Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 46: 46

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Jian Shiwu raised his eyes and looked at Shen Cheng dumbfounded. For a moment, he felt that the burning heat in the boy's eyes was so scorching it was unbearable.

Shen Cheng looked down at him, in seemingly in a semi-seductive tone, and said warmly, "Give it to me."

The human subconscious told him that the person in front of him was dangerous and that he should stay away from him, but his body was not under the command of his brain, and before his mind could react, he had already stretched out his small, white, soft hand to hand the purse to Shen Cheng.

Shen Cheng took the purse, which seemed to still carry the boy's faint body temperature, not hot, but it was as if it could roll all the way to his heart.

"What's wrong?" Shen Cheng looked at him, "Don’t you want to give it to me."

Jian touched his palm and the little hedgehog retracted his hand, shaking his head gently: "No."

Shen Cheng inquired, "Then what is it?"

He had grown up, his chubby little face had slimmed down, his eyes were big and round, and when he looked at Shen Cheng, his jewel-like eyes were a little evasive, and he muttered softly, "I just think... there's something weird about you."

Shen Cheng's patience was given to him, "I should be the one to say that."

Jian Shiwu looked up at him unexpectedly, "Ah, why?"

"You asked Annie to give me something that should have been brought by you." Shen Cheng looked at him for a moment, insistent on an answer, "Isn't it strange, don’t tell me it's because you're on good terms with her."

Well of course not.

All of a sudden, Jian Shiwu was at a bit of a loss for words!

He thought that if this purse was given by Annie, Shen Cheng might be happy, but what he didn't expect was that it would turn out to not be the case.

He couldn't think of a better excuse than to tell the truth.

“I think you and Annie have a good relationship, and since it's the same purse for you anyway, it's no different if she gives it to you, so I'm not sure why you'd be happier if I did."

There seemed to be a momentary silence in the air.

Shen Cheng narrowed his eyes, his fingertips rubbing the incense pouch, an action he was used to doing when he was thinking, and finally, after Jane Shiwu had taken a few breaths, he spoke, "There is no such thing. I don’t know her well. So, listen up, if you want to send something, you do it."

Shen Cheng looked at Jian Shiwu and looked at his confused little appearance. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were warm. He put away the purse: "Thank you, for the purse, I like it very much."


It was only after Shen Cheng had left that Jian Shiwu completely came back to his senses.

The playground was still buzzing with people, all around him, but he didn’t feel them at all, in the blazing summer sun, in the stirring sounds, he felt all hot, too hot to be okay.

Lui Heng came back after talking to his teacher and wondered, "Is it that hot today?"

Jian Shiwu returned to his senses, "Hmm?"

"Your face looks red." Lui Heng came over a bit and said mischievously, "Your ears are red too, what are you doing sneakily, care to share it with your brother?"

Jian avoided his gaze, "Stop it."

Lui Heng laughed happily, in fact he just came over when he saw Shen Cheng leaving, at this time, the small face infront of him was shy and red, he softly lamented: "Being young is good ah!"

Jian Shiwu kicked him.

They were playing and joking around over here, but not far away, Annie who had been paying attention to this side watched the laughter but couldn’t laugh at all. Because of her beauty and her family's generosity, many of the students had become friends with her, and when she returned to the back and took her seat, many of her friends leaned over and said.

"Annie, you're back."

"I saw you chatting with Jian Shiwu earlier."

"I think he gave you something."

Annie pulled back her blonde hair and smiled, "Well, we briefly chatted for a while, as there was sort of a connection before."

The students were curious, "You knew each other before, huh?"

Annie glanced at Jian Shiwu in front of her and lowered her eyelids, "No, I don't know him very well, I know him a little."

Because of Jian Shiwu's singing, he became popular in the school. A beautiful girl like her with blonde hair and blue eyes should be the center of attention, but because of Jian Shiwu's piano music, too many people focused on him. In the whole school, her talent, her family background and appearance are all top-notch, who one can compare to her, but she is hitting a wall here and there, why? Why does he get everything, and she has nothing?

Curiously, her classmates asked, "Normally, Shiwu doesn't tell us much about his old life, do you know anything?"

Annie's heart churned with malice as she pulled her hair back and deliberately whispered, "I don't know much about it either, I've heard people say that he didn't seem to...look like this before."

"What did he look like then?"

Annie smiled, "I don’t know about that, didn’t he come out of the middle school annex, maybe his former classmates would know better."

This rumor the students had heard before, there were some students in the school who had come out of the attached middle school and they all said that Jian Shiwu had changed a lot, that he used to be very fat and didn’t look very good, but they didn’t think it was true!

Looking at the way Annie looked at him the classmate had a not too sure guess: "Did he have a facelift?"

Annie raised an eyebrow without putting it down, "Not clear."

Although she didn't say, everyone else had acquiesced to this answer, and the crowd buzzed with discussion.

"I heard from his former classmates that he didn't used to look like this, he was fat and ordinary."

"Yeah, look at that nose and those eyes, they're too delicate any way you look at them, they don't look like they're natural."

"And he didn’t look like this before, how come he changed after this summer vacation?"

"Plastic surgery, that's not weird."

Rumors slowly spread in the crowd, and when demeaning a person, you will be elevated if you don't, and more people started to notice Anne's natural beauty. The facial features of Europe and the United States are three-dimensional, and a faiir skin, this natural beauty became even more highlighted.

A classmate looked at Annie with a smile and said: "If you look at it this way, Annie, you are so beautiful.

Anne said modestly, "Really, it's actually quite ordinary, I don't usually take too much care of myself, I use some affordable things, and sometimes I only go to the beauty salon because Mummy has to take me there."

When she said this, the students around her were even more envious.

For Annie, she enjoyed everyone's envious and jealous stares, so what she couldn't stand anymore was people's disapproval. Originally, she thought that after the rumors of plastic surgery spread, Jian Shiwu would be troubled, but she was wrong.

A classmate asked Jian Shiwu, "Shiwu, did you have plastic surgery?"

Jiam Shiwu, who was wiping his face as he came down from the sports field, was confused for a moment when he heard the question, and then, just when Annie gleefully thought he would get angry, the thick-skinned Jian Shiwu showed a somewhat coy smile, "Am I that good-looking?"

Annie choked up a little.

Her classmate, however, was enthusiastic: "Because your features are so pretty, I heard you didn’t used to look like this before."

"I lost weight." Jian Shiwu shared graciously, "The facial features will look better when you slim down, I used to be fat, then I did exercise and controlled my diet."


Once they heard that Jian really did lose weight, the eyes of the students, who had been a bit sour, widened all of a sudden, especially the girls, who all came over.

"Can you share a recipe at lunchtime?"

"How do you exercise?"

"Your eyes are so big, is that also a weight loss effect?"

Originally Annie had thought that the rumors of plastic surgery would cause everyone to have a problem with Jiam Shiwu and alienate him, but to her surprise things had gone against her wishes and instead her classmates seemed to...admire Jian even more?

Annie sat at a distance and sulked, she was alone, and there were a group of boys who came over to talk to her. They were used to being domineering in school, and they were all sketchy, one boy with his jacket half hanging over his shoulder came up to Annie and smiled condescendingly, "Beauty, are you from abroad, let’s get to know each other."

Annie was too upset to look at him and cursed in English, "Get lost, trash."

The second-rate student, who had never been so stabbed at school, was dumbfounded, his face darkening with displeasure, "Who are you swearing at?"

Annie was arrogant and didn’t want to talk to them much, she turned around and walked away, not paying any attention to the very unfriendly gazes of the few people behind her.

The spoilt little princess of M country didn’t understand the laws of the school in other countries, and vented according to her own mood.



At the end of the evening, Annie received a call from the housekeeper, who told her that something had happened to the driver's car on the road, that it seemed the car system had broken down for some reason and that it would take a long time to repair it, and that she should wait at school for a while and they would pick her up an hour later.

Annie was decisive: "No need, I'll take Shen Cheng and Qiao An's car back."

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She turned her direction, knowing that the driver at Shen Cheng and Qiao An's house knew her and seeing the car parked in front of the school not far away she walked over and knocked on the window.

The driver, Uncle Wang, lowered the window and was surprised to see her: "Little Sister Annie.”

Annie nodded and ordered generally, "Open the car door, I want to get in." She waited half a day for the driver to respond, and before she could get angry, Uncle Wang finally said, "Little Sister Annie, it's not me who doesn't want to let you get in the car, but my mission today is to pick up the young master, and I don't dare to if the young master hasn't ordered me to, so please understand."


Annie wrinkled her brow in displeasure, "I can also wait for him in the car."

Uncle Wang was still in a difficult position, "You know the young master's temper, if I take the liberty to do it, I can't explain it, little sister."

Annie sneered as she raised her noble head, "Don't you understand my relationship with Shen Cheng, and you have a way to account for neglecting his friends? He and I have been classmates for years, could he still not let me get in the car."

Behind her came the sound of footsteps, it was Shen Cheng who was coming out from the entrance of the school.

Shen Cheng was carrying a shoulder bag, the slender teenager stood there alone, followed by Qiao An. Qiao An even smiled at her, Shen Cheng looked at her but was indifferent. Annie thought he would say something to her, who knew that Shen Cheng would actually cross directly over her and opened the car door to get in.

Qiao An went around one side to open the door and said to her, “See you tomorrow."


Annie stopped him, "My driver isn’t picking me up today, you guys are driving me home, how can you be so indifferent to your classmates?"

"Hey, what are you pulling me for?" Qiao An was pulled by her and it took some effort to drag himself away, he said, "It's not my car, if I let you up I'd have to get out, can you have some compassion?"


Annie then looked at Shen Cheng, her eyes were filled with tears of pity: "Shen Cheng, can't you help, it's on the way anyway, do you want me to walk back alone as a girl, it's a long way, I'll lose my strength, I really didn't lie to you, the driver just called me back, look!"

She handed the phone to Shen Cheng.

The phone was held by those slender white hands, he seemed to press something and then nothing, he simply operated it a few times and gave it back to Annie.

Annie was a little happy: "Did you believe it?"

Shen Cheng, who had not been looking at her directly, lifted his eyes to look at her, and just when she thought that Shen Cheng would not speak, he instead flicked his thin lips: "No strength?"

Anne nodded in a rush.

"Aren’t you very energetic when talking?" There was a sarcastic smile under Shen Cheng's eyes as he said, “Since you're so energetic, it's good to walk more."

Annie was dumbfounded: "I ......"

Shen Cheng, however, didn’t look at her again, but turned his face to the driver in front of him and ordered, "Go."

Driver: "Yes."

He stepped on the accelerator with such urgency that he was afraid that if he was a little late, this woman, Annie, would come back to haunt him, which was fine with him, but what if he made the young master angry again?

She was about to call the driver and ask them to come back, but when she opened her phone again, she found that for some reason, the call wouldn't go out!

Remembering what Shen Cheng had just pressed, Annie was completely dumbfounded and could guess that it was definitely something Shen Cheng had set up for her that caused her calls not to go out.

Could this man punish her like this just because she instigated a little gossip behind Jian Shiwu's back, so that she couldn't make a phone call and go out and walk back by herself?

Her home was five or six kilometers from the school!

Annie almost bit her lip, she could actually borrow a mobile phone to make a call on the way, but she was a bit arrogant by nature, and bowing down to others was not an option, she would rather walk back on her own.

Passing through the school gates, Annie strides on without raising her head, not even noticing a group of people standing in the shade not too far away, the same group that had come over to accost her in the afternoon.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, isn’t that the chick?"

"It's really her."

"Didn't anyone come to pick up the big Lady today?"

"What big lady, the dog can’t spit out elephant teeth from it’s his mouth, it doesn’t speak human at all."

Annie didn’t know yet how much her arrogance will make her suffer, she didn’t know that she had been targeted and was still caught up in the resentment that filled her heart.


On the other side

Jian had an appointmemt with Lui Heng after school to play video games. After casually buying a candy cane from a roadside stall, Lui Heng said, "It seems like everyone in the class is talking about you getting a facelift or something lately, I asked around and it seems like it was spread on by Annie."

Jian Shiwu bit into his candy cane and ate it, "Well, I guessed that."

"Huh." Lui Heng looked at him, "So why don’t you teach her a lesson, or warn her?"

Jian finished one of the candy canes and said softly, "I'm thinking about it, but right now I’m in preparation for the games tomorrow and the day after, there's not much time, I'll talk to her when the games are over."

Lui Heng saw him suddenly stop talking and wondered, "What's wrong?"

Jian Shiwu pointed to the small alley not far away and stared wide-eyed, "I think I just saw Annie."


Lui Heng: "No it can’t be, she has a driver at home."


Jian Shiwu took the candy cane and frowned gently, his mind didn’t stop recalling the image he had just seen, although it flashed quickly, Annie's hair colour was blonde and her school bag was a custom-made model with pink double shoulders, if you combine the two descriptions above, then the girl he had just seen could only be Annie.

Jian said, “ I think I saw a group of people pulling her in."

Lui Heng froze and his expression became heavy: "Really, did you see it right, right in that alley?"

"Shouldn't have been a mistake."


The two boys looked at each other, both seeing in each other's eyes what the other meant, and after a long silence, stood up and ran towards the inside of the alley.

Inside the shady little alley, several boys were pushing and shoving a small blonde girl.

When Jian came running over, the little girl, who had been so high and mighty, was already crying with fear, and Annie looked less arrogant than before, her eyes widening when she saw Jian, as if she couldn't believe it.

Jian Shiwu rushed forward and knocked down the boy closest to Annie. He pressed his arm on the ground and gave him two punches. He still fights the same way after all these years, fast and fierce, he didn't let go even when he had the other side pinned down.

"Brother Shi, hold on, I'm here!"

The monkey found a brick from somewhere and joined the melee, turning the alleyway into a chaotic mess.

When a city policeman arrived at the scene, the group of deliquents had already run away, and the only ones left were the little blonde girl who was crying, and the teenager with a stained face and some dirty clothes sitting on the ground.

Lui Heng ran up to the city policeman and said, “Comrade we were acting in legitimate defence."

It was also the first time that the little girl from the country of M was being held accountable by someone. She had gone to the best academy since she was a child, everyone had been starry-eyed towards her, she had heard some of these things but because of the privileged environment she was in, she had never encountered them, because life had been too smooth, and she had been living in a Garden of Eden.

But now, it was the first time she had heard the slurs, seen the malice from the world, it was the first time she had faced up to real school life, tasted defeat, tasted what it was like not to be noticed, and she finally understood what her father had meant when he had told her to transfer to China and to suffer a little and learn a long lesson.

She knew it was wrong, she hadn't expected that at this time, when she was at her most helpless, the person who came to her rescue would not be the prince she had always longed for in her heart, but a boy she hadn't really liked all along, her love rival, who had seen herself at her most wretched, and that being said, how would he look at her now.

Annie was shaking all over, she saw the scrape on Jian’s wrist, the crimson stung her eyes, and asked with some trembling, "Are you all right?”

Jian Shiwu's fair face had obvious scrapes, and when he heard the query, he looked up, his brown eyes looking at Annie, not laughing at her somewhat dishevelled hair, not laughing at her crying, swollen eyes, not even asking her how she got here, he just looked at her so quietly, no impurities in his pure eyes, just a warm layer of care: "I'm fine, are you?"

Anne froze.

"They didn't do anything to you, did they?" Jian Shiwu was much more seriously injured than she was, yet he asked her gently, "Is there any injury, let's get you to a hospital."

Anne shook her head stupidly.

"It's all right, am just fine." Jian’s last act shattered the façade she had been carrying, and the last line of defense in her heart.

The teenager stood up and came over to her, his voice clean and warm: "Don't you cry, I'll get a packet of paper to wipe your face with before you go out, don't let the other students see you, don't worry, I won't say anything out, you've got a lot of courage daring to go down this alley. Where is your home, can you go back alone?"

Annie froze in place, she looked at Jian Shiwu in a bit of a daze, finally, after she was sure that the young man in front of her was really only concerned about her, the tears in her eyes suddenly fell, her blue eyes were red, her delicate little face was full of tears, she no longer had the high and mighty look she used to have, she even flung her arms around Jian Shiwu's waist and cried out, "I'm not brave. I'm scared to death."

Jiam was frozen, he didn’t know where to put his hands and feet. But Annie was clinging to him as if he was the last straw, where was her old high and mighty look, now she was suddenly a clingy little cat: "I don't dare go home alone, I'm afraid they'll come for me again, will you stay with me?"

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