in the future..."

"Stop it!"

Ji Beichuan looked at Shen Dashan's bruised body, thinking of what he had done some time ago, remorse and pain filled his chest, tears could no longer be controlled, he held Shen Dashan's hand tightly and finally spoke, "Dad, don't say anything."

He cried out in a low voice, "I don't want anything, I don't want a good life, I don't want to go back to the Ji family, just don't die, please, don't die."

The door to the ward was opened and a nurse and doctor came in to check on the patient's condition, people came and went in a hurry, throughout the day Shen Dashan's condition was repeatedly checked. Originally there was no hope according to his injuries, but ever since he woke up once in the morning, the patient's sense of survival increased and as of the evening he was finally stabilised and out of danger.

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When the nurse came over to check the room again, she only saw the child lying on the head of his father's bed, drowsy, he had not closed his eyes for a day and a night, and during the daytime rescue, Ji Beichuan had been sitting in the corner staring at them with big red bloodshot eyes, as if holding on to the last thread, until he was told that he was out of danger, then he drifted off to sleep.


Day Two

Jian’s home

The first day of the birthday party, Jian’s father was also very worried, from that day back, Jian Shiwu began to be distracted, as if scared by something, lost in the general.

Originally they thought it was just the difficult experienced and told him to sleep on it, but they did not expect that at night Jian Shiwu would get a high fever, mouth talking nonsense, and no matter what injection and medicine are given, the high fever did not go down.

Zhen Meilie sat on the bed to put a towel on Jian Shiwu and asked her husband, "How is it?"

The family doctor Jian's father had contacted had just left, and he shook his head: "Dr. Kevin said his body was fine after the examination, but this was caused by a sbig hock."

"What kind of shock could have scared him like that?" ZhenMeili's face was a worried one as she leaned into her husband's arms, choking up a little, "Do you know what I heard him say last night when I stood guard here?"

Jian's father asked, "What?"

Zhen Meilie’s eyes were slightly red as she shed tears, "He was begginv mummy and daddy not to leave and kept calling out Shen Cheng's name, saying d he would never dare to do it again."

Father Jian froze, looking at the pale Jian Shiwu lying on the hospital bed, a little puzzled: "How could he say these words?"

Zhen Mei Li shook her head, "I don't know, he kept crying last night with a fever, and nothing worked."

Their little boy’s nature is straightforward, everything is written on the face, which is very easy to see and understand.

But recently this half year, as parents, they were sensitive enough to find Jian Shiwu somehow different, a lot more silent, sometimes he will be alone in a daze, also more understanding and no longer fooling around, good as ever.

Zhen Meilie covered her mouth and burst into tears: "What's wrong, husband, he's not...something happened to him, right?"

Father Jian hastened to comfort her, "No, no, no. What are you thinking?"

From early morning to dusk, Jian Shiwu, who had been suffering from a high fever, slowly began to subside, which relieved his parents, who had been hanging on for dear life.

Zhen Mei Li sat on the hospital bed, she stroked the little fat face that seemed to have lost a round of weight, and whispered, "Son, do you want to eat something?"

Jiae Shiwu held his glass of water to drink and shook his head, "No, I'm not hungry."

That scene on the stairway was like a hardening of the protective shield he had built for himself, for so long he had deliberately not thought about it in order to make himself less afraid, deliberately thinking that Shen Cheng in this life was different from his previous life, that he would not be the same cold and heartless person he had been, and that his fate would not be the same either.

But he was wrong, when he saw that Shen Cheng, his whole soul ached. He had overestimated his own ability to bear it, and it turned out that those fears and terrors had not dissipated for a moment, they had been suppressed at the bottom of his heart until the day they were released.

Zhen Meili said softly, "Mom heard you keep calling out for Shen Cheng in your dreams, should let him come and see you?"

Jian Shiwu's eyes widened and he subconsciously blurted out, "No!"

Zhen Meilie was stunned.

He realized he had overreacted and stiffened for a moment before finally pulling out a smile, "The class representative and I are just ordinary friends, so don't bother him to come visit me."

Zhen Meili frowned gently and looked towards the door with some concern.


The door to Jiane Shiwu's room, opened.

Shen Cheng stood in the doorway of the bedroom, the teenager's circumference was cool, and across the somewhat distant distance, his serene, waveless black eyes looked at Jane Shiwu with a bit of coolness.

"...... Shen Cheng."

Jiane Shiwu froze on the hospital bed, and Zhen Meili knew she should let the two children talk properly, so she didn't say anything, just patted the little fat hand: "Think about it before you do."

She left the room, shutting the door behind her.

A cold sweat slowly broke out on the back of Jane's back, and he called out softly, his voice milky and hoarse with a bit of sickness, "Shen Cheng."

Shen Cheng looked at him with the same slightly warm gaze, he took a few steps forward and stopped abruptly at a few paces away.

Jian Shiwu wondered if Shen Cheng had heard him, and hesitated a little: "Did you just arrive?"

Shen Cheng's face was expressionless: "You did not want me to come."

"...... is not." Jane Shiwu panicked a little, because he felt that the Shen Cheng in front of him was so scary and full of danger: "I'm afraid of passing the sickness to you."

Shen Cheng's face slowly hooked up a cold smile: "Is that so?"

But that's not what your eyes say.

Those eyes, always smiling and clean, were clearly written with fear and dread, full of resistance and detachment, as if they were looking at a flood of beasts. The first thing that you always wanted to do is to look at me, but now you want to hide.

When he saw something in Shen Cheng's pocket, he whispered, "Are you here to see me, Class Representative?"

Shen Cheng did not deny it: "Yes."

The memory of the cold-blooded and heartless man from his previous life slowly faded away, leaving behind a Shen Cheng who would care for him again. He let out a soft sigh of relief and revealed a smile: "Did you bring me a gift? Is it a gift to wish me a recovery?"

Shen Cheng looked at him and did not answer.

This kind of quietness made Jian Shiwu a little panicky, for some reason, he felt that today's Shen Cheng was very strange, making him feel panicky, the kind of panicky that is very uneasy, as if, he seemed to be losing something.

Shen Cheng took out a box from his pocket and put it on the bedside table, the teenager whispered, "I hope you like it."

Jian Shiwu looked at him dumbfounded.

Shen Cheng straightened up and looked at him from above, the emotions contained in those dark, deep eyes were so deep and heavy that for a moment it made Jian Shiwu's heart sting slightly, the teenager seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing, he took a half step back and whispered, "I'm leaving."


Looking at his back, Jian Shiwu's heart panicked so much that he shouted, "Shen Cheng!"

Shen Cheng had already pulled the door open and paused in his steps.

The teenager on the bed had fair skin, and those big eyes looked at him for a moment, with a bit of hesitation and expectation, timidly: "I'll see you again tomorrow at school, right?"

Shen Cheng twisted his head to look back and saw that somewhat energetic little fat boy, just like the many moments he had spent gazing at Jane Shiwu over the countless years.

I hope he will always be this happy.

If he wasn't there, if he wasn't seen, he could always be this energetic.

Shen Cheng whispered, "Get well."

Without waiting for Jian Shiwu to reply, the door had been closed, completely separating the interior from the exterior, leaving a room of silence and tranquillity.

Outside, Zhen Meilie sent Shen Cheng away, not daring to ask what the two children had talked, and when she returned, Jian's father said, "Did he say goodbye properly?"

Zhen Meili said, "Not sure."

"Yuan Sheng has to go back to M country to deal with political affairs because of the theft of company documents, this time the matter may spread to the top few shareholders of the higher echelons, it can't be handled cleanly for a while, plus the old lady has also suffered a big shock this time, so if there is no accident, the Ji family should have to emigrate as a whole."

Zhen Meili frowned and asked with some suspicion, "But didn't Yuan Sheng say he would respect the child's opinion?"

Father Jian remembered the look in Shen Cheng's eyes when he left just now and sighed, "I'm afraid the desire to say is hanging by a thread."

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