Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 6: 6

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With an uneasy mood, Jian Shiwu moved to the front in small steps.

There is reason for him to be nervous. Because he forgot to check the time when he was doing the homework, he realized too late that it was almost past the time for the morning class. He hadn't known Shen Cheng was waiting for him. He felt a cold sweat break out at his back.


Jian Shiwu held up the book: "Class representative, I’m handing in my homework."

Shen Cheng was sitting in the periphery of the second row, his back straight,as he was wrote a question with a pen in his slender hand: "You put it there."

It was only then that Jian Shiwu saw that there was a stack of exercise books in the back, and he hadn't given it to the teacher yet!

As he was putting his homework on the pile, he heard Shen Cheng's deskmate say with a smile, "Jian Shiwu, you were the only one who hadn’t yet handed in your homework in the whole class."

Jian Shiwu put away the exercise book and glanced at Shen Cheng. After all, it was his fault: "I'm sorry."

Shen Cheng didn't pick up on it, he just said, "Have all the questions been done?"

Jian Shiwu was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly: "En."

Shen Cheng put down his pen and said, "Those types of questions were also done during class, not only in math books."


Jian Shiwu opened his mouth, blinked his eyes in confusion, and it took a long time before he finally understood what Shen Cheng was talking about. This was to remind him that the next time he encountered a problem that he did not know, he should not just flip through the math textbooks, but also other workbooks can be checked!

After figuring this out, Jian Shiwu said, "I see, thank you."

This time Shen Cheng didn't answer. He just stood up and left with the exercise books he had collected. Fortunately, Jian Shiwu was not embarrassed. He was very happy about completing his homework independently. Only Shen Cheng's desk mate was a little bit surprised, as if he had discovered and seen something incredible.

The same deskmate held back for a while, and finally waited until Shen Cheng came back.

When he saw the person coming back and then sitting down, he couldn't stop glancing at him. Finally, when he was on the verge of asking what was going on, Shen Cheng asked, "Is something wrong?"

"You seem a little different today than before."

His deskmate, Wang Bin leaned over and whispered, "You actually waited for Jian Shiwu to hand in his homework..."

Shen Cheng was writing down some questions with his head lowered, the tip of the pen paused slightly, and he replied non chalantly, "It’s my responsibility to collect all books."

The implication is that he did not need to wait for Jian Shiwu, but only did so because all the homework needs to be put away and handed over to the teacher.

Wang Bin smiled shrewdly and said, "But he used to delay even before, and you didn't wait. How was it any different from today?"

Shen Cheng didn't have any extra emotions on his face: "Really?"

Wang Bin coughed lightly and continued: "Speaking of which, Jian Shiwu has indeed changed a lot recently. I see that he doesn't seem to bother you anymore. He used to come to you every after class and after school, but now he does not. Did he fall out of his infatuation?"

Shen Cheng glanced at him, and he could see the second row from his direction. Looking at the back of Jian Shiwu, who was secretly taking out a piece of bread to eat. Because he was eating it secretly, he put it in his mouth one at one time. There was still some in there, which caused the chubby cheeks to bulge.

Jian Shiwu's behavior was soon discovered by his deskmate.

His way of dealing with the problem was also very simple. He ripped off half of the torn bread in his hand and handed it to the her. She also did not resist the temptation of delicious food and quickly bit into it, she also took out hers and shared a piece of bread. The two people looked intimate and the feeding posture was ambiguous.

One of Shen Cheng's words left a thick stroke on the paper.

So, Jian Shiwu will just buy food for him, but would share his own food with others. He can give him polite smiles but turn and laugh freely with others.

"I like Shen Cheng the most."

"I will like Shen Cheng forever."



Shen Cheng held the pen in his slender hand and continued to write, but the speed was inaudibly much faster, and his eyes gradually filled with gloom.

It's like seeing a good-looking toy, playing with it for a while, and then throwing it away when it starts to feel boring, and you don't need to ask the toy's opinion at all.

And why?

He knows...

Under Shen Cheng's calm exterior, his heart was tumbling like a storm. On the notebook in front of him, the originally upright font became sharp and implicitly hostile. He tore off the page, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it away.

He doesn’t like this feeling, and he won't make an exception to it anymore.

A month after the new regulation that requires parents to pick up and drop off their kids passed by. On the first day of the lifting of the ban, many students cheered and applauded, as if it was a great liberation, and they went off to have fun after school.

Jian Shiwu was also dragged away by Liu Heng.

He was carrying a heavy schoolbag and was very reluctant: "I still have to go home and do my homework."

Liu Heng rolled his eyes: "My brother Shiwu, you already forgot. Now we are finally freed. Why should we run off to do of homework? Just copy it tomorrow."


It is difficult for Jian Shiwu to agree.

His character is actually very stubborn. Once he decides on something, he will definitely work hard to do it. Although he has forgotten most of his junior high school homework,and it is a bit difficult to keep up with the progress for now. He believed that as long as he is willing to work hard, it should not be a problem.

Liu Heng took his arm: "Lets goo,I’ll take you to a fun place!"

"Where to?"

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Jian Shiwu had an ominous premonition.

Liu Heng showed a mysterious smile, pulled him away from the school gate, and said in a low voice, "Internet cafe."

This is an era when the Internet is not particularly developed. Most of the mobile phones used by people are still in the first-generation version of the backgammon music mobile phone, having computers at home was not yet popular. Playing games online is also quite popular. But since most of the children are strictly controlled by their parents so they rarely have the opportunity to play.

Passing through a few alleys and bypassing the bustling crowds, they came to a black Internet cafe with a small signboard in the downtown area. There were many cars parked at the door.

Liu Heng waved to him: "Come on."

Jian Shiwu carried his schoolbag and muttered, "If the teacher finds out, we will die."

"We’ll not."

Liu Heng led the way: "How could the teacher find such a hidden place, even other students in our school don’t know about it."

Jian Shiwu didn't say anything. In fact, Zhen Meili really loved him, so she bought him an old phone to use for making calls, but she was definitely opposed to buying a computer, it was inconvenient to check unlike the old phone. In fact, Jian Shiwu always wanted to know a bit more about this era. Being born again, he not only wants to improve his studies, but he also wants to make plans for the future.

In the Internet cafe, the dim incandescent lamps were turned on, and there were people sitting in front of the row of machines.

Liu Heng took Jian Shiwu’s hand as he walked in and said, "Don't worry, it's absolutely hidden. I'll guarantee you that we won't be caught playing here for a while..."

The voice stopped halfway.

In front of the counter not far away, stood a young man. In the dim environment, there were noisy voices, the walls were stained with slag, and the counter seemed to have grease that couldn't be wiped off. Shen Cheng was wearing a simple white shirt, standing there quietly, clean, and looking out of place in the shabby cafe.

Liu Heng opened his mouth wide: "No way, good students also come here to play?"

Jian Shiwu was even more nervous, and he had a bad guess in his heart.

However, before Liu Heng could respond, he pulled the person to the counter where Shen Cheng was standing, and he said, "Student Shen, what a coincidence, are you here to play too?"

They were standing outside the counter, and Shen Cheng was standing inside, and it was obvious that before they came, Shen Cheng was doing some cleaning.

Someone else jumped in from behind and said, "I'm going to stay overnight."

Shen Cheng took the ID card, lowered his eyes and completed the registration skillfully, and handed him a card: "No. 3 machine."

The visitor was smoking a cigarette and instructed in a fluent manner, "Send a bowl of noodles in a while."

Anyone who listened to this harsh tone of command as if they were a servant would feel uncomfortable. The face of this man looked sullen, and the two children beside him did not dare to make a sound. Only Shen Cheng remained unperturbed as he calmly asked: "You need to add more money."

"How much."

Shen Cheng smoothly got a pen and recorded it, and the sharp and bold words seemed to approve the official document: "Ten yuan in total."

After finishing the whole process, Shen Cheng looked at the two people standing beside him. Those dark eyes looked at Jian Shiwu impartially. Although he did not speak, he was full of coercion.

Jian Shiwu was inexplicably guilty: "Eh, what a coincidence."

Liu Heng was also left a little incomprehensible. Both of them dared to come over and surf the Internet secretly, but when facing Shen Cheng, they felt inexplicably guilty.

"Go back."

Shen Cheng stopped looking at him: "This is not somewhere you guys should be."

Even though they were about the same age, Shen Cheng spoke like they were a naughty kids who had secretly ran out to play while he was the mature elder lecturing them for being disobedient.

Jian Shiwu coughed lightly, pulled his friend and said, "Well, then, let's go."

Liu Heng was stunned.

The next second, Jian Shiwu dragged him to the exit, and didn't stop until they were away from the Internet cafe. Jian Shiwu gasped and said, "Let’s go home."

Liu Heng finally exploded, "Let's go? Like this? We haven’t even played yet!"

"What do you want to still want to play for? Didn't you see that Shen Cheng said we shouldn't be there?" Jian Shiwu poked him: "Look at those people who pay for whole nights, they don't look easy to mess with. These back Internet cafes, how strict is their security? If we encounter a dangerous person, how can we both deal with it?"

When he said this, Liu Heng was also became afraid, then he remembered: "Shen Cheng is working too hard, is his family situation so difficult? I heard that he has to rely on the school's scholarship or something to pay the tuition, but I don't think that’s all. Knowing that he still has to work here, isn't it very dangerous for him to be here alone?"

Jian stopped in place.

Others don't know,but he knows, Shen Cheng is not weak.

How unsafe it is here, Shen Cheng knows better than anyone. So doing a part-time job here is probably a last resort. If it weren't for the difficulties, who would be willing to work there. Jian Shiwu doesn't want to meddle in his business. What's more, that person is best at hiding his strength, and if something really happens, he won't necessarily suffer.

The next day at the end of the morning class, the class teacher Huang Jia did not leave immediately, but took her thermos cup and looked at the classroom with some seriousness.

"Yesterday was the first day we lifted the lockdown." Huang Jia put down the cup and said sternly, "The school has urged me to be strict with you and urge you to go home on time, and be responsible for your own personal safety."

In the next second, Huang Jia's voice was raised: "But some people actually ignore the school rules and go to a shaddy Internet cafe to play!"

The whole class was in an uproar

"Who are they, stand up!"

Huang Jia made a condescending review: "Some people have seen students who were wearing our class uniform, who was it? Stand up by yourself, don't force me to check it out in person."

In the entire classroom, everyone looked at each other in amazement.

Jian Shiwu, who was sitting below, was all tense. He glanced sideways at Liu Heng in the back row. Sure enough, the guy's entire forehead was sweating.

Jian Shiwu turned to look at Shen Cheng, but he could only see the man's straight back, and could not see the expression on his face.

Suddenly, the words of Liu Heng yesterday flashed in his mind:

"Shen Cheng relies on scholarship to pay tuition and tutoring fees."

Shen Cheng didn't wear his class uniform yesterday, only he and Liu Heng were. That is to say, they both implicated Shen Cheng. If Shen Cheng was found out, he would be in violation of the school rules and regulations. He would lose his scholarship, and it will be all because of him and Liu Heng. But what Jian Shiwu was more curious about is who reported the two of them.

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