Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 58: 58

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The 1,000 meters race ended, in 2 minutes and 49 seconds, breaking even the school's all-time record.

The timekeeper was shocked, the hand holding the watch even trembled slightly.

Shen Cheng crossed the red line of victory, sweat dripping from the corners of his forehead, his entire breath unsteady, adjusting his exhalation.

Jian and his group also arrived.

Zhen Meili patted Shen Cheng's shoulder: "Hurrying up like that…you…you.. why do you run so fast, what do you do? Aren’t you tired? Why is your physical strength so good? Auntie just saw that the second place was far behind you!"

Shen Cheng dropped his eyes, modestly: "I'm just in good shape today."

Jian Zicheng sighed next to him, "Young people are good, they have endless energy, you and Shiwu both took first place, later on the parent-child relay race uncle will also have to work hard, we can't let you two lose face."

At the end of the sentence, Jian Shiwu jogged up to him.

The sun was hot, his fair face was sweating, and he was even more excited about Shen Cheng's performance, his eyes were shining: "2 minutes and 49 seconds! I just heard a few people over there say that's a record breaker!"

Shen Cheng glanced at him.

As if Jian Shiwu realized that he was too excited, he lowered his voice slightly and looked at Shen Cheng and sighed softly, "That's impressive."

Shen Cheng’s back was covered in sweat, the doctor had advised him that although the injury on his back was scarred, he should not engage in very strenuous exercise, otherwise it would easily tear the wound, the wound on his back was faintly aching, he knew he shouldn’t have run so fast, it wasn’t good.

But when he saw Jian Shifu shouting for him and looking at him with hopeful eyes, everything was put behind him, he just wanted to win.

Shen Cheng’s lips pursed, "Is that so?"

It's good that you like it.

"Yes!" Jian Shiwu spread his smile and nodded heavily: "You're great!"

Shen Cheng looked at his smile, his eyes gradually becoming softer, there was a cool autumn breeze blowing across the playground, the tiredness of exercise and the physical discomfort were nothing, it all seemed less important under Jane Shiwu’s arched eyebrows.

Zhen Mei handed over the water: "Have some water."

Shen Cheng took it, his fingertips white, and still polite: "Thank you, auntie."

Zhen Meilie gave a "tsk", "What are you thanking me for, you kid saying such rude things again, if you say it again auntie will be angry."

The tone was scolding, but the concern and familiarity in it was not fake.

In the past, when sports meetings or activities were held, parents would come around after their classmates' projects, whether they were scolding or complimenting them, and the children were smiling and happy.

Every time this happened, Shen Cheng was the one who was isolated, it would be a lie to say he didn’t envy it, but that was a long, long time ago and then he learned not to expect anything, it was fine to be alone.

"Shen Cheng!”

Jian Shiwu's voice came from next to him, his small white hand holding a handkerchief for him, "Wipe your sweat."

Shen Cheng returned to his senses and stretched out his hand to take the soft handkerchief.

Zhen Meilie took out a small fan from her bag and fanned Shen Cheng. The woman said with some complaint, "This weather, how come the sun is so strong, you guys must be hot after just playing sports, look at the sweat on your two children’s heads, don’t get heatstroke later."

Jian’s father said, "Hey, let's go to the shade of the tree over there, shall we?"

“Noisy”, Shen Cheng thought.

But the pair of dark eyes were warm, and he stood still, listening to their words, surrounded by a group of people who cared about him, and just felt his heart slowly rise, he didn’t even feel the pain in his back.

Zhen Mei Li lowered her head and softly asked, "Shen Cheng, shall we go over there together?"

It was fine to be alone, that was a realization he had long had.

He heard himself say, "Yes."

Actually he was really getting used to the cold of the night, although occasionally the sun would shine on him, although he knew it was fleeting, but it was okay to miss it once in a while.

After a break, Jian Shiwu took his father to get water not far from them.

Jian’s father heard the announcement that another group of people were being asked to take part in the next project competition and asked, "So, you and Shen Cheng, what projects have you signed up for, and in a moment dad will accompany you to the event later.”

Jian Shiwu calculated and said, "No, there is only one parent-child relay race at the end."

"That's it?" Jian’s father seemed a little disappointed: "Your old man used to be a regular winner, I've never lost a race, and I'm going to show you guys how good I am!"

Jian Shiwu looked at his father's vivacious look and was amused, but he still glanced at Shen Cheng behind him and pulled his father a few steps forward and whispered, "Dad, Shen Cheng’s body is still injured, it's right to participate in a few less events."

Jian’s father frowned as he said, "Isn't that something that happened a good long time ago, I heard your mother say that his wounds are scarred and almost healed."

People came and went in the playground, even many students in the class came from their positions to celebrate Shen Cheng breaking the record, with admiration and envy, mouths boasting about how good he was.

Shen Cheng’s body was also standing straight in place, his posture subdued as he spoke to those around him, as if he was the kind of protagonist who was born to be surrounded, the sun falling, dazzling and admired.

But, inexplicably, Jian Shiwu is worried about him subconsciously.

In the past, he was a little sympathetic to Shen Cheng, because at that time Shen Cheng had a very hard life, and there was no sweetness at all, so he was used to thinking more about him. Even after three or four years, it has become a habit, and it can't be changed even now

His father stroked his head: "All right, all right, Dad understands."

Jian Shiwu looked back, a little hesitant: "Dad, what do you understand?"

"Just like your mother is at her age, she's still a little girl in Dad's eyes." Jian’s father said cheerfully, "Worried that she doesn't know her way around, that she can't take care of herself.”

Jian Shiwu blinked confusedly, not quite understanding.

His father didn't force the issue, his face ticking up into a smile, "You'll understand when you grow up."

Because, only when you really like a person, love is the word, will you really feel that he is so miserable, even if it is trivial, you will feel sorry for the other party. But if that situation is faced by someone else, you will sneer and feel they are hypocritical. Love makes one play unreasonable favoritism.

Jian Shiwu seemed to understand but also not understand: "I, but I don’t treat Shen Cheng as a child, ah."

Father Jian smiled: "So you still don't understand!"

Jian Shiwu felt that he couldn't communicate with his old dad, but luckily he didn't have the chance to dwell on it for long, the parent-child relay race needed to be prepared in advance, he was shouted to go early, at Shen Cheng’s track, his father volunteered to go, so Zhen Meilie accompanied Jian to finish the race.

There are also many family members who were shocked after seeing Zhen Meilie:

"Is this Jian Shiwu's mother?"

"It seems to be, I just took a look, she’s so beautiful."

"Don't you see, at a glance that he’s quite similar to the mother."

"Yeah, that nose and eyes, aren't they the same?"

Many objective people already had an answer in their minds, but only some who were still prejudiced and were sour.

"Maybe the mother also went under the knife?"

"Yes, look at her like that, all flamboyant."

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"She must not have done any work at home."

There were six running tracks in one group at the playground, and six people could run at a time with their family, the students were the first bats, the second was by the head of the family, and it was unfortunate that in this group, apart from Zhen Meilie, the rest were all men.

As they were getting ready, a man laughed and said, "Bad luck, big sister."

Zhen Meiliw was wearing a sports suit, she was doing some simple warm up exercises and smiled back at the words, "Friendship first, competition second."

She herself is on the soft side of looks.

Today, with light make-up and her hair tied up, she looked like a pretty woman and it even elicited pity from some macho people, and sure enough, someone said, "We'll give you a break then, so you don't lose too badly!"

Zhen Mei Li hooked her lips and smiled, "Thank you, that's not necessary."

Her tone of voice made some people laugh, and they all thought she was trying to save face but will suffer.


The sound of the referee's gun went off.

With a bang, the first battalion of students started to run, Jian was not slow, and could even be said to have pulled ahead, and if there were no surprises should be among the first batch of people to hand over, but just as he was about to run in front of Zhen Meilie just a few hundred metres away, someone begun running in the wrong lane!

The person next to Jiam Shiwu ran in the wrong lane because he was overexerting himself and squeezed directly in front of him, causing Jian Shiwu to have to put in a full pace, only delaying for ten seconds or so, with several people around him already crossing over.

All around them, including those in the same class, were shouting.

"Shiwu, hurry up!”

"Hurry up!"

"Oops, what's wrong with this guy, you're running the wrong way!"

The students were even more anxious than Jian was, and by the time the student returned to his own track, Jian Shiwu was already a long way behind, he was in a bit of a hurry, his head was sweating, but when he looked ahead, Zhen Meilie was very calm, she was in a ready stance, and although she didn't speak, Jian saw in her eyes the certainty of victory.

In an instant, his mind was made up.

He rushed to the front with all his strength and once the the baton was sent out, and Zhen Meili rushed out like a gust of wind.

At first no one noticed her, until the crowd panicked a little as the woman passed one person after another.

"Who is that!"

"That's awesome, so fast."

"It's Jian Shiwu's mother."

The first first impression of the person was that she was some woman who couldn't lift a shoulder or a hand, but what threw too many people for a loop was Zhen Meili’s explosive strength, she was the first one to rush to the finish line and pass through the red rope of victory, and she didn't even blush.

The photographers and reporters were dumbfounded.

Zhen Meilie finished the run without any pressure and even managed to throw an eyebrow at the giggling female reporter, the cheerful woman smiling, "Did you get a good picture of me?”

Her smile was like a flower, and her eyes were movingly beautiful between them.

The reporter wavered and suddenly asked, "May I ask if you have acted in “Jin Shang” before?"

Zhen Meilie was slightly surprised: "You've seen it."

"Of course!" The reporter was so excited, she said, "I loved it, and there are still a few CDs of your songs at home."

Zhen Meilie laughed: "That was all when I was still young hahaha."

Under the camera she is elegant and relaxed, in her early twenties having left a a heavy mark on the entertainment industry, and now even though the years have changed, she still remains beautiful.

The reporter said to the photographer, "You really haven’t changed at all!"

Some of the surrounding households also noticed the movement over here, some overheard some of it and were amazed, if her looks were plasticized, then how could there have been technology a decade or two ago to have plastic surgery. She is really naturally beautiful.

A few of the women who said that Zhen Meilie could also be plasticized looked ashamed and embarassed, but indeed they couldn’t say anything.

The parent-child relay was over and the names were sorted out.

The closing ceremony also ended in a grand way, with the headmaster and directors coming on stage to make speeches, and also to invite the top leaders of the competition to come on stage to make speeches. As the headmaster read out the names of Zhen Meili and Jian Zicheng he said, "I would like to invite the two family leaders to come on stage to make speeches."

There was thunderous applause from the stage.

Before that only some of the parents had seen the looks of Jian Shiwu’s parents, and now the two stood on the stage and fell under the big screen. Jian Zicheng looks decent and Zhen Meili’s elegant and beautiful.

After they had gone on stage, the headmaster, however didn’t rush off the stage, he said, "Before the two of you give your speeches, I also have something to say."

Jane Zicheng smiled at him.

The headmaster sighed and spoke again, "As you’ll all know, we’re a private institution, and in 2001, two days before school started in July, it rained heavily, we encountered flooding, and we were geographically low. The students desks and books were flooded, and hundreds of thousands of books were soaked."

"At that time we were worried, the children's books ah." The headmaster's voice was conveyed through the loudspeaker to everyone down the and he said with emotion, "When we were at the end of our rope, it was Mr and Mrs Jian who donated 500,000 to us, and it was they who helped to initiate fundraising to bring the caring people of the community together to help us tide over the difficulties together."

Jian Zicheng didn’t expect the headmaster to say this on this occasion today and smiled, patting him on the shoulder in a gesture of comfort.

With a long sigh, the headmaster suppressed his emotions and sighed, "I has always wanted to thank Mr and Mrs Jiam for their assistance to our school, without you, some of our children might still be using tables and chairs after being soaked in water and not getting brand new books so quickly, your kindness to No.1 school will never be forgotten!"

Headmaster Wang Chuan's voice was loud and clear, reaching every corner of the playground.

Some of the students who didn't know what was going on were surprised, and more of the parents were also surprised, and when Jian Zicheng on stage saw the headmaster sobbing so hard, he comforted him with a few words, his voice warm, calm and introspective, and he said with a low smile, "Headmaster Wang you really don't have to be polite to us, my wife and I went to high school here when we were young, this is considered our Alma mater, and we naturally have no reason not to help when our Alma-mater is in trouble. We have made a little money from our business over the years, and we want to give back to the school."

Headmaster Wang Chuan pursed his lips, he was getting older and already had grey hair on his head.

“I believe it is us today, but even if it was someone else, we would have done the same thing. Our aim is to give our children a better education so that they can grow up to be good role models for them."

His words were humble and courteous, understated and unassuming which triggered the hearts of the vast majority of the parents on stage.


It's all about the children, about giving them a better education.

The couple on stage were gentle and elegant, talking eloquently, and some of the parents off stage were coming around: "They were the ones who gave that original donation in 2001, and at the time we said we must thank them properly. These are the parents of that child Jian Shiwu, right?"

"Yeah really."

"Aigoo, people are really virtuous, they haven't forgotten their roots even after making money."

"That's true, this couple…there is really nothing to say."

"People are so affectionate and righteous, and I don't know which ones are the ones who are chewing the fat saying they had plastic surgery."

"The point is that there is no evidence yet, and they are talking nonsense everywhere."

"Some of the parents and adults are really shameless, their own children still use the tables, chairs and books provided by others, and they don’t know how they have the face to say it."

"That stinky child of mine,still doesn’t know to learn from him, we’ll go back and see if I don’t give him a good beating!"

"I'm the same."

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